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6 results found.

Abilities (1)

NameCooldownAdded with

Shielded Master Yuon Par

The act of shielding Master Yuon Par from the effects of the plague has left you in a weakened state. Strength decreased by 10%.

FQN: abl.​quest.​location.​coruscant.​class.​jedi_wizard.​ancient_secrets.​debuff_shielded_yuon_par

Shielded Master Yuon Par

Codex entries (1)

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Yuon Par (Consular)

A renowned archaeologist and tireless explorer, Jedi Master Yuon Par is one of the order's most respected scholars. She specializes in the pre-history of the Jedi Order and has recovered several major artifacts, including the surviving Gharnus Texts and a holocron compiled by Odan-Urr. Yuon once taught the history of Jedi philosophy at the temple, but in recent years she has returned to working in the field.

Yuon's search for lost Jedi ruins and artifacts has brought her into contact with dozens of different cultures. She has negotiated with warring Gamorrean clans and was even made blood sister to a Kaleesh chieftain. Some Jedi have expressed concern at Yuon's rather unorthodox methods and teaching style, but no one questions her devotion to the Jedi Order.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​consular.​yuon_par

Yuon Par (Consular)
Persons of NoteTythonRepublic11.0.0

NPCs (4)

NameLevelAdded with

Master Yuon Par

CXP: 240

FQN: npc.​location.​open_worlds.​class.​jedi_wizard.​chapter_1.​multi.​master_yuon_par

Master Yuon Par

Master Yuon Par

CXP: 40

FQN: npc.​location.​open_worlds.​class.​jedi_wizard.​chapter_1.​multi.​lord_vivicar_voice

Master Yuon Par

Master Yuon Par

CXP: 240

FQN: npc.​location.​coruscant.​class.​jedi_wizard.​multi.​master_yuon_par

Master Yuon Par

Master Yuon Par

CXP: 240

FQN: npc.​location.​tython.​class.​jedi_wizard.​multi.​master_yuon_par

Master Yuon Par