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XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_daily.​datacron


Kessan's Landing

A small--often forgotten--island on Ord Mantell, Kessan's Landing changed its name to honor its most famous resident. Felo Kessan, a Republic Army Sergeant, lost her life after single-handedly defeating over a dozen Separatist soldiers during the Battle of Antim. The Republic and Mantellian Army's victory at Antim left the Mantellian Separatist Movement no other choice but to submit to peace talks with the Galactic Republic.

While much of Ord Mantell sees Kessan's Landing as a place where people work twice as hard for half as much, the citizens of the island believe that the same bravery and perseverance shown by their famous namesake lives on in them. Despite the island's unforgiving landscape, ranchers have managed to turn small profits. Local engineers have turned unpredictable volcanic activity--widely seen as the reason outsiders avoid the island--into a self-sustaining energy method.

With the majority of frontier operations positioned in the relative safety of the larger Avilatan island, Kessan's Landing is often last-in-line when receiving military and monetary support from both the Republic and Mantellian governments. As a result, Kessan's Landing citizens have adapted to solving problems on their own, including mediating property disputes, maintaining crumbling and dangerous infrastructure, and combating the threat of organized crime.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​kessans_landing

Kessan's Landing

Scientific Endeavors on Kessan's Landing

"That's it. It's over. The lab's been cleaned out, the last of the equipment is packed. It's being shipped out tomorrow, and then we follow the next day. Years of work, testing, experiments, results... all useless now.

When the grant from Corellia University ran out, I thought the Republic would make up the difference in our funding. Those gearheads at Corellia may have lost interest when our research turned up nothing that could make a starship go faster, but I assumed the Republic had enough sense to see the potential in our research.

I like to think I'm resourceful. Adaptable. You have to be, in this line of work, unless your life's mission is to die in a fiery lava pool. If the Republic can't see the possibilities of what we've done here, I'll look elsewhere. And no oversight means no one will notice if an equipment crate or two comes with me.

Let the savrips have this place."

-From the daily journal of a volcanologist stationed at Mount Felo

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​kessans_landing_1

Scientific Endeavors on Kessan's Landing
Achievement: DatacronsBoth17.4.0b


The Spikeshell is a common crustacean on Ord Mantell, with a particularly large species populating the waters of Kessan's Landing. Though the creatures are typically docile, they will use their massive and sharp claws to defend themselves. The grip pressure they have is so substantial that they have been known to tear through durasteel.

Spikeshells are a popular food source across the planet and a staple of cuisine in Ardak Point. Often the prime ingredient in noodle dishes, it can even be served with only skycorn and kebroot, as long as they are heavily seasoned.

A peculiar phenomenon is that on certain nights of the moon cycle, the spikeshells stand on the shore with their claws raised into the air.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​spikeshell

BestiaryOrd MantellBoth507.4.0


The HK-24 series of assassin droids were first mass produced by the Czerka Corporation over three hundred years before the Treaty of Coruscant. As the threat of a full-scale Mandalorian invasion loomed, Czerka advertised the HK-24 units to the Republic's various planetary governments as a means of defense against the ruthless Neo-Crusaders. Czerka greatly overestimated the demand, however, and the resulting financial losses forced them to shut down production.

To recoup a portion of their investment, Czerka sold the entire run of HK-24 droids to Arkoh Adasca, the CEO of bioengineering firm Adascorp. Adasca used the droids as personal guards, bounty hunters, and assassins in the course of various schemes, including kidnapping an ex-Adascorp employee and attempting to sell giant beasts known as exogorths as weapons.

Adasca's plans were ultimately thwarted, and most of the HK-24 units were destroyed along with their master. The few droids that survived had been confiscated and scrapped by Republic law enforcement agencies before Adasca's death. Rumors abound that one of the droids--who had been apprehended for harassing civilians on Nouane--was locked away and forgotten on the prison world of Belsavis, though these reports have never been confirmed.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​chains_in_the_dark.​hk_24


Separatist Resurgence on Ord Mantell

"You were right about all the weapons coming into Ord Mantell. Guess I owe you that drink.

It's pretty clear that some old players from the Mantellian Separatist Movement are keen on coming back. They're laying the groundwork everywhere. Stockpiling supplies. Rounding up contacts. Everything's moving fast. Too fast. Something's different this time.

I haven't figured out who yet, but word is they have a few backers helping them get things online. I'll start digging into who's pulling the strings, but my gut's telling me it's not the usual suspects. There are plenty of people off our radar who would jump at the chance to stir up this kind of trouble, and these new Separatists aren't picky about who gets involved.

They lost a lot of local support after the ceasefire, but we're heading into war with the Imps again. Our attention is all over the place. Folks are coming around to the Separatists' way of thinking. Give the go-ahead, and I'll get measures in place to counter their recruitment efforts."

--From a message written by Strategic Information Service agent Pellen Tam to his superior

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​chains_in_the_dark.​separatist_resurgence

Separatist Resurgence on Ord Mantell

Captain Jendan Blyes

A once proud native of Ord Mantell, Jendan Blyes dreamed of serving his homeworld from a young age. He enlisted in the Mantellian Army as soon as he was eligible, and at the advent of the Mantellian Separatist Movement, Blyes eagerly volunteered to defend his home from the atrocities of civil war.

A dedicated and resolute soldier, Blyes bravely fought the Separatists for years, taking on dangerous reconnaissance missions that other officers deemed too risky. When the Galactic Republic finally brokered a tenuous peace agreement with the Separatists, Blyes was recognized for his service with a promotion and a new position as a liaison officer between the Republic and Mantellian settlements surrounding Fort Garnik.

Over the years, Blyes's enthusiasm for his role has diminished. The local people he serves no longer see him as an intermediary advocating on their behalf--instead, they believe his sole purpose is to make excuses for the Republic's neglect. Caught between this disdain from his fellow citizens and the Republic's willingness to let him take the fall, Blyes attempts to address most grievances alone and without much success.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​blyes

Captain Jendan Blyes
Persons of NoteRepublic17.4.0

Gizmel Gam

With a loose tongue and even looser morals, Gizmel Gam was once the most hated man on the Oradam Village Council. He never met with constituents, and not one of his proposals ever passed--all were voted down by his colleagues, who accused Gam of only advocating for projects that would line his own pockets.

Gam's ability to avoid consequences became even more apparent after he was apprehended by a Republic task force charged with rooting out corruption on Ord Mantell. Although Gam's charges were severe--enlisting Republic soldiers to help him traffic spice through Oradam to surrounding villages--the Republic was more concerned with stopping criminal activity that benefited the Mantellian Separatist Movement. Gam's punishment was widely considered a slap on the wrist: a paltry fine and the order to step down from his council position.

Shortly after his resignation, Gam moved away from Oradam. After the war with the Separatists came to an end, Republic surveillance of the area dropped off significantly. Gam's former council associates were surprised when he didn't return to take advantage of the situation. Some wonder whether he found easier folks to swindle, or if he finally ran into consequences he couldn't escape.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​gizmel_gam

Gizmel Gam
Persons of NoteImperial17.4.0

Petra and Mina Nihrum

Although Petra and Mina Nihrum came from a close-knit family, the sisters became acquainted with loss as young teenagers, when both of their parents perished in a speeder accident. Other family members stepped in to raise the girls without hesitation, and when their uncle learned of a settlement opportunity on Taris, Petra and Mina followed the rest of their family to their new home.

The sisters enjoyed a few peaceful years, until mercenaries paid to target the "alien" settlers on Taris eradicated a large number of their community, including their two uncles, their grandfather, and several cousins. Suddenly refugees with nothing to their name, the Nihrums fled to Ord Mantell, where a friend of Mina's promised to open his home.

Petra, Mina, and what little family they had left have since scraped together a meager living on Kessan's Landing, where job opportunities are scarce and support for the vulnerable is extremely limited. Petra and Mina, however, have learned how to deal with their reality by clinging to each other--after all the hardship they've faced, the pair came to realize that having someone to rely on is the only way to get by.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​petra_and_mina

Petra and Mina Nihrum
Persons of NoteBoth17.4.0

The Curator

"Just my luck. I finally track down someone who could have the slightest clue how to fix this Basilisk, and no one knows where he is. Or who he is. Only thing anyone knows is that he calls himself 'The Curator.' Pretty swollen-headed of him, if you ask me. I wouldn't even give this the time of day if I weren't so desperate for information.

Even though no one seems to know any personal details about him, he somehow has a reputation all across the HoloNet for being the ultimate authority on droid history, where they come from, what makes them tick. He's supposedly got a huge stash of rare parts, schematics... enough high-profile collectors say they've sold to him, so I'm inclined to believe he could be the real deal.

I need an angle if I'm going to figure out where to find him. Problem is, no one seems to know the best way to approach him. Is all this secrecy his way of protecting the droids? Is he trying to keep all this information out of the wrong hands? Or is he exactly like--I hope not--Kur Ha'rangir?

I wish something could just be simple. Just once."

--From Lane Vizla's Basilisk droid research notes

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​the_curator

The Curator
Persons of NoteBoth17.4.0

Tyrus Brokenblade

"Durn. You miserable womp rat. You think the Field Marshal doesn't tell the other clan leaders every time you come whining to her? I hear about you going over my head one more time, and you'll lose yours.

My uncle taught me how to deal with snivelers like you. The ones who couldn't fight, who always tried to talk their way out of their failures instead. He used to let me hunt them, before I even passed my verd'goten. Mavrix did a lot of things wrong when he led Clan Varad, but not this. Cutting out the weak, before they could infect the rest of us, that was one of the things he got right.

Something I learned on all those hunts when I was a kid. Giving them a head start makes the kill that much sweeter. Show me you and your di'kutla Ash'ad have something to offer the Field Marshal. Something more than old toys and forgotten words. Show me, and maybe I'll make it quick and painless for you."

--A warning from Tyrus Brokenblade, leader of Clan Varad, to Durn Wynnward, leader of the Ash'ad

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​tyrus_brokenblade

Tyrus Brokenblade
Persons of NoteBoth17.4.0

Kessan's Landing

With the majority of Ord Mantell's frontier operations positioned in the relative safety of Avilatan island, Kessan's Landing is often last-in-line when receiving military and monetary support from both the Republic and Mantellian governments.

As a result, the citizens of Kessan's Landing have adapted to solving problems on their own, including mediating property disputes, maintaining crumbling and dangerous infrastructure, and combating the threat of organized crime. With a reputation for working twice as hard for half as much, the locals have no loyalty to anyone but each other.

Category: Planets

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​kessan_landing

Kessan's Landing

Heavy Artillery

Contributions towards the efforts of Kessan's Landing on Ord Mantell have earned you this title.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​reputation.​ord_mantell.​heavy_artillery

Heavy Artillery
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.4.0

Mantellian Defender

Contributions towards the efforts of Kessan's Landing on Ord Mantell have earned you this title.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​reputation.​ord_mantell.​mantellian_defender

Mantellian Defender
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.4.0

The Mutineer

Awarded as part of the reward track during PvP Season 5: Pirate's Plunder

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​pvp.​pvp_seasons.​season_5.​mutineer

The Mutineer
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.4.0