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40 results found.

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Valley of the Dark Lords

Since the dawn of the Empire, the Valley of the Dark Lords has been the final resting place for the galaxy's most legendary Sith. Carved into the rock walls and anointed with the blood of a thousand slaves, the valley's tombs are monuments to the influence and strength of their interred lords. A tomb's construction can require decades, construction beginning long before death claims its eventual occupant and ending long after.

With the defeat of the Sith Empire in the Great Hyperspace War, Korriban was abandoned with only ancient statues to guard over the valley. Grave robbers and cave-ins wore down the tombs for a thousand years until the Sith returned and restored Korriban to its former glory. Excavations into the rediscovered tombs are now underway, and already Sith wonder who will be the next great warrior to lie among the legends in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​valley_of_the_dark_lords

Valley of the Dark Lords

Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings

The Sith Lord Parnax vanished forty years ago, leaving no one to mourn his passing. Deeply unpopular even among his own family, Parnax spent his brief career betraying every ally while acquiring an impressive list of highly placed enemies. Whether consumed by arrogance or simply too stupid to predict his eventual fate, he appears to have deliberately invaded the Dark Temple long before the most recent incursion, seeking the key to the Emperor's power.

According to the last few entries of his journals, Parnax found himself unable to leave the Dark Temple after entering it, becoming lost and disoriented. His recordings descend into mad, incoherent ramblings about an all-consuming darkness extinguishing all life in the galaxy. Convinced he could survive this coming doom by merging with the Force, Parnax illogically schemed to end his own life.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_2

Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

Monument to Lord Ergast

The early Sith Lord Ergast is more myth than historical fact, and the statue named for him in Kaas City does little to clear up any misconceptions. Commissioned by a follower of Ergast's teachings two centuries after the Sith Lord supposedly lived and using that follower as its model, a small inscription near its base claims that Ergast "invented the methods used by all inquisitors to wring life from the living and the dead." Computer records contain little information on Ergast, suggesting only that he was among the first Sith to permanently settle on Dromund Kaas, and that he was probably buried there.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​statue_west

Monument to Lord Ergast
LoreDromund KaasBoth101.0.0

Alliance Intelligence Report: Lords Adacin and Zanisk

Subject: Lord Adacin and Lord Zanisk
Status: Terminated

By the time the Sith bowed to the Eternal Empire, Lord Adacin and her constant companion Lord Zanisk had already recognized their new enemy's strength and disappeared. When Acina brokered a truce with Arcann and took power, they remained hidden rather than join the influx of Dark Lords swearing fealty to the new Empress to save their own skin.

Given their earlier foresight and caution, their sudden aggression against the Alliance is troubling. Why expose themselves with an open and direct attack? Why target the Alliance, rather than slowly draw more Sith away from Acina to bolster their ranks? Was there some ulterior motive--some greater purpose--behind their actions that we haven't discovered?

Even the location of their volcanic stronghold raises questions. Adacin and Zanisk had no previous connection to Ord Mantell. How did they set up their operations so quickly without drawing unwanted attention? And why would they even want their base on a world neither of them was familiar with?

Though we believe the threat they represent has been neutralized, too many unanswered questions remain to completely close this file.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​lords_adacin_and_zanisk

Alliance Intelligence Report: Lords Adacin and Zanisk
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Lord Draahg (Warrior)

Manipulating events so that he might gain an advantage over his master Darth Vengean, Darth Baras placed his own secret apprentice, Lord Draahg, in Vengean's service. As Baras's spy, Lord Draahg reported on Darth Vengean's private meetings and shifting alliances--information Vengean had deliberately prevented Baras from learning.

Draahg has carefully cultivated a facade of blandly obedient menace, always careful to please Vengean but never betraying a hint of his true loyalties. This talent for fading into the background served him well on Korriban, where he survived an especially brutal overseer's training by ensuring that all the other acolytes attracted more attention. It was this very quality that secured Darth Baras's approval and choice of apprentice.

But Draahg is not to be underestimated. As the chosen apprentice of both Baras and Vengean, he possesses a breadth of knowledge and a depth of power few others can claim.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​persons.​open_world.​act_2.​lord_draahg

Lord Draahg (Warrior)
Persons of NoteImperial401.0.0

Lord Dramath

Lord Dramath ruled the Sith world of Medriaas more than a millennium ago. Caring little for day-to-day governing, the Sith Lord spent his time hosting feasts and traveling around the agricultural planet. During a trip to the distant northern continent, Dramath had an affair with a poor farmer woman, siring a son whom he promptly forgot.

Ten years later, the Sith Lord heard rumors of a child gathering power in the northern continent, but did not personally investigate until his envoys failed to return. After days of travel, Dramath reached the source of the rumors only to face his illegitimate son, Tenebrae, the future Sith Emperor and immortal ruler of Zakuul. That day, Tenebrae removed his father's connection to the Force and imprisoned him within a powerful holocron, leaving Dramath alone to wither slowly into madness over an eternity.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​lord_dramath

Lord Dramath
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Lord Kanoth

Once a shining example of physical prowess, the Sith Lord Kanoth became obsessed with retaining his strength and vigor as a young acolyte. To achieve this goal, Kanoth devoted himself to mastering the science of Sith alchemy in order to prolong his life for eternity.

Kanoth's research led him to the story of Darth Nihilus, the legendary Sith Lord once known as the "Lord of Hunger." Inspired by these tales, Kanoth swore to find a way to defy death, as Nihilus did.

Decades passed, and Kanoth's research saw little progress. As he aged, Kanoth's extensive knowledge of Sith alchemy kept him alive, but at a steep cost. Kanoth could draw considerable power from the dark side of the Force, but the rituals and experiments he depended on to sustain his essence left him progressively weaker and physically frail.

Kanoth had almost abandoned his objective, until he was approached by Lady Dominique, a Sith contemporary who also possessed an extensive understanding of Sith alchemy. Together, the pair discovered a gravitational "shadow" in a sector of the galaxy known as R-4. Because of his obsessive knowledge of Darth Nihilus's history, Kanoth immediately recognized the phenomenon for what it was: a "mass shadow."

Following the discovery, Kanoth became consumed by the desire to be exposed to the mass shadow, believing that it would finally grant him the immortality and the indestructible power he so desperately sought.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​operation.​r4.​lord_kanoth

Lord Kanoth
Persons of NoteBoth17.0.1

Lord Scourge (Knight)

As the Sith Emperor's personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi--and ten times as many Sith. Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoid offending the man bearing the title "the Emperor's Wrath."

Lord Scourge has dutifully served the Empire for over three hundred years, his life unnaturally prolonged by perverse technology and his master's dark side powers. Centuries spent watching his fellow Sith Lords rise and fall has given Lord Scourge a unique perspective on people. He can analyze someone's flaws after only brief observation, and freely shares his perceptions (whether they're wanted or not).

Likes: Using power against the weak, power, anger, revenge and spite
Dislikes: Greed, acts of mercy, Jedi and Republic authorities

Primary Weapon: Lightsaber

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​persons.​open_world.​act_3.​lord_scourge

Lord Scourge (Knight)
Persons of NoteRepublic501.0.0

Lord Vivicar (Consular)

The Jedi mission to explore Malachor Three proved fateful for all those involved. Besieged by the dark spirit of the Sith Lord interred there, most of the expedition--Yuon Par, Duras Fain, Sidonie Garen, Eriz Vossan and Cin Tykan--managed to flee, but the youngest member, Parkanas Tark, was left behind.

Believed dead by his comrades, Parkanas nevertheless survived--though he was left horribly scarred by the dark creatures that dwelled on the planet. Nothing was left in him but anger and a longing for revenge. Taking the name Vivicar, he managed to recover the secrets of the dark plague once created by the Sith Lord Terrak Morrhage, and turned it against the Jedi who had been his friends. Now, Vivicar seeks not only personal vengeance, but the annihilation of the Jedi Order that left him to die so long ago.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​persons.​open_world.​act_1.​lord_vivicar

Lord Vivicar (Consular)
Persons of NoteRepublic321.0.0

The Rogue Lord's Accomplice

One of the Empire's most humiliating defeats against the Republic on Corellia was the systematic, floor-by-floor eradication of forces from the corporate headquarters of Coronet Ion Works, which had been converted into a major Imperial communications command post in the war. The architect of that bold attack--and of many other successful offensives on Corellia, Ilum and other worlds--was Colonel Rian Darok.

As the pride of Republic Special Forces, Colonel Darok remains high on the Empire's list of enemy targets. The fact that Darth Arkous now appears to be in league with Darok makes the Sith Lord's betrayal all the more severe.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​persons.​flashpoint.​manaan.​the_rogue_lords_accomplice

The Rogue Lord's Accomplice
Persons of NoteImperial552.9.0

Lord Hargrev

Fear, pain and power: these are the intense obsessions of the singularly odd Lord Hargrev. Seen by many of his peers as deranged and self-indulgent, Hagrev was often overlooked as a serious Sith lord, never being considered for the title of Darth.

Since the Dread Masters began their recent campaign of terror, Hargrev has been surprised to find himself in high demand. With his thorough understanding of the Dread Masters and the Phobis devices they control, it is the Sith Empire's hope that Hargrev will rise to the occasion and help win the day on Oricon.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140926619724173051

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​persons.​daily_area.​oricon.​lord_hargrev

Lord Hargrev
Persons of NoteOriconImperial552.4.0

Lord Paladius (Inquisitor)

For much of his youth, Lord Paladius led an undistinguished career as a charismatic but petty Sith Lord. Uninterested in conquest or the pursuit of dark side knowledge, he left Imperial space for Nar Shaddaa and found a world ripe for his brand of manipulation.

Becoming the leader of the Cult of the Screaming Blade has allowed Lord Paladius to enrich himself personally, expanding his collection of art and antiquities and living off the fruits of his cultists' mad devotion.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​persons.​inquisitor.​lord_paladius

Lord Paladius (Inquisitor)
Persons of NoteNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0

Lord Rathari (Warrior)

A young and ambitious Sith Lord, Rathari has been placed in charge of Sith interests on Nar Shaddaa by order of the Dark Council. Quiet and confident, Lord Rathari prefers the direct approach to dealing with opposition, using strength over finesse and subtly.

Darth Baras and Lord Rathari share a bitter hatred of one another. Baras considers the young Sith a disrespectful upstart, while Rathari openly criticizes Baras's methods and sees him as an overrated meddler. Fed up with Rathari's interference, Baras has at last called for the lord's death.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​persons.​warrior.​lord_rathari

Lord Rathari (Warrior)
Persons of NoteNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0

Lord Sadic (Knight)

Lord Sadic is one of Darth Angral's most powerful--and power-hungry--apprentices. Born to lower-class parents barely one step above Imperial slaves, Sadic quickly demonstrated a strong will, Force sensitivity and unrestrained ambition. He was the only acolyte of his group to survive the Sith trials on Korriban. Some say this was more than just luck. A string of unexplained murders at the Sith Academy abruptly ended when Sadic finally left Korriban.

Initially apprenticed to Lord Umbriss, Sadic served as his master's personal assassin for several years. That apprenticeship ended the same day Umbriss crossed Darth Angral, who "inherited" Sadic along with Umbriss's estate and wealth. Although Sadic pledged eternal loyalty to his new master, Darth Angral kept his apprentice on a tight leash. Angral recognized that of all his servants, Sadic was the one most likely to kill him.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​persons.​knight.​lord_sadic

Lord Sadic (Knight)
Persons of NoteNar ShaddaaRepublic201.0.0

Lord Zash (Inquisitor)

Energetic and excitable, Lord Zash has devoted her life to researching the arts of the Sith. An expert in manipulating the dark side of the Force, she eschews the ostentation and pretentiousness common to instructors at the Academy on Korriban.

Many students are initially taken aback, both by her appearance and her demeanor. Scholarly--even bookish--she also seems young for one who has risen so high in the Academy's ranks. Instead of instructing through fear and intimidation, she is quick to offer encouragement or a helping hand to acolytes who show promise.

But on Korriban, only the cunning and the strong survive. There is more to Zash than meets the eye, and those who underestimate her rarely live to regret their mistake.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​persons.​inquisitor.​lord_zash

Lord Zash (Inquisitor)
Persons of NoteKorribanImperial61.0.0

Beast-Lord Akoru

As the unquestioned master of the Untamed, Akoru is a man of deep conviction and deadly skill. He embodies his people's commitment to preserving the old ways of Onderon's Beast Riders, answering any challenge or insult with hand-to-hand combat skills honed over decades of conflict.

Like all Beast-Lords, Akoru commands the loyalty of a powerful beast for use when hunting or engaging rivals in battle--an orlax he calls Krashilok. Akoru boasts that he wrestled the creature bare-handed for a full day and night to win its submission, but even his most loyal followers find this claim a bit dubious.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​03.​beast_lord_akoru

Beast-Lord Akoru
Persons of NoteOnderonImperial16.0.0

Lord Darkspanner

Before becoming the backbone of Revan's campaign to destroy the Emperor at any cost, the Order of Revan was a small, subversive cult started by Sith Lord Tari Darkspanner. She believed in her heart that Revan had never truly died hundreds of years ago. She was correct, but her devotion to the enigmatic figure revolved around her theory that Revan had quietly overthrown the Emperor and, having been found out by the Dark Council, was locked away.

Darkspanner learned the truth of Revan's fate when the man himself appeared to her in a vision beckoning her to leave Dromund Kaas and seek him out. Impressed with all she'd accomplished as the self-appointed "Master" of the order, Revan offered Darkspanner the opportunity to expand the order's roster and purpose. Now Lord Darkspanner serves as one of Revan's most trusted commanders, devoted as ever to the doctrine of Revan.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​persons.​yavin_4.​lord_darkspanner

Lord Darkspanner
Persons of NoteYavin 4Both583.0.0

Lord Skar (Sith Inquisitor)

Since rising up from the Korriban Academy, Lord Skar has been Darth Thanaton's apprentice. A valiant general and unparalleled lightsaber duelist, many have marveled that Skar has never moved against his master.

In truth, Skar finds the life of a scheming Sith Lord distasteful, and prefers the more visceral thrill of battle to the political machinations of a Darth. But that is not to say that Skar lacks ambition, and he has been responsible for his fair number of betrayals and dead rivals over the years.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​persons.​inquisitor.​lord_skar

Lord Skar (Sith Inquisitor)
Persons of NoteCorelliaImperial481.0.0

Lord Nefarid (Knight)

Small, ugly and brilliant, Lord Nefarid is the most cunning of Darth Angral's apprentices. The Force was never particularly strong in him, and few thought he would survive his training--much less rise to become Angral's favored servant.

Unable to match his peers' raw power, Nefarid has endured by keeping to the shadows and using pawns and spies to carry out his wicked schemes. He delights in sowing terror and paranoia among the frightened masses, but his true passion lies in besting those who believe themselves more powerful than him. The universe has treated Nefarid like garbage, and that has only made him more determined to prove his superiority.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​persons.​knight.​lord_nefarid

Lord Nefarid (Knight)
Persons of NoteAlderaanRepublic281.0.0

Lord Fulminiss (Knight)

Widely regarded as one of the greatest Sith sorcerers in the Empire, the enigmatic Lord Fulminiss is a master of the dark side's most arcane and lethal aspects. The grotesque Harrower assassins are his most famous creation, but legend has it he once summoned a raging storm of pure Force energy that disintegrated a rebellious city of natives in the Imperial-conquered Jabiim system.

Lord Fulminiss is a respected expert on the topic of mass extermination, and at the Emperor's request, he has performed extensive research into new ways of eliminating planetary populations. More than one Dark Council member has paid handsomely to obtain a record of Lord Fulminiss's work for his or her private perusal.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​persons.​knight.​lord_fulminiss

Lord Fulminiss (Knight)
Persons of NoteVossRepublic441.0.0

Lord Torius (Trooper)

Lord Torius is a top Sith diplomat who fancies himself a clever schemer worthy of the title "Darth." He takes great pleasure in flustering the Republic's representatives when they meet with the Voss and seems determined to secure the planet as an Imperial holding by any means necessary. The death of a Republic negotiator several months ago, while officially attributed to a Gormak attack, was almost certainly a murder orchestrated by Torius.

Intelligence indicates that Lord Torius maintains no close associates, seeking to prove his intellectual superiority without anyone else around to take the credit for it. He spends his private time on Voss alternating between long periods of deep thought and sudden bursts of text-entry into his encrypted datapad.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​persons.​trooper.​lord_torius

Lord Torius (Trooper)
Persons of NoteVossRepublic441.0.0

Lord Ondorru (Trooper)

The Sith Lord Ondorru finds that most beings in the galaxy are beneath his contempt. His only peers are other Sith who are as strong in the Force as himself--a rare group, indeed. He has almost no regard for other human beings and even less consideration for alien species, whom he considers little better than talking animals.

According to SIS reports, fellow Sith consider Ondorru a dangerously reckless individual. He is notorious for pursuing his passions without restraint, carelessly endangering anyone in his way. Darth Vowrawn once described him as a "capricious deviant," and Ondorru's path of destruction through Belsavis would seem to confirm this assessment.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​persons.​trooper.​lord_ondorru

Lord Ondorru (Trooper)
Persons of NoteBelsavisRepublic401.0.0

Lord Praven (Knight)

A Sith pureblood, Lord Praven has trained in the ways of the Force since the earliest years of his youth. Fiercely loyal to the Emperor and an ardent believer in the philosophical teachings of the dark side, Praven is surprisingly calm and collected in his speech and actions.

He follows a strict code of personal honor, and unlike many other Sith, he eschews random acts of cruelty and sadism. Despite this, he is sworn to destroy the Jedi and considers them his mortal enemies.

During the Sacking of Coruscant, Lord Praven killed Master Usma--one of the Jedi's most famous duelists--in an epic battle. But he spared Usma's young Padawan, telling her to seek him out once she had finished her training so they could face each other as equals. When she tracked him down years later, he honored his promise, sending her to the same fate as her Master.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​persons.​knight.​lord_praven

Lord Praven (Knight)
Persons of NoteTatooineRepublic241.0.0

Battlelord Kreshan

Achievement: You have defeated Battlelord Kreshan in the Hammer Station flashpoint.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 21

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​bringing_down_the_hammer.​battlelord_kreshan

Battlelord Kreshan
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth211.0.0

Survived Warlord Kephess (Master)

Achievement: You have survived the Warlord Kephess encounter in the Denova operation on master mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​achievements.​operation.​denova.​nightmare.​survive_kephess

Survived Warlord Kephess (Master)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth501.2.0

Survived Warlord Kephess (Story)

Achievement: You have survived the Warlord Kephess encounter in the Denova operation on story mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​achievements.​operation.​denova.​story.​survive_kephess

Survived Warlord Kephess (Story)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth501.2.0

Survived Warlord Kephess (Veteran)

Achievement: You have survived the Warlord Kephess encounter in the Denova operation on veteran mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​achievements.​operation.​denova.​hard.​survive_kephess

Survived Warlord Kephess (Veteran)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth501.2.0

The Four Warlords (Master)

Achievement: You have defeated The Four Warlords in the Darvannis operation on master mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​nightmare.​the_four_warlords

The Four Warlords (Master)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth502.0.0

The Four Warlords (Story)

Achievement: You have defeated The Four Warlords in the Darvannis operation on story mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​story.​the_four_warlords

The Four Warlords (Story)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth502.0.0

The Four Warlords (Veteran)

Achievement: You have defeated The Four Warlords in the Darvannis operation on veteran mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​hard.​the_four_warlords

The Four Warlords (Veteran)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth502.0.0

Warlord Kephess (Master)

Achievement: You have defeated Warlord Kephess in the Denova operation on master mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​achievements.​operation.​denova.​nightmare.​kephess

Warlord Kephess (Master)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth501.2.0

Warlord Kephess (Story)

Achievement: You have defeated Warlord Kephess in the Denova operation on story mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​achievements.​operation.​denova.​story.​kephess

Warlord Kephess (Story)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth501.2.0

Warlord Kephess (Veteran)

Achievement: You have defeated Warlord Kephess in the Denova operation on veteran mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​achievements.​operation.​denova.​hard.​kephess

Warlord Kephess (Veteran)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth501.2.0

Dread Lord

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​titles.​flashpoints.​dread_lord

Dread Lord
Achievement: TitlesBoth552.4.0

Elite Warlord

Awarded for reaching Valor Rank 100.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​titles.​pvp.​elite_warlord

Elite Warlord
Achievement: TitlesBoth501.0.0


After capturing the Padawan Jaesa Willsaam for Darth Baras, you were promoted to Sith Lord.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​titles.​class.​warrior.​lord

Achievement: TitlesImperial321.0.0


Darth Zash gave you this title when she expected to take over your body and live as you, the newest Lord of the Sith.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​titles.​class.​inquisitor.​lord

Achievement: TitlesImperial321.0.0

Lord of the Oceans

You earned this title by tracking down Steel Eye's lost legacy.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​rishi.​hunt_legacy_treasure

Lord of the Oceans
Achievement: TitlesBoth13.0.0

The Crime Lord

You received this title from a Crime Lord's Cartel Pack.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​mtx.​crime_lord

The Crime Lord
Achievement: TitlesBoth11.5.0


Awarded for reaching Valor Rank 90.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​titles.​pvp.​warlord

Achievement: TitlesBoth501.0.0