1. Abilities
  2. qtr
  3. flashpoint
  4. tython
  5. imperial
  6. boss
  7. commando
  8. reflection_shield_add_b

Absorption Shield

Absorption Shield





Used by

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Please click on an effect below to view its details.

Ability activation
guardprobeAbsorption Shield – Increases all defense by 25% and absorbs 75% of all incoming damage. Susceptible to sustained attacks from above.
Absorption Shield
Absorption Shield
  • [60s]
    guardprobeAbsorption Shield
    Increases all defense by 25% and absorbs 75% of all incoming damage. Susceptible to sustained attacks from above.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.qtr.flashpoint.tython.shared.boss.boss_1.shield_add_cast, dependent on calling effect
    • Modify stat Force Resistance, increase by 25%
    • Modify stat Tech Resistance, increase by 25%
    • Modify stat Ranged Defense, increase by 25%
    • Modify stat Melee Defense, increase by 25%
    • Immobilize but allow rotation
  • 2
    • When effect is applied

    Override target to:

    • AoE Sphere
      - AOE Include Phase Players = (bool) true
      - Max Targets = (int) 1
      - Sort Type = Closest
      - Radius = 80m

    Only when the following conditions are met:

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #3 to TARGET from CASTER
    • Play appearance epp.world_design.generic.beams.beam_med_lightning_blue, dependent on calling effect
  • 3
    • Before NPC with this effect takes damage

    Override target to:

    • Trigger Caster

    Perform the following actions:

    • Absorb Damage
      - Damage Type = (int) 5
      - Spell Type = (int) 1
      - Level Cap = (int) 0
      - Amplifier Spec = (int) 0
      - Amount Max = (float) 0
      - Amount Min = (float) 0
      - Amount Percent = (float) 0.75
      - Standard Health Percent Max = (float) 0
      - Standard Health Percent Min = (float) 0
      - Max Damage Absorbed = (float) 0
      - Healing Power Coefficient = (float) 0
      - Standard Rating Percent Min = (float) 0
      - Standard Rating Percent Max = (float) 0
  • 4
    • Just before this effect is removed

    Override target to:

    • AoE Sphere
      - AOE Include Phase Players = (bool) true
      - Max Targets = (int) 1
      - Sort Type = Closest
      - Radius = 100m

    Only when the following conditions are met:

    Perform the following actions:

    • Dispel 1 effects from tags tag.​abl.​qtr.​flashpoint.​tython.​shared.​boss.​boss_one.​target_with_shield_b
  • 5
    • Just before this effect is removed

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.qtr.flashpoint.tython.shared.boss.boss_1.shield_off, dependent on calling effect
  • 6
    • Before NPC with this effect takes damage, not more than every 1.5s

    Override target to:

    • Trigger Caster

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #2 to TARGET from CASTER
  • [0s] [not displayed]
    Effect #2

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.qtr.flashpoint.tython.shared.boss.boss_1.shield_tick, dependent on calling effect
  • [hidden] [120s]
    snipeEffect #3