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Codex entries (1)

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Darth Zhorrid (Agent)

The daughter and sole apprentice of Darth Jadus, Darth Zhorrid has spent much of her adult life away from the eyes of fellow Sith. Often tasked by her father with cryptic missions that took her to the edges of Imperial space, Zhorrid returned to her estates on Dromund Kaas, Begeren and Sernpidal at irregular intervals--there to indulge in every luxury and horror a Sith can imagine until duty ushered her elsewhere. Those who have met Zhorrid at her impromptu celebrations note a level of disconnect between Zhorrid and the world around her--she interprets events and actions in a dangerously eccentric fashion.

Zhorrid's ascension to the Dark Council was a matter of some controversy. Traditionally, a Dark Council member's apprentice is the first choice to replace that council member upon his death, but Zhorrid's relative youth and lack of public achievements resulted in arguments behind closed doors. Nonetheless, Zhorrid wields considerable personal power--and she may be the only Sith alive to possess her father's esoteric secrets.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​persons.​open_world.​act_1.​darth_zhorrid

Darth Zhorrid (Agent)
Persons of NoteImperial321.0.0

NPCs (1)

NameLevelAdded with

Darth Zhorrid

CXP: 240

FQN: npc.​location.​open_worlds.​class.​spy.​chapter_1.​multi.​darth_zhorrid

Darth Zhorrid

Quests (1)

NameAdded with
Darth Zhorrid Arrives1.0.0