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BBA Fleet Transport Authorization

Has recently completed a BBA Contract and is authorized to requisition BBA Fleet Transport. Authorization will expire if not used within the approved time window. BBA bears no liability for additional travel costs (material or otherwise) resulting from failure to utilize transport authorization in a timely manner.

FQN: abl.​event.​bounty_hunting.​bounties.​bba_pass_authorization

BBA Fleet Transport Authorization

Items (1)

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BBA Fleet Transport Authorization

This voucher authorizes its bearer to requisition one (1) rapid transport to their fleet. NOTICE: Use is only authorized immediately upon the successful completion of an authorized BBA contract! MISUSE OF THIS VOUCHER CONSTITUTES A MATERIAL BREACH OF BBA CONTRACT TERMS AND WILL RESULT IN CIVIL PENALTIES

FQN: itm.​event.​bounty_hunting.​bounties.​bba_authorized_fleet_transport

BBA Fleet Transport Authorization