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3 results found.

Abilities (1)

NameCooldownAdded with

Minor Medpac

Restores <<1>> health. Only usable once per fight. Health restored scales by level up to level 16.

FQN: abl.​itm.​potion.​medpac.​medpac_tier01

Minor Medpac
1m 30s1.1.0

Items (2)

NameBindingLevelAdded with

Minor Medpac

A medpac is a small first aid kit that contains diagnosis equipment and other essential medicines for the treatment of wounds.

FQN: itm.​potion.​medpac.​medpac_tier01_bol

Minor Medpac

Minor Medpac

A medpac is a small first aid kit that contains diagnosis equipment and other essential medicines for the treatment of wounds.

FQN: itm.​potion.​medpac.​medpac_tier01

Minor Medpac