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Abilities (2)

NameCooldownAdded with

Burning Focus

Activating Combat Focus explodes your burns on all targets within 10m of you, dealing a significant amount of damage and generating 6 focus.

FQN: abl.​jedi_knight.​skill.​vigilance.​mods.​special.​burning_vengeance

Burning Focus

Burning Focus

Your direct damage attacks that hit a burning target build 1 focus. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. In addition, Merciless Slash makes its target assailable for <<1>> seconds. Assailable targets take 7% more elemental and internal damage.

FQN: abl.​jedi_knight.​skill.​watchman.​burning_focus

Burning Focus

Items (1)

NameBindingLevelAdded with

Burning Focus

You feel a substantial heat emitting from this focus. Handle with caution. Carnage Marauder / Combat Sentinel Tactical

FQN: itm.​tactical.​sow.​marauder.​carnage.​bloody_focus

Burning Focus