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6 results found.

Codex entries (1)

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Gault Rennow (Bounty Hunter)

Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow now enjoys a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. Still, old habits are hard to shake, and Gault's cautiousness and duplicity are a constant reminder that the only thing to really change is his name. How long until the crafty Devaronian finds himself climbing up the galaxy's most wanted list again is anyone's guess.

Likes: Greed, indulgence, thinking your way through a problem
Dislikes: Fair fights, pain, charity, rules

Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle and Blaster Rifle

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​persons.​bounty_hunter.​gault_rennow

Gault Rennow (Bounty Hunter)
Persons of NoteTatooineImperial241.0.0

Items (2)

NameBindingLevelAdded with

Commemorative Statue of Gault Rennow

FQN: itm.​stronghold.​civic.​sculptures.​npc.​commemorative_statue_of_gault_rennow

Commemorative Statue of Gault Rennow

Gault Rennow

FQN: itm.​stronghold.​companions.​bounty_hunter.​gault_rennow

Gault Rennow

Companions and Contacts (2)

NameCategoryAdded with

Gault Rennow
The Scoundrel

Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow briefly enjoyed a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. But old habits are hard to shake, and Gault soon found himself a target of the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. After convincing the infamous bounty hunter to spare him, he joined the Grand Champion as a right-hand man.

When his new employer mysteriously vanished, Gault went back to doing what he does best: making money and getting into trouble. With his new partner Vette, he racked up a brand-new list of offenses and enemies. He currently maintains a tumultuous relationship with the infamous smuggler Hylo Visz.

FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​gault_updated

Gault Rennow

Gault Rennow

Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow now enjoys a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. Still, old habits are hard to shake, and Gault's cautiousness and duplicity are a constant reminder that the only thing to really change is his name. How long until the crafty Devaronian finds himself climbing up the galaxy's most wanted list again is anyone's guess.

Likes: Greed, indulgence, thinking your way through a problem
Dislikes: Fair fights, pain, charity, rules

FQN: nco.​companions_original.​bounty_hunter.​gault_rennow

Gault Rennow
Unavailable Companions → Class Story4.0.0

NPCs (1)

NameLevelAdded with

Gault Rennow

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​tatooine.​class.​bounty_hunter.​a_new_companion.​gault_rennow

Gault Rennow