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Codex entries (1)

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Lord Zash (Inquisitor)

Energetic and excitable, Lord Zash has devoted her life to researching the arts of the Sith. An expert in manipulating the dark side of the Force, she eschews the ostentation and pretentiousness common to instructors at the Academy on Korriban.

Many students are initially taken aback, both by her appearance and her demeanor. Scholarly--even bookish--she also seems young for one who has risen so high in the Academy's ranks. Instead of instructing through fear and intimidation, she is quick to offer encouragement or a helping hand to acolytes who show promise.

But on Korriban, only the cunning and the strong survive. There is more to Zash than meets the eye, and those who underestimate her rarely live to regret their mistake.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​persons.​inquisitor.​lord_zash

Lord Zash (Inquisitor)
Persons of NoteKorribanImperial61.0.0

NPCs (3)

NameLevelAdded with

Lord Zash

FQN: npc.​location.​dromund_kaas.​class.​sith_sorcerer.​multi.​lord_zash

Lord Zash

Lord Zash

FQN: npc.​location.​korriban.​class.​sith_sorcerer.​multi.​lord_zash

Lord Zash

Lord Zash

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​companion.​sith_inquisitor.​khem_val.​darth_zash

Lord Zash