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Unlock: Cargo Bay

Adds an additional Bay to your Cargo Hold. You can have a maximum of 6 Cargo Bays.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​upsell.​bank_slot_nostack

Unlock: Cargo Bay

Unlock: Cargo Bay

Adds an additional Bay to your Cargo Hold. You can have a maximum of 6 Cargo Bays.

FQN: itm.​mtx.​upsell.​bank_slot

Unlock: Cargo Bay

Unlock: Cargo Bay (Account)

Adds an additional Bay to your Cargo Hold. You can have a maximum of 6 Cargo Bays. This applies to all characters on the account (on all servers).

FQN: itm.​mtx.​upsell.​bank_slot_account

Unlock: Cargo Bay (Account)

Unlock: Cargo Bay (Account)

Adds an additional Bay to your Cargo Hold. You can have a maximum of 6 Cargo Bays. This applies to all characters on the account (on all servers).

FQN: itm.​mtx.​upsell.​bank_slot_account_nostack

Unlock: Cargo Bay (Account)