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Invasive Species on Dantooine

"Damn it, Krupo! I told you how precious my babies are to me, and you go and crash the ship with them in it! Jayse says I should be glad that everyone made it out alive, but if you don't round up my dumplings, you're gonna wish you never escaped that burning wreck!

Here's the list of who's missing--don't even think about showing your face in my presence unless you've got every last one of them with you. This miserable little grass ball is no place for my lovelies, they're probably terrified out there, all alone, without their papa... so you better hurry up and find them if you want to keep your head, you pathetic son of a murglak!

-Rox, Yug, and Wa-Vendeg (skar-kla, I hand-raised them myself!)
-Flappy and Fuzzy (my award-winning xuvva)
-Spike and Ol' Cronchy (my beloved zeldrates)

They're all worth more than your craven hide, so you miss even ONE, consider yourself an enemy of the Nova Blades!"
--From a message from Yarvok, leader of the Nova Blades, to a beast wrangler

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​invasive_species

Invasive Species on Dantooine