1. Fähigkeiten
  2. exp
  3. seasons
  4. 02
  5. ep_07
  6. mob
  7. void_madness
  8. passives

Wahnsinn der Leere

Wahnsinn der Leere





Used by

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Please click on an effect below to view its details.

Ability activation
Wahnsinn der Leere
Wahnsinn der Leere
Wahnsinn der Leere
Wahnsinn der Leere
abl_ag_sn_corrosive_dispersionKörperlos – Verteidigungschance um 50% erhöht. Immun gegen Gruppenkontrolle.
Wahnsinn der Leere
Wahnsinn der Leere
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    Effect #1

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #2 to TARGET from CASTER
    • Add effect #5 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 2
    • Just before NPC with this effect dies

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #6 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 3
    • When CASTER exits combat

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #2 to TARGET from CASTER
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    Effect #2

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.exp.seasons.02.ep_07.mob.void_echo.manifest_shade, dependent on calling effect
  • 2
    • When CASTER enters combat

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #3 to TARGET from CASTER
    • Add effect #4 to TARGET from CASTER
    • Delay next ability by 1 Sek. (GCD)
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    Effect #3

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.exp.seasons.02.ep_07.mob.void_echo.passive_on_enter_combat, dependent on calling effect
  • 2
    • When CASTER exits combat

    Perform the following actions:

    • Remove this effect
  • [hidden] [0.5s]
    Effect #4

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Immobilize but allow rotation
  • [does not expire]
    Verteidigungschance um 50% erhöht. Immun gegen Gruppenkontrolle.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Modify stat Nahkampfverteidigung, increase by 0,5
    • Modify stat Fernkampfverteidigung, increase by 0,5
    • Modify stat Machtresistenz, increase by 0,5
    • Modify stat Tech-Resistenz, increase by 0,5
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.banish
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.knockdown
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.physics
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.root
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.snare
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.sleep
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.stun
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.blind
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.fear
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.lift
    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.hindered
  • [hidden] [2s]
    Effect #6

  • 1
    • When effect expires

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #7 to TARGET from CASTER
  • [hidden] [300s]
    Effect #7

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions: