1. NPCs
  2. alliance
  3. desperate_defiance
  4. shared
  5. boss
  6. acklay_hutt_droid
  7. acklay_hutt_droid

Yusinduu <Respected Employer>

Level 80 | Elite | Melee Droid


Passives (7)

Passive abilities are applied as soon as the NPC spawns. They usually add certain buffs to the NPC.

Abilities (13)

NPCs always use the abilities with the highest priority. If an ability is not available (because it is still on cooldown or the conditions are not met), then the NPC tries to use the ability with the second-highest priority, and so on.


Anti-Personnel Blast

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​tech.​anticover_acklay

Anti-Personnel Blast
30s3s channel30 m13%

Yusinduu Flurry

FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​yusinduu_flurry

Yusinduu Flurry
noneinstant4 m0100%

Fire Support

FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​turret_fire_event

Fire Support
30s3s castany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​adi_side

2h 46m 39sinstantany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​dispense_adi_friendlies

2h 46m 39sinstantany0100%

Missile Volley

FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​missile_volley

Missile Volley
15s3s castany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​dispense_adds_1

2h 46m 39sinstantany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​dispense_adds_2

2h 46m 39sinstantany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​stomp

2h 46m 39s2s castany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​stomp_target_find



FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​dispense_commissary_friendlies

2h 46m 39sinstantany0100%


FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​rakit_side

2h 46m 39sinstantany0100%

Focused Beam

FQN: abl.​alliance.​desperate_defiance.​shared.​boss.​acklay_hutt_droid.​focused_beam

Focused Beam
15s1.5s castany0100%


Gives codex entry:

Yusinduu the Hutt

While the planet Hutta is notoriously fraught with the near-constant turf wars between the oppressors who control it, Vobbara Yusinduu considers himself more of a pragmatist. Instead of indulging in his Hutt cohorts' bloody territory expansions, Yusinduu focuses his efforts on a highly-lucrative tibanna gas refinery in the Minboosa District.

Touting himself as a "legitimate entrepreneur and investor," Yusinduu takes pride in the fact that none of his slaves have ever desired to leave his "employment."

His keen interest in the most expensive--and not always completely safe--technology means that the few attempts his slaves have made at escape have ended swiftly and violently. Others who would have hoped to follow have been thoroughly discouraged from their own attempts at freedom. Whether he is aware of that fact or not has yet to be revealed.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​hut_lz.​yusinduu

Yusinduu the Hutt
Loot information

Loot package: 154578349802304063



3D model
  • Material: acklay_hutt_boss_a02_v01a
  • Material 1: acklay_hutt_boss_a02_v01b