1. Fähigkeiten
  2. operation
  3. dxun
  4. boss
  5. morphing_trandoshans
  6. greus
  7. pyroclasm








Used by

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Please click on an effect below to view its details.

Ability activation
abl_tr_vg_sonic_rebounderUndurchdringliche Feuerwand – Reflektiert Schaden von Quellen, die mehr als 10 Meter entfernt sind. Die wütenden Flammen bilden eine undurchdringliche Wand.
abl_bh_pt_firestormPyroklasmus – Nach dem Abschluss dieser Kanalisierung hat Greus alle Ziele in Reichweite vernichtet. Dieser Effekt wird mit jeder Stufe von Chaotische Evolution wahlloser. Die Feuer von Greus zerstören alles, was sie berühren.
abl_bh_pt_scorchAufgeputscht – Verursachter Schaden um 30% pro Stapel (zusätzlich) erhöht. Jeder Einsatz von Pyroklasmus erhöht die Intensität von Greus' Flammen! Erstarrung entfernt bei Benutzung jedes Mal einen Stapel dieses Effekts.
  • [6s]
    abl_tr_vg_sonic_rebounderUndurchdringliche Feuerwand
    Reflektiert Schaden von Quellen, die mehr als 10 Meter entfernt sind.

    Die wütenden Flammen bilden eine undurchdringliche Wand.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Immobilize and prevent rotation
  • 2
    • When effect ticks the 1st time

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #2 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 3
    • When effect ticks the 1st time

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If CASTER does not have 3 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_charges
        • If CASTER has at least 2 effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_charges

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #3 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 4
    • When effect ticks the 1st time

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If CASTER has at least 3 effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_charges

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #5 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 5
    • Before NPC with this effect takes damage without tags tag.abl.utility.is_aoe, tag.abl.debuff.damage_over_time

    Override target to:

    • Trigger Caster

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If CASTER is positioned 10m to 70m to center of TARGET

    Perform the following actions:

    • Reflect Damage
      - Absorb Damage = (bool) false
      - Reflect Melee = (bool) true
      - Reflect Ranged = (bool) true
      - Reflect Force = (bool) true
      - Reflect Tech = (bool) true
      - Cap Damage = (bool) false
      - Amount Percent = (float) 1
      - Threat Percent = (float) 0
      - Standard Health Percent Max = (float) 0
    • Play appearance epp.operation.iokath.boss.nahut.discharge.player_target, dependent on calling effect
  • 6
    • Just before this effect is removed

    Override target to:

    • Caster

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #7 to TARGET from CASTER
  • [does not expire]
    Nach dem Abschluss dieser Kanalisierung hat Greus alle Ziele in Reichweite vernichtet. Dieser Effekt wird mit jeder Stufe von Chaotische Evolution wahlloser.

    Die Feuer von Greus zerstören alles, was sie berühren.

  • 1
    • Just before this effect is removed

    Perform the following actions:

    • Dispel 99 effects from tags tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​authorize_pyroclasm
  • 2
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Create Area Effect
      - Use Target Bounding Volume = (bool) true
      - Expire On Effect Removal = (bool) true
      - InitialPositionOffsetRelative = (bool) false
      - RadiusResetScaleOnReachedMaxScale = (bool) false
      - InitialPosition_Type = (string) aoePositionOptionType_Entity
      - InitialPosition_EntityType = (string) aoeTarget_Caster
      - InitialPosition_X_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialPosition_Y_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialPosition_Z_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialOrientation_Type = (string) aoeOrientationOptionType_WorldCoordinates
      - Shape Type = (string) aoeSphere
      - Target Conditions = (string) aoeTargetCondition_IsNpcSpec[aoeParameter_NpcSpecList:npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.ice_trandoshan];aoeTargetCondition_IsNpcSpec[aoeParameter_NpcSpecList:npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.ice_trandoshan npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.fire_trandoshan];aoeTargetCondition_IsNpcSpec[aoeParameter_NpcSpecList:npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.ice_trandoshan npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.fire_trandoshan npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.strength_trandoshan];aoeTargetCondition_IsNpcSpec[aoeParameter_NpcSpecList:npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.ice_trandoshan npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.fire_trandoshan npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.strength_trandoshan npc.operation.dxun.difficulty_1.boss.morphing_trandoshans.acid_trandoshan]
      - InitialOrientation_Pitch_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialOrientation_Yaw_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - InitialOrientation_Roll_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - Radius_ScalarType = (string) aoeScalarType_LiteralValue
      - Area Effect Tag = (string)
      - Ability Caster = (string) aoeAbilityCaster_Caster
      - Ability Target = (string) aoeAbilityTarget_Target
      - Looping Vfx = (string)
      - On Tick Vfx = (string)
      - LocalRotationType = (string) aoeRotation_None
      - RadiusScalingType = (string) aoeScaling_FixedAmount
      - LoopingVfxPlaystyle = (string) aoeVfx_None
      - OnTickVfxPlaystyle = (string) aoeVfx_None
      - RadiusBehaviorOnReachedMaxScale = (string) aoeScaling_StopScaling
      - Effect Number = (int) 0
      - Ability Spec =


      FQN: abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​pyroclasm_aoe


      - Min Tick Count = (int) 16
      - Max Tick Count = (int) 16
      - Tick Rate = (float) 0,5
      - Min Lifespan = (float) 8
      - Max Lifespan = (float) 8
      - InitialPosition_X_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialPosition_Y_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialPosition_Z_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialOrientation_Pitch_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialOrientation_Yaw_Value = (float) 0
      - InitialOrientation_Roll_Value = (float) 0
      - Radius_Value = (float) 0,1
      - Min Distance = (float) 0
      - First Tick Delay = (float) 0,1
      - RadiusMaxScale = (float) 1,75
      - RadiusScaleAmountPerSecond = (float) 0,175
      - LoopingVfxLocalScale_X = (float) 1
      - LoopingVfxLocalScale_Y = (float) 1
      - LoopingVfxLocalScale_Z = (float) 1
      - OnTickVfxLocalScale_X = (float) 1
      - OnTickVfxLocalScale_Y = (float) 1
      - OnTickVfxLocalScale_Z = (float) 1
  • 3
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.pyroclasm.warning, dependent on calling effect
  • [hidden] [0s] [not displayed]

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • God Damage
      - Amount Max = (float) 0
      - Amount Min = (float) 0
      - Amount Percent = (float) 0,05
      - Standard Health Percent Max = (float) 0
      - Standard Health Percent Min = (float) 0
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    Verursachter Schaden um 30% pro Stapel (zusätzlich) erhöht.

    Jeder Einsatz von Pyroklasmus erhöht die Intensität von Greus' Flammen! Erstarrung entfernt bei Benutzung jedes Mal einen Stapel dieses Effekts.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied
    • When stacks of this effect increase

    Perform the following actions:

  • 2
    • When character receives an effect with tags tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor

    Perform the following actions:

    • Modify Charges
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Amount Max = (float) -1
      - Amount Min = (float) -1
      - Amount Percent = (float) 0
      - Tags: tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.pyroclasm_fired_up