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8 results found.

Abilities (6)

NameCooldownAdded with

Legacy Sticky Plasma Grenade

Throws a sticky grenade that will detonate after several seconds, igniting up to 8 targets within 8 meters in fiery plasma. The plasma deals elemental damage when it burns. Can only be used during a Heroic Moment.

FQN: abl.​legacy.​class_unlock.​trooper.​legacy_hm_sticky_plasma_grenade

Legacy Sticky Plasma Grenade

Plasma Grenade

FQN: abl.​qtr.​1x2.​raid.​denova.​enemy.​trash.​trenches_defected_bombadeer.​difficulty_1.​plasma_grenade

Plasma Grenade

Plasma Grenade

Lobs a plasma grenade that detonates on contact, dealing <<1>> kinetic damage to up to 8 targets within 8 meters and igniting the targets in fiery plasma, dealing <<2>> additional elemental damage over <<3[%d/%d/%d]>> seconds. Standard and weak targets enter a state of panic from the flames.

FQN: abl.​quest.​daily_area.​ossus.​imperial.​fire_bomb

Plasma Grenade

Plasma Grenade

FQN: abl.​qtr.​1x2.​flashpoint.​lost_island.​enemy.​trash.​tunnels.​droid_melee.​plasma_grenade

Plasma Grenade

Plasma Grenade

Lobs a plasma grenade that detonates on contact, dealing <<1>> kinetic damage to up to 8 targets within 8 meters and igniting the targets in fiery plasma, dealing <<2>> additional elemental damage over <<3[%d/%d/%d]>> seconds. Standard and weak targets enter a state of panic from the flames.

FQN: abl.​trooper.​plasma_grenade

Plasma Grenade

Plasma Grenade

FQN: abl.​qtr.​1x2.​raid.​denova.​enemy.​trash.​trenches_defected_bombadeer.​difficulty_3.​plasma_grenade

Plasma Grenade

Achievements (1)

NameAdded with

Items (1)

NameBindingLevelAdded with

M1SR-F Plasma Grenade

Plasma mine used to flush enemy combatants from hardpoints and foxholes.

FQN: itm.​location.​taris_imperial.​bronze.​trapped_by_snipers.​plasma_grenade

M1SR-F Plasma Grenade