1. Clickable objects
  2. operation
  3. deepstation
  4. boss
  5. lord_valeo
  6. mount_nuclear_torch

HV-SSRA Cannon


Developer comment

The use ability for this object govers the OnUse invoked logic and calls the Hydra through it to develop a caster target relationship.
The high velocity fed supercritical salt reaction antimaterial cannon, or HV-SSR Antimaterial Cannon combines the irresponsibility of weapons grade 235U+239Pu 2% with an aggressive fertile fission of 18% D+6Li. The fertile fission reaction ignites a fusion chain in the brine itself, offering a 3He byproduct and producing an e- byproduct of 14MeV/mol which in turn provides the necessary energy for the magnetic confinement field used to control the flow of the weapon as it produces temperatures in excess of 300,000 degrees celcius. The fissile fuser fuel chain utilizes the e- 3He rich plasma to minimize prolonged irradiation in areas of use. Capable of evaporating virtually any known substance, the HV-SSRA Cannon's only limitation is the extraordianry instability of tis boron fuel cells which rely upon bubble of compressed xenon gas stored in the center of the bath to neutralize passive criticality, thus necessitating that fuel cells be encased in shock dampening and intertia stabilizing casing and handled with the utmost care.



