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Historien de Mek-Sha

x 10

Historien de Mek-Sha

Vous avez déverrouillé toutes les entrées de codex de Mek-Sha.


    1. Mek-Sha
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16141063520887741040
    2. Huttbreaker
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16140950907949839908
    3. Veek le furtif
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16141120233928949213
    4. Junker Jott
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16140914435996571421
    5. Harido Wald
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16141108522282756674
    6. Indigo
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16140930022461578108
    7. Dar'manda
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16140997184272011504
    8. Les Frères
      Complete all of the following subtasks:
      1. 16140967011328117265

