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30 results found.

Abilities (2)

NameCooldownAdded with

Encrypted Data Disk

Grants a very large amount of reputation points.

FQN: abl.​reputation.​trophy.​ossus.​ossus_trophy_extra_large

Encrypted Data Disk

Encrypted Data Disk

Grants a large amount of reputation points.

FQN: abl.​reputation.​trophy.​ossus.​ossus_trophy_large

Encrypted Data Disk

Items (26)

NameBindingLevelAdded with

Encrypted Data

Fragment of encrypted data, collected from a disabled scout droid.

FQN: itm.​location.​hoth.​bonus.​area.​republic.​spy_droids.​encrypted_data

Encrypted Data

Encrypted Data Archive

This item has no use, but it can be sold to a vendor.

FQN: itm.​loot.​global.​junk.​npctechie.​level_060

Encrypted Data Archive

Encrypted Data Disk

This data disk contains historical readouts of civilization on Ossus.

FQN: itm.​reputation.​trophy.​ossus.​ossus_trophy_large

Encrypted Data Disk

Encrypted Data Disk

A data disk containing encrypted information recovered from the Fortress of the Hand.

FQN: itm.​exp.​01.​open_worlds.​class.​sith_warrior.​bonus.​the_emperors_secrets.​data_disk

Encrypted Data Disk

Encrypted Data Disk

This data disk contains historical readouts of civilization on Ossus.

FQN: itm.​reputation.​trophy.​ossus.​ossus_trophy_large_col_extra

Encrypted Data Disk

Encrypted Data Disk

This data disk contains historical readouts of civilization on Ossus.

FQN: itm.​reputation.​trophy.​ossus.​ossus_trophy_large_col

Encrypted Data Disk

Encrypted Data Spike

This encrypted data spike contains navigation programming for a speeder provided for the War Summit.

FQN: itm.​location.​alderaan.​class.​jedi_wizard.​class.​the_summit.​data_spike

Encrypted Data Spike

Encrypted Data Spike

This encrypted data spike contains navigation programming for a shuttle provided for the Alderaan Peace Summit.

FQN: itm.​location.​alderaan.​class.​jedi_wizard.​the_summit.​data_spike

Encrypted Data Spike

Encrypted Datacube 58-P

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_3

Encrypted Datacube 58-P

Encrypted Datacube 68-B

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_4

Encrypted Datacube 68-B

Encrypted Datacube 74-C

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_1

Encrypted Datacube 74-C

Encrypted Datacube 78-R

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_5

Encrypted Datacube 78-R

Encrypted Datacube 89-G

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_7

Encrypted Datacube 89-G

Encrypted Datacube 93-E

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_2

Encrypted Datacube 93-E

Encrypted Datacube 97-O

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_6

Encrypted Datacube 97-O

Encrypted Datacube 99-F

A mysterious datacube protected by unusual encryption, obtained from the Cartel Market. Grants a mission which can only be completed once by a given character.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​chronicles.​shroud.​encrypted_datacube_8

Encrypted Datacube 99-F

Encrypted Datadisk

This datadisk contains detailed information regarding the Exchange's clients and freight.

FQN: itm.​location.​nar_shaddaa.​bonus.​imperial.​staged.​tampered_packages.​boss_trophy

Encrypted Datadisk

Encrypted Datapad

Jurithus's encrypted datapad.

FQN: itm.​location.​dromund_kaas.​class.​spy.​the_slaves_secret.​encrypted_datapad

Encrypted Datapad

Encrypted Datapad

This datapad was left in a relic in the House Alde Royal Museum. The information appears to be written in a bizarre code language.

FQN: itm.​location.​alderaan.​class.​bounty_hunter.​like_a_rancor_in_a_pottery_shop.​hidden_message

Encrypted Datapad

Encrypted Datapad

A datapad containing encrypted information collected by the White Maw

FQN: itm.​location.​hoth.​bonus.​area.​imperial.​manifest_destiny.​encrypted_datapad

Encrypted Datapad

Encrypted Datapad

A datapad found on the corpse of one of Operations Group Two's team members. Unfortunately, it is encrypted.

FQN: itm.​location.​belsavis.​world.​imperial.​the_dread_masters.​encrypted_datapad

Encrypted Datapad

Encrypted Datapad

Andra Cressen asked you to deliver this datapad to her father. It supposedly contains intel valuable to the Republic cause on Alderaan.

FQN: itm.​location.​alderaan.​world.​republic.​the_servant_girl.​datapad

Encrypted Datapad

Encrypted Datapad

This encrypted datapad contains a list of names of all the targets of this year's Great Hunt.

FQN: itm.​location.​open_worlds.​imperial.​act_1.​bounty_hunter.​a_dangerous_auction.​datapad

Encrypted Datapad

Heavily Encrypted Datalogs

These datalogs were downloaded directly from the Shroud's personal computer. Deena Riss will want to take a look at them.

FQN: itm.​exp.​macrobinoculars.​roth.​republic.​the_shroud_revealed.​shroud_datapad

Heavily Encrypted Datalogs

Shroud's Encrypted Datacubes

FQN: itm.​mtx.​lootboxes.​datacubes.​encrypted_datacube

Shroud's Encrypted Datacubes

Vexx's encrypted Datapad

Quest item: Vexx's encrypted datapad

FQN: itm.​location.​hutta.​class.​bounty_hunter.​gauntlet.​encrypted_datapad

Vexx's encrypted Datapad

Clickable objects (2)

NameAdded with

FQN: plc.​generic.​harvesting.​slicing.​grade_11

Encrypted Data Cache

FQN: plc.​location.​taris.​bronze.​the_blackmailer_undone.​datapad

Encrypted Datapad