1. Companions and Contacts
  2. mtx
  3. creature
  4. klor_slug
Portrait: Companions/FE/klorslug

K'lor'slug Soldier

K'lor'slugs are large, carnivorous worm-like creatures whose gaping mouths are lined with concentric rings of razor-sharp teeth. Due to their aggressiveness, domestication of these creatures is tenuous at best. Handlers are advised to use extreme caution and protective armor at all times.



Used in conditionals

This companion is referenced in the following conditionals to check if the conditional is met.

"Player has met" checks
"Companion is summoned" checks

Gift reactions

Use gifts to increase your influence with this companion. Make sure to use gifts loved by the companion for the highest influence gain!

Military GearLike ++
Republic MemorabiliaIndifferent
Imperial MemorabiliaIndifferent
Cultural ArtifactIndifferent
Underworld GoodIndifferent
DelicaciesLove ++++


DPS spec
Weapon Proficiency: Unarmedpassive

Maw Bash

Your creature uses its maw to stun the target for <<1[%d seconds/%d second/%d seconds]>>.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​dps.​single_stun

Maw Bash
100045sinstant4 m

Power Bite

Your creature lunges at the target and delivers a powerful bite, dealing <<1>> internal damage and causes the target to become immobilized.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​dps.​single_target_attack

Power Bite
9607sinstant4 m

Critical Heart Stab

Your creature sensing the target's weakend state goes for the heart and stabs at it multiple times, dealing <<1>> internal damage. Can only be used on targets with less than 30% health.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​dps.​execution_attack

Critical Heart Stab
98020sinstant4 m

Cutting Tail Swipe

Your creature cuts the target by dealing <<1>> internal damage over a 10 second duration.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​dps.​single_target_dot

Cutting Tail Swipe
97012sinstant4 m

Body Slam

Your creature slams into an enemy hitting all hostiles 4m around the enemy target dealing <<1>> kinetic damage to up to 5 targets.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​dps.​aoe_attack

Body Slam
99022.5sinstant4 m
Healing spec
Ardent Protectorpassive
Covert Medicpassive
Weapon Proficiency: Unarmedpassive
Self Preservationpassive

Deafening Cry

Your creature unleashes a mighty cry that dazes the target for up to 10 seconds. Damage to the target causes this effect to end prematurely. Targets may only be affected by Deafening Cry once every 30 seconds. Target must not be suffering from periodic damage and have greater than 90% max health.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​healer.​single_target_mez

Deafening Cry
99845sinstant30 m

Kolto Collar Scan

Your creature uses its Kolto Collar to heal a friendly target for <<1>> over the duration of the channel.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​healer.​channel_heal

Kolto Collar Scan
9007.5s3s channel30 m

Kolto Collar Dart

Your creature fires a Kolto Dart from its collar, healing the target for <<1>>.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​healer.​single_target_heal

Kolto Collar Dart
97010sinstant30 m

Ardent Protector

Closes the distance the target, healing for <<2>>.

FQN: abl.​companion.​trait.​healer.​ardent_protector.​beast

Ardent Protector
10004sinstant21-45 m

Kolto Shell

Deploys a Kolto Shell around the target that has 6 charges and lasts up to 3 minutes. When the target is damaged, Kolto Shell loses 1 charge and heals the target for <<1>>. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. A target may not have more than one Kolto Shell active.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​healer.​kolto_shell

Kolto Shell
99920sinstant30 m

Soothing Spittle

Your creature projects special digestive juices on the target healing and cleansing it of mental and physical effects for <<1>> for 9 seconds. What an incredible smell!

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​healer.​single_target_hot

Soothing Spittle
98012sinstant30 m
Tank spec
Threat Boosterpassive
Armor Proficiency: Shield Generatorpassive
Weapon Proficiency: Unarmedpassive


Fires a multi-grapple line from your creature's collar that fires in a wide cone in front of the Klor'slug and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

96045sinstant4-30 m

Horiffic Taunt

Taunts the target, forcing it to attack your creature for 6 seconds. Also reinforces your creature by placing an absorb shield that absorbs a moderate amount of damage.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​tank.​single_target_taunt

Horiffic Taunt
98012sinstant30 m

Unleashed Cry

Your creature taunts attacking enemies forcing them to attack your creature and generates a moderate amount of threat.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​tank.​aoe_taunt

Unleashed Cry
97020sinstant4 m

Draining Strike

Your creature strikes at the target and delivers a powerful attack, dealing <<1>> weapon damage, heals for 25% of damage dealt and generates a moderate amount of threat.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​tank.​single_target_attack

Draining Strike
9607sinstant4 m

Overcharge Collar

Your creature's collar overcharges unleashing an electric discharge dealing <<1>> internal damage to up to 5 enemies 5m around the impact. Generates a moderate amount of threat and reduces incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds. Does not hit sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​mtx.​klor_slug.​tank.​aoe_attack

Overcharge Collar
99015sinstant4 m