1. Items
  2. daily_area
  3. ruhnuk
  4. world
  5. shared
  6. mando_relics
  7. kaz_data

Personal Records: Kaz Denko


Personal Records: Kaz Denko

Count: 1

This data dump contains Kaz Denko's full profile, including correspondences. In one of his private transmissions to his uncle, Rykal Denko, there is something of note:

"You don't have to worry about the launcher; I'll get it out of here and back to our relic vault before you know it. Trust me! While things are still hot down here, I've moved it to a very safe location--no one will think to look in the places we already excavated over in that old quarry."


Container slots

This item can be placed into the following container slots:

  • Loot
  • Quest
