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Abilities (2)

NameCooldownAdded with

Force Exhaustion

DNT Progressively slows the target from 60% to 10% movement speed over <<1[%d seconds/%d second/%d seconds]>> and deals <<3[%d/%d/%d]>> kinetic damage each second. At the end of the duration the target is crushed, and takes an additional <<2[%d/%d/%d]>> kinetic damage.

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​force.​force_exhaustion

Force Exhaustion

Force Exhaustion

Progressively slows the target from 50% to 5% movement speed over <<1[%d seconds/%d second/%d seconds]>> and deals <<3>> kinetic damage each second. At the end of the duration, the target is crushed and takes an additional <<2>> kinetic damage.

FQN: abl.​jedi_knight.​skill.​focus.​force_exhaustion

Force Exhaustion