1. Codex entries
  2. persons
  3. smuggler
  4. lunguss_guss_tuno

Languss "Guss" Tuno (Smuggler)

A failed Jedi Padawan who abandoned his training, the enthusiastically greedy Guss Tuno prefers the underworld lifestyle's potential for material riches. In a perfect galaxy, Guss would spend his retirement lounging in a heated swimming pool surrounded by exotic beauties while consuming a steady diet of fresh fish and expensive cocktails.

Although he often speaks before he thinks, Guss has talked his way out of certain death many times. He often uses his minimal knowledge of Jedi--and the lightsaber he stole from his old Master--to fool gullible criminals into leaving him alone. When that fails, Guss reveals he's a much better shot than anyone would believe.

Likes: Mocking Force users, profit from those who can afford it, a good scam
Dislikes: Killing innocents, risking your neck for nothing

Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol

