1. Pouvoirs
  2. amp
  3. shield_reflection

Bouclier réfléchissant


Bouclier réfléchissant

Se protéger contre une attaque redirige une portion des dégâts bloqués vers l'assaillant en fonction de la somme des amplificateurs du bouclier réfléchissant équipés.





Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Ability activation
Bouclier réfléchissant
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    amp_icon_tankEffect #1

  • 1
    • Before NPC with this effect takes damage without tags tag.abl.utility.is_aoe, tag.abl.debuff.damage_over_time, tag.abl.itm.relic.onhit_damage that does not get redirected

    Override target to:

    • Trigger Caster

    Perform the following actions:

    • Reflect Damage
      - Absorb Damage = (bool) true
      - Reflect Melee = (bool) false
      - Reflect Ranged = (bool) true
      - Reflect Force = (bool) true
      - Reflect Tech = (bool) true
      - Cap Damage = (bool) true
      - Amount Percent = (float) 1
      - Threat Percent = (float) 0
      - Standard Health Percent Max = (float) 6
    • Play appearance epp.amp.shield_reflection.damage_reflect
  • 2
    • On Amplifiers Changed

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If Amplifier Value
        - Negated = (bool) false
        - Comparison = (int) 4
        - Amplifier Spec = (int) 15987413453556622624
        - Amplifier Value Type = (int) 3
        - Amount = (float) 0

    Perform the following actions:

    • Remove this effect