1. Items
  2. gen
  3. collector_wpn
  4. ttank1
  5. vibroblade_tech
  6. premium
  7. level_036

N-30 Battle Techblade


N-30 Battle Techblade

Binds on Pickup
Durability: 200/200

Item Modifications
Color Crystal (32): Yellow Resistance Crystal
+11 Endurance
Barrel (36): Commando Barrel 15
+18 Endurance
+15 Mastery
Mod (36): Deflecting Mod 15B
+11 Endurance
+3 Defense Rating
+19 Mastery
Enhancement (36): Bastion Enhancement 15
+18 Endurance
+3 Shield Rating
+12 Defense Rating
Augment: empty

Requires Level 36


Container slots

This item can be placed into the following container slots:

  • EquipHumanMainHand
  • EquipHumanOffHand
  • Inventory
  • Bank
  • Loot
  • Buyback
  • Any



Weapon Spec 16140967610640264697