1. Items
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  7. mission_1
  8. mission_1a
  9. regulator_instructions

Thermal Regulator Instructions


Thermal Regulator Instructions

Notes from the researcher's databanks:

"The thermal regulator will require parts that can't be fabricated by the vast majority of conventional assembly plants in the galaxy. The precision needed is just out of reach of most factories at this time, sadly. If an advanced enough facility could be found, one would need specialized parts: a distributed logic unit, incredibly high-grade thermal paste, and an atomic monitor.

Assembling these units in the configuration I've recorded here should get close to the results I want, but there's the matter of aligning the particles and syncing them to very specific wavelength timings. I'm not even sure where to begin with those, as our current technology seems to be just behind in terms of precision..."


Container slots

This item can be placed into the following container slots:

  • Loot
  • Quest
