1. Abilities
  2. operation
  3. deepstation
  4. boss
  5. lord_valeo
  6. valeo
  7. leap_to_target

Path of Ruin


Path of Ruin





Used by

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Please click on an effect below to view its details.

Ability activation
Path of Ruin
Path of Ruin
Path of Ruin
  • [3s]
    abl_ag_op_imp_tacticsPath of Ruin

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Create Area Effect
      - Use Target Bounding Volume = (bool) true
      - Expire On Effect Removal = (bool) true
      - ResetPositionOnReachedMaxDistance = (bool) false
      - InitialPositionOffsetRelative = (bool) false
      - InitialPosition_Type = (string) aoePositionOptionType_Entity
      - InitialPosition_EntityType = (string) aoeTarget_Caster
      - InitialPosition_X_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialPosition_Y_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialPosition_Z_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialOrientation_Type = (string) aoeOrientationOptionType_WorldCoordinates
      - Shape Type = (string) aoeSphere
      - Target Conditions = (string) aoeTargetCondition_IsAlive;aoeTargetCondition_IsEnemy[aoeParameter_Enemyof:aoeConditionTarget_Caster]
      - InitialOrientation_Pitch_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialOrientation_Yaw_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialOrientation_Roll_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - Radius_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - Area Effect Tag = (string)
      - Ability Caster = (string) aoeAbilityCaster_Caster
      - Ability Target = (string) aoeAbilityTarget_Target
      - Looping Vfx = (string)
      - On Tick Vfx = (string)
      - Movement Type = (string) aoeMovement_FollowTargetPosition
      - Movement Target Type = (string) aoeTarget_Caster
      - BehaviorOnReachedMaxDistance = (string) aoeMovement_StopMoving
      - LocalRotationType = (string) aoeRotation_None
      - LoopingVfxPlaystyle = (string) aoeVfx_None
      - OnTickVfxPlaystyle = (string) aoeVfx_None
      - Effect Number = (int) 0
      - Ability Spec =

      Path of Ruin

      FQN: abl.​operation.​deepstation.​boss.​lord_valeo.​valeo.​leap_to_target_aoe

      Path of Ruin

      - Min Tick Count = (int) 6
      - Max Tick Count = (int) 6
      - Tick Rate = (float) 0.5
      - Min Lifespan = (float) 3
      - Max Lifespan = (float) 3
      - InitialPosition_X_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialPosition_Y_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialPosition_Z_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialOrientation_Pitch_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialOrientation_Yaw_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialOrientation_Roll_Value = (float) 0
      - Radius_Value = (float) 0.566
      - Min Distance = (float) 0
      - First Tick Delay = (float) 0.1
      - MaxMovementSpeed = (float) 2
      - MaxMovementDistance = (float) 1,000
      - LoopingVfxLocalScale_X = (float) 1
      - LoopingVfxLocalScale_Y = (float) 1
      - LoopingVfxLocalScale_Z = (float) 1
      - OnTickVfxLocalScale_X = (float) 1
      - OnTickVfxLocalScale_Y = (float) 1
      - OnTickVfxLocalScale_Z = (float) 1
  • 2
    • Just before this effect is removed

    Perform the following actions: