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2,193 results found, showing first 1,000.

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Ilum Landing Zone

Before the war, what's now the largest space traffic hub on Ilum was only a barren field of snow, ice and crystal. With the Empire's return, Ilum became less of a remote temple world for Jedi pilgrims and more of a Jedi holdfast against the encroaching invaders. Ilum's unknown location and hard-to-navigate hyperspace lanes made it ideal for hiding important assets and launching sneak attacks, though its primary value was in providing lightsaber crystals for the suddenly militarized Jedi. As Ilum's military value increased, so did the size of its landing zones.

Now that the Empire has come to Ilum, the landing zone has become a fortified complex of considerable dimensions and a vital target for Imperial attacks.

FQN: cdx.​locations.​illum.​ilum_landing_zone

Ilum Landing Zone



XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_daily.​datacron


Theron Shan - Evolution of a Traitor

During his time in the Republic SIS, Theron Shan threw himself into the eternal fight for peace. He placed his faith in the Republic to push back the Sith Empire and restore freedom to an oppressed galaxy. That faith was shattered when the Republic bowed to the Eternal Empire's conquest. His trust shaken, he instead turned to the Alliance and its commander to become the peaceful superpower the galaxy desperately needed.

When the Alliance Commander took the Eternal Throne, the wars didn't cease. New challengers rose to claim power for themselves. Desperate to heal the wounded galaxy, Shan realized the only way to stop the fighting was to eliminate the source: the Alliance, and its commander.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​flashpoint.​umbara.​theron

Theron Shan - Evolution of a Traitor


This Imperial destroyer is broadcasting standard (albeit high-security) identification codes, but the military database contains no crew or mission records for a ship called "Tenebrous." Either the records have been eliminated or this is not a military vessel.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​agnt_tenebrous



This space station is located deep in the Null Zone--an empty region of space devoid of stars, planets and any known life. Ships traveling through the Null Zone are few, and high-intensity scans are rare; there's nothing to find beyond a few drifting wrecks.

The station deflects all scans and probes and emits almost no energy. It is impossible to tell whether the upgrades to your ship aboard the Tenebrous will allow you to approach undetected.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​agnt_thestarchmbr



Tytun Four is the fourth moon of a gas giant in the Gacerian system. The surface and much of the interior have been largely replaced by databanks, power generators, maintenance tunnels and self-repair facilities--in effect, turning Tytun Four into a gigantic computer.

In orbit around the moon are rings of derelict starships converted into additional databanks--added capacity for the moon. Archive node 803-A is a battle-scarred Imperial transport.<br><br>Alongside the derelict starships are several sleek, heavily armed corvettes, likely used by the mercenaries paid to defend against intruders.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​agnt_tytunrings



Long-range scanners have identified an Imperial dreadnaught in orbit around the Artus Five gas giant. Further information is unavailable at this distance; the cloaking device will engage automatically when within range of the Artus system.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​agt_epochoffear



Isen IV is an asteroid satellite in orbit around the Isen gas giant. Too small to hold a breathable atmosphere, it nonetheless hosts a small Republic mining colony; tunnels honeycomb the inside of the asteroid, along with all the machines needed to support life.

The colony is not broadcasting standard landing protocols. Long-range scans indicate no blaster scarring or signs of battle, and Isen Four's minimal external defenses do not appear to be active.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​agt_isen4asteroid



The dreadnaught Spirit of Vengeance acts as Mandalore's mobile command center while he is away from his stronghold on Geonosis. Its intimidating silhouette and countless weapons emplacements leave no doubt that the vessel lives up to its name.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​bh_mandalore



A full-sized Imperial battle cruiser leads an armada of smaller vessels in a planetary assault on the world of Rabaan.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​bh_tyrant



XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​czerka.​biomes



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​imperial.​blowing_up_a_door



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​republic.​blowing_up_a_door



The Carida is a standard Republic capital ship equipped for long-range patrols. The ship appears to have life support and power, but she is adrift and is not responding to communications.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​con_distresscall



An Imperial dreadnaught of astonishing power, the Javelin is on a direct course for Corellia, escorting a large number of troop carriers. The Javelin is armed with several heavy turbolaser batteries and is capable of devastating a planet from orbit.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​con_dreadnought



A Republic capital ship normally assigned to the Core Worlds, the Fortitude was involved in the breaking of the Hydian Way blockade. The Supreme Chancellor hopes that having the Fortitude host the Rift Alliance will be seen as a gesture of respect by its members.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​con_fortitude



Waypoint Station Three is one of several Republic facilities created during the war, originally intended to quickly restock and refuel military ships. After the war ended, they became convenient safe ports, often used by Republic allies or small trading vessels.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​con_royalss



The Euphony is an unregistered, privately owned vessel with minimal armaments and shields. There is no response to communications.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​con_starkss



Master Yuon Par's coordinates lead to a huge starship lingering in a distant sector. The ship appears Imperial, but scanners detect many upgrades and strange power fluctuations. Master Yuon's code should lower its defenses long enough for you to board.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​con_vivicar



XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​czerka.​corporate



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​republic.​defused_a_bomb



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​imperial.​defused_a_bomb



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​imperial.​downloaded_the_datacore



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​republic.​downloaded_the_datacore



Dromund Kaas is the capital of the Sith Empire, founded a millennium ago in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War. Since then, the sleek metropolis of Kaas City has grown into a symbol of Imperial power, towering over the surrounding jungle and looming dark against the stormy skies.

The military and the Sith have authority. Aside from the wildlife, the greatest threats are internal--slave revolts, feuding Sith Lords, and the like. Planetary defenses are formidable, as the Empire still remembers its defeat and exile long ago.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​dro_main



This derelict Czerka research vessel was recently discovered by a passing salvage ship. It is unclear why the ship was abandoned, but sensor data suggests that it has been unused for several decades at least.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​hk_theoretikan



This is an Imperial flagship, where three very prominent Moffs are meeting to see the demonstration of an amazing new superweapon. It is in range of both a Republic fleet and a separate Imperial fleet.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​inq_pyron



This asteroid field once hosted a thriving ore-processing industry, but Czerka Corporation withdrew when profits dwindled. The company abandoned a small mining facility here.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​kgt_defector



The Emperor's private fortress is a millennium-old construct orbiting the Imperial capital planet Dromund Kaas. A powerful cloaking device hides this ancient, virtually impregnable space station even from visual scanners.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​kgt_emperor



The Oppressor is Darth Angral's battle cruiser. It has been upgraded with advanced technology and a planet-destroying superweapon, which is now aimed at Tython.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​kgt_fateofjedi



Acting on rumors that several important Sith Lords were gathering at Korriban's Flame, Jedi Knight Jomar Chul tried to infiltrate the heavily fortified station, only to be captured. Jomar disappeared, but if the rumors are true, the meeting on the station could offer some clue to the Emperor's plan to wipe out all life in the galaxy.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​kgt_leehass



Uphrades is one of the Republic's primary agriworlds: a lush planet with a temperate atmosphere and especially rich soil due to significant volcanic activity over twenty millennia ago. Nearly half of the Republic capital's food supply is grown and harvested on Uphrades, earning it the nickname "Coruscant's Granary." Sixteen million farmers and food technologists oversee the sustainable agricultural production across the planet's five continents.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​kgt_uphrades



Warren Sedoru has captured the Valiant, the Republic flagship of Admiral Darbin. Exploiting the captured admiral's knowledge of Republic tactics, the fallen Jedi has turned the Valiant into an unstoppable weapon capable of crippling the Republic fleet.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​kgt_valiant



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​tatooine.​republic.​kill_rare_vendor



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​tatooine.​imperial.​kill_rare_vendor



Through the years, the Sith Empire has accumulated many artifacts, devices and specimens deemed too powerful to destroy, yet far too dangerous for anything but the most careful, contained research. The Arcanum was built for precisely this reason.

Commissioned in secret by the Emperor himself and operated under the aegis of Darth Acina of the Dark Council, the Arcanum is a vast storehouse, featuring first-rate security measures as well as the Empire's most cutting-edge research laboratories. Aside from its staff of hardened security officers and brilliant theoretical scientists, very few have been allowed a glimpse into the mysteries within.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​skr_arcanum



The Long Shadow is a lifeless region of space at the furthest edge of the galaxy. The only thing of note here is an unmarked derelict starship slowly drifting into a black hole.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​smg_abyss



The starship Celestial Crow is a standard light freighter. The vessel's engines appear to be non-functional, leaving the ship drifting into the sun of an otherwise uninhabited star system.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​smg_distressed



The infamous Port Nowhere is a converted Azalus-class Hutt dreadnaught retrofitted with over a hundred additional docking bays. This "flying space station" traverses neutral space near the Core Worlds, providing safe haven for less-than-legitimate business.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​smug_portnowhere



The flagship of the infamous Voidwolf, the Regnant strikes terror in the hearts of those unfortunate enough to witness its arrival in their system. The Regnant operates outside the Imperial command structure, making it almost impossible to track using normal methods. However, a rare opportunity to infiltrate the vessel has presented itself in the skies above Corellia.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​smug_regnant



The Imperial treasury cruiser, the King's Ransom, is a high-security space-faring vault that contains a sizable portion of the Empire's monetary assets. The King's Ransom is cruising in contested Hutt Space while the Empire's diplomats negotiate favors from the Cartel.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​smug_treasury



XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​hutt_palace.​timed_run



XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​strongholds.​tonvarr_heists



This remote military prison carries a fearsome reputation among Republic soldiers. Until now, its location has been a secret known only to the highest Imperial officials.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​trp_a77



Port Raga is a backwater trading and refueling station that caters to all business, legal or otherwise. Ship traffic appears to be much lighter than usual.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​trp_portraga



Commander Tavus's ship is at a full stop with all systems active. Jamming prevents any detailed scans of the ship's interior.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​trp_shadowfist



Unfortunately, approaching this space station undetected requires that no sensor sweeps be made en route. Records describe it as an independently owned fueling and supply station.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​trp_station256



This massive Imperial dreadnaught hangs in space above the planet Quesh, smoking from a recent attack. Systems are online but the ship's been crippled. Republic fighters are swarming into the docking bay, laying siege.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​war_moffmasken



A starship built for speed, Jaesa Willsaam's starship waits at the appointed coordinates, ready to be docked.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​war_planworking



This unaffiliated space station doesn't appear on scanners. Sophisticated tech covers every inch, leaving no room for defenses. It clearly relies on invisibility to keep it safe.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​war_threatleveled



This Imperial warship is on course to Corellia. According to Quinn, it's using a special transponder signal emitter in order to verify its identity and pass through the Imperial fleet; such an emitter could be removed and repurposed for your own ship.

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​war_transponder



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​imperial.​winning_a_match



FQN: cdx.​pvp.​voidstar.​republic.​winning_a_match



XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​ossus.​ysanna



Situated in the heart of Imperial Space, Ziost has long played a vital role in the intricate history of the Sith. For thousands of years, the craggy, arid world served as the ancient Sith Empire's capital until infighting splintered its leadership. The planet then became a major trading hub and earned a new reputation as the "Gateway to the Empire."

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​galaxy_map.​zio_main


Alliance Intelligence Report: Attack on the Senate Tower

Subject: Plot to Attack Senate Tower
Status: Thwarted

Investigations into the origins of Commander Kallin's plot are ongoing. After tracing the source of the explosives, we have ruled out that they were stolen from evidence lockups or purchased from any local criminal groups. Kallin's connections to former Chancellor Saresh are well documented, so it seems likely that he may have acquired the explosives through a mutual underworld contact.

The slicing expertise necessary to gather so many combat droids is another point of concern. The methodology employed seems to match SIS techniques; these skills may have been acquired from another mutual contact with Saresh, though she was never particularly popular within that agency.

Regardless, perhaps the most troubling aspect of the situation was its complexity and sophistication. Kallin has never been noted as a particularly surreptitious individual, preferring brute force tactics in most of his recorded operations. His psychological profile does not seem to match a false flag operation of this kind.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release02.​senate_tower

Alliance Intelligence Report: Attack on the Senate Tower


Asylum is an uncharted shadowport in Wild Space and a haven for those fleeing Arcann's control. Although out of the Eternal Throne's reach, refugees don't find Asylum an easy place to live. Because its location is unknown to the Eternal Empire, smugglers, pirates, and gangs use Asylum as a base of operations. Rival syndicates wage war in the Free Zone, a black market for goods from all over the galaxy. Street fights are common, and the desperate are easy targets for the port's large criminal element. Looming over Asylum is the Control Spar: the remnants of a long-abandoned mining operation that now acts as the main control center for the port's security defenses and docking management.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotfe.​asylum


Carrick Station

During the final months of the Great Galactic War, the Republic became desperate to develop a new hyperroute for supplies in their conflict with the aggressive Sith Empire. To facilitate their new route, a nearly forgotten supply base known as Outpost 22 was returned to full service.

By the time the Treaty of Coruscant was signed and the war had ended, Outpost 22 had become such a major hub of activity as to be as indispensable a gathering place as the capital world itself. The base was given a new and significant identity--Carrick Station--in dedication to Zayne Carrick, a once-unassuming Padawan who rose to a position of great importance during the Mandalorian Wars.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​rep_fleet

Carrick Station

Colicoid Creation Nest

The Colicoid Creation Nest is the nexus of Colicoid droid manufacturing, technological research and trade. Although the nest is often described as a corporation, the translation does not fit exactly--the nest's hierarchy resembles that of a Colicoid hive and its activities center on research rather than profit. Rivals like Czerka Corporation and Systech often hire specialists to help them understand the complex nature of the nest; many of these "specialists" have been devoured by the Colicoids as part of their standard business practices.

Despite its oddities, the Colicoid Creation Nest is considered one of the galaxy's technological and manufacturing powerhouses. Among its many other achievements, the nest is responsible for several pioneering droid models and an advanced ion cannon that has half the power consumption of Republic designs. Unfortunately, the Colicoids are well aware of the value of their technology, and they demand a heavy price for it--a price not always counted in credits.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​colicoid_war_game.​area_codex

Colicoid Creation Nest


In its heyday, Czerka Corporation bought up all the land it could manage--including entire moons. While some of these moons were purchased to exploit their abundant mineral deposits, most were turned into massive warehouses for excess manufacturing parts and inventory. One such storage facility was designated CZ-198.

Czerka Special Executive Rasmus Blys, thrilled with its remote locale, handpicked CZ-198 to become home to his new research projects. Over the years that followed, CZ-198 grew into a major profit center for Czerka, developing and manufacturing cutting-edge droids and weapons. Due to the facility's top-secret nature, it is unclear whether Czerka's executive board was aware that CZ-198's Green Habitat Zone biomes were built for Blys' ultimate goal: to gauge the effects of foreign environments on creatures and beings that have been forcibly mutated and enhanced into weapons of war.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x3.​locations.​cz_198


Fray Landing Memorial

In the early days of the Empire's invasion of the planet Ilum, Republic forces at the Fray Landing Base fought desperately to hold their position against an overwhelming tide of Imperial attackers. Though they were eventually overrun and killed, these brave heroes of the Republic have not been forgotten by their comrades, who have since placed a humble memorial to commemorate the many lives lost at the site.

"Remember Fray!" became a rallying cry among Republic troops and the public alike, allowing the then-newly elected Supreme Chancellor Saresh to press for the largest increase in military spending since the Treaty of Coruscant.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​event.​gree.​republic_memorial

Fray Landing Memorial

Hammer Station

Pressed by the Sith Empire during the war, the Republic Senate sank its meager resources into ever-more desperate measures to end the conflict. One of the resulting projects was Hammer Station, a prototype mobile facility built around a combined tractor beam and massive gravity cannon. The tractor beam captured nearby asteroids, and the cannon launched the asteroids at near-relativistic speeds at a chosen target. No shield could handle that magnitude of kinetic energy. When positioned over a planet, Hammer Station was capable of devastating entire cities in a single shot.

However, Hammer Station's attacks could not be tempered. The asteroids caused planet-wide dust clouds and groundquakes, rendering entire worlds nearly uninhabitable. After seeing the destruction, the Republic Senate could not authorize its use, even against the Empire, and ordered the project scrapped. The Hammer Station project files were classified and later destroyed in a Senate tower bombing after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 21

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​bringing_down_the_hammer.​area_codex

Hammer Station

Interpreter's Retreat

"While those granted prophetic visions--the Mystics--are revered, it is the Interpreters, and their opinions, which allow these visions to guide all Voss society. The Interpreter's Retreat honors these important individuals by designating a protected and sacred place for their work. While most of the Retreat is forbidden to outsiders, visitors with special permission may enjoy limited access under the close supervision of a Voss guide.

Guests may spot a group of Interpreters around the Shrine of Understanding, where visions are carefully recorded and categorized before they are assigned to Interpreters. Visions of great importance or complexity are given to more than one Interpreter to ensure accurate final readings.

After receiving an assignment, Interpreters perform a ritual of preparation at the Altar of Clarity before withdrawing to the Shrine of Judgment, where the visions are carefully studied and examined. The details of this process are a subject of speculation, even among the general Voss population, due to generations of tradition and enforced mystery. As a result, Interpreters occupy a space that is essential, yet separate, from their community."

--From "Visions and Verities: A Collection of Essays on Myth, Symbolism, and Ritual within Voss Society," by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​interpreters_retreat

Interpreter's Retreat

Kaas City

The capital city of the Imperial homeworld of Dromund Kaas is one part massive skyscrapers and one part impenetrable fortress. It is home to the Citadel, where the Sith's Dark Council once lorded over their followers before their dissolution during the conflict with the Eternal Empire. The Citadel also houses the headquarters of the Imperial military and Sith Intelligence.

The first Sith to arrive on Dromund Kaas founded the city as their eternal sanctuary among the gorges and ravines of the jungle world. Over the centuries, its population grew into the millions--proud Imperials working toward the glory of the Sith and slaves submitting to Imperial will.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotet.​kaas_city

Kaas City

Kessan's Landing

A small--often forgotten--island on Ord Mantell, Kessan's Landing changed its name to honor its most famous resident. Felo Kessan, a Republic Army Sergeant, lost her life after single-handedly defeating over a dozen Separatist soldiers during the Battle of Antim. The Republic and Mantellian Army's victory at Antim left the Mantellian Separatist Movement no other choice but to submit to peace talks with the Galactic Republic.

While much of Ord Mantell sees Kessan's Landing as a place where people work twice as hard for half as much, the citizens of the island believe that the same bravery and perseverance shown by their famous namesake lives on in them. Despite the island's unforgiving landscape, ranchers have managed to turn small profits. Local engineers have turned unpredictable volcanic activity--widely seen as the reason outsiders avoid the island--into a self-sustaining energy method.

With the majority of frontier operations positioned in the relative safety of the larger Avilatan island, Kessan's Landing is often last-in-line when receiving military and monetary support from both the Republic and Mantellian governments. As a result, Kessan's Landing citizens have adapted to solving problems on their own, including mediating property disputes, maintaining crumbling and dangerous infrastructure, and combating the threat of organized crime.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​exp.​04.​chains_in_the_dark.​kessans_landing

Kessan's Landing

Maelstrom Prison

Located along the Relgim Run, the vast Maelstrom Nebula has hampered navigators and explorers for centuries; the nebula's unpredictable electromagnetic radiation means the safe routes through the Maelstrom change every few minutes. When the Empire came into possession of an ancient Gree computer capable of calculating safe passage through the Maelstrom, however, Imperial strategists decided the nebula would be the perfect location to house high-risk prisoners.

The Maelstrom Prison is a massive space station that uses both modern and ancient methods of containment. Intelligence recovered by the Republic SIS suggests some chambers were built according to specifications provided by the Emperor himself. The exact number of prisoners held is unknown, but tentative projections put the number at less than thirty; this, in turn, suggests that freeing any of the inmates would be a significant blow to the Empire.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​locations.​revan_arc.​maelstrom_prison

Maelstrom Prison

Manaan Visitor's Center: Exploration Dome

Prior to the advent of the Third Galactic War, trade between Manaan and both the Republic and Empire boomed. The destruction left in the wake of the Eternal Empire's occupation led to a galaxy-wide resource crisis, which meant buyers were ready to pay any price for healing substances--especially kolto. The Selkath were all too happy to oblige.

The Selkath's trade agreements grew in profitability, even as peace throughout the galaxy grew more secure with each passing year. Eventually, the people of Manaan slowly adopted a more open and accepting view of outsiders.

Since travel to the water-covered world grew at a rate not seen since the Devastation of Manaan, high-ranking government officials created a department within the Office of Extraplanetary Relations to preserve, promote, and share the Selkath's culture with visitors. The Department of Selkath Ethnology employs dedicated docents, curators, lecturers, and field guides who welcome and educate interested tourists.

The department's crown jewel is the Exploration Dome, located below the surface at Manaan's Visitor Center. Here, species from all walks of life can personally experience the many beautiful flora and fauna that form the basis of Manaan's remarkable ecosystems--all without needing to breathe underwater.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​manaan.​underwater_dome

Manaan Visitor's Center: Exploration Dome

Meridian Complex Shipyard

Corellia is already a prominent home for shipbuilding, but none of its myriad starship construction facilities can compare with the innovations of the newly-constructed Meridian Complex shipyard. Nestled along the shoreline near Coronet City, the facility's structure is like most others: a grand, sweeping shell filled with the promise of fleets of ships soon to launch toward the stars. Its high corridors snake their way inward like a metallic labyrinth, eventually terminating at the primary production spire. The towering structure looms high above Corellia's surface, a monument to its engineers' recent achievements.

Rumored to be derived from the advanced technologies of Iokath, this facility is capable of producing warships three times faster than its predecessors while requiring only a fraction of the energy consumption. This alone makes it a crucial addition to the Republic's assets in a time of severely limited resources, and a severe threat to the war efforts of the Sith Empire.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​exp.​03.​meridian_complex_shipyard

Meridian Complex Shipyard


To maintain citizen equality, nearly all menial labor is handled by a droid workforce. Zakuulans rely on it for medical care, construction, law enforcement, and more. Droids provide elderly companionship and safe childcare, and they cook, clean, run errands, and keep the Spire in order. Without droids, the city's comfort and happiness would vanish.

Overwatch is the hub through which all droid labor functions. This command center issues orders to its workers and keeps every droid running smoothly. To reduce human error as much as possible, only those with highest clearance, including the Emperor, are permitted to enter. Automated life-form detection and a patrol of Skytroopers ensure that no one without permission can enter.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotfe.​overwatch


Port Nowhere (Smuggler)

Originally an Azalus-class Hutt dreadnought, "Port Nowhere" was transformed into a mobile space station catering to less-than-legitimate business. It rapidly became a favorite destination for smugglers, black market merchants and other outlaws. Of all the galaxy's seedy spaceports, only Port Nowhere offered true freedom.

For years, Port Nowhere traveled between Hutt Space, the Outer Rim and the Core Worlds. It stopped in neutral sectors and broadcasted its coordinates on coded HoloNet frequencies. Criminals converged on the station and conducted business before it jumped back to hyperspace, always remaining one step ahead of the law.

Recently, however, Port Nowhere suffered a major hyperdrive malfunction that left it stranded. When or whether the station shall resume its former mobility remains a mystery.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​locations.​open_world.​act_2.​port_nowhere

Port Nowhere (Smuggler)

Section X

The prison world of Belsavis remains in turmoil. Though the Republic has managed to gain tentative control over much of the main prison complex, agents of the Empire have succeeded in freeing many of their captured comrades and continue to recruit new forces from among the prisoner population to bolster their armies.

In the midst of this continued chaos, a previously-untouched area of the prisons known as Section X has come under brutal assault by minions of the Dread Masters, a cadre of incredibly powerful Sith who have abandoned the Empire to pursue their own mysterious goals. Having experienced the chaos unleashed by the Dread Masters elsewhere, neither faction is interested in waiting to see what they might do with something dug up from the ancient Rakata prison....

Category: Locations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​planets.​section_x

Section X

Shrine of Silence

"Because the Voss accept the secretive nature of the Interpreters without question, the rituals and procedures conducted inside the Shrine of Silence are rarely--if ever--discussed. Even the most knowledgeable academics who study Voss society do not know for sure what occurs there.

The general consensus, however, is that the Shrine is the location of a peculiar ceremony that marks the end of a Voss's training as an Interpreter. It is said that before an Interpreter can officially accept the role, they are required to stay in the Shrine of Silence for one week. During this time, they must light multiple sacred pyres, illuminating every corner of the temple, so that no transgressions can be hidden. The Voss may not eat, sleep, or speak; instead, they must silently consider every instance where they wrongfully judged another.

Many Interpreters have said that their time in the Shrine of Silence was a blessing. Others, including those who did not pass this last trial, claim that the practice was torture. Left alone, with nothing but deafening silence and glaring light, their thoughts turned sinister and malevolent."

--From "Visions and Verities: A Collection of Essays on Myth, Symbolism, and Ritual within Voss Society," by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​flashpoint.​shrine_of_silence.​shrine_of_silence

Shrine of Silence

Temple of the Progenitor

"Day One: Just arrived. Exhausted. Hungry. Frightened. This place is nothing like home--too much water.

Day Six: One of our host archaeologists, Taasi, clings to my side. I can barely turn around without running into him. I think he could sense how uneasy I was--he has been very reassuring.

He's shown me all around the dig site and invited me to join him and his colleagues for meals. They've been amazingly forthcoming about ancient Selkath customs. Taasi also explained a great deal about the temple nearby and its importance to Selkath culture. It's all reignited the passion I thought I'd lost by coming here.

Day Fifteen: Taasi and I walked to the farthest edge of the dome after the morning meal. For the first time since I arrived, I had a pleasant conversation about something other than old pieces of stone and how they might have been used. It was lovely, even though we mostly spoke about how we came to do our jobs.

Taasi said it's difficult for Selkath to leave Manaan, not that many want to. Once upon a time, he looked to the stars and dreamed of exploring other worlds. When he realized it was impossible, he turned to the depths of his home instead, intent on learning all their secrets.

Day Thirty-One: Tomorrow, Taasi wants to take me somewhere 'very important': the Temple of the Progenitor. A place so sacred for the Selkath... it is said that this is where their worship of the great Progenitor originated. I do not believe any outsider has ever set foot inside the temple. To be invited to see it is an honor and a privilege so... so... This gesture is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. There are no words to adequately describe how gracious and welcoming Taasi has been, but I really should try to tell him..."

-From a datapad containing the personal journal of Doctor Ayturr Odock

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​manaan.​temple_of_the_progenitor

Temple of the Progenitor

The Black Hole

Indisputably the most corrupt man in the Corellian government, Councillor Torvix gladly signed on to join the Empire when it invaded Corellia. The councillor used his shadowy network of organized criminals and pirates to enforce order in the so-called "Black Hole"--a dangerous section of the Corellian Labor Valley used to process hypermatter, the key fuel for lightspeed travel.

Now both the Republic and the Empire seek to purge Torvix and his forces from the Black Hole. For the Republic, it's a chance to put an end to major conflict on Corellia. And for the Empire, this is an opportunity to squeeze every ounce of value from the war-torn world....

Category: Locations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​planets.​black_hole

The Black Hole

The Coil

The Shroud's latest base of operations, the Coil was constructed in a previously uncharted section of Wild Space. When the Eternal Empire rose to power, the Shroud moved his compound to Obus VI to monitor Zakuul and influence the politics of Wild Space.

The planetoid that houses the Coil is surrounded by the strongest scrambling field credits can buy. This field prevents any communication without the Shroud's consent, but also leaves the entire planetoid undetectable to scanners, probes, and holo-cameras.

The Coil's three layers each have their own security clearance. Low-impact operations are run on the asteroid level and high-risk missions occur in the underground volcano level. Staff are prohibited from moving between levels, or even interacting with staff from other levels.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotet.​coil

The Coil

The Endless Swamps

In the ancient days of Zakuul, the Endless Swamps were a harsh home filled with countless dangers. If the deadly predators didn't take the Old Zakuulans, perilous sinkholes and disease-ridden pests would.

Political refugees fleeing Arcann's wrath have often used the swamps for shelter, but the region's population exploded after Asylum's destruction. Zakuulans who oppose the new Emperor are forced to hide in the treacherous lands of their ancestors, fighting for their lives in a murky, deadly world far from the Spire's glamour.

The more superstitious exiles claim to feel the eyes of the old gods watching them from deep within the bog. In reality, these eyes likely belong to the native beasts waiting for their opportunity to strike.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotfe.​endless_swamps

The Endless Swamps

The Eternal Throne

The Eternal Throne sits at the top of a starscraper in the center of the Spire. Built by Valkorion over a century ago, the throne not only serves as the Immortal Emperor's seat of power, but is the key to activating and controlling the Eternal Fleet. Valkorion gathered the greatest minds in Zakuul for its construction, which took generations to complete. How and why the fleet responds only to the throne remains a mystery even to the Zakuulan people--only Valkorion and his children know the true answer.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotfe.​eternal_throne

The Eternal Throne

The Fatality Crash

Years before the recent invasion of Belsavis, a lone Imperial warship--the Fatality--launched an apparently suicidal attack on the planet's prison complex. Republic security forces managed to shoot the warship down before it could inflict lasting damage, and the Fatality was believed to have been completely destroyed when it crashed into the area known as Section X.

In truth, the badly damaged ship had merely sunk into the ice along with its tremendously valuable cargo: a legion of deactivated HK-51 assassin droids, the galaxy's most advanced extermination machines. Although originally programmed to be loyal to the Empire, these inactive droids could almost certainly be repaired and reprogrammed to serve any master....

Category: Locations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​hk_51.​locations.​fatality_crash_site

The Fatality Crash

The Foundry

Built into a massive asteroid in a long-forgotten star system, the Foundry is an engineering marvel. According to data obtained by Imperial Intelligence, the Foundry has at least twelve manufacturing levels capable of producing thousands of droids. Vast tunnels honeycombing the asteroid suggest automated mining droids were used to pick the interior clean of any useful ores. The Imperial Reclamation Service believes the Foundry now uses a network of tractor beams to capture and break apart nearby asteroids, providing raw materials for its endless mass production.

The Foundry appears to be at least twenty to thirty thousand years old, built by a long-forgotten alien species. Its specifications resemble those of three other space stations discovered by the Empire, each possessing vast power--one, the "Star Forge," constructed fleets of warships, while another was capable of xenoforming entire planets. The extent of the Foundry's production capabilities are as yet unknown, but if history is any guide, the station could change the galaxy.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​locations.​revan_arc.​the_foundry

The Foundry

The Old World

Zakuulans have always been fascinated by suffering. In ancient times, the Old Ways taught that pain represented the power of the gods. Now, living in a near-utopia, most Zakuulans have never known what it means to suffer. Food, shelter, clothing and education are all provided by the grace of the Emperor. But in the lower recesses of the Spire, called the Old World, citizens can leave their pampered lifestyles behind and pay for the pretense of suffering, placing bets on gladiators in the arena or living out dark fantasies in the red-light district. The Knights of Zakuul have no jurisdiction there, which Arcann allows only because it keeps the privileged docile and content. Located below the Old World is Breaktown, an urban wasteland where an underbelly of outcasts has fled from the Eternal Throne's authority. In this forgotten city's decrepit ruins, debtors, black-market criminals, and those who reject the Emperor set up new pockets of society away from Arcann's prying eyes.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotfe.​old_world

The Old World

The Rakghoul Tunnels

While it's clear that the rakghoul virus initially spreads across the surface of a given planet, it has been difficult to determine the point of origin because the greatest density of rakghouls is not aboveground, but rather deep underground. Researchers attempting to understand why rakghouls congregate below a given planet's surface rather than above have developed a theory: that the subterranean tunnels in which the rakghouls gather are not found, but are actually created by the rakghouls themselves.

Careful study of the tunnels has revealed striking similarities in contour and dimension reminiscent of the natural algorithmic optimizations witnessed in the configuration of killik hives of Alderaan and in the formation of blood-ant mounds on Tatooine. Furthermore, the familiar distribution of spore sacs and unique flora suggest not only an attempt to create an environment conducive to their habitation, but also a robust fungal signature stored within the virus's genetic code. It is the hope of THORN researchers that unlocking the key to the creation of these tunnels will also provide insight into stopping the rakghoul menace for good.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​rakghoul_tunnels

The Rakghoul Tunnels

The Sanitarium

The sole structure on the barren rock of Nathema, the Sanitarium was where Valkorion sent powerful Force users who opposed him for gruesome research experiments. The Force void enveloping the world limited the subjects' ability to resist or escape, making it the perfect laboratory and prison.

The Sanitarium is home to a mysterious sect of Force-sensitives called the Nathema Zealots, though day-to-day order is maintained by the Keepers--specially trained Abyssin who serve as guards and caretakers. The halls are also patrolled by mutated creatures from other worlds that are genetically engineered to instill fear, terror, and obedience in the Sanitarium's unwilling residents. The operation is overseen by an Anomid scientist named Jarak--an outcast among his own kind for the deviant nature of his research.

Vaylin is the only inmate to ever leave Nathema alive, though she still bears the mental scars from the horrors she endured during her incarceration.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotet.​the_sanitarium

The Sanitarium

The Spire

Built on the swamps of Ancient Zakuul, the Spire symbolizes the golden age Valkorion created for his subjects. The towering metropolis comprises vertically stacked and numbered districts, each of which boasts a labyrinth of museums, restaurants, and entertainment designed for maximum enjoyment.

The highest level, District 52, houses the droid command center Overwatch and the opulent Eternal Throne. Below District 1 is Oldtown, which serves as a dark playground where citizens can explore their more unsightly appetites in privacy and safety. Most Spire denizens have visited Oldtown, but few will admit it.

Though Zakuulan society is deliberately classless, many Spire residents use the districts as a status symbol. Those living on levels near the Eternal Throne may boast of a superior "closeness" to the Emperor while districts near Oldtown are considered the slums. In reality, every district is carefully constructed for identical living conditions, just as the Emperor intended.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotfe.​spire

The Spire

Vaiken Spacedock

Of the many stations peppered throughout Imperial space, none rival the size or importance of Vaiken Spacedock. Vaiken is the true hub of the Imperial fleet, a logistical nucleus responsible for the vast majority of the Empire's military operations. In fact, the base has become so vital that it has been named after the Sith Empire's first Grand Moff, Odile Vaiken.

Despite its usual complement of several dozen capital warships, Vaiken Spacedock is also one of the Empire's most well-guarded locales. Vaiken is commonly upgraded to the latest in shielding technology and detection sensors, and its vast arsenal has a combined destructive power that could potentially lay waste to a small moon.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​imp_fleet

Vaiken Spacedock

Balmorran Arms Factory

The Balmorran Arms corporation has been one of Balmorra's largest and most influential manufacturers of weapons, military equipment and droids for over a century. Its products cemented Balmorra's reputation as a producer of high-quality technology, and shortly before the Imperial invasion, the company built a new factory headquarters--at the time, declared the most state-of-the-art arms production and research facility in the galaxy.

When the Empire invaded, however, the Balmorran Arms Factory found a different purpose. The compound's massive walls and production facilities became the core of the Balmorran resistance effort, giving Republic troops and Balmorran soldiers an impenetrable fortress with a nearly endless supply of resources and weaponry. In the years since, the factory has been under constant siege, but has never fallen. Rumor has it that the resistance has even taken advantage of the factory's research facilities, developing devastating new technology to drive the Empire off Balmorra.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 18

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​balmorran_arms_factory

Balmorran Arms Factory
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial181.0.0


Bugtown represents the deadly, shattered remnants of Balmorran technological pride--ground zero for the planet's Colicoid infestation. Known originally as Lab 352, the genetic research facility came to be known as Bugtown when the Empire invaded. One of the Empire's many acts of sabotage involved releasing the results of Lab 352's biological experiments: the vicious, mutated Colicoids. The insects quickly overran the area, killing the facility's staff.

Since the initial invasion, the Colicoids have gradually spread from the Bugtown ruins out across the planet. Why the Balmorrans were mutating Colicoids is unknown--everyone behind the experiments seemingly died when the creatures were set free. Still, if answers are to be found, they will be found in Bugtown's databanks.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 19

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​bugtown

LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial191.0.0

Ghost Town

One of many small, unnamed factory towns on Balmorra, the place now known as Ghost Town was the site of experimental industrial farming operations meant to produce man-made, dense, nutrient-rich plants capable of feeding hundreds with only a small quantity.

Ghost Town saw all its inhabitants massacred during the Imperial invasion. Since then, the resistance has crept into the area, using the abandoned buildings to launch guerrilla attacks on Imperial forces and a nearby cave system as a base for anti-aircraft assaults on Imperial squadrons. The small gardens have also been brought back into operation, supplying food for the resistance.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 17

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​ghost_town

Ghost Town
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial171.0.0

Hazard Vault 305 (Inquisitor)

To protect their thriving industrial world, the Balmorran government commissioned a series of tightly sealed underground vaults for storage of the toxic waste produced by the planet's many factories. One of these, Hazard Vault 305, was built into a pre-existing cave to collect the waste from the Balmorran Arms Factory; the Balmorran government did not suspect that the cave had been used by the Sith Lord Tulak Hord to hide one of his artifacts.

During the Imperial invasion of Balmorra, missile barrages damaged the hazard vault, causing its contents to leak and providing a way inside for anyone capable of surviving the deadly waste.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 18

FQN: cdx.​locations.​inquisitor.​hazard_vault_305

Hazard Vault 305 (Inquisitor)
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial181.0.0

Okara Droid Factory

Prior to the Imperial invasion, Balmorra was one of the galaxy's foremost producers of military droids, due in no small part to the Okara Droid Company. When the Empire invaded, its technicians uploaded a virus to the company's manufacturing center--the massive, automated Okara Droid factory--in hopes of turning the factory against the Balmorrans.

The virus worked too well, and the factory's defense droids and systems took over entirely, resuming production operations and attacking any and all life that came near. The Empire is currently making efforts to bring the factory under control, but so far has had little success.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​okara_droid_factory

Okara Droid Factory
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Outpost Traken-4

Named for the old Traken-4 ChemWorks, Outpost Traken-4 is now held by the Balmorran resistance. The ChemWorks were destroyed in the Imperial bombardment of Balmorra, and the entire area surrounding the outpost is covered in pools of deadly chemical waste.

The toxic pools have been a boon to resistance defenders at the outpost--the choke points leading around the pools are well defended, making a large-scale assault impossible. Resistance fighters stationed at the outpost must rotate to other locations on Balmorra frequently, however: the long-term effects of exposure to the chemical waste are unknown.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​outpost_traken_4

Outpost Traken-4
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Outpost Victory

Built into one of the craters created by the Imperial bombardment, Outpost Victory began as a small outpost of resistance fighters. Over the years, however, it has grown into one of the resistance's major outposts, guarded by enormous anti-aircraft guns and shields to defend against orbital strikes. Imperial prisoners captured by the resistance are often held in Outpost Victory, and lately there have been unconfirmed rumors of a Republic presence at the outpost.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​outpost_victory

Outpost Victory
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0


Sobrik was the original capital of Balmorra before the more advantageous location of Bin Prime was chosen to replace it three hundred years ago. Since then, the city of Sobrik has first shrunk, then been almost entirely obliterated by bombing runs and rebuilt by Imperial engineers.

Sobrik was one of the last cities to hold out during the Imperial invasion of the planet; because of this and its close proximity to the state-of-the-art Balmorran Arms and Okara Droid factories, the Empire has made Sobrik the headquarters of its occupation, maintaining tight control over the remaining civilian population.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​sobrik

LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Troida Military Workshop

The Troida Military Workshop epitomizes the "new" Balmorra. Ostensibly an independent business, it nonetheless answers to the Empire and serves as a supply depot and weapons manufacturer for Imperial headquarters in Sobrik. Its overseers are expected to worry about Imperial edicts first, and profit last.

Not surprisingly, its workers have been known in the past to harbor resistance sympathies. Nevertheless, its production remains strategically vital to the Imperial war effort, and caravans between Sobrik and Troida have been subjected to frequent guerrilla attacks by the resistance in an attempt to cut off the lifeblood of the Empire on Balmorra.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_imp.​troida_military_workshop

Troida Military Workshop
LocationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Balmorran Arms Factory

Built shortly before the Imperial invasion by the prestigious Balmorran Arms corporation, the Balmorran Arms factory is unrivaled in its weapons production and research capabilities. It was designed to construct military equipment ranging from personal arms and armor to droids and heavy vehicles, all with top-notch quality and efficiency.

Due to its tremendous manufacturing capacity, the fortress-like factory was one of the last holdouts of the resistance during the Imperial invasion, providing an almost inexhaustible supply of weapons and supplies to the besieged Balmorran people. Once the Empire finally gained control of the factory, however, the Imperial military wasted no time in putting the facilities to its own use.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​balmorran_arms_factory

Balmorran Arms Factory
LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0


Once a genetic research facility called Lab 352, this complex became known as "Bugtown" after the Colicoids--mutated insectoids used as experimental bioweapons--were released from the facility by Imperial saboteurs. The Colicoids took over the area surrounding the laboratory and began to infest the rest of the planet.

Republic forces have managed to retake the old laboratory, clearing out the Colicoids and establishing a forward outpost. While much of the Colicoid infestation remains, the population has been contained by the Imperial and Republic fighting; for now, the Republic can keep its unorthodox base.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​bugtown

LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Camp Conquest

The former site of the resistance's "Outpost Victory," this base was built into a crater formed during the Imperial bombardment of Balmorra. Losing the outpost was costly for the resistance, and the Empire renamed it to remind the Balmorran people of the consequences of defiance.

Camp Conquest now serves as a forward base and prison camp for the Empire, housing several command and control centers alongside holding cells for high-value prisoners. Well-guarded by turrets and shields and boasting a significant terrain advantage, the camp is a symbol of Imperial oppression and domination.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​camp_conquest

Camp Conquest
LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Camp Jacent

Camp Jacent was established in the ruins of a Balmorran factory town, formerly used by the resistance to launch guerilla strikes against the Empire. Now, it is a strategically placed and defensible supply base for Imperial troops.

Before the Imperials set up camp, the area was occasionally referred to as Ghost Town, as every last inhabitant had been massacred during the Imperial invasion. Buildings were left abandoned and damage sustained to the town went unrepaired, leaving it a graveyard of scrap metal and scorched ground.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​camp_jacent

Camp Jacent
LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Okara Droid Factory

Another victim of the Empire's many acts of sabotage during its initial invasion, the Okara Droid factory was one of the most productive droid manufacturers on Balmorra. Imperial technicians uploaded a virus into the automated factory's system, turning its military droids against the Balmorran population. But the virus was too successful--the droids fully secured the factory and continued production, forcing the Empire to take it back through military action.

Now, after several hard-fought battles, Imperial soldiers have moved into the factory and established a base of operations there. Technicians are hard at work reversing the damage they caused, and hope to resume production of military droids to supplement the occupation force.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​okara_droid_factory

Okara Droid Factory
LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0


Sobrik was the original capital of Balmorra before the more advantageous location of Bin Prime was chosen to replace it three hundred years ago. Since then, the city of Sobrik has first shrunk, then been almost entirely obliterated by bombing runs and rebuilt by Imperial engineers.

Sobrik was one of the last cities to hold out during the Imperial invasion of the planet; because of this and its close proximity to the state-of-the-art Balmorran Arms and Okara Droid factories, the Empire has made Sobrik the headquarters of its occupation, maintaining tight control over the remaining civilian population.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​sobrik

LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Troida Military Workshop

For most of the Imperial occupation, the Troida Military Workshop kept supplies and goods flowing into Imperial headquarters in Sobrik. Balmorran resistance members often staged raids on Troida convoys, denying the Empire resources while securing much-needed supplies for themselves. But Troida's workers--ordinary citizens forced to work under Imperial oppression--also harbored resistance leanings, resentful that their independent company answered only to the Empire's directives.

As the resistance on Balmorra crumbled, Troida became a rallying point for surviving resistance fighters. Imperial control was cast off, and now the workshop is the largest remaining base for the persistent Balmorran freedom fighters.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​balmorra_rep.​troida_military_workshop

Troida Military Workshop
LocationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

The Dread Fortress

Centuries ago, a group of Sith lords were sent to Oricon to study the arcane and powerful Phobis devices. When these Sith reemerged from their work as the Dread Masters, they did so with the intent of making Oricon their home. With the Emperor's blessing, they transported thousands upon thousands of slaves to the moon to build a massive fortress.

Surrounded by deep pools of fiery lava, the fortress protects against all would-be invaders. Its impenetrable gates, powerful droids, and vicious, corrupted monstrosities guard a towering palace that contains the Dread Masters' private chambers, where the Masters practice their dark arts. Once construction was completed, the Dread Masters used the fortress compound to expend their slaves in experiments designed to test the limits of the Phobis devices, and to explore the outermost boundaries of fear.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140926619724173051

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​locations.​operation.​oricon.​the_dread_fortress

The Dread Fortress

Jedi Temple

Since the destruction of the original temple during the Sacking of Coruscant, the Jedi Temple on Tython has become the spiritual home and sanctuary of the Jedi Order. Housing meditation rooms, lecture theaters and the Jedi Archives, the temple's architecture was deliberately changed from the original on Coruscant, in line with the Jedi philosophy of non-attachment. The new design is intended to echo the style of Alderaan's famous castles and to evoke the Jedi virtues of humility, serenity and patience.

Construction began a year after the Jedi made a permanent settlement on Tython and took three years to complete using local Tythonian stone and timber. The temple's site, built upon the ruins of a much older temple, was chosen by the Jedi Council after a week of fasting and meditation. While the temple's formidable technological defenses are concealed and integrated into the architecture, it's the presence of the Council and the Jedi who train there who truly ensure its safety from invaders.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​jedi_temple

Jedi Temple

Kalikori Village

Named after an old Twi'lek word for "beginning," Kalikori village is a settlement in the Tythonian hills, founded by a group of Twi'lek Pilgrims fleeing persecution. The Pilgrims asked the Republic for permission to settle on Tython but were refused; defying the ruling, the Pilgrims founded a small camp that gradually grew into Kalikori village. The village Matriarch's home is built on the site of the original landing.

Kalikori is technically an illegal settlement, without protection under Republic law. As the village grew, boasting fertile fields and its own irrigation system, the Twi'lek Pilgrims realized they were expanding into Flesh Raider territory and have been fighting off the creatures ever since without outside help. Despite the anger of the villagers at the Jedi who have "abandoned" them, many Padawans travel to Kalikori village to seek the Matriarch's blessing or to learn about the Pilgrims' teachings.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 4

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​kalikori_village

Kalikori Village

Ruins of Kaleth

Crumbling walls and rubble are all that remain of the fortified city of Kaleth. Carvings at Kaleth suggest the site has been inhabited and abandoned more than once over the millennia--but always by Force users. This has given rise to dozens of theories about Kaleth from scholars at the Jedi Temple, not to mention interest from archaeologists seeking artifacts of the ancient Jedi. Unfortunately, exploration of Kaleth is hampered by ancient hostile droids that still roam the ruins.

The presence of these droids, the discovery of surviving computers and reports of strange lights at night prove Kaleth still has sections with functioning power despite being abandoned for centuries. Because of this, some members of the first expedition to Tython recommended restoring Kaleth and making it the new settlement of the Jedi Order. The Jedi Council decided against this, however, preferring to study Kaleth and its history from a distance.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​ruins_of_kaleth

Ruins of Kaleth

The Chamber of Speech

The Chamber of Speech is mentioned several times in surviving histories of Kaleth, though only in passing. The scrolls Jedi Knight Do Zonn obtained suggest the chamber was a repository of knowledge in some form, and reference a mysterious being who was master of the chamber's lore.

Attempts to fully examine the old machines in the Chamber of Speech have proved fruitless, as the battle droids that guard the ruin are particularly violent. There is evidence that the droids were programmed to return to the chamber if its other defenses failed. Whatever secrets the chamber hides, the ancients of Kaleth were careful to protect them.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​chamber_of_speech

The Chamber of Speech

The Forge

Since the rebuilding of the temple, the very best of the young Jedi have braved the paths through the mountains, hoping to make their first lightsabers at the monument known as the Forge--the ancient Tythonians' site for creating or mending weapons. When the Jedi returned to Tython, they had only scraps of information on the Forge's location; it took ten months before a small team finally discovered it, overgrown by vines and half-buried by a landslide.

Despite the Forge's power, many Jedi have sensed a strange darkness or corruption in the region surrounding the Forge. The local beasts are unusually vicious, and the weather often changes without warning. These phenomena mean only the most skilled and combat-ready Padawans are encouraged to seek out the Forge.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​the_forge

The Forge

The Gnarls

"The Gnarls" is a name given to the wilds near the outpost and landing pads beneath the Masters' Retreat. It was nicknamed for the thick undergrowth that originally covered the region, which took several months to clear. The original explorers of Tython discovered and restored ruined stone paths and bridges leading through the Gnarls, suggesting these wilds were once used by the ancient Jedi.

Although still a proving ground for Jedi Padawans, in recent years the Gnarls has become increasingly dangerous. Wild animals have begun migrating closer to the Gnarls outpost, and there have been sightings of Tython's native Flesh Raiders in neighboring sectors. The Jedi Council is in discussions about moving the training grounds to a safer region, but many Masters feel that risk is necessary at a certain level of tutelage; the galaxy is dangerous, and Jedi can't be shielded forever if they're to be prepared.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​the_gnarls

The Gnarls

Tythos Ridge

The primitive Flesh Raiders have turned the once-lush mountains of Tythos Ridge into a horrific camp from which to launch their raids on the other denizens of Tython. The ground is black and barren; the trees and foliage burned away. The air is thick with the stench of death, and piles of bones desecrate ancient Tythonian pillars, mute testament to the countless victims of the Flesh Raiders' appetites.

Tythos Ridge was never fully studied during the early stages of Tython's Jedi reoccupation; Master Bestros proposed its use as a meditation retreat, but since then, the increasing number of Flesh Raiders has made exploration impossible. It is unclear whether a small Flesh Raider village was the seed for this now-vast settlement, or whether the Flesh Raiders migrated to the ridge en masse--but either way, for Jedi Masters seeking to understand the creatures, further reconnaissance of the ridge is an absolute necessity.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tython.​flesh_raider_territory

Tythos Ridge

Club Vertica Casino

On a world full of bright lights and glamorous casinos, Club Vertica was quick to establish itself as an exclusive experience. Run by a mysterious wealthy backer, Club Vertica strictly monitored admittance for its first several years. As a rule, only the wealthiest, best-dressed and most beautiful patrons were allowed entrance; exceptions were made only as they suited the fancy of Club Vertica's owner.

Recently, the restrictions were loosened, sparking rumors that Club Vertica had been sold. Still, much of its old reputation remains; if you want to seem important on Nar Shaddaa, you talk about going to Club Vertica.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​club_vertica_casino

Club Vertica Casino
LocationsNar ShaddaaRepublic201.0.0

Corellian Sector

Although individuals from many planets and species live in the Corellian Sector, it's humans of Corellian descent who made the area what it is today: a pro-Republic criminal's paradise. There is no cargo that can't be offloaded here and no job so dirty that someone won't take it. The families of migrant workers live alongside grizzled Republic veterans who settled on Nar Shaddaa to retire in style, happily turning a blind eye to the darker activities around them.

Over the past decade, the gangs and pirates of the Corellian Sector have become overshadowed by the presence of the Exchange. Once a group mentioned primarily in HoloNet information crime reports, the Exchange crime syndicate has found an army of able recruits on Nar Shaddaa willing to back its slicers and spice-refiners with muscle--much to the dismay of the Hutt Cartel.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 21

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​corellian_sector

Corellian Sector
LocationsNar ShaddaaImperial211.0.0

Duros Sector

The glitz and glamour of Nar Shaddaa hides an uglier side. One of the poorest sectors on Nar Shaddaa, the Duros Sector hosts men and women who've been exploited and left behind--refugees of war and casualties of the immense wealth hoarded by Nar Shaddaa's Hutt masters.

The peoples of the Duros Sector--the majority Duros, but with a mixed minority of Evocii and other alien species--have watched Nar Shaddaa's wealth grow and seen none of it for themselves. Some have lived in the sector for generations, while others are recent immigrants desperate for any work they can find. The residents' unrest has been stirred by charismatic leaders in the past, from Jedi Masters to would-be warlords.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 22

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​duros_sector

Duros Sector
LocationsNar ShaddaaImperial221.0.0

Lower Industrial Sector

Factories and corporate offices cover much of Nar Shaddaa's surface, and the Lower Industrial Sector houses some of the oldest industrial facilities and warehouses still in use--some dating back hundreds of years to the Evocii's construction of the city. But layers of rust haven't prevented new tenants from making use of these resources.

The Empire operates a series of front corporations out of Nar Shaddaa, concentrated in the lower levels. These companies are used to provide experimental weaponry and technologies to the Empire at a discount rate, facilitate the slave trade that fuels Imperial labor across the galaxy, and serve as a clearinghouse for cargo, credits and individuals being moved through non-Imperial space.

The Hutt Cartel also maintains an interest in the sector --buildings not leased to the Empire store spice, adrenals and implants. The warehouses are heavily guarded, and some are rumored to hide the special projects of individual Hutts from their rivals.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​imperial_industrial_sector

Lower Industrial Sector
LocationsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Network Access

As the technological heart of the galaxy, Nar Shaddaa is home to Network Access, a vital HoloNet hub that governs all HoloNet operations on Nar Shaddaa and much of Hutt Space. Billions of transactions and communications are processed each second by Network Access computer systems, ensuring the proper functioning of communications throughout the sector.

Boasting the galaxy's most state-of-the-art security protocols, Network Access is the ultimate challenge for enterprising slicers. The wealthy and powerful pay good money for information pirates to break into Network Access and recover data, redirect communications or simply "tweak" the truth. As one of the most heavily guarded places on Nar Shaddaa, anyone who manages to infiltrate Network Access's inner workings earns the status of legend.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 23

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​network_access

Network Access
LocationsNar ShaddaaImperial231.0.0

Nikto Sector

Nar Shaddaa has ever been an attractive world for Nikto enforcers seeking employment with the Hutt Cartel. The Nikto Sector, as it is now known, began as a place where Nikto warriors came to attract the attention of prospective employers, but the sector was formally bequeathed to the Nikto Horoth Gendi by his Hutt master when he saved the Hutt's life and business in an act of quick-thinking bloodshed.

Horoth Gendi used the opportunity to found his own gang and free himself from servitude to higher powers. Since that time, the Nikto Sector has fallen under the control of a succession of Nikto gangs seeking a bigger piece of Nar Shaddaa's underworld business--the latest of these gangs being the formidable Kintan Kings.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 21

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​nikto_sector

Nikto Sector
LocationsNar ShaddaaRepublic211.0.0

Red Light Sector

For this year's proven, high-quality implants and neuro-stim technology, visitors to Nar Shaddaa go to the Promenade. For next year's innovations, they go to the Red Light Sector. The bodily enhancements available in the Red Light Sector are almost uniformly illegal, untested, highly dangerous or all three.

Athletes looking for an undetectable edge, opportunistic gang members and adrenaline junkies alike all come in search of the new and death-defying. Some of the technologies sold in the Red Light shops eventually make it to market in legitimate form, while others become staples of the high-risk, high-reward underground implant scene.

Alongside the surgical and bioenhancement shops, other shady businesses preying on sentient appetites tend to bloom. In particular, slavers and spice dealers often offer products here, taking advantage of Red Light Sector customers' wealth, desperation or moral flexibility, as appropriate.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 22

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​red_light_sector

Red Light Sector
LocationsNar ShaddaaRepublic221.0.0

Shadow Town

At first glance, Shadow Town resembles an ordinary Nar Shaddaa slum. Its population makes it unique. Rather than housing underworld gangs or powerful Hutts, Shadow Town is home to imprisoned individuals who were once useful to the Empire and who may be useful still--scientists, assassins and genetic experiments too valuable to kill and too dangerous to release.

Cranial implants designed to explode upon leaving Shadow Town's borders are implanted in prisoners' heads. Secondary prisons manned by Imperial personnel store prisoners who must be kept docile. Many residents of Shadow Town make the best of their early, forced retirement, cooperating with Imperial authorities and living relatively "ordinary" lives... but nearly all would flee, given an opportunity.

The Empire pays the Hutt Cartel a considerable sum to keep Shadow Town running. For the Hutts, the risk of keeping prisoners even the Empire doesn't want inside its borders is offset by the considerable rewards.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 23

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​shadow_town

Shadow Town
LocationsNar ShaddaaRepublic231.0.0

Star Cluster Casino

The Star Cluster Casino certainly wasn't the first casino to be built on Nar Shaddaa, but every casino since has tried to match its sleek design, pulsing lights and various entertainment options. The Star Cluster was the first to debut live dancers, the first to feature sabacc and the first to hire scantily clad girls as waitresses.

Owned by a conglomerate of Nar Shaddaa industrialists (including Czerka Corporation executive Yem Leksende), the Star Cluster Casino is an attraction for tourists and weary working stiffs alike. Some have derided it as just another way in which the rich steal from the poor on Nar Shaddaa, but that hasn't stopped business from booming.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​star_cluster_casino

Star Cluster Casino
LocationsNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0

The Promenade

The Promenade is Nar Shaddaa at its most lavish and inviting. Divided into upper and lower levels, the area is covered by the Hutts' strict no-fighting policy and offers a rare respite from the conflict that wracks the rest of the galaxy. Rivals and sworn enemies are expected to put aside their differences here--or else be brutally handled by Hutt Cartel enforcers.

Clubs, entertainment venues and high-end shopping line the arrival points from Nar Shaddaa's spaceports, and casual visitors can find everything they need at Promenade vendors. Speeders are available to many of Nar Shaddaa's districts, but by far the most popular routes lead to the Club Vertica and Star Cluster casinos.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​the_promenade

The Promenade
LocationsNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

Upper Industrial Sector

The Upper Industrial Sector is the center of manufacturing and industry for Republic corporations on Nar Shaddaa. Here, centuries-old droid construction facilities stand next to the cluttered offices of startup firms desperate for resources and space. The companies share a common need for heavy security and compete for similar clientele, ensuring that this sector remains a choice location--but are otherwise wholly independent.

For a corporation headquartered in Republic space, Nar Shaddaa is a convenient place to develop technologies restricted by Republic laws--or from which to deal with foreign parties. The Senate frowns on these activities, but just as often turns a blind eye when these same corporations bring their innovations back to Republic worlds.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​locations.​nar_shaddaa.​republic_industrial_sector

Upper Industrial Sector
LocationsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Sith Academy

Rising above the Valley of the Dark Lords, the Sith Academy is a monument to the power of the dark side and the might of the Sith Empire. Would-be students throughout Imperial space compete for the privilege of studying within the Academy halls, but only those strong in the Force are selected--and most of those perish in the struggle to become Sith.

Beyond the training rooms lay many secrets that remain hidden to all but the most powerful Sith Lords. Higher levels contain chambers for members of the Dark Council, where few living creatures are permitted. Whispered rumors suggest that the Emperor himself has a sanctum within the Academy, but no one has seen the Emperor on Korriban for many years.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​sith_academy

Sith Academy

The Wilds

Nowhere on Korriban is the planet's dark influence stronger than in the lower wilds. What begins as ringing ears and a cold unease can eventually cripple and dominate an unprepared Sith; weaker minds can be twisted and broken in a matter of hours, leaving soldiers weeping in the sand or slaves frothing, ready to kill.

The source of this corrupting power is unknown. Some believe it is the residual dark energy of the ancient Sith species, while others insist the canyon serves as a focal point for the combined hatred and strength of the entombed Dark Lords. Some even hope the madness is caused by an artifact buried beneath the sands, waiting for a Sith to claim its power

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 4

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​the_wilds

The Wilds

Tomb of Ajunta Pall

Before the Empire, before the Sith Order, Ajunta Pall was the very first Dark Lord. Once a Jedi Master, Ajunta Pall learned how to create and shape life itself through the Force--an art the Jedi feared and sought to end. In an act of defiance, he turned his newfound power against the Jedi Order and rebelled.

In the end, the Jedi banished Ajunta Pall and his followers, exiling them to the Outer Rim--where the exiles found Korriban and a Force-wielding native species called the Sith. Ajunta Pall impressed the Sith with his power and technology, and the Sith soon revered the exiles as gods. From his seat of power on Korriban, Ajunta Pall was named Dark Lord of the Sith and founded the Sith Empire.

Upon his death, Ajunta Pall's body was entombed in the Valley of the Dark Lords. After millennia of sandstorms, cave-ins and warfare, the tomb still stands as a testament to his lasting influence.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​tomb_of_ajunta_pal

Tomb of Ajunta Pall

Tomb of Marka Ragnos

Strength, power and strategy marked the rule of Marka Ragnos. Descended from the original Sith inhabitants of Korriban and the Dark Jedi exiles who interbred with them, Marka Ragnos was destined for greatness. He conquered his competitors in a series of quick, ruthless campaigns and became Dark Lord of all Sith, a title he would hold for more than a century.

The reign of Marka Ragnos might have been short-lived had he not displayed great strategic discipline. Instead of clashing directly with Sith challengers who hungered for his power, he pitted his enemies against each other to weaken and destroy them. Similarly, he was one of few Sith of his era who knew of the existence of the Republic and the Jedi Order. He chose not to attack, and instead focused on strengthening the Sith Empire.

The golden age of the Sith would end shortly after his death, but the legacy and spirit of Marka Ragnos would live on within his tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 4

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​tomb_of_marka_ragnos

Tomb of Marka Ragnos

Tomb of Naga Sadow

Naga Sadow was ruled by ambition: ambition for power, for dominance and for the expansion of the Sith Empire. Marka Ragnos's body was still warm when Naga Sadow clashed with Sith Lord Ludo Kressh over their late ruler's title. The spirit of Marka Ragnos interrupted their duel and told the two Sith Lords of a greater enemy: the Republic and its Jedi defenders. Naga Sadow saw opportunity in this revelation and launched an attack on Republic space, a move that would see Sadow named the Empire's ruler and spark the Great Hyperspace War.

Naga Sadow's ambition and overconfidence soon became his greatest weaknesses. Even with his mastery of Force illusions, the Republic outmatched the Sith. Sadow's invasion failed, and the Republic fleet pursued him back to Sith space. He fled Korriban with his warriors as the Sith Empire crumbled around him.

Sadow sought refuge on the remote moon Yavin Four, where he died after spending years trying to rebuild the Empire he had inadvertently helped to destroy. Naga Sadow's spirit, however, survived to pass on Sith teachings, planting the seed of corruption among his Jedi enemies.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​tomb_of_naga_sadow

Tomb of Naga Sadow

Tomb of Tulak Hord

Lord of Hate, Master of the Gathering Darkness and Dark Lord of the Sith. These are but a few of the titles worn by the great Tulak Hord. His command of the dark side and mastery of lightsaber techniques won Hord many battles, and each victory earned him enemies abroad and within the Sith ranks. Of the many who challenged his might, none were successful.

Among Hord's greatest triumphs were the battles of Yn and Chabosh. With an army of dark side warriors and his faithful Dashade assassin at his side, he annihilated the rebels who defied the expansion of the Sith Empire and went on to conquer the Dromund system--setting the stage for Dromund Kaas to eventually become capital of the Empire. Imperial historians believe the worlds conquered by Hord number in the hundreds, but any records from his bygone era were lost in the Great Hyperspace War.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​tomb_of_tulak_hord

Tomb of Tulak Hord

Valley of the Dark Lords

Since the dawn of the Empire, the Valley of the Dark Lords has been the final resting place for the galaxy's most legendary Sith. Carved into the rock walls and anointed with the blood of a thousand slaves, the valley's tombs are monuments to the influence and strength of their interred lords. A tomb's construction can require decades, construction beginning long before death claims its eventual occupant and ending long after.

With the defeat of the Sith Empire in the Great Hyperspace War, Korriban was abandoned with only ancient statues to guard over the valley. Grave robbers and cave-ins wore down the tombs for a thousand years until the Sith returned and restored Korriban to its former glory. Excavations into the rediscovered tombs are now underway, and already Sith wonder who will be the next great warrior to lie among the legends in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​korriban.​valley_of_the_dark_lords

Valley of the Dark Lords

Grathan Estate

The estate of the rogue Sith Lord Grathan is a miniature fortress, reinforced by cutting-edge weapons technology and experimental shielding. Lord Grathan's cadre of scientists are constantly upgrading the defenses to ensure that air strikes fail to do harm--only ground-based attacks can do real damage. It's the perfect place for a rogue Sith Lord to make his stand.

Lord Grathan has been reinforcing his territory and adding sublevels to his manor for years, suggesting that his plan to declare himself the thirteenth Dark Council member has been in progress longer than many assume. Any number of traps and treasures may exist deep underground, guarded by Grathan's personal guards and automated war droids.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​grathan_estate

Grathan Estate
LocationsDromund KaasImperial131.0.0

Imperial Intelligence

Behind the Sith and the powerful Imperial military is the vast network of agents, information gatherers, deception specialists and strategists that makes up Imperial Intelligence. Part spy organization, part secret police, Imperial Intelligence handles all of the Empire's covert operations--guarding the Empire's secrets, acquiring valuable intel from the Republic, hunting down traitors and cleaning up messes created by unhinged Sith Lords.

Imperial Intelligence reports to the Minister of Intelligence, who in turn reports directly to the Dark Council. Not a military organization, Imperial Intelligence officers are nonetheless viewed with respect by military and civilian personnel--it's Intelligence that can judge a person as loyal or traitorous, arrange the advancement of a career or the blacklisting of a powerful leader.

A place in Imperial Intelligence is a coveted rank, reserved for some of the best of the Empire's non-Force sensitive subjects. In some cases, officers are "poached" by Sith Lords seeking to build their own specialized intelligence networks; for the most part, however, Intelligence personnel go unnoticed by anyone outside the organization. The best agents are the ones no one's ever heard of.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​imperial_intelligence

Imperial Intelligence
LocationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

Kaas City

The capital city of the Imperial homeworld of Dromund Kaas is one part massive skyscrapers and one part impenetrable fortress. It is host to the Citadel, where the Sith of the Dark Council (and those who aspire to the Dark Council) lord over their followers, and the headquarters of the Imperial military and Imperial Intelligence.

Kaas City was founded by the first Sith to arrive on Dromund Kaas, who saw the gorges and ravines of the jungle world as the perfect place to build their eternal sanctuary. Over the following centuries, its population grew into the millions--proud Imperials working toward the glory of the Sith and slaves submitting to Imperial will. Kaas City is also where the Emperor is believed to make his home, keeping a watchful eye on his Empire.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​kaas_city

Kaas City
LocationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

Revanite Compound

Outsiders in Sith society, followers of the philosophies of the mysterious Darth Revan meet in a hidden enclave in the jungles of Dromund Kaas, submitting any who want to join them to rigorous tests to establish their loyalty and sincerity.

Originally, the Revanites met in Kaas City to study Revan's teachings, but as suspicions arose about the Revanites' loyalties to the Emperor and the Dark Council, they were forced to conceal their activities. At first, they took shelter in the compound of a prominent Sith Lord, but when that Sith was assassinated (presumably for supporting the Revanites), they were forced to relocate their sacred texts and relics and build their sanctuary in the jungle.

Revanites inside the Imperial military and the Sith have kept the compound from appearing on most scans of the area. Explorers who stumble upon the compound are rarely heard from again.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 12

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​revanite_compound

Revanite Compound
LocationsDromund KaasImperial121.0.0

The Citadel

The Citadel stands at the heart of Kaas City, a monument to the Sith Empire's strength and home to its most powerful Dark Lords. The Ministries of War, Intelligence and Logistics are all headquartered here, along with a Mandalorian enclave. The Emperor's Dark Council gathers to meet in the Citadel when not on the Sith holy world of Korriban.

The original Citadel mimicked the designs of Korriban's Sith Academy and the Great Citadel on Ziost, but it was destroyed four hundred years ago when two members of the Dark Council fought an ancient Sith duel, called the Kaggath, on its grounds. The duel was a draw, and both of the combatants were executed by the remaining Dark Council members, who oversaw the rebuilding of the Citadel in its current form.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​the_citadel

The Citadel
LocationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

The Dark Temple

Hundreds of years ago, the Sith Emperor ordered the construction of the Dark Temple as a burial place for his dead and defeated enemies, "to aid them in becoming one with the Force." Little is known of what rituals the Emperor performed there, but the Dark Temple has become a nexus of powerful dark side energy, and a place where ancient weapons and ancient secrets of the Sith lay sealed away in cavernous chambers.

Although the Dark Temple grounds have always been a dangerous place for the weak-willed (the expansion of the Kaas City power grid into tunnels beneath the temple drove a thousand slaves mad), the temple itself remained sealed until recently, when an expedition of power-hungry Sith Lords and their servants breached the gateway.

The Dark Council did not sanction this intrusion, nor did it punish the rogue Sith; no one returned from the expedition to punish. Violent electrical storms surrounded the temple for the first week after it was opened, and since then, additional expeditions have been sent by the council to determine the temple's status. Their reports have not been made public.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple

The Dark Temple
LocationsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

The Mandalorian Enclave

The most recent architectural addition to the Citadel, the Mandalorian enclave is reserved for the Empire's allies among the mercenary Mandalorian warrior clans. Although it may appear to be a simple embassy from the outside, the proceedings inside are anything but diplomatic. The enclave is a place where new warriors come to test themselves against the Mandalorians and compete in violent (and often deadly) tournaments, as well as where the best among the Mandalorians help plan the Empire's next strikes.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​the_mandalorian_enclave

The Mandalorian Enclave
LocationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

The Sith Sanctum

The Sith Sanctum is the heart of the Sith Order on Dromund Kaas, where lords gather and where the Dark Council meets when not on the Imperial burial world of Korriban. The Emperor himself is believed to have chambers in the sanctum's lower levels, though none save the council and the Imperial Guard are allowed into its depths.

The original Citadel, like the Sith Academy on Korriban, was off-limits to everyone but the Sith. After the Citadel was rebuilt, the headquarters of the three Imperial ministries were added; more recently, the Mandalorian enclave was given a wing within the sprawling building. As a result, chambers in the Sith Sanctum have become an increased source of conflict and backstabbing among aspiring Sith. A place in the Sith Sanctum signifies aspirations to the Dark Council, or a prominent role in the direct governing of Dromund Kaas.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​the_sith_consulate

The Sith Sanctum
LocationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

The Unfinished Colossus

A massive, unfinished statue towering over the jungles of Dromund Kaas, the colossus was the project of Dark Council member Darth Vowrawn's ambitious apprentice, Lord Qet. In a bid to advance in prestige within the Sith Order, Lord Qet commissioned the construction of the colossus--a statue of his master--in secret, bringing in offworld slaves to do the work. The slaves rebelled, and now the colossus stands unfinished while the slaves search for a way to destroy it and win their freedom through force. Lord Qet has been trying to end the rebellion and finish the colossus, but other Sith Lords have seen the chaos as an opportunity to advance their own reputations in the Empire.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​the_unfinished_colossus

The Unfinished Colossus
LocationsDromund KaasImperial111.0.0

The Wilds

When the Sith discovered Dromund Kaas, it was an untamed jungle world, uninhabited by any sentient species. Over centuries, gleaming and orderly Imperial cities have spread to cover most of the planet, but stretches of harsh, untamed wilderness remain. Populated by violent predators such as the gundark and jurgoran, the wilds separate Kaas City from its spaceport and are best navigated at a safe distance, by speeder, rather than on foot.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dromund_kaas.​the_wilds

The Wilds
LocationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

Ancient Proving Grounds

Onderon has seen its fair share of violence and unrest, so much that one of the planet's most culturally important locations was built in reverence to battle. The ancient proving grounds were originally built by Naddist cultists as a place for Sith Lords to compete--often to the death--for the favor of Freedon Nadd.

The proving grounds stayed under Sith control until Onderon's Beast Riders seized the surrounding territory. Undeterred by the traces of dark side energy that remained, the outcasts used the proving grounds as the site of trials a Beast Rider faced before earning the title of Beast-Lord.

Due to Beast-Lord Akoru's neglect in recent years, the proving grounds have been overrun by members of Onderon's noble families and their guards, and the once hallowed spot now serves as a royal retreat. Many nobles return with stories of how they embodied their ancestors' bravery and valor during their visits to the proving grounds, but because of the area's seclusion, few claims can be truly corroborated.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​exp.​03.​ancient_proving_grounds

Ancient Proving Grounds


Amidst Onderon's sweeping mountains and colorful flora, brave travelers will find the planet's crown jewel, the city of Iziz. The most prominent and advanced settlement on its host world, Iziz is well known for its ornate structures, equally extravagant citizens, and most notably, its fabled defenses. The city boasts high, fortified walls constructed to safeguard the bustling streets from the dangerous terrestrial creatures beyond. More impressive, however, are the massive anti-aircraft turbolaser turrets peppering the surrounding terrain that serve two purposes: to fend off trespassing starships, and to protect the city's inhabitants from the wing-borne terrors of Dxun, Onderon's "Demon Moon."

When inquiring of the city's inhabitants why anyone would remain voluntarily in such a hazardous setting, proud citizens assert that if one can flourish in Iziz, then life anywhere else is bound to be pedestrian.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​exp.​03.​iziz


Royal Hunting Lodge

Hunting the ferocious beasts of Onderon has been a time-honored tradition for many generations of the planet's ruling families. Social calendars are filled with festivals dedicated to the hunt, and nobles often use stories recounting the size and challenge of their prey as symbols of rank and status. Although reality for many of Onderon's citizens means never venturing beyond the safety of city walls, the nobility erects lavish outposts to ensure access to their favored pastime.

The royal hunting lodge near Onderon's capital city was a gift from Queen Lina to her son, Petryph, on the eve of his first hunt after coming of age. The sprawling villa was once adorned with quarry hunted by the late queen herself, but over time, more and more of these trophies have been replaced. The winding hallways of the lodge are filled with non-native creatures "cut down during the king's many hunts across the galaxy," though only a few in Petryph's inner circle have ever known him to leave the planet.

As of late, the royal hunting lodge has become King Petryph's preferred residence, much to the dismay of those concerned with the ruler's apathetic approach toward his responsibilities.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​exp.​03.​royal_hunting_lodge

Royal Hunting Lodge

Imperial Guard Academy

Before the Emperor's apparent demise, the Empire's greatest non-Force-sensitive combatants were selected for the Imperial Guard to serve and defend the Emperor himself. But being selected and developing into a guardsman were two different matters entirely.

The Emperor chose worlds strong in the dark side for his academies--locations where his influence was strongest, where he could form a bond with his would-be guardsmen. In these academies, the candidates would undergo a relentless, merciless training regimen that included regularly scheduled battles to the death. Regardless of what kind of person entered an Imperial Guard academy, if they survived they would emerge as a honed-to-perfection killing machine molded to the Emperor's will.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​locations.​yavin_4.​imperial_guard_academy

Imperial Guard Academy
LocationsYavin 4Both583.0.0

Brejik's Run

The remains of an old swoop track, Brejik's Run is named for Milos Brejik, a famous Tarisian swoop racer who turned scavenger after the destruction of Taris, using his swoop skills to quickly forage and deliver supplies to the few unfortunate survivors of the bombardment. Brejik's Run has had many occupants over the centuries, as its large overhangs make good shelter from the harsh elements, but it currently hosts a Republic settlement and outpost--one of the earliest attempts to tame and rebuild Taris.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​brejiks_run

Brejik's Run
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Brell Sediment

The Brell Sediment refers to a large area of Tarisian ruins dominated by a massive acidic lake and a former chemical plant. It gets its name--somewhat ironically--from Ark Brell, a leading environmentalist on Taris in the days before its destruction. Before the bombardment, Ark Brell set up several water purification and waste disposal plants on Taris, with the aim of turning the waste from Taris's factories into alternative fuel sources and minimizing the waste produced by the massive city-world.

Legend has it that the collapse of one of his factories during the bombardment created the acid lake, although present rumor suggests that other, less well-intentioned groups on Taris may be the cause.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 18

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​brell_sediment

Brell Sediment
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic181.0.0

Dynamet General

Dynamet General was Taris's foremost research hospital and led the galaxy in the development of cures for rare neurological diseases such as Cathington's Disorder. Originally founded as Mercy General, the hospital was renamed a century before Taris's destruction after the Dynamet Corporation, which donated a large sum of credits for the construction of a wing devoted to developing a cure for the rakghoul virus. Rumor states that a cure was found, but Taris was bombed shortly after and the hospital destroyed.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 17

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​dynamet_general

Dynamet General
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic171.0.0

Endar Spire

The Republic cruiser Endar Spire was shot down over Taris during the Jedi Civil War in an attempt by Darth Malak to capture the young Jedi Bastila Shan. This event led directly to Taris's ultimate destruction, securing the ship's place in history.

Over the centuries, the Endar Spire's husk has become a shelter to many different groups on Taris, including surviving settlers, pirates and scavengers. Its internal systems are believed to contain a bounty of information and useful materials to anyone with the will and ability to recover them.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 17

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​endar_spire

Endar Spire
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic171.0.0

Reclamation Base

As part of its efforts to rebuild and restore ruined Taris, the Republic has set up a reclamation base that acts as the headquarters and point of arrival for all who come to help with the reconstruction effort. The base was first established shortly after the Treaty of Coruscant, when it became clear that the Republic needed to shore up morale and show it could still stand strong. The Taris reclamation effort has become symbolic of the Republic's will to restore life where the Empire brings only destruction.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​reclamation_base

Reclamation Base
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Sinking City

The Sinking City is where the heart of old Taris collapsed into the world below during the bombardment. Taris's most lively business and cultural districts have become a morass of urban decay. The ruins of Dynamet General Hospital, as well as massive building plates that once supported towering skyscrapers, provide shelter for rakghouls, pirates and scavengers. But the Sinking City promises to rise again--several attempts have been made to begin new construction in the area, and the Republic is focusing its reconstruction efforts on returning Taris to its former glory.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 17

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​sinking_city

Sinking City
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic171.0.0

Tularan Marsh

Swampland has overtaken much of the area now called the Tularan Marsh. The origin of the name is unknown--before the bombardment, the Tularan Skyway was a major thoroughfare through the industrial zone surrounding one of Taris's primary power plants, but who or what it was named after is a piece of history lost in the rubble.

Now the area is infested with rakghouls and pirates, and only a few intrepid representatives of the Republic venture this far into the unknown, untamed wilds of Taris.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 18

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_rep.​tularan_marsh

Tularan Marsh
LocationsTaris (Rep)Republic181.0.0

Banir Regional Energy Complex

The Republic's renewed interest in Dantooine led to heavy investment in the planet's aging infrastructure. The crumbling dam near Tokare Garrison was transformed by Republic engineers into a high-tech energy complex. This combination wind and hydroelectric facility is capable of producing the enormous amounts of power needed by the Republic's industrialized farming initiative.

Despite the benefits of the Republic's attention to the planet--improved defenses and infrastructure, and a revitalized economy--some of Dantooine's old guard decry the rapid development and caution their fellow citizens against relying too heavily on the Republic's support.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dantooine.​dan_dam

Banir Regional Energy Complex

Blba Tree

The sturdy blba tree flourishes throughout Dantooine's fertile grasslands. They can grow for hundreds of years, and particularly venerable trees have served as wedding sites for generation after generation of family lineages. Dantooinians regard them as apt symbols for the planet's inhabitants: they're hardy, require little to thrive, and are incredibly difficult to move once their roots take.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dantooine.​blba

Blba Tree

Imperial Outpost DNT-X004

The barebones Imperial base on Dantooine embodies their mission on the planet: accomplish as much as possible with practically no resources. Sneaking in under the cover of the Nova Blades' attack, a small strike force hurried to establish a recon base in a strategic location near the Banir Regional Energy Complex. This location proved a perfect launchpad for strikes on the Republic's infrastructure. Despite operating with the bare minimum of staff and materiel, the effort has been deemed successful thus far.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dantooine.​hidden_imp_base

Imperial Outpost DNT-X004

Tokare Garrison

The Garrison is a recent construction and part of Republic efforts to reinforce its hold on Dantooine. The planet now serves as a resupply station for Republic ships, and its position at the edge of Imperial space makes it a prime location to stage assault forces. The military presence on Dantooine has therefore grown rapidly, to the consternation of some of the planet's farmers.

This large base of Republic operations was named in honor of Master Vandar Tokare, a member of the Jedi Council who oversaw the enclave on Dantooine. Tokare perished during Darth Nihilus' devastation of the planet Katarr, but he remains an inspiration to many.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dantooine.​rep_garrison

Tokare Garrison

Abandoned Listening Post

This Imperial deep space installation was once capable of intercepting and decrypting a staggering volume of enemy communications. Its existence and location were highly classified.

After the Eternal Empire's invasion, the station's staff was relocated and never replaced, and the station itself was forgotten, a victim of the secrecy that once protected it--there was no one left who knew that it needed to be staffed in the first place.

Sensors have detected energy signatures from the station's equipment that do not match any known Imperial technology, likely the result of modifications made by the station's mysterious new occupants. The original source, purpose, and capabilities of these modifications are unknown.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​listening_post

Abandoned Listening Post

Axial Park

A major point of differentiation between Coronet City and other metropolises--like those of Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant--is the Corellian appreciation for nature. Amid Corellia's towering structures and high speed trams, one can always find a small tree-lined park or quiet reflection pool. Axial Park is the grandest expression of Corellia's desire to remain connected to the natural world.

At a cost of over seventy billion credits, Coronet City's civil engineers set aside valuable real estate for the creation of several museums and landmarks separated by beautiful parklands. For some, one of the greatest tragedies of the war is to see such beauty spoiled by bombardment and the park's grand museums converted into bunkers.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​axial_park

Axial Park

Beharen Droid Factory

Droid manufacturing is one of Corellia's most successful industries, with almost ninety thousand droids produced every day in Labor Valley alone. The Beharen Droid Factory specializes in hazardous maintenance units designed specifically for disaster relief and recovery operations; these droid models are built to withstand high radiation, extreme temperatures and falling debris.

The founder of the Beharen Droid Factory recently perished during the Empire's attack on Corellia. The high-rise tower containing his residence was clipped by a damaged Imperial warship, collapsing several floors and nearly toppling the structure. The factory founder's body has not yet been recovered from the rubble.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​beharan_droid_factory

Beharen Droid Factory

Blastfield Shipyards

Corellia has numerous spaceports, but few as extensive as the Blastfield Shipyards. Before the Imperial invasion, thousands of ships were built or serviced here on a daily basis by hundreds of local businesses. Mercenaries flying in from the Outer Rim to have their ships' engines tuned by a legendary Corellian mechanic would land next to construction yards for enormous luxury yachts catering to the galaxy's wealthiest nobles. Dozens of cantinas and small-scale entertainment districts nearby served the needs of visitors and workers seeking a break from spaceflight or daily labor.

Now that war has come to Corellia, the Blastfield Shipyards are the main point of entry for Republic forces, from troop drop ships to battle cruisers in need of repair. The Empire has made numerous attack runs over the sector, leaving scorched starship wreckage and twisted scaffolding scattered through the streets, but the Republic military knows that losing the shipyards means losing Corellia. Every effort must be made to keep them secure.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​blastfield_shipyards

Blastfield Shipyards

Coronet Shipping

Trade goods from across the galaxy pass through Corellia every day, and Coronet Shipping has always been the busiest trade hub on the planet. Before the war, all manner of freighters visited its landing pads, bearing goods both legal and otherwise. Millions of credits worth of commerce occurred there every day.

When the Republic established its beachhead at the Blastfield Shipyards, the Empire was quick to secure Coronet Shipping for itself as a rapid-response staging area. The main ground approach to these landing pads was destroyed by Imperial forces, rendering the area inaccessible to infantry and walker units. Aerial patrols keep Republic assault shuttles at bay and protect the Empire's elite troops.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​coronet_shipping

Coronet Shipping

Coronet Zoo

The fabled Coronet Zoo is renowned across the galaxy for its amazing animal exhibits. Every year, nearly extinct species are rescued from forgotten worlds and preserved in multimillion credit wildlife enclosures; the greatest xenozoologists in the Republic vie for a few coveted positions as curators.

The Empire's assault on Corellia shattered several enclosure walls and sent alien wildlife running free in the city streets. This has resulted in scenes of great beauty--like the sight of a herd of kybucks proudly galloping down a major promenade--but it has also unleashed terrible predators that now stalk humanoid prey in the steel canyons. Unconfirmed reports of a rancor on the loose remain a hot topic on the comm channels.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​coronet_zoo

Coronet Zoo

Decimus's Rise

Darth Decimus, mastermind of the Corellian invasion and leader of the Empire's planetary forces, has established his central command in the former offices of the planet's Trade Tariff Service. Moff Tarandon recommended the building's use on the grounds that its function was now obsolete, and that enemy forces would likely ignore it in favor of attacking the Legislature Building.

Darth Decimus wasted no time transforming the former government office into an Imperial fortress. The structure's main entrance is under heavy guard and the only access to Decimus himself is via a single secure turbolift. The few Corellian bureaucrats in the building when Imperial forces arrived either pledged themselves to the planet's new government, or fled their offices via any route possible.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​decimuss_rise

Decimus's Rise

Government District

The fighting on Corellia has reached its apex at the planet's seat of political power: the Government District. Republic and Imperial forces wage fierce battles around the heavily-guarded legislature and the famous Drall Library--now a makeshift bunker. Dozens of politicians huddle in their private estates to wait out the fighting even as the fabled Green Jedi mount a desperate defense against Imperial units bent on the rebels' annihilation.

Before the war, the Government District was the grandest part of Corellia--a bright testament to its wealth and freedom. Few suspected the influence of the Empire was taking root within a place of such prosperity, and no one--Imperial or Republic--knows what will become of the district after the war.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​capitol_square

Government District

Green Jedi Enclave

The Green Jedi Enclave has been the Empire's top target since invading Corellia, but initial attempts to destroy it failed utterly. The enclave's inhabitants appear to have learned from what happened to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and taken steps to avoid a similar fate.

Powerful shields fueled by internal reactors protected the structure from the first assault, giving the Jedi time to erect offensive cannons. An Imperial warship sent to attack the structure was shot to pieces over the sector, and although a large chunk of the vessel crashed into the enclave, it did not inflict heavy casualties or substantially weaken the structure. The Green Jedi Enclave remains a dark blot on the Empire's otherwise nearly flawless invasion.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​green_jedi_enclave

Green Jedi Enclave

Incorporation Islands

Corellia's economy is built on free trade, and the major corporate entities established on the planet post trillions of credits in profits each year. The business transactions occurring on Corellia affect every other corner of the galaxy--including the Empire. In retrospect, Imperial invasion of Corellia was not merely inevitable--it was a necessary step toward the Republic's defeat.

The largest and most prosperous business entities occupy a series of massive towers nicknamed the "Incorporation Islands." Most of the sector is wholly owned and controlled by different galaxy-spanning enterprises, and many have responded with hostility to the Imperial takeover. Some of the fiercest fighting on Corellia has been against highly-paid corporate security forces and their armies of droids.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​incorporation_islands

Incorporation Islands

Labor Valley

Corellian-manufactured high-tech goods--particularly starships and starship parts--are considered some of the finest in the galaxy. The planet's Labor Valley sector is home to dozens of interconnected industrial factories producing everything from raw durasteel to hyperdrives and thermal detonators. Millions of middle-class Corellians found their livelihoods in Labor Valley before war devastated the area.

Republic and Imperial forces are battling for control of key factories and destroying anything they can't hold for themselves. Vital plants lay in ruins and a massive fire rages out of control at a major fuel refinery. What was once an industrial paradise has become an apocalyptic inferno. Corellia's citizens can only look on in horror as everything they've built is methodically obliterated.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​labor_valley

Labor Valley

Museum of Corellian Industry (Inquisitor)

During a protracted period of economic depression two hundred years ago, the Corellian government commissioned a morale-building museum to celebrate the planet's greatest technological and industrial achievements. Twenty years and hundreds of millions of credits later, the Museum of Corellian Industry finally opened to tepid public response.

When Republic forces regrouped in Axial Park, they quickly secured this remote and mostly-abandoned museum as a staging area. Darth Thanaton, sensing opportunity, personally eradicated the Republic forces occupying the sturdily built structure. Rather than reporting this victory to Imperial leaders, he instead made the museum his own private bunker.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​inquisitor.​museum_of_corellian_industry

Museum of Corellian Industry (Inquisitor)

Museum Republica

Whereas the Republic Foundation Museum in the Government District is considered a scholarly resource of priceless antiquities, Axial Park's Museum Republica was designed with tourists in mind. Combining the refined presentation of more traditional museums with display exhibits best described as carnival-like, the Museum Republica tries to offer something for everyone.

Before the Imperial Guard raided the museum and transformed it into a base of operations, the museum displayed many items of disputed provenance: a cybernetic lower jaw allegedly belonging to Darth Malak, a pair of boots worn by the fabled Jedi Cay Qel-Droma and a deactivated G0-T0 infrastructure planning droid said to have been recovered from the Malachor Five asteroid field.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​museum_republica

Museum Republica

Republic Foundation Museum

One of the largest archival resources on Corellia is the Republic Foundation Museum, a monument to the multi-millennial history of the Empire's greatest enemy. Priceless antiquities and invaluable records rest within the museum's vault-like walls, protected by high-security energy shields--now augmented to withstand Imperial bombardments. Morale is high among the rebel forces clustered inside, despite a life under siege; many of the soldiers and Jedi find the surroundings inspirational.

Once the Empire has crushed all resistance on Corellia, its first order of business will be to storm the Republic Foundation Museum and remove all of its wonders. Moff Tarandon has proposed that the museum be converted to a celebration of Imperial culture, while Diplomatic Service officials hope the museum can be used to teach Republic history from a more honest perspective. Other proposals include setting fire to the museum's contents in a public square and broadcasting the destruction across the Empire.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​republic_foundation_museum

Republic Foundation Museum

Tears of Taris

One of the most storied Imperial vessels orbiting Corellia is the legendary "Tears of Taris," a modified dreadnought built, in part, from the remains of a Centurion-class battle cruiser from the time of Darth Malak. The Centurion was part of the fleet that bombarded the Republic world of Taris over three hundred years ago; it changed hands many times over the centuries that followed, but it has always served the Sith in one form or another.

When Darth Charnus became aware of the Centurion, he ordered it disassembled and its key elements integrated into his new dreadnought--an act to honor the vessel that had survived for so long. Now, it is a formidable ship built to besiege planets and deploy troops. Corellia is its greatest challenge yet.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​corellia.​tears_of_taris

Tears of Taris

The Bastion (Trooper)

A fortress without equal, the Bastion has stood as a center of Republic military planning and analysis for centuries. Massive subterranean databanks contain information on every strategic asset at the Republic's disposal (official or otherwise) as well as extensive data on every species, government and organization in the known galaxy.

Before the onset of the Great War, the Bastion's databanks were used to support elaborate simulated war games, with the military's top officers attempting to use the documented resources in unexpected ways to better prepare the Republic for any threat that might appear. Unfortunately, none of these scenarios even approximated the savagery and brilliance of the Sith Emperor's grand invasion plan.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​trooper.​the_bastion

The Bastion (Trooper)

The Guardian Holds (Jedi Consular)

In warfare, capturing an objective is theoretically simple; holding it is not. This principle was applied to the defense of Corellia's Coronet City with the creation of the Guardian Holds.

Key sites were carefully chosen--manufacturing centers, easily fortified buildings, hospitals and underground bunkers. These sites were then furnished with heavy defenses, armaments and elite Republic troops. In the event that Coronet City was sacked or captured, these impenetrable Guardian Holds would become fortresses from which the Republic could retake the city. The number and locations of the Guardian Holds is a closely-guarded secret held by the Republic's military leaders and the Jedi Council.

Some have questioned why so much expense has been invested specifically in protecting Corellia. The fact is that Corellia has strategic, economic and symbolic value to the Republic; the effort involved in the creation of the Guardian Holds only serves as evidence of the planet's importance.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​locations.​consular.​the_guardian_holds

The Guardian Holds (Jedi Consular)

Temple of the Ancients

No one knows for certain how long the Temple of the Ancients has stood, which is hardly a surprise. Much of the history of Rakata Prime--and that of its one-time conquerors who placed the galaxy into servitude--has remained undiscovered. What is known of the temple is its relatively recent history.

A tribe of Rakata known as the Elders had charged themselves with guarding the temple from other tribes, even though their species no longer had the affinity with the Force required to enter their ancestors' hallowed repository. The Elders held that the temple's secrets must be too important to fall into less civilized hands than theirs. It was this tribe that allowed the Jedi Revan to enter the temple and learn how to destroy the corrupted Rakata superweapon known as the Star Forge. It's unclear what has happened to the tribe in the three hundred years since then as the Temple of the Ancients is no longer under their protection.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141064934392624126

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​locations.​flashpoint.​rakata_prime.​temple_of_the_ancients

Temple of the Ancients
LocationsRakata PrimeBoth552.10.0

Kaamos Territory

The Kaamos Territory is the ancestral homeland of House Thul, one of the major houses of Alderaan and a contender for the throne. After Thul returned from exile with its Imperial allies, the nobles set about rebuilding on the grounds of the ancient Thul palace--abandoned long ago but not entirely destroyed, ready to be returned to glory. Thul's grip on the territory is still tenuous, as the house faces incursions from both the native Killiks and enemy houses.

The Lerantha Dam is also located in the Kaamos Territory--a long-standing landmark and generator plant built at the edge of the Lerantha Lake. Currently, House Ulgo controls the dam, threatening the edges of House Thul's territory.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​locations.​alderaan.​kaamos_territory

Kaamos Territory

King's Pass

Thousands of years ago, before the noble houses had united to form the Alderaanian parliament, the warring families gathered for a decisive battle at the ravine now known as King's Pass. Before the fighting could commence, Darrus Alde, the head of House Alde, parleyed with the other noble families and convinced them to abandon their centuries-old rivalries. His decisive leadership ended generations of strife and led to the construction of the Elysium, where Darrus was elected and anointed as the first king of Alderaan.

In recent years, the native Killiks have repopulated the area, provoking increasingly violent skirmishes with the neighboring Alderaanians. The ravine's strategic location has also made it a hotbed of violence between the major noble houses as they struggle for control.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​locations.​alderaan.​kings_pass

King's Pass

The Apalis Coast

South of the Juran Mountains, the Apalis Coast is a rich green flatland separated from the sea by a sheer cliff face. The ancestral home of House Organa, it has been a reliable source of wealth for generations, as the noble family has made the coast into productive farmland.

Unfortunately, this fruitful land has now been marred by invaders from House Thul. After a failed assault on House Organa itself, Thul forces have dug up Organa's fertile farms and turned the area into a massive army camp. Thul forces are there to stay, a constant challenger in the face of their rivals.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​locations.​alderaan.​the_apalis_coast

The Apalis Coast

The Elysium

For millennia, the Elysium has served as the symbolic center of Alderaanian politics. Years before the capital city was founded, the various noble houses met in the Elysium to elect and anoint their first king. Until recently, every dispute over succession in Alderaan's history had been peacefully resolved within its stone walls, and the houses' greatest treasures were placed in Elysium vaults as a symbol of trust.

When Gaul Panteer was assassinated and Alderaan's ailing queen passed on in a mysterious transport crash, the parliament assembled in the Elysium to elect a new sovereign. It was then that House Thul made its move, returning to Alderaan after decades of exile. Violence and accusations erupted almost immediately, and since then, the Elysium has remained an empty, forgotten symbol of Alderaanian unity--its ancient halls cracking as distant bombs fall, and its beauty quickly fading.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 31

FQN: cdx.​locations.​alderaan.​the_elysium

The Elysium

The Glarus Valley

Glarus Valley has long been the ancestral home of House Panteer, the royal family of Alderaan, and the site of the Elysium and Castle Panteer itself. The valley was once the seat of culture and democracy on Alderaan, a place where squabbling nobles could resolve their disputes peacefully.

Like so much of Alderaan, the land is now ravaged by war. Castle Panteer has fallen to House Ulgo, and the Elysium is all but abandoned. Although House Thul and House Organa maintain a small presence in the area, the disciplined soldiers of House Ulgo tighten their hold every day. There are rumors that the royal family is still in hiding somewhere in the valley, but even Ulgo has been unable to find them.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 29

FQN: cdx.​locations.​alderaan.​the_glarus_valley

The Glarus Valley

The Juran Mountains

The majestic Juran Mountains have been the site of many conflicts in recent years. During the Battle of Alderaan, Republic resistance fighters sought refuge in the mountains, using the natural cover to hide from the invading Imperial forces. It was here that Captain Jace Malcom led Havoc Squad in an ambush against Darth Malgus; with the help of Satele Shan, the Republic troopers were able to triumph over the powerful Sith Lord.

After a few short years of peace, violence has once again erupted in the area. House Ulgo, backed by its vassals in House Rist, has occupied the region and is locked in a brutal conflict with the forces of House Thul and House Organa.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 29

FQN: cdx.​locations.​alderaan.​the_juran_mountains

The Juran Mountains

Blaster's Path

Raider's Cove has become a top stop for those who like their fun times in a tropical paradise seasoned with a healthy pinch of danger, and the Blaster's Path cantina is the go-to destination. Set a short distance from ebony-sanded beaches, patrons can enjoy their drinks out under the warmth of the sun and in Rishi's tranquil waters. And when the weather turns, the Path serves as shelter from relentless monsoons and chilly winter nights.

The Path's two stories offer ample space for drinks, concerts, card tournaments, and large private events, leaving many first-timers stunned to hear the cantina's owner downplay its qualities. But anyone who knows Kareena knows that her dry cynicism comes from regret. Ever since she allowed the Nova Blades a stake in the Path, the Blades have had their run of the place and profits have declined as a result. Kareena does hold onto a glimmer of hope that she'll one day make the Blaster's Path fully hers again, though she's not exactly holding her breath.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​rishi.​blasters_path

Blaster's Path

Raider's Cove

In the hearts and minds of many of its residents, Raider's Cove isn't some cobbled-together beach town--it's their safe haven. The same relative lawlessness that allows unsavory types to steal and fight with abandon also gives those who don't wish to live under the rule of galactic authorities a suitable home. And it's not as though Raider's Cove is a hotbed of anarchy: the town's founding pirate crew, the Nova Blades, routinely contend with residents and visitors who become too much of a nuisance.

The first phase of Raider's Cove, now a bustling port, was built using only what the stranded Nova Blades had available from their crashed ship, plus whatever natural resources they could plunder from the local Rishii. As more pirates arrived on Rishi and the local economy began to flourish, relatively polished structures were constructed along the black-sand shores and Raider's Cove became a vacation destination for adventure and trouble seekers everywhere--a true resort for the wicked.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​locations.​rishi.​raiders_cove

Raider's Cove

Rishii Village

Species-wide, the Rishii appreciate community. Many, however, also exhibit an affinity for transience. Because of this, Rishii villages are designed to offer lodging and social activities in a tribal setting for as long as any family or individual Rishii wishes to remain. No one owns property but rather claims it for a time of their choosing.

Rishii villages are commonly set upon high elevation near the sea, allowing the Rishii to easily spot prey in the waters below while severely restricting the pathways of would-be predators. Their huts are typically built from bark, roots, branches and cereal stalks. They are far more durable than appears at first glance, as each hut is constructed with its specific location in mind to best withstand local atmospheric patterns and phenomena. A more recent addition to their villages are wooden bridges, which have been added for the convenience of non-Rishii guests.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​locations.​rishi.​rishii_village

Rishii Village

The Aggressor

To visitors and most of the residents of Raider's Cove, it is a shipwreck. At most, a unique landmark that stands tall along the western horizon. But to the Nova Blades on Rishi, the Aggressor is their home. Since its construction, the corvette has traversed the galaxy and beyond as part of the Nova Blades' pursuit of riches and notoriety, but now its engines and hull stand in such a state of disassembly and devastation that it will never sail among the stars again.

Even as an apparent husk, the Aggressor continues to serve its owners' needs. The portion of the vessel that rests parallel to the ground is now used for security services, management and, when inclement weather strikes, social gatherings; the vertical aft has been cleverly refitted to serve as living quarters and minor manufactories, with scrap metal and wood used to fashion ladders and lifts along the ship's former halls.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​locations.​rishi.​the_aggressor

The Aggressor

Drelliad Village

What is now called Drelliad village was established decades ago as the private retreat of Ord Mantell's most celebrated smuggler, the voluptuous and quick-witted Ulla Drelliad. In the years after Ulla's death, her hideaway was transformed into a thriving trading post. Now, Drelliad village is hotly contested territory where separatist and Republic forces battle in the streets, and the handful of civilians who haven't already fled hide in basements and behind locked doors.

Although small, Drelliad village occupies a critical point between separatist-controlled territory and areas still loyal to the Republic. More importantly, what used to be Ulla's personal docking bay is now one of the only starship landing pads outside of local Republic headquarters. If Drelliad village falls entirely to the separatists, it will bring the enemy one step closer to securing the entire island.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​drelliad_village

Drelliad Village
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0

Fort Garnik

The area now called Fort Garnik began as a series of makeshift landing pads built on the island of Avilatan for spacers who were too disreputable for the mainland. Avilatan was a haven for gangsters, smugglers and pirates, but was also one of the largest and most thriving economies on Ord Mantell. Settlements formed, and over decades, Avilatan became respected as a major commerce center.

When separatist bombings destroyed Ord Mantell's other spaceports, Avilatan became the Republic military's primary staging area, and its now-substantial landing zone took on strategic importance. Renaming the Avilatan spaceport to "Fort Garnik" in honor of a Republic war hero from Ord Mantell, the military established a fortified garrison there. Since then, Avilatan Island and Fort Garnik have become major targets of the separatist forces.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​fort_garnik

Fort Garnik
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic21.0.0

Imperial Listening Post (Knight)

Republic intelligence operatives traced a coded Imperial transmission to a hidden outpost on Ord Mantell. It appears the Empire has been operating this spy base for years, taking advantage of the planet's civil war to mask its presence.

The listening post is buried underneath a small islet a short distance from Fort Garnik, virtually on the Republic's doorstep. SIS tacticians are now re-evaluating military strategy on Ord Mantell in light of this discovery. If the Empire has been observing Republic troop movements in the area, there's no telling what they may have told the Mantellian separatists.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​knight.​imperial_listening_post

Imperial Listening Post (Knight)
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Mannett Point

Mannett Point was originally founded by Ord Mantellian pirates as an underground vault for their ill-gotten gains. As their criminal haven became respectable, the pirates were eventually replaced by "businessmen" who converted the subterranean warehouses into a freight shipping center. Goods that landed at Fort Garnik were sorted at Mannett Point and then distributed across Ord Mantell.

After the establishment of Fort Garnik, the Republic military continued using Mannett Point to store munitions and war materiel. This would prove to be a fatal mistake. Separatists staged a daring midnight raid that destroyed the bridge between Mannett Point and Fort Garnik, cutting off reinforcements.

Separatist commandos swarmed Mannett Point under cover of darkness, using the chaos from the bridge's destruction to infiltrate the warehouses. The separatists quickly slaughtered the Republic defenders to a man. By dawn, Mannett Point was a separatist stronghold--giving the Republic's enemy a major storehouse of weapons and supplies to continue besieging Fort Garnik.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​mannett_point

Mannett Point
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic51.0.0

Oradam Village

In contrast to the working-class origins of Talloran village, Oradam was a beachfront paradise for wealthy trader-barons and their families. These men and women spent their profits constructing elaborate homes and relaxing by the sea. Their freely flowing credits attracted numerous merchants and artisans to Oradam, many of whom remained long after their wealthy patrons fled.

Oradam is the last uncontested Republic village on the island of Avilatan, partially because it holds very little strategic significance. Its importance to the separatists is mostly symbolic. Republic strategists theorize that if the encroaching separatists were to successfully invade Oradam, the enemy would most likely burn the village to the ground as a way of spiting the corrupt upper class.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​oradam_village

Oradam Village
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic71.0.0

Savrip Island

The thin sliver of beach colloquially referred to as "Savrip Island" derives its name from the hulking brutish creatures infesting it. For whatever reason, the savrips inhabiting the islet rarely stray from its borders--but on the other hand, they do not appreciate uninvited guests. Beachcombers have disappeared in this deadly region for decades.

Local legends tell of a clever crime lord named "Frang the Toothless" who negotiated a deal with the savrips. In return for Frang being allowed to dump his enemies on Savrip Island, the gangster promised to provide the natives with a steady food supply. It is said both sides benefited tremendously from this arrangement.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 8

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​savrip_island

Savrip Island
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic81.0.0

Separatist Stronghold

The separatist command center closest to Fort Garnik was originally thought to be Mannett Point, but Republic intelligence operatives recently discovered that the main separatist force occupies the island's still-active volcano. This position gives the separatists multiple access points to the island's settlements, as well as a predator's eye view of Fort Garnik itself.

Sources indicate the volcano base originally belonged to a notorious gangster known only as "the Corellian" who disappeared in the civil war's early years. Whether the Corellian joined the separatists or gave them his volcano base under duress is anyone's guess. Regardless, taking out the separatist stronghold has proven almost impossible. Any attack on foot exposes the invading force to withering counterattacks and heavy casualties, but artillery strikes on the volcano risk flooding the entire island with lava.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​separatist_stronghold

Separatist Stronghold
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic91.0.0

Talloran Village

One of the few settlements around Fort Garnik not originally founded by criminals, Talloran village began as home to the laborers and their families who toiled in the island's starship ports and shipping warehouses. The people of Talloran were hardworking, mostly poor and easily exploited by the corrupt businessmen in charge of Ord Mantell's government.

When the separatists came to the island, Talloran was the first village they infiltrated. The people, long oppressed by the existing power structure, were ready to side with anyone who offered them a way out. Ironically, siding with the separatists only got the workers trapped inside their village as the Republic laid siege to the enemy occupation.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ord_mantell.​talloran_village

Talloran Village
LocationsOrd MantellRepublic21.0.0

Chilling Death Spire

The Hailstorm Brotherhood is a fringe group of White Maw pirates who abandoned the starship graveyard's plunder to form a permanent settlement on Hoth. These men and women are more than mere survivalists, however. They are artisans and warrior-poets shaping Hoth's natural landscape according to their own designs.

The massive ice spire towering above the Glacial Fissure sector was painstakingly carved from an ancient mountain by the Hailstorm Brotherhood. No one knows how many of the group's members perished making the spire a reality, but the achievement stands as a testament to these warriors' iron wills--and a warning to all who might oppose them.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​chilling_death_spire

Chilling Death Spire

Clabburn Tundra

The Clabburn Tundra sector has become a key battleground in the three-way war for Hoth. The rolling snow dunes of the drift hills and the spectacular frozen geysers of the jagged plains were initially claimed by the Republic military, which saw the region as an excellent artillery staging area. However, strategic mismanagement allowed both White Maw and Imperial forces to invade and establish their own camps.

Recent reports indicate some of Hoth's most hostile wildlife calls the Clabburn Tundra home, and these beasts are not happy to see their habitat invaded. Whitefangs, wampas and even the occasional tribe of attacking skels prey upon whole squads of soldiers.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 37

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​clabburn_tundra

Clabburn Tundra

Crescent Canyon Facility

The Crescent Canyon Facility was established decades ago by the Czerka Corporation to explore mining opportunities beneath Hoth's frozen tundra. The operation was eventually deemed too costly to pursue and Czerka personnel abandoned the sprawling base. Later, Ortolan explorers seeking to establish a permanent settlement on Hoth moved in and took over the structures.

The current conflict between Republic, Empire and White Maw has turned the facility into a battle zone. Reports indicate the Empire has invaded and enslaved the helpless Ortolans living there. Because of the facility's proximity to the Republic's Aurek Base, an immediate and strong military response is required.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​crescent_canyon_facility

Crescent Canyon Facility

Glacial Fissure

The sector designated as the Glacial Fissure is almost entirely White Maw territory. The deep ice canyons and extensive underground cave networks provide shelter and staging areas for the vicious pirate forces. When the White Maw's leaders saw the Republic and Imperial militaries arriving on Hoth, they immediately established well-defended camps and supply routes throughout the area.

Traveling through the Glacial Fissure is suicide for all but the most well-armed and highly trained operatives. The White Maw pirates do not fight conventionally, preferring to set ambushes and traps for their victims. Both the Republic and Imperial militaries have sustained heavy losses here, demonstrating the extraordinary threat the pirates represent.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​glacial_fissure

Glacial Fissure

Highmount Ridge

Initially home to Ortolan settlers, the Highmount Ridge sector is now contested territory where both Republic and Imperial military units contend with the White Maw pirate army. These deadly cutthroats have seized control of an extensive geothermal plant, giving them a well-defended staging area from which to conduct their assaults.

Fierce battles rage on the ridge's open areas, making the sector especially dangerous for travel. White Maw ambushes are common, but Republic and Imperial forces are managing to hold their own and establish footholds in the territory. Whether or not they can keep these positions is another matter.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 37

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​highmount_ridge

Highmount Ridge

Icefall Plains

When the Empire's forces scouted Hoth for a landing site, both Imperial and Chiss tacticians agreed that the Icefall Plains sector was the best location for a military staging ground. The easy but defensible access to White Maw pirate territory rendered it ideal for both offensive sorties and a defensive fallback. More importantly, once the Republic committed to Hoth and the salvage operation in the starship graveyard, it would become the perfect place from which to launch assaults and drag out the conflict forever.

Dorn Base, the heavily defended main Imperial complex, is protected by powerful shield generators and turrets. A series of smaller forward bases stand ready to alert commanders of any impending assault. Nonetheless, Republic commandos have made extensive inroads into the sector and now threaten to isolate the Icefall Plains from resupply and reinforcements.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​icefall_plains

Icefall Plains

Star of Coruscant

The greatest prize in Hoth's starship graveyard is a behemoth of a vessel called the Star of Coruscant. At the time of its crash, this superdreadnought was the most advanced ship in the Republic fleet--a project years in the making, shepherded along by one Colonel Omas. Its experimental weapons and breakthrough technology could have turned the war's tide, had the Empire not devoted every resource to trapping and destroying it.

Not even the long fall from orbit to Hoth's hard-packed ice plains could shatter the Star of Coruscant's hull. The ship remains intact, and White Maw pirates have spent considerable effort reactivating its internal power systems and shields. Indeed, the ship is now a veritable fortress on the planet's surface.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 39

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​star_of_coruscant

Star of Coruscant

Starship Graveyard

Decades ago, Imperial starships led the Republic fleet into a deadly trap above the remote ice planet of Hoth. The Republic's fabled prototype superdreadnought, the Star of Coruscant, was the Empire's primary target, but many other warships suffered the same terrible fate. The remains of these vessels fell to the planet's surface in a tightly-packed radius, creating an awe-inspiring graveyard of derelict ships.

Republic vessels were not the only victims of this devastating space battle, however. Several noteworthy Imperial ships were also destroyed, their cracked hulls raining down among the enemy's remains. Years of heavy snowfall and shifting ice have obscured the many wrecks to the point that sorting Republic from Imperial ships is often an impossible task.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 39

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​starship_graveyard

Starship Graveyard

The Ambria's Fury Crash

Among the Empire's losses in Hoth's fabled space battle was a sleek, fast warship designated the Ambria's Fury. Until recently, the ship's manifest had remained a mystery to all but the highest Imperial echelons. The only certainty was that the Imperial Moffs were most distressed at the ship's loss.

The wreck of the Ambria's Fury was recently discovered by Imperial and Republic forces, prompting a rush to secure the crash site and recover whatever secrets the ship has kept for so many years....

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​the_fatality_crash

The Ambria's Fury Crash

Tromper Crags Geothermal Plant

The Ortolan settlers on Hoth needed a renewable energy source to power their habitat in the Crescent Canyon Facility and help them expand their territory, so Ortolan engineers constructed a massive geothermal plant tapping directly into Hoth's underground volcano network. The Tromper Crags plant provided more than adequate power and heat to keep the Ortolans in relative comfort... until the White Maw came.

The pirate army's leaders understood the value of controlling the most abundant power resource on Hoth and quickly stormed the geothermal plant. Any Ortolans who did not immediately submit to White Maw authority were summarily executed. Now that the Republic and Empire have come to Hoth, the Tromper Crags facility has become hotly contested territory.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 37

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​tromper_crags_geothermal_plant

Tromper Crags Geothermal Plant

Whiterock Wastes

The Republic established its primary military lodgment, Aurek Base, in the Whiterock Wastes sector with cooperation from the nearby Ortolan settlement in Crescent Canyon. The Ortolans aided the Republic military's engineers and helped construct their mountain fortress in return for protection from the White Maw pirates.

Had Republic military strategists foreseen the Empire's real plan--not to claim technology from the starship graveyard, but to draw Republic forces into an unwinnable fight--they might have reconsidered establishing anything in the Whiterock Wastes. The vast snowy plains stretching out from the mountain base provide unimpeded access to enemy forces. In retrospect, the Empire's violent invasion of the Whiterock Wastes was inevitable.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hoth.​whiterock_wastes

Whiterock Wastes

Stronghold One

Constructed in the heady days of Makeb's early mining boom, Stronghold One was designed to be an impenetrable fortress for the planet's treasury. The facility is submerged in a roiling lava pool inside a volcanic mesa, with only one surface access point and six separate layers of internal security defenses.

If the mercenaries manning Stronghold One's defenses had been loyal, the Hutt Cartel might never have gotten inside, but Makeb's rich treasury was handed over to the Hutts with the same casual ease as the rest of the planet. Now, in addition to holding the bulk of Makeb's monetary wealth, Stronghold One is believed to house the planet's ultimate treasure: the Hutt Cartel's entire supply of isotope-5.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​locations.​stronghold_one

Stronghold One

Talaos City

The capital of Makeb, Talaos City is a small but prosperous urban center constructed near the landing site of the planet's first settlers. As mining interests expanded and enriched Makeb's economy over the years, the locals made a special effort to keep industrial activities separated from their capital, which grew into a center for the world's banking, technological and artistic endeavors.

Unfortunately, Talaos City has suffered extensive damage from the groundquakes caused by the Hutt Cartel's reckless mining operations. The Hutts' invasion has only worsened the situation, with locals afraid to leave their homes and businesses for fear of the mercenary patrols that enforce martial law.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​locations.​talaos_city

Talaos City

Alien Enclave

To the Voss, all outsiders--Imperial and Republic, diplomat and pilgrim--are ranked equally. As such, offworld visitors are all grouped together in the Alien Enclaves, specially-designated areas of Voss-Ka where outsiders can do business. This also allows the Voss to keep an eye on their visitors and control their movements within the city.

With Voss commandos constantly on guard, tensions in the Alien Enclaves run high. Nearly everyone there has the same goal--gaining the favor of the Voss--but they are also conscious that the Voss can order them offworld if they cause an incident. Ambassadors from the Empire and the Republic are icily polite; independent traders and captains carefully compete to sell their wares; Jedi and Sith walk large circles around one another. In the chaos of war, the Alien Enclaves represent islands of peaceful cooperation, albeit socially awkward ones.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​alien_enclave

Alien Enclave


The Gormak are normally a tribal people, their population spread across numerous nomadic clans numbering a hundred individuals each. However, deep in the Gormak lands lies Gorma-Koss, a massive settlement of tens of thousands of Gormak who have united their tribes in a sprawling expanse of huts, tents, high-tech defenses and amazing technological devices at the base of an unnamed mountain.

Gorma-Koss--literally "the Gormak kingdom" in the old Voss language--is rumored to be ruled over by a single powerful leader, and the Gormak who dwell in the makeshift city seem to be organized for some greater purpose. Instead of scavenging random cast-off pieces of technology, they seem to be searching for very specific items and components, as if gathering material for a massive, unknown project.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​gorma_koss



Despite their incredible affinity for technology, the Gormak are still a backward species in many ways. Although they are capable of repairing, modifying and improving tech created by more advanced cultures, they are mired in a pre-spaceflight culture and confined to their homeworld.

Now, under the guidance of Jokull--a visionary warrior who has risen up to lead his people--the Gormak are approaching the dawn of a new age. Hidden away inside Gorma-Koss, dozens of tribes have united to build a starship capable of interstellar flight. Using pieces and equipment salvaged from the Empire, the Republic and even the Voss, they have made slow but steady progress, marching towards the future.

Should the Gormak successfully complete the vessel, it will forever alter the destiny of their people by making them a force within greater galactic culture. The long-term consequences of such a radical breakthrough are difficult to predict, but the Gormak firmly believe their first starship is the key to their ultimate survival.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​gormegan_1


Nightmare Lands

Said by Voss and outsiders alike to cause insanity in those foolish enough to venture there, the Nightmare Lands are a dangerous region far from Voss-Ka, overgrown with twisted forests. The weather there is unpredictable, and strange sounds and lights have been reported by distant observers. No one knows what caused the corruption of these lands, but many Jedi and Sith claim to sense a powerful dark presence within.

Despite the dangers--and numerous warnings from the Voss--some outsiders still brave the Nightmare Lands to loot the ruins or investigate secrets. A few daring Mystics have also made pilgrimages there in an attempt to heal whatever plagues the land. Most of these explorers are simply never seen again; the rest are left to wander the forests, broken and mad. The Nightmare Lands are a blight on Voss; unfortunately, they are a blight nobody seems able to cure.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 46

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​nightmare_lands

Nightmare Lands

Shrine of Healing

While many visitors to Voss seek guidance from the Mystic visionaries, a few desperate pilgrims come to risk the treacherous road to the Shrine of Healing. Imposing and ancient, the shrine houses the Mystic healers, whose incredible curative abilities are said to knit bones, purge disease and mend the mind and spirit.

The Shrine of Healing is not a simple hospice, but a monastery and retreat for Mystics. One of the few Voss buildings outside Voss-Ka to have survived the ages, it has rooms--even entire floors--whose purpose is known only to the healers. The shrine is protected by its own cadre of Voss commandos, who patrol the nearby hills vigilant for any Gormak.

The upper floors of the Shrine of Healing are reserved for the Trials, tests of faith and duty for Mystics and the most dedicated outsiders. Those foreigners who succeed at the Trials are highly regarded by the Voss, but these successes are rare.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​shrine_of_healing

Shrine of Healing

The Dark Heart

The ruin the Voss call the Dark Heart lies deep in the twisted Nightmare Lands. The few surviving texts on the Dark Heart describe the complex as a maze of chambers--some sealed, others seemingly broken open from within--and vast underground corridors. It is said to be a place of corrupted monsters and ancient secrets, and based on orbital reconnaissance scans may be the oldest structure on the planet.

The Sith Lord Nerrethel spent two years researching texts concerning the Dark Heart and formulated several theories. He claimed its architecture resembled that of the ancient Sith on Korriban, and made a detailed study of the Dark Heart's orientation relative to Voss's constellations. After attempting to visit the Dark Heart in person, however, Lord Nerrethel was found dead on the border of the Nightmare Lands. His notes from the expedition contained only the words "it sees."

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 47

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​dark_heart

The Dark Heart

The Gormak Cannon

The Gormak hatred of the Voss is difficult to comprehend for outsiders. More than a simple cultural conflict, the Gormak view the Voss as a blight that must be completely wiped from the face of their world. To this end, the Gormak have begun construction of a massive weapon: a cannon aimed directly at the city of Voss-Ka.

The logistics of creating a weapon capable of launching devastating attacks on a city perched atop a mountain are difficult to imagine, but the resourcefulness of the Gormak should not be underestimated. Leveraging scavenged technology and using only primitive mining techniques, the deadly project is rapidly approaching completion and the Gormak's long-awaited day of reckoning is fast approaching.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​the_gormak_cannon

The Gormak Cannon

The Ruined City

Far below Voss-Ka, at the base of the mountain atop which the city was built, are the remains of an ancient metropolis. The architectural style of the mysterious ruin is far removed from that of the Voss, and far beyond anything the primitive Gormak could create, leaving scholars to wonder who built it.

Despite the archeological evidence to the contrary, local legends hold that the ruins were indeed built by the Voss. When pressed as to why they would abandon the location for Voss-Ka, the Voss can provide no further details. It is clear that the ruins are shunned; culturally it is a place synonymous with mistakes, failure and regret, though not even the Mystics seem to recall how that reputation was forged.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​the_ruined_city

The Ruined City

The Step of Harmony

Many offworld visitors have commented on the lovely view from a certain long platform in Voss-Ka that stretches out over the mountain. Few realize that this platform, the Step of Harmony, is the Voss's method of handling individuals unable to abide by Voss's simple laws--the violently deranged or the truly heretical. Those who commit particularly grievous offenses "take the Step of Harmony" by being cast over the edge of the mountain.

Despite its grim purpose, the Voss do not view the Step of Harmony as a place of execution. To the Voss, deviant behavior is a result of being "wrong-minded"; removing such people from the city is a positive act that restores order. The Step of Harmony also serves as a powerful symbol, emphasizing that, to the Voss, there is no greater punishment than being permanently expelled from Voss-Ka... whatever route the offender takes.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​the_step_of_harmony

The Step of Harmony


Atop a sacred mountain stands Voss-Ka. The only true Voss settlement on a planet overrun by the tribal Gormak, the city is spread across several peaks, accessed by bridges spanning the vast gorges below. Notable landmarks include the Tower of Prophecy, the Alien Enclaves and the buildings assigned as impromptu embassies for Republic and Imperial ambassadors.

Under the administration of the Three, life in Voss-Ka is tranquil and orderly. Most Voss live peacefully there, caring for their families, cultivating the plants growing wild on the mountain and maintaining equipment for the Voss commandos in the war against the Gormak.

There is no dissent in Voss-Ka, and little crime. Many Exchange and mercenary visitors have tried to take advantage of the city's lack of regulation and serene attitude to law enforcement; however, persistent breaches of the peace in Voss-Ka are punished decisively, with dangerous offenders taking the "Step of Harmony" off the mountain.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​locations.​voss.​voss_ka


High Security Section

The High Security Section of Belsavis prison contains cell blocks along with the medical, scientific and engineering centers for the facility. Necessities ranging from fresh water to electricity are produced here, and the science and medical teams work to better contain and better subdue the prison's more unusual residents.

The cell blocks in the High Security Section are designed to hold small communities of nonhuman prisoners with similar cultural or physiological needs. Although many species can and do survive among near-humans, official policy states that prisoners kept in species-tailored conditions (with select food, atmospheric mixtures, and so on) are often more tranquil.

The High Security Section has a dark reputation among Belsavis's inmates. Prisoners sent to the medical centers often don't return, the rumors say, and the Republic's scientists experiment with dangerous technologies drawn from Belsavis's ancient vaults. Whether any of these rumors are true, even the guards can't say; information, like everything else on Belsavis, is tightly restricted.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 41

FQN: cdx.​locations.​belsavis.​high_security_section

High Security Section

Maximum Security Section

The Maximum Security Section hosts prisoners too dangerous, too uncooperative or too unusual to be permitted to gather in any number. Many Maximum Security inmates are kept in near-permanent solitary confinement, and the Maximum Security cells are customized for each occupant so that shapechangers, cyborgs, Force-sensitives and other powerful beings can be effectively restrained.

The Maximum Security Section also contains the entrance to the deep levels of the prison--known as "the Tomb"--built by ancient aliens who used Belsavis as their own prison long ago. The Republic has explored only portions of the deep prison, studying the primeval droids that patrol the old, sealed cells. Nowadays, the ancient droids have grown used to the Republic, willingly accepting modern prisoners transferred into their care and depositing them in vaults far below the surface.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 42

FQN: cdx.​locations.​belsavis.​maximum_security_section

Maximum Security Section

Minimum Security Section

By the standards of any other prison, Belsavis's Minimum Security Section would be considered escape-proof--a tightly controlled, heavily monitored maze of cell blocks, guard towers and work yards. By Belsavis standards, the Minimum Security Section is just what the name implies--the absolute minimum level of security acceptable for holding the worst criminals in the galaxy.

The inmates in the Minimum Security Section consist mainly of murderers, pirates, gangsters and other violent criminals who possess a humanoid physiology and a willingness to communicate (if not cooperate) with prison authorities. Prisoners who require specialized holding facilities are shipped to higher-security areas, but here, inmates are permitted to gather and to work, albeit under strict supervision.

When the Empire inserted its forces onto the planet, it converted the remains of a camp used by early Republic explorers into a fortified lodgment. From there, Imperial forces have made surgical strikes to breach cell blocks and obliterate dividing walls. The Republic has since pulled many of the Belsavis guards and their families to relative safety in the prison's security and administrative centers.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​locations.​belsavis.​minimum_security_section

Minimum Security Section

The Tomb

Thousands of years before the Republic conceived of the notion, a species known as the Rakata turned Belsavis into a prison planet. From what little scientists have learned by studying ancient writings and from the decaying memory banks of Rakata warden droids, Belsavis was built to hold monsters, warlords and so-called "lords of the infinite"--anything the primeval and incredibly powerful Rakata feared.

The Belsavis prison administration calls the Rakata section of Belsavis "the Tomb." Here, prisoners are held in eternal stasis, frozen in place and denied movement and thought by ancient technologies. Not all the inmates are ancient, however--many were given by the Republic to the warden droids for safekeeping, when no other cell could hold them.

Through the use of droids, remote-controlled probes and rare exploratory teams, the Republic has set up a series of monitoring and communication stations throughout the Tomb. Despite this, only a tiny portion of the Tomb has been explored; this is the domain of the ancients.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 43

FQN: cdx.​locations.​belsavis.​the_tomb

The Tomb

Fort Salvo

Nicknamed by the soldiers who first erected the base, Fort Salvo is the Republic's main artillery and munitions outpost on Ilum. Fort Salvo's gunners are some of the best in the galaxy, and have claimed dozens of Imperial troop carriers; they train by shooting down stray meteorites. The installation of a protective ray shield offended Fort Salvo's more maverick gunners, who saw it as impugning their ability to handle incoming hostiles.

As the Empire presses the Republic forces harder on Ilum, Fort Salvo has become an increasingly important position. Members of the Republic's alien coalition have begun transferring forces there in earnest; this also allows them to claim their share of munitions before anyone else.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​locations.​illum.​fort_salvo

Fort Salvo

The Ilum Temple

In the distant past, when the Jedi Order was first venturing into the galaxy, the order sought to establish a new home and training grounds on the planet Ilum. These ancient Jedi built a new Jedi Temple above Ilum's network of crystal caverns, and while the planet's climate was far from idyllic, its isolation and supply of lightsaber crystals made it an ideal place for schooling Padawans.

Careful to protect Ilum against the darkness that had threatened them on Tython, the ancient Jedi kept the hyperspace routes to Ilum secret from the rest of the Republic. The preferred means of learning the route required Force sensitivity and became the first trial of many an aspiring Jedi. But warfare with the Sith under the fallen Jedi Exar Kun led to the destruction of the training grounds, and in the centuries since, Ilum has been home to only a select few.

The temple became a place for young Jedi to travel and build their lightsabers, and where they might meditate in silence. It was a place of beauty and tranquility and crystalline perfection.

Until today.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​locations.​illum.​the_jedi_temple

The Ilum Temple

Mercantile Plaza of Manaan

After the bombardment of Manaan's surface cities and structures by the Empire, the Selkath became deeply untrusting of offworlders and once again withdrew to the depths, from which it was believed they would never return. But with the demand for Manaan's healing fluid kolto at an all-time high, it would only be a matter of time before outside influences would attempt to reestablish contact.

A diplomat from the ocean world Dac, Advocate Mahreen, spent several years convincing a delegation from the Selkath's protective Order of Shasa to even meet with her. Over time, and with Republic pressure mounting, Mahreen was able to coax the order into converting one of the few existing surface platforms into the Mercantile Plaza. There, the Selkath could provide kolto in exchange for much-desired goods from across the galaxy. The denizens of Manaan found the plaza to be successful enough that, despite protests from the Republic, a trade relationship was soon reestablished with the Empire, thus clinching the planet's status once more as a strategic imperative.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​locations.​manaan.​mercantile_plaza

Mercantile Plaza of Manaan

Jedi Temple Ruins

Although the Jedi Temple was destroyed by the Empire during the Sacking of Coruscant, its ruins still speak of its former glory. After the temple was bombed in the initial attack, the upper floors were deliberately collapsed on Darth Malgus's orders. The Jedi Temple's tower, once a Coruscant landmark, broke free during the bombing and fell to the city's lower levels. The old Jedi Council chamber is the only room left largely intact, but it is still considered dangerous and prone to collapse.

The temple ruins have continued to see strife even after the Sacking of Coruscant. They were the site of a duel between Darth Malgus and the Jedi empath Aryn Leneer before Imperial forces were withdrawn from the planet. Exceptionally brave and lucky looters have also disturbed the ruins, hunting--and often finding--valuable Jedi artifacts.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​locations.​coruscant.​jedi_temple_ruins

Jedi Temple Ruins

Old Galactic Market

Twenty years ago, the old Galactic Market was a bustling center of commerce where the goods and wealth of the galaxy flowed freely. Since the Treaty of Coruscant, however, the market has become a shadow of its former self.

The old Galactic Market was the site of extraordinary scenes after the war. Thousands of homes in the lower reaches of Coruscant--most belonging to poor families--were destroyed during the Imperial invasion. The homeless families squatted in the marketplace; when ordered to leave by Republic military forces, the squatters rioted in protest.

The market has never been truly safe since, and the criminal Migrant Merchants' Guild has gradually established its own control over the area. While careful and well-armed visitors can still find useful technology or rare weapons there, most are advised to stay away.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​coruscant.​old_galactic_market

Old Galactic Market

Senate Tower

No visitor to Coruscant can fail to be awed by the majestic Senate tower. Built to house the thousands-strong Galactic Senate, it is also home to the offices of the Supreme Chancellor, numerous embassies and the headquarters of Republic Special Forces.

The interior of the Senate tower is open to the public, though Coruscant Security and the Republic military patrol the corridors. While it survived the Sacking of Coruscant, the Senate tower was later damaged when a number of Senators, supporters of the Treaty of Coruscant, were targeted by a bomb.

Entrance to the Senate tower is via the Avenue of the Core Founders, a famous concourse flanked by the statues of the Core Founders themselves. Inside, visitors to the Senate tower are encouraged to enjoy the guided tours or peruse the holographic statues of famous Senators.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​locations.​coruscant.​senate_tower

Senate Tower

The Works

Impressive as Coruscant's shining towers are, they could not exist without the less-glamorous Works, the heavy industrial complex deep below in the lower levels. The Works is home to Coruscant's hydrosupply stations, pollution-processing plants and electrical generators, staffed by droids who can survive accidents in the Works' dangerous machinery.

Some of Coruscant's more desperate homeless hide in the Works, tapping the pipes for water and sleeping under the power conduits to keep warm. Occasionally they will break a major pipeline, causing blackouts and water shortages on the levels above. One Senator, while demanding harsher penalties for vagrancy, found his water supply mysteriously cut off forty times in a month.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 14

FQN: cdx.​locations.​coruscant.​the_works

The Works

Fa'athra's Palace

Like the palace of Nem'ro, Fa'athra's palace is modeled after the capitol building in the Hutta city of Bilbousa. Unlike the palace of Nem'ro, Fa'athra's home is a veritable deathtrap--built with warfare and defense as its primary purpose, rather than business and luxury.

Fa'athra employs several different mercenary groups to patrol the palace grounds and corridors. Each mercenary organization is given information only about its own territory and has no information about the rest of the palace's defenses. Fa'athra's paranoia guarantees that no single betrayal can cause his downfall, but it may also be his greatest weakness.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 8

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hutta.​faathras_palace

Fa'athra's Palace

Hutta Swamps

Outside the settled and industrialized sectors of Hutta are the swamps--land occupied only by the desperate and foolhardy. Mutated animal life and crazed bog people are a threat to all ground transport; the Hutts normally travel by air, leaving their humanoid servants to move by foot or landspeeder.

Swampland covers nearly half of Hutta's surface, uninhabitable by galactic standard due to the level of pollutants in the water and air. This wasn't always the case--before the Hutts migrated to the planet, most of what is now swampland was jungle and ocean. Over centuries of intentional planetary engineering and simple neglect, however, the jungles died and the oceans were drained and chemically converted.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hutta.​hutta_swamps

Hutta Swamps


Hutts are notoriously territorial creatures, and their settlements reflect this. Enormous urban centers inhabited by thousands of Hutts are few on Hutta; instead, the planet's industrial towns are scattered across the globe, ruled like city-states by whichever Hutt rises to the top.

Jiguuna is one such industrial town, serving as an operational hub for nearby factories, mines and processing centers. Booming and influential two centuries ago, Jiguuna fell into anarchy when its founder, Bakuush the Hutt, died in a mechanical accident. Afterward, Jiguuna's population of humanoid enforcers, workers and slaves fought for scraps under a succession of would-be ganglords.

Eventually, a Hutt called Nem'ro eliminated his competitors and declared himself Jiguuna's new ruler. Since then, Jiguuna has been on an upswing, facilitating the distribution of shvash gas, spice and weapons. Competition with neighboring Hutts has brought gang warfare back to town, but business goes on, and Nem'ro controls the locals with bribes and brute force.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hutta.​jiguuna


Nem'ro's Palace

The palace of Nem'ro the Hutt is half-fortress, half-monument-to-hedonism. Anyone who does business in Jiguuna is expected to come to the palace and pay his or her dues, but Nem'ro himself stays hidden behind multiple layers of security; most visitors are lucky to speak to one of his lieutenants.

Still, a visit to the palace has its privileges. In addition to the fully stocked cantina and the right to socialize with traveling traders, pirates and businesspeople from across the galaxy, the pleasures of the fighting pit and the private suites await those of a particular temperament.

Murder and theft aren't unknown in the palace, either--but acts performed without Nem'ro's blessing can have gruesome repercussions.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hutta.​nemros_palace

Nem'ro's Palace

Rust Yards

The Rust Yards, according to common wisdom, are where old industrial facilities go to die. Over the decades, many factories have been constructed, operated and run into the ground here--only to be rebuilt and repurposed. Ore refineries become droid recycling plants when the ore supply runs dry; weapons assembly lines become toxic chemical storage bays when the arms dealing business is slow.

Nem'ro the Hutt has traditionally controlled the businesses in the Rust Yards--never by official contract, but by virtue of having the largest armed force in the area and by coaxing plant foremen into cooperating. Recent brutal attacks have shifted control of the Rust Yards to Nem'ro's rival, Fa'athra, who keeps the area locked down with his own mercenaries and security droids. The local workforce has little choice but to cooperate.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hutta.​rust_yards

Rust Yards

The Old Muckworks

The facilities at the Old Muckworks process the enormous quantities of chemicals and liquid pollutants in the waters of Hutta. Unfortunately, this "processing" doesn't necessarily clean the water. Although the facilities do prevent the planet from becoming entirely lethal to non-Hutt life, their primary job is to filter any valuable compounds from waste dumped into the swamps. These compounds are drained into enormous factory vats. Whatever useless chemicals remain afterward go right back into the swamp water.

The original Jiguuna Muckworks was replaced by new Muckworks--built some distance west of town--several decades ago, but the successor facility went into critical failure shortly after its installation. The "Old Muckworks" returned to use, and the name stuck.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​locations.​hutta.​old_muckworks

The Old Muckworks

Brejik's Run

The remains of an old swoop track, Brejik's Run is named for Milos Brejik, a famous Tarisian swoop racer who turned scavenger after the destruction of Taris, using his swoop skills to quickly forage and deliver supplies to the few unfortunate survivors of the bombardment. Brejik's Run has had many occupants over the centuries, as its large overhangs make good shelter from the harsh elements, but it currently hosts a Republic settlement and outpost--one of the earliest attempts to tame and rebuild Taris.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 35

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​brejiks_run

Brejik's Run
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial351.0.0

Brell Sediment

The Brell Sediment refers to a large area of Tarisian ruins dominated by a massive acidic lake and a former chemical plant. It gets its name--somewhat ironically--from Ark Brell, a leading environmentalist on Taris in the days before its destruction. Before the bombardment, Ark Brell set up several water purification and waste disposal plants on Taris, with the aim of turning the waste from Taris's factories into alternative fuel sources and minimizing the waste produced by the massive city-world.

Legend has it that the collapse of one of his factories during the bombardment created the acid lake, although present rumor suggests that other, less well-intentioned groups on Taris may be the cause.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​brell_sediment

Brell Sediment
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Endar Spire

The Republic cruiser Endar Spire was shot down over Taris during the Jedi Civil War in an attempt by Darth Malak to capture the young Jedi Bastila Shan. This event led directly to Taris's ultimate destruction, securing the ship's place in history.

Over the centuries, the Endar Spire's husk has become a shelter to many different groups on Taris, including surviving settlers, pirates and scavengers. Its internal systems are believed to contain a bounty of information and useful materials to anyone with the will and ability to recover them.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 34

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​endar_spire

Endar Spire
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial341.0.0

Republic Resettlement Zone

After the Treaty of Coruscant, the Republic set out to rebuild the demolished planet Taris and forge a symbol of renewed strength. As the operation grew, the Olaris Reclamation Base rose from the ashes and Republic forces tamed the surrounding jungle. But progress stalled after repeated setbacks in Taris's hostile wilds.

It wasn't until the arrival of Governor Saresh that Republic reconstruction finally took hold. Through sheer will and ambition, Saresh turned the reclamation around and established the Republic Resettlement Zone. As the heart of the reconstruction, this zone houses the tens of thousands of machines, administrators and soldiers that make the reclamation possible. Although Governor Saresh has since relinquished her post on Taris, the Republic Resettlement Zone still stands as a haven for the Republic and a sign of the rebirth to come.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 33

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​republic_resettlement_zone

Republic Resettlement Zone
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial331.0.0

Sinking City

The Sinking City is where the heart of old Taris collapsed into the world below during the bombardment. Taris's most lively business and cultural districts have become a morass of urban decay. The ruins of Dynamet General Hospital, as well as massive building plates that once supported towering skyscrapers, provide shelter for rakghouls, pirates and scavengers. But the Sinking City promises to rise again--several attempts have been made to begin new construction in the area, and the Republic is focusing its reconstruction efforts on returning Taris to its former glory.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 33

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​sinking_city

Sinking City
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial331.0.0

Transport Station Five

Before the planet's destruction, billions of citizens visited Taris's transport stations daily to quickly travel across the massive city world. Speeders ran on schedule and trams hauled freight and passengers safely to their destinations. As Taris's alien population took to the Lower City, Transport Station Five was built to serve their expanding needs.

When the planet was bombarded in the Jedi Civil War, transport stations on the upper levels of Taris were incinerated and turned to rubble. Now only the ruins of Transport Station Five remain intact, a ghostly reminder of a planet once teeming with life.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 34

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​transport_station_five

Transport Station Five
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial341.0.0

Tularan Marsh

Swampland has overtaken much of the area now called the Tularan Marsh. The origin of the name is unknown--before the bombardment, the Tularan Skyway was a major thoroughfare through the industrial zone surrounding one of Taris's primary power plants, but who or what it was named after is a piece of history lost in the rubble.

Now the area is infested with rakghouls and pirates, and only a few intrepid representatives of the Republic venture this far into the unknown, untamed wilds of Taris.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 34

FQN: cdx.​locations.​taris_imp.​tularan_marsh

Tularan Marsh
LocationsTaris (Imp)Imperial341.0.0

Adrenal Synthesis Factory

The source of the Three Families' wealth is their adrenal synthesis factories, which convert the Republic's processed Quesh venom into precious adrenals. The length of the process depends on the quality of the adrenals required; military grade adrenals take a week or so to produce, while cheaper ones can be created in days.

The Three Families guard the secret of adrenal creation very closely, meaning access to the factories is strictly regulated. All Republic personnel working there have to be carefully vetted and vouched for, and are subject to search without warning by Three Families enforcers. To keep its partnership with the Three Families harmonious, the Republic employs harsh punishments for theft; it is not uncommon for thieves of a single adrenal canister to be jailed and fined the cost of an entire vat.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​adrenal_synthesis_factory

Adrenal Synthesis Factory

Broga's Palace

As head of the Three Families, Broga the Hutt considered it his right to have his own private home and base of operations separate from the Three Families Palace. Stocked with well-trained slaves and imported luxuries from Nar Shaddaa, Broga's Palace gradually became a power center in its own right, which made the Empire's siege and capture of the palace all the more humiliating.

Now held by the Imperial Moff Dracen, the defenses and strategic position of Broga's Palace have been turned against the Republic. With the Republic military focused on defending Quesh's miners and the Three Families protecting their mines, Broga has discussed hiring offworld mercenaries to retake his home... or to at least to reclaim his beloved wine cellar from Imperial hands.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​brogas_palace

Broga's Palace

Chem-Basin Mine

The Chem-Basin Mine has only been open for four years, but it has already earned a reputation for accidents and mismanagement. The original survey team was almost suffocated when the members accidentally released a pocket of evaporated Quesh venom, and substandard materials meant the initial tunnels had to be re-propped and re-dug after a major collapse. Ever since, problems have dogged the site and slowed venom production.

Strangely, the miners who work at Chem-Basin exhibit a degree of pride in their mine. They claim any fool can work at the Grancha Lakand site and get results, but Chem-Basin calls for a degree of finesse that is scarce on Quesh. The subject is guaranteed to come up whenever Grancha Lakand and Chem-Basin miners are drinking together.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​chem_basin_mine

Chem-Basin Mine

Grancha Lakand Venom Mine

Grancha Lakand is the largest and oldest venom mine on Quesh. Built through a fissure created by the Quake, the mine is named for its first explorer, who was trapped by a rockfall during his initial survey. By the time he was rescued, Grancha Lakand's adrenal countermeasures had worn off and he had been breathing Quesh venom fumes for some time.

Lakand excitedly told his rescuers that he had had an epiphany while trapped. The biggest supply of Quesh venom on the planet lay beneath the fissure somewhere, and Lakand knew exactly where to find it. He was dismissed as a venom-intoxicated madman, but when Lakand recovered, he returned to the fissure and, after weeks of surveying, located a huge reservoir of Quesh venom. While not necessarily the largest on the planet, the reservoir has supplied the Grancha Lakand mine for several years without the venom running dry.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​grancha_lakand_venom_mine

Grancha Lakand Venom Mine

Imperial Garrison

When the Empire arrived on Quesh, its tacticians believed one swift strike would devastate the sparsely populated world. Instead, the Imperial forces managed to capture only a few mines and one processing station before they found themselves pushed back by the Republic. The captured processing station and its warehouses were soon converted into a garrison which remains the Empire's base of operations on Quesh today.

The headquarters of Moff Dracen and his commanders was once a storage warehouse for the processing station's chemicals. It has been thoroughly cleaned and furnished to the standards demanded by Imperial officers, though the lingering smell has never been fully removed.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​imperial_garrison

Imperial Garrison

Quesh Imperial Outpost

Originally intended to be the Empire's base of venom research on Quesh, a variety of setbacks and concerted attacks by the Republic hampered the Empire's scientific studies at this outpost. Hutt Cartel forces have since been stationed here at the Empire's request, guarding the scientists and using the outpost as a staging point and repair center for their battle droids.

Although the Empire's research is now considered safe from the Republic, the strong cartel presence has made some of the Imperial scientists uneasy. The cartel has repeatedly offered to help the Empire with its study of Quesh venom, but Imperial commanders are concerned that the outpost half-belongs to the cartel already.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​imperial_outpost

Quesh Imperial Outpost

Quesh Venom Refinery

As the Republic's main source of processed Quesh venom, the Quesh Venom Refinery is one of the most secure locations on the planet. Cut by droids from a ravine created by the Quake thousands of years ago, the stone quarried was used to build the high walls around the refinery. The main courtyard is under constant guard, and access is restricted to dignitaries and scientific experts.

This refinery is actually the second that the Republic built on Quesh. The first was destroyed when contaminants polluted the refining process, causing the processed Quesh venom to eat through the vats and then the lower refinery floor. The high walls around the current refinery are not only for defensive purposes, but to contain any future accidents or acts of sabotage.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​quesh_venom_refinery

Quesh Venom Refinery

Republic Operational Headquarters

The Republic's center of operations on Quesh was established roughly ten years ago. Initially housing civilian miners, medical professionals and scientists, these workers gradually moved on to smaller camps elsewhere. When the Empire attacked Quesh, the old miners' quarters were quickly converted into a barracks and the entire site was turned over to the Republic military.

Many newly arrived soldiers remark upon the Operational Headquarters' light defenses, especially considering the high-level personnel stationed there. In fact, the headquarters' best protection is the large Quesh venom pipelines nearby. In a dire emergency, the pipelines can be vented, causing a massive biohazard to slow any aggressors while personnel are evacuated.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​republic_operational_headquarters

Republic Operational Headquarters

Three Families Palace

Freed from the Hutt Cartel's watchful eye, the Three Families have grown immensely wealthy on Quesh--and as their influence grows, the Three Families have begun solidifying their power base. A large portion of their profits from the adrenal refineries was spent building a lavish palace, complete with all modern conveniences and an impressive security network. Much more than a simple defensive position or status symbol, the Three Families Palace is intended to be a clear statement that the Three Families are wholly committed to defending Quesh.

The Palace has generally been kept off-limits to Republic personnel, especially the local military officials. This is partly for security reasons, as the Three Families keep their sensitive files close at hand. Portho the Hutt's indulgence in adrenals has also become something of an embarrassment in recent years. After several inappropriate comments from Portho to the Republic commanders, the Three Families prefer to simply keep him out of sight.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​three_families_palace

Three Families Palace

Three Families War Camp

When the Empire attacked Quesh, the Three Families initially coordinated the defense from their palace, but quickly realized they needed a more efficient operational post. They poured money into establishing a defensive point between their headquarters and the Republic base, and in a matter of days, the war camp was set up, supplied and staffed--an object lesson in how Hutts react when their credits are at stake.

Broga, the head of the Three Families, spends much of his time at the war camp since his private palace was captured by the Empire. His role is twofold: firstly, overseeing his forces as they coordinate with the Republic military, and secondly, ensuring that Republic forces are not passing on any of the Three Families' secrets concerning the handling of Quesh venom.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​three_families_war_camp

Three Families War Camp

Yuna Bore Venom Mine

The Yuna Bore mine was once known for two strange treasures: Quesh venom and bones. The first miners found a fossil bed containing remains of Quesh's prehistoric creatures, preserved by rising silt and venom deposits after the big Quake. Since the Republic was only interested in the Quesh venom, the miners were free to recover the bones, ship them offworld and sell them to collectors and paleontologists on Coruscant.

This turned out to be immensely profitable. Many miners were able to buy out their contracts on profits from the fossils alone. Even today, with the fossil bed cleared, the Yuna Bore remains productive, as the miners' attempts to discover more bones have driven the tunnels on well ahead of schedule.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​locations.​quesh.​yuna_bore_venom_mine

Yuna Bore Venom Mine

Strike Base XR-484

XR-484 acts as the staging point for all Imperial operations on the planet Ossus. It was constructed within a field of starship wreckage on the recommendation of the scouts who first reconnoitered the planet, who correctly assessed that the Jedi are more interested in exploring ancient structures than old crashed ships, ensuring the base could be established without drawing enemy attention.

The majority of the ship wreckage around XR-484 is the result of crashes caused by the Cron Supernova centuries ago. However, the remains of newer vessels are also present, suggesting that atmospheric or gravitational conditions somehow result in a higher-than-average distribution of crashed ships in this specific area.

Although the members of Raven Squad consistently refer to the base as "the Nest", Darth Malora pointedly refuses to use the term.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ossus.​ossus_imp_base

Strike Base XR-484

The Great Jedi Library of Ossus

Constructed more than a thousand years in the past, the Great Jedi Library of Ossus long stood as a center of learning and knowledge in the Republic. Records suggest that the library once contained countless documents and data detailing civilizations, species, and events that history has now long forgotten. Recent Jedi excavations have rediscovered much of this material, though the true depths of the library's ruins remain unexplored and undocumented.

Professional historians and academics often hold the destruction of the Great Library at the hands of the Sith as one of the greatest tragedies in civilized history. It is common for modern libraries throughout the Republic to feature commemorative placards in honor of their destroyed "ancestor", promising to preserve and pass down knowledge freely and widely in order to avoid another such catastrophe.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ossus.​great_jedi_library

The Great Jedi Library of Ossus

The Hidden Jedi Colony on Ossus

With the Jedi in tatters after years of war against the Sith and Zakuul, Master Gnost-Dural feared that the order was on the verge of total destruction. To preserve the Jedi and their teachings for the future, he secretly gathered the allies and resources necessary to establish a hidden colony on Ossus, hoping that the planet's obscurity and remoteness would provide ample protection.

The colony has flourished beyond even Gnost-Dural's greatest hopes; innovative environmental reclamation techniques have allowed farming and water purification on a planet that otherwise supported little if any life.

Perhaps the only major challenge the colony faced before the Sith invasion was the decision to remain out of communications. Although heavily debated by the colonists and Jedi alike, Gnost-Dural ultimately insisted that the colony remain as cut-off from the larger galaxy as possible, and it has remained in total isolation for years.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​ossus.​ossus_jedi_colony

The Hidden Jedi Colony on Ossus


One of the first outsider settlements built on Tatooine, Anchorhead started as a desperate mining colony and has, over the centuries, grown into one of the largest spaceports on the planet. Anchorhead plays host to pirates and smugglers looking for a place to lie low, merchants and businessmen integral to the survival of the city's outlying moisture farms, and permanent residents who eke out a living running cantinas, fixing machines and otherwise maintaining the cultural infrastructure.

The mining industry has faded away altogether in and around Anchorhead. It was Czerka Corporation that was most resolved to unearth valuable metals several centuries ago, and even after it became clear that no profit was forthcoming, Czerka maintained offices in Anchorhead on and off for centuries--committed not to write the planet off as a total loss.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tatooine.​anchorhead



Stretches of sand pockmarked by canyons and rocky outcroppings, the Jundland Wastes mark the border between the great Dune Sea and the spaceports of Anchorhead and Mos Ila. Home to a scattered few outposts and moisture farms along with Sand People, wild beasts and the kind of criminal scum unwelcome even in Tatooine's most disreputable settlements, the intense heat is far from the only danger.

Jundland's cliffs are festooned with cave systems extending kilometers below ground, but mechanical problems related to the pervasive heat and sand mean they have never been properly mapped. Every once in a while, a brave individual builds a permanent shelter inside one of these caves. There's rarely anything left after a month, thanks to the predators of Jundland.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 25

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tatooine.​jundland


Lightspring (Smuggler)

Deep in Tatooine's most desolate reaches, where neither travelers nor hunters dare to go, lies a natural site of incredible beauty and serenity. The Lightspring is a huge underground cavern containing a massive pool of water lit from beneath by a strange glow, casting rippling shadows and reflections on the walls. It's considered a holy site by the native Sand People, never to be disturbed or contaminated.

Now, the sanctity of the Lightspring has been desecrated by the crime lord Diago Hixan, who has claimed it as the seat of his criminal empire. He's filled the cavern with his vain collection of trinkets and baubles, turning the once-pristine landmark into his personal junkyard.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​locations.​smuggler.​lightspring

Lightspring (Smuggler)

Mos Ila

Before the Empire converted the city into a garrison, Mos Ila was a settlement largely overrun by Exchange outlaws and smugglers. The local farmers and traders who made up the bulk of the population were at the mercy of the crime syndicate, which found Tatooine to be a perfect base of operations. When Imperial troops landed unannounced and swept all opposition out of the city, the residents reacted with mixed emotion--glad to see the Exchange gone, less certain of their new Imperial masters.

This is not the first time Mos Ila's local authority has been deposed. The settlement was originally built as a trading post with the assistance of local Jawas and was governed by a Jawa council. The non-Jawa population had no problem with this arrangement, despite the unpredictability of the Jawa-built machines; rather, it was the arrival of the Exchange that forced the Jawas out and soured outsider-Jawa relations in the region.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tatooine.​mos_ila

Mos Ila

Outlaw's Den

Of all the wretched and lawless regions that dot the sun-bleached surface of Tatooine, there's one forsaken strip of desert that even the most hardened wanderers avoid: the Outlaw's Den. A ghost town whose sad history consists only of conquest, desperation and despair. Dozens of gangs, pirate crews and even native raiders have claimed the blighted region over the years, but never for long as the place seems to attract the criminal element like a lure. Some say the land is cursed, others say it's the ghosts of the murdered settlers who drive trespassers to violence, all that's really known is that no one is ever truly safe in the Outlaw's Den.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tatooine.​outlaws_den

Outlaw's Den

The Dune Sea

A vast ocean of sand stretching endlessly into the horizon, the Dune Sea is the image that springs to mind when most think of Tatooine--even those who've settled on the planet. Few dare to wander too far into the wasteland, fearful of Sand People, hideous monsters and worst of all: the utterly unknown.

Particularly brave Jawas have retrieved salvage during journeys into the Dune Sea, returning with puzzling devices and broken gadgets. No one is entirely sure how these scraps ended up in the wastes, but the occasional piece bears the worn, faded emblem of Czerka Corporation.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 26

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tatooine.​the_dune_sea

The Dune Sea

The Wound

In the middle of the Jundland Wastes, the land is split by a deep chasm known only as the Wound. The bottom is impossible to see from the upper ridge, and the rim of the Wound is dotted with the camps of Sand People. The Sand People seem to revere the Wound and are occasionally seen casting the dead into its depths.

Most people consider the Wound a natural formation, but some fringe geologists believe otherwise. They speculate the Wound was created during a violent orbital bombardment in ancient times. Their evidence is thin, however, and many wonder why anyone would bombard such a remote and desolate world.

Category: Locations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 26

FQN: cdx.​locations.​tatooine.​the_wound

The Wound


Anomids are perhaps most easily recognized for the vocalizer masks they wear over their mouths. These units, while not necessary for breathing, are necessary for Anomid speech, as Anomids do not possess vocal chords and typically communicate with each other using a six-fingered sign language.

Wealthy and adept at technological innovation, Anomids can be found far from their homeworld of Yablari serving as merchants, scientists and engineers. As a species, Anomids have traditionally allied themselves with the Republic, but individual Anomids can be found embedded with any number of cultures and organizations--including the Hutt Cartel.

Category: Species

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​species.​anomid



Arcona are a reptilian species from the desert world of Cona. Although their large eyes are their most distinctive feature, Arcona actually have poor eyesight, relying instead on the powerful scent organs on their tongues and an ability to perceive body heat. Due to the heavy concentrations of ammonia in their homeworld's atmosphere, Arcona cannot survive without ammonia supplements when away from home.

Highly social, Arcona live in tight-knit nests where the needs of the group always come before those of the individual. This mentality is so ingrained that many Arcona alone in the galaxy still refer to themselves as "we" rather than "I."

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​arcona



Chagrians are amphibious beings with distinctive horns that evolved on the watery planet of Champala. Individual Chagrians are raised as tadpoles in pools of water within their family homes; upon gaining their adult forms, they retain the ability to breathe underwater but lose their sense of taste. Due to the unstable history of Champala's star, Chagrians also have a natural resistance to radiation.

Chagrian society is largely peaceful. Champala's government is famous for being even-handed, ensuring a high quality of life for all its citizens while showing special favor to none. This mentality is often borne out in Chagrian individuals; in Republic politics, Chagrians are often painted as naive idealists by their opponents, but they can be fiercely devoted to their constituents.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​chagrian



Devaronians were among the galaxy's first species to develop interstellar travel, quickly branching out from their home planet Devaron to the Republic's founding worlds. Devaronian males are as well-known for their wanderlust as their striking physical appearance; they possess brightly colored--often red--skin, sharp teeth and long cranial horns; these combined attributes often conjure images of deadly, malicious predators and elicit discomfort among non-Devaronians.

During the early days of the Sith Empire's return, Devaronians became targets of prejudice within outlying regions of Republic space, with less-educated citizens confusing the pureblood Sith and Devaronian biological traits. Before widely distributed images of true Sith purebloods put an end to the confusion, a few disreputable Devaronians gleefully took advantage of this change in reputation, only too happy to be feared.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​devaronian



According to ancient warnings carved into the walls of Belsavis prison, the Esh-kha were once one of the most feared species in the galaxy. In the distant past, they rose from their isolated homeworld and cut a swath of destruction across countless systems. Entire species were hunted to extinction.

This marauding was only stopped when the Rakata "Infinite Empire," which had lost dozens of its slave worlds to the Esh-kha, mustered its titanic military against them. The Esh-kha were imprisoned in stasis beneath the surface of Belsavis--conscious, but immobile--and left in darkness for thousands of years.

Since the security of Belsavis has begun breaking down, the Esh-kha have resumed their campaign of ruthless expansion and zealous combat. They appear devoted to releasing all of their kin on the planet, and spreading as much chaos as possible in the ancient prison. With every hour that passes, they recover more technology and strange weapons; it is only a matter of time before they take to the stars again.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​eshka



Houk are massive, muscular humanoids native to the planet Lijuter. Never developing starship technology of their own, they emerged into the greater galaxy after initial contact with Vaathkree traders during which they offered their services as laborers and bodyguards. Often taken as mindless brutes, Houk are noteworthy for their strength and short tempers but can be surprisingly cunning; nonetheless, Houk prefer to solve problems with violence, and see no reason to be bound by treaties or contracts.

Their natural strength and resilience means Houk gladiators are in high demand, especially for arena masters who can't afford a rare Wookiee combatant. A Houk named Torog became famous in the Besberra arena after fighting off waves of opponents and wild beasts for five hours, then dropping dead. This alone wasn't remarkable, until a post-mortem showed that for four of those hours, Torog had been fighting with a broken neck.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​houk



Pejoratively called "hammerheads" for their distinctive skulls, Ithorians are a peaceful mammalian species with two mouths and four throats. Their native language--which other species often find melodious but impossible to reproduce--resembles music rather than speech.

Ithorians are devoted environmentalists and staunch pacifists. They evolved on the beautiful jungle world of Ithor, eventually moving into floating "herd ships" to avoid disturbing the native flora they call "Mother Jungle." Their experience building herd ships allowed the Ithorians to become one of the earliest spacefaring species, and they live on city-ships to this day. Every five years, Ithorians gather for a Meet, where they exchange news, debate important issues and come together as a culture.

Although not particularly technologically advanced, no species is more capable at restoring damaged ecologies than the Ithorians. Many Ithorian herds have begun visiting worlds whose biospheres were damaged in the Great War, encouraging the worlds' recovery or transplanting endangered flora and fauna to new homes.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​ithorian



The proud, honorable and deadly Kaleesh warriors are a relatively recent arrival to the civilized galaxy, but both the Republic and Empire already respect the species for its martial talent. Thanks to their imposing bone masks, Kaleesh are also highly sought-after as enforcers by status-conscious members of the criminal underworld. Wealthy Hutts employ Kaleesh bodyguards as a pointed warning to any upstarts who might challenge the Hutt Cartel's power.

Individual Kaleesh project a stoic fatalism mixed with a surprisingly deep spirituality. Their core belief is that those who perform great deeds in life become immortal, godlike beings upon their deaths. Kaleesh warriors therefore seek only the greatest challenges to overcome. Anything less means risking an ignominious--and permanent--demise.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​kaleesh



The Krex are a hardy reptilian species with a knack for survival. Despite their fearsome appearance, the Krex are most widely known as explorers, pioneers, and colonists of hazardous and far-flung worlds, where their natural regenerative properties and tough skin are of great benefit. Still, it's not uncommon to find hardened Krex putting their abilities to work in other dangerous professions.

Interestingly, the Krex homeworld of Rokirex does not appear to be their actual planet of origin; the ancient mythology of the Krex refers to their ancestors exclusively as "travelers", and no examples of similar species can be found anywhere in the Rokirex archaeological record. This has led some biologists to theorize that they are actually descendants of long-lost Chistori colonists who gradually developed into a distinct genetic line.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​krex


Mutated Geonosian Queen

When designing her mutated Geonosian super-soldiers for the assault on Ossus, Darth Malora ensured that her new army would be both self-sustaining and nigh-impossible to eradicate. Given their insectoid nature, the key to Malora's success was in the careful creation of the mutants' queen.

Natural Geonosian queens have poor mobility and defend themselves only via indirect means; thus, Malora chose to splice her queen's internal structure into the bodily frame of a Colicoid, tremendously increasing the creature's speed and natural defensive capabilities. Like the soldiers it brings to life, the mutated queen also has a reinforced carapace, enhanced sensory organs, and a vicious temperament. The resulting hybrid may well be Malora's most dangerous creation.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​mutated_geonosian_queen

Mutated Geonosian Queen

Mutated Geonosians

The newest of Darth Malora's creations, the mutant Geonosians deployed on Ossus are actually a hybridization of multiple species drawn from across the galaxy. Most of the original subjects were purchased as adult slaves or in egg or larval forms from a secretive group of Hutt gourmands who have no objections to devouring sentient species (when properly prepared).

Using a combination of genetic engineering and Sith alchemical techniques, Malora created Geonosian warriors with the thick armored carapaces of Acklays, the rapid reproduction of Killiks, and the heightened sensory capabilities of the Melitto. Only the barest amount of sentience remains--just enough to operate weapons such as blasters and vibroblades.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​mutated_geonosian

Mutated Geonosians


Around the time of the foundation of the Republic, a group of Duros explorers led by Chal Haan colonized the planet Neimoidia. Over millennia, the conditions of their new colony led these Duros to evolve into a separate species: Neimoidians. These green-skinned, red-eyed beings grow from grubs in communal hives, where they spend the early years of their lives competing for food. Those who cannot find or steal enough to eat quickly starve, a process which ensures that weakness is weeded out early.

Personal greed is seen as acceptable and even desirable in Neimoidian culture, and while Neimoidians are known as capable entrepreneurs and administrators, their opponents paint them as deceitful, lazy cowards. Neimoidians do rely heavily on advanced droids for all but the most important tasks--freeing them to pursue elaborate political games for social rank or increased profits--but Neimoidian investors have also aided the Republic's economy in hard times. The Senate therefore tolerates Neimoidian bribe-taking and backroom trading... up to a point.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​neimoidian



The name "Nikto" is an umbrella term; these muscular, reptilian beings technically consist of five distinct subspecies. Each evolved on the planet Kintan after a dying star, M'dweshuu, bombarded their world with radiation. A cult devoted to this star arose, and exerted a totalitarian hold on Nikto society until the Hutts discovered Kintan and destroyed the cult's stronghold in an orbital bombardment. The Nikto rallied to the Hutts under the Treaty of Vontor and the fortunes of the two species have been intertwined ever since.

Nikto are gifted fighters, often serving as enforcers for the Hutts. Those who leave Kintan or the Hutt Cartel are often "mixed-breeds" who show characteristics of more than one subspecies and are subsequently reviled by their own people, but some are members of modern Nikto cults--often violent groups that trace their roots to the original Cult of M'dweshuu, for good or ill.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​nikto



Occasionally confused with Twi'leks, Togrutas are distinguished by multicolored skin pigmentation and large, hollow horns (similar in appearance to Twi'lek head-tails) that permit a Togruta to sense ultrasonic waves. These physical adaptations were required for Togrutas to endure and to hunt on their homeworld of Shili, which is dominated by large and deadly beasts. Togruta culture is tightly knit out of necessity, as individual survival there often depended on tribal unity.

Because of their ingrained affinity for teamwork and togetherness, Togrutas are among the Republic's most loyal and dependable citizens. Indeed, a higher-than-normal percentage of Togrutas exhibit powerful Force sensitivity and serve in the Jedi Order. Some scholars speculate that the Togrutas' unique sensory adaptations and strong cultural bonds makes them more receptive to learning the ways of the Jedi.

Category: Species

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​togruta



A highly intelligent and voracious insectoid race, Colicoids are relatively isolated in the galaxy, but their dedication to droid design and advanced technology have put them at the cutting edge of scientific research. They are not aggressive, strictly speaking, but they have little regard for other species despite their robust mercantile operations. To Colicoids, the technology trade is a useful means to an end... but a mildly distasteful one.

Dedicated also to the improvement of their own species, a group of Colicoids calling themselves the Creation Nest aided the establishment of an experimental facility for mutating their own kind in Balmorra's so-called "Bugtown." They found that their mutated "cousins" were able to metabolize the toxic waste on the planet and made excellent, if unpredictable, weapons. The Colicoid emissaries were not deterred when Bugtown was overrun, hoping to continue to perfect the experiments in the future (albeit without the Balmorrans' aid).

Category: Species

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​species.​colicoid

SpeciesBalmorra (Imp)Both161.0.0


Gran are a typically peaceful and reflective race physically characterized by their three eyestalks and long snouts. Traditionally highly communal, Gran found away from their home planets often stray from the stereotype; high-profile Gran outcasts have earned the species an unfair reputation as thugs, shady dealers and underworld enforcers.

In reality, Gran appear in all walks of life--particularly within the Republic, where their generally calm demeanor, matched with their intimidating appearance, has made them excellent negotiators. This is not to say that all Gran are equally calm--one famous group of Gran gangsters was responsible for the deaths of thirteen rivals on Hutta after a fight over territory broke out in the local cantina.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​species.​gran

SpeciesBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Flesh Raiders

Fierce creatures with an unrelenting hunger, Flesh Raiders are believed to be Tython's only sentient natives. They are at least partially intelligent, capable of building shelters and assembling basic weapons from scavenged technology, but attempts to communicate have all ended violently. Known for devouring their prisoners and any animals they come across, the Flesh Raiders were formerly content to live in their primitive, bone-strewn camps in the hills. More recently, the expansion of the Jedi and the defenseless Twi'lek Pilgrims seem to have drawn the Flesh Raiders into the valleys.

No one knows where the Flesh Raiders came from. Some speculate they were once a civilized people, driven to cannibalism and madness over years of isolation. Others fear they are the result of dark side experiments. Whatever their origins, the Flesh Raiders have only grown more powerful and numerous over the years, and they are quickly becoming a blight on Tython.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​species.​flesh_raiders

Flesh Raiders


Twi'leks are a humanoid species with long, prehensile head-tails called lekku--organs housing sections of the Twi'lek brain and specialized for communication through subtle motion. Twi'leks are native to the harsh world of Ryloth, a planet that has suffered from occupation by the Hutt Cartel in recent years; Twi'leks on Ryloth not forced to work in the mines are often taken as slaves, exported to markets throughout the Outer Rim.

Millennia of dispersion into the wider galaxy, however, means that many Twi'leks have little or no sense of connection with their beleaguered homeworld; Twi'leks may be second only to humans in their ubiquity throughout known space. Nonetheless, many Twi'leks can't escape the shadows of slavery and the underworld--often, they find work with the same pirates, slavers and spice dealers who have traditionally oppressed their species.

Twi'lek names vary dramatically, depending on whether the parents follow the old Twi'lek tradition of combining given and family name, or use the more common approach (separating first name and surname) used by many other species. Some Twi'leks eschew any surname altogether.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​species.​twilek



Zabrak are near-human sentients from the planet Iridonia renowned for their independence and wandering spirit. They have distinctive facial horns, whose number and pattern denote which subspecies an individual Zabrak belongs to. Most Zabrak wear ritual facial tattoos, which vary from simple lines to more elaborate patterns. The designs can mark significant events in their lives, or merely be a matter of personal preference.

After discovering space travel early in their civilization, they quickly colonized worlds throughout the Mid Rim and gained a reputation as pioneers and explorers. Zabrak are also skilled warriors, engaging in inter-clan competitions to hone their talents; their physiology, which includes a secondary heart and some resistance to pain, gives them surprising endurance in battle.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 8

FQN: cdx.​species.​zabrak



Hailing from the Outer Rim planet Srilurr on the border of Hutt Space, the intimidating Weequays have served as foot soldiers and mercenaries for millennia. Weequay warriors under the command of Kossak the Hutt defeated infamous warlord Xim the Despot over twenty thousand years ago, securing the Weequays a reputation as one of the galaxy's toughest species.

Veteran soldiers joke that Weequays can survive headless or heartless, but not both. Such exaggerations expose a dim view of Weequay intelligence that ignores the capable military leaders and wise Jedi Masters who have come from this proud people.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​weequay

SpeciesNar ShaddaaBoth11.0.0


Abyssins are a nomadic and savage species from the planet Byss. They are distinguished most obviously by the single large eye centered prominently on their foreheads. They are also notoriously hard to kill, possessing incredible regenerative abilities that allow them to recover from virtually any non-fatal wound.

The Abyssins' uncanny resilience has no doubt contributed to their violent culture. While bloody conflicts between warring tribes are all too common, casualties from these skirmishes are surprisingly few. Their fortitude makes them ideal hired muscle, and they often find work throughout the galaxy as mercenaries and bodyguards.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​species.​abyssin



As fearsome as they are scarce, Dashades are the hulking survivors of a long-dead planet. Their homeworld, Urkupp, was destroyed a millennium ago, leaving scant few of their kind left; a live Dashade is a rare sight these days.

Prior to Urkupp's destruction, they were feared for their inherent resistance to the Force; Jedi and Sith alike often found their powers useless against the Dashades. While the Jedi generally preferred to avoid them, many Sith Lords took advantage of their unique abilities and employed Dashades as assassins to dispose of Jedi and rival Sith.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​species.​dashade


Sith Pureblood

Although the name "Sith" is now used by the order of Force users who call upon the dark side, the term originally referred to a Force-sensitive species of red-skinned humanoids. The term "Sith pureblood" is now used to distinguish between those descended from the species and the order itself.

The Sith species was discovered three thousand years ago on Korriban by exiled human Dark Jedi fleeing Republic space after their defeat in a war called the Second Great Schism. The Dark Jedi quickly enslaved the primitive culture, and over many generations, the two groups intermingled.

Eventually, the elite ruling class of Korriban consisted almost exclusively of the hybridized offspring of the Dark Jedi and the high priests of the Sith people. These offspring tended to exhibit the physical characteristics of their Sith parentage, such as red skin, yellow eyes, bony protrusions on the face or head, and fleshy tendrils dangling from the cheeks and chin. For a brief time, Sith blood was seen as a sign of weakness--but the modern Empire believes purity of heritage carries the strength of the Force.

Genetically speaking, true "pureblood" Sith are virtually extinct, but red skin is still the mark of an Imperial--almost always a Force user--who can trace his or her ancestry into antiquity.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​species.​sith_pure_blood

Sith Pureblood


Natives of the planet Vinsoth, the Chevin are long-snouted, stubby-legged aliens known for their quick intelligence and underworld dealings. The most famous Chevin gangster was the slave Adamar Kirb, who managed to establish his own cartel on the Hutt-dominated world of Nar Shaddaa. While his cartel eventually broke apart into many smaller gangs, his influence is still felt.

Because of their business savvy, underworld connections and starship expertise, the Empire considers the Chevin a useful, if weak, potential ally in the ongoing galactic conflict with the Republic, though as with most aliens, most of the Chevin within the Empire are slaves.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​species.​chevin

SpeciesDromund KaasImperial111.0.0


Duros are among the most common and well-traveled aliens in the galaxy. One of the founding species of the Galactic Republic, they are known for their role in mapping the earliest hyperspace routes and pioneering hyperdrive technology; to this day, the Duros diaspora is rich and varied, and modern Duros are as frequently soldiers as they are mechanics or moisture farmers. The Duros homeworld, Duro, is located on the Corellian Trade Spine, at the nexus of two vital trade lanes.

Famous Duros include the smuggler Sol Vara, who outraced Exar Kun's forces during the Great Sith War to bring food to the refugees of Aduba Six. Not all Duros are wildly successful, however; on Nar Shaddaa, many Duros live in poverty under the rule of the Hutt Cartel, and on Dromund Kaas and other Imperial worlds, Duros are often used as slaves.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​species.​duros

SpeciesDromund KaasImperial131.0.0


The Kubaz are long-snouted aliens renowned for the secretive hand signals they use to communicate with each other. These signals, combined with their ability to see even with very little light, make them experts at covert communications, and as a result, they are commonly employed as espionage agents by forces on both sides of the galactic conflict.

Even in the underworld, Kubaz are used to broker deals in silence, in the shadows. One of the most famous Kubaz was a triple agent who worked for the Hutt Cartel, providing them with information on both the Republic and the Sith Empire so the Hutts could reap the rewards of the conflict.

Category: Species

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 12

FQN: cdx.​species.​kubaz

SpeciesDromund KaasImperial121.0.0


It doesn't require much of an imagination to see that the hulking Massassi are genetic cousins to the Sith Pureblood. Both share the same distinctive skin tones, skeletal ridges and body tendrils. Both are also Force-sensitive, though the similarities typically end there. Nourished by the dark side of the Force, the yellow-eyed Massassi have developed a culture based around hunting, combat and violent ritual sacrifice.

On Yavin 4 in particular, the Massassi are markedly different from Purebloods. These impossibly strong warriors have developed dense and sharp claws on their hands and feet, and their intellect has diminished to the point that they rely almost entirely on animal instinct and use grunts to communicate. Their society, such as it is, has devolved into true barbarism.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​species.​massassi

SpeciesYavin 4Both583.0.0


The diminutive and studious Drall are native to one of five inhabited worlds in the Corellian system and have been part of everyday life on Corellia itself for thousands of years. The Drall have long been Corellia's most trusted and respected record keepers--it is rumored that even the planet's crime lords rely on these small furry creatures for accurate accounting, and every library and museum of note keeps at least one Drall archivist on staff.

Despite their animalistic appearance, Drall are highly intelligent beings of refined tastes. They are deeply respectful of others and expect to be treated in kind. The Drall are not a violent species and possess little military training, but their detailed knowledge of Corellia is proving invaluable to Republic forces.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​drall



Corellian folklore says that long ago, the Drall and Selonians chose their species' future paths--and where the Drall selected peaceful intellect, the Selonians claimed passionate physicality. Native to Selonia, the second planet in the Corellian system, the tall, wiry Selonians are perfectly adapted for hand-to-hand combat. Their needle-like teeth and claws make for impressive natural weapons, and even Wookiees respect these agile warriors' prowess.

The immense Selonian population on Corellia immediately sided with the resistance when the Empire invaded the planet. However, the Selonians stubbornly resist using their underground tunnel networks to ambush or trap Imperial forces due to a cultural disgust for lies and subterfuge. Is it said that in war, truth is the first casualty; if the Selonians are unwilling to accept this sacrifice, they may fare poorly in the battles ahead.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​selonian



The original inhabitants of Alderaan, the insectoid Killiks spread across the planet and throughout neighboring star systems millennia before the foundation of the Republic. By the time human colonists found Alderaan, however, the Killiks had long since migrated into deep space for reasons unknown; the only evidence of their existence was their empty hive mounds.

In fact, a few Killiks had remained behind on Alderaan and lived in hibernation deep underground. Every few hundred years, these Killiks would emerge and come into conflict with the colonists before retreating and sleeping once again. The Alderaanians viewed the Killiks as monsters out of legend, and no one's certain how the Killiks view the Alderaanians.

Killik society is comprised of a collection of hive minds--some violently territorial, others gentle and reclusive. Individual Killiks possess no sense of identity or self, and each would unquestioningly sacrifice its life for the benefit of its nest. As a result, Killiks cannot comprehend the value other species place on individuals, making them difficult to interact or negotiate with. They do, however, have values of their own, creating beautiful works of art and engaging in complex ritual behavior.

The strength of the Killik hive mind is such that it can even absorb individuals from other species, altering their brain chemistry so that they respond to the will of the nest. These transformed individuals are commonly called Joiners.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​species.​killik



The Rishii have soared as their planet's dominant species for many thousands of years. Their powerful wings, honed talons and knack for mimicking the sounds of other living things make them natural hunters. While highly intelligent, they prefer to apply their smarts to reflective and societal matters over technological advancement.

Content to lead simple lives in villages set atop high mountain peaks and grow their population at a glacial pace, the Rishii have no reason to war amongst themselves, though their ability to defend themselves from predators make them skillful combatants. Some Rishii have chosen to relocate closer to the outsiders who have colonized the world in recent years, the most adventurous among them integrating more fully and opting for the thrill of a pirate's life.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​species.​rishii



Cathar are a feline humanoid species native to the planet of the same name. They are normally covered in fur, although variations in the genetic baseline have expressed themselves as at least two distinct subspecies. Cathar are noteworthy hand-to-hand combatants, possessing retractable claws, strong physiques and natural agility.

It was the Cathar reputation for martial prowess that drew the Mandalorians to besiege their homeworld several centuries ago. Despite their valiant resistance against the remorseless invaders, the native Cathar were virtually exterminated. Out of millions, only a few hundred escaped the Mandalorians' attack and fled to Republic space.

In the time since their near-extinction, the Cathar have rebuilt their numbers to become common faces on Republic worlds. The Jedi Order, Galactic Senate and Republic military all claim numerous proud and loyal Cathar among their ranks. It is rare to encounter a Cathar who doesn't actively despise the Sith Empire--and especially its Mandalorian allies.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​species.​cathar

SpeciesOrd MantellRepublic21.0.0

Kel Dor

The Kel Dor are a humanoid species noted for a physical appearance others diplomatically describe as "an acquired taste." In addition to unattractive facial features, Kel Dor wear elaborate mask-like breathing apparatuses when entering oxygen-rich environments. The combination of their alien appearance and strange technology leads unenlightened beings to naturally mistrust Kel Dor.

Thousands of years before they joined the Galactic Republic, Kel Dor developed their own Force-using order of "Baran Do Sages." These men and women advised rich and powerful families, using the Force to guide their patrons to strength and prosperity. However, the Baran Do Sages faded into obscurity once the Jedi took over training the Force-sensitive Kel Dor.

Kel Dor inhabit all walks of Republic life, from powerful Jedi Masters to lowlife bounty hunters. Culturally, they tend to view life in black-and-white terms. Kel Dor aren't above acts of vigilantism, meting out personal justice if they believe a grievance warrants it.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​kel_dor

Kel Dor
SpeciesOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0

Mon Calamari

Hailing from the oceanic planet Dac, the amphibious Mon Calamari are among the Republic's most creative and intelligent member species. Many famous inventors, artists, military leaders and Jedi have emerged from this people. Less noble-minded Mon Calamari have made equally successful criminals and gangsters.

Physically, Mon Calamari possess dome-like heads, large eyes and long webbed hands. They are fast swimmers who can hold their breath for long periods, although wounded or panicked Mon Calamari are still capable of drowning. Their eyes can swivel independently, allowing them to focus on two different areas simultaneously.

Despite only joining the Republic within the last millennia, Mon Calamari have earned a reputation for being its most enthusiastic supporters. Folk wisdom says that when a Mon Calamari joins a cause, its eventual victory is assured. Although they are not a warlike race by nature, Mon Calamari are more than willing to fight for ideals they believe in.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​mon_calamari

Mon Calamari
SpeciesOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0


Rodians are a reptilian humanoid species hailing from the deadly tropical jungle planet Rodia. Their harsh and unforgiving natural habitat has shaped Rodians into an aggressively survivalist culture. A reputation for violent tendencies has pushed Rodians to the fringes of galactic society, as few other species trust them.

The most noteworthy physical feature of Rodians is their large, multifaceted eyes, which allow them to detect another creature's body heat even in near-total darkness. This gives Rodians a natural edge as hunters, leading many to pursue careers as bounty hunters or even less-savory professions.

The negative stereotyping of Rodians is mostly unearned, however. Many among the species have channeled their biological adaptations and cultural inclinations toward more productive paths. Rodians serve proudly in the Republic military and Jedi Order, standing united with humans and other species to oppose the Sith Empire.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​species.​rodian

SpeciesOrd MantellRepublic21.0.0


The Chiss are a proud and highly intelligent species, valuing a knack for strategy and subterfuge over brute force. Although isolated in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy within their so-called "Chiss Ascendency," the Chiss were singled out by the Empire as potential servants and allies because of their outsider status and their relative lack of moral qualms.

It is not that Chiss are by nature evil, but that they value pragmatism and efficiency and recognize both those qualities reflected in the Empire. While as a nonhuman, non-Sith species, Chiss are regarded as second-class citizens within the Empire, the Chiss Ascendancy is permitted self-governance and supporters of a more diverse Empire often use the Chiss as an example of what the Empire can accomplish by welcoming other species. A few rare Chiss have even achieved official rank in the Imperial military and Imperial Intelligence.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​species.​chiss



Built for cold weather, the blue-furred, long-nosed Ortolans are deeply private individuals who--thanks to their large ears and keen olfactory senses--possess a deep appreciation for music and food. They can be found in small numbers throughout the galaxy, filling all walks of life, but they are best known as musicians and chefs.

Although not expansionist by nature, Ortolans have occasionally attempted to found full-fledged colonies away from their icy homeworld of Orto. One such group arrived on Hoth several years back. The Hoth Ortolans keep mostly to themselves, but the increasing presence of Republic, Empire and pirate forces on their adopted world has made them wary. Despite a kinship with the Republic, they value independence and--more importantly--peace. The current situation on Hoth threatens both.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​species.​ortolan



The Talz are a strong, warlike and clannish species, ideally suited (due to their copious fur) to fighting in cold-weather climates. Their essential sense of honor and decidedly inhuman appearance brings most Talz into alignment with the Republic in the fight against the exclusionary Empire, and many Talz have joined the Republic's crack Talz commando units, battling on Hoth and in other cold-weather theaters of war.

Not all Talz believe that fighting for the Republic is the correct course, however. There are those whose bloodlust is not satisfied by taking out the targets the Republic assigns them, and who feel that they betray their clan by adopting a foreign master.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​species.​talz



An aggressive species of humanoids found exclusively on the world of Voss, the Gormak have an amazing ability to comprehend highly advanced technology and adapt it to their specific needs. From bits of scavenged electronics and discarded equipment, they can construct tools, machinery... even deadly weapons and cybernetic implants.

Aside from their affinity for technology, the Gormak's most notable feature is their hatred of the Voss species. The Gormak view the Voss as abominations that must be purged from their homeworld, and they are quick to extend this animosity to newcomers from the Republic and the Empire--like the Voss, these newcomers are all "outsiders."

The Gormak population is estimated to be in the millions, spread across the planet, but so far their tribal, warlike nature has kept them from uniting against the Voss. Yet over the centuries, the Voss have had to constantly fight against the Gormak to survive--and developed a hatred just as strong as the Gormak's.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​gormak



The Voss are a newly discovered humanoid species with a strong affinity for the Force--though they don't recognize it as the Force. Confined to a single city, Voss-Ka, on their homeworld, they possessed a pre-spaceflight level of technology until their recent discovery by the Republic and the Empire. Today, they have begun integrating outsider advances into their own culture, but remain isolated and backward compared to the rest of the galaxy.

Voss society is difficult for outsiders to comprehend, as they are guided in everything they do by the infallible visions of their Force-using Mystics. This unwavering obedience is often misinterpreted as a stoic fatalism or a lack of emotion, but beneath their reserved words and placid exterior the Voss are a passionate and devoted people.

The Voss share their world with the far larger Gormak population, and considered the tribal Gormak to be little more than beasts. While the Voss readily acknowledge the threat the Gormak represent to their society and constantly war against them, there is never any consideration given to wiping them out entirely--as Mystic law clearly states that the last Gormak must never die.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​voss



A rare and reclusive species, Gen'Dai are virtually immortal. Living for thousands of years, they possess distributed nervous and vascular systems and lack any vulnerable vital organs. Combined with their natural regenerative abilities, they can survive almost any injury, including total dismemberment. Despite their resilience, Gen'Dai typically wear heavy armor to give structure to their sinewy, boneless forms.

Abandoning their homeworld millennia ago for unknown reasons, most Gen'Dai now lead a nomadic existence. Believing in the perfection of permanence, these nonviolent philosophers see change as an illusion; as a result, Gen'Dai rarely take an active role in anything, preferring to remain unobtrusive observers as galactic history unfolds.

Some Gen'Dai suffer mental deterioration as they age. This leads to a pronounced increase in violent tendencies, and some of the afflicted eventually become mercenaries or bounty hunters. Most documented Gen'Dai encounters involve these rogue individuals, giving the species a somewhat unfavorable and undeserved reputation for viciousness.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​species.​gendai



Possessed of tough skin, infrared vision and the ability to regenerate lost limbs, the saurian Trandoshans are highly evolved hunters often found working as mercenaries and enforcers. Their culture revolves around combat and belief in an all-knowing goddess called the Scorekeeper who grants "Jagannath points" for honorable kills. These points denote an individual's status in Trandoshan society and purportedly determine a Trandoshan's eventual fate in the afterlife; consequently, even outside of physical combat, Trandoshan society is extremely competitive.

Trandoshans share their native star system with the Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk, and the two species have a long and vicious history together. Trandoshans see the wildlife of Kashyyyk--including the Wookiees themselves--as choice prey, and the Wookiees readily and violently defend their beloved home from raids by Trandoshan hunters and slavers.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​trandoshan



Selkath are a sleek, amphibious species native to the oceans of the planet Manaan. Diplomatic and family-oriented, they have traditionally been advocates of peace in the galaxy, taking a decidedly neutral political stance. Their homeworld is a major exporter (and formerly the sole source) of the medicinal fluid kolto, and it is the kolto trade that made the Selkath an influential force in the past.

However, when the Empire first returned to the galaxy and launched its attacks on Republic worlds, Manaan was one of the first worlds to be devastated. A massive bombing destroyed most of the planet's surface infrastructure, driving the Selkath to their underwater cities. Since then, the Selkath have mostly been cut off from the larger galaxy; those who were offworld when Manaan was attacked have largely been stranded, and only a few Selkath--mainly ambassadors seeking aid for their devastated planet--have left Manaan since.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​selkath



The Coruscanti expression "cheerful as an Advozse" refers to the well-known pessimism of this horned sentient species. Advozsec come from the geologically unstable Mid Rim world of Riflor, which has suffered groundquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout its history. Advozsec, therefore, often witness their cities' destruction by natural disasters, and have become accustomed to expecting the worst.

Advozsec's distinctive black eyes allow them to cope with the high quantities of volcanic ash in Riflor's atmosphere, providing specialized tear ducts and excellent vision in low light. Riflor's ash also nourishes a surprisingly wide variety of plant life, allowing the strictly vegetarian Advozsec to enjoy a varied diet.

In the Republic, Advozsec are known as gifted starship engineers and reliable, if dour bureaucrats; to the Empire, their adaption to harsh environments--and cheap diet--make them appealing mercenaries and servants.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​species.​advozsec



The Gand are a keen-eyed and sturdy species of insect-like humanoids. Comprised of over a dozen subtly distinct subspecies, several types of Gand require breathing apparatuses to survive outside the ammonia-rich atmosphere of their homeworld.

Despite this handicap, Gand make some of the best bounty hunters and trackers in the galaxy, and the art of the hunt is an integral part of Gand culture. The most revered Gand profession is that of Findsman: Part-shaman, part-bounty hunter, a Findsman uses a combination of ritual and skill to track his prey and bring him to justice.

Under other circumstances, the Gand's skill as hunters and natural physical hardiness might have led them to become a proud race. However, Gand are noted for being humble and self-deprecating. Most Gand refer to themselves in the third person, as Gand culture dictates that an individual's identity must first be earned. Only the most notable Gand ever call themselves "I."

Category: Species

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 12

FQN: cdx.​species.​gand



Known for their bizarre and wonderful technology as much as their unusual cephalopodic anatomy, the Gree are one of the oldest species in the galaxy. Their civilization once flourished in the Outer Rim, though the glory days of their people ended thousands of years before the rise of the Republic.

In modern times, with much of their history forgotten and the greatest achievements of their people lost, most Gree live in seclusion in the Enclave--a mid-sized region of space carefully isolated from outside contact. However, the Gree reputation as engineers and artisans is still unmatched. Genuine Gree technology is worth a fortune to collectors and researchers--though few Gree would part with such treasures, preferring to lend their skills instead.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​species.​gree



Amphibious humanoids from the planet Glee Anselm, Nautolans are distinguished by their tentacle-like head-tresses. Because of its primarily aquatic surface and its location off the major hyperlanes, only a handful of outsiders have ever visited Glee Anselm; as a result, little is known about Nautolan culture on their homeworld, though extrapolations can be made from those individuals who venture out into the greater galaxy.

Despite their aquatic origins, Nautolans can breathe air and are completely at home on land, and they can be found in a wide variety of professions. They have a reputation for being both smart and practical, and the existence of several Nautolan Jedi speaks to an affinity with the Force. With the arrival of the Empire, the Nautolans fought alongside the Republic, although some among them fear this will lead to unnecessary suffering for their people.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​species.​nautolan



Adventurous and outgoing, Sullustans are as comfortable seated at the controls of a ship as they are in the underground cities of their homeworld. Whether their affinity for navigation and exploration is genetic or cultural is a matter of some debate, but the end result is that Sullustans are found throughout the galaxy where they are heavily recruited as crew members on both civilian and military vessels.

The planet Sullust is currently under Imperial control, a fact that does not sit well with the Sullustans themselves. Due to Imperial censorship of planet-wide communications, little is known about resistance efforts on the surface. However, Sullustans in the rest of the galaxy are almost universal in their support of the Republic, with most eager to do anything they can to aid in the eventual liberation of their homeworld.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​species.​sullustan



An oppressed and miserable species, the Evocii were once Hutta's sole inhabitants. They were a primitive people, existing in small tribes and possessing basic technology. Then the Hutts came, exchanging their advanced machines for Evocii land until they had bought up the entire planet.

Now the Evocii are enslaved, preserved only to serve their corpulent masters' whims. While a few brave Evocii actively oppose the Hutts' tyranny, most have resigned themselves to a life of servitude. The Evocii are generally found in small, impoverished tribes on Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, though a lucky few have managed to escape the Hutts' influence and carve a life for themselves elsewhere.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​species.​evocii



A species of large, amphibious gastropods, Hutts are noted for their vast appetites and widespread cultural involvement in organized crime. Their bodies average three meters in length, with large eyes and wide mouths offset by comparatively small upper appendages. Corpulence is a favored trait among Hutts, who believe that greater body mass indicates greater success and riches.

Although Hutts are biologically hermaphrodites, many take on the gender roles of other species; scientists and sociologists disagree on the reason for this. Hutts are also considered one of the longest-lived species in the galaxy, with several documented individuals living for more than one thousand years.

Culturally, Hutts favor entrepreneurial pursuits over direct action or labor. A vast number of these pursuits are based on illegal activities, with some Hutt clans constructing vast criminal empires that operate across numerous worlds for centuries at a time.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​species.​hutt



Ugnaughts are small, hardworking humanoids with a knack for mechanical work. Living in close-knit tribes, they are native to the volcanic world Gentes, where they build cunning devices to help them survive Gentes's inhospitable conditions. Living in Gentes's thick atmosphere gives Ugnaughts some natural resistance to toxic gases, meaning they can work happily in industrial environments without protection.

The Ugnaughts' small size and impressive technical expertise unfortunately make them prime targets for slavers. The Hutt Cartel alone is responsible for displacing entire Ugnaught tribes, putting them to work in droid factories or to maintain the Hutts' extravagant palaces.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 4

FQN: cdx.​species.​ugnaught



Short, squat humanoids, Gamorreans are easily identifiable by their greenish skin and porcine features. On their homeworld, they live in clans, where the male boars serve exclusively as warriors while the female sows tend the day-to-day affairs like farming, raising young and crafting weapons.

Known for their physical strength and endurance, Gamorreans are generally considered a species of below average intelligence. Unable to speak Basic because of their physiology, most Gamorreans are still able to comprehend it and find a place in the galactic community as soldiers, guards or mercenaries. Due to their reputation for violence and brutality, they are often employed by crime lords, gang leaders and various other criminal elements.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​species.​gamorrean



An insectoid species with physiologically distinct subgroups, most Geonosians are four-limbed bipeds. Often categorized as cruel and barbaric, they possess an inherent talent for engineering and technical design and a complex set of cultural traditions.

On their homeworld, the Geonosians live in hierarchical hive societies broken down into castes. The Geonosian aristocracy has unquestioned control of the workers and the soldiers, brutally managing the lesser castes as befits the aristocrats' whims. Rebellion is nearly unthinkable, given the Geonosian instinct for hive preservation, and advancement in the hive is extremely difficult--often earned through ritual gladiatorial combat. Rumors of a queen caste arise among outsiders periodically, but if queens exist, the Geonosians keep them well hidden.

Most Geonosians encountered away from their homeworld are outcasts or warrior scouts; either way, they are typically arrogant and selfish, with little regard for the lives of other species.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​species.​geonosian



Native to Tatooine, the diminutive Jawas are often dismissed as scavengers and thieves. However, this description minimizes the resilience of the species, which has managed to thrive in the harsh desert environment.

Rodent-like in their features, Jawa are rarely seen without the brown robes and facial coverings that protect them from Tatooine's twin suns. They live in nomadic clans each ruled by a female shaman, and there is surprisingly little rivalry between the clans, as each limits scavenging to its traditional territory. Necessities not found or built by the clan are purchased from offworlders' settlements, where Jawas' skills as tinkerers whose work endures the desert heat are reluctantly valued.

Annually, all the clans gather in the basin of the Dune Sea to exchange goods and share ideas. This is also a common time for clans to exchange sons and daughters of age. This practice increases genetic diversity within each clan and solidifies the unspoken alliance among the Jawas as a whole.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​species.​jawa



Ten thousand years before the formation of the Republic, the Rakata ruled much of the known galaxy. War-like and cruel, strong in the Force and technologically advanced, they enslaved or wiped out every civilization they encountered. At its peak, nearly five hundred conquered worlds paid tribute to the Rakata Infinite Empire.

However, the Rakata's rapid expansion came to an abrupt end when a strange plague swept through the species. Millions died, and most of those who survived lost their connection to the Force. Suddenly vulnerable, the Rakata were unable to suppress a massive outbreak of violent slave uprisings.

The liberated worlds destroyed the creations and records of their defeated overlords, wiping out almost all trace and knowledge of the Rakata in the greater galaxy. A few thousand Rakata survivors--all that remained of the Infinite Empire--retreated to their hidden homeworld of Lehon, where they descended into barbarism.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​species.​rakata


Sand People

A violently xenophobic species from Tatooine, the Sand People are more formally referred to as the Ghorfa. Most at home in Tatooine's endless deserts and canyons, the nomadic Sand People survive by hunting and raiding larger settlements and by raising banthas as mounts and for food, milk and materials. To outsiders, they can appear incomprehensibly hostile--but while virtually all encounters with Sand People end in violence, their culture is more complex internally.

Sand People have strict taboos against showing exposed flesh except in very rare and specific circumstances and keep themselves wrapped in heavy coverings. Those who violate this sacred custom are banished from the tribe; a fate that typically ends in a lonely death in the desert. Despite their insular nature, Sand People are known to adopt and raise young children of other species orphaned by their attacks. Once these orphans reach adulthood, they are encouraged to leave the tribe and return to their own people.

The history of the Sand People is maintained through the tales of revered tribal storytellers. Many of their legends describe a golden age of technological miracles, seemingly indicating the Sand People were once a highly advanced civilization. This had led to speculation that the Ghorfa are descended from the now extinct Kumumgah species that lived on Tatooine roughly thirty thousand years ago.

Category: Species

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​species.​sand_people

Sand People

Galactic History 90: The Battle of Alderaan

The Sith Empire had won victory after victory in the Great War. But despite the Sith Emperor's planning, the Empire had also endured setbacks from stubborn Republic defenders. To shatter the Republic's morale, Imperial forces led by the newly-promoted Darth Malgus descended on the peaceful Core World of Alderaan. The surprise attack left Alderaan in flames.

Alderaan was little more than a transfer station for Republic soldiers on leave, though it also had a number of Republic military hospitals. There was no way the Empire could have foreseen that Captain Jace Malcom and Havoc Squad--the Republic's elite Special Forces unit--would be on planet as the attack came. Jace organized an armed stand against the Empire and signaled the Republic.

During an ambush in Alderaan's snowy forests, Captain Malcom and Satele Shan--the Jedi who would become Grand Master of the order--fought and defeated Darth Malgus. The tide was turned; the Republic fleet arrived soon afterwards, securing Alderaan, and the injured Malgus was secretly evacuated by fleeing Imperial forces.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_1

Galactic History 90: The Battle of Alderaan
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Galactic History 91: The Syndicate Wars

To the galaxy's underworld, war means profit. As the Republic and Sith Empire clashed, the Hutt-affiliated Rath Cartel and the upstart Vandelhelm Combine competed to smuggle weapons to the highest bidder in what were later called the Syndicate Wars.

When both sides hired powerful mercenaries, the rivalry spiraled out of control. Eventually the fighting spilled over into a "back door" trade corridor controlled by the notorious Nok Drayen, a gangster who had destroyed half the Hutt Cartel in a single night.

With his profits in danger, Nok Drayen swiftly retaliated against both factions. The Rath Cartel and the Vandelhelm Combine soon realized they were out of their depth, as Nok Drayen called in favors from dangerous Gank mercenaries, renegade Hutts and even Imperial officials. Finally Nok Drayen attacked Vandelhelm's headquarters, while simultaneously having the leader of the Rath Cartel assassinated. When the Syndicate Wars were over, every credit Vandelhelm and the Rath Cartel had earned went into Nok Drayen's pocket.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_2

Galactic History 91: The Syndicate Wars
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Galactic History 92: The Hydian Way

Driven to test themselves in war, the Mandalorians had traditionally found common ground with the goals of the Sith. After the Empire's return, a new Mandalore emerged, forged in the gladiatorial arenas of Geonosis, and agreed to an Imperial alliance. Calling his scattered people together, Mandalore assembled a powerful fleet and blockaded the Hydian Way, a critical Republic supply line.

The Core Worlds slowly began to starve, and a partnership of underworld figures led by the smuggler Hylo Visz saw opportunity. The group baited the Mandalorians with bulk freighters of goods, before a motley fleet of starships ambushed the Mandalorian cruisers and forced them to break formation. With support from the Republic Navy, the blockade was destroyed.

As Hylo and her associates grew rich overnight, the Mandalorians withdrew. Dissent was growing in the ranks. Soon, Mandalore himself would face a challenge to his leadership.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_3

Galactic History 92: The Hydian Way
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Galactic History 93: The Mandalorian Schism

The Great Hunt--a test of skill, valor and daring--has been a Mandalorian tradition for generations. After the Mandalorian defeat at the Hydian Way, Mandalore organized a Great Hunt to inspire and unite his people. The winner, Artus, challenged Mandalore to a duel and shot him dead. Artus then claimed the title of Mandalore himself, reaffirming the alliance with the Sith Empire.

Several Mandalorian clans, led by the renowned warrior Jicoln Cadera, disagreed. Centuries before, Mandalore the Preserver had fought shoulder-to-shoulder with Jedi and led his people to glory; Jicoln and his clans argued that they should ally with the Republic. When Artus refused, Jicoln Cadera led the clans in an uprising against him.

The two men fought a bloody campaign, but Artus eventually prevailed. He broke the rebels, seizing their armor and ordering their children adopted into other clans. Jicoln Cadera escaped into exile, leaving Artus unchallenged.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_4

Galactic History 93: The Mandalorian Schism
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Scientific Endeavors on Kessan's Landing

"That's it. It's over. The lab's been cleaned out, the last of the equipment is packed. It's being shipped out tomorrow, and then we follow the next day. Years of work, testing, experiments, results... all useless now.

When the grant from Corellia University ran out, I thought the Republic would make up the difference in our funding. Those gearheads at Corellia may have lost interest when our research turned up nothing that could make a starship go faster, but I assumed the Republic had enough sense to see the potential in our research.

I like to think I'm resourceful. Adaptable. You have to be, in this line of work, unless your life's mission is to die in a fiery lava pool. If the Republic can't see the possibilities of what we've done here, I'll look elsewhere. And no oversight means no one will notice if an equipment crate or two comes with me.

Let the savrips have this place."

-From the daily journal of a volcanologist stationed at Mount Felo

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​kessans_landing_1

Scientific Endeavors on Kessan's Landing
Achievement: DatacronsBoth17.4.0b

Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Toward the end of the Great Hyperspace War, besieged on all sides by the forces of Naga Sadow's Sith Empire, the Republic prepared for a last, desperate stand at the red giant Primus Goluud. Sadow's fleet clashed with the might of the Republic Navy, while Sith forces fought the Jedi on the surface of Coruscant itself.

Gav Daragon, who had been fooled into becoming Naga Sadow's servant, led the assault on his homeworld, Koros Major. When one of his friends was killed, Gav realized Sadow had been manipulating him, and defected to the Republic. Alongside Empress Teta's forces, he joined the battle at Primus Goluud.

Trapped, Sadow used a superweapon to explode the red giant. Sadow's forces escaped into hyperspace before the shockwave hit; Gav Daragon was killed, but not before he had transmitted Korriban's coordinates to Empress Teta and the Republic fleet.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_1

Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 29: Sadow's Escape

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Naga Sadow's attempt to conquer the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War had failed. After the battle at Primus Goluud, he led the limping Sith fleet back to Korriban, only to find an old enemy waiting for him. His rival Ludo Kressh, believed dead, now commanded a fleet of his own.

The two Sith Lords fought furiously, only to be interrupted by the Republic fleet, which had pursued Sadow through hyperspace. The Republic began to attack the Sith forces, quickly gaining the upper hand.

Sadow took desperate measures. He forced one of his captains to ram Kressh's flagship, killing his rival once and for all. Left with only a single vessel and a crew of slaves, Sadow escaped the battle and fled to the remote jungle world of Yavin Four. Sadow then placed himself in a long stasis, still dreaming of a Sith golden age.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_2

Galactic History 29: Sadow's Escape
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With the end of the Great Hyperspace War, the Republic and the Jedi began to purge the remnants of the Sith Empire--obliterating its power centers, destroying its dark teachings and leaving its people without a clear leader. The Supreme Chancellor and his allies argued that this was not a battle against the Empire's citizenry, but a necessary step to free the Sith from corruption.

The survivors among the Sith--and they were few, as famine, disease and infighting claimed those who did not continue to face down the Republic--saw it as a deathblow to their culture. But a savior arose: The man who would one day become Emperor of the Sith had weathered the war with a number of trusted followers. No record of the Sith Emperor's original identity has survived, but he was quickly accepted as the leader of the almost-shattered Sith Empire.

Although the Republic had temporarily retreated from the Horuset system, the Sith Emperor knew that Korriban would not be safe for long. While the few survivors emerged from their shelters in the deserts and shattered tombs, the Sith Emperor began to devise a plan, centuries in the execution, that would ensure the survival of the Sith and the eventual annihilation of the Republic.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_3

Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 31: The Ritual of Nathema

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the final days of the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith Emperor and his closest followers remained upon a world known as Nathema and did not engage the Republic. It is clear from the records that Nathema is not the original name of the world, but why it was changed and why he was there has been carefully purged from all records.

What is known is that following the flight of Naga Sadow, the Emperor came to Korriban, gathered the remaining lords of the Sith and took them back with him to Nathema. There they conducted a ritual that extended the Emperor's life at the cost of the lives of more than eight thousand Sith Lords. The Ritual of Nathema is celebrated among Imperial scholars as a rare and amazing coming together of Sith for the good of the Empire.

The Emperor then gathered the younger generation of Sith, promoted new lords and promised them revenge on the Republic for its attempted genocide of the Sith people. Aboard a small fleet, the Sith Empire vanished into unknown space, leaving no trace for the Republic to find.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_4

Galactic History 31: The Ritual of Nathema
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 32: Long Exile

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Led by their new Emperor, the survivors of the Sith Empire had left Korriban aboard a small fleet following the Great Hyperspace War. There was no place in known space they could hide from the Republic--and so, undaunted, they fled into the unknown regions of the galaxy. Where the old Sith Empire had often been divided by rivalries, the survivors were now united, both by their desire to find a new home and by their anger at the Republic that had sought to destroy them.

For decades, the fleet wandered among the stars--until one day, a scout vessel returned to the armada with incredible news. Either by luck or by the esoteric designs of the often-silent Emperor, the Sith had rediscovered a long-lost outpost world: the jungle planet of Dromund Kaas. Absent from any star charts, Dromund Kaas presented a perfect refuge where the Sith Empire could rebuild and plan its revenge.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_5

Galactic History 32: Long Exile
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 53: The Conclave at Deneba

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Sith Krath cult had become a menace, attempting to seize the Empress Teta system and repelling a Republic fleet. Knowing the shadow of the dark side lay over the Krath, the Jedi called a conclave on the planet Deneba to discuss their next course of action. Ulic Qel-Droma suggested a risky plan: infiltrating the Krath from within.

Many disagreed, believing such a course was reckless and dangerous. During the debate, the gathering was ambushed by Krath war droids. The Jedi rallied and managed to fight the droids off, but among the casualties was one of the Jedi's wisest Masters. Arca Jeth was dead.

Ulic Qel-Droma, Arca Jeth's student, was devastated by his death. Full of grief and hatred for the Krath, Ulic swore to destroy the cultists, not seeing that his desire for revenge was leading him down a dangerous path.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_1

Galactic History 53: The Conclave at Deneba
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 54: Ulic's Fall

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Ulic Qel-Droma had seen his beloved Master Arca Jeth cut down by the Sith Krath cult. Grieving and angry, he ignored the advice of his brother Cay and his lover Nomi and resolved to destroy the Krath from within.

Posing as a fallen Jedi, Ulic made his way to the Empress Teta system. After foiling an assassination attempt on Aleema, one of the Krath founders, Ulic was taken into the cult's ranks. However, the second founder, Satal Keto, remained suspicious of Ulic.

Over months, Ulic became immersed in the Krath teachings, even becoming Aleema's lover. Eventually, the concerned Jedi sent a team to bring Ulic home. During the rescue attempt, Ulic dueled Satal in anger, blaming him for his Master's death. Although the Jedi were able to escape, the now truly fallen Ulic chose to remain with the Krath, taking Satal's place as the cult's leader .

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_2

Galactic History 54: Ulic's Fall
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

On the advice of the spirit of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, the fallen Jedi Exar Kun traveled to the jungle moon of Yavin Four and encountered the Massassi--the primitive servants of the dead Sith Naga Sadow. The Massassi took Exar Kun prisoner and prepared to sacrifice him to a monstrous wyrm.

Exar Kun was forced to use his growing connection to the dark side to free himself. Freedon Nadd appeared once more, congratulating his student. But Exar Kun had tired of Nadd's meddling and used his newfound strength to obliterate Nadd's spirit. Cowed, the Massassi bowed before Exar Kun as his slaves.

Exar Kun's power grew. He ordered the Massassi to build immense temples and to seek out Naga Sadow's lost battleship. He also used Sith alchemy to create horrific monsters, including terentateks that hungered for the blood of Force users. But powerful as he was, he could sense a distant rival: Ulic Qel-Droma.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_3

Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 56: The Brotherhood of the Sith

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi still hoped to save their fallen brother Ulic Qel-Droma, who had become leader of the evil Krath cult. Ulic's close friend Nomi led a second rescue mission to the city of Cinnagar to bring him home. But again Ulic resisted, unleashing his vast armies until the Jedi were forced to withdraw.

It was then that the Dark Jedi Exar Kun arrived at Cinnagar's royal palace. From Yavin Four, Exar Kun had sensed Ulic's growing dark power and saw him as a threat. The two men clashed in a ferocious duel until the spirit of Marka Ragnos, a long-dead Sith Lord, appeared to them.

Ragnos commanded Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun to join forces; together, they could bring about the long-prophesied Golden Age of the Sith. With Exar Kun as Dark Lord and Ulic as his apprentice, the Brotherhood of the Sith was born.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_4

Galactic History 56: The Brotherhood of the Sith
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 57: The Brotherhood's Power Grows

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

United as the Brotherhood of the Sith, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma set about gathering their strength. Exar Kun sought converts to his new Sith Order among the Jedi on Ossus, killing Master Odan-Urr to claim a powerful Sith holocron.

Focused on strategy, Ulic contacted the Mandalorians, whose leader, Mandalore, had challenged the Krath cult's rule of the Empress Teta system. Ulic defeated Mandalore in a duel, and the Mandalorians rallied under his banner.

Exar Kun also gave Ulic a terrible weapon--the Dark Reaper, which was capable of drawing out the life essence of an entire army. Ulic tested the Dark Reaper against Republic troops on Raxus Prime, killing hundreds. With the Dark Reaper, Mandalorian Crusaders, the Massassi warriors and Exar Kun's own horrific alchemical creations, the Brotherhood of the Sith was finally ready to challenge the Republic.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_5

Galactic History 57: The Brotherhood's Power Grows
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 09: The Force Wars

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

On the planet Tython, an order of philosophers and researchers arose, studying the mysterious energy that permeates all things--an energy known as the Force. However, disagreements developed within the order about how this energy should be used, leading to the Force Wars that eventually engulfed the planet. A faction comprised of those who followed a more peaceful path left Tython and established itself on the planet Ossus; later, this faction called itself the Jedi Order.

At their new enclave, the Jedi refined a code that would guide them. They became a monastic warrior people, devoting themselves to the pursuit of peace and knowledge, rather than personal power.

In the wake of the Force Wars, the Jedi also had a new understanding of the Force. They saw that the Force, while naturally light, could be used for corrupt ends. Those who did not respect its power risked falling to the dark side.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tython.​datacron_1

Galactic History 09: The Force Wars
Achievement: DatacronsTythonRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Core Worlds began to expand, another power in the Core was rising. The Tion Cluster, inhabited by the descendants of ancient sleeper ship crews, had developed a new hyperspace beacon technology based on fragments left by the Infinite Empire--far superior than the hyperspace cannons previously in use.

The Tion Cluster was gradually conquered by an arrogant and powerful pirate prince, known to history as the despot Xim. Using the new hyperspace technology, he despoiled world after world, taking slaves and ruthlessly expanding his territory. His rule of the Tion Cluster lasted for thirty years and saw the conquest of hundreds of thousands of planets.

Xim might have continued his rule unchallenged even longer, but he chose to expand his empire into a new area of space, one already inhabited by the powerful Hutt Empire.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tython.​datacron_2

Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster
Achievement: DatacronsTythonRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Seeking to expand his territory, the ancient Tionese despot Xim began exploring the Si'klaata Cluster--and for the first time, encountered a force that could challenge him. This region belonged to the Hutt Empire. Although young, the Hutt Empire had already grown immensely powerful through its criminal enterprises, helped by the long lifespan of the Hutts.

The Hutts correctly assessed the threat Xim presented and poured resources into fighting him near the planet Vontor. Despite their strength, the Hutts were not certain of victory until they discovered the Si'klaata Cluster was home to several other powerful species, including the Nikto, Klatooinians and Vodrans. In a typical gambit, the Hutts managed to persuade these three species to sign the Treaty of Vontor, which bound them to the Hutts in perpetual slavery.

With these additional forces, the Hutts overwhelmed Xim at the third Battle of Vontor. Xim died a Hutt prisoner, leaving his vast holdings and territory free for the taking.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tython.​datacron_3

Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire
Achievement: DatacronsTythonRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Once an outpost of the ancient Sith Empire, the planet Dromund Kaas now presented a refuge to the Empire's weary survivors after their long exile from Korriban. Upon landing, the Emperor addressed the populace, promising them that from this world, a new civilization would grow to eventually crush the Republic.

The challenges of colonizing such a wild planet were soon evident. Dromund Kaas's jungles were untamed, full of dangerous predators. To ensure order and discipline, military service became mandatory for non-Force sensitives. Imperial citizens took pride in this duty, knowing they were defending the future of their people.

Before withdrawing into isolation, the Emperor established a Dark Council to oversee the Empire and control the hierarchy of the Sith. He is said to have conducted many dark side rituals and experiments that affected the planet itself, leaving Dromund Kaas storm-wracked to this day.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_1

Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 34: The Discovery of Ryll

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the years after the Great Hyperspace War, a discovery was made on the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth--the spice called ryll. Ryll was a component in several medicines, but was also a powerful stimulant. Sensing opportunity, Neimoidian traders quickly gained a monopoly on ryll and were keen to introduce it to other species.

One of these species was the Porporites, a peaceful people who had recently made first contact with the Republic. But in contrast to other species, ryll drove the Porporites into homicidal fury. Eventually, the entire species was composed of raging maniacs who began attacking other worlds.

Alarmed, the Republic asked the Jedi to take action against the Porporites, but the intervention was unsuccessful. The Neimoidians, fearing for their livelihoods, decided more desperate measures might be necessary and turned to Gank mercenaries for help.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_2

Galactic History 34: The Discovery of Ryll
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Addicted to the spice ryll--which drove them into a murderous frenzy--the Porporite species had become a threat to the galaxy. The Neimoidians had a monopoly on ryll and, terrified of the coming Porporite swarm, turned to the Ganks to stop the Porporites quickly.

The Ganks were mysterious, cybernetic mercenaries that often worked for the Hutts. With the Ganks' reputation as cold-blooded killers, the Neimoidians were confident they could handle the Porporite armies. But the Ganks' solution was to eliminate the entire Porporites species, and they hunted the Porporites to extinction.

Encouraged by this "success," the Ganks began wiping out other species, quickly becoming a far greater threat than the Porporites. The Jedi took up arms against them, but Supreme Chancellor Vocatara was forced to commission the first juggernaut droids to end the Gank menace for good.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_3

Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Although the Quarren and Mon Calamari both evolved on the watery world of Dac, it was millennia before the two species encountered each other. Unfortunately, initial contact went badly and the Quarren declared war. The Mon Calamari had a technological and intellectual advantage, but the Quarren repeatedly refused any overtures of peace. Eventually, the Quarren were driven to near-extinction.

But the Mon Calamari had no wish to exterminate their cousins. In a bold social experiment, the Mon Calamari took young Quarren into their society and taught them civilization, mathematics and the sciences. When these young Quarren returned to their people, they had nothing in common with their primitive fellows. Within twenty years, they had become the dominant force in Quarren society, and eventually sought peace with the Mon Calamari.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_4

Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Trained at the Jedi Temple on Ossus centuries after the Great Hyperspace War, Freedon Nadd was a powerful but temperamental Padawan. When denied promotion to the rank of Jedi Knight, the enraged Nadd struck down his Master. He left the Jedi and began to study the powers of the dark side.

Although Nadd learned much from a Sith holocron, he craved more. Nadd traveled to Yavin Four where he encountered the Massassi, savages who were once servants of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow. Nadd defeated them easily, and the awestruck Massassi took him to Sadow, who rested in a suspended animation chamber.

Unaware of the Sith Empire rebuilding itself on Dromund Kaas, Sadow believed Nadd was the acolyte he had been waiting for. But he underestimated Nadd's craving for power, and Nadd soon killed Sadow and left Yavin Four behind. Nadd settled on the distant world of Onderon, becoming a legendary tyrant.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_5

Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 15: Mandalore

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The gray-skinned Taung species, which clashed with humans long before the formation of the Republic, had lost none of its fearsome reputation over the years. The Taung revered conflict in all forms, relishing the chance to test themselves against powerful enemies.

While the young Republic continued to expand, the Taung also sought out and colonized many worlds. Eventually they discovered an Outer Rim planet populated by enormous, vicious beasts called mythosaurs. The Taung took the world for their own, calling it Mandalore after their leader, Mandalore the First. The mythosaurs presented little challenge to the powerful Taung; in time, mythosaur bones were used to build Mandalore's first cities.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​korriban.​datacron_1

Galactic History 15: Mandalore
Achievement: DatacronsKorribanImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the boom period of early Republic expansion, dissent arose from the unlikeliest of quarters: the planet Alsakan. Colonized by the first explorers from Coruscant long before the development of the hyperdrive, Alsakan had been a member of the Core Worlds for centuries.

But as the planet grew more powerful and influential, its Senators believed that Alsakan, not Coruscant, should be the capital of the Republic. A series of skirmishes called the "Alsakan Conflicts" broke out, slowing Republic growth as it tried to quell Alsakan's forces.

Despite the best efforts of Republic diplomats and generals, Alsakan remained belligerent, and seventeen such uprisings would occur over the next several thousand years. Later, the battle cruisers built during the Alsakan Conflicts would inspire the Republic's Invincible-class dreadnought.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​korriban.​datacron_2

Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts
Achievement: DatacronsKorribanImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In their travels, the early Republic explorers encountered many bizarre and fascinating species. Most of these first contacts were peaceful, but while charting worlds in the Outer Rim, scouts encountered enormous, flame-breathing reptiles known as Duinuogwuin. The terrified scouts opened fire and fled the planet, eventually returning to Coruscant--only to discover they'd been followed. The Duinuogwuin began waging war against the capital in what would be called the "Duinuogwuin Contention."

Supreme Chancellor Fillorean, often criticized in the Senate for being hesitant and indecisive, ignored demands to mobilize the Republic Navy and attempted to communicate with the Duinuogwuin. To everyone's surprise, the Duinuogwuin were revealed to be intelligent and inherently peaceful. Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and the Duinuogwuin philosopher Borz'Mat'oh negotiated a treaty, and later even cooperated to found Coruscant's first university.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​korriban.​datacron_3

Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention
Achievement: DatacronsKorribanImperial101.0.0

Assembly Chamber

The assembler is a critical element in the construction, modification, and enhancement of individual datacrons. While not Rakatan, the device bears striking similarities to the design methodologies of the Infinite Empire. Such technology, while not unheard of in the known regions, is spectacularly rare.

Ancient records indicate that assemblers, such as these, were instrumental in shifting the crystalline resonance that powers traditional holocrons so that the devices can be accessed and utilized by anyone - regardless of force sensitivity. When and how this innovation was developed is unknown, however the age of the few assemblers recovered, puts the development of this technology around the time of the first Jedi Exodus.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​global.​assembly_chamber_sith

Assembly Chamber
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Since its victories against the forces of the Tion Cluster, the Hutt Empire had continued to expand its influence. It now controlled dozens of systems, and the Hutt criminal enterprises extended even into Republic space.

But the greed of the Hutts was insatiable, and their long life spans meant grudges could be carried for centuries. Rivalries became open hostilities, until their entire empire was embroiled in the "Hutt Cataclysms," a series of conflicts that saw devastating weapons unleashed on Hutt-controlled worlds.

When the cataclysms ended, the Hutt homeworld of Varl and hundreds of Hutt colonies had been rendered lifeless. Seeking a new homeworld, the Hutts began relocating to the planet Evocar, slowly buying parcels of land from the Evocii people. Eventually, the Hutts owned the entire planet, which would later be called Nal Hutta--or more often, simply "Hutta," the "Glorious Jewel."

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_1

Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Republic had been established on principles of free speech and tolerance for all sentient beings. Unfortunately, these principles also allowed the growth of fringe groups. During the term of Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya, a fanatical pro-human religious sect calling itself "Pius Dea" emerged.

Many dismissed Pius Dea as just another cult, but the group's intentions were much more sinister. Through political maneuvering, the members conspired to have Chancellor Pers'lya impeached and their own man, Senator Contispex, put in his place. Through Supreme Chancellor Contispex, Pius Dea exploited tensions within the Hutt Empire after the Hutt Cataclysms. Eventually Contispex sanctioned an invasion of Hutt Space, beginning the Pius Dea Crusades.

Over the next thousand years, Contispex's descendants--biological and ideological--would inherit his position, continuing to wage war against various alien factions until growing unrest brought Pius Dea's rule to an end. A new Chancellor was elected, free of Pius Dea's influence, and the Pius Dea "Supreme Temple" was destroyed... but the tensions created between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim persisted for centuries to come.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_2

Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After the Pius Dea Crusades, the Republic stagnated, forced to rebuild alliances Pius Dea had damaged. However, during the Rianitus Period, the Republic began to enjoy prosperity again under a new Supreme Chancellor, Blotus the Hutt.

Blotus had been the administrator of a network of mining worlds that split from the remnants of the former Hutt Empire. He and his worlds applied for Republic membership, and although tensions between Hutts and the Republic remained, Blotus proved both competent and popular in the Galactic Senate. He was eventually elected Supreme Chancellor by an overwhelming majority, and his position was solidified when his tax breaks for independent traders brought Coruscant into an economic boom and improved trade throughout the Core Worlds.

Blotus served a 275-year term and died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 912. His rule would be remembered with affection for centuries; even today, his favorite chair in the Senate tower's lounge is traditionally left empty.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_3

Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The culture of the gray-skinned Taung species had always been defined by conflict, even before their days battling the Battalions of Zhell on Coruscant. For millennia, striking out from the world they called Mandalore, the Taung explored and conquered new worlds, seeking new opponents to test themselves against.

Over time their philosophy of battle grew and changed, and a new cadre of elite warriors emerged. Known as the Mandalorian Crusaders, these warriors were honed by years of battle and guided by a strict code of honor. Wild stories began to spread throughout the Outer Rim of soldiers who could disappear into forests, face terrifying beasts without a trace of fear or even capture an entire planet in a day.

These tales were the first time the name "Mandalorian" became widely known. Although the Taung themselves went into decline and eventually disappeared, they left behind followers trained as they were. Ever after, the Mandalorians were a people to be respected, and feared.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_4

Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi Order had already faced one great schism in its history, against the fallen Xendor and his Legions of Lettow. Although Xendor had been gone for centuries, there were uneasy stirrings in the order's ranks. A group of Jedi had learned to use the Force to shape living beings, twisting them into horrific monsters.

These Dark Jedi were swiftly exiled, but they retaliated by raising an army of their monstrous creations and unleashing them against the rest of the order. The Jedi fought back, finally driving the Dark Jedi to a last stand on the planet Corbos.

Victory would not have been certain even then, but the Dark Jedi had begun to turn against one another. Without a united front, they were overwhelmed and scattered. Although the Jedi cheered their victory, it was later discovered that many of the Dark Jedi had fled Corbos, leaving no trail for anyone to follow.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_5

Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Delicacies from the Demon Moon

Often overshadowed by political intrigue and stories of war is one of Onderon's most noteworthy figures, the innovative culinary artisan, Chef Popotis of Iziz. In early years, Popotis had become disgruntled with typical Onderonian fare. The native beasts were tough and gamey, yielding generally bland results, and the indifference of his peers only frustrated him further. Popotis was certain that his home would become synonymous with dreary food and dull palates, until an attack on a supply shuttle changed his life.

Gazing from his apartment window, he watched as wild Drexls picked through the downed ship's cargo. The creatures gnawed at boxes of provisions and tore into bags of powdered goods, producing clouds of various seasonings and spices among the wreckage.

Reignited zeal drove Popotis to achieve what others never believed possible: flavorful sustenance derived from Dxun's creatures. Ultimately, years of experimentation paid off, and he became one of Onderon's most distinguished chefs. From Popo's Sweet Drexl Sausage in Nectarwine to Spiced Cannok Canapes, Popotis's artistry with undesirable fauna made him known galaxy-wide. Even beyond the Inner Rim, his catalogue of recipes, "Delicacies from the Demon Moon," became a bestseller.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​onderon.​datacron_2

Delicacies from the Demon Moon
Achievement: DatacronsOnderonBoth326.0.0

The Dagger at Dox Piter

Dox Piter was a small collection of villages in Onderon's southern reaches, nestled around the base of a nigh unscalable spire of rock the villagers called "The Dagger." Well beyond the protection of Iziz, the inhabitants were accustomed to fending off the dangers of Onderon--until the day the great winged Wodnakki arrived from Dxun. The beast found the Dagger's peak irresistible, and it began nesting high above Dox Piter. Though the villages' protectors had never seen its like before, some speculated that it was a massive, mutated Skreev. Whatever its lineage, it proved too much for any warrior who attempted to drive it away.

The horrors escalated when the Wodnakki's eggs began to hatch. The newborn creatures (still easily the size of an average humanoid) took to swooping down on villagers and stealing them away to their unreachable roost. The village leaders of Dox Piter were certain this would be their end.

When news of the situation reached Queen Lina, the celebrated ruler gathered some of her most talented warriors and marched on Dox Piter. Succeeding where so many others had failed, Queen Lina and her Royal Guard took the fight to the top of the Dagger and clashed with the Wodnakki and its offspring. Though the battle lasted only a few hours, at its end, only two of Onderon's champions walked away victorious. Queen Lina carried her injured officer Nebet into one of the closest villages, where they were met with cacophonous cheers and renewed loyalty to the crown. Regardless of the tale's validity, the legend of Queen Lina and the Dagger at Dox Piter has fueled fears and inspiration of Onderonian children for years since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​onderon.​datacron_1

The Dagger at Dox Piter
Achievement: DatacronsOnderonBoth326.0.0

Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Exiled for horrific dark side experiments, a group of Dark Jedi made a last stand against the Jedi Order on Corbos, where they were ultimately defeated. The survivors fled beyond the borders of Republic space and, seeking a refuge, they discovered the planet Korriban--home to the red-skinned Sith species. The Sith looked on the Dark Jedi's Force abilities with awe, and worshipped them as gods.

Led by the fabled warrior and tactician Ajunta Pall, the Dark Jedi began forging the Sith into a glorious civilization, built on the principles they had established after breaking with the Jedi Order. They ordered the construction of great monuments on Korriban--vast cities that did not survive the ages, glorious temples and elaborate tombs.

As time passed, the Dark Jedi and the Sith species intermarried, until there were few true purebloods remaining. Eventually, there were only small physical differences between them. There were only the Sith, strong in the dark side of the Force, and their new Sith Empire.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_1

Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 24: Empress Teta

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Republic had enjoyed a long period of peace during the Manderon Period, but the Koros system was rapidly becoming a problem. Although the planet Koros Major was stable, growing wealthy on carbonite exports, the other six worlds of the system were poor and increasingly lawless.

The task of uniting the Koros system was accepted by a noble famed for her military achievements. Empress Teta was the heir to Koros Major and was determined that the rest of the Koros system would share its prosperity. To that end, Teta began the Unification Wars, hoping to bring the entire system under her rule. She was ultimately successful, though she had to fight a long and bloody campaign to conquer the planet Kirrek.

Empress Teta would become known as one of the Republic's boldest commanders. The Koros system was eventually renamed after her.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_2

Galactic History 24: Empress Teta
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 25: Two Rivals

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Sith Empire grew in power, few Sith inspired such fear as Marka Ragnos, a tyrant who ruled for a century. His death created a power vacuum, leaving the Sith Lords Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow vying for supremacy.

During Marka Ragnos's funeral on Korriban, Sadow and Kressh fought a duel, each claiming he was more fit to be Dark Lord of the Sith--the then-unique title of the Empire's ultimate ruler. But the spirit of Ragnos himself appeared, claiming a golden age of the Sith was coming. Moments later, the funeral assembly was alerted: A Republic ship had been captured.

The ship belonged to two hyperspace explorers, the siblings Gav and Jori Daragon, who had stumbled on Korriban. As the Sith Council debated the Daragons' fate, Naga Sadow saw opportunity. The hyperspace routes leading to the Republic had been lost; the Daragons were his chance to rediscover them.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_3

Galactic History 25: Two Rivals
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For years, the Sith Lord Naga Sadow had been arguing unsuccessfully that the Sith Empire needed to expand. His chance came when Gav and Jori Daragon, two hyperspace explorers, accidentally discovered Korriban. With the Daragons sentenced to death, Sadow helped them escape, planning to use them to rediscover the hyperspace routes to the Republic. He then claimed to the Sith Council that Republic agents had freed the prisoners. Surely invasion was imminent?

Naga Sadow's rival, Ludo Kressh, grew suspicious. As Sadow began to train Gav Daragon as his protege, Kressh raised a force against Sadow, hoping to expose his treachery. But Sadow crushed Kressh's armies and declared himself Dark Lord of the Sith. In the confusion of the battle, Jori Daragon fled back to the Republic, not realizing her ship carried a homing beacon for the Sith to follow.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_4

Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 27: The Great Hyperspace War

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Sith had never forgotten their first exile from Republic space. With a trail unwittingly laid by the hyperspace explorer Jori Daragon, Sith Lord Naga Sadow saw a chance for revenge and to expand the borders of the Sith Empire. He had tricked the Sith Council into believing the Republic was about to attack and united several Sith factions into a massive invasion fleet.

Meanwhile, Jori Daragon had done her best to warn the Republic of an impending Sith invasion, but only the warlord Empress Teta believed her. Teta was still gathering her armies when Sadow's entire fleet arrived in the Koros system and opened fire.

Jedi and Republic forces rallied quickly, but strengthened by Sith sorcery, Sadow's attacks were unpredictable and devastating. The conflict quickly spread throughout the galaxy, until even Coruscant was threatened. The Great Hyperspace War became the first conflict on a truly galactic scale.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_5

Galactic History 27: The Great Hyperspace War
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Catastrophe on Ruhnuk

"Final Report on Ruhnuk Mining Disaster


Although output on the initial lodes of calcite and derillium were well above expectations, the next year's output was reduced to well below expectations for three reasons. First, the largest and easiest to exploit source was mostly consumed in that first year. Second, based on the richness of the earlier lodes, Project Overseer Fent Jucalla redirected mining output toward scaling up infrastructure construction on the planet's surface. This proved to be the kindling for the third factor: the arrival of an unusual nebula around the planet.

The dust storms that erupted as a result of the nebula's arrival slowed production a great deal. As the planet moved deeper into the nebula, energy disturbances interrupted communications. This made it difficult to coordinate operations.

Worse still, the interruption of communications caused the construction droids to lose connection to the master control systems. Survivors report that drilling droids continued through adjoining tunnels, heedless of what--or who--may be present in those tunnels. Others describe construction droids sealing workers in the ferrocrete tunnel lining.

Without functioning communications equipment, the evacuation of Ruhnuk was haphazard, and word did not reach headquarters until the evacuation ships cleared the nebula. Despite the abandonment of equipment and tremendous loss of investment, Overseer Jucalla testifies that priority in the evacuation was given to the surviving workers. Had it been otherwise, he claims, the ships would have been overburdened as they escaped the strange nebula that now completely surrounds Ruhnuk."

--From a datafile used in a Gatressa Mining Conglomerate board meeting

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ruhnuk.​datacron_mastery

Catastrophe on Ruhnuk
Achievement: DatacronsRuhnukBoth17.2.0

Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Grieving for his brother and severed from the Force, the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma finally returned to the light. He joined the Republic forces and led them to Yavin Four, stronghold of the Dark Lord Exar Kun. The Republic fleet bombarded the moon's surface, leveling Exar Kun's temples and setting the jungles aflame.

But Exar Kun had sensed the approach of the Republic forces and laid preparations. Summoning his loyal Massassi warriors, he performed a dreadful ritual that drained them of their life essence. Exar Kun became a spirit of pure darkness.

The Jedi in the fleet sensed Exar Kun's actions. Led by Nomi, they created a "wall of light" through the Force. Exar Kun found himself trapped within the temples of Yavin Four for eternity, screaming with rage and helpless to escape.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_6

Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The death of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma's redemption had scattered the cultists of the Brotherhood of the Sith--but the Mandalorian armies that also served would not give up the fight. The Republic forced the Mandalorians to the Onderonian moon Dxun, where Mandalore was devoured by wild beasts. The Empress Teta system was reclaimed next, and the last vestiges of the Sith cult fled to the Outer Rim, leaderless.

The Jedi Order had suffered many losses in the Great Sith War, but none was felt more keenly than the destruction of Ossus, which had been the order's home for generations. The Jedi had lost their libraries and precious artifacts and needed to rebuild. After much debate, the Jedi Order moved its headquarters to the temple on Coruscant.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_7

Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the chaos after the Jedi Civil War, new Sith began to rise up, inspired by the likes of Exar Kun and Darth Revan and unaware of the Sith Empire still hidden on Dromund Kaas. Three lords stood above all others: Darth Nihilus, whose hunger devoured all life around him; Darth Sion, whose shattered body was held together by hatred; and Darth Traya, once a Jedi Master but now the Lord of Betrayal. These Sith Lords ruled from ancient Sith ruins on Malachor Five.

Darth Traya was the most senior of the three, but when Sion and Nihilus united against her, she fled Malachor Five and took the name Kreia. Darth Sion created an elite cadre of Sith assassins, eroding the already-weakened Jedi from the shadows, while Darth Nihilus began roaming the galaxy, seeking the life energy of Force users to satisfy his insatiable hunger. The Republic's short reprieve was over.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_1

Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Dark times had come to the Republic. Reconstruction from the Jedi Civil War was still ongoing, and the Jedi Order's numbers were dwindling. Worse, many Jedi sensed a new Sith threat emerging but could not pinpoint the source.

Finally, the Jedi Council called a conclave on the Miraluka colony of Katarr. The order's Masters, including the legendary Vandar Tokare, gathered to discuss the possibility that the Sith had returned. They did not know that Darth Nihilus, a being of pure hunger and dark side power, was approaching the colony.

Drawn to the assembled Masters, Nihilus devoured the life energy of everything on Katarr. Millions of Miraluka died, along with most of the Jedi Order's senior members. Walking Katarr's lifeless surface later, Darth Nihilus came across the only survivor: the traumatized Miraluka Visas Marr, whom Nihilus took as his apprentice.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_2

Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the Mandalorian Wars, many Jedi disobeyed the Jedi Council to follow Revan's call to arms. But only one Jedi returned to face the Council's judgment. The so-called Jedi Exile had been one of Revan's generals, and she was responsible for the destruction of Malachor Five.

Having lost all ability to feel the Force, the Exile accepted the Council's sentence of banishment and left to wander the Outer Rim. When she returned years later, the Jedi had all but vanished--slain by mysterious Sith assassins or driven into hiding.

Simply by returning, the Exile became a target for these Sith and was hounded to the remote Peragus system. After meeting a mysterious Force-sensitive named Kreia at Peragus, the Exile began searching for any surviving Jedi Masters to discover what they knew.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_3

Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The forces of the Sith Triumvirate had hunted the Jedi almost to extinction. The Jedi Exile, cut off from the Force, went in search of the remaining Jedi Masters and, perhaps, an explanation. But the Exile's mentor, Kreia, had other plans--when the Exile finally gathered the Masters, Kreia slew them all.

As the Exile recovered from this encounter, Kreia deliberately enticed the terrible Darth Nihilus to the planet Telos Four. Nihilus prepared to devour all life on the planet, and Nihilus's dreadnought, the Ravager, was met by the Republic Navy and Mandalorian forces.

During the battle, the Exile boarded the Ravager and faced Nihilus. Unable to devour the Exile as he had so many others, Nihilus was finally defeated. With Telos safe, the Exile pursued Kreia.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_4

Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 82: Darth Traya's Return

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

While seeking out the last surviving Jedi Masters, the Jedi Exile had learned much. Although the Exile had been deafened to the Force, this condition was not a punishment by the Council for fighting in the Mandalorian Wars; it had been caused by the millions of deaths at the battle of Malachor Five.

Knowing the Exile was haunted by Malachor, Kreia--taking up the mantle of Darth Traya again--returned to the planet. The assassin Darth Sion also returned there to face the Exile, but he was defeated, persuaded to release his unnatural hold on life.

Finally, the Exile dueled Darth Traya--who claimed that, despite her betrayal, there was no ill-will between them. To Traya, the Exile represented freedom from the Force, which Traya had come to despise. With Traya's death, the Exile left Malachor Five for the last time, and the Sith Triumvirate was defeated.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_5

Galactic History 82: Darth Traya's Return
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Huttbreaker's Rebellion

Prava's grasp on the station was tentative--the hollowed-out asteroid required more upkeep than a typical mining station, and despite its profits, few in the Cartel believed the small operation was a worthy venture. Without sufficient outside investment, even the most basic infrastructure was difficult for the Hutt to maintain.

During the Hutt Cartel's crisis on Makeb, Prava's attentions were more divided than usual, and a Nikto slave named Gritha Dar used the Hutt's distraction to her advantage. Captivating and eloquent, Dar persuaded smugglers, gun runners, ex-Mandalorian warriors, and even slave traders that doing business with her instead of a weak and incompetent Hutt would be far more lucrative.

Once she secured her network of resources, Dar rallied her fellow slaves against Prava and his mercenaries, who were blindsided by the overwhelming forces the slaves had acquired. Dar was a ferocious leader, and Prava was outmatched from the start; the revolution was over almost as quickly as it began.

When the dust settled, no one questioned that Dar should lead the survivors through whatever came next. Dar immediately accepted her new role, formed a council out of prominent figures who supported her rebellion, and renamed the station "Mek-Sha," in honor of a friend she claims inspired her revolution.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​mek_sha.​datacron_2

Huttbreaker's Rebellion
Achievement: DatacronsMek-ShaBoth326.0.0

The Hutts Discover Mek-Sha

When the Hutts took control of Makeb, a low-ranking Cartel member named Loddu was tasked with rooting out potential competitors to Makeb's isotope-5 mining operations. During his search, he discovered a small team of geologists who claimed to have located mineral-rich deposits on an asteroid. Loddu, unsatisfied with his meager share of Makeb's profits, sent a team of mercenaries to capture the geologists and claim the asteroid.

Within months, Loddu used what little leverage he had to transport slaves and bodyguards to the asteroid, and before long, it was a bustling mining station. Despite the overabundance of resources the imprisoned geologists had promised, production on the station was slow. Against the advice of his advisors, Loddu demanded that miners use explosives to clear areas of the asteroid faster. The hasty, substandard demolition destroyed a large portion of the rock and resulted in the demise of many laborers and mercenaries--and the impatient Hutt himself.

Loddu's sibling, Prava, unwillingly took ownership of the station and its slaves, who were seething over Loddu's carelessness. But when Prava arrived to survey the asteroid's damage, he discovered that he had also inherited an untold amount of wealth: the explosion had unearthed the valuable minerals Loddu had been seeking.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​mek_sha.​datacron_1

The Hutts Discover Mek-Sha
Achievement: DatacronsMek-ShaBoth326.0.0

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Debate had been raging in the Republic over the issue of droid rights: Did droids deserve the same treatment as organic beings, and was owning droids tantamount to slavery? This question was rendered moot when a Czerka-built assassin droid, HK-01, went rogue and began reprogramming other droids to rise up against their masters, in what would be called the Great Droid Revolution.

Republic citizens, surrounded by thousands of rogue droids--every model, from protocol to sanitation to battle units--found themselves at the mercy of their former servants. Several planets were subjugated in the name of the droid rebellion, until the signal controlling the droids was traced.

Following the signal, a team of Jedi destroyed HK-01, returning the rogue droids to their original programming. The relieved Republic returned to normal, and the issue of droid rights was not raised again.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_1

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Born Nomi Da-Boda, Nomi was the wife of the Jedi Knight Andur. She had no interest in developing her natural gifts in the Force, preferring to care for their daughter, Vima. But when they were ambushed by thugs and Andur was killed, Nomi saw his spirit urging her to pick up his lightsaber and defend their daughter. Reluctantly taking up the weapon, Nomi skillfully fought the thugs off and later left for the planet Ambria to train under Master Thon.

While on Ambria, Nomi discovered she had a talent for battle meditation--the Jedi gift of influencing and inspiring others through the Force--but never lost her trepidation at wielding a lightsaber. Nevertheless, Nomi's Masters foresaw that she would have an important role to play in the galaxy, which came to fruition with the rise of the Krath cult.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_2

Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Jedi know only too well, evil can arise from the most unlikely of sources. In the years after the Great Droid Revolution, two aristocrats, Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema, came to power in the Empress Teta system. Bored and spoiled, they became interested in the secrets of the Sith. They and their friends formed a Sith cult named Krath.

But Satal and Aleema began to crave real power. During a visit to the Galactic Museum on Coruscant, they spotted a book of ancient Sith lore and rituals and decided to steal it.

Once they had the book, they realized it was written in a long-forgotten Sith language. But Satal learned of the planet Onderon, once ruled by the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, and the cousins left to unlock the book's secrets there.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_3

Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Once ruled by the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Onderon had gained a dark reputation. Master Arca Jeth sent three Jedi, including the brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, to act as stewards of the planet and bring peace to its people. When the Jedi arrived, Onderon's ruler--Queen Amanoa--begged for the Jedi's help in protecting her people from the warrior Beast Riders, who soon captured her daughter Galia.

Upon investigating, the Jedi learned the truth: Galia and the Beast Rider warlord Oron Kira had arranged the abduction together, planning to marry and unite their warring cultures. Queen Amanoa was actually a descendant of Freedon Nadd, strong in the dark side, and the Jedi were among her enemies.

The queen's forces battled with those of the Beast Riders and the Jedi. Cay Qel-Droma lost his arm in the fighting, and only the arrival of Arca Jeth--who used battle meditation to turn the battle in the Jedi's favor--saved Onderon. With Queen Amanoa's defeat, Galia and Oron Kira began rebuilding their world.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_4

Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With Queen Amanoa dead, Onderon enjoyed a brief period of peace, but a shadow still hung over the planet. So-called "Naddist Rebels" began to emerge, a sect that revered the teachings of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Master Arca Jeth and his students sought to cleanse Onderon of Nadd's influence by moving Nadd's sarcophagus to Onderon's moon, Dxun, but they were ambushed by Naddists who stole the sarcophagus.

While seeking out the Naddists, Arca Jeth discovered that King Ommin, long thought dead, was being kept alive in a secret facility. Also a follower of Nadd, Ommin joined forces with Nadd's undying spirit and managed to capture Arca Jeth. The king fled to a secret stronghold while Arca Jeth's student, Ulic Qel-Droma, called for Republic reinforcements.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_5

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 12: The Birth of the Republic

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For centuries, safe and reliable travel through hyperspace had been the biggest obstacle to galactic exploration. Finally, Corellian scientists managed to perfect hyperdrive technology on par with that of the ancient Rakata, allowing travel between the Core Worlds in mere days. Joined by trade and renewed communication channels, the Core Worlds signed an accord and united as the first Galactic Republic.

The newborn Republic began exploration of hyperspace routes in earnest, supported by daring Duros scouts and eventually established the Perlemian Trade Route. This route connected Coruscant to many worlds, including Ossus, where the Jedi Order's enclave had been established centuries before. The Jedi welcomed Republic scouts with curiosity and interest.

The head of the enclave, Master Haune Tiar, returned with the scouts to the allied Core Worlds. Impressed by what he saw, Master Tiar also foresaw the young Republic would need protectors. After conferring for several weeks, the Jedi pledged themselves as the Republic's guardians of peace and justice. The foundations for the modern Republic were laid.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​datacron_1

Galactic History 12: The Birth of the Republic
Achievement: DatacronsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 13: The First Great Schism

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After the Force Wars, when the Jedi Order learned of the destructive power of the dark side, the Jedi devoted themselves to the path of the light. In the early days of the Republic, a young Kashi Mer Jedi named Xendor defied the order's code and began experimenting with dark side techniques. Incensed, the Jedi Order confronted Xendor and banished him from Ossus.

Xendor, now immensely powerful and full of rage, raised an army on the planet Lettow and led it against the Jedi. Not since the Force Wars had the Jedi fought their own. Xendor and the Legions of Lettow eventually fell in battle; his lover, Arden Lyn, was defeated by the Jedi Master Awdrysta Pina and placed into a strange stasis, sustained by the dark side. Although this first schism within the Jedi was over, it would not be the last.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​datacron_2

Galactic History 13: The First Great Schism
Achievement: DatacronsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 14: The Fall of Tion

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Tionese Cluster, once a great civilization ruled by the despot Xim, entered its fading years as the Republic began its ascension. The third great power in the galaxy, the Hutt Empire, was also thriving. The Hutts used their criminal influence to control entire worlds, extorting and enslaving their subjects. Fear of the Hutts drove many worlds to seek membership in the Republic; truthfully, far more than the Republic could safely allow.

Eventually, war broke out between the Tion Cluster and the Republic. Despite--or because of--the Tionese's lack of resources, the Republic found them a dangerous foe. In response, Republic spies quietly stirred up trouble between the Tion Cluster and their old enemies, the Hutt Empire.

Facing a war on two fronts, the Tionese submitted to the Republic. The worlds of the Tion Cluster gradually came under the Republic's banner, finally ending their long enmity.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​datacron_3

Galactic History 14: The Fall of Tion
Achievement: DatacronsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 63: The Terentatek Hunt

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Although the Dark Lord Exar Kun was gone, traces of his evil remained. Exar Kun had been a master of Sith alchemy and his monstrous terentateks had thrived--reshaped and empowered to hunt Force-sensitives. After the Great Sith War, the Jedi Council sent three Jedi--Shaela Nuur, Guun Han Saresh and Duron Qel-Droma--to hunt these beasts down.

Initially close friends, the three Jedi began to quarrel as the hunt went on. Guun Han Saresh disapproved of Duron and Shaela's budding romance and left the group. He later perished in the Kashyyyk Shadowlands, trying to fight a terentatek alone.

Meanwhile, Duron and Shaela pursued two terentateks in the tombs of Korriban, but Duron was killed by one of the beasts. Stricken by grief and rage, Shaela tried to take on both beasts by herself but was overwhelmed, ending the terentatek hunt.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_1

Galactic History 63: The Terentatek Hunt
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 64: The Kanz Disorders

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Distracted by the Great Sith War, the Republic had overlooked growing dissent on the planet Argazda. Its provisional governor, Myrial, declared the Kanz Sector independent of the Republic and established a totalitarian regime. She began attacking and enslaving nearby worlds, including Lorrd.

Many protested the Republic's refusal to take action against Argazda, but the Republic was in no position to begin another war so soon after destroying the Brotherhood of the Sith. Even as the Republic rebuilt, the Mandalorian Wars and subsequent conflicts would prevent it from taking up arms against Argazda for another three hundred years.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_2

Galactic History 64: The Kanz Disorders
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 65: An Exile on Rhen Var

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Ulic Qel-Droma had vanished into exile a broken man. His fate was discussed at the Jedi Convocation on Exis Station, led by his former lover, Nomi. As the order debated how to rebuild, Sylvar, whose mate had died in the Great Sith War, called for Ulic to be harshly punished. Her demands were refused.

After the convocation, Vima, Nomi's daughter, sought Ulic out on Rhen Var and asked him to train her as a Jedi. Although reluctant, Ulic agreed for Nomi's sake. Bent on revenge, however, Sylvar had paid a scavenger to track Ulic down.

Sylvar brought Nomi to Rhen Var where they confronted Ulic, but Vima persuaded them to forgive him. The scavenger, Hoggon, had other ideas and shot Ulic in the back. Ulic's body vanished into the Force, allowing the Jedi Order to finally focus on healing.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_3

Galactic History 65: An Exile on Rhen Var
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The fall of Exar Kun and the destruction caused by the Great Sith War weighed heavily on the consciences of many Jedi. The Jedi seer Krynda Draay, who had lost her husband in the conflict, blamed herself for not foreseeing Exar Kun's corruption as a Sith Lord and decided to take action. Having trained the order's visionaries for years, she secretly created a Jedi Covenant without the Council's knowledge, binding the most powerful Jedi seers into a WatchCircle.

The Covenant's task was simple: Watch for Sith influences and eliminate them before they became a threat. Funded by Krynda Draay's vast family wealth, the Covenant quietly recruited Jedi--usually those believed missing in action--as its shadows and operatives and sought out Sith artifacts to destroy. Meanwhile, its seers remained vigilant, watching through the Force for any approaching evil.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_4

Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 67: Mandalore the Ultimate

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Mandalorians had suffered not only defeat but humiliation in the Great Sith War. After their leader, Mandalore the Indomitable, crash-landed on Dxun and was devoured by wild beasts at the war's end, a new warrior rose to take his place, later called "Mandalore the Ultimate."

Deciding to bring in new blood, Mandalore opened the ranks of the Mandalorian Crusaders--once dominated by the followers of the ancient Taung, now fielding alien recruits. Calling themselves Neo-Crusaders, these warriors adopted traditional Mandalorian armor and training. Mandalore established a base on Dxun, testing his warriors against Dxun's infamous predators.

As their ranks grew, the Neo-Crusaders began to conquer worlds weakened in the Great Sith War. Later Jedi would believe Sith influences propelled the Mandalorians into war, but the Mandalorians themselves claimed to be driven only by the chance for conquest and revenge.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_5

Galactic History 67: Mandalore the Ultimate
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 88: The Unlikely Champion

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Established in ancient times, the Great Hunt is a Mandalorian contest of skill and glory overseen by the venerable Wookiee Huntmaster. Though the clans had been scattered, there was an attempt to keep the Great Hunt and its traditions alive. However, during one Great Hunt, the Mandalorians were surprised to see a droid among the competitors--an utterly unprecedented event.

After questioning the droid--an obsolete construction model--the Huntmaster overrode objections from conservative hunters and allowed its entry. The nameless droid proceeded to outwit and out-gun its way to victory in the Great Hunt.

When the droid returned to claim its title as champion, more arguments ensued. Ression Trana, a prominent clan leader, claimed loudly that a droid champion mocked Mandalorian traditions. The droid listened patiently until Trana accused it of being a proxy for a cowardly hunter. Without hesitation, the droid kicked Ression Trana, mid-sentence, through a window. In the aftermath, the droid earned not only the title of Grand Champion, but also its nickname: "the Defenestrator".

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​makeb.​datacron_1

Galactic History 88: The Unlikely Champion
Achievement: DatacronsMakebBoth322.0.0

Galactic History 89: Capturing the Dread Masters

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

One of the Sith Emperor's mightiest weapons in the Great War was also one of his oldest: six ancient Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters who had served the Emperor for centuries. Meditating in unison, they could inflict crippling fear to shatter enemy armies' morale, causing Republic troop formations to abandoned their allies mid-battle, and sending entire battle fleets running blindly into hyperspace.

Slowly, the Jedi pieced together the truth of these events. They joined forces with an elite Republic Special Forces unit, who stole the security codes for the Dread Masters' heavily-guarded dreadnaught. Hijacking an Imperial Moff's personal yacht, a Republic strike team boarded the dreadnaught and, aided by Jedi Master Jaric Kaedan, captured the Dread Masters. The dreadnaught was rigged for self-destruct to cover the strike team's escape.

The Republic officially announced that the Dread Masters had been killed, even as the Jedi secretly arranged their imprisonment on Belsavis. However, the loss of the Dread Masters antagonized the Dark Council, and may have contributed to the Empire's decision to attack Alderaan.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​makeb.​datacron_2

Galactic History 89: Capturing the Dread Masters
Achievement: DatacronsMakebBoth322.0.0

Galactic History 73: The Battle of Malachor Five

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Ignoring the Jedi Council's disapproval, the Jedi generals Revan and Malak had gone to war against the Mandalorians, gradually pushing the warriors back. After lengthy maneuvering, Revan chose the planet Malachor Five as his final battleground.

As Republic and Mandalorian ships clashed, Revan challenged Mandalore himself to single combat and defeated him, claiming the mask that was Mandalore's symbol of leadership. Meanwhile, one of Revan's generals enacted Revan's fearful plan, activating a superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator.

The Mass Shadow Generator destroyed not only the Mandalorian fleet, but most of the Republic ships and much of the planet Malachor Five. The Republic suffered horrific losses, but Revan, hardened by years of war, saw it as a necessary price for victory. Leaderless, the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet fled into the Unknown Regions, with Revan and Malak in pursuit.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_1

Galactic History 73: The Battle of Malachor Five
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 74: Revan and Malak Fall

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Finally, the Mandalorians had been routed. The Jedi generals Revan and Malak had killed Mandalore and hounded the remnants of the enemy fleet far beyond the boundaries of Republic space--and in so doing, performed terrible deeds and learned dark powers.

But there were darker days to come. During Revan's pursuit of the Mandalorians, he and Malak discovered the ancient Sith Empire hidden on Dromund Kaas. Realizing this Empire was the true threat to the Republic, Revan and Malak faced the Sith Emperor himself, intending to cut off the serpent's head--but the Emperor was too powerful. Overwhelmed by the Emperor's dark presence, they pledged themselves to his service.

The Sith Emperor anointed Revan and Malak as true Sith Lords and sent them to seek out the Star Forge, an ancient alien space station capable of producing powerful starships and droids. Never revealing the existence of the Emperor, Revan and Malak then returned to the armies that had followed them against the Mandalorians, armed their loyal servants with the Star Forge's weapons, and marched to war against the Republic.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_2

Galactic History 74: Revan and Malak Fall
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Revan and Malak, once great Jedi, had turned to the dark side and sought to conquer the Republic. With an infinite fleet produced by the Star Forge space station, they seemed as unstoppable as the Mandalorians. They took control of entire systems and established a new Sith academy on Korriban.

This time, the Jedi Council did not hesitate to act. The Republic lured the Sith Lords into battle against a small fleet. This allowed a Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan to board Darth Revan's flagship.

Darth Malak had plans of his own. Having grudgingly taken his role as Revan's apprentice, he decided to usurp his master. With the Jedi providing a perfect distraction, Malak fired on Revan's flagship, destroying the bridge. Malak claimed the title of Dark Lord, not realizing the Jedi strike team had survived and taken Revan--injured, but alive--as their prisoner.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_3

Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Throughout Jedi history, the order has always refused to execute prisoners. When the wounded Darth Revan--the fallen Jedi responsible for countless deaths and acts of war--was captured, the Jedi Council saw an opportunity to stop Revan's successor, Darth Malak.

Using the Force, the Jedi reprogrammed Revan's mind with a new identity--that of an ordinary Republic citizen. Alongside Bastila Shan, a Jedi gifted in Battle Meditation, Revan began seeking out Rakata star maps, unwittingly retracing the path to the Star Forge battle station that served as Darth Malak's secret weapon.

Along the way, Revan retrained as a Jedi and learned of his terrible past. Aboard the Star Forge, he saved the life of Bastila Shan and faced Darth Malak in battle. Finally, Revan struck Malak down, ending a galactic threat and the Jedi Civil War.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_4

Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 77: A Return to the Unknown Regions

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With Darth Malak gone and the Star Forge destroyed, peace returned to the galaxy. The Republic and the Jedi began regaining strength after the Jedi Civil War.

But for the redeemed Jedi Revan, peace was fleeting. Old memories began to surface--fragmented memories of the lost Sith Empire building strength on Dromund Kaas. Revan knew that the Sith would not remain in the Unknown Regions forever, and that the Republic was not strong enough to face them.

Finally, Revan made a decision. After leaving behind instructions with allies like Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi, Revan left for the Unknown Regions hoping to put an end to the Sith Empire. He was never seen again.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_5

Galactic History 77: A Return to the Unknown Regions
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Mandalorians had never forgotten their humiliating defeat at the Republic's hands during the Great Sith War. With his Neo-Crusader warriors prepared by a decade of conquest, Mandalore the Ultimate decided the time was right and launched an assault on the Republic. Several Zabrak colonies fell to the Mandalorian advance, under heavy blaster fire and the shadow of Basilisk war droids.

Finally provoked into action, the Republic appealed to the Jedi for military support, but the Council refused. The Masters believed there were greater forces at work behind the Mandalorian invasion than a simple lust for war. They wanted to remain apart from the conflict, believing the true threat would reveal itself in time. However, some younger Jedi disagreed with the Council's edict. These Jedi would form a splinter group, the "Revanchists," and answer the Republic's call for help.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_1

Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Mandalorians had returned to take revenge on the Republic and sate their lust for war and conquest. With the Jedi Council refusing to lend military aid--believing the true threat was still unclear, and the risk of conflict-hardened Jedi falling to the darkness was high--the Republic was unable to prevent the Mandalorians from devastating the planet Cathar. Millions died. This was the last straw for several young Jedi, who disobeyed the Council to join the war effort.

The most notable was Revan, a charismatic and skilled leader who rose to the rank of general. Revan's friend Alek, later known as Malak, distinguished himself on the front lines. Revan's tactics and Malak's unyielding strength turned the tide, helping the Republic forces to victory at Althir and Jaga's Cluster.

But the Council did not approve. Seeing their rash involvement in the war and their gradual adoption of Mandalorian tactics, the Council watched Revan and Malak's heroics uneasily, remembering the fall of Exar Kun.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_2

Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For years, the Jedi Covenant had existed secretly within the Jedi Order, dedicated to finding and destroying the next Sith threat before it began. Then, during a mission with their Padawans, the Covenant seers had a terrifying vision: a Sith Lord in red destroying the galaxy. The Covenant realized their Padawans were wearing red environmental suits, exactly like the Sith Lord in their vision.

The Jedi Covenant made a solemn decision. To ensure the galaxy's safety, their Padawans had to be killed before the prophecy was fulfilled. The terrible deed was done on Taris during the Padawans' knighting ceremony.

Only the Padawan Zayne Carrick, who was late to the ceremony, survived. Framed for the murder of his fellow Padawans, Carrick went on the run, pursued by the Covenant who feared he would become the next Sith Lord.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_3

Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 71: The Muur Talisman

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Mandalorian Wars raged, Zayne Carrick escaped the Jedi Covenant, falsely accused of murdering his fellow Padawans. While hiding on Taris, Carrick encountered Celeste Morne, one of the Covenant's shadow operatives. Morne was searching for the Muur Talisman, a Sith artifact that could turn humans into monstrous rakghouls.

Morne attempted to arrest Carrick but was interrupted by a Mandalorian raid. Realizing the Mandalorians had found the Muur Talisman, Morne and Carrick stowed away on the Mandalorians' ship to Jebble. The dark talisman possessed Morne, and she began using it to turn the Mandalorians into rakghouls.

Horrified, Carrick finally persuaded Morne to see reason. She agreed to be sealed away in an oubliette to protect the galaxy from the talisman's corruptive power. The oubliette was lost when the Mandalorians razed Jebble; however, Carrick spoke of the Muur Talisman--and rakghouls--to another Jedi, Alek... later known as Darth Malak.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_4

Galactic History 71: The Muur Talisman
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi Covenant's attempts to prevent another Sith war had led its members to horrific acts, culminating in the murder of their Padawans. It was too much for the seer Xamar, who left the Covenant to aid Zayne Carrick, the Padawan framed for the crime.

Together they went to confront Krynda Draay, the founder of the Jedi Covenant, and her son Lucien, Carrick's former Master. At the Draay mansion, Carrick discovered the real culprit: Krynda's aide Haazen, a fallen Jedi who had been manipulating the Covenant. As Lucien and Carrick dueled, Haazen used an override in the Republic Navy's weapon systems, intending to destroy the Jedi Temple and the Council.

At the last minute, Lucien overcame his anger, helped Carrick escape, then used Haazen's override to bombard Haazen's position instead. Haazen was killed; Lucien survived, suffering serious injuries. Zayne Carrick's name was cleared, and the Jedi Covenant was finished.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_5

Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The secret manipulations of the Sith Triumvirate following the Jedi Civil War almost destroyed the Republic. With infrastructure crumbling and the Jedi Order nearly extinct--its Masters almost entirely slain, and its younger members slowly emerging from hiding--the future seemed bleak. But the Jedi Exile and the other heroes of the Jedi Civil War would not see the Republic fall.

With renewed treaties and alliances, trade gradually began to flow and the Republic military regained its strength. Meanwhile, the Exile trained new Jedi recruits, forming a council of her companions who achieved mastery and welcoming others who came out of hiding. After years of slow but steady growth, the reborn Jedi Order made a triumphant return to its long-abandoned temple on Coruscant.

But the Jedi Exile could not forget Darth Traya's final warning, suggesting that evil remained in the Unknown Regions. With the Jedi Order flourishing, the Exile left the known galaxy to follow her former commander Revan into darkness.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_1

Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the Republic's weakened period after the Jedi Civil War, Aratech Systems had produced G0-T0 droids with hugely sophisticated programming designed to administer entire worlds. The G0-T0 droids were also given an additional order: find ways to restore the Republic while remaining within all legal boundaries. The conflict between these two factors caused at least one G0-T0 droid to break its programming and go rogue, choosing to strengthen the Republic by any means necessary.

Other G0-T0 droids took more drastic measures. Sixteen of the droids in the Gordian Reach established dictatorships on the worlds they administered, eventually declaring the region an independent territory named "400100500260026." Supreme Chancellor Cressa was forced to deploy the Republic military to reclaim the Gordian Reach. The campaign was a widely publicized success, though not all of the rogue droids were accounted for.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_2

Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith Emperor had successfully led his people to the sanctuary of Dromund Kaas. Having re-established the Empire there, he slowly withdrew from public life, leaving the Empire's administration to his Dark Council.

At first the Dark Council was subservient to the Emperor. But as centuries passed and the Emperor remained withdrawn, the Dark Council became more independent, believing he was weakening. When the council discovered the Emperor was planning to invade the Republic, there was angry dissent. Naga Sadow's failed invasion of the Republic a millennium before had almost destroyed the Empire; some believed it would be madness to repeat his mistake.

Several of the Dark Council's members decided to depose the Emperor before he led them to destruction. But the Emperor learned of their intentions and the entire Dark Council, loyalists and dissenters alike, was purged. The price of disobedience made clear, a new council was chosen and the Emperor's plans proceeded.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_3

Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 86: The Empire's Revenge

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Republic had enjoyed three hundred years of peace, knowing nothing of the Sith Empire's continued existence on Dromund Kaas. When strange battle cruisers were reported in the Tingel Arm, the Republic sent a diplomatic vessel that was annihilated after sending a frantic transmission. As the Republic and Jedi began to investigate these mysterious newcomers, a massive Imperial battle fleet descended on Korriban, triumphantly reclaiming the Sith holy world for the Empire.

Imperial fleets converged on targets in the Outer Rim, devastating key military outposts. Planetary governments corrupted by secret Imperial agents suddenly revealed their allegiance to the Sith. No one knew how powerful this reborn Sith Empire was, how large it had grown during the past millennium or where its capital was located.

The Republic was thrown into chaos. Disagreements in the Senate and the defection of key systems delayed its military response, while the Imperial forces coolly carried out the Emperor's plans. Despite several important victories--most notably at Bothawui--the Republic was forced onto a defensive footing. The first stage of the Emperor's plan was a success.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_4

Galactic History 86: The Empire's Revenge
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Sith Empire was founded on absolute obedience. As the war between the Republic and the Empire raged, however, the Emperor sent out an order: His apprentice, Exal Kressh, had abandoned her duties and disappeared, and for this treachery she was to be destroyed.

The Dark Council dispatched the young Sith Teneb Kel to hunt Exal Kressh. He followed her to Lenico, where a vision showed him the Emperor's true plans; plans Exal had rebelled against. As a Republic fleet used information supplied by Exal to attack Korriban, Teneb Kel and Exal Kressh clashed in Korriban's tombs. With the help of his slave Qawohl, Teneb cut Exal down and the Republic attack was repelled.

Teneb Kel reported to the Dark Council and struck a bargain: make him a Darth, and he would share what he knew of the Emperor's intentions. Teneb chose the name of the guide from his vision on Lenico, Darth Thanaton.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_5

Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Assembly Chamber

The assembler is a critical element in the construction, modification, and enhancement of individual datacrons. While not Rakatan, the device bears striking similarities to the design methodologies of the Infinite Empire. Such technology, while not unheard of in the known regions, is spectacularly rare.

Ancient records indicate that assemblers, such as these, were instrumental in shifting the crystalline resonance that powers traditional holocrons so that the devices can be accessed and utilized by anyone - regardless of force sensitivity. When and how this innovation was developed is unknown, however the age of the few assemblers recovered, puts the development of this technology around the time of the first Jedi Exodus.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​global.​assembly_chamber

Assembly Chamber
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 04: King Adas

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The ancient Sith on Korriban--not an order of Force users, but a distinct species native to the planet--were distinctive for their yellow eyes and blood-red skin. But the warrior Adas was unlike his brothers; his skin was jet-black and he towered over his fellow Sith. Through violence and cunning, he fought his way to become ruler of the Sith and united their nations through a bloody war. He later took the title "Sith'ari," meaning "overlord."

King Adas's ascension may have been helped by an untrained Force sensitivity. Certainly Adas was long-lived; his reign lasted three hundred years, and only came to an end when the Infinite Empire launched an assault on Korriban. The title Sith'ari remains a key tenet of Sith lore, eventually coming to refer to a perfect being in Sith philosophy.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_1

Galactic History 04: King Adas
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 05: Rise of the Infinite Empire

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The "Infinite Empire" was the name the Rakata people gave to their magnificent but ultimately flawed civilization--one that eventually encompassed more than five hundred known worlds. Their rise was fueled by their impressive technology, powered by what would later be called the Force. Using it, the Rakata developed the first known hyperdrives.

Slowly, the Rakata became corrupted by their power. They began enslaving entire species, including the peoples of Coruscant. The Rakata also attacked Korriban, ruled by the great King Adas. Although their attack failed to enslave the pureblooded Sith species, King Adas was killed. Without his leadership, Korriban was plunged into civil war.

The Rakata's slaves were put to work building monuments to the Infinite Empire's glory. Among the Infinite Empire's achievements was the Star Forge, a space station capable of producing endless droids and starships. However, the Star Forge was fueled by the dark side of the Force. Using it only hastened the Rakata's fall.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_2

Galactic History 05: Rise of the Infinite Empire
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 06: The Infinite Empire Collapses

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Rakata species had created a glorious Infinite Empire with their Force-fueled machines, but cracks were beginning to show. The cruelty of the Rakata to their slaves and occupied worlds grew more pronounced. If a planet's population rebelled, that entire world would be burned to glass.

Despite this, more slave rebellions began to rise across the galaxy, forcing the Rakata to divide their forces to deal with them. A plague, either created by the rebelling slaves or by Rakata dissidents, began to decimate the Rakata population. The Rakata realized that, possibly due to the plague, they were losing their connection to the Force; without it, they were cut off from their technology.

The fall of the Infinite Empire, once it began, was swift. The slaves overwhelmed their Rakata overseers, who fled into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The Rakata degenerated into a tribal culture and even resorted to cannibalism. The Infinite Empire was gone; only its technology was left behind.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_3

Galactic History 06: The Infinite Empire Collapses
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 07: The First Spaceflights

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Free of the Infinite Empire's enslavement, the humans of Coruscant began investigating the technology their Rakata masters had left. Although they couldn't use the Force-powered machines, the humans learned enough to make tentative forays into space, using slower-than-light vessels manned by crews kept in suspended animation for decades at a time.

Slowly, humans began to colonize new worlds: Alsakan, Metellos, Alderaan. The first explorers to Alderaan discovered the remains of strange insect nests, later known to be built by the Killiks.

The pureblooded Sith species on Korriban, having survived both the Infinite Empire's onslaught and a bloody civil war after the death of their king, also became intrigued by the machines the Rakata left behind. Suddenly a spacefaring civilization, the Sith species left Korriban and eventually established a new capital on the planet Ziost.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_4

Galactic History 07: The First Spaceflights
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 08: Hyperspace Cannons

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Early spaceflights were conducted with sleeper ships, their crews preserved via suspended animation over the long journeys to other worlds. But these journeys were incredibly slow. Remembering the efficient hyperdrive technology of the Infinite Empire, the most brilliant scientists of the galaxy began to study what remained of those machines, despite the claims of Tiran, the Drall scientist who centuries before said that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light.

Eventually, this led to the development of a hyperspace "cannon." These cannons allowed a ship to be propelled into hyperspace, though a second cannon was required for a ship to return to its origin point.

The Core Worlds quickly established a hyperspace cannon network. The children of Coruscant soon encountered the Duros civilization, whose people became some of the earliest--and most daring--hyperspace explorers. The true colonization of the galaxy had begun.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_5

Galactic History 08: Hyperspace Cannons
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 01: The Architects

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Although the Republic has existed for millennia, there is evidence to suggest that long before its founding, a highly advanced race ruled the galaxy. Referred to as the "Architects" or "Celestials" by scholars, these beings possessed remarkable technology capable of constructing or realigning solar systems. The Corellia system, for example, appears to have been artificially constructed.

These claims would seem extraordinary, but many of the Architects' machines survived the ages. The Vultar system was home to an immense "Cosmic Turbine" that could only have been Architect technology, before misuse destroyed both the turbine and the Vultar system itself. The fabled Centerpoint Station is thought to be an Architect installation, though many species have claimed it as the work of their own people.

In addition to their engineering marvels, it is believed that the Architects seeded the Core Worlds with life--particularly humans--though some attribute this to the Rakata's Infinite Empire. Despite the proof of their achievements, however, there is little evidence to suggest where the Architects came from or what eventually became of them.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hutta.​datacron_1

Galactic History 01: The Architects
Achievement: DatacronsHuttaImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the period after the mysterious Architects vanished from the galaxy millennia ago, several great civilizations rose in their place. The intellectual Columi species created a vast but peaceful empire, focusing on academic pursuits while droids and elaborate machines labored for them. As a result, the Columi evolved enormous craniums and tiny bodies.

The strange, reptilian Kwa, who achieved interstellar travel through Infinity Gates that allowed them to effectively teleport between worlds, rose and mysteriously fell, eventually devolving into simple lizards. The cephalopod Gree also reached their apex in this time, creating technological marvels that have rarely been equaled. Eventually, on the backs of these civilizations would come the Rakata and their Infinite Empire.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hutta.​datacron_2

Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations
Achievement: DatacronsHuttaImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 03: The Battalions of Zhell

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the millennia before the founding of the Republic, humans had not yet developed spaceflight. One human population--perhaps the only one--was confined to Coruscant, divided into thirteen tribes. This nearly proved disastrous when a volcanic eruption caused a near-extinction event, wiping out a large percentage of human life.

This made the humans easy prey for the Taung, a gray-skinned species that reveled in battle. Awed by the majesty of the eruption's ash cloud, the Taung took the name "Warriors of the Shadow," descended on the surviving humans and subjugated them. Gradually the fighting force of the thirteen human tribes--known as the Battalions of Zhell--mustered a resistance against the Taung.

After years of struggle, the Battalions managed to repel the Taung and claim their freedom. Coruscant has been the seat of humanity ever since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hutta.​datacron_3

Galactic History 03: The Battalions of Zhell
Achievement: DatacronsHuttaImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 48: The Audiences on Onderon

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi had uncovered Freedon Nadd's tomb, but its sarcophagus was stolen by Naddist rebels loyal to the dead Sith Lord's teachings. With Jedi Master Arca Jeth captured, Ulic Qel-Droma called for Republic forces and Onderon's capital, Iziz, was besieged.

During the battle, Satal Keto and Aleema, leaders of the Krath Sith cult, arrived on Onderon seeking Sith knowledge. They went before King Ommin, who gave Satal an amulet that would allow him to understand the ancient Sith language.

Their audience was interrupted by Ulic Qel-Droma, who sought to rescue his Master Arca Jeth from King Ommin's clutches. Satal and Aleema escaped, only to encounter the spirit of Freedon Nadd himself. Calling them the inheritors of his legacy, Nadd promised that he would lead the Krath to glory. Meanwhile, the Jedi saw Nadd's sarcophagus sealed away on Dxun, locked behind Mandalorian iron.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_1

Galactic History 48: The Audiences on Onderon
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 49: Exar Kun

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

When the Jedi teach of the dangers of pride and overreach, they often speak of Exar Kun. A promising Jedi who trained on Dantooine, Exar Kun was known for his talent and his temper. He was intensely curious about all matters of the Force, and disagreed with his Master over the dangers of the dark side. Exar Kun believed he was strong enough to study the dark side without being corrupted by it.

Denied access to dark side teachings, however, Exar Kun left the Jedi in disgust. When he heard the Jedi had sealed the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd's sarcophagus away on the jungle moon of Dxun, he went to Dxun to seek the tomb.

Breaking through the tomb's seals, Exar Kun was confronted by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Impressed by his power, Nadd told Exar Kun to journey to the Sith holy world of Korriban.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_2

Galactic History 49: Exar Kun
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 50: Basilisk

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Since their grueling campaign against the Nevoota, the Mandalorians had only grown in power, cutting a swathe through the galaxy in search of worthy opponents. When the Mandalorians besieged the planet Basilisk, the Basiliskans--reptilian droid-builders and legendary technologists--learned that the stories of Mandalorian battle prowess were true.

Realizing they couldn't win even with Republic aid, the Basiliskans chemically poisoned their own world, hoping to take their conquerors with them. But the Mandalorians were victorious nonetheless, enslaving the Basiliskans and eventually turning them into mindless beasts of war.

More importantly, the Mandalorians captured many of the unique droids that the Basiliskans created. After this conquest, they were able to mass-produce the droids for themselves. Centuries later, the Mandalorians' Basilisk war droids would become a legendary terror during the Mandalorian Wars.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_3

Galactic History 50: Basilisk
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After obtaining many Sith artifacts from Onderon, the Krath cult had only grown in power. Its leaders, Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema, decided that the time was right to seize their destiny. They attempted to launch a coup, attacking their aristocratic parents and claiming the Empress Teta system for themselves.

The people of Empress Teta soon rebelled against the Sith regime. Alerted to the danger, the Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma and his lover, the wise and gentle Nomi, traveled to the system at the head of a Republic fleet. But the Krath cultists were fanatics; a Krath suicide attack damaged the Republic flagship, leaving Ulic Qel-Droma badly injured, and the fleet was forced to withdraw.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_4

Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Fascinated by tales of the ancient Sith and seeking greater knowledge, the Jedi Knight Exar Kun had defied his Master's warnings and spoken with the spirit of Freedon Nadd on Dxun. On the Sith Lord's advice, Exar Kun traveled to Korriban and began exploring its tombs. A cave-in soon pinned Exar Kun to the ground, nearly crushing him.

The spirit of Freedon Nadd spoke to Exar Kun again, promising he would rescue the young Jedi if he gave himself to the dark side. Still believing he was strong enough to resist the dark side's lure, Exar Kun gave his word and power filled his body.

The cave-in was blasted away and Exar Kun's injuries healed, but his promise had taken him much further into darkness. He left Korriban and, on Nadd's advice, made his way to the forgotten world of Yavin Four.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_5

Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 58: Ulic's Trials

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Brotherhood of the Sith was ready to strike. The fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, the Sith sorceress Aleema and Mandalore gathered their armies to attack Coruscant. But they underestimated Coruscant's Jedi defenders. The Brotherhood's forces were repelled, and Ulic was captured.

Ulic was taken to the Senate tower to stand trial. But the Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas sensed that Ulic hadn't acted alone, that Siosk-Baas's old student, Exar Kun, was involved. During the trial, Exar Kun himself marched into the Senate tower with his Massassi warriors. He subdued the assembly with his Force abilities and humiliated the Supreme Chancellor.

Vodo Siosk-Baas then entered, challenging his former pupil. Exar Kun's unusual double-bladed lightsaber and dark powers prevailed, however, and Siosk-Baas was killed. Exar Kun and Ulic then left Coruscant and returned to Yavin Four to prepare for the next battle.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​quesh.​datacron_1

Galactic History 58: Ulic's Trials
Achievement: DatacronsQueshBoth381.0.0

Galactic History 59: Aleema's Fate

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Treachery is the way of the Sith. Ulic Qel-Droma's capture on Coruscant had been engineered partly by his ally, the Sith sorceress Aleema Keto: she had ordered Mandalore to withdraw their forces at a critical moment. However, after Mandalore helped to rescue Ulic from Coruscant, he secretly told Ulic everything. Aleema's fate was sealed.

Feigning ignorance, Ulic continued with the Sith Brotherhood's plans. Using Naga Sadow's ancient battleship, the Corsair, they planned to lure the Republic fleet into the Cron Cluster and use the Corsair to destroy its suns, annihilating the fleet.

Aleema took the Corsair into the Cron Cluster and activated the superweapon, but Ulic had deliberately not warned her of the consequences. The blast annihilated the entire Cron Cluster in a supernova, sending a shockwave toward the Jedi world of Ossus. The Corsair itself was consumed, taking Aleema with it.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​quesh.​datacron_2

Galactic History 59: Aleema's Fate
Achievement: DatacronsQueshBoth381.0.0

Galactic History 60: The Destruction of Ossus

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Brotherhood of the Sith had annihilated the Cron Cluster in a supernova, sending a massive shockwave towards the planet Ossus. Home to the Jedi for countless generations, Ossus safeguarded vast libraries and storehouses of artifacts.

As the Jedi scrambled to save their treasures from the coming cataclysm, the Sith Brotherhood leaders Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma arrived to raid the planet. Exar Kun managed to claim a number of notable Jedi artifacts. Meanwhile, Ulic fought against the Republic and Jedi forces only to be challenged by his own brother, Cay.

The two brothers fought until Ulic finally struck Cay down. The shock of his brother's death left Ulic stunned with horror. The Jedi Nomi, who had once loved Ulic, was overcome with grief and used her tremendous powers to somehow sever Ulic's connection to the Force. Left powerless, Ulic wept at what he had become.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​quesh.​datacron_3

Galactic History 60: The Destruction of Ossus
Achievement: DatacronsQueshBoth381.0.0

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Debate had been raging in the Republic over the issue of droid rights: Did droids deserve the same treatment as organic beings, and was owning droids tantamount to slavery? This question was rendered moot when a Czerka-built assassin droid, HK-01, went rogue and began reprogramming other droids to rise up against their masters, in what would be called the Great Droid Revolution.

Republic citizens, surrounded by thousands of rogue droids--every model, from protocol to sanitation to battle units--found themselves at the mercy of their former servants. Several planets were subjugated in the name of the droid rebellion, until the signal controlling the droids was traced.

Following the signal, a team of Jedi destroyed HK-01, returning the rogue droids to their original programming. The relieved Republic returned to normal, and the issue of droid rights was not raised again.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_1

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With Queen Amanoa dead, Onderon enjoyed a brief period of peace, but a shadow still hung over the planet. So-called "Naddist Rebels" began to emerge, a sect that revered the teachings of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Master Arca Jeth and his students sought to cleanse Onderon of Nadd's influence by moving Nadd's sarcophagus to Onderon's moon, Dxun, but they were ambushed by Naddists who stole the sarcophagus.

While seeking out the Naddists, Arca Jeth discovered that King Ommin, long thought dead, was being kept alive in a secret facility. Also a follower of Nadd, Ommin joined forces with Nadd's undying spirit and managed to capture Arca Jeth. The king fled to a secret stronghold while Arca Jeth's student, Ulic Qel-Droma, called for Republic reinforcements.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_5

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0


This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an unknown individual. You access its power and discover information unknown to many:

Odan-Urr, Jedi Master and founder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, was one of the order's most famous and long-lived members. Although he participated in some of the most decisive battles of his time, Odan-Urr preferred the life of an academic, overseeing the library's Chamber of Antiquities for centuries until he was slain by Exar Kun shortly before the cataclysm inflicted by the Cron Supernova.

Of his many accomplishments, perhaps the most influential of Odan-Urr's works was his revised version of the Jedi Code, which he created in response to the struggles of his pupils to fully understand and embrace what it meant to be a Jedi. Odan-Urr's revised wording of the code became the definitive version, taught and recited by Jedi ever since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_4

Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

Ood Bnar

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an unknown individual. You access its power and discover information unknown to many:

At the time of the Cron Supernova, the Great Jedi Library of Ossus was overseen by Ood Bnar, a Jedi Master specializing in knowledge of the Sith and their use of the dark side. Though his tenure as head librarian was short, Ood Bnar served loyally, defending the library's artifacts from the Sith Lord Exar Kun in the final moments before the supernova razed the planet.

As a member of the tree-like Neti species, Ood Bnar could alter his physiology and shape, allowing him to transform from a humanoid into a towering tree in order to envelop and protect a cache of ancient lightsabers. He entered a form of deep hibernation as the Cron Supernova struck and has yet to rouse from this trance-like state. Master Gnost-Dural and many other Jedi have meditated at his roots, hoping to communicate and learn from the ancient Jedi, but thus far, Ood Bnar has offered no response.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_2

Ood Bnar
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

The Unlikely Survival of Ossus

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an unknown individual. You access its power and discover information unknown to many:

Ossus still bears the scars of the Cron Supernova: its surface is a seared wasteland of rock and sand. But even this degree of desolation is shockingly mild; that the planet was not rendered into a charred ball of molten rock, or even obliterated completely, is nothing short of miraculous.

Little academic work has been put forward to explain this unlikely survival; only conjecture. The initial cause of the supernova was unnatural; perhaps this explains the unnatural results? Ossus was a stronghold of the Jedi; does the inherent life force of such a place make it more resistant to destruction? Could the unique astrophysical structure of the Adega system where Ossus is found have played a role?

Regardless of the reasons, the continued survival of Ossus offers the promise that its ancient mysteries may one day be unlocked.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_3

The Unlikely Survival of Ossus
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd learned well at the feet of Naga Sadow, an ancient Sith Lord. After killing his mentor, Nadd traveled to distant Onderon and established himself in the capital Iziz as a tyrant, twisting the city's culture to a Sith ideal.

Nadd would often banish criminals beyond Iziz's walls, intending for them to die in Onderon's dangerous jungles. However, many of these criminals survived and began taming the jungle beasts as mounts. These "Beast Riders" formed a guerrilla force that eventually went to war against Iziz. Nadd fought them fiercely, but the jungle had honed the Beast Riders into formidable enemies.

The civil war continued even after Nadd's eventual death. Nadd was entombed below the city of Iziz, where his influence on Iziz's rulers would be felt for centuries.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_1

Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Freedon Nadd proved that for the Jedi, the struggle against darkness would be eternal. In the years after Nadd's death, a civil war broke out on Coruscant between members of the Jedi Order. The dark siders responsible were eventually driven from Coruscant to the Vultar system.

These Dark Jedi began exploring their new home and discovered massive, ancient machines that spoke of an extraordinary discovery. The Vultar system appeared to have been artificially constructed; these machines were clearly relics of the long-forgotten Architects who had built it.

Eager for revenge on the Jedi Order, the Dark Jedi sought to use these machines, including the device they called the "Cosmic Turbine." But the machines were far beyond their ability to control. Days into their attempt, a catastrophic accident destroyed the machines, the Dark Jedi and the entire Vultar system.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_2

Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 40: Czerka Discovers Kashyyyk

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Czerka Corporation had grown rich on weapons development, experimental research and planetary exploration. Some years before the Great Droid Revolution, Czerka discovered a backwater planet with extraordinary flora and fauna, whose trees grew kilometers high. The planet was known to its natives as Kashyyyk.

Czerka was already planning to exploit Kashyyyk's resources when corporate scouts encountered the native Wookiee population. Although physically strong and agile, the Wookiees were forced to fall back before Czerka's superior technology.

It didn't take Czerka long to realize that the true wealth of Kashyyyk was the Wookiees themselves. Bringing in its forces and considerable investment power, Czerka established a position on Kashyyyk and set about exporting Wookiee slaves to the highest bidder. They also decided to change the planet's name to something more appealing to investors: Edean.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_3

Galactic History 40: Czerka Discovers Kashyyyk
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 41: The Droid Rights Movement

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For millennia, droids had filled an important role in Republic society. They were tireless workers, trusted servants and often functioned as diplomatic translators. Battle droids formed a key part of the Republic's military strategy.

However, a "droid rights" movement began to find a voice across the Republic and quickly became popular on Coruscant. The argument was made that since droids had personalities and sentience, owning a droid was tantamount to slavery.

The Galactic Senate dismissed the movement as a mere fad, but after millions of appeals to create a Droid Rights Bill, they were forced to address the issue. A surprising number of Senators spoke up in favor of droid rights, while many others dismissed the idea as absurd. The debate would continue until the Great Droid Revolution stopped the droid rights movement in its tracks.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_4

Galactic History 41: The Droid Rights Movement
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 42: The Nevoota Extinction

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Some years before the Old Sith Wars, the Nevoota--a species of insectoid aliens from the Balmorra system--found themselves facing an army of disciplined warriors in distinctive armor. The warriors were Mandalorian Crusaders, testing themselves against the galaxy's deadliest species.

However, the Nevoota were a challenge even for the Mandalorians. Possessing superior numbers and utterly disdainful of death, the Nevoota fought a four-year campaign under the cunning warlord Ithcharaka--but finally the Mandalorians hunted the Nevoota to extinction.

This conflict had a profound effect on Mandalorian culture. The Mandalorians began to see war itself as an end, not just a means of conquest. Through war, Mandalorian society found its highest expression. When Mandalore the Indomitable eventually rose to power, he led a people who demanded nothing less than the greatest challenges the galaxy could offer.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_5

Galactic History 42: The Nevoota Extinction
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Akure, the Ghost in the Darkness (Bounty Hunter)

For hundreds of years, Dromund Kaas has been cloaked in an impenetrable night and thrashing storms supposedly caused by the power of the Emperor himself. But these are merely the most conspicuous manifestations of his legendary influence on the Imperial homeworld.

Deep in the bowels of Dromund Kaas, another manifestation has been growing--a creature born far underground, a Sithspawn that has supped on the dark side for decades. For now, the beast remains lurking in the darkness, but its hunger is eternal and it is always, always growing.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​open_world.​act_2.​akure_the_beast_of_darkness

Akure, the Ghost in the Darkness (Bounty Hunter)

Alliance Intelligence Report: Gethul

Subject: Gethul Entity
Status: Terminated (full autopsy pending)

Doctor Oggurobb's investigations are ongoing, but initial findings revealed that the Gethul entity contained genetic markers from dozens of species, including dianoga, rathtars, and surprisingly, Rakata. This is particularly interesting as certain particulate matter found deep within the entity's digestive tract is found only on the planet Belsavis, suggesting that the creature originated there and was at some point moved to Makeb, perhaps by the same Rakatans who constructed the Belsavis containment facilities.

The entity's mental connection to Adelade and its sway over other biological creatures suggests some degree of Force sensitivity, further deepening the mystery of its origins and life cycle. Is this creature representative of an undiscovered species, or merely a unique creation of ancient Rakatan scientists? While we search for answers, one troubling mystery remains.

Adelade found the entity based on intel she received from an unidentified third party. This source sent her precise coordinates--and the claim that she would discover one of the Force's greatest mysteries buried beneath Makeb. Who sent her this intel? If it was a friend, why cover their tracks? If an enemy, what did they hope to accomplish by luring Adelade into the heart of madness? We will continue to investigate.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release02.​gethul

Alliance Intelligence Report: Gethul

Cave Jurgoran

Though not limited exclusively to caves, this subspecies of jurgoran is usually found in environments with little-to-no natural light. In order to adapt to its dark surroundings, the cave jurgoran has developed bioluminescent scales and a reflective hide. Each creature has a distinct glow pattern, nearly undetectable to most, but instantly recognizable by other cave jurgorans.

It is currently unknown how the jurgoran managed to migrate out of Dromund Kaas and settle in the darker corners of the galaxy. The most common theory among biologists is that the early Sith used jurgorans in battle but found them unpredictable and deserted them like forgotten pets. If this theory is correct, the cave jurgorans of today are descendants of these abandoned tools of war.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​cave_jurgoran

Cave Jurgoran


Dragonbats are nocturnal hunters often found in the dark places of warm and temperate worlds. They are able to draw sustenance from carrion as well from fresh meat, and this wide-ranging diet makes them adaptable to many environments--making them a pest to sentient creatures and a source of fear for fellow animals.

Dragonbats generally hunt alone or in small packs, but they occasionally gather into massive "swarms." The swarm is combination mating ritual and battle royale, where the weakest of the species are culled by stronger members, who may then reproduce. While vicious, this ritual helps ensure dragonbat genetic diversity while capping the creatures' population.

Category: Bestiary

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​dragonbat


Kell Dragon

Vicious predators known for their powerful jaws and thickly scaled hides, kell dragons have become a favorite pet and status symbol among the galaxy's crime lords and collectors of exotic creatures. Almost all currently documented kell dragons were bred in captivity and trained specifically for battle in underworld fighting pits, despite the illegal nature of such activities throughout most of the galaxy.

Although genetically related to the famed krayt dragons of the planet Tatooine, the homeworld of the smaller kell dragons remains unknown. Some biologists believe the creatures may have been specifically bred from their larger cousins, though how anyone could control the breeding of such colossal and destructive creatures is anyone's guess.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​bestiary.​kell_dragon

Kell Dragon


Despite its bipedal shape, the lisk is actually a carnivorous species of warm-blooded reptile suited to cold-weather climates. The "hairs" on its head and torso are in fact sharp, fibrous scales that help protect it from low temperatures and larger creatures. Sentient species are often surprised at how vicious a lisk can be, as its wide eyes and childlike grin give it a harmless appearance.

The lisk's two pairs of eyes are operated by different hemispheres of its brain, and are integral to its survival while sleeping. Only half of the lisk's body falls asleep at one time, allowing each pair of eyes to keep watch during half of its sleep cycle.

Category: Bestiary

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​lisk


Mantellian Flutterplume

Although its beautiful feathers are valued as good luck charms, everything else about the Mantellian flutterplume is worth avoiding. This enormous scavenger bird is noted for its impressive hook-like beak and four sets of curled talons--tools that it uses to tear apart and consume rotting carcasses.

The flutterplume population has skyrocketed thanks to Ord Mantell's brutal civil war. An abundant supply of fresh battlefield kills attracts flocks of these carrion eaters. Soldiers whisper horror stories of wounded men unable to defend themselves and doomed by the hungry winged predators.

Subspecies of the Mantellian flutterplume have evolved on a handful of other Republic worlds where the birds have been imported. Like their ancestors, they are both elegant and aggressive.

Category: Bestiary

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​mantellian_flutterplume

Mantellian Flutterplume


Nerfs are large, shaggy pack animals raised for their meat, fur and hides, primarily characterized by their horns, surly disposition and horrid stench. Their tendency to spit on people has only cemented their reputation for being particularly unpleasant animals to handle; it's no surprise that nerf-herding is regarded as one of the less glamorous professions in the galaxy.

Although they are native to Alderaan, the nerfs' hardiness has allowed them to adapt to a variety of climates on other planets. Nerfs are common livestock on many Core and Inner Rim planets, though most ranchers beyond the Mid Rim prefer to breed less unruly animals.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​nerf



"I was somewhere in the Sertar sector, on my way back to Centares. My ship's inertial compensator started acting up, and I had to set her down. Ended up in the mountains on Elom. Place was colder than a wampa den. Scarier, too.

Got the compensator fixed, but as I was getting back on board, my blood went cold. And let me tell you, it wasn't from the weather. Felt like someone, something, was watching me. Thought I was going space mad--that is, until I saw 'em. All the spots on those critters' fur kept 'em nice and hidden, but once all those sharp horns and teeth and claws started moving at me... I knew I wasn't imagining things.

Never seen critters hunt in a pack like that. Even had the young ones tagging along. There were too many of 'em for just me and one blaster, so I took off quick. Shame I couldn't bag one, though. Would've been a nice present for the boss."

--From a note written by an Exchange contraband runner to his friend

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​ranphyx


Shade Stalker

An excerpt of notes from Dr. Juvard Illip Oggurobb:

The creatures appear predatory in nature, exhibiting highly aggressive tendencies. In my studies, they do not consume the flesh of their kill. They simply enjoy the hunt. In fact, shade stalkers do not seem to eat at all. Can a living organism really survive without sustenance? It's almost beyond comprehension!

These magnificent beasts seem directly tied to the strong Force presence on Odessen. Whether they were born of the conditions or simply corrupted by them remains to be seen. Their scaly hides indicate a defense against aggressors, suggesting these creatures may not have always been so predatory. My conjecture is that their natural course of evolution was somehow rapidly thrust forward by an unknown process. Could the Force be responsible? And if so, could this mean the Force can similarly affect the evolution of other species? Can we harness such a process for our own gain?

I must study this further.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​shade_stalker

Shade Stalker


The legendary terentatek is a vicious, tusked monster that feeds on the blood of Force sensitives. Terentateks are known to cluster wherever there is a strong dark side presence and to remain dormant for many years before emerging to hunt.

How terentateks came to be is a subject of much debate. Ancient chronicles report terentatek-like creatures on Korriban, twisted by the dark side rituals performed by early Dark Jedi. Other sources attribute their creation directly to the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who performed many Force experiments on creatures on Yavin 4. Terentateks are undoubtedly one of the most vicious of all creatures steeped in the dark side, and they are doubly dangerous because of their unnatural resistance to Force powers.

Jedi throughout the ages have tried to wipe terentateks from the galaxy, but the creatures have proven incredibly resilient. The most recent concerted effort was three centuries ago; many terentateks were destroyed, but the hunt took the lives of many Jedi Masters, as well.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​terentatek



Ruhnuk is a harsh world where both flora and fauna are forced to adapt in order to flourish. A prime example of this is the Ruhnukan Tineback. As humorous as their features may be to onlookers, they all have a purpose. The Tineback's ridged nose and large, blunt underbite allows it to hoe soil and chisel rock at an alarming rate. The Tineback's stout, spined tail often serves a dual purpose. In addition to providing a perfect posterior defense against an enemy, the tail can also be used as camouflage. When feeling vulnerable, Tinebacks can quickly bore straight down into the dirt, burying themselves up to their haunches. Its tail--the only part of the Tineback left exposed--resembles a dangerous, spiny succulent that grows in some of the world's more hazardous areas.

Among the beasts found on Ruhnuk, the Tineback is the most varied. From canyon to clifftop, these thickset beasts roam in groups varying from small clusters to large mobs--referred to by many as a "mix," given their range in color and pattern--chewing their way through most anything in their path. The few sentient visitors to the planet have been known to make a game out of documenting and sharing tales of their sightings.

The most unique discoveries include the elusive "Knock-Kneed" Tineback, whose uncanny speed is the envy of mount trainers, and the "Dulcet Tone"-back, so named for its glass-like tines that chime as it scurries. One famous encounter involved a smaller, unusually friendly, "beefy" variety of Tineback. According to legend, he was adopted by miners who named him Essa'Mu, a name which is thought to mean "Dragbelly," due to the Tineback's stubbier-than-normal legs.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tineback



A subterranean species of semi-sentient bipedal insects, the voreclaw survived the devastating ritual that wiped out all life on Nathema's surface... but not without cost. The dark side cataclysm obliterated the Voreclaw's hive mind, transforming their underground colonies into mindless individuals without purpose or will.

Driven by hunger, the voreclaw emerged onto Nathema's barren surface, where the sun's radiation seared their exposed flesh and charred their chitinous shells. With no other plants or animals to eat, the voreclaw resorted to cannibalism-- devouring each other until only the few strongest remained.

The species was saved from extinction when the Sith Emperor captured the few survivors to use as guardians in his underground vault. Frozen in carbonite, the voreclaw remained in suspended animation for generations--grim sentries waiting to be awakened should anyone be foolish enough to enter their new domain.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​voreclaw



The enormous and majestic bormus once moved in herds across Balmorra--until the Imperial bombardment wiped out many of the slow-moving behemoths and the pollution from Balmorra's destroyed factories poisoned the land and the bormus' food supply.

Despite their size, bormus are incredibly gentle beasts and formerly relied on their herds for protection, stampeding potential predators. Now that they are on the brink of extinction, lone bormus are easily picked off by smaller, faster predators.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​bormu

BestiaryBalmorra (Imp)Both161.0.0

Mutated Colicoid

The product of secretive experiments conducted on Balmorra prior to the Imperial invasion, the mutated Colicoids are mindless, bloodthirsty insectoids with many legs and sharp claws. Originally created in the lab facility known colloquially as Bugtown, these monstrosities escaped during the Empire's conquest and have overrun parts of Balmorra (including the lab facilities where they were created).

The creatures seem particularly drawn to Balmorra's hazard vaults and other zones of heavy pollution. By feeding on the toxic waste, they appear to grow stronger and more vicious.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 18

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​colicoid

Mutated Colicoid
BestiaryBalmorra (Imp)Imperial181.0.0


The zeldrate is a sleek predator that used to hunt bormus in the Balmorran plains--but with the bormu population dwindling, the zeldrate has increasingly targeted sentient prey. Imperial troops and resistance fighters wounded during battle are common victims, but bolder zeldrates have assaulted full squads.

Prior to the invasion, zeldrates were hunted for a caustic chemical secretion useful as a cleaning solution for industrial parts. Today, with Balmorran industry operating below half capacity, the zeldrate population has seen a slight increase--balanced by the fact that they are often killed seeking easy prey on the battlefield.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​zeldrate

BestiaryBalmorra (Imp)Both161.0.0


Guids are hoofed quadrupeds indigenous to Tython. Notable for their muscular forelegs and the distinctive tufts of hair on the shoulders, back and chin, they are typically encountered grazing alone or in small herds. Guids are not particularly aggressive, but if threatened, they are capable of causing injury or even death with their massive forelegs and powerful jaws. Attempts to domesticate guids have proved unsuccessful due to their stubborn and occasionally irritable nature.

Jedi Master Silvarte has taken to labeling Padawans with a particularly lumbering lightsaber stance as devotees of the "Form of the Guid." At least one of these Padawans--since proclaimed a full Jedi Knight--has taken this mild insult to heart, developing several lightsaber techniques inspired by the study and observation of these strange creatures. Master Silvarte considers this a mark of his success as a teacher.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​guid



Four-legged reptilian predators found primarily on Tython, horranths typically hunt in large family groups called broods. With their high birth rate, quick maturation and few natural predators, the horranth population is usually constrained only by a limited food supply.

If food suddenly becomes more abundant in a region, a horranth matriarch will lay hundreds of eggs, causing her brood's population to explode. As their numbers multiply, the beasts grow bolder and more aggressive. Unchecked, the brood will continue to spread until they finally exceed their food supply, at which point the matriarch will suddenly stop producing eggs. Unfortunately, this return to normal population levels typically only happens after the brood has thoroughly devastated the region.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 8

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​horranth


Manka Cat

Fierce feline hunters, manka cats are believed to have originated on Alderaan but can now be found on a number of different worlds due to their desirability as exotic pets or trained guardians. It is no surprise that these accomplished hunters have thrived in virtually every ecosystem into which they have been introduced. Sleek and powerful, they have the speed to run down smaller prey, while their massive protruding tusks and claws also allow them to tackle much larger targets. Often traveling in prides, even a lone manka cat can be dangerous, and extreme caution should be exercised when in their territory. Despite the risks, manka cats are sometimes hunted for sport and for their tusks and teeth, which are said to possess healing properties.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​manka

Manka Cat

Tythonian War Droid

The ruins of Kaleth are overrun with various squads of ancient--and hostile--war droids. A deadly remnant of Tython's mysterious past, the original purpose of the droids has been lost in the mists of time. Some speculate they were once guardians, programmed to protect the powerful secrets of Tython's original Jedi inhabitants. Others believe the droids were used for combat training by the order shortly after the creation of the first proto-lightsaber. A more sinister theory suggests the droids were somehow involved in the destruction of Kaleth itself. Whatever the explanation, one fact is not in dispute: The droids will attack any living creature that dares to enter the territory they still fiercely patrol.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tython_war_droid

Tythonian War Droid


Deceptively aggressive, uxibeasts are mammalian herbivores with a multitude of horns covering their shaggy bodies. They are believed to originate on Tython, but have been found in small numbers on other planets--evidence of the migration of the first Jedi, long ago. They typically travel in herds and are quite capable of fending off would-be predators; the pointed spines on their backs prevent attackers from pouncing on them, and a charging uxibeast is capable of inflicting all kinds of bodily harm.

Uxibeasts are generally ill-tempered and unpleasant around people, but they can be tamed--to a degree. Domesticated uxibeasts will imprint on a single individual, whom they are unquestionably loyal to, while remaining hostile toward everyone else.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​uxibeast



Wingmaws are a biological oddity, an evolutionary branch of Balmorran life that developed on an isolated chain of islands; it was only six hundred years ago that wingmaws were accidentally carried to the mainland by unwary explorers. The creatures maintain insect-like social structures despite their reptilian appearance, frequently traveling in groups and favoring open spaces to dark caves.

The wingmaw population on Balmorra has increased rapidly since the Imperial invasion, as the creatures' primary predator--the Balmorran maweater, another transplant from the island chain--was completely wiped out during the bombardment. Unchecked, the wingmaw has become a threat to Imperial and resistance soldiers alike and wreaked havoc on the rest of the Balmorran ecosystem. They are bold carnivores and scavengers, happily swarming on a lone fighter or an unprepared convoy.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​wingmaw



Indigenous to the planet Varl, vrblthers were often kept as pets by rich and powerful Hutts. When Varl was vaporized over ten thousand years ago, the species survived only because many of the fierce bipedal predators had accompanied their owners to Nar Shaddaa and Hutta.

The beasts proved resilient to the pollutants and toxins commonly found in their new environments, and their numbers grew rapidly. Packs of vrblthers are known to roam the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa, in constant search of their next meal.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​vrbither

BestiaryNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0


Hulking, worm-like creatures with pincer legs and gaping maws of teeth, k'lor'slugs are among the most dangerous species on Korriban. Not only can they shear a man in half or swallow him whole, they can project their vile, venomous spit great distances. Hatched from eggs laid hundreds at a time by their queens and blessed with a short incubation period, these hideous monsters can infest and overrun an area in no time.

A century ago, a notorious hunter named Riegenn Hetuu was contracted to bring a live k'lor'slug queen to an eccentric Hutt for a gala celebration. The beast was meant to be a highlight in the Hutt's annual gladiatorial tournament, but when Riegenn arrived on Hutta and opened his cargo bay, some four hundred k'lor'slugs poured out, consuming the hunter as well as the Hutt. To this day, the sound made when a batch of k'lor'slugs hatch is called "a Hutt's cry."

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​klorslug



Eyeless, winged monstrosities that hunt in swarms, shyracks are cave-dwelling terrors indigenous to Korriban. Fiercely territorial, they attack intruders with aggression and frenzy.

Typically cave-bound, every sixty-three years the shyracks of Korriban spill from their habitats every day for the entire summer. They fill the sky, blotting out the sun and moon, and rain their bluish droppings onto everything below. Before the Sith returned to reclaim Korriban, every sixty-third summer saw biologists from across the galaxy descend on the planet to observe the purpling of the red terrain.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​shyrack


The Beast of Marka Ragnos (Warrior)

Left to guard the tomb serving as the resting place for its master, Marka Ragnos, the beast has dwelled in darkness for centuries. Legend tells that Ragnos beat his pet nightly, warping it with the Force until it was a creature of pure hate and anguish. Starved for unthinkable periods of time and then fed only blood, it is said to be filled with an unquenchable thirst for more.

Since the death of its master and its seclusion in the tomb, no one has seen the beast and lived to tell the tale. But the strongest Sith can feel its unnerving presence.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​warrior.​beast_of_marka_ragnos

The Beast of Marka Ragnos (Warrior)


These oversized hounds were bred to be fearless and relentless. Left to guard the Sith tombs of Korriban, they have sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. They are unusually intelligent and seem capable of communicating with one another through unknown means.

It is said that the species was nonviolent and grazing before being corrupted by Sith alchemical experiments that awakened a latent part of their brains and changed them into unnatural abominations. Random mutations now occur that produce some tuk'ata that can live for centuries and grow to immense proportions.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 4

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tukata



The gundark is among the most feared of all species. Its strength is matched only by its resilience and keen senses, and it is a favorite target of big game hunters and a featured attraction in gladiatorial arenas galaxy-wide. Gundarks rarely last long in captivity, however; many beast tamers tell of letting their guard down for a half-second in the presence of these mighty creatures, only to be attacked and horribly mauled. They are the lucky ones. Anyone encountering a gundark in the wild knows to give this monster a wide berth or else be prepared for a fight; the gundark is known to attack unprovoked.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​gundark

BestiaryDromund KaasBoth111.0.0


These large amphibious creatures are known for their sharp claws and tough hides. They are found primarily on Dromund Kaas, where they are challenged only by the gundark for a position at the top of the food chain.

The jurgoran quickly became an image of vicious, unrelenting strength among the Sith who first came to Dromund Kaas, and there are several instances of Sith taking the name "Lord Jurgoran" throughout the histories.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​jurgoran

BestiaryDromund KaasBoth131.0.0


Sleek and web-footed, the sleen is among the fastest creatures that crawl through the Dromund Kaas jungle. It feeds primarily on the eggs of other Dromund Kaas lizards, but it has been known to hunt small prey and can be vicious in protecting its territory against intruders.

The early Sith were known to keep sleens as guard animals and pets, but the practice went out of favor as Dromund Kaas became more densely populated and the sleens proved difficult to keep in close quarters. Hunting sleens are still kept among certain high-ranking Imperial military officers, bred and trained by generations of family servants.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​sleen

BestiaryDromund KaasBoth131.0.0

Vine Cat

The heavily armored, sharp-toothed vine cat can pounce up to eight meters and has been known to tear a sleen apart in less than ten seconds. Its armored frill and hide protect it against larger predators such as the jurgoran, and its claws make it an expert climber when it needs to get away. The vine cat was introduced to Dromund Kaas by the early Sith from the dark forest world of Ziost and is responsible for wiping out three of Dromund Kaas's native herbivorous species to date.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​vine_cat

Vine Cat
BestiaryDromund KaasBoth131.0.0


Yozusks were originally referred to as "rock wardens" by the Sith when they arrived on Dromund Kaas, because they nested in the cliffsides around the jungle and because of the hard, rocky protrusions on their backs. Though they are extremely territorial, they primarily feed on animals living beneath the ground, which they dig up with their long arms. They are nocturnal creatures and rely primarily on their sense of smell in the darkness. They are incredibly strong, and many young thrill-seekers cut their teeth fighting the yozusks before moving on to the larger, more powerful gundarks.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​yozusk

BestiaryDromund KaasBoth111.0.0


There's a good reason for the expression "angry as an arkonok" on Onderon. Though they're the closest thing to a domesticated herd animal on the planet, their unpredictable rages put would-be tamers at risk of serious bodily harm on a daily basis and destroy all but the stoutest enclosures. Arkonok meat is prized as a delicacy on Onderon, but by all accounts this is more out of respect for the handlers than for its flavor (described as "just okay" and "sort of gritty" by famed culinarian Ton-Zek Aimar).

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​arkonok



Scintillating flirron glide through Onderon's skies with ephemeral grace. The dazzling patterns produced by their billions of chromatophores are believed by scientists to be an intricate form of visual communication. The gentle beasts (a rarity among Onderon's deadly fauna) are so loved by the citizens of Iziz that flirron watching is a citywide pastime. Prime flirron-viewing locations along the city's outer walls are some of its most valuable real estate, and cover charges for the best-positioned rooftop cafes are well beyond the means of the general citizenry.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​flirron



The Grefna's prominent cranial spine serves multiple purposes. It allows flock members to visually track one another through the verdant undergrowth due to ultraviolet striations on its surface, and its sharp, blade-like edge presents a formidable defense against would-be attackers. An agitated Grefna will lower its head, issue a honking bellow, and charge, impaling its enemy and tossing it backwards with a sharp flick of its neck to clear a path to safety. Given the predators that terrorize Onderon, even its prey animals are deadly in their own right.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​grefna



Little escapes the notice of the Orlax. Its four specialized eyes each feature three foveae, allowing it to keep multiple targets in sharp focus at one time. Once it identifies its prey, it strikes with startling speed. While few survive an Orlax attack, even fewer escape the jaws of the Varlax, a closely related species found on Dxun that has developed a potent and notoriously painful hemotoxic venom that it delivers through its large lower tusks.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​orlax



The rumbling infrasonic "purr" of the pritarr is the last sensation its prey feels before being ripped apart by a pack on the hunt. Pritarr use these low-frequency sounds to communicate over long distances through their densely jungled habitat as they search for prey. Their sensitivity to these sounds allows them to detect seismic activity long before most other creatures, and the Untamed have long known to prepare for potential disaster if their pritarr are restless.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​pritarr



Given enough intellect, knowledge, fortitude and power, Sith alchemy can be used to achieve the seemingly impossible, such as transforming flesh and bone to form vicious Sithspawn such as the imposing Massassi and the unstoppable Terentatek. But Monoliths are something beyond Sithspawn: they are everlasting monstrosities built not on a foundation of living tissue but of dark side energy itself. Enduring and merciless and quite possibly unkillable, Monoliths plainly illustrate the immeasurable power of their creator and are best avoided at all costs.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​monolith



The golden-hued and black-striped pelage of the krakjya instills in those who behold the tropical feline a notion of majestic beauty, but maintaining that affectation would be a mistake. Krakjyas are savage predators, acting only in regard to self-preservation without anything resembling decorum or elegance. Powerful back muscles allow krakjyas to leap great distances and pin down quarry several times their own weight long enough to render it lifeless with their long, sharp teeth. Even the great Massassi warriors of Yavin 4 know better than to face a krakjya without lots of backup.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​krakjya

BestiaryYavin 4Both583.0.0


Of all the creatures indigenous to Yavin 4, the stoneray fits most suitably within its dark side-permeated swamps and jungles. Their ashen skin and low-necked posture lend an air of the sinister. And at night, bathed in the crimson glow of the gas giant Yavin, stonerays appear to be covered in blood--a terrifying sight, especially when one is observed using its taloned tail to effortlessly disembowel its prey.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​stoneray

BestiaryYavin 4Both583.0.0


The bogstalker is one of many ancient species from the planet Taris's prehistory thought extinct until its rediscovery after the planet's bombardment. It turned out that the bogstalkers had survived for millennia beneath Taris's sprawling undercity, and in the post-bombardment wreckage, the bogstalker has thrived as its natural swampy habitat has spread.

Remarkably, the pollutants from the destruction of Taris have only made the bogstalker more resilient, as its flesh is now poisonous to most predators--even the voracious rakghouls.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​bogstalker

BestiaryTaris (Rep)Both161.0.0

Ferrazid Hound

Millennia ago, before Taris became a city-world--and long before that city was destroyed--ferrazid hounds lived in the planet's jungles and swamps, hunting birds and lizards and roaming in small packs. When Taris became an urban environment, ferrazids were believed extinct--the population wiped out, with only a few specimens preserved in zoos.

When the Republic returned to the ruins of Taris, explorers found the ferrazid hound population robust and recovered. Unfortunately, the ferrazids are extremely territorial. Although they keep their distance from major settlements, they are an increasing problem for scouts and transports.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​ferrazid_hound

Ferrazid Hound
BestiaryTaris (Rep)Both161.0.0


Rakghouls evolve with incredible speed, but until recently, they had never shown signs of intelligence. Larger and far smarter than their rakghoul cousins, nekghouls may qualify as a new species in their own right--they appear unable to infect and transform their victims, but instead possess sensitivity to the Force and violent, untrained talent in its use.

Although nekghouls are capable of speech, they have no known history or record of their origins. Are they the result of a Jedi or Sith being infected with the rakghoul virus? A mutation caused by radiation from Taris's shattered reactors? Studies may have to wait--for now, merely surviving the presence of these horrific beings is difficult enough.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​nekghoul

BestiaryTaris (Rep)Both161.0.0


Native to the forests of the planet Cholganna, the feline nexu have become alpha predators throughout the galaxy over the past few centuries, adapting to new environments through a natural hardiness and a quick reproductive cycle. Packs of nexu have been found roaming the tundra of Mygeeto and the steaming jungles of Rodia, equally adept at stalking and killing prey.

Nexu are recognized in many cultures as an icon of viciousness, and several Mandalorian clans have taken the creature as their symbol. Some xenobiologists argue that nexu are far less violent than common wisdom suggests, and that it's the activities of sentient beings that agitate the cats. Left alone, they're smart, capable and strong--but not cruel or aggressive.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​nexu

BestiaryTaris (Rep)Both161.0.0


Rakghouls are a living plague--the manifestation of a highly communicable disease capable of swiftly transforming its victims into twisted, degenerate monsters with predatory instincts. The rakghoul virus can infect hundreds of known species and is most often delivered through a rakghoul's bite; a person attacked by a rakghoul and "lucky" enough to survive typically becomes a rakghoul him- or herself. Some victims resist the virus for days, succumbing to rakghoul instincts while retaining their original bodies.

Different strains of the virus manifest in different breeds of rakghoul--the smallest and weakest travel in enormous colonies, whereas larger, smarter rakghouls often hunt alone. The virus mutates fastest when infecting new species, and slowest when rakghouls reproduce with other rakghouls.

Before the planet's bombardment, Taris contained its substantial rakghoul population in the undercity. Many specialists believe rakghouls are native to Taris, but rare outbreaks elsewhere in the galaxy suggest the truth is more complicated.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​rakghoul

BestiaryTaris (Rep)Both161.0.0


Utterly at odds with the tranquility of their native Alderaan, bolraidas are one of the most aggressive species in the galaxy. They are brutally effective hunters, running down prey with their powerful front legs before gouging them with the hook-like tusks on their lower jaws.

Early Alderaanian settlers were shocked to encounter such violent beasts on their paradisiacal new home, and it wasn't long before bolraida attacks became a leading cause of death. Unlike their distant relative, the iraida, bolraidas are impossible to train; nearly every attempt to domesticate the beasts has ended disastrously.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​bolraida



Iraidas are a species of predatory reptomammals native to Alderaan, known for their exceptional hearing and extreme resistance to cold. Although they are distantly related to the bolraida, iraidas have demonstrated a level of intelligence far superior to their vicious brethren; this has not only made them more cunning predators but has also led to their limited use as trained watch-beasts and gladiatorial challenges.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​iraida


Kath Hound

Native to Dantooine, kath hounds are sturdy, horned creatures with a ruff of fur. Although they can be aggressive if threatened or during mating season, they are normally docile, intelligent creatures who take well to training. Kath hounds are popular across the galaxy as guard dogs and pets (although the latter usually have their horns trimmed as a precaution).

Albino kath hounds are rare and highly prized by breeders. On Dantooine, seeing an albino kath hound is considered lucky; there are even stories of albino hounds protecting people lost in the hills. While these stories are unlikely to be more than legends, an albino kath hound is large and intimidating enough to frighten off Dantooine's worst predators, kinraths, which certainly would prey on lost travelers.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​kath_hound

Kath Hound


Thrantas are a species of flying animals indigenous to Alderaan. Their powerful wing muscles and internal air sacs allow them to stay aloft while carrying large amounts of weight, making them perfect aerial mounts. Early Alderaanian colonists made extensive use of thrantas, using them for personal and military transport.

Their popularity on Alderaan generated an enormous demand for the animals on Coruscant; thousands of thrantas were transplanted, but they were unable to survive the city-world's heavy air pollution. Since that debacle, the Alderaanians have refused to export the thrantas offworld and hunting them on Alderaan is strictly forbidden. This has only made thranta smuggling and thranta poaching more appealing in certain circles.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​thranta


Vorn Tiger

Vorn tigers are a dangerous breed of feline predators distinguished by their distinctive horns and sleek coats. They are solitary hunters by nature and most are extremely territorial. They typically avoid major settlements but are absolutely merciless to anyone unlucky enough to wander into their hunting grounds.

Vorn tigers often mark their territory by gouging bark from trees with their horns. Zoologists have noted that these markings are both unique and consistent--each vorn tiger seems to scratch in a consistent and unique pattern.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​vorntiger

Vorn Tiger


Domestication of the foraging omnivores known as grophets has long been a goal of livestock farmers on Rishi, but the notoriously stubborn and intelligent mammals do not take well to pens or cages. Grophets use their dense mass, low centers of gravity and nodule-pocked foreheads to ram defensively into predators and other nuisances, while their long, sensitive ears make them especially difficult to get the drop on. Grophet demand has spiked among game hunters in recent years as their raw entrails have become a noted Hutt delicacy.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​grophet


Kowakian Monkey-Lizard

When it comes to compatibility, few pets in the criminal underworld can outmatch a monkey-lizard from the planet Kowak. Their intelligence allows them to understand and execute complex commands, while their small size, nimble bodies and prehensile tails make it easy for them to maneuver through small spaces. The Kowakian monkey-lizard isn't exactly defenseless, either. When cornered, they are known to go for any would-be assailant's neck and eyes with their sharp claws and powerful beaks.

For those whose sense of humor tends toward the sadistic, it also doesn't hurt that Kowakian monkey-lizards are notoriously cruel. Their knack for recognizing weakness in others provides ample opportunity for acts of public humiliation, which they'll often carry out while chirping away with a mocking laughter that will haunt the victim until their dying days.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​kowakian_monkey_lizard

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard


Orobirds are a species of tall, flightless avians noted for their distinctive plumage and loud, squawking calls. Their very existence baffles scientists: colorful, loud and dumb, orobirds should be easy prey for predators and poachers, yet they can be found thriving on a multitude of worlds. Many attribute the orobirds' continued survival to their brutish temperament and odious flavor; orobird meat is generally considered one of the foulest in the galaxy, though some wealthy highbrows insist the taste is an acquired one.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​orobird



An innocuous trip to the beach for fun in the sun can quickly become a living nightmare wherever skar'klas are known to roam. These semiaquatic, carnivorous reptiles thrive in wet, tropical climes, and are strong, fast, and deadly. Their scaly hides and plated manes offer protection from other predators while their sharp teeth and powerful jaws allow them to quickly devour their prey. A legend persists that skar'klas find relief in having the undersides of their mane plates scratched, but so far no one has been known to dare attempt to confirm it.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​skarkla



Keen eyesight, an insatiable appetite and a bone-chilling call make the tonitran one of the galaxy's most feared predators. These remorseless lizards use their muscular hind legs to gain purchase with their powerful claws and propel themselves at great speed, often resulting in a successful kill without their prey ever having known they were in danger. The substantial tail of a tonitran not only assists in its balance, but it also provides excellent defense against any creature foolish enough to attempt a furtive attack from behind.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tonitran


Gapillian Grazer

The slow-moving, gentle-tempered Gapillian grazers are herbivores that range across Ord Mantell's grassy plains. Although their massive curved tusks and rock-like hides give them a fearsome appearance, these beasts are among the most peaceful creatures inhabiting the planet. This does not mean they are entirely harmless, however.

Few things are more terrifying than a Gapillian grazer stampede at the height of mating season. With so many of these beasts grouped together, a single spooked grazer can initiate a charge capable of leveling a small town. Unwary travelers caught on foot during these catastrophic panics are rarely seen again.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​grazer

Gapillian Grazer
BestiaryOrd MantellRepublic31.0.0


One of the only carnivores capable of taking down a Gapillian grazer by itself, razoronn beasts are nearly three meters in length and weigh over a thousand kilograms. It is no exaggeration to state that these tusked, fanged beasts present a serious threat to anything smaller than an armored shuttlecraft.

During the early settlement of Ord Mantell, a small farming convoy broke down on a remote plain at nightfall and fell prey to a razoronn pack. The curious predators began "investigating" these intruders in their hunting grounds. The farmers' landspeeders offered no shelter from the ravenous creatures. By morning, all but one of the farmers had been dragged away.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​razoronn

BestiaryOrd MantellRepublic71.0.0


The savrips' bestial appearance leads many to dismiss them as nothing more than monstrous hulking predators that attack on instinct. This is far from the case, as anyone who has gotten close to a savrip can attest. Would a mindless animal really wear a tanned hide and belt made from Gapillian grazers?

Despite their brutish and primitive appearance, savrips are an intelligent species capable of communication. Unfortunately, for the average Ord Mantellian, savrips are actively hostile to other life-forms. Previously content to remain in their home territories, recent surges in savrip attacks have led authorities to speculate on a separatist-savrip alliance, but these claims remain unsubstantiated.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 8

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​savrip

BestiaryOrd MantellRepublic81.0.0


The Spikeshell is a common crustacean on Ord Mantell, with a particularly large species populating the waters of Kessan's Landing. Though the creatures are typically docile, they will use their massive and sharp claws to defend themselves. The grip pressure they have is so substantial that they have been known to tear through durasteel.

Spikeshells are a popular food source across the planet and a staple of cuisine in Ardak Point. Often the prime ingredient in noodle dishes, it can even be served with only skycorn and kebroot, as long as they are heavily seasoned.

A peculiar phenomenon is that on certain nights of the moon cycle, the spikeshells stand on the shore with their claws raised into the air.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​spikeshell

BestiaryOrd MantellBoth507.4.0


On a world as inhospitable as Hoth, herbivores need natural advantages to survive. The lumbering herd beasts commonly called "icetrompers" must contend with the constant threat of hungry wampas and whitefangs. Unable to outrun their natural predators, icetrompers compensate with powerful stomping hooves and thick curled horns that can sweep aside even the most determined hunter.

An icetromper's greatest natural asset, however, is its multiple sets of eyes. Like certain arachnid species, the secondary eyes are reserved exclusively for detection of sudden changes in nearby light patterns. Even the stealthiest wampas have difficulty sneaking up on icetrompers.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​icetromper


Pantran Whitefang

The sleek and lethal whitefang cats are noteworthy for having bodies composed almost entirely of muscle. These felines do not store any fat, and consequently must constantly be on the hunt. They are the only creatures on Hoth capable of matching a tauntaun's running speed.

Certain enterprising crime lords have attempted to train captured whitefangs for use as guard animals. These experiments have routinely ended in disaster for trainers and beasts alike. On the other hand, underground death duel arenas have profited tremendously from the spectacle these untamed creatures can provide.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​pantran_whitefang

Pantran Whitefang


Despite their diminutive stature, the vicious and intelligent skels are a potential wild card in the three-way war for Hoth. Skels hunt in packs, are capable of wielding primitive weapons and are biologically adapted to survival on Hoth's frozen plains. Their bony claws are capable of burrowing through even the thickest snow and ice, allowing them to spring devastating surprise attacks.

Imperial war strategists dismiss the skels as a threat, but Republic soldiers are encouraged to report any mass gatherings of skels immediately. Long before the Republic, the Empire or the White Maw came to Hoth, the planet belonged to the skels--and these well-organized natives may decide to eliminate the unwelcome invaders.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​skel



The tauntaun is an omnivorous reptomammal occupying a key position in Hoth's ecosystem. Beyond providing a food source for wampas and the feline whitefangs, tauntauns also expand the planet's natural tundra by spreading fast-growing moss and lichen to new growth areas. In fact, scientists speculate that Hoth's limited fauna would quickly go extinct if the tauntauns disappeared.

More important to Republic, Imperial and White Fang forces on Hoth, tauntauns provide the promise of a native means of traversing the icy plains. Adult tauntauns can move at speeds of up to ninety kilometers per hour--useful for outrunning all manner of foes. The trick, of course, is domesticating these notoriously ill-tempered beasts.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tauntaun



The fearsome wampa is Hoth's apex predator. These surprisingly intelligent beasts pose a major hazard to unwary travelers, especially those wandering near unexplored caves. More than one combat patrol has vanished after seeking shelter in a seemingly unoccupied ice cavern. Among fresh arrivals to the planet, horror stories circulate of men swallowed whole by these towering creatures.

The more terrifying truth is that wampas prefer fresh meat and rarely kill a victim outright, instead stunning or incapacitating prey. Future meals are dragged back to a wampa's lair and suspended immobilized from the cave's ceiling. Wampa victims may have hours or even days to contemplate their eventual fates.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​wampa


Barbed Ginx

Sharing a family tree with the more aggressive vrakes, barbed ginxes are relatively harmless, curious amphibians that frequent Makeb's marshes. Their name comes from the barbed "thumb" they use to peel off bark from trees or fallen logs while looking for insects to eat. Dep Aila, the first scientist to document the barbed ginx, encountered them when he left his speeder unattended and came back to find a small horde of ginx had peeled off the exterior casing, hoping to find food.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​barbed_ginx

Barbed Ginx


When a group of Makeb's early settlers explored the planet's underground caves, they encountered a vicious burrowing animal they named the exoboar. Surprisingly fast and armored with blaster-resistant leathery skin, the exoboars ripped up equipment and drove the settlers back until Sarthon Quis, a former career bodyguard, figured out that the boars were repelled by a particular herb growing in the caves. Rubbing the herb on their clothes allowed the settlers to pass safely.

In later years, Sarthon Quis became an acclaimed hunter of exoboars and even had a set of armor made from exoboar hide. Unfortunately, he wore it while on an expedition into even deeper caves and was devoured by a subteroth who took him for a particularly plump boar.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​exoboar


Isotope-5 Droids

The mineral isotope-5 is the Hutt Cartel's key to technological advances that will make it the galaxy's undisputed military superpower. Scientists speculate that a single microgram of isotope-5 is enough to power a large datapad for an entire century. The Hutts are not interested in such peaceful applications, however.

Unbeknownst to Makeb's rightful government, Hutt-employed scientists have designed and manufactured advanced war droids unlike anything the galaxy has seen. These isotope-5 droids are powered by fuel rods that generate impressive energy shields and devastating blaster fire.

Toborro the Hutt has deployed isotope-5 droids to attack civilian settlements and resistance forces. Although these early models are clearly "expendable" prototype designs, they are remarkably effective. Toborro is likely holding even more advanced isotope-5 droids in reserve.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​isotope_5_droids

Isotope-5 Droids

Makrin Creeper

Travelers in Makeb's wilderness may be tempted to make camp on small, inviting hillocks, not realizing that they are actually the backs of makrin creepers. These enormous beasts possess bark-like skin--actually cords of muscle--and grass-like nerve-rich tissues that blend in perfectly with their environment. Normally docile, makrin creepers can lash out with thick claws if attacked, disabling their attackers before crushing them to death.

Many tourists to Makeb are fascinated by makrin creepers. Some unscrupulous souvenir vendors have been caught selling tree branches as "creeper trophies."

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​makrin_creeper

Makrin Creeper


It is widely suspected that Makeb's recent groundquakes leveled a major pterathki nest, since these strangely elegant creatures have been seen flying over Talaos City in increasing numbers. Pterathkis normally hunt small animals, using their unusual tails to attract prey before spearing them with stabs of their powerful beaks.

Although there is little meat on a pterathki, they are known to be particularly delicious to the Hutt palate when basted in Dantooine cane syrup. Since Makeb's takeover, Hutt Cartel forces have been seen attempting to net pterathkis for their masters' tables--and earning scars from angry pterathki beaks.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​pterathki



Subteroths linger in the nightmares of every Makeb explorer. Armored, muscular and utterly deadly, these hulking beasts typically live in deep underground caverns, where their eyes have atrophied over time. Instead, subteroths hunt using scent and the crest on the back of their head, a hypersensitive organ that picks up the electromagnetic fields of a prey's heartbeat and transmits it directly to the subteroth's nervous system.

Makeb's recent groundquakes have driven the subteroths out of their normal hunting grounds and toward the surface. Being surrounded by an abundance of prey and curious interlopers has driven the already-lethal subteroths into a feeding frenzy.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​subteroth



"Underwalker" is the Makeb nickname for a species of subterranean insectoid carnivores. The shell of an underwalker is astonishingly resilient and shares the properties of some of Makeb's ores. Biologists believe that the underwalkers may have mutated over millennia of drinking water contaminated by mineral deposits.

Whatever they once were, underwalkers are a constant menace to Makeb's mining engineers because underwalker territory is often around the richest seams of mineral wealth. More than one underwalker has been sighted with tools lodged in its carapace: the sign of tragic events occurring around a newly bored drill shaft.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​underwalker



Although currently abundant, the strikingly patterned vrakes were on the verge of extinction for more than a hundred years. An enterprising Makeb scientist, Kaylah Taprish, took a liking to the creatures--she claimed their faces reminded her of her favorite uncle--and spent five years studying and crossbreeding them before releasing a dozen new colonies into the wild. Unfortunately, with their numbers increased, vrakes have now become fiercely territorial.

The head crest of a vrake resembles the face of another Makeb predator, the thunderhead hawk. Vrakes use the crest to startle prey--usually birds and small rodents--for the rest of their colony to pounce on.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​vrake



The sinuous, short-haired yaras are not native to Makeb. When a transport ship carrying the first settlers crash-landed three hundred years ago, a breeding pair of pedigree yaras in the cargo hold managed to escape and quickly adapted to Makeb's wilderness.

Yaras are highly adept swimmers, either hunting fish or lurking underwater to ambush their prey. Recent changes in Makeb's climate have driven them onto land, where they have found sentients to be a perfectly acceptable meal. There is some talk of domesticating the yaras, but centuries of running wild have made them a dangerous prospect as pets.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​bestiary.​yara



The Gormak's fascination with technology has led them to experiment heavily in the field of organic-cybernetic hybrids, using the native fauna of Voss as their test subjects. Gormak hunting parties set out at regular intervals to trap mawvorrs, shaclaws and even the deadly vorantikus alive so that the creatures can be implanted with cybernetic upgrades, creating monstrous cyberbeasts.

While the Voss consider this practice barbaric, it is important to note that the Gormak see cyberbeasts as improved versions of what nature intended. Considering that the cyberbeasts are faster, stronger and far more dangerous than their organic counterparts, there is some merit to this belief.

The cybernetic implants allow the Gormak to influence the natural instincts of the cyberbeasts, effectively letting the Gormak program them with simple yet very specific instructions. Not surprisingly, this makes the cyberbeasts excellent guardians of Gormak lands.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​cyber_beasts



Carnivorous beasts that stalk the wilderness outside Voss-Ka, mawvorrs are generally considered opportunistic hunters. They prefer striking at whatever wounded predators or wandering humanoids they come across to carefully hunting and stalking their food, though in packs they exhibit increased aggression and have been known to attack even the mighty vorantikus.

Mawvorrs also typically attack Gormak on sight, though they refuse to eat the bodies afterwards. This odd behavior has led the Voss to perceive mawvorrs as guardians or protectors who abhor the Gormak. Because of this, the Voss take steps to maintain the mawvorr population around Voss-Ka.

This symbiotic relationship can be taken to extremes during times when the mawvorr food supply is low. There is a historical account of a Mystic's vision resulting in unarmed Voss wandering out into the wilderness and allowing themselves to be devoured by mawvorr packs.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​mawvorr



Massive, armored insects, shaclaws use their powerful foreclaws primarily for burrowing into the soil in search of the roots and subterranean mammals that make up their diet. If challenged, however, they can also use their claws as savage weapons capable of shredding the flesh or armor of their enemies.

The Gormak consider the meat of the shaclaw to be a delicacy, but within minutes of dying the insects release a deadly toxin into their tissues that contaminates the flesh. To circumvent this, the Gormak have become quite skilled at capturing shaclaws and cooking them alive.

Xenoanthropologists are quick to note that Gormak only dine on shaclaws during special coming of age feasts in which the capture and preparation of the meal is considered an essential part of the ritual celebration. The Voss reject this symbolic justification, however, and point to the practice of cooking any creature alive as proof of Gormak savagery and barbarism.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​shaclaw



Sitting undisputed atop the Voss food chain is the terrifying vorantikus, the largest and deadliest predator on the planet--if not the entire sector. Heavily muscled and perpetually hungry, vorantiki are lone hunters that stalk the wilds in an endless search for their next meal.

Revered by the Gormak for their power and fearlessness, vorantiki are often depicted in crudely scrawled pictures found inside Gormak domiciles. Typically the scenes depict a vorantikus devouring a Voss Mystic, or laying wasted to the mountaintop city of Voss-Ka itself, though there is no historical account of any such attack upon the Voss capital.

Understanding the vorantikus may be key to understanding the evolutionary "arms race" occurring amongst Voss's fauna. The planet's wildlife is far larger, heartier and more aggressive than that of most comparable worlds, and the vorantikus represents an amazingly precise set of "alpha predator" traits. What sort of environment--or unnatural intervention--creates a vorantikus, and what effect does such a creature have on the world around it?

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​vorantikus



Acklay are native to the planet Vendaxa, whose ultra-dense ecosystem lends itself to evolutionary specialization. There, acklay are among the top predators, able to stalk and eviscerate prey among the jungles and plains, tracking creatures by their electrical auras. An acklay is not built to build nests or forage or migrate when seasons change--an acklay only knows how to hunt, and survive the hunting.

Despite various governments' efforts to prevent the spread of acklay, the creatures are traded on the black market as gladiatorial challenges and targets for big game hunters. Inevitably, a few acklay escape or are left out in the wild, and the creatures either die--or they breed, survive and threaten anyone they encounter.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​acklay


Baspoor Glider

The baspoor glider, sometimes called the "sky swimmer" for its fishlike appearance, is an omnivorous flying amphibian often found on temperate worlds. Its unique physiology allows it to "land" in water, where it can continue to propel itself with its powerful wings. It has very little mobility on solid surfaces, and has difficulty taking flight again should it find itself grounded.

The young of the baspoor glider are carried on its mother's back for the first few months of life and have a highly unusual diet. Children gnaw at the skin of the mother for nourishment while the mother focuses on her own needs--her trivial injuries healing quickly each day.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​baspoor_glider

Baspoor Glider


Bogwings are dangerous reptavian carnivores who often live near lakes or marshes. When they hunt, they skim the ground or marsh at high speed, using their long jaws to snatch up prey or strain the water for fish. Larger creatures are grasped in the bogwing's heavy front claws, which are surprisingly powerful for its size. Observations show that if a bogwing is hungry enough, it can tackle animals several times its own weight.

Because of this trait, during the Great War the Republic military briefly considered training bogwings to carry supplies or even munitions to squads in remote areas. However, bogwings are extremely temperamental and respond badly to being handled. The risk to potential trainers was judged to be too high, and the idea was never widely implemented.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 41

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​bogwing


Kintan Crusher

Kintan crushers, also known as "Kintan enforcers," are savage, brutish creatures native to the Nikto homeworld of Kintan. They are characterized by their stocky builds, powerful arms and large, meaty fists. Crushers are notably smarter than their cousins, the Kintan striders, and are rarely seen in the wild thanks to centuries of "domestication" by the Hutts; the Kintan crushers' ability to follow complex commands and pound their victims into jelly inspired the Hutts to employ them as reliable and obedient footsoldiers. Many speculate as to how the Hutts pay their Kintan enforcers, with guesses ranging from the absurd to the grotesque.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​kintan

Kintan Crusher


Lean, amphibious bipeds with a tendency to travel in packs, lurkers are carrion eaters most comfortable in tropical environments. Alone, they usually avoid confronting danger, crawling into tight spaces and observing potential threats from a distance. In numbers, they can strike with a rabid, frenzied intensity, happily downing prey for later consumption.

Biologists serving the Hutt Cartel believe that lurkers originated on a nameless jungle world on the edges of the Torch Nebula. They were first identified in the wider galaxy two hundred years ago, and have begun appearing on more and more worlds ever since. No convincing explanation for the lurkers' spread has been offered, leaving the creatures a disturbing mystery.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​lurker



Rancors are reptilian monstrosities known as some of the galaxy's most dangerous predators. Although indigenous to the planet Dathomir, they have spread to many other worlds and thrived in many environments. Rancors are a favorite among the wealthiest underworld crime lords, who raise them from eggs to become (relatively) tame pets. Those whose rancors survive to adulthood are afforded a great deal of status, as well as a powerful weapon against their enemies.

A unique feature of the rancor is its tough hide--a mixture of fine scales, thick skin and bony plates. Blaster bolts and vibroblades have little effect upon the hide, and while these attributes fade from a hide removed from a rancor carcass, a few lucky hunters nonetheless wear ornamental outfits made from the material.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​rancor


Asharl Panther

These fierce, attractively spotted cats are found on numerous worlds in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. The distinctive dorsal fronds of the asharl panther work as a set of extra sensory organs; thick nerve bundles running up the fronds allow the asharl panther to pick up the vibrations of threats approaching from behind. Along with the panthers' pelts, these fronds are often sought after by hunters.

The asharl panther has been adopted as a mascot of the Mandalorian Rodarch clan, whose members train the animals to fight alongside them and who paint their armor to match the panthers' pelts. The symbolism of a beast which is fearless and always aware of its surroundings is one the Rodarch clan has embraced wholeheartedly.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​asharl_panther

Asharl Panther


Cthons are vicious humanoids that have plagued the underworld of Coruscant for centuries, though some have found their way or been smuggled offworld. Swift to mutate from generation to generation, nearly blind despite their unusual eye structure, cthons find their prey by listening for movement and feeling vibrations through Coruscant's substructures. Many of the lower level's more superstitious believe the cthons were originally Coruscanti criminals, banished from the upper levels and left to devolve. There is no scientific evidence for this belief.

While they usually scavenge from the huge piles of garbage that accumulate in Coruscant's lower levels, cthons are vicious hunters, capable of bringing down security patrols. Coruscant's reconstruction has been particularly beneficial to the cthon population, providing new lairs and breeding grounds, not to mention a surfeit of lost and easily preyed-upon refugees.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 14

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​cthon


Salky Hound

Many know the salky hound for its acute senses, unbreakable claws and exceptionally powerful bite; few know this vicious beast was actually designed in a laboratory. The Republic military contracted a bioengineering firm to breed a dangerous but intelligent creature, able to protect remote bases in the Outer Rim without the expense of droids or troops.

Unfortunately, the scientists weren't able to make their creation obedient. Salky hounds turned out to be ferocious and impossible to train for military action. After several accidental deaths, the Republic military canceled the contract, and salky hounds were banned from the Core Worlds.

However, many breeding pairs were sold quietly on the black market, and the hounds have appeared on dozens of worlds since. Many mercenary and criminal organizations deploy salky hounds when they have no need to capture someone alive.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​salky_hound

Salky Hound

Akk Dog

Loyal guard dogs, faithful pets and savage killers: with the right training, akk dogs can fill any of these roles. Those brave enough to challenge the beasts must contend with a thick, scaly carapace that deflects the most powerful of blows and jaws strong enough to crush durasteel. Although native to Haruun Kal, akk dogs have been exported across the galaxy to serve a variety of masters. When not domesticated, akk dogs live in the wild, hunting in packs and attacking anyone foolish enough to enter their territory.

In addition to their incredible strength, akk dogs are rumored to be Force sensitive. In recent years a Jedi named Master Sulan attempted to connect with the creatures through Force-bonding exercises. The Jedi's endeavor was cut short when his Padawan's life was claimed by a particularly hungry akk dog pack leader.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​akk_dog

Akk Dog


Most creatures avoid Hutta's polluted swamps, but these massive reptiles call the toxic marshes home. Nicknamed "chemilizards" by the local workers, these predators have adapted to the poisonous land by absorbing toxins, which contribute to their unique coloring and acidic saliva. Many also believe these toxins have poisoned the chemilizards' minds, turning the ferocious reptiles violent and untamable.

Before their mutation, chemilizards were a Hutt delicacy known as orpali dragons. These rare lizards were bred for harvest, killed in infancy and traditionally served over a bed of glazed chuba eyes. Orpali dragons were on the menu for the centennial feast of Bakuush the Hutt when several hatchlings escaped into the wild through the palace sewers. Over time, the resilient lizards evolved, and although one Hutt did attempt to dine on the adapted chemilizards, the results were most unappetizing.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​chemlizard



The flapping of thick, hairless wings is often the last sound heard by a victim of the deadly xuvvas. Their fangs bite with brutal precision, quickly disabling prey while filling the xuvvas' swollen stomachs. The creatures then take flight and hunt down their next meal using sensitive electroreceptors in their horn-like antenna. A single xuvva is capable of killing a trained hunter; an entire flock can reduce a mature Hutt to bones in minutes.

Unknown to most, xuvvas are distant relations to the decidedly less vicious mynocks. Like their parasitic cousins, xuvvas latch onto power sources and leech their electrical energy. Ten years ago, an entire xuvva flock sapped enough power from a subterranean conduit to cause a blackout over half of Jiguuna. In a fit of fury, Nem'ro the Hutt placed a bounty on the creatures that was quickly called off when his palace became littered with the trophies of dead xuvvas.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​xuvva_soarer


Tarsarian Devourer

The tarsarian devourer is the product of a rakghoul virus mutation that has spread to the predatory tarsarian stomper. The stompers--a non-native species once kept in a handful of Tarisian zoos--bred, hunted and initially thrived in the post-bombardment jungles, but were soon overwhelmed by their more aggressive infected cousins.

The tarsarian devourer became king of the Tarisian food chain, and although it is impossible for sentient species to contract the mutated form of the rakghoul virus, that makes the tarsarian devourer no less feared when encountered in the wild.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tarsarian_devourer

Tarsarian Devourer
BestiaryTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0


Originating on the planet Utapau, where they were trained and used extensively as mounts, the varactyl has become a popular mode of non-mechanized transportation across the galaxy. As a result, the reptavian creatures have thrived on a great many worlds, both as mounts and in the wild.

The most famous varactyl-rider, Hrosus the Swift, was able to coax his mount to phenomenal speeds, once beating a swoop bike in a head-to-head race. This same speed makes varactyl formidable opponents; although they can be peaceful, loving creatures when among creatures they view as friendly, they are highly territorial and viciously protect their nests from aggressors.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​veractyl

BestiaryTaris (Imp)Both321.0.0


One of two new species discovered by Jarn Harvus on Nim Drovis, the harvap can be found on several planets and has thrived on heavily industrialized worlds in particular. Originally a carrion-eater, the harvap has adapted to other ecosystems by feeding on industrial waste and garbage in addition to its normal diet.

Harvap infestations have plagued Hutt Space due to the density of industry and the generally lax decontamination procedures used when moving cargo from world to world. On Quesh, the byproducts of venom mining and processing have created a particularly strong breed of harvap that can thrive in the toxic atmosphere.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​harvap



The second of two species discovered by Jarn Harvus on Nim Drovis, the harvorisk is actually no relation to the similarly named harvap. Shortly after its discovery, the harvorisk was coveted by Hutts across the galaxy, who considered it alternately an exotic new pet and a tasty meal. But its rapid rate of breeding and vicious, untrainable personality quickly led to the Hutts' becoming disenchanted with their new pets, causing the release of many harvorisks into the wild.

On Quesh, it was the Three Families who brought harvorisks to the planet and genetically modified the creatures so they might survive in the toxic atmosphere--albeit at a cost of half their lifespan. The Hutts refuse to accept responsibility for the creatures' escape, but the harvorisks have begun reproducing, seeking prey among the planet's miners.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​harvorisk



The lobel appears to be one of very few species actually indigenous to the planet Quesh, though it can be found in small pockets throughout the galaxy--perhaps the work of a single explorer thousands of years ago.

A slow-moving creature, the lobel has four stomachs that are key to its survival in some of the most ravaged ecosystems known to civilization. The slow rate of digestion and normally languid movement of the lobel has allowed it to survive even when food is very rare, and there appears to be a degree of redundancy in the four stomachs--when the toxicity of industry damages one, the lobel is able to continue eating and digesting.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​lobel


Trinthan Prowler

Cat-like and deadly, the Trinthan prowler originated in the Trinith system before being sold across the galaxy for use as trained hunters and trackers. After a string of incidents where bystanders were badly mauled, the Republic made Trinthan prowler breeding illegal and a large number of the beasts were released into the wild. They can now be found on a great many planets, where their predatory skills have allowed them to thrive feeding on smaller, slower and weaker creatures.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​trinthan_prowler

Trinthan Prowler


Domestication of the bantha has become vital to survival on Tatooine and other colonized worlds. Intelligent and reliable creatures, they can be trained as pack animals, passenger carriers and even war mounts. When needed, banthas also serve as a source of sustenance. Their meat and milk are edible, and a single bantha can provide weeks' worth of food. Bantha skin and fur can be made into leather and clothing, and their horns are often carved into tools or jewelry.

A lumbering Houk bounty hunter reluctantly gained the nickname "Bantha" Boskirn after performing several jobs on Tatooine. Boskirn's career was cut short when he angrily pulled his blaster on a smuggler who mocked him for the name; Boskirn was unfortunately too slow on the draw.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​bantha



Dewbacks are omnivorous reptiles that originated on Tatooine, where settlements, moisture farmers and Sand People alike use them as work beasts and transportation, and where wild dewbacks still roam the planet's deserts and canyons. Over time, the sturdy creatures have been exported to other worlds and found similar utilitarian niches elsewhere.

Centuries ago, Czerka Corporation scientists attempted to breed "war dewbacks" that were larger and more aggressive than their easily domesticated cousins. Although the scientists eventually succeeded, the project was written off as a failure when the test herd broke out of its enclosure and rampaged through the research facility.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​dewback



Rarely seen even on its home planet of Tatooine, the omnivorous, reptilian duneclaw is an aloof and solitary creature. Possibly a distant cousin of the wraid, the duneclaw has tough skin covered in armor-like plating, and this--along with its thick skull--makes this beast very difficult to bring down. A head-butt from a duneclaw is powerful enough to shatter bones, crack stone and dent metal.

Although its eyesight is adequate, a duneclaw is able to navigate in dim light through echolocation and can easily pick up sound waves made by other creatures. For this reason, duneclaws can often be found hunting prey near Tatooine's cliffside caves and other dark, enclosed spaces.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​duneclaw



Reeks are horned, thick-skinned herbivores. They originally hail from the planet Ylesia but can be found all over the galaxy, particularly on Iridonia, Ithor and Tatooine. They are highly sought-after as pack animals, but are also commonly used as mounts.

Curiously, reeks' temperaments are largely dictated by their diets. While they normally subsist on plants, reeks will eat meat if it is offered to them; however, a carnivorous diet turns their skin dark red and makes them extremely hostile. This phenomenon inspired the phrase "mad as a red reek" and has led to the practice of using battle-maddened reeks in gladiatorial arenas.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​reek



One of the swiftest land animals on Tatooine, the rill is a reptilian predator that hunts womp rats and other large mammals. Fiercely territorial, an individual rill (or a rill and its young) stakes out a patch of desert and defends it vigorously against all intruders. To sleep and protect itself from Tatooine's blistering heat, the rill burrows into the sand several meters below the surface.

These nests are also where rills lay their eggs, burying the eggs under sand to hide them from scavengers. The first task of a newly hatched rill is to successfully dig its way back up to the surface, or else be abandoned by its mother and broodmates.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​rill


Sand Demon

If not for the tall tales of desert nomads and a few grainy satellite reconnaissance images, Tatooine's so-called "Sand Demon" would be considered a myth. Jawas say the Sand Demon is feared by all other life on the planet, including the mighty krayt dragon--for the Sand Demon is the krayt's only predator. Some stories report that the beast is capable of "sand swimming," gliding underneath the surface of the desert as if it were water. Others claim it bores through rock using its hardened, talon-like legs.

Cave paintings suggest the Sand People believe the Sand Demon devours the life essence of its victims, growing stronger and tougher with each kill. They depict stories of centuries-old demons that have become immune to injury, a warning heeded by even the most skeptical outsiders.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​sand_demon

Sand Demon


Predators on Tatooine have learned to give the sandtusker a wide berth, as this reptilian scavenger is far from an easy meal. Protected by ridges of bone and capable of goring flesh with its tusks, a sandtusker not only repels attempts to prey on it, but often chases down and finishes off a would-be attacker. Sandtuskers mainly feed on carrion, and their powerful maws are capable of crunching through even krayt dragon bones to reach the nutrient-rich marrow inside.

A platoon in the Republic's Thirty-eighth Infantry--several members of which had lived on Tatooine--named its armored walker "the Sandtusker." True to form, it carried the soldiers safely through the harshest battles of the Great War.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​sandtusker



The bloodthirsty scyks inhabit remote regions of Tatooine, thankfully far from most settled areas. They seem almost to delight in carnage, brutally tearing through prey and unwary desert travelers. Their fangs are a prized trophy among hunters, who rarely escape the creatures without scars.

The Sith beastmaster Lord Adrazar found the scyk a deadly and eager servant. However, no amount of training or Force manipulation could persuade the creatures to cooperate in packs for more than a few days. The scyk that survived--obviously the strongest--now guards his personal domicile on Dromund Kaas.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​hssiss


Womp Rat

Carnivorous rodents native to Tatooine, womp rats are a menace to any permanent settlement. They reproduce at a staggering rate and are known to stalk urban alleyways and remote moisture farms alike, prompting some authorities to maintain a standing bounty on the creatures. Vicious and ill-tempered, they prefer meals of organic debris and runoff--but even lone womp rats will attack any creature that gets too close, often spreading virulent disease.

When found in the desert, womp rats also hunt in packs, emerging from burrows and swarming their unfortunate victims in a flurry of claws and teeth. A dozen womp rats can overwhelm a full-grown dewback in just a few seconds, and larger packs regularly feast on fresh bantha.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​womprat

Womp Rat


Hunting dangerous predators is a tradition on Tatooine, and stalking the deadly wraid is often a test to separate the amateurs from the experts. In addition to its great strength and powerful jaws, a wraid is able to quickly cover large distances by breaking into a bounding sprint. The impact of its massive forelegs creates highly distinctive tracks in the sand for hunters to either follow or avoid.

Rumors persist across Tatooine of a gigantic "alpha" wraid that stalks deep in the desert wastes. Some hunters claim to have seen it; others tell tales of stumbling across its oversized claw prints before the desert wind blew them away. Its existence, however, has never been confirmed.

Category: Bestiary

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​wraid


Adasca BioMechanical (Bounty Hunter)

The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania--usually abbreviated to Adascorp--possesses a long and occasionally sordid history. The company has been continuously owned and operated for centuries by members of the Adasca royal family, and it is most famous for advancements in the fields of bioengineering and medical research. However, the company also maintains interests in markets as diverse as military droid hardware and financial services.

Adascorp's president three centuries past, Lord Arkoh Adasca, attempted to seize galactic power using gargantuan exogorths--more commonly known as "space slugs." This insane plan was foiled with Lord Adasca's death and the destruction of Adascorp headquarters. After many decades of legal reparations, the company quietly resumed operations.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_2.​adasca_biomechanical

Adasca BioMechanical (Bounty Hunter)

Alliance Intelligence Report: The Dust Vipers

Subject: Dust Viper Gang
Status: Dormant

For most of its existence, the Dust Viper gang was a minor criminal organization operating out of the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine. Their members primarily conducted raids on moisture farming settlements. Their most "successful" ambush outside Mos Pelgo resulted in the theft of a dozen astromech droids, most of them hours away from the scrap pile. The Dust Vipers were destined to be forgotten until noted criminal Bel Nerodia took command of the gang.

Under Nerodia's leadership, the Dust Vipers became a significant threat to the local population--and eventually the entire system. They established a new base near Anchorhead and struck major trade routes. Over several months, they established a small pirate squadron and attacked convoys across the Outer Rim. As the Dust Vipers gained wealth, more criminals flocked to their ranks. The amateur group had evolved into a significant criminal threat.

One question remains: how did the Dust Vipers--a dangerous but ultimately primitive organization--manage to successfully intercept a secret Alliance patrol and steal classified security data? Luck may be a factor, but their coordination suggests otherwise. Intelligence will continue to investigate.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​the_dust_vipers

Alliance Intelligence Report: The Dust Vipers

Alliance Intelligence Report: White Maw Uprising

Subject: White Maw Pirates
Status: Dormant

The recent White Maw resurgence on Hoth may benefit the Alliance. After defeating the pirates and liberating the civilian workers, we have established a legitimate claim to the Firefrost Lavaworks factory they used. Alliance crews are already modifying the factory for our specific purposes.

Further White Maw aggression in the area is unlikely, as Droub--the Firefrost overseer--seems to have solidified his position and eliminated any potential rivals in the region. His rise to power was impressive and unexpected: before this, he was little more than a mid-level White Maw thug, lacking the ambition and intelligence to set up such an extensive operation.

Interviews with the civilians pressed into service indicate Droub was a particularly cruel master. Because of this, a high percentage of the workers have vowed to stay on and keep the facility running on behalf of the Alliance as a sign of their gratitude.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​white_maw_uprising

Alliance Intelligence Report: White Maw Uprising

Anomid Technologists

The Anomid reputation for technological expertise is well founded and goes back thousands of years. In partnership with the Ithorians, the Anomids developed sophisticated agricultural machines to feed their people--technology they now readily share with worlds left barren by the Great War. They have also contributed greatly to medical and cybernetics research.

Many Anomids are devoted pacifists; their Central Council routinely refuses any official requests to work in Republic weapons development. However, individual Anomids and fringe groups sometimes offer their services to mercenary groups, pirates or Hutts, either wishing to test their skills or simply for credits. Anomid-modified weapons are, therefore, both impressive and extremely rare. One particular rifle recently sold on Nar Shaddaa's black market for a small fortune.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​flashpoint.​illum.​anomid_technologies

Anomid Technologists

Children of the Emperor (Consular)

Despite the Jedi Council's best efforts, only a little is known of the so-called Children of the Emperor. Infants of all species taken before the Sith Emperor, the children are infused with the Emperor's strength, sharing some measure of his thoughts and power for the rest of their lives. They become the Emperor's eyes and ears, and--should the Emperor focus his presence upon them--his puppets. It is believed that the children have some way to hide their dark presence from Jedi senses, meaning they can exist undetected within the Republic.

The position of the Children of the Emperor within the Sith hierarchy is unclear. Few Sith appear to even know of their existence, and Sith who investigate rumors of the children have been known to disappear without a trace. Since the Emperor would not go to such elaborate lengths simply to create infiltrators in the Republic, the true purpose behind the children remains a mystery.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_2.​the_children_of_the_emperor

Children of the Emperor (Consular)

Clan Cadera

Once a prominent faction among the Mandalorians, Clan Cadera has all but faded from recent memory. Most only associate them with their role in the Crusader's schism, which began when Jicoln Cadera spoke out against the Mandalorians' alliance with the Sith Empire.

The clan was nearly decimated after Artus Lok, who soon after became Mandalore the Vindicated, crushed Cadera's rebellion. Those who survived were allowed to return to Mandalorian society, only to be looked upon with suspicion and doubt by many in the other clans.

Only Torian Cadera, Jicoln's son, managed to rise above the scrutiny of his peers by becoming chief of Clan Cadera and a close adviser to Mandalore the Avenger. No other member of Clan Cadera's last remnants has achieved any comparable degree of notoriety. Most are content to keep their heads down and fall in line.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​clan_cadera

Clan Cadera

Clan Varad

Considered aggressive even by Mandalorian standards, Clan Varad has carved out a reputation for violence over decades, raiding and plundering from various hidden bases throughout the Tamarin Sector. Its chieftain, Mavrix Varad, is known to be particularly bloodthirsty; Varad warriors who cannot pass his demanding combat trials are used for sparring and hunting practice by the younger members of the clan. Though life in Clan Varad is unremittingly harsh, those who survive quickly become accustomed to a steady flow of plunder, credits and weapons.

In recent times, the personality clashes between Mandalore and Mavrix Varad have grown impossible to ignore. Varad clansmen are no longer welcome on the Mandalorian stronghold of Geonosis, and Mandalore himself has privately described Mavrix Varad as "a rancor foaming at the mouth." Clan Varad's break with the Mandalorian leadership has surprised no one; its willingness to pick a fight with both the Empire and the Republic, however, suggests that even Mandalore may have underestimated the threat Mavrix Varad poses.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 23

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​mandalorian_raiders.​area_codex

Clan Varad

Galactic Solutions Industries

Galactic Solutions Industries is a fast-rising star in the personal weapons industry on Nar Shaddaa. The company was founded by genius inventor and tycoon Addalar Hyland shortly after the resumption of hostilities between the Republic and Empire. GSI's first production run of blaster pistols, the GSI-B4, was noted for packing impressive firepower into an easily-concealed holdout weapon.

According to both Republic and Imperial reports, Galactic Solutions Industries is willing to do business with both factions. The company's motto glibly promotes this fact: "We stay neutral, so you don't have to!" GSI has been known to approach high-profile combatants on both sides of the war and enlist their aid with research and resource-gathering.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​gsi

Galactic Solutions Industries


The GenoHaradan are a secret guild of assassins whose history stretches back before the foundation of the Galactic Republic. Originally serving as secret police in the empire of Xim the Despot, the GenoHaradan became their own masters after Xim's defeat, selling their deadly services to the highest bidder in the decades before the foundation of the Republic.

The leadership of the GenoHaradan recognized the potential for their own organization to thrive under the Republic's loose democracy, and chose to support the fledgling government from the shadows. Though only a select few are aware of them, GenoHaradan agents have continued to eliminate threats to the Republic throughout the Great War, and they remain one of the Republic's most effective allies--although their motivations remain anything but patriotic.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​organizations.​genoharadan


Havoc Squad

The founding unit of the Republic Special Forces division, Havoc Squad was renowned as the army's elite fighting team. For a long time, Havoc enjoyed a reputation as a team of unstoppable commandos who always emerged successful against impossible odds. When Havoc fell from grace after a mass unrest in the ranks, a young lieutenant rebuilt the squad and led it to victory once again.

These days, opinions on Havoc Squad are mixed at best. After the disappearance of the officer who led Havoc to its greatest triumphs over the Sith Empire, the elite unit has seen little meaningful action. While many Republic citizens appreciate the squad's past efforts to keep their worlds safe, rumors persist that the commandos have abandoned their posts to fight an unsanctioned guerrilla war on Zakuul--one that threatens the fragile peace treaty with the Eternal Empire.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotfe.​havoc_squad

Havoc Squad

Horizon Guard

As one of her first acts as empress, Vaylin violently purged the entire cadre of Zakuul knights charged with protecting her brother. She replaced them with an elite unit handpicked from the remaining ranks, and called her new regiment the "Horizon Guard."

Service in the Horizon Guard is simultaneously a blessing and a curse. While it is a great honor to be chosen for the Empress's personal detail, Horizon Guards are likely to suffer the violent outbursts of Vaylin's erratic temper.

Among the other knights, it is whispered that the unofficial motto of the Horizon Guard is, "I serve for life, but I don't serve for long."

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​horizon_guard

Horizon Guard

Horizon's Razor

One of the oldest crews in the swoop world, the riders of Horizon's Razor have been blazing past the competition for decades. Who founded Horizon's Razor is knowledge lost to time, as the Razors don't have leaders. Instead, they tend to follow whoever is the fastest rider in the current moment.

A lack of organized hierarchy has caused many dilemmas for the crew. Foolhardy behavior and disagreements that turn to infighting are commonplace. In their most recent predicament, the Razors pushed themselves into an interminable debt after placing many ill-advised and risky bets.

Despite the instability within the crew, Horizon's Razor has no shortage of faithful fans who are completely enamored by these riders and their daredevil speed. Many have even been known to help the Razors out of tricky situations.

Whispers are spreading that the Razors have come to the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally not only to impress, but to climb their way out of the trouble they find themselves in. Could this Rally be the comeback Horizon's Razor has been waiting for?

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​swoop_gang.​horizons_razor

Horizon's Razor

Imperial Outreach Division

Established to facilitate indoctrinating the Empire's military forces, the Imperial Outreach Division identifies opportunities to minimize defection and improve morale. The division operates primarily among the lower ranks, focusing on ground troops almost entirely.

The division's efforts include organizing mandatory enrichment activities, such as motivational and educational speeches, tours of important historical sites, and approved off-duty events. Maintaining control over the lives of the enlisted permits the Empire to easily root out dissidents and thwart troublesome rumors or behaviors.

The division is well-liked by most soldiers--a testament to its successful façade of caring about the well-being of the Empire's forces on an individual level.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​imperial_outreach_division

Imperial Outreach Division

Krallet Division

"Major Acota: I'm going to ask you once more. And unless you want my associate to do that again, you're going to answer me. Who gave you that order?

Jilo Del: [coughing] You never heard of client privilege? If I give you names, I'm out of business.

[searing noises, followed by screaming]

Jilo Del: All right, fine. Fine! No credits are worth this. It was Admiral Hyshiri. She was very clear. No survivors. No witnesses... Not that I needed that much convincing.

Major Acota: Thank you... Jilo, was it? I wasn't expecting it from a mercenary, but you've been most helpful. So helpful, in fact, that I'd like to propose an arrangement.

Jilo Del: No thanks. If this is what taking Imperial credits gets me, then I'm not interested.

Major Acota: Really? I'm offering you the chance to lead your own company of soldiers. Little to no oversight, access to state-of-the-art weaponry, and your pick of targets. Not to mention, triple the amount Hyshiri was paying you. Or... my associate can kill you.


Jilo Del: Do I at least get to pick the name?"

-From a transcript of an Imperial Army interrogation session

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​manaan.​krallet_division

Krallet Division

Kuat Drive Yards

As Core Founders of the Galactic Republic, the people of Kuat aspired to provide a vital service to their newly formed government. To this end, they set out to build one of the galaxy's largest starship manufacturing companies. Kuat Drive Yards provides Republic-aligned planets with short-range shuttles, orbital stations and interplanetary transports. More crucially, they supply the Republic Navy with many of the components of its fleets, from the smallest single-person starfighters to capital warships.

Kuat Drive Yards quickly grew from a small series of shipyards, docks and warehouses in orbit over Kuat into an interconnected ring of manufacturing excellence. From the surface of the planet, the sight of the yards arcing across the sky brings the Kuati people a constant sense of duty and purpose by day; and of awe and comfort by night. Losing Kuat Drive Yards would not only send the planet's economy into a tailspin, but would also greatly hamper the Republic's ability to keep its member planets safe.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​kuat_drive_yards

Kuat Drive Yards

Republic Diplomatic Corps

In a territory as sprawling and diverse as the Galactic Republic, ensuring that every citizen exists civilly alongside their neighbor is no easy feat. But maintaining a precarious accord with outside influences is just as important--and just as difficult--as keeping the peace within the Republic's borders.

At any given time, legions of ambassadors, diplomats, and negotiators are hard at work, building and nurturing valuable relationships with systems and worlds inside--and outside--of the Republic.

Obstacles are rampant in the field of diplomacy: one wrong word or gesture to a particular species could spell disaster for the Republic's most profitable fuel supplier, or it could crumble a trade route that, for many worlds, is a lifeline. Some representatives even risk their lives by entering perilous territories in order to form a new relationship.

Because of these difficulties, the Republic Diplomatic Corps is tasked with supporting diplomatic representatives with the necessary training and resources. In addition to helping funnel credits and gifts to any associates who would be influenced by such incentives, the Republic Diplomatic Corp provides lessons in etiquette, rhetoric, and basic combat to handle the potential allies that are harder to sway.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​manaan.​republic_diplomatic_corps

Republic Diplomatic Corps

Republic News Network

Watched by billions of Republic citizens on a daily basis, the Republic News Network delivers timely reports on matters of concern to the Republic at large. It employs some of the best-known investigative reporters in the galaxy and, by all accounts, those reporters strive to stick to the network's motto: "Reliable. Relatable. Real."

The network has, however, come under fire recently for not holding the Republic accountable for missteps, and for appearing to avoid hard questions in interviews with powerful individuals. The network must walk a fine line to retain its access to the Republic's leaders while delivering the hard-hitting news its viewers have come to expect.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​republic_news_network

Republic News Network

Selkath Isolationists: The Syphus Collective

Although each of the Selkath isolationists share the same long-term goals, the movement emerged from a small organization whose members held vastly different motivations. Religious zealots blindly dedicated to the Progenitor, conservationists turned eco-terrorists, narrow-minded traditionalists, and anti-war extremists all joined what came to be called the "Syphus Collective," as every member of the group was an adherent of the teachings of Ahto University professor, Narlan Syphus.

Doctor Syphus taught that Manaan, with its varied species depending on one another, was one collective "organism." Syphus also believed that the galaxy--along with its corrupting influences--was a dangerous ecosystem in which Manaan struggled to compete and survive against bigger, more dangerous "organisms."

Syphus's teachings spread and recruitment in the Syphus Collective grew exponentially as the Republic and Empire, once again locked in heated military conflict, turned their gaze to Manaan's valuable resources. When the Syphus Collective implored Manaan's government to allow the two factions to destroy each other and leave the Selkath in peace, they were soundly ignored. In response, the Syphus Collective took up arms against the invading Republic and Imperial forces, as well as any Selkath who did not share their desire to isolate Manaan from the dangers of the "galactic ecosystem."

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​manaan.​syphus_collective

Selkath Isolationists: The Syphus Collective

Servants of the Emperor

After a new regime seized control of the Sith Empire during the war with Zakuul, members of the order known as "The Emperor's Hand" refused to swear fealty to their new leaders.

Before the former emperor fell from power, the "Servants," as members of the Emperor's Hand referred to themselves, served him directly. Although the former emperor no longer ruled over the Sith, the Servants would not kneel for any other.

The Servants are steadfast in their belief that the former emperor will one day return and reign again in all his past glory. To see this come to pass, they continue to scheme in the shadows, away from the eyes of the Sith Empire, carrying out orders they believe are still being spoken from the former Sith Emperor himself.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​satele_ship.​servants_of_emperor

Servants of the Emperor

Shrine Restoration Initiative

Outspoken Voss administrator Alben-Bal proposed a plan to rebuild the many shrines that had been damaged by the Eternal Empire's invading forces. The program he imagined, which required an equal partnership with the Gormak, was initially rejected by Voss leadership. At great personal risk, Alben-Bal hand-delivered the proposal to the Gormak leader, Kijak, whose people also suffered heavily during the Eternal Empire's assault. Kijak respected the courage shown by the Voss and was ultimately convinced to set traditional animosity aside in favor of cooperation.

The Shrine Restoration Initiative's founding agreement was contingent upon the Gormak determining the priority of the shrines that would be rebuilt, which allowed them to set their displaced people to work alongside Voss architects and engineers. This key condition was instrumental in bringing a large portion of Gormak into the agreement, not only increasing necessary resources and expertise, but joining a large population of Voss and Gormak and aiming them towards a common goal.

While the group's primary focus is on rebuilding shrines, the Shrine Restoration Initiative has also paved the way for additional public works projects, including expansion of power and water grids, converting temporary housing into permanent dwellings, and compiling a joint archive that preserves damaged records and important historical documents.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​voss.​shrine_restoration_initiative

Shrine Restoration Initiative

Task Force Nova

With the Jedi Order scattered in the aftermath of the war against Zakuul, the Republic faces a key disadvantage in their war against the Sith Empire, whose Force users are more focused and united than in past conflicts. Eager to regain their lost allies, the Republic has formed Task Force Nova, a united civilian/military/Jedi effort to rebuild and revitalize the Jedi.

Given the importance of its mission, Task Force Nova has been granted top priority status and accelerated access to any resources necessary to locate and unite the unknown number of Jedi still in hiding across the galaxy, as well as any training efforts needed to prepare the next generation of Jedi to defend the Republic from its longtime foes.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​task_force_nova

Task Force Nova

The Alliance

Although the governing bodies of the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic conceded to Arcann's control, not everyone was content with becoming a resource farm for Zakuul. Chief among these rebels were Lana Beniko and Theron Shan. While Theron used his contacts from SIS to amass specialists to aid their fight against Arcann, Lana teamed up with Koth Vortena to break out the legendary Outlander--the only person they believed capable of wrangling so many different parties together under one banner. Although relatively small compared to Zakuul's forces, the Alliance has the Gravestone and experts in multiple fields at their disposal. With proper leadership, this coalition could not only defeat Arcann, but change the galaxy forever.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotfe.​alliance

The Alliance

The Blatant Beks

The noise. The flash. For the swoop bikers who call themselves the Blatant Beks, there's nothing better than when something blows up on the track.

Founded by Bangcap, a seasoned swoop rider, and a mechanic named Old Morta, the Blatant Beks are often compared to the Tarisian gang that shares their namesake, the Hidden Beks--much to the annoyance of Bangcap, who seems to only prioritize figuring out how to make explosions bigger and louder.

Most of the Beks, if not all, share Bangcap's affinity for pyrotechnics, which are known in the swoop world as the gang's signature. Fans don't consider a rally a complete success unless they see the Blatant Beks destroy something beyond repair.

Anyone who rides for the Beks must adhere to this style, and they'll no doubt use that same philosophy to put on a blazing show for the spectators at the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally. This Rally's sure to have no shortage of loud and fiery blasts!

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​swoop_gang.​blatant_beks

The Blatant Beks

The Emperor's Fallen Jedi (Knight)

The Sith Emperor has mastered the dark side's power to become the most dominating Force-user the galaxy has ever seen. His corrupting influence is so complete that none can stand in his presence without succumbing to fear, anger and hatred. The Emperor can wither and ruin even the strongest Jedi's connection to the light side.

Jedi Master Tol Braga's strike team was not the first group to succumb to the Sith leader's oppressive influence. Hundreds of years ago, the Jedi Revan and Malak discovered Dromund Kaas and confronted the Emperor. They fell to the dark side and returned to Republic space as Sith Lords. Since then, dozens more Jedi have followed the same path into evil.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_3.​the_emperors_fallen_jedi

The Emperor's Fallen Jedi (Knight)

The Emperor's Hand (Warrior)

Few on the Dark Council are even aware that there is another layer of power between themselves and the Emperor: a mysterious group called the Emperor's Hand. These men and women work entirely behind the scenes to carry out the Emperor's most secret orders. They alone are in constant contact with their master and know his true purpose. Through the power of the dark side, the Emperor's thoughts are theirs, and their wills are his to command.

The Hand does not involve itself with the Empire's day to day workings. Its members are not pawns to be sacrificed or slaves to serve anything less than their master's grandest design. The Emperor's Hand only moves when it is time to strike a decisive blow.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_3.​the_emperors_hand

The Emperor's Hand (Warrior)

The Galactic Republic

An alliance of planets and mega-corporations that value democracy, justice and freedom, the Galactic Republic has stood for over twenty thousand years. Ruled by a Senate comprised of delegates from all its member worlds and overseen by a Senate-appointed Supreme Chancellor, the Republic struggles to restore its former greatness in the wake of the Sith Empire's invasion decades ago. Having emerged victorious in numerous conflicts in the past with the aid of its protectors in the Jedi Order, the Republic has no intention of allowing the Empire to consume the entire galaxy.

After its capital world of Coruscant was sacked by the Empire, the Republic was forced to sign a painful peace treaty, losing control of many outlying worlds. While the Empire consolidates its power, the Republic and the Jedi hurry to rebuild and prepare for the next conflict sure to come.

Category: Organizations

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​republic

The Galactic Republic

The GenoHaradan (Bounty Hunter)

The secret guild of bounty hunters and assassins known as the GenoHaradan has existed for many millennia. The society was originally formed by Xim the Despot as his secret police force, but the GenoHaradan reorganized after Xim's death and became its own underground organization. Now, these highly trained killers attempt to control galactic events by assassinating high-level targets. How and why these targets are selected is known only to the GenoHaradan leadership.

Since the Empire's return to Republic space, the GenoHaradan have seemingly devoted all of their resources to assassinating Imperial officers and Sith Lords. The Empire is clearly viewed as a direct threat to the GenoHaradan plans for the galaxy's future.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_3.​the_genoharadan

The GenoHaradan (Bounty Hunter)

The Hand of the Empire

Reformed in the wake of the assault on the Meridian Complex shipyard, the Hand of the Empire is an elite organization operating outside the authority of the Dark Council. Agents of the Hand act with the full authority of the Imperial throne, granting them extraordinary leeway in carrying out their missions across the galaxy.

Although it maintains an air of mystery among the general public, the modern incarnation of the Hand is strictly pragmatic, focused only on securing victory for the Empire over its Republic enemies - unlike the original Hand, whose members were fanatical zealots so obsessed with serving their master that they were willing to sacrifice themselves and all other life in the galaxy to serve his apocalyptic agenda.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​hand_of_the_empire

The Hand of the Empire

The Modern Tion Hegemony

Twenty thousand years ago, three major powers existed in the galaxy: the newly founded Galactic Republic, the expansionist Hutt Empire, and the technologically advanced, isolated civilization known as the Tion Hegemony. After splintering into several states upon the death of its ancient tyrant, Xim the Despot, the Tion Hegemony attempted to conquer the Republic but was ultimately defeated. However, the noble House of Tion survived and administers the Tion Cluster to this day.

Republic elitists dismiss the Tion Hegemony as a rich backwater dreaming of its glory days, but the Tionese people are proud of their heritage and royal family. Several worlds in the Cluster still speak the Tionese language as well as Galactic Basic. Traces of Xim the Despot's rule remain: Tionese starship technology is descended from designs that Xim commissioned, and rumors say that Xim's secret police, the GenoHaradan, still exists in some form today.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​rakghoul.​the_modern_tion_hedgemony

The Modern Tion Hegemony

The Pit Screamers

Known for inventing new death-defying stunts and swoop biking tricks for as long as anyone can remember, the Pit Screamers' piloting skills are unmatched throughout the sport.

Raossk, their current leader, drives the gang to ever-greater (and more dangerous) tricks. Some see his single-minded focus as an asset to the group, but not all agree with his decisions. Regardless, the Pit Screamers are loved by fans all over the galaxy--and for good reason.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​swoop_gang.​pit_screamers

The Pit Screamers

The Reformed Dark Council

After her rise to the throne of the Sith Empire, Empress Acina streamlined the structure of the Dark Council, reducing its size from twelve seats to five. Each of these Dark Councillors now oversee two to three of the spheres of power controlled by the original council.
The new seats on the Dark Council and the spheres they oversee are structured as follows:

Sith Doctrine
--Ancient Knowledge

Military Command
--Defense of the Empire
--Military Offense
--Military Strategy

Scientific Advancement
--Biotic Science

Civil Administration
--Production and Logistics
--Laws and Justice

Galactic Influence
--Sith Intelligence
--Expansion and Diplomacy

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​ossus.​reformed_dark_council

The Reformed Dark Council

The Republic Navy

From its humble beginnings twenty thousand years ago as a fleet of Duros scout ships and repurposed Coruscanti trade vessels, the Republic Navy has grown into one of the most formidable armed forces in the galaxy. Under the authority of the Senate, the Republic Navy has been involved in almost every major military action in the Republic's history. However, centuries of simple peacekeeping duties took their toll when the Empire began the Great War. The Republic Navy's losses--particularly over the Hoth system--have forced it to scale down patrols in the Outer Rim and outlying systems.

Today, the Republic Navy relies heavily on its Thranta-class corvettes, flexible and deadly warships that are usually deployed in small battle groups and stocked with squadrons of Republic fighters. But the greatest strength of the Republic Navy lies in its Valor-class cruisers, enormous capital ships capable of taking on an Imperial dreadnought. Due to the massive investment of resources and crewmen, Valor-class vessels are normally held back to the Core Worlds.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​revan_arc.​the_republic_navy

The Republic Navy

The Rift Alliance (Consular)

The Rift Alliance is a group of powerful worlds united by their shared protests at Republic "incompetence" and their threat to secede. Losing any one of these planets would be a catastrophe for the Republic; losing all of them could cause the Republic's collapse.

Rift Alliance member Alauni represents Saleucami, the Republic's most powerful trade hub in the Outer Rim, while Aeten Two--Diab Duin's world--produces vital ores and crystals for Republic fleet construction. As tensions with the Empire rise, supplies of the healing fluid kolto from Manaan--Shuuru's world--have become indispensible. The planet Erigorm, represented by Augin Blaesus, has recorded and administrated the Republic's finances for centuries; its secession could destroy the Republic's financial markets.

Not all members of the Rift Alliance are hostile toward the Republic, however. Tai Cordan, a member of Balmorra's exiled government, claims to be seeking powerful allies to help his home. Senator Tobas Grell and his daughter Nadia, newcomers representing the planet Sarkhai, appear to have joined out of curiosity.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_2.​the_rift_alliance

The Rift Alliance (Consular)

The Safecrackers (Trooper)

Although not as celebrated or famous as legendary Republic units like Dagger Wing and Havoc Squad, the bunker-storming commandos nicknamed "the Safecrackers" are tasked with some of the military's most dangerous work. These highly trained specialists break through the defenses of enemy bunkers and command posts, eliminate all hostiles within and either secure the locations for Republic use or destroy them so the Empire can't return.

"Killed in Action" rates for these missions frequently exceed thirty percent, and the Safecrackers maintain a memorial space at their barracks for members lost in the line of duty. Indeed, after every successful mission the men and women of the Safecrackers return to the memorial in squad formation and quietly salute their fallen comrades.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_2.​the_safecrackers

The Safecrackers (Trooper)

The Sith Empire

The Sith Empire is a force of dominance, an authoritarian state forged from militarism, slavery and the dark side of the Force. United under a single Emperor and his Dark Council, ruled by the Force-sensitive members of the Sith Order and supported by countless loyal citizens, the Empire forsakes the freedoms offered by the Republic in favor of strength and order. Aiming to take revenge on the Republic for its exile centuries ago, the Sith Empire will stop at nothing to become the greatest power in the galaxy.

Although an uneasy truce has settled over the galaxy, the Empire does not sit idle. From its capital of Dromund Kaas, Imperial leadership exerts total control over the worlds it has conquered, rebuilding its forces to once again march on the Republic.

Category: Organizations

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​empire

The Sith Empire

The Supreme Guard (Bounty Hunter)

The Supreme Guard fills its ranks from the best trained and most devoted members of the Republic's armed forces for one specific purpose: to protect the life of the Supreme Chancellor. Grandiose as their formal title sounds, most members of the Supreme Guard operate inconspicuously so as not to interfere with the chancellor's routine. But they are always watching, and a detail of fully armed and armored soldiers is never more than a room away from the leader of the Galactic Republic.

Candidates for admission into the Supreme Guard are rigorously tested for all manner of skills, but aptitude alone is not enough to be accepted. Before even being considered, a candidate must have proven his willingness to sacrifice his life for the life of another. Every Supreme Guard member has a story of sacrifice and selflessness--whether in the line of duty or elsewhere--and for many, that story defines them.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​open_world.​act_3.​the_supreme_guard

The Supreme Guard (Bounty Hunter)

The Unmasked: A Dark Experiment

Years after they amassed their zealous following, Lord Kanoth and Lady Dominique noticed a pattern in reports of shipping route disruption in galactic sector R-4. Kanoth was convinced this evidence pointed to a gravitational anomaly that bore striking similarities to the "mass shadow" from Darth Nihilus's history.

By this time, Kanoth was too old and too weak to confirm the findings in person. Lady Dominique--accompanied by Kanoth's former apprentice, Lord Valeo--agreed to investigate Kanoth's suspicions. Dominique and Valeo soon realized that they had found the very thing they had spent so long searching for: a fragment of the mass shadow generator that destroyed Malachor V and, as Kanoth believed, was the key to Darth Nihilus's power.

Lady Dominique called on her remaining connections within the Sphere of Scientific Advancement and, under the guise of studying the mass shadow, convinced them to fund the construction of a research station. Lord Kanoth relocated the entirety of the Unmasked to the station and secretly used their newly-acquired resources to rebuild the mass shadow generator.

Although the Unmasked were able to get the mass shadow generator partially operational, Dominique--unsatisfied with the lack of results--grew wildly impatient. To expedite their progress, she attempted an experiment in merging with artificial intelligence, but the procedure ended in complete disaster. Dominique successfully joined with the AI, but the entire population of the Sector R-4 station became irreversibly absorbed into one monstrous hivemind.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​operation.​r4.​unmasked_part2

The Unmasked: A Dark Experiment

The Unmasked: Ambitious Beginnings

The reclusive cult known as "the Unmasked" began with a shared hunger for power, reputation, and immortality. The partnership between Lady Dominique and Lord Kanoth, marked by greed and ravenous ambition, appealed to many like-minded Sith who were all too eager to join them.

Their original motivations were markedly different--one desired to be exalted for her achievements, the other sought to live forever--but Dominique and Kanoth eventually found their way to a singular goal: acquiring the power of the fabled Darth Nihilus for themselves, including the ability to consume others' life force and ignore the call of death.

On their leaders' orders, members of the Unmasked focused on locating the technology they believed could unlock Nihilus's legendary gifts. Although their objectives were thought lost to time, nothing could deter the Unmasked from desperately searching for the "mass shadow generator" that granted Nihilus his power, the remains of Nihilus's ship, or even fragments of Malachor V--the planet destroyed in the disaster caused by the mass shadow generator's cataclysmic energy.

As the hunt for these relics intensified, Dominique and Kanoth's followers began referring to themselves as "the Unmasked," in reverence of Darth Nihilus. The cult's members became more secretive and withdrawn from the rest of Sith society as their identities became nothing more than reflections of their leaders' purpose.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​operation.​r4.​unmasked

The Unmasked: Ambitious Beginnings


Whenever an outbreak of the rakghoul virus surfaces anywhere in the galaxy, one of the first distress calls is made to The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization (THORN). With its vast resources and singular mission--the permanent eradication of the rakghoul threat--THORN is a planet's best chance of avoiding a global pandemic.

To most citizens of the galaxy, this philanthropic organization created by entrepreneur Addalar Hyland is a welcome force for good. Few, however, are aware of the reason for Hyland's support of THORN as opposed to any other charitable cause. While he would never discuss it in public, it is a matter of record that Hyland lost two of his children to an outbreak of the rakghoul plague on Tatooine. Ever since that fateful day, he has diverted a great deal of his wealth earned from Galactic Solutions Industries to personally finance THORN.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​thorn


Tonvarr Pirates

Composed of survivors and outcasts from dozens of defunct pirate groups from around the galaxy, the Tonvarr have banded together under a simple Weequay battle principle: "Enter with the best weapons, leave with the best spoils." Tonvarr raiding parties have struck weapon manufacturing centers, xenotechnology research labs, and even ancient dig sites, gathering the most impressive arsenal of advanced and exotic weapons technologies in the entire galactic underworld.

The group's intelligence gathering abilities are also far beyond the level of other pirate organizations; no one is entirely sure how the Tonvarr have the expertise to locate and make use of such a wide variety of complex technologies. It's possible that their broad knowledge is a side effect of the group's diverse membership: raiders from many different species have been spotted among the Tonvarr ranks.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​event.​gree.​tonvarr_pirates

Tonvarr Pirates

Voss-Gormak Alliance

After centuries of bitter conflict, the Voss and Gormak formed an uneasy truce to defend their homeworld against a new foe--the Eternal Empire. Their alliance has proven surprisingly effective, with the meditative reserve of the Voss complimenting the ferocious strength of the Gormak to form a formidable army. However, tension divides their ranks.

A particular point of dispute is the ratio of Gormak casualties, with most Gormak leaders claiming their own losses are far too low. Casualties among the two species are nearly equal even though the bulk of the frontline troops are Gormak.

This may be because Voss strategy is shaped by an ancient decree from the Mystics stating "the last Gormak must not die." But as one Gormak shaman complained, "Gormak fight. Gormak die. Gormak win. Voss stop Gormak dying, Voss stop Gormak winning."

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​voss_gormak_alliance

Voss-Gormak Alliance

Balmorran Resistance

Since the Republic was forced to withdraw from Balmorra following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the fight against the Empire has been carried out by a diverse group of native Balmorran resistance fighters. The resistance, led by many former members of the Balmorran army, has carried out repeated guerrilla strikes against Imperial forces, using their superior knowledge of the planet to harass the invaders.

Joined occasionally by mercenaries from sympathetic worlds and--according to popular rumor--supplied by the Republic, the resistance has single-handedly ensured that the Empire is unable to claim complete control of Balmorra, holding and fortifying such vital tactical locations as the Balmorran Arms Factory and Outpost Victory.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​balmorra_imp.​balmorran_resistance

Balmorran Resistance
OrganizationsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Balmorran Resistance

Balmorra's resistance fighters are more than patriotic guerilla warriors. People from all walks of life, from farmers and teachers to poets and musicians, risk everything to keep the dream of Balmorran freedom alive. Part of the Empire's lack of success rooting out these rebels is due to an inability to detect such nondescript enemies until it is too late.

Over the years, thousands of ordinary people have made the ultimate sacrifice for Balmorra, learning to hoist a blaster, training in burnt-out factories and toxic wastelands, and willingly dying to strike a blow against the hated Empire. To much of the citizenry, the resistance is made up of heroes--friends and neighbors who refused to suffer in silence. Other Balmorrans, however, wish the resistance would fade away, and believe it is past time to peacefully accept Imperial governance.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​balmorra_rep.​balmorran_resistance

Balmorran Resistance
OrganizationsBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Jedi Council

Those who walk the path of the Jedi are guided and overseen by the Jedi High Council. Sworn to protect and defend the Republic, the Council has existed in one form or another for millennia, comprised of the wisest Jedi Masters of every era.

After the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the modern council removed itself from the politics of the galactic capital and settled on Tython, the ancestral home of the Jedi. Led by Master Satele Shan, the Council now struggles to uphold its peaceful ideals in the face of the Sith threat. This paradox is reflected in the personalities and beliefs of various members of the Council--some, such as the scholarly Master Syo Bakarn, hope the Sith can be redeemed and turned to the light side; others, such as the militaristic Master Jaric Kaedan, believe peace can only be achieved when all those who serve the dark side are destroyed.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​jedi_council

Jedi Council

Twi'lek Pilgrims

Tython is home to a small settlement of Twi'lek Pilgrims united by their belief in a humble lifestyle and the authority of their Matriarchs. Although their numbers are few, the Pilgrim movement goes back almost two decades--and until their recent arrival on Tython, they had never possessed a permanent home, nor escaped persecution.

The founding Pilgrim Matriarch gained her followers while serving at a refugee settlement catering to escapees from Ryloth--the enslaved Twi'lek homeworld. The refugees listened to the Matriarch's stories about a set of ancient texts she had discovered on an alien world, which urged simplicity, devotion to family and faith in a spiritual mother. But while some Twi'leks gladly joined the Matriarch, others saw her as a cult leader taking advantage of the desperate.

The Pilgrims left the settlement and traveled to one Twi'lek settlement after another, gaining in numbers but always driven off. Fleeing into hyperspace after years of wandering, the Pilgrims at last arrived on Tython. The Jedi, only recently arrived themselves, were astonished that the Pilgrims could stumble upon the secret Jedi homeworld so easily; the Matriarch saw the Pilgrims' discovery of an inhabitable planet as destiny.

Since then, the Pilgrims have done everything possible to make a permanent home of Tython, building their community and creating new traditions. Whether the movement will survive in the face of the Flesh Raider danger is an open question.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​tython.​twilek_pilgrims

Twi'lek Pilgrims

The Exchange

One of the galaxy's most prominent crime syndicates, the Exchange is the sleek, tech-savvy competitor to the Hutt Cartel. Where the Hutt Cartel has a clear, centralized authority in Hutt Space, the Exchange is a distributed network of gangs coordinated via the HoloNet; where the Hutt Cartel favors galactic neutrality, the Exchange sees the Empire as an untapped resource ready to bleed credits and the Republic as a living shield protecting its gangsters from Imperial retaliation.

Three centuries ago, the Exchange was arguably the most influential criminal organization in the Republic. However, an internal power struggle to claim the territory of the infamous Davik Kang after his death left the Exchange in disarray, allowing the Hutt Cartel to seize control over many of its operations. It took many decades before the "new breed" of Exchange criminals arose, and the current syndicate is a different animal than the old.

Active in slicing, extortion, spice dealing and weapons running, the Exchange is rapidly reclaiming lost territory, taking advantage of riots, gang wars and other acts of blatant violence to gain ground even on Hutt worlds like Nar Shaddaa. But the Empire is swiftly becoming a greater adversary than the Hutts--the Exchange wants to be the first crime syndicate to make solid inroads into Imperial space and is willing to kill whoever it takes to get there.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​exchange

The Exchange
OrganizationsNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0

The Dark Council

While the undying Emperor serves as the unquestioned leader of the Empire, the twelve members of the Dark Council oversee the daily workings of their vast civilization and speak in the Emperor's name. Each is among the most powerful Sith in the galaxy; to hold a seat on the council is the highest honor and the greatest position of influence a Sith can attain.

The individual members of the Dark Council control their own spheres of influence and pyramids of subordinate Sith--overall Imperial military strategy falls in the hands of one Dark Council member, while study of ancient artifacts falls into the hands of another. These spheres occasionally overlap, leading to conflict. However, every Sith Lord and apprentice is ultimately answerable to the council member at the top of his or her pyramid. Similarly, non-Sith organizations are usually clearly answerable to one Dark Council member or another.

Meetings of the Dark Council are normally held in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas or in the Sith Academy on Korriban. It's rare for all members to gather at once--power plays among members are frequent, and several of the Dark Lords are virtual hermits. On the occasions when the Emperor summons them, however, all members of the Dark Council are expected to gather and obey.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​the_dark_council

The Dark Council

Tomb Raiders

The ancient Sith tombs of Korriban have long been a target of raiders and treasure seekers with dreams of valuable plunder. While many are the minions and hirelings of Sith Lords hoping to lay their hands on powerful relics, others are daring fortune hunters who come from offworld and risk conflict with the Sith.

Individual pirates and rogues occasionally arrive stowed away on ships, but a more organized group led by an eccentric underworld figure has infiltrated shipments of slaves sent to the red planet. Once on the surface, the "slaves" sneak into the tombs; few ever leave Korriban, but those who survive are paid handsomely for their trouble.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​korriban.​tomb_raiders

Tomb Raiders

Grathan Forces

The rogue Sith Lord Grathan has declared himself the thirteenth Dark Council member, with his own power base and sphere of influence within the Sith hierarchy. Although his claim has not been widely recognized, he controls a substantial private army on Dromund Kaas. The Dark Council has authorized all-out warfare against Lord Grathan and anyone who supports him.

After being driven from the Citadel, Lord Grathan holed up in his estate outside Kaas City. His forces there are made up of apprentices, loyal Imperial troops and cybernetic supersoldiers he developed in his secret weapons labs. His cadre of elite scientists--some volunteers, others kidnapped and forced into service--manufactures a seemingly endless number of war droids, as well, reducing attrition in Grathan's army to near zero.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​dromund_kaas.​grathan_forces

Grathan Forces
OrganizationsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Hadra Forces

The twelve members of the Dark Council preside over twelve pyramids, or spheres, of influence within the Empire. The Dark Council member who presides over Dromund Kaas, Darth Hadra, is currently embroiled in a conflict with the Dark Council member in charge of ancient Sith secrets and history, Darth Arctis.

Darth Hadra's forces discovered an ancient Sith shrine outside Kaas City and claimed it in her name. Darth Arctis quickly challenged her claim to the discovery, arguing that the contents of the shrine were his domain. While the conflict over the shrine has not yet come to all-out warfare between the two Dark Council members, Darth Hadra has positioned her forces in the area around the shrine, with orders to attack anyone who trespasses. The rest of the Dark Council is turning a blind eye toward any fighting with Hadra's forces while Hadra and Arctis "negotiate" for control of the shrine.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 12

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​dromund_kaas.​hadra_forces

Hadra Forces
OrganizationsDromund KaasImperial121.0.0


An interspecies warrior culture stretching back thousands of years, the Mandalorians live for one purpose: to challenge the greatest opponents in combat and claim victory, for honor and glory. The best are proud fighters driven by a noble code, while the worst are bloodthirsty killers always looking for the next battle.

While many act as independent mercenaries, the Mandalorians are divided into clans each answering to their own leader. From time to time in history, a single leader of all clans appears and is called "Mandalore." Each new leader of the Mandalorians takes the name and mask of Mandalore and determines whether the clans will scatter or unite against a great foe. Initiates can be born into Mandalorian society or inducted from outside; either way, new Mandalorians face harsh trials as they prove themselves worthy and learn the secrets of Mandalorian weapons and armor.

The Mandalorians have been loosely allied with the Sith Empire since the Empire's return to the galaxy and played an instrumental role in the Sacking of Coruscant. Though not Imperial subjects, the Mandalorians have an enclave in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas. Their relationship with the Empire is sometimes strained, but the alliance offers one undeniable advantage: ample opportunity to face the galaxy's greatest warriors, the Jedi.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​mandalorian

OrganizationsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

Rebelling Slaves

Brought from off-world by Lord Qet to build a massive monument to Qet's master, Darth Vowrawn, these slaves quickly rebelled, seizing industrial drills to destroy the unfinished statue and killing all who came to suppress their rebellion.

Many theories abound as to how the rebellion started, and its duration suggests that other, more powerful parties have become involved in secretly supporting the rebels. This is the largest slave rebellion in Dromund Kaas history, and second only to the rebellion led by Dakar Sol on Malachor Five in the history of the Empire.

Efforts have been made to contain the rebellion and keep it from spilling over into Kaas City, but the Dark Council has yet to act decisively on the matter, preferring to let the rebellion continue as a warning to overambitious Sith.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​dromund_kaas.​rebelling_slaves

Rebelling Slaves
OrganizationsDromund KaasImperial111.0.0


The secret society known as the Order of Revan is known only to its members and a few inquisitive outsiders. The society is believed to be several hundred strong, ranging from powerful and influential Sith Lords to military officers and alien slaves--low status is no barrier to entry, but personal power and fervor are everything. Some so-called Revanites devote their lives to the cult's teachings and exist outside of mainstream Imperial society; others study and meet in secret while maintaining ordinary lives.

The Order of Revan takes its name from an ancient Sith Lord--a fallen Jedi who used both the dark side and the light side of the Force during his lifetime. Revan drew strength from passion, as well as tranquility; took allies who were human and alien, weak and strong. Revanites seek to emulate Revan's ways, seeing him as the greatest of all teachers.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​dromund_kaas.​revanites

OrganizationsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

The Ash'ad

"I convinced Luth to come with me. I showed him we could no longer follow Vizla. We are warriors, we should be taking our fight to Zakuul, not the worthless machines on Darvannis. Vizla may be Mandalore, but Zakuul left no other challengers. Maybe this is her way of thanking them.

I know there are others who feel the same, who will come with me too. There is a king who will let us hunt on his world. It is swarming with beasts the mightiest of us could only imagine. We can finally meet worthy prey again. The fool king wants tribute from our quarry, to slay offworld creatures and bring them to him from time to time. In return, he will leave us to hunt in peace. The di'kut doesn't understand that acquiring his "payment" will bring us the honor we crave.

When we leave, Vizla will say we are not Mando'ade, and those sheb'urcyin who have forgotten what that word means will agree with her. But if what she has made us is "Mando'ade," then I want no part of it. I will be ash'ad. I will be someone else."
--From the journal of Mirli Lok, leader of the Ash'ad

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​the_ash_ad

The Ash'ad

The Untamed

Led by Akoru--who claims direct descent from the ancient Beast Riders of Onderon--the Untamed continue the tradition of occupying the planet's dangerous jungles, relying on their ability to tame the notoriously vicious creatures that inhabit them. This skill is passed down from generation to generation, along with fierce combat abilities and stories of how their ancestors were exiled to the wilderness when an outsider--the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd--conquered most of Onderon's population.

Unlike their predecessors, the Untamed adhere to strict isolationist beliefs, including a brutal disgust for offworlders and anyone who associates with them. A ritualistic people, the Untamed will at least entertain those who respect their ceremonies or can best them in combat--for a short time.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​the_untamed

The Untamed

The Sixth Line

"There is no contemplation, there is only duty."

It is a declaration more in line with a rank-and-file soldier than a Jedi, and yet it is a guiding principle of the squad known as the Sixth Line. Their commander, Master Surro, is said to have made the phrase her personal mantra as she waged war against the Empire on the front lines of Balmorra, where her unwavering resolve to accomplish whatever her commanding officers asked of her set her apart from other Jedi.

Details of the formation of the Sixth Line and how they came to work with SIS Agent Theron Shan are sparse. Scattered reports in recent years do suggest that a group of "Jedi commandos" have been involved in raids and strikes not officially sanctioned by the Republic, though the validity of such reportage is typically seen as unreliable.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​ziost.​the_sixth_line

The Sixth Line

Sith Intelligence

Even before the collapse of Imperial Intelligence, the Dark Council yearned for an agency of their own design. With Sith Lord Lana Beniko taking a role equivalent to that of Minister of Intelligence, the council can better ensure that their interests are being met. Beniko's role in uprooting the Order of Revan's agents within the Empire further cements the sound logic of her appointment. Rumors have taken root that Beniko's authority is being shared to some extent with a former commander of Imperial Intelligence, but this has neither been confirmed nor denied.

The primary goals of Sith Intelligence do not appear to have appreciably changed from its predecessor: they exist to gather substantive data on past, present, and future persons and organizations of interest; to quietly develop a stable of varied and valuable assets throughout the galaxy; and, above all, to protect the Sith Empire from threats both without and within.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​yavin_4.​sith_intelligence

Sith Intelligence
OrganizationsYavin 4Imperial583.0.0

Cathar Settlers

One of the key elements in the Republic effort to restore Taris to its former glory is the establishment of a small Cathar colony on the planet's surface. Coming from a homeworld ravaged by war, the Cathar species has come to symbolize the Republic's resilience and fortitude in the face of overwhelming odds... much like Taris itself.

Officially, the colony has the full support of the Galactic Senate--yet key infrastructure is still lacking, and the settlers always seem to be low on supplies. Recently, some have questioned whether the colonization efforts began too soon, pushed forward by self-serving politicians looking to exploit the brave Cathar settlers to further their own agendas.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​taris_rep.​cathar_settlers

Cathar Settlers
OrganizationsTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Pirates and Scavengers

Valuable treasures lay buried in the ruins of Taris, attracting a wide range of individuals and groups willing to brave the dangers and claim a small piece of the fallen city's vast wealth. Most of these can be loosely categorized as either scavengers or pirates.

Scavengers tend to stake out a small section of the ruins and generally avoid military confrontation, although they frequently ambush civilians passing through areas they have "claimed" or pillage choice sectors after a Republic cleanup crew has sorted out the debris.

In contrast, pirates are far more aggressive. Traveling in armed bands, they typically attack on sight. Some of the larger pirate bands, like the Death's Claw, have been known to brutalize small settlements and armed patrols if they have superior numbers and position.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​taris_rep.​pirates_and_scavengers

Pirates and Scavengers
OrganizationsTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Clan Ha'rangir

Named for Kad Ha'rangir, the ancient Mandalorian god of destruction and bringer of change and growth, Clan Ha'rangir was founded by Mandalorians who believed their people were being weakened by cowardice and inaction. The clan began a bloody expansion called "Ha'rangir's Path" in the latter half of 3732 BBY. Their early success encouraged more raids and occupations, which earned the clan a fortune in resources. This vast war chest sustained Clan Ha'rangir during the decades of reactionary conflict that followed.

Their empire building peaked in the 3600's and slowly declined as newer generations of Clan Ha'rangir avoided the front lines, preferring instead to manage and expand their wealth. Once formidable conquerors, Clan Ha'rangir's power today resides in the credits they command, rather than their military might. Some within their ranks, however, are questioning their role within the galaxy, perhaps yearning for a return to their expansionist ways.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​04.​clan_harangir

Clan Ha'rangir

Nathema Zealots

A secretive group of powerful Force-sensitives, the Nathema Zealots live in total isolation on the blighted world. Founded by Valkorion, the Nathema Zealots are among the only Force-sensitive beings able to withstand the horrors of the void through a regime of daily rituals and intense meditation. However, while their mental conditioning focuses their power, it simultaneously erodes their free will.

This was not accidental, as Valkorion sought to create an army of completely subservient yet incredibly powerful Force users. However, one unexpected side effect was that the Nathema Zealots grew dependent on the void for their existence, and became catatonic if they left Nathema's surface.

Hoping to extract some value from his failed experiment, Valkorion used the Nathema Zealots as wardens for the prisoners he sent to Nathema's Sanitarium. He also recruited the Anomid scientist Jarak to study their mental conditioning so he could use it to control his daughter Vaylin.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​nathema_zealots

Nathema Zealots

The Order of Zildrog

Formed by Vinn Atrius, the Order of Zildrog is highly secretive, militantly organized, and ruthlessly dedicated to a single purpose: the death of the Outlander who now commands the Eternal Alliance.

The group's membership is mostly made up of Zakuulan hardliners like Atrius who blame the Outlander for destroying the civilization that Valkorion built for them. Their numbers include Knights and soldiers from the Zakuulan military, cultists from fringe groups like the Heralds of Zildrog, and even a handful of individuals from the Core Worlds with personal vendettas of their own.

Unified by their singular hatred and the countless lives they've seen ruined in the Outlander's wake, the Order will stop at nothing to complete their mission of vengeance.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​order_of_zildrog

The Order of Zildrog

Zealots Without a Master

The few surviving Zealots who once served Valkorion in his Nathema stronghold now eke out a bleak existence in the planet's abandoned wilds, where they live in fragmented tribes.

Although each and every one of the Zealots felt Valkorion's death vividly through the Force, all of them refuse to believe that it has actually occurred. Wild and improbable theories about his current state of existence and how best to continue serving him have driven the Zealots into forming rival, warring groups who raid and kill one another interminably.

Ironically, all of the Zealots still alive owe their survival to their master's death and the subsequent blooming of life on the planet's once-barren surface; otherwise, they would all have starved long ago.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​zealots_without_master

Zealots Without a Master

Corellian Corporate Council (Bounty Hunter)

Corellia is dominated by galaxy-spanning corporate interests that earn trillions of credits, and the planet's government has always claimed a significant share of those profits. It was only natural that the corporations would demand influence commensurate to their contributions. The world's most important business leaders formed the Corellian Corporate Council, a political policymaking coalition with representatives to every government committee.

This group's stated goal is "to ensure the smooth flow of trade between Corellia and the rest of the galaxy." In reality, this means negotiating in back rooms to limit the government's commercial regulations and negotiate favorable tax breaks. It is no coincidence that every council chairman has been accused of fraud at least once in his career.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​bounty_hunter.​corellian_corporate_council

Corellian Corporate Council (Bounty Hunter)

Corellian Engineering Corporation

The Corellian Engineering Corporation claims to be the longest-operating business entity in galactic history. While some may dispute this assertion, no one argues with the quality of CEC's products. The Republic's smartest and most forward-thinking scientists and engineers flock to this company and create advanced new starships, droids and other technologies.

Before the Empire's invasion, Imperial Intelligence operatives quietly infiltrated the massive network of office buildings that makes up CEC's portion of the Incorporation Islands. The plan was to take control of the company's formidable defenses just prior to the Empire's arrival in case of corporate resistance. Something went wrong and none of the agents have been heard from since. Now, the CEC poses a major threat to Imperial ambitions on the planet.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​corellia.​corellian_engineering_corporation

Corellian Engineering Corporation

Corellian Security Force (CorSec)

The Corellian Security Force, commonly referred to as CorSec, is the planet's primary law enforcement agency. It employs officers in such diverse fields as computer science, diplomacy and armed tactical response. CorSec's famed Special Operations Unit enlists some of the galaxy's best infiltration specialists, tasking them with penetrating criminal organizations and dismantling them from within.

Despite CorSec's advanced training, it was unable to detect or stop the Empire's conspiracy with the Corellian council to seize control of the planet. When Darth Decimus's fleet arrived above Coronet City, CorSec leaders sent an immediate panic alert to all its officers and sent them underground. Many law enforcement operatives from CorSec now actively collaborate with the Republic military.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​corellia.​corellian_security

Corellian Security Force (CorSec)

The Corellian Rebellion

The resistance forces opposing the Imperial takeover of Corellia have been surprisingly successful, especially given their irregular and disorganized nature. These mostly civilian guerilla fighters are composed of freighter crews, unemployed mercenaries and patriotic citizens of all species who are all willing to fight for Corellian freedom. CorSec, the Corellian police force, has played a particularly vital role in coordinating and training the rebels.

During the invasion's first days, Corellian rebels successfully assassinated over a dozen high-ranking Imperial officers and bombed shipyards used as landing pads for the Empire's fleet. Leaders of the invasion force quickly learned to think twice before allowing "cooperative" Corellians access to Imperial bases.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​corellia.​the_corellian_rebellion

The Corellian Rebellion

The Green Jedi

Corellia's sworn protectors, the Green Jedi, comprise an elite and reclusive group with only loose ties to the main Jedi Order. Green Jedi place their allegiance to Corellia above the Republic, refusing to be drawn away from their homeworld and wearing green robes to symbolize their devotion to the ancient Corellian flag. For this reason, the Jedi Council considers the group unreliable and potentially suspect. Regardless, the Green Jedi are a formidable foe to the Empire.

Although few in number, the Green Jedi are working closely with their planet's CorSec defenders to disrupt Imperial war efforts. Led by Master Arfan Ramos, these warriors operate within a nigh-impenetrable enclave that has already survived multiple Imperial attacks. Some speculate that without the Green Jedi, Corellia would have fallen already.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​corellia.​the_green_jedi

The Green Jedi

The Outer Rim Jedi Forces (Knight)

As the war reaches new heights on Corellia, the Republic's brave Jedi protectors are among the hardest hit. The order has sustained its heaviest losses since the Sacking of Coruscant--many powerful Jedi have sacrificed their lives to give Corellia's defenders a fighting chance.

In desperation, Grand Master Satele Shan has recruited Jedi from remote Outer Rim systems. Some are still only Padawans, while others have defended their worlds for years. Although the Outer Rim Jedi fear leaving their homes unguarded, they know that if Corellia falls, the Empire will soon dominate the rest of the galaxy.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​knight.​the_outer_rim_jedi_forces

The Outer Rim Jedi Forces (Knight)

Dar'manda (Mek-Sha Gang)

In Mandalorian society, a Dar'manda is an exile--someone who has broken the strictures of honor and duty so severely that they are deemed unworthy of their heritage. It is considered by most Mandalorians to be a punishment worse than death.

This designation is meant as a mark of shame, but Indigo's crew on Mek-Sha bears it proudly, even continuing to brazenly wear their Mandalorian armor in mockery. Though he started his gang with just a few other exiles and a modest supply of stolen weapons, Indigo and the Dar'manda curried favor on Mek-Sha quickly by supplying those weapons to help overthrow Hutt control of the asteroid.

The gang primarily deals in illicit weapons and takes on mercenary contracts. They've attracted dozens of other misfit outlaws over the years--many, but not all, true ex-Mandalorians like Indigo himself. The Dar'manda have such a notorious reputation that the mere presence of a few of their members is usually enough to deter attacks on their charges, due to both their skill in combat and their powerful arsenal of weapons.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​dar_manda

Dar'manda (Mek-Sha Gang)

Harido Wald

"No good rebellion follows the rules." - Veek the Sneak to Gritha Dar

Founded by Veek the Sneak, Harido Wald started as a small smuggling ring with an extremely limited network of contacts. Operating mostly in oppressive Hutt territories meant Harido Wald barely eked out a profit; the group only survived thanks to Veek's genial method of making deals and the loyalty of Harido Wald's members. That loyalty was put to the test after Veek promised Gritha Dar, the leader of a slave rebellion against the Hutt rulers of Mek-Sha, the services of his organization.

With the Hutts gone and Gritha Dar (now known as Huttbreaker) ruling Mek-Sha, Veek saw a prime opportunity to put Harido Wald on the map. Mek-Sha's denizens were clamoring for goods they had been denied for years, so Veek relocated his base of operations to the newly liberated station.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​harido_wald

Harido Wald

The Brothers

Mek-Sha's neon-lit alleyways and shadowy recesses are replete with suspect activity, but even among the thriving criminal element, none are more reviled than the gang known as The Brothers.

One of the most notorious of Mek-Sha's outlaw powers, these mysterious beings breed fear through their masked anonymity and ruthless acquisition of slaves. With seemingly unending reserves of wealth (most likely gained from their sale of misappropriated laborers to the Sith Empire), the Brothers haunt the territories of Mek-Sha like faceless apparitions with an almost zealotic fervor.

Given the perpetual influx of refugees and lost souls seeking new beginnings on this station, the slavers' targets are plentiful and easily plucked from the unwitting crowds. Those lucky enough to escape the lower docks or avoid the Brothers' notice altogether whisper of shared minds and unsettling philosophies, all of which only serves to strengthen the gang's enigmatic notoriety.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​03.​the_brothers

The Brothers

Infinite Army

Since its destruction, many have sought to own pieces of the fabled Star Forge--an automated Rakata shipyard capable of infinite manufacturing. A Selkath experimenting with cybernetic applications using Rakatan technology was one of those looking to harness the Star Forge's immeasurable power. With the shipyard's self-replicating properties, the Selkath theorized implementation of its parts could allow his test subjects to survive the grafting process, and to achieve virtual immortality. When the Order of Revan made a piece of the Star Forge available to him, the Selkath was able to prove his theories and the Infinite Army was born.

This is not the first time the notion of an Infinite Army was conceived. A tormented Jedi looking to destroy the Sith Emperor once appropriated a long-abandoned Rakata foundry built into an asteroid. However, his reputed plan to use the foundry to build an "infinite army" of extermination droids was ultimately prevented.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141064934392624126

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​flashpoint.​rakata_prime.​infinite_army

Infinite Army
OrganizationsRakata PrimeBoth552.10.0

Rakata Tribes

In the face of near-extinction and the mysterious loss of Force sensitivity among most of their kind, the Rakata retreated to their homeworld, where they focused their cruel aggressions on one another, descending further into ruin. When the dust of global war settled, all that remained of the galactic tyrants was a collection of barbaric and ruthless Rakata tribes that has dominated the planet for more than twenty thousand years.

Some tribes reside in isolation, hidden deep within the jungle islands of Rakata Prime. Others are more aggressive, seeking to conquer and assimilate as many other tribes as possible, uniting the world under their rulership--an echo of their technologically advanced ancestors' attempt at galactic supremacy. Eventually, the dominating tribe's control becomes stretched too thin and the sub-tribes revolt, breaking free until the cycle inevitably repeats.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141064934392624126

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​flashpoint.​rakata_prime.​rakata_tribes

Rakata Tribes
OrganizationsRakata PrimeBoth552.10.0

House Alde

Alderaan's oldest surviving noble house by far, House Alde is obsessed with antiquity and lineage. Its nobles studiously avoid polluting their bloodline with foreign influences, preserving the blood of King Alde, the first ruler of Alderaan.

These practices have left the family isolated and eccentric, but its scholarly grasp of history and Alderaanian lore is equal to none. Its obsessions are widely considered unusual, but not dangerous--Alde pride and pomposity rarely devolves into genuine arrogance. For over a century, Alde has stayed closely allied with House Organa, appreciating Organa's devotion to Alderaan's historical ties with the Republic.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​alderaan.​house_alde

House Alde

House Baliss (Smuggler)

A relatively minor noble family, House Baliss has amassed much of its influence currying favor with the larger houses. Many aristocrats joke that Baliss has served as vassal to every noble family of any significance. Baliss remained neutral when war broke out between the major houses, preferring to wait for a decisive victor to emerge before declaring any allegiances.

Recently, the Baliss estate was overrun with Killiks, forcing the nobles to abandon their home. Baliss sought refuge with another minor family, House Teraan; the head of House Baliss, Duke Yun, decided to capitalize on the chaos engulfing Alderaan and make the Teraan estate the new Baliss home.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​smuggler.​house_baliss

House Baliss (Smuggler)

House Girard (Bounty Hunter)

Girard is a relatively minor noble house that remained independent in the grand scheme of Alderaanian politics until the recent civil war left it dangerously exposed. Since then, House Girard has pledged its resources and influence to House Thul (and Thul's Imperial backers) in exchange for protection.

The whole of House Girard's nobility now resides in a wing of the Thul estate. There, the Girard nobles await their inevitable victory and the reclamation of their imperiled lands--along with the receipt of new territories as reward for their loyal support.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​bounty_hunter.​house_girard

House Girard (Bounty Hunter)

House Organa

House Organa is perhaps the most respected noble house on Alderaan. Organa ancestors were among the first to settle the planet and were pivotal in the formation of the Galactic Republic. The Organas have remained vocal supporters of the Republic for millennia, believers in patient negotiation over aggression, and were outraged when Senator Gaul Panteer announced Alderaan's independence.

The current Duke Organa epitomizes what the house is known for. During the war, the duke was a fierce opponent of the Empire and the Sith who saw his family treated brutally during the Empire's short-lived invasion of Alderaan. This neither soured the duke and his house on peace, nor weakened their resolve to battle evil; when Alderaan's civil war began years later, Organa was among the last houses to take up arms... but the duke had privately trained a talented and honorable battalion for such an eventuality, and readily turned to the Republic for advice and assistance during the crisis. Today, Organa remains the Republic's fiercest ally on the planet.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​alderaan.​house_organa

House Organa

House Panteer

Arguably the most blue-blooded of the noble houses, House Panteer has put more kings and queens on the Alderaanian throne than all other families combined. Panteer rulers have been called both patriots and pragmatists--traditionally, they have been believers in the beauty of Alderaan and patrons of the arts who nonetheless accept that a lie, a betrayal or even a dagger can be a sad political necessity. The last uncontested ruler of Alderaan was a proud Panteer queen who had earned the respect--if not always the love--of both friends and adversaries.

When Bouris Ulgo declared himself king, House Panteer immediately challenged his rule. Ulgo responded by burning the Panteer estates to the ground and forcing the survivors into hiding, bringing the family low after millennia. While many nobles still see the Panteers as rightful heirs to the Alderaanian throne, and many others seek Panteer's blessing to legitimize their own claims to the crown, the Panteers remain suspicious--wondering about the circumstances behind their downfall, and hoping to reclaim lost glory.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​alderaan.​house_panteer

House Panteer

House Rist

Legendary assassins and spies, the members of House Rist trace their roots to an Exchange crime lord who provided illicit services to the Alderaanian nobility. After years of underhanded dealings, the crime lord was granted his own lands, and the Rists were legitimized as a minor noble house. Rather than abandon their criminal roots, however, the Rists continued to discreetly ply their murderous trade while enjoying the trappings of privilege, earning favor and leverage with the other nobles in the process.

Eventually House Ulgo sought and acquired House Rist's pledge as a vassal. The promotion was a controversial move, but a shrewd one, as the Ulgos now had sole claim to the Rists' vast underworld resources. The recent death of Gaul Panteer has cast suspicion on Rist and Ulgo alike, as many believe Rist assassins were responsible for the Senator's demise.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​alderaan.​house_rist

House Rist

House Teral (Consular)

Closely related to the royal House Panteer, House Teral enjoyed several generations of growth and prosperity through trade and its connections to the royal family. Unsurprisingly, House Teral's troubles began after House Ulgo usurped the throne and effectively obliterated House Panteer. Seeing that House Teral's trade fortune could allow its Panteer cousins to rebuild, House Ulgo began a campaign against Teral's holdings and property. King Bouris Ulgo used his influence to shatter House Teral's trading contacts and forced Teral--never a military house--to raise massive armies to face Ulgo attacks.

Today, harried and nearly bankrupt, House Teral is a shadow of its formerly prosperous self. The last straw was the recent death of its diplomatic delegate. Although officially judged an accident, no one is fooled; it is clear that House Ulgo will be satisfied with nothing less than Teral's utter destruction.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​consular.​house_teral

House Teral (Consular)

House Thul

The members of House Thul are descended from a wealthy and ambitious merchant who bought his way into the nobility. The Thuls considered this a point of pride, specializing in brokering trade and acting as caretakers of Alderaan's economy--yet for generations, the relative youth of the Thul house carried a stigma.

Unable to marry a Thul into royalty, the house made a desperate bid for the throne--Thuls switched an Organa infant with a Thul baby and supported the changeling as a potential bride for the crown prince. A young Jedi exposed the treachery and stopped the wedding, creating a scandal that led to the disgraced Thul's exile from Alderaan.

Thul maintained its pride and its culture in exile, though the house became impoverished and isolated in its offworld estates. It was decades before Thul nobles were contacted by the Imperial Diplomatic Service; the Empire promised to restore Thul to its rightful glory, to train its soldiers and educate its children and one day help it return to Alderaan.

At last, in the aftermath of Alderaan's withdrawal from the Republic and the death of its queen, a generation of Thuls raised alongside the Empire came home--eager to restore the family name and take vengeance against Thul's enemies. Thul has already gained the allegiance of a number of lesser houses, and with Imperial support stands as a true contender for the throne.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​alderaan.​house_thul

House Thul

House Ulgo

The noble House Ulgo has a long history of military excellence. The family values discipline and duty above all else, and Ulgos pride themselves on forsaking the pampered, aristocratic lifestyles the other noble houses have gravitated toward. The Ulgo tradition of requiring every member to serve in the military has produced generations of distinguished officers.

In recent years, the Ulgos became increasingly frustrated with the political stalemate in the Alderaanian parliament. When the queen died and House Thul returned from exile with the support of the Empire, General Bouris Ulgo pleaded with the collected nobles to act quickly to push Thul back off the planet. When it became clear the nobles were too fractured to stop what he saw as a second Imperial invasion, Bouris Ulgo declared himself king and declared war on House Thul. Unfortunately, grabbing the crown forced the hand of the other noble houses and they declared war against Ulgo. House Ulgo now finds itself beset on all sides as it struggles to defend the crown and brutally reinstate order on Alderaan--no matter the cost in blood and resources.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​alderaan.​house_ulgo

House Ulgo

Carida Corsairs

At one time, the Corida Corsairs were the bane of the coreward end of the Perlemian Trade Route. Their brazen and ruthless tactics struck fear into dozens of Republic-aligned worlds for more than two hundred years. The Corsairs' hijackings, raids and ransom demands became the stuff of legend. The very utterance of their name would send ripples of dread throughout the political halls of Coruscant.

All that changed when the Corsairs' home base on Carida was discovered and raided by a Republic strike force. Without a center of operations, the remaining Corsairs were either picked off or scattered to the winds. Over time, the Carida Corsairs became something of a laughing stock, often depicted in popular fiction as ineffectual bunglers. But the remaining Carida Corsairs, often identified by their Kowakian Monkey-Lizard accomplices, have moved on to more remote parts of the galaxy, like Rishi. They have kept their name out of pride, hoping that one day they will be powerful enough to call Carida their home and strike fear into the Republic once again.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​rishi.​carida_corsairs

Carida Corsairs

Corellian Run Scoundrels

Few trade routes have become as precious to interstellar commerce as the hyperlane known as the Corellian Run. It should come as no surprise, then, that the Corellian Run is also highly attractive to criminals. But of all those who rob, ransack and hijack, only one crew dares to take its name after the route itself.

As one might expect from a gang of smugglers named the "Corellian Run Scoundrels", they typically scoff at honor and kindness while swaggering with naked arrogance. The legend persists that one of the Scoundrels' most notorious captains, Kai Zykken, once kidnapped the adult daughter of Denon corporate magnate Viril Shu--not for ransom, but to woo her so she'd marry him into Shu's fortune. Zykken was reportedly--and not at all surprisingly--unsuccessful in his plan.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​rishi.​corellian_run_scoundrels

Corellian Run Scoundrels

Eclipse Squad

[Excerpted from SpecForce psychological profiles.]

Working from a diverse range of personality types and competencies will help to further refine the grafting process. The following candidates have been put forth by Psych. Div.:

Sergeant Parisa, engineer
Demonstrates focus. Has a drive bordering on anger due to recent family trauma.

Lieutenant Mak'eef, heavy weapons
Anxious, self-assured. Signed up as an alternative to fretting over the war.

Sergeant Revai, sniper
Deliberate and distant. Highly intelligent. Tendency to fixate on dark thoughts.

Sergeant Noray, field medic
Good-humored. Capable under extreme pressure. Orphaned at birth.

Captain Udanara, linguistics
Charismatic. Morale builder. Extensive combat and leadership experience.

Major Corovani, strategic command
Responsible. Resolute. Pragmatic. Multiple-time SpecForce Honors recipient. Family man.

Candidate set: APPROVED

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​trooper.​eclipse_squad

Eclipse Squad

Nova Blades

Originally a loose conglomerate of independent pirate crews dedicated to resource sharing, the Nova Blades became a proper gang when the value of tactical collaboration started to outweigh the freedom of operational independence. Ever since, the galaxy's major hyperroutes have suffered from the Blades' legendary hijackings, raids and blockades. A line item known as "Blade Tax" is commonly used by corporate accountants as an expected cost of doing business.

The Nova Blades' fleets are nomadic, allowing them to take swift and nimble action virtually anywhere they choose, while also making them difficult to attack directly. More recently, some Nova Blades have established planetary bases of operations. Thus far, these permanent posts do not appear to have been targeted by corporations, governments or rival gangs.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​rishi.​nova_blades

Nova Blades


Carida Corsairs. Corellian Run Scoundrels. Nova Blades. Rishi certainly has its fill of interstellar gangs staking their claim on the tropical world. But none are as feared as the home-grown band of ruthless pirates known as the Ravagers.

The Ravagers began as a tight-knit group of intrepid youth who explored the planet's many untouched isles in search of adventure and long-lost treasures. When they found a rusty old hoverbarge tucked away inside a vast cove, they set their minds to restoring the ship to working order so they could take it out for joyrides. But by the time the barge was restored, the children were adults--adults who had placed every last credit into their dream. The dire need to recoup their investment led the group down a murky path that began with simple heists and eventually led to bloody sieges on transport freighters.

While these one-time innocents are now long dead, the dark legend they spawned lives on.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​operation.​rishi.​ravagers


The Slayers Three

Following a set of chronal intervals unrelated to any known calendar, Angol, Bez, and Derrus Martilla venture out from their home in the Spawn Nebula to revel in the spirit of the hunt. Calling themselves the "Slayers Three", these proud siblings make landfall on a world decreed by their shamans to track and kill that world's most formidable beasts in ceremonial fashion. The Slayers Three are said to be among the galaxy's most skilled big-game hunters, having yet to find a creature that could get the best of them.

Some have come to question the veracity of the Slayers' story, even calling the siblings delusional. Since no one can determine which world they're from--even with their peculiar accents--there is no sure way to verify who these "shamans" are or what specific purpose the Slayers' "ceremonial hunt" serves. But the reported growing cynicism of one of the siblings does lend some credence to their stories. Regardless of any debate about the truth, one fact endures: when the Slayers Three arrive to hunt, excitement is sure to follow.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​rishi.​the_slayers_three

The Slayers Three

Havoc Squad (Trooper)

The founding unit of the Republic Special Forces division, infantry squad 326--code-named "Havoc Squad"--is renowned as the army's most elite fighting team. Despite the total secrecy of Havoc's missions, the team has taken on an almost superhuman reputation on both sides of the war--unstoppable commandos who can strike anytime, anywhere, regardless of opposition.

Before Special Forces existed as a separate division of its own, Havoc Squad was attached to a standard infantry division throughout the Great War. It wasn't until the Battle of Alderaan that the squad rose to galactic fame, leading a small group of wounded and recovering men to victory against a massive Imperial invasion force.

The value of small elite units had been proven, and Havoc Squad was later chosen as the model for a full division of highly trained and agile infantry squads--the Republic Special Forces.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​trooper.​havok_squad

Havoc Squad (Trooper)
OrganizationsOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0

Republic Military Ranks

Like all military organizations, the Republic Army and Navy rely on ranking hierarchies to maintain a clear chain of command. These ranks are listed below, from highest responsibility to lowest. Unless otherwise noted, ranks are used across service branches.

Supreme Commander
General (Army), Admiral (Navy)
Colonel (Army), Commodore (Navy)
Major (Army), Group Captain (Navy)
Sergeant (Army), Petty Officer (Navy)

The term "commander" may be used to describe anyone in a position of command and is not reserved for a specific rank.

Due to the great diversity of service personnel present in the Republic military, regulations specify that the honorific "sir" should be used when addressing any personnel of higher rank than oneself, regardless of the species, gender or position of the addressee.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​ord_mantell.​republic_military_ranks

Republic Military Ranks
OrganizationsOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0

Republic Special Forces (Trooper)

A unique operational group within the Republic Army, the Special Forces division was devised by General Garza and officially founded in the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant. Unlike most army divisions, Special Forces is composed almost entirely of small squads of elite, highly trained soldiers specializing in irregular warfare.

Relying on high mobility, extensive training and the latest military technologies, SpecForce squads exploit weaknesses that larger forces can't, giving the Republic military greater flexibility in addressing enemy threats. Standard assignments include reconnaissance, sabotage, asset recovery (enemy or friendly, personnel or materiel), search and destroy operations, and training and support for allied personnel.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​trooper.​republic_special_forces

Republic Special Forces (Trooper)
OrganizationsOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0

Separatist Movement

Shortly after the end of the war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a series of scandals revealed corruption inside Ord Mantell's government. Both local journalists and an official Republic Senate investigation proved vital in removing the corrupt cabinet members, but at the same time, a small but vocal group of citizens decided they'd had enough.

The protesters declared that the Republic wasn't doing enough to stop Ord Mantell's criminal leaders from exploiting common citizens and that any official investigations were "half-measures." These separatists demanded the planet's independence. Unsurprisingly, neither the Republic nor Ord Mantell's leaders were prepared to answer the cries for secession.

No one realized how powerful and well-organized the separatists had become until a massive coordinated bombing attack destroyed every major spaceport across the planet. The destruction left the world in chaos, crippling its economy. As the government retaliated against the separatists, Ord Mantell descended into civil war.

The separatists' terms for peace are simple: resignation of Ord Mantell's entire government, trials and imprisonment of its criminal leaders and the immediate recognition by the Republic of the world's independence. With a seemingly inexhaustible supply of fresh recruits armed with military-grade weapons, the separatists show no signs of backing down from this fight.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​ord_mantell.​separatist_movement

Separatist Movement
OrganizationsOrd MantellRepublic11.0.0

Chiss Ascendancy

As the only true ally of the Sith Empire, the independent systems of the isolationist Chiss Ascendancy occupy a unique position within Imperial power structures. Mandalorians serve the Empire for wealth and conquered factions submit out of fear, but the Ascendancy aligned itself with the Empire for mutual benefit. The exact details of this agreement remain a mystery to all but the highest-level Imperials and Chiss, but it effectively renders the Ascendancy a vassal state--self-governed, but a source of resources and manpower for the Empire as a whole.

The Chiss Ascendancy's internal governance mystifies most Imperials. The web of hierarchies and political influence networks that links the Chiss Ruling Houses is complex at best and impenetrable at worst, with political, family and military ties all playing a part in determining a person's role in the Ascendancy. Internal power plays are common, but always occur within the accepted boundaries of Chiss society--even at their most vicious, the Chiss always maintain order.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​hoth.​chiss_acendancy

Chiss Ascendancy

Chiss Expansionary Defense Force (Agent)

The Chiss Expansionary Defense Force is the main military power within the Chiss Ascendancy, charged with protecting the Ascendancy's borders, exploring space outside the Ascendancy proper and assisting with Imperial military operations. The Defense Force maintains ground, air and space-based divisions, but is not intended to operate on Chiss soil--internal security and homeworld ground defense are assigned elsewhere.

The Chiss believe that Defense Force personnel are the best-trained and most disciplined soldiers in the galaxy, and this claim holds some merit--Defense Force officers are held to an incredibly high standard of physical fitness and mental acuity. Imperial analysts point out, however, that these standards can only exist so long as the Chiss avoid the attrition inherent to protracted, large-scale conflicts.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​agent.​chiss_expansionary_defense_force

Chiss Expansionary Defense Force (Agent)

Rift Alliance Coalition Forces (Consular)

When the pirates led by Captain Valon began raiding Rift Alliance-controlled shipping lanes, a request for help from the Republic military was answered with only a small number of soldiers due to the Republic's commitments elsewhere. Incensed, the Rift Alliance managed to call together supplementary forces from its own worlds to stop the pirates, claiming this as more proof that the Republic could no longer defend its own citizens.

While not as well-trained or equipped as standard Republic military troops, the coalition force has adapted surprisingly well to the harsh conditions on Hoth and quickly become a cohesive and flexible unit. Unfortunately, the pirates have the advantage of manpower and a detailed knowledge of the terrain. With their numbers dwindling, the coalition force has been gradually pushed back; to the beleaguered soldiers, victory has now become second to survival.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​consular.​rift_alliance_force_on_hoth

Rift Alliance Coalition Forces (Consular)

The Hailstorm Brotherhood

Republic forces first noted a radical subgroup of the White Maw pirates when scanners detected a massive ice spire rising above the Glacial Fissure sector. Scouts sent to investigate the sculpture reported encounters with half-naked warriors wearing wampa furs and screaming poetry as they charged into battle.

The Hailstorm Brotherhood represents an extreme version of "going native." Originally a murderous cult from a nameless ice planet, the brotherhood became a legend when its White Maw members relocated to Hoth, abandoning all pretenses of civilization and instead embracing the call of the wild. They are more than a tribe of survivalists, however. There is a strong spiritual aspect to the Hailstorm Brotherhood that makes them dangerously fanatical.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​hoth.​hailstorm_brotherhood

The Hailstorm Brotherhood

The White Maw Pirates

The army of thugs, mercenaries and murderers operating beneath the White Maw banner is actually composed of many smaller pirate crews, joining forces to pillage one of the greatest "buried treasures" in the galaxy: Hoth's starship graveyard. As often happens in criminal confederacies built on greed and violence, members of the White Maw vie for power and settle old scores even as they battle Republic and Imperial forces.

The White Maw might have collapsed into anarchy years ago if not for its powerful leadership, a legendary group of cutthroats who rule their subordinates with a zero tolerance policy. While mutinies still occur, the risks often outweigh the rewards.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​hoth.​white_maw_pirates

The White Maw Pirates

Heralds of Zildrog

Stories of the dragon Zildrog predate Izax's pantheon. In the earliest legends, Zildrog was a guiding mentor who tested the strength of a warrior's spirit. A fallen warrior would be consumed by the dragon, feeding its everlasting power. However, a victorious warrior was rewarded with the Breath of the Dragon. This boon imbued a soul with burning fire, lighting the way to a fortuitous future. During the height of the Old Ways, Zildrog was one of Izax's many forms--a terrible beast that brought only death. To most modern Zakuulans, the dragon is little more than a bedtime story about a mysterious creature in the swamps around the Spire. But a powerful syndicate of zealots in Breaktown who call themselves the Heralds of Zildrog wait for the creature's second coming. Led by the Exalted, the Heralds worship Zildrog as a god and maintain a shaky truce with Emperor Arcann. As long as the Heralds limit their criminal activities to the Old World, the Knights of Zakuul won't meddle in their affairs. However, both parties know this accord is temporary at best. Arcann isn't one to allow dissidence, and the Heralds believe Zildrog's rebirth to be imminent.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotfe.​heralds_of_zildrog

Heralds of Zildrog

Knights of Zakuul

Before Zakuulans served the Immortal Emperor, they lived in nomadic tribes, each led by three Force sensitives: Matriarch, Champion and High Shaman. After Valkorion had united the tribes, he repurposed these roles to form the Knights of Zakuul. Officially considered protectors of the people, Knights hunt down corruption in the Eternal Empire. In actuality, they are enforcers of the Emperor's will and fanatical in their adoration for Valkorion and his family. Zakuul Knights don't limit themselves to studying one side of the Force, instead teaching balance and exploration. Knights have their own relationships with the Force, but are encouraged to share their findings with the rest of the order. No area is deemed "weak" or "a dangerous path"--they are all parts of a larger, limitless power. Ultimately, every action a Knight takes is to honor the Immortal Emperor. Sacrifices, whether material or a life, are essential to show one's commitment to the Emperor.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotfe.​knights_of_zakuul

Knights of Zakuul

Scions of Zakuul

Scions are a subgroup of Zakuul Knights who can glimpse the future through the Force. Before Arcann's coronation, they were often paired with other Knights to form a team with both mental and physical prowess. Scions are infatuated with the idea of fate and consider their visions foolproof. Valkorion was content to use this obsession to his advantage, but Arcann detested the Scions, believing them narrow-minded fools. One of his first acts as Emperor was the mass slaughter of Scions, creating a schism in the Zakuul Knights. Some abandoned the order completely, and anyone who spoke out against the new Emperor was cut down by High Justice Vaylin. The surviving Scions, led by Heskal, fled to Asylum, where they waited for the Outlander prophesized to defeat Emperor Arcann.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotfe.​scions

Scions of Zakuul

The Eternal Empire

The Eternal Empire of Zakuul is a totalitarian dictatorship under the Immortal Emperor. Citizens don't merely obey the Emperor--they view him as their timeless guide and protector. By trusting him with all political and military power, they can focus on higher learning and the finer aspects of civilized society. All citizens receive a monthly stipend of credits and resources such as food and fuel. Compared to the rest of the galaxy, the average Zakuulan would be a member of the upper class and want for nothing. They are an idealistic people--scientists, artists and philosophers--who look down on the Sith Empire and Republic, disgusted by their warmongering ways. Instilled with Valkorion's arrogance, they believe it is their burden to bring enlightenment to the rest of the galaxy.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotfe.​eternal_empire

The Eternal Empire

Zakuulan Rebels

The reign of the Immortal Emperor Valkorion was Zakuul's golden age, unmarred by terrorism and rebellion. However, after Valkorion's heirs took the throne, cracks formed in the foundation of the Eternal Empire. Arcann's cull of the Scions created a rift among the previously loyal Knights of Zakuul, and a resistance group formed when Zakuulans began to doubt their new emperor. Now Vaylin's harsh regime has further divided her subjects. The rebels that rose under her brother's rule have grown in both numbers and resolve, threatening to tear down the Eternal Empire.

The rebels ultimately tried to assassinate Vaylin on the eve of her coronation as Empress of Zakuul. Hundreds of resistance cells carried out a careful plan over a number of years. But unknown to the rebels, Vaylin had monitored them since her days as High Justice. While she celebrated her ascension to the throne, her deadly Horizon Guards ambushed the traitors and thwarted their assassination plan. Many rebels died, but more were captured. They were interrogated and left to rot in servitude--until Vaylin found the perfect stage for their public execution.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​zakuulan_rebels

Zakuulan Rebels

The InterStellar Regulators

Ex-soldiers, police and spies from across the galaxy, the InterStellar Regulators are second only to certain Mandalorian clans as one of the most successful and best-equipped mercenary groups in business today. The Regulators, as they are more commonly known, have conducted successful military operations on dozens of neutral worlds. They accepted an exclusive contract ten years ago to provide planet-wide security services for Makeb.

The Hutt Cartel's leaders bribed several high-ranking Regulators to betray Makeb's rightful government and help the Hutts stage a coup. Many rank-and-file Regulators refused to accept the buyout offer, but were either shot by their corrupt comrades or forced to flee the planet. Once respected and trusted by Makeb's people, the Regulators are now regarded as thugs for hire.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​organizations.​interstellar_regulators

The InterStellar Regulators

Gormak Shamans

All Gormak possess a natural affinity for technology, but those who are particularly adept often assume the role of shaman--a position of great respect and responsibility within each tribe. Like their kin, the shamans are fierce warriors driven by the desire to purge their homeworld of both the Voss and outsiders, and much of their knowledge and expertise is focused on devising better ways to kill the enemies of the tribe.

Other Gormak also look to these techno-priests for leadership and guidance--not just in matters of technology, but in their daily lives. In return, a shaman works tirelessly to maximize the value of any and all equipment collected by the tribe, transforming broken junk into tools and machinery to improve the quality of life for the entire group.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​voss.​gormak_shamans

Gormak Shamans


No Voss are more revered than the Force-sensitive Mystics. Individuals with extraordinary gifts of healing and prophecy, Mystics most often live in seclusion, using their talents to guide their people.

Mystic visionaries experience prophetic visions, which are carefully studied by interpreters at the Tower of Prophecy before being passed on to the ruling Three; it is said that no Mystic's vision has failed to come true, giving immense weight to any statement by a Mystic visionary. At the Shrine of Healing, Mystic healers use intense meditation and rituals to cure their patients, often of ailments that resist any other treatment.

Becoming a Mystic is a difficult path. After years of training, the most promising potential Mystics go on a pilgrimage across Voss, visiting holy sites in the dangerous Gormak lands and learning from their elders. Even then, not all potentials succeed. The very few who come into their full power as Mystics return triumphantly to Voss-Ka to be recognized by the Three.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​voss.​mystics


Voss Commandos

There is no real distinction between the Voss people and their armed forces. As the Voss are a small, isolated population surrounded by millions of belligerent Gormak, a term of military service as a Voss commando is mandatory for all adults. The commandos defend Voss-Ka and its people against the endless Gormak hordes and act as the city's arbiters for minor disputes. Some Voss commandos choose to continue their service once their terms are over, ascending to the rank of officer.

The simple fact of the Voss's survival in the face of overwhelming Gormak numbers and hostility speaks to the skill of the Voss commandos. They are expert hand-to-hand combatants and peerless scouts, and because every Voss serves, every Voss adult is trained in self-defense. Having seen the Gormak menace firsthand, all adult Voss also understand and accept the sacrifices necessary for their society to survive.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​voss.​voss_commandos

Voss Commandos

Belsavis Prisoners

Prisoners are sentenced to Belsavis for two reasons: they are too dangerous or too difficult to imprison anywhere else. In the former category are some of the most treacherous beings in the galaxy--master assassins, hardened pirates, war criminals, slavers, Sith Lords and others.

The second category is broader--Belsavis contains escape artists, slicers and shapechangers whose crimes are relatively minor compared to the destructive madmen who dwell alongside them. Gang leaders and syndicate leaders can fall into this category as well, placed in Belsavis to isolate them from their web of criminal contacts.

The prison administration attempts to separate prisoners of like affiliation--members of a single gang, for example, are often divided among multiple cell blocks--but prisoners not in isolation quickly form their own alliances inside Belsavis. Murder and assault are common inside the prison, and for many, protection comes in numbers.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​belsavis.​belsavis_prisoners

Belsavis Prisoners

Dagger Wing (Trooper)

Dagger Wing was one of the most famous and celebrated Republic starfighter units of the Great War. Records of its missions were the stuff of legend, and all of its pilots were regarded as heroes. When High Command announced that Dagger Wing was missing in action, it was a harsh blow to morale.

Despite the hundreds of fellow soldiers who volunteered to brave enemy fire in search of the lost pilots, the Republic quietly closed the book on Dagger Wing. The truth was far more damaging than the lie that the heroes had been lost; Dagger Wing's war crime--the unauthorized bombing of thousands of Imperial civilians on Fest--would have destroyed Republic credibility and created a diplomatic crisis. Better to bury the truth, mourn and move on.

Dagger Wing would be imprisoned on Belsavis, and the subject would not be raised again.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​trooper.​dagger_wing

Dagger Wing (Trooper)

New Men

The New Men began as a cyberneticist cult on the planet Metellos, where its founder, Teha Zero, advocated the merger of man and machine. The cult foresaw an era where scarcity and physical limitations ceased to exist, and all people lived in peace.

Teha's apprentice Bezar One, who assumed leadership after Teha's death, took the cult in a new direction. The New Men began a series of violent raids to procure equipment, murdering anyone who interfered, and began plans for a city-wide "electric ascension" that would have empowered the cyborgs and cost of millions of lives.

The plot was thwarted, and Bezar One and his lieutenants were imprisoned on Belsavis. Since then, the New Men have recruited new members, improvising cybernetic implants by stealing droid parts and performing surgery in secret. Amazingly, relatively few of the New Men's recruits die during their initiation--for all their madness, the cultists know what they're doing.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​belsavis.​new_men

New Men

The Circle (Inquisitor)

Cast into the Republic's secret prison on Belsavis for slicing into the Strategic Information Service's classified records, the slicer gang known as the Circle is a tight-knit clan of tech-obsessed Nikto, led by the manic and hyper-intelligent Bolan.

Whereas other Nikto see raw might as the key to dominance, the Circle sees technology as the only power in the galaxy to rival the Force, possessing the ability to transform lives, societies and cultures, and to determine the outcome of wars. Since the Belsavis prison break, the Circle members have applied their tireless ingenuity attempting to seize control of Belsavis's security systems and the strange technologies hidden in the deeper parts of the prison.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​inquisitor.​the_circle

The Circle (Inquisitor)

The Condemned

Righteous and ideological, the Condemned is a gang of prison inmates united by a common past--unlike their fellow inmates, none of the Condemned have ever been convicted of a crime. Instead, the Condemned are all descended from criminals and dissidents imprisoned on Belsavis. The Republic, fearing exposure, refused to grant amnesty to any prison-born offspring, effectively passing the parents' life sentences on to their children.

These "cell inheritors" were divided and directionless until a young and charismatic Kaleesh named Nyranos united them. Nyranos, whose father was convicted of destroying a Republic embassy on Kashyyyk, grew disillusioned with his imposed imprisonment and petitioned Warden Playt for parole. When his petition was denied, Nyranos rallied his fellow Condemned as they swore to take their freedom by force.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​belsavis.​the_condemned

The Condemned

The Dread Masters

The Dread Masters are powerful Sith Lords who have served the Sith Emperor for centuries as prophets, generals and advisors. Their name was earned when they studied the power of the Phobis devices, artifacts that have driven even the most depraved Sith mad with terror. This power allowed the Dread Masters to destroy entire Republic fleets during the Great War, until they were captured and imprisoned on Belsavis.

The Dread Masters were known to spend years in secluded meditation on Dromund Kaas, emerging only to bring their wisdom to the Emperor or accept gifts from supplicants. Over the decades, they have become inseparable, their immense strength in the Force coming only from all six masters working in unison. Should the Empire ever succeed in freeing them from Belsavis, the galaxy will tremble before them again.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​belsavis.​the_dread_masters

The Dread Masters

The Followers of the Hallow Voice (Consular)

In the years before their imprisonment by the Infinite Empire, the Esh-kha had wiped out countless species and expanded onto their conquered worlds. With so much living space, the Esh-kha population exploded. Eventually, a new patriarch was born while the old one was still healthy, something never seen before. This new patriarch, Hallow Voice, also had peculiar new ideas of how the Esh-kha should cooperate with other species.

The Esh-kha realized their group had grown too large and needed to split. Hallow Voice's birth and his unfamiliar ideas were clearly intended to divide their society and keep it from collapsing. As Esh-kha warriors were born who declared themselves for Hallow Voice, the young patriarch agreed to take his followers away from the main group. They settled on a distant world and began reaching out to nearby cultures.

However, the Esh-kha had become known for violence and mass destruction. Only a few tentative alliances were achieved before the Infinite Empire imprisoned the Esh-kha on Belsavis. Still, Jedi historians now wonder if a particular legend of grey-skinned warriors told in the Outer Rim--once thought to concern the Taung--might be a faint memory of Hallow Voice's followers.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​consular.​the_followers_of_the_hallow_voice

The Followers of the Hallow Voice (Consular)

The Imperial Guard

The ultimate non-Force sensitive fighters in the Empire serve the Emperor and the Emperor alone. Although most citizens know them as protectors of the Sith Academy on Korriban and the sanctum of the Citadel on Dromund Kaas, the guardsmen's mandate takes them wherever the Emperor requires. Even the Dark Council has neither control nor oversight of the guard's activities.

Clad in blood-red robes and armor, Imperial Guardsmen serve for life. Chosen for duty and initiated through deadly tests and traditions, those too old for active duty become instructors for the next generation until their skills deteriorate to the point where they are inevitably slain by a new recruit during training.

Fanatic in loyalty and unmatched in martial skill, even a lone Imperial Guard is a formidable opponent capable of standing toe-to-toe with a Jedi... or a Sith, should the occasion arise.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​belsavis.​the_imperial_guard

The Imperial Guard

The Scourge (Smuggler)

The Scourge is the largest, best organized and most violent prison gang on Belsavis. Its members are suspected not only of the deaths of multiple prisoners, but also of several Republic guards. It is rumored the Scourge gang controls all illicit trade within the prison. Anyone who wishes to survive on Belsavis must submit to the Scourge's authority.

The gang's vicious leader is Jaardu Raax, a Rodian crime lord and mass murderer. Jaardu killed over three hundred innocent citizens when he set off thermal detonators on a busy Coruscant market street while trying to escape Republic law enforcement. He was given a life sentence on Belsavis, but that has not stopped his violent ways.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​smuggler.​the_scourge

The Scourge (Smuggler)


Deep-miner technology has been in development for over a decade. These exceptionally powerful drilling devices were originally conceived by the Imperial machinist Jelven Donn, who was investigating ways to keep mining worlds profitable. Able to drill down to previously unreachable depths, deep-miners would be able to reach resources long thought depleted--in theory. However, Jelven Donn was never able to solve the problem of the deep-miners' power consumption, and lost half a dozen units to overloaded batteries.

With the discovery of Ilum and its unique crystal deposits, Jelven Donn realized that the amplifying capabilities of Adegan crystals could make deep-miner power supplies a viable prospect at last. Deep-miners have since become a staple of Imperial mining efforts on Ilum. However, their deployment close to Ilum's core has concerned some Imperial scientists, who have picked up recent fluctuations in seismic activity.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​illum.​deep_miners


Kaleesh Mercenaries

The Kaleesh as a species are known for their strong warrior culture, grounded in a religious belief that great deeds in battle place one on the path to godhood after death. It is not typical, therefore, for Kaleesh to sell themselves as mercenaries, as doing so is often viewed as dishonorable.

With the outbreak of the latest war between the Republic and Empire, however, mercenary work has become too plentiful for the Kaleesh to ignore. Many clans of Kaleesh have formed armies-for-hire, throwing their lot in with the alien-friendly Republic--and charging a high price. Still, the Republic's way of waging war leaves little room for the valiant acts of heroism that form the backbone of Kaleesh religion, and it seems likely that should the Empire move beyond its alien prejudices, the Kaleesh might be persuaded to switch sides.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​illum.​kaleesh_mercenaries

Kaleesh Mercenaries

Manaan Special Warfare Group (MSWG)

Founded by Colonel Wen Gallo, General Lak Talsa, and Representative Ji Shuul as a preparatory response to increased galactic tension, the MSWG is a specially trained military force that counters hostile incursions into Manaan territory. Using unconventional tactics, specialized equipment to enhance their natural abilities, and innovation in weapon technology, these commandos have proven themselves invaluable to the safeguarding of Manaan citizens and its valued resources. Their motto translates into Basic as, "For sea and spirit."

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​04.​manaan_warfare_group

Manaan Special Warfare Group (MSWG)

Black Sun

Black Sun is a powerful crime syndicate that rose to prominence on Coruscant in the latter days of the war. Taking advantage of the chaos and rioting in the city after the planet's sacking, several gangsters joined forces and began seizing control of lower-city neighborhoods. The origin of the syndicate's name is unclear, but a common phrase among despairing Coruscant citizens was "better a black sun than none." Alas, hopes that Black Sun would bring order instead of anarchy died quickly.

For Black Sun, the rioting and looting never really stopped. Although the gangsters have profitable spice- and weapons-trafficking operations, their members, almost to a man, have an extraordinary taste for violence. Civilians are extorted until they have nothing left to extort; afterwards, they're used for target practice. City blocks are incinerated for the pleasure of demolitionists.

Despite the efforts of the Justicars' Brigade, Black Sun has become a force to be reckoned with. The Republic Senate has begun to realize the threat Black Sun represents, but with the syndicate's influence already beginning to stretch beyond Coruscant, stopping it may be impossible.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​coruscant.​black_sun

Black Sun

Coruscant Security

Republic member worlds are required to maintain civilian law enforcement organizations, overseen by their planetary governments instead of the Galactic Senate. Coruscant Security is one of the oldest planetary police forces in the Republic and has a reputation for effectiveness, diversity and (on the whole) positive relations with Coruscant's population.

The Sacking of Coruscant took a toll on Coruscant Security--both in lives lost and burnout as years of rebuilding, riot control and military intervention followed. The rise of major criminal syndicates on Coruscant has embittered many young recruits, and frustrated veterans who were trained to track and arrest individuals, not fight block by block to reclaim territory from gangs.

Some say that unless Coruscant Security is given quasi-military training and heavy equipment, it will eventually be overwhelmed by the planet's problems. Few security officers favor such extreme measures, however--they joined the force to keep the peace, not to fight a war in the streets of the planet they love.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​coruscant.​coruscant_security

Coruscant Security

Migrant Merchants' Guild

On paper, the Migrant Merchants' Guild is a legitimate trade consortium that advocates for refugee rights and supports the Coruscant reconstruction effort. In reality, the Migrant Merchants' Guild is a highly organized crime syndicate that seized power during the riots at the old Galactic Market after the war.

Even before the war's end, the guild served as a front for money laundering and goods smuggling, but kept mostly to nonviolent crime. Its membership was primarily nonhuman, and represented a powerful economic force inside Coruscant's nonhuman immigrant population. When riots broke out, the guild saw an opportunity to claim real power; after security forces withdrew, it was the guild that re-established "order" with its armed goons and provided food and supplies... at a price.

Since then, the Migrant Merchants' Guild has expanded into bribery and extortion, with the old Galactic Market at the heart of its territory, all the while keeping a thin veneer of respectability. Republic security patrols often clash with members of the Migrant Merchants' Guild in an attempt to keep the peace, but recently the guild has been moving its influence from shaking down local businesses to Coruscant politics.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​coruscant.​migrant_merchants_guild

Migrant Merchants' Guild

Strategic Information Service

The Strategic Information Service (SIS) is the Republic's premiere intelligence and espionage agency. Chartered and overseen by the Galactic Senate, the SIS is responsible for information gathering and covert operations both inside and out of Republic space, as well as for assisting the military, local law enforcement and the Jedi Order.

The SIS is the latest in a long line of Republic espionage agencies founded and disbanded over the centuries. Originally a monitoring and decryption arm of the Senate library, the SIS rapidly expanded during the war against the Empire. It remains smaller, more focused and comparatively underfunded in comparison to Imperial Intelligence, but has proven its effectiveness many times over.

Although by no means a secret organization, the SIS keeps a relatively low profile. SIS operations are rarely revealed, and its administrators almost never appear alongside Senators or other officials. This is a public relations gambit--the SIS believes that the Republic citizenry would be uncomfortable with the nature of its work, and so avoids attracting attention and unwanted questions.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 12

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​coruscant.​strategic_information_service

Strategic Information Service

The Justicars

Formally known as the Justicars' Brigade, this militia was formed in the years after the Sacking of Coruscant, when a crime syndicate began seizing control of Coruscant's lower regions. The Republic Senate lacked the resources to challenge the syndicate--later called Black Sun--and withdrew its security forces.

Outraged at Black Sun's treatment of the local citizens, a group of ex-military individuals formed the Justicars, intending to retake their neighborhoods. However, eliminating Black Sun and regaining control proved more difficult than the Justicars had expected. They took extreme measures to restore order, beginning with a simple curfew and culminating in the imposition of martial law.

The Justicars have now instituted checkpoints and armed guards throughout their territory, acting with lethal force against anyone lacking "proper clearance." Their unshakeable belief that this is necessary to keep people safe only makes the Justicars more dangerous. Coruscant's government has declared the Justicars a threat to be dismantled, and the Justicars have cut off all communication with outsiders.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 13

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​coruscant.​the_justicar

The Justicars

Bog People

Even on Hutta, even in communities built around theft and violence, there are outcasts. People who cross a line, committing acts so vile that their fellow criminals don't dare retain them; people who lose everything, and have nowhere to turn; people who outrage their Hutt overlords. These people are exiled to the swamps, and most die quickly... but not all.

Survivors learn what it takes to endure in the swamps--respirators to cut down on toxic gas inhalation, medicinal compounds to counteract absorbed chemicals, specially treated clothes to alter one's scent, and blasters, of course, for self-defense. But no one can escape the changes wrought by living submerged in poison, and survivors suffer from paranoia, delusions and hallucinations. They become, as locals say, "bog people."

For the most part, bog people aren't organized--but they form packs and adopt new exiles to teach them the ways of the world. They are invariably violent (and most always were, even before becoming pariahs), and target anyone of any species in hopes of obtaining supplies.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​hutta.​bog_people

Bog People

Czerka Corporation

Originally founded as "Czerka Mining and Industrial," this centuries-old, galaxy-spanning corporation has diversified into businesses ranging from consumer food products to military weapons. It is one of the wealthiest and most successful economic enterprises in operation, conducting commerce on virtually every civilized planet and--as owner of multiple star systems and employer of several billion individuals--has representation in the Republic Senate.

Czerka is unique in being able to negotiate trade agreements with the Hutt Cartel and other independent worlds, crossing political borders with impunity to generate staggering profits. Despite the company's perceived lack of loyalty, no one can afford to stop doing business with Czerka. "Anytime, anywhere... we're there" is the corporation's slogan--a motto that unscrupulous opportunists eagerly endorse.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​czerka_corp

Czerka Corporation

Hutt Cartel

Officially, the Hutt Cartel is a business alliance between several different Hutt clans, working together towards the common goals of wealth and prosperity. Between its members, the Hutt Cartel controls vast resources, countless credits and many independent worlds--not least among them Hutta, their adopted homeworld, and Nar Shaddaa, the crown jewel of the underworld. Although the Hutts have no formal government, the Hutt Cartel acts as a loose governing body on these worlds and others.

Unofficially, the Hutt Cartel is a ruthless crime syndicate whose goals are not always so united. Turf wars and clan infighting have often left the Cartel in splintered uproar. Personal grudges and cutthroat competition can result in two rival clans warring in the streets one day and feasting together the next.

While historically the Hutt Cartel has remained neutral in galactic affairs, both the Republic and the Empire have made recent attempts to secure the Hutts' loyalty. It remains to be seen what the outcome of these attempts will be--and what effect the Hutt Cartel will have on the galaxy at large.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​global.​hutt_cartel

Hutt Cartel

Renegade Evocii

Not all Evocii have accepted the Hutts' tyranny; many Evocii prefer to fight, rather than kneel, when they first taste the foreman's lash. These radicals are typically shunned by their tribesmen, who fear that associating with rebels will incur the Hutts' wrath.

Such outcasts often band together to form small, informal tribes that work together to overthrow the Hutts. While these renegade Evocii are rarely able to confront the Hutts directly, Cartel enforcers and foremen alike have learned to fear these bloodthirsty outlaws.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​hutta.​renegade_evocii

Renegade Evocii


The Morgukai are a secretive cult of Nikto warriors united by their ritual combat techniques and strong suspicion of Force-users. Renowned as Jedi-killers, the Morgukai are often courted by the Empire--frequently unsuccessfully, as the cult has a strong sense of honor and is keenly aware that the Empire views Nikto as a lesser species. In truth, many Morgukai view Sith as unfavorably as they view Jedi.

Fighting with cortosis weapons built to survive the blow of any lightsaber, Morgukai rely on a master-student relationship to train new initiates. Beyond their incredible abilities in combat, however, the philosophical teachings of the Morgukai cult are a mystery--they do not speak of their beliefs to outsiders, even under threat of death.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​taris_imp.​morgukai

OrganizationsTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Pirates and Scavengers

The former wealth of Taris is well known throughout the Outer Rim, and the planet has no shortage of eager treasure hunters looking to stake a claim. While there are those content to scavenge the ruins and sell their findings offworld, others find it easier to simply take the valuable salvage at blaster-point.

Although once at odds with the pirate and scavenger gangs, the Republic recently brought a group of these dangerous thugs into line, dragging their operations into the realm of legality and enlisting them in the reconstruction effort. With the Empire's invasion, the gangs have had little choice but to flee the planet or become a brutal mercenary force--protecting their investment by slaughtering any Imperial troops they can trap, ambush or murder.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​taris_imp.​pirates_and_scavengers

Pirates and Scavengers
OrganizationsTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Tarisian Settlers

As the Republic began its reconstruction of Taris, the planet's hostile jungles and ruins became habitable for the first time. Offworld refugees from across the galaxy petitioned for the chance to be among Taris's first settlers. Republic politicians eagerly publicized the humanitarian resettlement and showered the lucky colonists with gifts of aid. Although there were severe difficulties early on, the refugees eventually took root and thrived.

But the flourishing recolonization was not to last. The shadows of an Imperial fleet soon blotted out the sky, and as the sunlight faded so too did any hope for the Tarisian settlers. Thousands fled into the Republic military's protective arms, while more pessimistic settlers abandoned Taris entirely. The Cathar and Nikto colonists, however, refused to move. Taris was their new home, and they are prepared to die defending it.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​taris_imp.​tarisian_settlers

Tarisian Settlers
OrganizationsTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

The 75th Legion

As the personal legion of Lord Vago, the Seventy-Fifth carries out its master's will with unflinching devotion. Each soldier serves his or her lord with a cult-like fervor, proudly marching into the deadliest of conflicts in Vago's name. Their dedication is not undeserved; Vago has brilliantly led them into victory after victory, and treats his legionnaires as he would his own children.

Those who fail in their duty to the Seventy-Fifth and survive are removed from service. However, although many are adamant that these failures are only transferred into lesser companies, rarely are they actually seen again. Whatever punishment Vago delivers, he makes sure to keep it private and mysterious.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​taris_imp.​the_75th_legion

The 75th Legion
OrganizationsTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Imperial Reclamation Services

The greatest strength of the Empire comes not in the form of weapons or armies, but in the awesome power of the dark side. Understanding this, the Dark Council created the Imperial Reclamation Service to scour the galaxy in search of legendary Sith artifacts. Since its early days, the service has expanded its mission to include any ancient object, technological or religious, from any culture--so long as it empowers the Empire.

Technically a division of the military, the Reclamation Service is comprised of a mix of scholars and archaeologists working alongside experienced officers given a crash course in history. Although sometimes regarded with suspicion or derision by the rank-and-file soldiers, the Sith Lords and senior officials understand the Reclamation Service has the potential to single-handedly change the galactic struggle.

On Imperial-controlled worlds, the service has the resources and authority to oversee massive excavations if evidence suggests valuable artifacts may be unearthed. On neutral and Republic-aligned worlds, however, they must rely on covert methods to claim lost treasures before they fall into the hands of the enemy.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​tatooine.​imperial_reclamation_services

Imperial Reclamation Services

The Ghost Cell (Agent)

The ghost cell is an urban legend in the intelligence community--an explanation or an excuse for disasters otherwise inexplicable. Rumors describe an organization on a remote planet somewhere in the galaxy devoted to the training and education of master killers--an organization that seeks out radicals and terrorists in order to further develop their abilities, to help assassins and saboteurs turn their talents into art. Once trained, ghost cell operatives are returned to the galaxy to wreak havoc, disguised as the men and women they kill and capable of bringing down planetary governments.

Neither Imperial Intelligence nor the Strategic Information Service has ever found proof of the ghost cell's existence. The only reason the legend has any credibility is its recurrence--different informants spread across known space have spoken of its existence. None of these informants survived long enough to be debriefed.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​agent.​the_ghost_cell

The Ghost Cell (Agent)

Twin Suns

A loose affiliation of pirates, smugglers and thugs, the Twin Suns are found almost exclusively on the desert world of Tatooine. Those who join the Twin Suns typically fall into two categories: independents and exiles.

Independents are individuals or small gangs seeking protection from more established criminal organizations like the Exchange or the Hutt Cartel. Exiles are former members of these established syndicates that have been forced out for reasons ranging from suspected betrayal to mental instability to simply choosing the wrong side in a power struggle.

The Twin Suns rely on brinksmanship to offset their small numbers. Reacting to even the smallest perceived threat to their people or territory with a completely inappropriate level of violent response has convinced larger criminal organizations to mostly avoid them. Should the Twin Suns try to expand beyond Tatooine, however, they would quickly be crushed by their much stronger rivals.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 26

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​tatooine.​twin_suns

Twin Suns

Advanced Deployment Harpoon (ADH)

A hybrid of a ship-to-ship weapon and hostile docking system, the ADH or "Harpoon" is a shielded tether fired into the hull of the targeted ship to prevent maneuvering and escape. Once anchored, the tether acts as an extended docking tube for rapid deployment of troops, hull breach equipment, and heavy ordnance.

A prototype of this technology was used in a number of successful search and rescue operations to extract personnel from compromised vessels. Encouraged by these early results, a number of private military organizations took an interest in exploring the wider combat applications of the ADH system.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​harpoon

Advanced Deployment Harpoon (ADH)

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Cause for Concern

Subject: A Theory on the Recent Galactic Uprisings
Status: Unsubstantiated

As a rising power in the galaxy, it is inevitable that the Alliance will encounter opposition from various factions. However, analysis of several recent incidents has brought to light a number of striking similarities. In many cases, a small group of criminals or political defectors under the control of an unlikely leader has quickly risen to prominence without warning.

These unexpected outbursts of dissension could be simple coincidence. They may also be mere symptoms of some flaw in Alliance political policy that is inciting these hostilities. However, we must also consider the more sinister possibility that these uprisings are all somehow connected.

The emerging pattern of these seemingly random events make more sense if considered as part of a greater, concealed whole. It may be the enemies we have faced were merely pawns, set against us by a more cunning and formidable foe to test our responses while chipping away at our strength. However, until Alliance Intelligence can find concrete evidence, this theory remains pure speculation.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​conclusion

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Cause for Concern

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Common Thread

Alliance Intelligence has confirmed that a single person or group was behind the recent spate of uprisings. These findings are based on months of comprehensive research--as well as numerous common threads that link the events, including but not limited to:

- Anti-Alliance hatred fueled by manufactured propaganda.
- Funding by several front companies originating in the Outer Rim.
- Connections to various deceased persons of note.
- Transmissions via a unique encrypted algorithm.
- Presence and usage of rare cybernetic implants at each uprising site.

This evidence directly connects the uprisings to a single conspirator. Their motives remain unknown, but they likely acted to destabilize galactic peace and weaken the Eternal Alliance. The scope and breadth of such a conspiracy speaks to an individual or group with substantial funding and expertise in the art of subterfuge and manipulation.

Alliance agents are currently investigating all possible perpetrators, including Sith Intelligence, the Republic SIS, and the Star Cabal.

This conspirator cannot hide forever.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release02.​conclusion

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Common Thread

Alliance Intelligence Report: RS-33 Adrenal

Subject: RS-33 Adrenal
Status: Contained

The RS-33 adrenal and its progenitor, the RAK-5 serum, have been contained and the research destroyed. Doctor Semhess's dangerous project is no longer a threat. Investigations into the project's origins and principal contributors are now underway.

One notable early discovery relates to Doctor Rahser Poth, the expert who supposedly developed the RAK-5 serum. We've learned that his research was aided by an anonymous scientist. Their communications were encrypted, but we're piecing together what we've been able to recover--and it appears that this unknown scientist fed Doctor Poth the majority of the information that led to the RAK-5 breakthrough. Efforts to ID this scientist have turned up no results so far.

Also of note is funding for the project, which was falsely obtained through a Republic endowment for disease research and treatment development. A staggering amount of data was altered to facilitate this, requiring slicing skills that no one among Semhess's staff seem to have possessed. Agents will continue analyzing the falsified data to find clues as to its origin and thus identify the additional conspirator(s).

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release02.​rs_33_adrenal

Alliance Intelligence Report: RS-33 Adrenal

Appearance Designer

The top of the line in personal appearance alterations, AestheTech's newly-unveiled "Appearance Designer" kiosks have skyrocketed to the top of the beauty and grooming industries. From simple haircuts and makeup applications to full-body modifications, AestheTech Incorporated promises that their proprietary technologies can achieve any customer's ideal self-image quickly and painlessly.

Although the exact technical specifications of the kiosks are kept strictly confidential, the body alteration processes involved have been approved by all major galactic medical and safety organizations. The kiosks' flawless results have made them particularly popular in the galaxy's wealthiest circles, leading to a trend among these upper-class clients to sport entirely unique and exotic appearances at every social function they attend.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​other.​cosmetic_kiosk

Appearance Designer

Artificial Intelligence

The development of true machine-based intelligence predates the founding of the Galactic Republic. The identity of the first artificially sentient automaton is not known, but such constructs are now commonplace--droids, starship control systems and even portable holocommunication devices all rely on advanced "learning computer" technology to serve their masters.

The level of artificial intelligence programmed into a droid is represented by its degree classification, which is rated on a scale ranging from "5" for menial labor units to "1" for the most advanced medical droids. Although most artificial intelligences are programmed to preserve biological life and obey their masters' orders, certain mechanical beings like the HK-series assassin droids are deliberately programmed for destruction.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​directive_7.​artificial_intelligence

Artificial Intelligence


Gateway world to the Gree Enclave, Asation was the main point of contact between the Gree species and the rest of the galaxy for millennia. The planet closed its borders several centuries ago when the Enclave entered a period of cultural retreat the natives refer to as the "Orange Conic Era." Originally xenoformed by the Gree thousands of years ago, Asation was populated with primitive creatures developed from various genetic experiments to help sustain the artificial ecosystem.

Asation has three noteworthy landmarks. The first is the ancient trading outpost of Satikan, which is currently closed to visitors. The second notable feature is an eons-old ruined city known only as the "Green Ellipse," which is forbidden even to the Gree. Lastly, Asation is home to a grand hypergate. This mysterious portal once connected Asation to the rest of the galaxy, but has not seen use since the Orange Conic Era began.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x4.​lore.​asation



For most galactic travelers, the planet Athiss barely warrants a second glance on the scanner. It appears to be nothing more than a small world off the Descri Wris hyperlane, with little of interest besides a scattering of unexplored ruins.

But the Jedi Archives tell a grim story. The Jedi Master Chamma visited Athiss early in his career and clashed with a dark side entity there. The duel, and the oppressive feeling of evil on Athiss's surface, drove Chamma close to the dark side of the Force. Shaken by the experience, he went into a self-imposed exile; it was almost a century before he came to terms with what he had seen and felt on Athiss, and was able to return to the order.

The many ruins on Athiss have never been properly studied. They resemble the architecture of the ancient Sith Empire, but their purpose is mysterious. A few records of Athiss survive in the libraries of the Citadel, but contemporary Sith scholars are forbidden from studying them, on the personal order of the Emperor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​athiss.​area_codex


Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

"I'm increasingly concerned over Heta's fascination with the Neo-Crusader Mandalorians, particularly their rise under the guidance of Cassus Fett's beskar grip. I've tried many times, without success, to remind her that just as uniform armor did not save the Neo-Crusaders from their fate, so it won't necessarily protect our movement. This is especially true when the beliefs among our clans still vary wildly underneath all of that plate and steel.

But she remains steadfast in her conviction that the Hidden Chain walks the true path forward. Even as she continues to make decisions that raise more questions than answers--allying with Jedi, ransacking and pillaging convoys and outposts that pose no real challenge, locking herself away as she consumes herself with her secret project.

She refuses to learn from the mistakes of our people's past. Instead, she embraces them so relentlessly, with such unflinching resolve, that I can't help but be convinced she may know something that I, an esteemed keeper of be'mando'ade ruyot, do not."

--From the personal notes of Durn Wynnward, leader of the Ash'ad members of the Hidden Chain

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​hidden_chain_raids

Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

Bes'uliik: Basilisk War Droids

The bes'uliik--or "Basilisk war droids," as most Basic-speaking species know them--are perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the bloody years of Mandalorian crusades and expansions. These "Iron Beasts" were once the terror of the skies, filling the citizens of conquered worlds with dread as the Mandalorians descended on the backs of swarms of bes'uliik.

Heavily armored in their construction, the Basilisk war droids could easily carry a Mandalorian warrior through a planet's atmosphere. The droids were also built to carry large, powerful weapons, and their extremities could be utilized in melee combat or to destroy physical obstacles.

Although the bes'uliik were designed as the ultimate weapons of destruction, the Mandalorians also came to see the semi-sentient droids as close companions. The Mandalorians' attachment to the bes'uliik made their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars that much more difficult, as the terms of their surrender at Malachor V included destroying the Basilisk war droids on the orders of the Jedi Knight, Revan. A few bes'uliik, however, did survive the purge, as some Mandalorians secretly defied Revan's command.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​basilisk_war_droid

Bes'uliik: Basilisk War Droids


The ferocious rancor known as Bonethrasher serves as pet and pit fighter to its master, Karagga the Hutt. Bred from a long line of competitive battle rancors, Bonethrasher has reigned as the undefeated champion of Karagga's pit since his first victory when he killed his sire, the previous champion, at the tender age of seven months.

Bonethrasher's greatest victory came when Karagga's chief rival, Jorsooda the Hutt, bet that his three newly purchased vorantiki could destroy Karagga's prized rancor. Starved, crazed and pumped full of adrenals, the vorantiki charged into the pit. One minute later, Bonethrasher stood victorious over the bodies of his challengers. His impressive victory was rewarded with a particularly flavorful snack: the surprised Jorsooda the Hutt.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr11.​raid.​hutt_hospitality.​bonethrasher


Cademimu Five

The fifth planet of the Cademimu system is the "war chest of the Outer Rim," a vital component in the Republic's defenses. First colonized to serve as a waypoint for deep space military patrols, Cademimu's population increased dramatically with the discovery of the Celanon Spur hyperlane--a discovery that changed Cademimu from an obscure stopover to a major trade hub.

Cademimu's location also gives it strategic importance, and, in keeping with its military and trade traditions, the Republic began stockpiling planetary weaponry on the world. In the event of a military conflict, Cademimu's planetary missile batteries and other armaments can be transported to whatever systems require heavy defenses. During the Great War, the Cademiman stockpiles were depleted twice; but since the Treaty of Coruscant, they have been rebuilt larger than ever.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​cademimu.​area_codex

Cademimu Five

Carbonite Freezing

Carbonite is a metal alloy that, when mixed with various gasses, can be used to flash freeze blocks of cargo for transportation or storage. Its use in freezing living creatures is relatively new in the galaxy and considered highly dangerous--subjects frozen for more than a few hours have a very low survival rate unless the carbonite is prepared with much expense at an elaborate facility. Even in the best cases, the sudden shock of flash freezing (often combined with a lack of life-support monitoring during suspension) tends to make the process extremely traumatic--sometimes even turning fatal hours after a subject has been thawed.

Still, a quick carbonite spray is the only known technique for freezing living creatures quickly and with minimal preparation. The technology is growing increasingly popular with bounty hunters and smugglers; as a result, many bounty hunting guilds have clauses in their contracts mandating live capture payment even if the bounty fails to survive the post-hibernation period.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​carbonite_freezing

Carbonite Freezing

Chancellor's Service Medal (Trooper)

Bestowed on a select few who have demonstrated conspicuous gallantry on the field of battle, the Chancellor's Service Medal has only been awarded four times in the last two decades. Until the recent events involving Havoc Squad, the last recipient had been General Garza during her time as a captain in the Republic Special Forces.

Those who receive this honor are frequently being groomed for high-level positions in the military bureaucracy. Previous honorees have gone on to become top leaders in High Command, trusted to oversee the Republic's valiant soldiers with full understanding of the sacrifices needed--and what it takes to win a war.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​chancellors_service_medal

Chancellor's Service Medal (Trooper)

Children of the Emperor: A Sinister History

The select few who knew of the Children of the Emperor's existence believed that they were a fairly recent creation of the Sith Emperor, Vitiate. In truth, this dark project was conceived by the mysterious Sith inventor and scientist known as "Darth Nul," centuries before the Children were discovered.

According to Darth Malgus, the Emperor wielded the power to create new Children, but it was Nul who first developed the method of indoctrinating them. By the time the Children were exposed, the process had evolved into imbuing infants with a piece of the Emperor's considerable power, turning them into "vessels" whose bodies and minds he could possess.

Over the years, enough "Children" had been created to form a veritable army of thralls. Each could be controlled by the Emperor whenever he wished. These puppets unknowingly infiltrated several organizations within the galaxy, including the Jedi Order.

For the Emperor, the Children lost their usefulness when their leader--a Jedi Master totally unaware of his condition--was exposed. Years later, after every incarnation of the Sith Emperor was completely destroyed, the remaining Children of the Emperor were freed from his influence for good.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​digging_deeper.​children_of_the_emperor

Children of the Emperor: A Sinister History

Commerce in the Free Zone

The shadowport of Asylum is more than a waystation for Zakuul outcasts fleeing political persecution. Many planets across the galaxy suffer under the Eternal Empire's domination, and their refugees have few safe havens. For fugitives lacking friends or family, Asylum's Free Zone is one of the only places where they can reliably obtain whatever they need to survive on the run.

Everything from freeze-dried Arconan nutrient paste to high-yield thermal detonators is for sale somewhere in the Free Zone, but that's where the convenience ends. Great expense separates Asylum's visitors from the goods they seek. The smugglers and gangsters who control the Free Zone charge exorbitant sums for their wares, forcing already-desperate people to even greater acts of brutality. Indeed, most violent crime on Asylum stems from refugees robbing each other to fund their purchases in the Free Zone.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​commerce_in_free_zone

Commerce in the Free Zone

Dantooine Enclave Restoration

"Location: Archaeological site 75-D, Abandoned Jedi Enclave on Dantooine

Purpose: Determine the usefulness of location for future Czerka Corporation endeavors

Notes: We were attacked almost immediately upon entering the ruins. The security team--must remember to thank Keldran for recommending them--made short work of the awful beasts, but the sheer ferocity of the creatures hindered my ability to conduct a fully comprehensive study.

Even from a cursory glance, however, it's clear that past restoration attempts have fundamentally altered the site's structure. Perhaps those who attempted to rebuild abandoned their efforts because they did not expect the sheer amount of work required to fully repair the damage... I cannot say for certain.

The lower levels are a lost cause altogether. It seems that we are not the first to send exploratory teams to investigate these ruins, and there is unmistakable evidence that subterranean seismic activity and unchecked scavenging have left the ruins in a state that would make complete restoration impossible.

Conclusion: No benefit--either monetary or martial--would be gained from occupying or restoring archaeological site 75-D at this time."

--From the field journal of Kaya Natari, Czerka Corporation researcher

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​enclave_restoration

Dantooine Enclave Restoration

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival

Dantooine is no stranger to hardship. From orbital bombardment, to Sith invasion and occupation, to subjugation by one of the galaxy's most ruthless criminal organizations, the quiet, pastoral world has had its fair share of difficulties to overcome.

Only in the last century have the citizens of Dantooine truly enjoyed the spoils of their farmland, free of the stresses left behind after years of oppression and destruction. As a result, the Spring Abundance Festival was founded to give proud farmers and animal handlers a much needed celebration of their hard work and sacrifice. Over the years, the festival grew to such popularity that visitors from around the galaxy travel to Dantooine to partake in the bountiful fruits of its citizens' labor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​spring_abundance_festival

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival

Dar'manda Recruitment

"Are you meant for greater things?

Want to get paid what you're worth?

Think you got what it takes to train in the deadly art of combat with a REAL Mandalorian?

Then join the best in the galaxy. Join the Dar'manda.

'I was trained as a Mandalorian, but I found purpose, profit, and a home in the Dar'manda.'
-Bask Sunn, Dar'manda Lieutenant, Mandalorian Combat Master, Successful Entrepreneur."

--From a Dar'manda recruitment flyer, found aboard the Fortune's Folly

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​darmanda_recruitment

Dar'manda Recruitment

Darth Malgus Lives

Having returned to the galactic stage as part of the Empire's assault on the Jedi colony of Ossus, Darth Malgus has become a topic of widespread debate and investigation once more-particularly his improbable survival after his attempted coup during the battle of Ilum.

The most popular theory holds that agents of Darth Acina, then a high-ranking member of the Sphere of Technology, retrieved Malgus and resuscitated him, transforming the cyborg Sith into her own secret enforcer. That she gained control of an agent as deadly as Malgus would explain much about her subsequent rise to the Imperial throne. Some now theorize that Acina may even have used Malgus to eliminate her rivals on the Dark Council during the confusion of the war against Zakuul, though this remains only conjecture.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ossus.​darth_malgus_lives

Darth Malgus Lives


In the five centuries since its discovery by spice smugglers, the planet Darvannis has existed purely as a navigational footnote on most galactic star charts. Located in the Calaron sector of Hutt Space, the planet lacks any profitable resources or unusual native species. A dense asteroid field makes any approach to the planet a risky venture, so most navigators avoid Darvannis entirely.

This thorough obscurity has made Darvannis a favored retreat for members of the Hutt Cartel looking to avoid attention. Small but prosperous market villas dot the world's arid surface, bustling with vibrant trade in illegal weapons and other black market goods.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​lore.​darvannis



A recently-discovered planet located in the Ojoster sector, Denova is a world of dense forests and high-peaked mountains. Traces of ancient ruins dot the world's surface, but details remain undocumented; the Republic forces that scouted the planet instead focused on its extensive deposits of baradium ore, used to create some of the most powerful explosive weapons in the galaxy.

Determined to control this invaluable resource but short on military manpower, the Republic hired a mercenary army to hold Denova and ward off any Imperial attacks on their mining operations. Known as the Warstalkers and led by a Trandoshan veteran named Kephess, these mercenaries were renowned for their skill and reliability--though that reputation didn't stop them from going rogue, merging with a renegade Imperial army and claiming the entire planet for themselves.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​lore.​denova


Designs of Nul

"As I began delving into the mysteries of Darth Nul's existence, I assumed it would only be a matter of time before we uncovered the entirety of who she was. After all, humility and modesty were hardly in fashion for the ancient Sith--I have learned about so many of them simply by studying the grand monuments they erected in honor of their own achievements. But piecing together Darth Nul's story has been a refreshing challenge. She has no ornate tomb, there are no statues or grand murals that depict her deeds. She was a scientist, and her story will be told through the designs of her inventions.

For instance, her fortress on Elom yielded a veritable treasure trove of information. We've yet to extract anything useful from the machine in the heart of the temple, but examining the surrounding area has been quite illuminating. Extensive study of the "Regnant" device--as well as the traps and hazards that Darth Nul built to protect her holdings elsewhere--has turned up unexpected, intriguing similarities to other mechanisms: the Ravager and the Phobis devices.

I will not conclusively say whether Darth Nul had a hand in the creation of these machines, but given her proclivity for manipulating the minds of others (see: the Children of the Emperor), it is not outside the realm of possibility. Armed with this knowledge, if we trace Darth Malgus's footsteps following his disappearance at the Battle of Corellia, we could potentially locate where he may have stumbled upon any other record of Darth Nul."

--From the research notes of Talos Drellik

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​old_wounds.​nuls_designs

Designs of Nul

Dramath's Holocron

All holocrons are based on a complex yet elegant technology: a lattice of organic crystals woven together at a microscopic level. The crystal lattice can store vast amounts of information, as well as replicate the appearance and personality of the holocron's creator as a gatekeeper who will guide students in their training.

In his youth, Valkorion--then known as Tenebrae--discovered a way to twist and pervert the lattice so it could capture the spirit of powerful Force users, locking them in a metaphysical cage. He used the weapon on Dramath, his tyrannical father, and trapped him inside the holocron for centuries.

But the same corrupted technology Valkorion used to vanquish his father could also be turned against him, permanently imprisoning his immortal spirit... or obliterating it from existence.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​dramaths_holocron

Dramath's Holocron

Droid Rights

Are droids sentient? If so, should they have the same rights as other sentient beings? Is owning a droid tantamount to owning a slave? These questions have arisen since intelligent droids were first programmed.

In the Empire, where slavery is an accepted part of Imperial culture, the issue of droid rights is meaningless: the only difference between droids and slaves is one of price. The Republic, however, was forced to address this question almost four centuries ago, when demand for a Droid Rights Bill began to gain ground. Attempts to pass the bill ended abruptly with the brief and violent "Great Droid Revolution," but the questions remain.

The opinions of droids themselves--on those rare occasions when they're asked--are divided. Some accept unquestioningly that being property and serving a master is the natural state of a droid. Other droids--usually those that have been mishandled--claim that devices such as restraining bolts perform the same function as shock collars for organic slaves, and should be just as despised. The fact that droids that do not receive regular memory wipes appear to develop a personality only fuels the ongoing debate.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​directive_7.​droid_rights

Droid Rights

Droids of Iokath

In many technologically advanced societies, droids are designed to handle a multitude of mundane tasks. The organics who created Iokath embraced this idea, and built a wide variety of mechanical servants to nurture their artificial world. Custodian and compactor droids were created to preserve the parklands; scour swarm droids to clean the Chromium Garden; purifier droids to provide protection and security; and support droids to maintain and repair the entire system.

With the extinction of their organic masters, the purpose of these self-perpetuating service droids slowly changed. As newer generations evolved, their original mandates shifted from preservation of Iokath to aggression toward any foreign entity.

The escalating xenophobia led to virtually every droid on Iokath becoming weaponized in some way, eventually culminating in the creation of the Colossus Droid, a war machine with enough firepower to wipe out an entire army.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​droids_of_iokath

Droids of Iokath


The Eternal Empire of Zakuul doesn't have a population of loyal citizens large enough to fully crew its thousands of warships, much less its gargantuan Star Fortress battle stations. The solution: "EPHEMERIS" droids, advanced multi-tasking machines capable of running every vital system in an operational Star Fortress--and also provide defensive countermeasures should the organic command staff become incapacitated.

Though often mistaken for fully-functional artificial intelligences, EPHEMERIS droids are incapable of independence. These hybrid machines merely combine all the best features of Class 1 mathematics droids, Class 3 administration droids, and Class 4 assassin droids into a lethal and efficient package. Destroying an EPHEMERIS droid will not disable a Star Fortress, but the resulting system failures will greatly reduce the battle station's threat to the planet it orbits.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​ephemeris


Eternal Fleet: Combat

From the court-martial of Admiral Dannis Veriga, Republic Fleet:

When the Eternal Fleet came for Alderaan, we thought we were prepared. The Republic planned for a naval invasion. What we got was a massacre.

The enemy suddenly dropped out of hyperspace. There were hundreds of them, a massive wall of ships moving as one. I've never seen such a fluid formation. When we shot a vessel down, the others closed in and sealed the gap. Like the fleet was healing a wound.

They were relentless. We fought with everything we had, but barely scratched the enemy. It was like the entire fleet had a single pilot.

So yes, I ordered the retreat. Even then, only half of us survived. There's no stopping them. Why die trying?

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​eternal_fleet_combat

Eternal Fleet: Combat

EV2 Macrobinoculars

The EV2 discreet reconnaissance macrobinoculars represent the cutting edge in surveillance technology. Supreme-resolution zoom, wide-spectrum environmental analysis, full voice/data communications and an omnioptic interface are but a few of the EV2's top-notch features. These devices are ideal for planetary exploration, environmental observation, data interception, geographic triangulation and target monitoring.

Designed by the legendary freelance superspy known only as "the Shroud," the EV2s are reportedly named after one of the Shroud's top lieutenants. Components appear to have been contracted separately among several corporations across the galaxy, with the Shroud himself reportedly overseeing their assembly. Anti-tamper explosive charges embedded into the EV2's framework have made reverse engineering this particular model of macrobinoculars unlikely.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​macrobinoculars.​lore.​ev2_macrobinoculars

EV2 Macrobinoculars

Evolved Rakghoul Plague

The origins of the rakghoul plague are shrouded in mystery--a biochemical accident, perhaps, or a terrible Sith creation--but the plague itself has been relatively stable for centuries, affecting only humanoid species and a handful of animals confined to Taris. Tarisian biologists have suggested that the planet's bombardment kept the plague's development in check by reducing the planet's industrial pollution and the number of indigenous species.

Removed from that limiting environment and prodded along by the twisted expertise of Doctor Sannus Lorrick, an entirely new strain of the rakghoul plague has developed. A huge variety of non-humanoid creatures are now susceptible to infection, and humanoids who acquire the disease no longer lose their full intelligence--just their free will, becoming slaves to Lorrick's every command.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rakghoul.​evolved_rakghoul_plague

Evolved Rakghoul Plague

Force Ghost

Death comes for all; the Jedi and Sith are no exception. Yet some who master the Force seem to find ways to resist the call of eternity and exist as an essence of their former selves. In this form, they may speak with the living and guide--or manipulate--old friends and former enemies.

The most notable example in recorded Sith history is Darth Vax, a prominent member of the Dark Council. After her death, she was unable to let go of the power and influence she enjoyed during life. When her son took her vacant seat on the Council and assumed the title of Darth Arrid, she began manipulating him behind the scenes, making him a puppet for her own agenda. Four years passed before the Council realized the young Darth Arrid was only a mouthpiece for the spirit of his mother.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​force_ghost

Force Ghost

Force-Sensitive Chiss

Though incredibly rare, the Chiss have produced Force-sensitives among their people. There's a strong stigma against Force-sensitives among the Chiss because many believe it's an impurity or faulty genetics, and must be purged. Most Force-sensitive Chiss work hard to hide their shameful abilities.

When a Force-sensitive is discovered in the Ascendancy, the consequences depend on the individual's social standing and family lineage. A lower-class Chiss is exiled from the Ascendancy, while a social elite may be allowed to use a combination of surgery and medication to keep their powers dormant. Any Chiss caught practicing or weaponizing the Force within Ascendancy territory is executed without question. Chiss wishing to hone their skills must leave their families behind and take their chances with the Sith or Jedi.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​copero.​force_sensitive_chiss

Force-Sensitive Chiss

Force-walking (Inquisitor)

Three hundred years after Tulak Hord, the Sith Ergast tried to recreate the ritual the Dark Lord used to devour the spirits of his enemies at Yn and Chabosh. In its place, he discovered what he called the ritual of Force-walking.

Requiring a Sith of great strength of will, the ritual of Force-walking allows the user to bind the restless ghosts of dead Sith to himself. Once the ghosts are bound, the ritualist may draw from their power, channeling it into a powerful exertion of Force energy against his enemies.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​force_walking

Force-walking (Inquisitor)

Force-walking Sickness (Inquisitor)

Of the few recorded people who successfully learned the Sith Lord Ergast's Force-walking ritual, all of them rose to prominence quickly and faded from glory shortly thereafter, with nothing to indicate what brought about their ends. Among them, only one was known to have bound more than one Sith ghost--and that was Ergast himself, whose own death remains a mystery.

It appears, however, that binding too many ghosts can quickly overwhelm the host, inflicting physical and spiritual sickness on the Force-walking Sith and leading to violent expressions of Force power beyond the Sith's control.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​force_walking_sickness

Force-walking Sickness (Inquisitor)

Galactic History 94: The Sacking of Coruscant

The rise of the Sith Empire seemed unstoppable. The Republic had suffered vast losses; many worlds were even rebelling to save themselves. So when the Sith Empire suddenly offered to discuss a peace treaty, the Galactic Senate was suspicious--but the Supreme Chancellor could not ignore a chance to end the war.

Delegations from both sides travelled to Alderaan, but in a daring strike, the Empire attacked Coruscant and held the planet hostage. The Supreme Chancellor was forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant dictated by the Empire, ending hostilities and handing over several apparently insignificant planets.

Many Sith, including Darth Malgus, were furious. They had believed the treaty was a cunning ruse; it made no sense to actually agree to peace. Many in the Republic, too, believed the treaty was only a delaying tactic before the killing blow. The Treaty of Coruscant had been signed; whether the peace would be kept was a different matter.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​other.​galactic_history_94

Galactic History 94: The Sacking of Coruscant

Galactic History 95: A Cold War Begins

With the Treaty of Coruscant signed, the war was officially over. But recalling vast armies took time. Meanwhile, many individuals on both sides either didn't believe the treaty was real, or refused to accept it. Skirmishes continued for months, including a bombing attack on the Senate tower.

The Republic had earned a reprieve. Although the war had crippled its military, the Republic quietly poured resources into training small but elite Special Forces squads. Blamed in part for not preventing the Sacking of Coruscant, the Jedi Order left for its ancient homeworld, Tython. There, in secret, the order could rebuild.

With its resources no longer stretched by galactic conquest, the Sith Empire began to secure its new holdings, its citizens jubilant at their victory. However, questions still lingered about why the Empire had not destroyed the Republic when it had the chance. The galaxy settled into an uncertain peace, with both sides watching for any betrayal.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​other.​galactic_history_95

Galactic History 95: A Cold War Begins

GEMINI: Hive Mind

For easier control, GEMINI droids operate through a single collective consciousness. An order issued from the Eternal Throne is not sent to an individual droid, but to the hive mind for assignment to the best-suited unit. While each droid retains a limited sense of individuality, she acts more like an appendage of a singular brain than an individual connected to a network.

GEMINI droids share thoughts, reactions, and instincts. Every GEMINI feels when one unit's pain receptors fire. A single GEMINI's destruction is experienced by the entire fleet. A droid's existence does not end with deactivation; its consciousness is absorbed into the hive mind for redistribution. If a new chassis isn't available, the consciousness remains in the hive mind, waiting. Unless every GEMINI unit is destroyed, the Eternal Fleet's squad of captains can exist indefinitely.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​gemini_hive_mind

GEMINI: Hive Mind

Gormak Society

"Once dismissed as a primitive society locked in a generational conflict with the Voss, careful study of the Gormak has revealed a complex--if insular--people, based in part on the Gormak view of the physical world: 'What you create is part of you.'

Not just master craftspeople with a healthy respect for artistry, the Gormak consider each tool and the product of their efforts extensions of their physical body. This central tenet connects each Gormak household with their neighbors. Each member of a tribe becomes a part of a larger unified body, creating nearly unbreakable bonds.

This worldview helps explain the Gormak's affinity for using alien technology and adapting it to their needs. Rumors abound that the Gormak possess a novel ability with the Force, much like the Voss, but no proof has ever been found to support these theories. The truth is that the Gormak plainly reject the Force.

It doesn't escape academic awareness, however, that the Voss and the Gormak seem to be two pieces ready to complete one grand puzzle."

--From "Hand and Hammer: Insight into the Closed World of Gormak Beliefs," by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​gormak_society

Gormak Society

Gravestone Upgrades

The origins of the Gravestone--and the Eternal Fleet--were thought to be lost to history, until the Outlander discovered the ruins of an advanced alien civilization on the droid-infested world of Iokath. Using blueprints and data files of the Gravestone's original creators recovered from Iokath, the Alliance saw the opportunity to optimize the ship's weapons and defense systems.

Unfortunately, installing the new upgrades has proved far more complicated than anticipated, leaving the Gravestone trapped in dry-dock while mechanics work frantically around the clock to integrate the new enhancements. While some argue it is foolish to sideline one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy for any length of time, the benefits seem to outweigh the risk. Once completed, the greater firepower, better shielding, and improved speed and maneuverability will make the Gravestone virtually unstoppable.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​gravestone_upgrades

Gravestone Upgrades

Gree Computer

The Gree are one of the galaxy's oldest civilizations, and their initial expansion in ancient times--before they encountered the aggressive and militarily superior Infinite Empire--was aided by their remarkable technology, including sophisticated navigational computers. These computers, operating on principles that are still a mystery to modern technologists, allowed Gree starships to safely traverse turbulent areas of space, including vast asteroid fields and the Maelstrom Nebula.

The Republic SIS believes the Gree computer used by the Empire was recovered from an ancient derelict starship and studied on Dromund Kaas. When its potential was realized, the Empire authorized the Gree computer's release to allow the construction of the Maelstrom Prison. It is likely the computer's interface has undergone some modifications: devices designed for the six-limbed cephalopodan Gree are rarely convenient for humanoids.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​lore.​revan_arc.​gree_computer

Gree Computer

Gree Hypergates

Not even the Gree fully understand the mysterious technology known as hypergates. These devices were constructed many millennia ago in a period the Gree reverently call "the most ancient and forgotten days"--a rare instance of their language translating well into Basic. There are numerous hypergates scattered around Gree Enclave space, in varying sizes and states of functionality.

Hypergates resemble freestanding doors or archways. Anyone who steps through an activated hypergate is instantly transported through hyperspace to an opposite hypergate somewhere else. Some hypergates simply move a traveler to a different continent on the same planet, but rumors persist of hypergates capable of sending whole vessels across the galaxy.

Gree culture reveres hypergates as sacred technological works of art. The Enclave's leaders have long maintained that only elite members of the Operator caste known as "gatemasters" know how to activate hypergates. However, the current crisis on Asation may have exposed this as mere cultural bias.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x4.​lore.​gree_hypergate

Gree Hypergates

High Security Lockdown

Codex Entry - Data Slicing

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​high_security_lockdown

High Security Lockdown

History of the Vibro-mop

Since its invention in 13 BTC by scientist Reyne Flavius, the vibro-mop has been a vital component of hygienic maintenance throughout the galaxy. Integrating the versatility of a vibro-blade with the dependability of a household mop, it served as a template for a new and exciting array of cleaning apparatus, including the electromagnetic duster and the ion-charged dishrag.

Though the vibro-mop is primarily utilized in small-scale household sanitation, it has played a role in many of the greatest feats of sterilization in the galaxy. The cleanup following Drooga the Hutt's historic 600th birthday celebration owed its success to a single vibro-mop, which expired after the completion of its titanic task. Drooga's janitorial staff held a private ceremony to honor the tool's heroic service.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_the_vibromop

History of the Vibro-mop


The HK-24 series of assassin droids were first mass produced by the Czerka Corporation over three hundred years before the Treaty of Coruscant. As the threat of a full-scale Mandalorian invasion loomed, Czerka advertised the HK-24 units to the Republic's various planetary governments as a means of defense against the ruthless Neo-Crusaders. Czerka greatly overestimated the demand, however, and the resulting financial losses forced them to shut down production.

To recoup a portion of their investment, Czerka sold the entire run of HK-24 droids to Arkoh Adasca, the CEO of bioengineering firm Adascorp. Adasca used the droids as personal guards, bounty hunters, and assassins in the course of various schemes, including kidnapping an ex-Adascorp employee and attempting to sell giant beasts known as exogorths as weapons.

Adasca's plans were ultimately thwarted, and most of the HK-24 units were destroyed along with their master. The few droids that survived had been confiscated and scrapped by Republic law enforcement agencies before Adasca's death. Rumors abound that one of the droids--who had been apprehended for harassing civilians on Nouane--was locked away and forgotten on the prison world of Belsavis, though these reports have never been confirmed.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​chains_in_the_dark.​hk_24



Rampant cheating has long plagued sabacc at both amateur and professional levels--but while most casino owners tolerate such profit-gouging trickery, Jar'ga the Hutt found a solution. He commissioned a version of sabacc played entirely through holo, eliminating physical cards. When Jar'ga unveiled the first holo-sabacc table at casino on Nar Shaddaa, it sparked a craze of galactic proportions. Soon every casino in known space had at least one holo-sabacc table.

Of course, it didn't stop cheaters in the slightest. Slicers immediately set to work creating stacked holo-decks and altering card algorithms. Sliced holo-sabacc systems can now be purchased at the black markets on every major world. Jar'ga himself has a sliced holo-sabacc table hidden in his casino--stacked, of course, in the dealer's favor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​holo_sabacc


Hylo Visz and the Gravestone

As an underworld specialist, Hylo Visz is an integral part of the Outlander's crew. But the monotony of coordinating smuggling operations and continuous supply runs on behalf of the Alliance took its toll. Secretly, Hylo pined for the lost days of her infamous past: excitement, adventure, and glory. She became bored and restless... until she was given command of the Gravestone.

Picking up where Koth Vortena--the previous captain--left off, she learned to pilot the vessel and delved into the ship's inner workings. To her delight, she discovered a technological marvel of ancient alien origins unlike anything she'd ever seen. Hylo became obsessed with unlocking the ship's full potential--a challenge worthy of her attention that ensured her continued dedication to the Outlander's cause.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​hylo_visz_and_the_gravestone

Hylo Visz and the Gravestone

Identity Slicers

When the scum of the galaxy need a solid escape, they place themselves in the capable but expensive hands of an identity slicer. Creative, intelligent, and resourceful, these forgers can alter the identity of anyone with enough credits. A skilled ID slicer can even modify genetic code itself. Such precision takes years to master; many consider themselves artists and scientists, albeit unconventional ones.

Since identity slicing is highly illegal, forgers are notoriously reclusive. Isolation from the outside world causes personality quirks that can sometimes develop into mental imbalance. The most notable example was Dalan Reid, a veteran forger who, after twelve years of isolation, began constructing dozens of replicas of HoloNet singer Viella Zall using local wildlife. Reid was finally caught when he used his Viella clones to hold an impromptu concert on Tatooine.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​identity_slicers

Identity Slicers

Imperial Boarding Protocols

Capturing Republic starships, either for military use or as prizes of war, has become an art form among Imperial naval commanders. Targeted vessels may be crippled by weapons fire, driven into dangerous areas of space or boarded through the use of Imperial infiltrators or faked distress signals. Attacks are usually synchronized to hit multiple air locks across the ship, stressing defenders to their limits.

Once aboard, an Imperial boarding team faces a race against time to gain control of a ship's engines, internal defenses and communication systems. If the vessel has passengers, the boarding team may take hostages to force the crew to surrender. Military vessels pose a greater challenge, as Republic marines have begun to recognize and respond to Imperial tactics, and will vent invaded compartments into space or activate the self-destruct.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​lore.​revan_arc.​imperial_boarding_protocols

Imperial Boarding Protocols

Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse

Codex Entry - Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​imperial_intelligence_gadget_warehouse

Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse

Imperial Re-education Center

Codex Entry - Imperial Re-education Center

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​imperial_re_education_center

Imperial Re-education Center


Insecticulture is the genetic alteration of the color, size, and stamina of insects. This discovery ended the Hive Wars by allowing Kubaz clans to color-code their insect supply according to ownership, while also creating more sustainable and thriving specimens for all Kubaz hives.

The development of Insecticulture was vital to the survival of the Kubaz species, as it allowed them to restore lost numbers and regrow their population.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kubindi.​insecticulture


Intelligence Report: Castellan Mind Control (Agent)


Summary: The Castellan restraints are designed for limited behavior modification in a high-risk subject. In effect, the subject is programmed to react to a keyword with total obedience. Long-term commands can be implanted, but with lowered effectiveness. Once programming is activated, the subject will be aware of his inability to control his actions but unable to revolt.

Procedure: Subject must first be primed with a dosage of the IX serum; the serum can be applied to the subject discreetly (e.g., during a routine medcenter visit) but should be formulated based on a detailed accounting of physical and psychological factors.

The serum circulates over a period of between three and thirty days, effectively altering the subject's brain chemistry. Once the serum is fully absorbed and the subject is primed, subject must be imprinted over the course of several hours. A trained handler will designate a permanent keyword that will activate the subject's programming and open him to commands. Long-term commands, if desired, can be implemented at this time.

No way to reverse the treatment has been developed. Theoretically, one could repeat the cycle and apply a new keyword--overwriting old programming--but the physical side effects of repeated IX serum usage could prove inhibiting.

Notes: The Minister of Intelligence disapproves of widespread use of Castellan restraints on Imperial Intelligence personnel, but has agreed that limited trials are appropriate.

Cross-reference: SLV serum series, IX serum, Quesh, dimalium-6

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​intelligence_report_mind_control

Intelligence Report: Castellan Mind Control (Agent)

Invasion of Tython

For the Sith Empire, no Republic target has been more tempting than Tython. Ever since reports of the Republic's rediscovery of the Jedi Order's birthplace, the Emperor had yearned to discover the planet's location. Once Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan relocated the Jedi Temple from Coruscant to Tython, finding Tython became not only a crusade but an imperative.

After a failed attempt by Darth Angral to destroy Tython, and with open war returning to the galaxy, the planet's defenses were strengthened considerably. Countless infiltration attempts by agents of the Empire have failed to provide significant insight into the inner workings of the Republic's security within the Tython system. But where Imperial Intelligence failed, Darth Arkous has apparently succeeded, and now Tython lays open to incursion.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​invasion_of_tython

Invasion of Tython

Invasive Species on Dantooine

"Damn it, Krupo! I told you how precious my babies are to me, and you go and crash the ship with them in it! Jayse says I should be glad that everyone made it out alive, but if you don't round up my dumplings, you're gonna wish you never escaped that burning wreck!

Here's the list of who's missing--don't even think about showing your face in my presence unless you've got every last one of them with you. This miserable little grass ball is no place for my lovelies, they're probably terrified out there, all alone, without their papa... so you better hurry up and find them if you want to keep your head, you pathetic son of a murglak!

-Rox, Yug, and Wa-Vendeg (skar-kla, I hand-raised them myself!)
-Flappy and Fuzzy (my award-winning xuvva)
-Spike and Ol' Cronchy (my beloved zeldrates)

They're all worth more than your craven hide, so you miss even ONE, consider yourself an enemy of the Nova Blades!"
--From a message from Yarvok, leader of the Nova Blades, to a beast wrangler

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​invasive_species

Invasive Species on Dantooine


A remote but strategically important world in the Tion Cluster, Kaon was once a trade hub in Xim the Despot's ancient empire. While Xim's death and his empire's collapse turned Kaon into a ghost of its former self, it was to reclaim its glory centuries later when, with the Tion Hegemony fragmented, the Tionese prince Matteus Zaym fled to quiet, safe Kaon to avoid assassination.

Prince Matteus turned out to be a surprisingly capable administrator. He sank what remained of his wealth into Kaon--growing its trade ports, building an impressive palace and investing in the arts. Gradually, Kaon became a peaceful, cultured retreat for the Tion Hegemony's nobility.

Today, Kaon's value is both symbolic and practical. To the galaxy at large, it occupies a key strategic position; to the Tionese, it represents the power and sophistication of their nobility, and perhaps a vision of what a galaxy under the House of Tion's rule could have been like.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rakghoul.​kaon


Karagga the Hutt

For nearly two centuries, Karagga the Hutt has ruled as Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel. Extreme riches fuel his appetite for the ostentatious, making Karagga one of the wealthiest and most extravagant beings in the galaxy. He rules over his Cartel from a grandiose palace on Hutta, draped in ornamental frocks and gorging on daily banquets of Hutt delicacies. Such privilege and power has soured Karagga's temperament, turning the once approachable crime boss into a roaring despot, unsatisfied with anything less than perfection.

Karagga earned his unofficial title, Karagga the Unyielding, after a disagreement with the Exchange crime syndicate. Karagga, then a young Cartel boss, set up a meeting to make peace and end a contentious turf war. What followed was a massacre that wiped out the Exchange cell and earned Karagga wealth and respect in the criminal underworld. After this victory, nothing could stop the rise of Karagga the Unyielding.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr11.​raid.​hutt_hospitality.​karagga_the_hutt

Karagga the Hutt

Kira Carsen's Dark Past (Knight)

Kira Carsen concealed her true origins from the Jedi Order, but the truth finally came out when one of the Emperor's servants set a trap to bring her home. Kira was born in Imperial space and raised at Korriban's Sith Academy. She escaped her deadly training while still a child and fled to Hutt Space before being taken in by Master Bela Kiwiiks.

Kira kept her past a secret out of fear of being shunned by her adopted Jedi family--or worse, being imprisoned for her connection to the Sith. Although she claims to be a loyal servant of the light side, the fact remains that good Jedi do not keep such secrets from their allies.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​kira_carsens_dark_past

Kira Carsen's Dark Past (Knight)

Kirba, the Forgotten

"The subject continues to fight. He thinks this will earn him freedom, that he will break out of our control. He does not understand. We want him to fight.

The subject curses us for offering him the gift of the dark side. He calls it 'the nightmares.' It is amusing. The subject boasts of his strength, yet he is too frightened to take hold of the kinetic power that burns just beyond his fingertips. We confine him with the most vicious of our creations. He relies on his primitive weapons.

He will see. He does not know the doom he faces. If he refuses the Force again, he will be obliterated."

--From the notes of an ancient Sith alchemist, lost in the cavern under the Shrine of Silence

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​shrine_of_silence.​ancient_gormak

Kirba, the Forgotten

Kithrawl, the Flame in Darkness

One of the most legendary creatures ever encountered on Ruhnuk is also one of the strangest, most inexplicable Tineback aberrations ever documented.

Called "Kithrawl"--and sometimes "The Flame in Darkness" by those who survived crossing its path--the enormous beast was discovered by some unfortunate members of the ill-fated Gatressa Mining Conglomerate operation. Eyewitness accounts describe the beast's skin as charred, blackened stone striated with something that resembled magma-filled cracks. The survivors contend that the creature was born among molten veins in the depths of Ruhnuk's crust, but many dismiss these claims as the ravings of traumatized disaster victims.

These reports, however, were enough to tempt the ambitious and the greedy into seeking out Kithrawl for its many imagined treasures, like the hardened pads of its feet or the deadly spines on its tail. Foolish opportunists have been said to forfeit their lives in pursuit of these prizes, while others suggest that Kithrawl might possess some of the most valuable and delicious meat in the galaxy.

Realistically, anyone insisting they have firsthand knowledge of the details of Kithrawl's lair is most likely exaggerating, intent on regaling local cantina-goers with their tales in exchange for free drinks. Since no visual proof of Kithrawl has ever been presented, only the unsuccessful hunters know what truly waits in the darkness below Ruhnuk's surface.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​kithrawl_flame_in_darkness

Kithrawl, the Flame in Darkness

Korriban's Dark Draw

For as long as the Republic has known of Korriban, the idea of capturing the Sith homeworld has been a major topic of discussion. Some believe it would mark a major turning point in the war against the Empire. Others, however, share a grave concern that prolonged habitation on the planet would cause its occupiers to be drawn to the dark side of the Force.

A group of Jedi once encamped upon one of Korriban's seven moons with the aim of lessening the planet's intense dark side aura through meditation, but the call of the dark side overcame every last one of them in time. The group defected to the Empire, and have since been linked to the deaths of hundreds of Republic soldiers and civilians, as well as several Jedi.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​korribans_dark_draw

Korriban's Dark Draw

Lightning Spires

The lightning spires of Dromund Kaas tower above the planet's dark jungles, attracting the deadly lightning strikes that constantly scorch the world's storm-ravaged surface. The spires protect ground forces from falling prey to deadly strikes and harness the storm's electrical energy to power Kaas City.

The lightning spires were originally conceived by Renigus Wight, a former commander in the Imperial Reclamation Service. Renigus was spearheading an excavation mission in the jungles of Dromund Kaas when a violent storm erupted in the skies overhead. His officers ran for shelter, but were too slow. A single bolt of lightning wiped out his entire crew: 49 officers, researchers and slaves. Renigus only survived thanks to the grace of a twisted ankle that caused him to lag behind the panicked stampede and miss the fatal strike.

Following this incident, Renigus retired from the service to design the first lightning spire-a beacon of safety to shield future Imperial expeditions from the planet's wrathful storms.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​lightning_spires

Lightning Spires

Lower/Upper Office Attrium

Codex Entry - Lower/Upper Office Attrium

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​office_atrium

Lower/Upper Office Attrium

Malachor Three (Consular)

The world of Malachor Five was host to a Sith academy before its destruction three centuries ago, but the Jedi have long suspected that Sith ruins are scattered on other planets and moons across the Malachor system. Several decades ago, the Jedi Order's six most promising students obtained permission to explore Malachor Three. Their arrival roused the spirit of Terrak Morrhage, a Sith Lord entombed on the planet.

Yuon Par and Duras Fain succumbed to the spirit's influence first, giving in to their suppressed passion for each other. Appalled, Eriz Vossan and Cin Tykan began to suffer terrifying nightmares and paranoia. Slowly the expedition members turned on each other, only coming to their senses when the dark creatures of Malachor Three--stirred by Terrak Morrhage's anger--rose up against them.

The tactician Sidonie Garen formulated a plan, but an error of judgment sent the expedition into dangerous terrain. The youngest Jedi, Parkanas Tark, was trapped trying to save Eriz Vossan, and was left behind when the others finally escaped. Malachor Three is now forbidden to explorers; the expedition members have not spoken in many years.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​malachor_three

Malachor Three (Consular)

Malgus Untethered

After the battle of the Meridian Complex shipyard, the disappearance of Darth Malgus caused worry and confusion for both the Republic and the Sith Empire. Without any evidence as to what Malgus was doing, many on both sides braced themselves for the worst. It came as quite a shock for all when Darth Malgus resurfaced on the quiet pastoral world of Dantooine.

But beneath Dantooine's peaceful surface, many dark legends have originated from the ruins of a former Jedi Enclave. Tales of the psychological manipulation that took place there are uncommon knowledge for most of the galaxy--but a Dark Lord of the Sith, who possesses a vast knowledge of ways to apply the Force, would undoubtedly find many useful tools among the enclave ruins.

Whatever Malgus discovered in the depths of the Dantooine enclave, it's clear that he is no longer beholden to the whims of his Imperial masters. Without a leash to restrain him, Malgus's plans are even more of a mystery. Whether he's using his newfound independence to continue to pursue the objectives of the Empire--or to serve his own purpose--remains to be seen.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​malgus_untethered

Malgus Untethered

Malgus's Vision

The Empire will be victorious over the Republic; this is unquestioned. But to Darth Malgus, victory should have come with the Sacking of Coruscant. Now, he believes, the obscure designs of the Sith Emperor, a cultural disdain for aliens and infighting within the Sith have all left the Empire incapable of winning the war.

With his mind broadened--or tainted--by years of travel and study among alien cultures, Malgus carefully cultivated the opinions of likeminded Sith leaders for years. Upon the recent disappearance of the Emperor, he seized the opportunity to create a new Empire--one that embraces alien cultures and is strengthened by diversity. All allies of the new Empire will be considered equal citizens, guided by Imperial discipline and values. Personal strength and accomplishment, not genetics, will determine an Imperial's fate.

Malgus is aware that many will not share his vision. But with a stealth armada at his command and the Emperor's space station as his base, he is prepared to prove the power of his new Empire to all dissenters.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​illum.​malgus_vision

Malgus's Vision

Mandalorian Combat Techniques: Aru'ela Epar

"It is not so uncommon for our kind to find themselves imprisoned within the corrosive digestive system of a beast. It is only natural when you are fighting the fiercest creatures in the galaxy.

But you are mando'ade. Should you find yourself in such a circumstance, know that it is not the end of the battle for you--only a mere setback.

Your beskar'gam will protect you, so do not fear. Your besbe'trayc, whether it is blade or blaster, is sharper than the beast's edee. Use it. Cut your way out of the thing's belly, and show the creature that true verda do not make a good meal!"

--From a Mandalorian treatise on various combat techniques

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mando_beast_combat

Mandalorian Combat Techniques: Aru'ela Epar

Mandalorian Relics: Child's Trophy

What may seem like a small, unassuming block token that could be at home on any dejarik board is actually, upon closer examination, a child's raiding trophy. It appears that it was part of a game where young Mandalorians would take turns claiming and protecting the item. Each time the item was successfully "raided," the victor would carve their mark onto the surface of the token. This particular prize appears to have seen heavy use.

One of the Ash'ad archivists aboard the Seeker's Vigil left a note with the token, a sketch of one of the marks accompanied by one word: "Ordo?"

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mando_child_trophy

Mandalorian Relics: Child's Trophy

Mandalorian Relics: Muugyn's Plan

During the Mandalorian Wars, a skirmish between Mandalorians and Jedi forces took place on Vur IV. The Mandalorians held out as long as they could, but after several weeks of intense fighting, they began to lose ground.

Orders came to abandon the planet to the Jedi and regroup in a neutral sector. Young Mandalorian recruit Worr Muugyn refused the order, instead asking for volunteers to hold a fortified position they called "Blood Ridge." Muugyn sketched out his plan on a piece of leather cut from his tabard.

Following his lead, some of his followers held the hill for several days, while Jedi forces committed more and more resources to overrunning the location. The distraction proved enough of a tactical advantage that the rest of Muugyn's small, but dedicated, group could fortify more positions in the area and mount a counterattack.

Muugyn survived what would be known as the Battle of Blood Ridge and continued to lead Mandalorian forces until he died in battle in 3959 BBY. To this day, Muugyn's Plan remains a symbol of courage and determination to many Mandalorian clans.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_plan

Mandalorian Relics: Muugyn's Plan

Mandalorian Relics: Old Raiding Map

A particular map in the Ash'ad's possession shows an older Mandalorian clans' raiding history. It is likely that one of the Ash'ad was using it as a record to indicate to other raiding parties where they might find the best and most rewarding settlements.

There are two factors that the scribe used to indicate how well the hunt went. The first icon by each location indicates the difficulty of the raid, or rather, how well the locals fought. The second icon notes the quality of the reward itself. One location is of particular interest in that the raid was both successfully repelled and the reward gained was incredibly valuable.

Given the relative age of the map, any defenders or loot are long since gone. However, a nearby note indicates that the Seeker's Vigil should search for this location if given the opportunity.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mando_raiding_map

Mandalorian Relics: Old Raiding Map

Mandalorian Relics: Shackle #74631

Before her arrest, Prisoner #74631--Kaja Honn--was raised and trained by Mandalorians. Just after Honn came of age and chose to stay with the Mandalorians, she was taken prisoner after a rival on Hutta framed her for theft of Imperial supplies. After careful deliberation, Honn's Imperial captors sent her to a secret facility on Ziost, rather than executing her and risking conflict with the Mandalorians.

While incarcerated, Honn organized and trained unjustly held prisoners to fight back. Calling themselves Clan Kaja, the group overpowered their guards and escaped the underground facility. Honn died in the confrontation, but her sacrifice made her an important figure in Mandalorian history. With the broken shackle of their fallen sister as a reminder of their struggles, Clan Kaja achieved full clan status some years after the events on Ziost.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_shackle

Mandalorian Relics: Shackle #74631

Mandalorian Relics: The Final Blade of Dunesa Rul

Born on an unremarkable planet in the Outer Rim, the boy who would become Master Dunesa Rul apprenticed with the local metalsmith to provide additional income for his family. Accounts of his early life learning the trade are few, but historians agree that Rul showed exceptional natural skill and quickly outgrew the simple routine of the frontier smithy who taught him.

Seeking more significant challenges, Rul found work at several smithies across the Core Worlds. The quality of his weapons gained recognition among the Mandalorian clans, and with their patronage, he opened his own forge at a remarkably young age.

Rul's creations, prized within the Mandalorians, were often handed down from one clan leader to the next, but demand for new work was overwhelming. Rul was killed in an explosion during an altercation between Clan Mettir and Clan Ironstone, who sought to lay claim to a masterwork weapon--a durasteel dagger--he had created. Both clans were hunted down and destroyed in retaliation for the grievous loss. The dagger itself was never found.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_blade

Mandalorian Relics: The Final Blade of Dunesa Rul

Mass Shadow Generator

"The threat posed by the hyperspace signatures of celestial bodies--or "mass shadows"--is not insignificant. Although these phenomena are naturally-occurring, the mass shadow's devastatingly destructive power could be manually generated, if one so desires. All that's required is a skillful inventor... one undeterred by the number of lives that triggering such a cataclysm would undoubtedly cost.

It has been done before, more than three hundred years ago. Out of desperation to end the Mandalorian Wars--or simple malice, one cannot say--Revan ordered the Jedi general Meetra Surik and Bao-Dur, a technical specialist in the order, to activate a mass shadow generator over Malachor V.

Malachor was reduced to a fractured collection of shattered wasteland. The ships locked in battle over the planet, Mandalorian, Republic, Jedi... all were crushed, like blister fleas, into Malachor's broken surface. But Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger, did not just survive the catastrophe... he evolved. Nihilus transcended the atrocities inflicted upon his physical form and arose as the embodiment of raw power.

One can only wonder--if a Sith, possessing my potency and strength in the dark side, were to be purified by the chaos of a mass shadow... what would emerge from the remains?"

--From old research notes belonging to Lord Kanoth, a Sith alchemist

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​r4.​mass_shadow_generator

Mass Shadow Generator

Mercenary Training Facility

Codex Entry - Mercenary Training Facility

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​mercenary_training_facility

Mercenary Training Facility

Network Security District

Codex Entry - Network Security District

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​network_security_district

Network Security District


"It is done. So many years, so many mistakes, my health and my body withered away... but it is done.

The concern for my physical presence is at an end. I am as the Lord of Hunger was. I need no body, no corporeal being. My reach extends far beyond the limitations of the flesh. My power will spread, overwhelm. Corrupt. Consume.

Beautiful nihrot, my greatest creation, slithering forth... impervious to frost, immune to flame. Irrepressible. Impenetrable. Unconstrained."

--From the research journal of Lord Kanoth

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​r4.​nihrot


Plan Zero (Warrior)

Canny observers speculate that Darth Baras has not been wielding his full strength in the power games of the Sith for years. The reason is Plan Zero, an elegant strategy with one purpose: decapitating the Republic's military leadership in preparation for total war.

Darth Baras cares nothing for the Republic military's obvious heroes. The men who truly matter are behind the scenes. Beginning with the capture of Republic SIS agents in the Outer Rim and culminating in the circumspect cultivation of greedy Senators through proxies, Darth Baras has spent vast resources patiently piecing together information on the Republic's greatest--and most elusive--generals.

Although Plan Zero was composed at Darth Vengean's directive, it was Baras who has spent almost a decade readying it in secret. No other Sith may interfere, and no Republic spy can warn the Plan Zero targets. Now that the plan has been enacted, Baras's apprentice will topple one great Republic leader after the next--until war is certain, and total victory is inevitable.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​plan_zero

Plan Zero (Warrior)

Quantum Bomb

Developed by Arkanian researchers seeking an alternate energy source, a quantum bomb shreds the connections of elementary particles at a subatomic level, causing an escalating chain reaction that obliterates any matter it comes into contact with. The blast radius is subject to the random variances of quantum probability and can extend anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 kilometers.

Because of this unpredictability, quantum bombs are rarely used in military campaigns. Koth witnessed such destruction firsthand during the military campaign to conquer the Republic world of Denon. The devastation unleashed on the Denon fleet--followed by an order to open fire on civilians--caused him to abdicate his military command and turn his back on Zakuul.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Koth recognized the potential of a quantum bomb beyond conventional military uses. By installing one on the Gravestone and integrating the trigger mechanism with the ship's systems, he concocted the ultimate fail-safe to keep the vessel from falling into enemy hands.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​quantum_bomb

Quantum Bomb

Rakghoul Propagation

It has long been thought that the only way for the rakghoul virus to spread was by turning other beings into rakghouls through infection, but close studies of underground rakghoul habitats now point to a more complicated and unsettling reality: that rakghouls can propagate without the need for turning.

Located deep below the surface of infected planets, small rakghouls have been found roaming together in packs. These "raklings" appear to have been formed from luminescent spore sacs strung along the rakghoul tunnels, though it is not yet clear to biologists how this process works. They have learned, however, that the raklings are attracted to a particular pheromone emitted from certain flora found within the tunnels. Researchers have long wished to use this pheromone to lure raklings into captivity, but strict antiviral protocols enacted by THORN do not allow these proto-rakghouls to be taken aboveground. Until they can be tested in a proper laboratory setting, the truth of how rakghouls self-multiply may not be fully understood.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​rakghoul_propagation

Rakghoul Propagation

Raz and the Ubo-Kings

For years, Raz and the Ubo-Kings existed as an obscure band, living gig-to-gig in the nightclubs of Nar Shaddaa. According to Raz--the short-tempered Duros band leader--their talents were wasted playing backup to underworld deals and barroom brawls. Raz and the Ubo-Kings were ahead of their time, a band of musical pioneers seemingly destined to never achieve stardom.

But everything changed when the Eternal Empire conquered the Core Worlds. Through unknown means, holos of the band's performances made their way to Zakuul--where they were soon played on street corners and in underground dance venues. Raz and the Ubo-Kings became an overnight sensation. Within a few months, their intoxicating music was played and sampled in every club on the Spire.

Unfortunately, Raz and the Ubo-kings were still stuck on Nar Shaddaa and didn't collect a single credit from their explosive success on Zakuul. Hungry for fame and fortune, Raz prepped his band for a tour to the Eternal Empire's capital, but their plans were derailed when Empress Vaylin took power and forbid any offworld music from polluting her mighty empire.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​raz_and_the_ubo_kings

Raz and the Ubo-Kings

Replicator Droid

A primary tool in the infamous Shroud's espionage network, a replicator droid can use holographic projection and voice modulation to assume the identity of any organic or synthetic being stored in its databanks. The true origin of replicator droids is uncertain, though some speculate the Shroud stumbled across lost alien tech years ago and leveraged it to build his clandestine empire.

Both the Republic and Empire have invested heavily in research projects to create their own versions of replicator droids, but have achieved only limited success. On the rare occasions one of the Shroud's replicator droids was identified and captured intact, self-destruct protocols automatically fried the relevant circuits and preserved their master's secrets.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​replicator_droid

Replicator Droid

Republic Occupation of Korriban

Though Korriban has only been reclaimed as home of the Sith Order in recent decades, its rich ties to the Empire reach back thousands of years. For Republic forces to set foot on the planet, let alone capture the Sith Academy and Dark Council Chambers, is a great indignity to the Empire's leadership.

It has been reported that, upon hearing the news, Darth Marr ordered the full destruction of the nearest Republic-friendly space station. While this claim remains unsubstantiated, it does correctly illustrate the enduring rage felt by many across the galaxy. Even if the Sith Academy is wrested from Republic control, it may never again be regarded with the same pride it once was.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​republic_occupation_of_korriban

Republic Occupation of Korriban

Republic Privateers (Smuggler)

In times of war, military space fleets are always pushed to the limit. There are never enough vessels to both engage the enemy and defend critical star systems. Thus, despite its firm commitment to law and order, the Republic is not above sanctioning outlaw starship captains to take up arms against the Empire.

The laws governing Republic privateers are kept deliberately simple in acknowledgement of the personality types who accept such work. First, no attacks on civilian transports or population centers are permitted. Second, Republic privateers are expressly forbidden to engage in criminal acts like slavery and murder. Armed robbery of Imperial military vessels and the smuggling of contraband goods pillaged from the enemy are left in an undefined moral gray area, however.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​republic_privateers

Republic Privateers (Smuggler)

Republic Research Division

Codex Entry - Republic Research Division

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​republic_research_division

Republic Research Division

Republic Traitors

While the Republic stands for many high ideals, some of its leaders don't always live up to them. Recent victories against the Empire have put morale at an all-time high, but many citizens remain disaffected--especially those who've fought for so long and seen the cost of their leaders' mistakes firsthand. The allure of a new order promising an end to war and the firm leadership of one of the Republic's most famous historical heroes can't be overstated, and the actions of Colonel Darok and his comrades are clear proof that the Revanites have recruited heavily from Republic ranks.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​republic_revanites

Republic Traitors

Sarkhai (Consular)

Sarkhai is a small planet in the Mid Rim, notable for its dense, relentless forests. Once cleared, a stretch of Sarkhai's gnarled undergrowth can grow back in days, and its foliage hides some of the most vicious wildlife in the sector. As a result, Sarkhai went unexplored for millennia; its indigenous people joined the Republic less than a decade ago.

Surrounded by this hostile environment, the Sarkhai people developed impressive shielding technology to protect themselves and their cities. Safe zones and paths are created with networks of force fields. Republic scientists have now begun incorporating Sarkhai characteristics into new shield designs.

The Sarkhai tradition of face-painting also comes from the dangers of the Sarkhai homeworld. Originally a method of frightening predators, for modern Sarkhai face-painting has become a respected part of their culture. The pattern Nadia Grell wears is an old design called "to see faithfully."

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​sarkhai

Sarkhai (Consular)

Satele Shan: Disappearance

When the Republic bowed to the Eternal Empire, Grand Master Satele Shan renounced her title and vanished. Though there exists no official record of her whereabouts or actions following her disappearance, possible sightings have led to strange speculation.

A summary of sightings reported to the SIS:

- A woman matching Satele's description was seen entering an ancient temple on Yavin 4. When she emerged, she was speaking to an unseen listener--or perhaps to herself.

- Intercepted outgoing messages reveal Satele's son, Agent Theron Shan, made a single attempt to contact her. No reply was sent, but records show the message was opened on Ziost.

- A bug planted on a Zakuulan patrol ship shows records of an unmarked vessel entering Wild Space. The patrol conducted a search and recorded a single human passenger. Lifeform scans, however, suggested there were two beings present on the ship. No explanation was made for the discrepancy, and the woman's identity was not reported. The patrol ship crew could not recall the confrontation.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​satele_shan_disappearance

Satele Shan: Disappearance

Scavengers on Dantooine

After the destruction of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine--and the subsequent Sith occupation--the locals were relieved to see the Jedi abandon the site. The citizens of Dantooine believed that if the Jedi returned, so would the gaze of the ruthless Sith who sought to destroy them.

When the Sith occupation of Dantooine ended, the settlers who had escaped their wrath rebuilt by salvaging the rare and unique items within the Jedi Enclave ruins. Although they didn't understand the purpose of many of the items, they knew the hefty price they would fetch would help sustain Dantooine without Republic support.

The salvaging endeavors in the enclave continued for centuries, but the damage from heavy equipment eventually took its toll on the ruins' integrity, and the Dantooinian government cracked down on all unauthorized salvaging before phasing out official efforts altogether. Many continued the work in secret, however, rather than find a new occupation.

The fall of the Eternal Empire and the renewed war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic spelled the end for scavenging in the enclave ruins, as most citizens sought to profit from the Republic's keen interest in Dantooine's agricultural potential.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​dantooine_scavengers

Scavengers on Dantooine

Separatist Resurgence on Ord Mantell

"You were right about all the weapons coming into Ord Mantell. Guess I owe you that drink.

It's pretty clear that some old players from the Mantellian Separatist Movement are keen on coming back. They're laying the groundwork everywhere. Stockpiling supplies. Rounding up contacts. Everything's moving fast. Too fast. Something's different this time.

I haven't figured out who yet, but word is they have a few backers helping them get things online. I'll start digging into who's pulling the strings, but my gut's telling me it's not the usual suspects. There are plenty of people off our radar who would jump at the chance to stir up this kind of trouble, and these new Separatists aren't picky about who gets involved.

They lost a lot of local support after the ceasefire, but we're heading into war with the Imps again. Our attention is all over the place. Folks are coming around to the Separatists' way of thinking. Give the go-ahead, and I'll get measures in place to counter their recruitment efforts."

--From a message written by Strategic Information Service agent Pellen Tam to his superior

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​chains_in_the_dark.​separatist_resurgence

Separatist Resurgence on Ord Mantell

Star Fortress

After Arcann's successful campaign through Republic and Imperial space, he deployed massive battle stations orbiting the planets he most wanted under his control. These Star Fortresses are powered by Sun Generators capable of venting their excess plasma onto the planet below. The threat of instant devastation holds the world populations hostage and serves as a warning to any who might attack the fortress.

Every enslaved world has its own tale of life under the oppressive shadow of a Star Fortress. Some blame the stations for spreading blight and disease through the environment; others have stories of friends incinerated from orbit for daring to speak their minds about Arcann or Zakuul. True or not, freedom will never be restored to the galaxy until Arcann's Star Fortresses are all destroyed.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​area_codex

Star Fortress

State of the Galaxy

With the sudden arrival of the Eternal Empire, the galaxy was turned upside down. The Eternal Fleet struck both the Sith Empire and the Republic at once, first targeting their shipyards, then cutting off supply lines. Within months, Dromund Kaas and Coruscant were blockaded. Without Darth Marr's leadership, the Dark Council scrambled to fight back against Arcann's forces and were ultimately defeated. While most council members were killed, others disappeared to unknown corners of the galaxy. When the dust settled, only Darth Acina remained, and she quickly named herself the new Sith Empress. Even facing this new threat, Supreme Chancellor Saresh couldn't let go of her grudge against the Empire. She tried to wage war against both enemies and failed, costing millions of Republic lives. Finally, the Senate overruled Saresh to discuss a peace treaty with Arcann. She is no longer officially the Supreme Chancellor, but continues to rule from the shadows. Both sides are forced to pay tribute to Zakuul and are technically under a cease-fire, but that doesn't stop them from quietly trying to eliminate one another. As long as tributes are paid on time, Arcann allows the fighting to continue.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​state_of_the_galaxy

State of the Galaxy

Statue of Karagga the Unyielding

Forged from solid gold and sculpted by no less than eighty-three artisans, the statue of Karagga the Hutt embodies its subject's opulence and grandeur while taking center stage in the Promenade of Nar Shaddaa. The statue itself was commissioned by the Hutt Cartel as a gift to its ruler on Karagga's 800th birthday. Every year since, revelers gather around the statue to honor Karagga's birth in a debauched celebration befitting the Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel.

Critics have disparaged the statue's poor resemblance to Karagga, but they do so without appreciation of the Hutts' artistic traditions. Reflections of reality are shunned. Instead, the truly great statues capture the idealized Hutt form and portray the glorious mass of their subject. From its golden tail to ornate helmet, there exists no finer Hutt statue than that of Karagga the Unyielding.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​qtr11.​raid.​hutt_hospitality.​statue_of_karagga_the_unyielding

Statue of Karagga the Unyielding

Subterranean Seeker Droids

There are many designs of seeker droid in the galaxy, but few can match the versatility and resilience of those models nicknamed "moles" by their users. Subterranean seeker droids are built using the highest-grade durasteel components and programmed for the hazardous task of drilling through soil and rock, surveying the underground area and dredging up any items deemed valuable by its analysis parameters.

Subterranean seeker droids have been used with great success in places as diverse as Tatooine's Dune Sea and Alderaan's Juran Mountains. An especially enterprising scavenger modified her seeker droid for deep-sea drilling and excavation on Manaan. A hungry Firaxan shark swallowed the device whole, but did not live long enough to regret it. The scavenger ate well for several weeks afterwards.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​seeker_droid.​lore.​subterranean_seeker_droids

Subterranean Seeker Droids

Taking the Sith Academy

To disrupt the path of Sith apprentices hoping to one day become Dark Lords, even if it's for a moment, would be seen as a victory to many. But the true value of capturing the Sith Academy lies within the restricted halls and chambers of the Dark Council.

Though Sith are known to destroy sources of information in order to obfuscate the truth, the Emperor had accumulated a vast repository of arcane and taboo knowledge which is now believed to be curated by the Dark Council. This "dark library" could potentially be used to serve the Republic's interests instead of the Empire's--if administered with great caution.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​taking_the_sith_academy

Taking the Sith Academy

The Chiss Ascendancy and the Eternal Empire

When the Eternal Empire's violent rise to power began, the Chiss Ascendancy watched both Imperial and Republic worlds fall before the Eternal Fleet's might. Rather than see their society crumble in the face of tyranny, the Chiss decided to strike a deal: they would freely give their two richest industrial worlds to Arcann as tribute. In return, the Eternal Empire would allow the Ascendancy to retain their homeworlds.

This deal let the Chiss remain largely untouched by the war. After the Alliance's victory, the Ascendancy easily claimed their lost worlds with the Sith Empire's help. Though the Chiss claim to be suffering a resource crisis like the rest of the galaxy, rumors circulate about secret stores they've kept hidden from the Sith.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​copero.​chiss_update

The Chiss Ascendancy and the Eternal Empire

The Curse

During their occupation of Voss, the ancient Sith conducted many experiments, including the exposure of creatures with strong connections to the dark side to a Force-enriched world. These test subjects were abandoned, however, when the people of ancient Voss exterminated the Sith who had conquered their homeworld. The cities and temples built by the Sith quickly fell into disrepair, until almost no sign was left of the invaders. But deep below the structure known as the Shrine of Silence, one of the Sith's forgotten experiments has continued to thrive.

Whatever beast "The Curse" was originally has been lost to memory. In the millennia since it was first brought to Voss, the Curse has evolved, growing in size, drawing on the essence of all it devours, gaining sentience and many unnatural abilities. It can corrupt and confuse, it shows horrific visions to any unsuspecting victim that stumbles into its lair. The Curse's prey will lash out violently against anything they see, and those who survive the gruesome hallucinations become subservient to the monster. Even the spirits of Voss are not immune to the Curse's commands: it can tear openings in the barrier of Voss's spirit world, summon its inhabitants, and compel them to obey.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​shrine_of_silence.​the_curse

The Curse

The Desolator Superweapon (Knight)

For years, the enemy infiltrator posing as Doctor Tarnis oversaw the Republic's secret superweapon projects. The devious Sith scientist used his extraordinary knowledge and the Republic's vast resources to develop a series of powerful weapons that could turn the tide of any future war. What the Republic did not realize is that these weapons could be combined into a far more deadly device.

Before his death, Tarnis transmitted the complete schematics of all his work to his father, legendary Sith Lord Darth Angral. Copies of these records were recovered on Ord Mantell under the code name "Desolator," along with an affectionate series of messages between father and son. Whatever their evils, the Sith feel family bonds as acutely as anyone.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​the_desolator_superweapon

The Desolator Superweapon (Knight)

The Emperor's Plan (Knight)

Every decision the Sith Emperor has made for the last millennium has been in the service of one dark goal: the complete annihilation of every living thing in the galaxy. The Emperor's desire is not destruction for its own sake, however. He is not a nihilist. The Emperor intends to feed on the galaxy's extinction and draw that energy into himself, giving him true immortality--and a godlike mastery of the Force.

The Jedi can only speculate on what the Emperor will do if his plan succeeds. Does he intend to preserve any followers, or live on alone? With such unlimited power, could he plant the seeds of life and raise a new galaxy from the old one's ashes?

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_emperors_plan

The Emperor's Plan (Knight)

The Emperor's Space Station

The Emperor's space station is as much temple as fortress. Built by the Empire's finest engineers--many of whom never left their creation--the station is a blend of modern and incredibly ancient technology. The cloaking device which keeps the station invisible uses Gree technology, while the station's power core and security features are Rakata in design.

The station is vast, comprising an unknown number of decks and chambers. Dozens of rooms store artifacts the Emperor gathered over the centuries, while prisoners whose identities are long forgotten float in stasis chambers. Traditionally, the privileged few who had audiences on the station were brought there by the Emperor's servants, with no memories of the journey.

In the hands of Darth Malgus, the space station has become a new and terrible weapon--but one with many secrets yet to be unlocked. Malgus and his servants have much to learn about their headquarters and its full capabilities.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​illum.​the_emperors_space_station

The Emperor's Space Station

The Emperor's Vaults

The Emperor's vaults have long been a subject of rumor among the Sith Empire's leaders, though how many exist remains unknown. Believed to contain dark relics of incredible power, the vaults are a mythic prize few speak of openly and fewer still try to locate.

The last known hunt for these vaults was conducted by SIS Colonel Jen Alkier shortly after the Emperor disappeared from Dromund Kaas. Acting on a tip from a highly placed Sith informant, Alkier searched the fringes of Wild Space. After several weeks, all contact from the colonel ceased.

Months later, Alkier's abandoned ship was found on Korriban with no visible damage other than a wiped memory core and a missing astromech droid. The SIS tried to locate its missing agent, but Alkier's file was ultimately closed. The secrets of the Emperor's vaults remain a mystery.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_emperors_vaults

The Emperor's Vaults

The Empire on Tython

Not long ago, a vengeful Sith Lord attempted to obliterate Tython--and nearly succeeded. Ever since, protecting the Jedi Order's home from further incursion has been of paramount concern to the Republic. That an Imperial invasion force has slipped through Tython's new, heightened security architecture points to some unsettling possibilities.

The Empire's presence on Tython could be accounted for by flawed security design, which would make similar exploits throughout Republic space likely. And while reports from SIS show that Imperial Intelligence has been gutted, this breach could mean the Empire has rebuilt the agency--or that it still has loyal assets within the Republic. Whatever their advantage, the odds that it will persist are strong.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​the_empire_on_tython

The Empire on Tython

The End of Basilisk: Part 1

"Basilisk was once a lush, humid world located not far from Coruscant. Its inhabitants, the Basiliskans, were an intelligent, lizard-like species who were known throughout the Republic for expertly crafting fearsome droids that were nothing short of weapons of war.

At the dawn of the "Great Shadow Crusade" (the moniker by which the Mandalorians know the time of the Great Sith War), the Mandalorians turned their bloodthirsty gaze to Basilisk. The ruthless warriors ravaged the planet without mercy, seeking to enslave the Basiliskan people and their war droids.

The Basiliskans, however, proved to be formidable foes. Some even earned the respect of the Mandalorian invaders through their determination and willingness to fight. But the resistance was not enough, even with Republic and Jedi reinforcements. Ultimately, the Basiliskans were no match against the relentless onslaught dispatched by the Mandalorian Crusaders...."

--From a historical account of the Great Sith War, found in the Jedi archives on Tython

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​end_of_basilisk1

The End of Basilisk: Part 1

The End of Basilisk: Part 2

"Facing complete domination, and with few desperate options left, the Basiliskans resorted to chemically scorching the entire surface of their homeworld, rendering Basilisk an uninhabitable wasteland.

The calamity forced Mandalore the Indomitable to order a retreat, briefly withdrawing his warriors from Basilisk. With the Mandalorian forces' attention momentarily diverted offworld, they had no way of knowing that--in a final act of defiance--the Basiliskans launched several beacons carrying the secrets of building their war droids: schematics, diagrams, even elements that could only be found on Basilisk.

When the Mandalorians returned, the remaining Basiliskans faced their full wrath and were swiftly defeated. Without the full knowledge of building new Basilisk war droids, the Mandalorians took the ones that remained for their own. Those Basiliskans that survived the Battle of Basilisk were then enslaved, to be used as the new Mandalorian war mounts...."

--From a historical account of the Great Sith War, found in the Jedi archives on Tython

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​end_of_basilisk2

The End of Basilisk: Part 2

The Eternal Fleet

The Eternal Fleet is an ancient and unstoppable armada operated by sentient droids and controlled by the Eternal Throne. Centuries ago, the fleet nearly wiped out all of Wild Space. It took a colossal alien warship, the Gravestone, to deactivate the Eternal Fleet, and even it was subsequently lost in the final battle. Valkorion had heard rumors of the fleet before his arrival on Zakuul; it was the main reason he chose the planet to house his new empire. Once he gained control over Zakuul, he began his search for the fleet in earnest, using the Scions' Force visions to eventually find the dormant ships. He built the Eternal Throne to reactivate and command the lost fleet. While primarily used in military operations, the fleet is also key in collecting tributes and resources from conquered planets and protecting trade routes in Wild Space.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​eternal_fleet

The Eternal Fleet

The Exarchs of Zakuul

Alliance spy T7-O1 obtained classified datafiles in the Spire on Zakuul that revealed the existence of an experimental program code-named "Project Exarch." The goal of this initiative is to enhance the best and most loyal Knights of Zakuul with biological and cybernetic upgrades, creating paragons of the Eternal Empire's sociopolitical ideals--and deadly enforcers of Emperor Arcann's might.

Knights who survive the intensely painful conversion process are given the title Exarch and assigned to command a Star Fortress orbiting one of Zakuul's many conquered worlds. Exarchs are not just military commanders and super-soldiers; they are the unquestioned rulers of planets under their watch and answer only to Arcann himself. In addition to governing conquered worlds, Exarchs are quasi-religious leaders who inspire their subordinates with iconography related to the Old Gods of Zakuul's ancient history.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​exarchs

The Exarchs of Zakuul

The Eyeless

The exploration of subterranean rakghoul tunnels by THORN personnel has led to many chilling revelations about rakghoul biology and behavior--none more horrifying than the gargantuan creature known as "the Eyeless". Far larger than any rakghoul ever previously recorded, these creatures make their home near the very heart of the outbreak. Sensor probes and scouts have never found more than one such creature in each tunnel network.

No two THORN scientists can seem to agree on the role of the Eyeless in the rakghoul heirarchy. Some theorize that they are actually the source of the outbreaks, where others believe them to be a mere byproduct of the plague's progression. Until more detailed scans are made available, definitive answers on the nature of the Eyeless will likely remain out of reach.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​lair_boss

The Eyeless

The Fall of the Scions

Following a massacre decreed by Emperor Arcann, persecution ordered by Empress Vaylin, and the rampage of powerful god-like machines, the Scions of Zakuul dwindled beyond their ability to restore their numbers.

The few who remained clung to each other, waiting for the moment their former leader, Heskal, had prophesied--the utter destruction of the Scions of Zakuul. While they waited, they watched and investigated any sign that their former Emperor, Valkorion, was still living.

Their suspicions were confirmed when one of the last remaining Scions had a vision of Valkorion consumed by dark shadows that then spread across the galaxy. The Scions took action, locating the ship that contained the infected Satele Shan and her students and taking the vessel off-course, all while knowing that they might soon meet their demise.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​satele_ship.​fall_of_scions

The Fall of the Scions

The Fall of Valkorion

Over the millennia, Valkorion wore many faces and names: Lord Vitiate; Emperor of the Sith; Eternal Emperor of Zakuul. For centuries upon centuries, he shaped and manipulated galactic events, bending the arc of history to his will during his obsessive quest for immortality. A being of unfathomable power and insatiable appetite, he transcended death multiple times, shedding his physical shells as they were discovered, defeated, and destroyed... only to return in another form.

With each rebirth, he grew stronger. His machinations became grander. The pain and suffering he unleashed became greater. Some believed his ultimate goal was conquest: the complete subjugation of every world, known and unknown. Others believed he sought annihilation: the consumption of every living being in the galaxy, until he alone remained.

Yet, immortality is an impossibility. No matter how strong, how powerful, how godlike, all must perish. In the end, Valkorion could not escape the inevitable, permanent end to his existence. Finally, after thousands of years, the Immortal Emperor--his body, his spirit, the very essence of his being--is no more.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_fall_of_valkorion

The Fall of Valkorion

The Force: Beyond Light and Dark

To the Jedi, the Force is a partner to be respected. For the Sith, it's a power to be harnessed. Others believe the Force can reach far beyond the narrow scope of these two opposing factions. These philosophies aren't always so black and white.

In remote corners of the galaxy, far from the influence of the Republic or Empire, those sensitive in the Force develop their own beliefs and values. In the Valau tribe of Nagoa, Force sensitives are considered to be marked by the gods, chosen to act as instruments of their gods' wills. Valau Force wielders undergo an intense ritual to shed their previous identities and act solely as conduits for these gods. The concept of light and dark is irrelevant. The will of the gods is unquestionable, and the Force is simply a tool to enforce it.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​beyond_light_and_dark

The Force: Beyond Light and Dark

The Gauntlet Superweapon (Trooper)

Imperial engineers have created a deadly new device code-named "Gauntlet." This massive turbolaser cannon fires charged tachyonic matter capable of traveling faster than lightspeed. Combined with a unique targeting array using the same technology as hyperwave relays, the Gauntlet can select and destroy enemy starships while they are still traveling through hyperspace.

A single shot from the Gauntlet can annihilate even the largest Republic dreadnought, giving the Empire a crushingly decisive advantage in the war. It is worth noting that unlike many superweapons--which seem designed to inflict casualties on large populations--the Gauntlet is that rare device that permits highly-selective targeting. It is possible to fire the Gauntlet without ever endangering civilians.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​the_gauntlet_superweapon

The Gauntlet Superweapon (Trooper)

The Gravestone's Creators

Little is known of the mysterious alien species that designed and built the legendary warship now known solely by its ominous nickname, "the Gravestone." Records from the dark age of Wild Space history in which the vessel rose to prominence have been lost. Only fragments of centuries-old data remain, describing a vast armada that spread across the sectors to conquer every inhabited world--including Zakuul.

If not for the abrupt appearance of the Gravestone and its destructive Omnicannon, Zakuul might still be enslaved by the conquerors. Though no one knows their species, much less their names, the Gravestone's valiant crew-members fought a desperate battle that left the enemy fleet shattered. The few survivors fled into the darkness beyond the galactic rim, never to threaten Wild Space again.

No one knows what happened to the Gravestone's crew, or exactly how the warship wound up buried in the Endless Swamp of Zakuul. Like the war that spawned the legend, truth remains elusive. Perhaps it always will be....

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​gravestone_creators

The Gravestone's Creators

The History of Swoop Biking

Congratulations! You've just taken your first steps toward joining the pantheon of the most famous (and infamous!) crews in the history of swoop bikes. You stand ready to take part in the galaxy's most esteemed and distinguished pastime--and you're gonna have a blast doing it!

Now, to understand swoop riding, you must understand where it originated from--and if you figure that out, can you let us know? We're pretty sure it started on Taris, but since it blew up (it was a whole thing) we don't know for sure.

Even if it didn't start there, Taris was still a pretty important part of the swoop world (did you know Revan won a big swoop event there?), and after it got destroyed, the circuit took a huge hit. Luckily, we still had other swoop tracks to compete on, like the ones on Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, Onderon, and Manaan.

For centuries, swoop biking has been an awfully popular sport, and even the most inexperienced newbie (that's you!) is more than welcome to participate, so long as they got a bike! So, what kind of rider will you be? Are you a Hidden Bek, looking to use your potential fame and name recognition to help the little people? Or are you a Black Seraph, just itching to pick a fight and make some creds?

--From a copy of "So You Think You Can Swoop?", an informative brochure for new swoop bikers

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​swoop_gang.​swoop_history

The History of Swoop Biking

The Hive Wars

Prior to their discovery of space travel, Kubaz clans sustained their insectoid-based diet by maintaining and harvesting their own hives. Civil unrest grew as sustainability among neighboring clans' hives suffered. Continued shortages led to raids, which eventually resulted in an all-out war among the Kubaz, known as the Hive Wars.

The Hive Wars had a devastating effect on the Kubaz population. The war ended when Kubaz geneticists discovered Insecticulture, which offered new ways to genetically alter insects and assign them to specific clans.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kubindi.​hive_war

The Hive Wars

The Hunt for Senya

As one of her first acts as Empress of Zakuul, Vaylin declared a bounty on her own mother, who had fled into the far reaches of the galaxy with a badly injured Arcann. A deluge of rumors and unverified reports flooded in from those eager to claim the reward. Obsessed, Vaylin pursued each one, calling on the full resources of the Eternal Empire to track down her quarry.

Hunted and desperate to find someone who could heal Arcann, Senya turned to a group of rogue Knights of Zakuul who had broken away from the Eternal Throne. But on arriving at their secret camp on Ord Mantell, she found the knights brutally slaughtered and her bloodthirsty daughter waiting for her.

Despite Vaylin's trap, Senya escaped Ord Mantell with her life... though the same could not be said of her former comrades-in-arms. Since the Ord Mantell massacre, more rumors of Senya and Arcann's location have surfaced, but none have proved substantial.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_hunt_for_senya

The Hunt for Senya

The Importance of Mandalorian Relics

For many Mandalorians, relics are an important touchstone to connect with their long and fractured history. The cultural identity of this clan-based group is centered around conflict and combat, so a chaotic history of war is expected.

While grounded in a common creed and code, those who wish to understand and honor past achievements will look to items that gained significance during a specific event, battle, or because they were wielded by a person of great renown. These relics can become symbols of the core tenants of the Mandalorian beliefs; a physical embodiment of a philosophy that is rooted in the most primitive of contests between creatures of flesh and blood.

Perhaps more than the leaders before her, Mandalore the Avenger recognized the importance of these relics in helping to unify the clans with a history they could see and touch, and so began to collect and house important artifacts from the past in order to smooth the path to the future.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mandalorian_relics

The Importance of Mandalorian Relics

The Jedi Temple on Tython

The Sacking of Coruscant was arguably the greatest military win in the history of the Sith Empire. Not only did it force the Galactic Republic to desperately accept unfavorable terms in ending the Great War; it also allowed for the utter destruction of the Jedi Temple. While it was hoped that this act would crush the Jedi Order's resolve, the relatively recent rediscovery of the Order's homeworld of Tython presented an opportunity for the Jedi to relocate their Temple there.

Nestled among artifacts dating to the very origins of the Jedi Order, this new Jedi Temple represents an even greater symbolic objective for the Empire. From what little Imperial Intelligence had gathered on the new structure, the Jedi learned from the mistakes of Coruscant, installing powerful defenses and multilayered security measures. But for someone like Minister of Offense Darth Arkous, such hurdles only serve to make the Jedi Temple that much more appealing a target.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​the_jedi_temple_on_tython

The Jedi Temple on Tython

The New Sith Empire

The Eternal Empire of Zakuul's emergence had grave consequences for the Sith Empire. Darth Marr's execution left the Sith leaderless as the armies of Zakuul ravaged their worlds. Most of the remaining Dark Council were slain or went into hiding, and the once proud Sith Empire was forced into a humiliating surrender.

As the new Sith Empress, Darth Acina swore fealty to the Eternal Throne. Under her rule, the Sith were allowed to maintain authority over most of the planets they had conquered, though each world paid a substantial monthly tribute to Zakuul.

Severe restrictions were also placed on the Sith military, with strict quotas imposed on the number of ships and troops allowed to remain in active service. However, there are rumors the Sith secretly--and rapidly--rebuilt their military since Vaylin came to power in anticipation of a renewed bid for independence.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_new_sith_empire

The New Sith Empire

The Ritual of Tulak Hord (Inquisitor)

In his time as Dark Lord of the Sith, Tulak Hord was known as a master of the mystical dark arts of the Force, using his powers to plumb the depths of life and death. In the battles of Yn and Chabosh, Tulak Hord is believed to have used a ritual to draw the strength of his enemies to himself, growing his power and vitality.

One ritual of Tulak Hord's gets only a scant mention in the histories, but is the subject of myth and legend--a ritual rumored to grant eternal life. No one has ever managed to uncover this mythical ritual, let alone perform it.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​the_ritual_of_tulak_hord

The Ritual of Tulak Hord (Inquisitor)

The Role of a Dark Council Member (Inquisitor)

The Emperor's word is supreme, but the Emperor rarely speaks. As such, it is the Dark Council that rules and administers the affairs of the Empire while the Emperor is silent, determining the fate of worlds and trillions of sentient beings. Each Dark Council member takes charge of one of the twelve pyramids of power within the Sith Empire, and may act as he or she sees fit.

In practice, joining the Dark Council is just the beginning of a Sith's true rise to prominence. Within the Dark Council are alliances between members designed to keep other members weak or ensure a majority in issues that must be decided by the council as a whole. While in theory there is no head of the council, in practice, every member is struggling to amass enough personal power to control the others. Those who have been on the council for years or decades have deep roots.

While the Dark Council rarely meets in full, a canny Dark Council member makes it a point to be aware of every meeting, and to always have an ally in the chamber.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_role_of_a_dark_council_member

The Role of a Dark Council Member (Inquisitor)

The Schism Collective

Led by the famed Arkis Wode, the Schism Collective is a group of Anomid technological savants. Although its members are clearly brilliant, the Schism Collective's experiments have been condemned as dangerous or even barbaric by Republic observers, and anyone affiliated with the collective is barred from certain systems in Republic space.

The Schism Collective's skills drew the attention of Darth Malgus, who patiently earned its members' trust with gifts of technology and test subjects. The collective's technologists have since performed many important services for Malgus, such as incorporating the technology of the ancient Foundry into the Emperor's captured space station. They have also augmented the weaponry used by Malgus's forces with Rakata devices and perfected the production of his stealth fleet. Malgus holds up the Schism Collective as an example of alien ingenuity that the old Empire was foolish to reject.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​illum.​the_schism_collective

The Schism Collective

The Seeds of Rage

The Sith Order is constantly seeking ways to fuse dark side power with technology, creating new and terrifying weapons for inflicting terror and despair on the Empire's enemies. One of the greatest practitioners of Sith alchemy, Lord Fulminiss, devoted his life to developing insidious new devices for corrupting other life forms. The subterranean machines code-named "Seeds of Rage" were Fulminiss's crowning achievement.

The Seeds use a combination of low-frequency transmissions and pure dark side power to subtly manipulate the thoughts and emotions of any living creature nearby. Over time, victims of these devices are driven homicidally insane and contaminated by dark side energy. The Seeds can affect intelligent species and beasts with equal success, and rumors persist that these horrific devices can even overwrite the programming logic of droids.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​seeker_droid.​lore.​seeds_of_rage

The Seeds of Rage

The Shadow Arsenal (Agent)

Toward the end of the Great War, Republic Special Forces Colonel Laren Omas--one of the key figures behind the Republic's weapons research projects--assembled a team of the galaxy's greatest scientists. Together, they would do what no single scientist could: design a weapon capable of turning back the Imperial threat.

The scientists, led by Doctor Nasan Godera, were initially skeptical. But Omas had worked with many of them before, and over the course of weeks the group developed a plan. They would build a "Shadow Arsenal" of interplanetary missiles, each armed with a cloaking device and a warhead of continent-shaking power. The Shadow Arsenal would be the ultimate deterrent--a weapon impossible to defend against and too powerful to ignore.

The group began falling apart long before work was completed. Colonel Omas's death on Hoth was the final blow, and the scientists went their respective ways--save for Doctor Godera. Godera stubbornly continued, secretly building the arsenal on Quesh until, faced with the finished product, even he realized its destructive potential went too far.

The Shadow Arsenal was an indiscriminate, catastrophic weapon. It would kill millions of civilians along with its intended targets, and this was not something Godera could abide. His future weapons would be different--built to imprison, to guard or to selectively target.

Thus, the Shadow Arsenal was abandoned. Until now.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​the_shadow_arsenal

The Shadow Arsenal (Agent)

The Silencer (Inquisitor)

Powerful fleet-destroying technology, the Silencer is a ship-mounted cannon designed to be fired over long ranges. The visible energy beam created by the Silencer is capable of obliterating capital ships, but more significant is the beam's blossoming effect--a rippling wave of radiation cascading outward from the beam with range and destructive power sufficient to destroy an entire enemy armada.

Dependent on a rare and costly new chip called the CN-12, the Silencer prototype originated under the aegis of the late Darth Mekhis. When Mekhis died, her half-completed technology was left to the military to develop further--but when it became clear that progress was slow, the powerful Sith Lord Darth Thanaton deemed the Silencer project too costly and out of line with the Empire's goals to continue.

Moff Pyron, the officer who was assigned to oversee the Silencer, saw potential that Darth Thanaton did not. Since then, he has ensured that the prototype's continued development behind Thanaton's back.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_silencer

The Silencer (Inquisitor)

The Spike

When a mining crew drilled into what they had thought was a prothium gas pocket, the first underground network of rakghoul tunnels was discovered. Since then, direct routes have not been found into these densely populated tunnels that happen to correspond with rakghoul outbreaks. To access such networks in an efficient and timely manner, THORN founder Addalar Hyland introduced The Spike: a massive, cylindrical pulse hammer that quickly displaces soil and rock to form a temporary turbolift shaft leading directly into the rakghouls' subterranean lairs.

Originally developed by Galactic Solutions Industries to fire troop deployments deep into sub-crustal enemy bunkers, the effects of The Spike's ground-busting payload were deemed too violent for those within to survive the turbulence, making the costly apparatus less than desirable to prospective buyers. In its new role as a facilitator between rakghouls and those who wish to dispose of them, The Spike has found great success.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​the_spike

The Spike

The Voidwolf's Conspiracy (Smuggler)

The Voidwolf has always been despised by his fellow Imperial commanders. They see him as pirate scum promoted far above his station--and he has never argued with that assessment. The Voidwolf's interest in the Empire has always been its profit potential.

The Voidwolf recruited Imperial sleeper agent Darmas Pollaran and corrupt Republic Senator Bevera Dodonna to organize the galaxy's smugglers, gangsters and pirates into his personal mercenary fleet. Their goal is to strike the Republic's shipyards and loot everything that isn't nailed down. With these stolen resources, the Voidwolf intends to plunder the Core Worlds while the Republic and Empire battle on Corellia.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_voidwolfs_conspiracy

The Voidwolf's Conspiracy (Smuggler)

Theron Shan: The Secret Son

Theron was born from the love affair between two Republic heroes: Jedi Knight Satele Shan and Republic Captain Jace Malcom. Their romance was short-lived, and Satele only discovered her pregnancy after the two parted ways. She kept the child a secret and gave birth in hiding. Though Satele wanted nothing more than to care for her newborn son, she had to uphold her duty to the Jedi Order. She surrendered Theron to the care of her Jedi Master--Ngani Zho--to continue serving the Republic.

Theron was briefly raised as a Jedi, but the older he grew, the more obvious it became that he was not Force-sensitive. He ultimately left the Jedi Order and joined the Republic Strategic Information Service. Theron excelled in his covert work as a spy, and finally met Jace Malcom and learned that he was his father. They worked together on Operation End Game and parted on good terms. In the following years, they shared the occasional father-son meeting, but struggled to grow close. Though the meetings were awkward, Theron always felt a fondness for his father--a feeling he never had for his mother, who he felt abandoned him for the good of the Republic.

Theron's relationship with Malcom reached a breaking point when he left the Republic to help found the Alliance. Malcom saw this as a betrayal, but Theron refused to bow to the Eternal Empire's oppressive army. Harsh words were exchanged during their last holocall several years ago. They haven't spoken since.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​theron_shan_the_secret_son

Theron Shan: The Secret Son

Treaty of Coruscant

The decades-long war between the Galactic Republic and the rejuvenated Sith Empire ended without a decisive battle. Instead, the conflict halted with a peace agreement neither side believed would last--the Treaty of Coruscant, a document forbidding Republic military activity within Imperial space and vice versa. Rules of engagement in neutral territory are far more vague, allowing for a range of border conflicts and attacks via third parties, but the treaty has prevented all-out warfare on more than one occasion.

Negotiations began when the Empire--whose early victories had led to dwindling resources and overexpansion--reached out to a battered Republic and called for a summit on Alderaan. As the summit began, Imperial forces launched a surprise attack on Coruscant, the Republic capital. Conquering the city-world was impossible, but the Empire wreaked enormous havoc in a short period, effectively holding Coruscant hostage and forcing the Republic to agree to less-than-favorable terms.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ita_rta.​treaty_of_coruscant

Treaty of Coruscant

Twi'lek Pilgrims on Ossus

Despite initial tensions around their settlement on Tython, many of the Twi'lek Pilgrims established long-lasting friendships with their Jedi neighbors over the subsequent years. In particular, Master Gnost-Dural's efforts to document the Pilgrims' struggles and the history of their settlement helped to create a stronger relationship between the two groups.

When he set out to create the Jedi colony on Ossus, Gnost-Dural was quick to reach out to the Pilgrims for their advice and aid, having come to admire their resilience and expertise. This led several of the Pilgrims to volunteer to join the project and share their years of colonizing experience, contributing much to the colony's success in the harsh conditions of Ossus.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ossus.​twilek_pilgrims

Twi'lek Pilgrims on Ossus

Vaylin's Conditioning

Even as a child, Vaylin showed signs of tremendous power. Fearing she would one day challenge him, Valkorion imprisoned his daughter while he sought limits and controls on her power.

Through brutal experiments and mental conditioning, Vaylin was subconsciously trained to respond to a specific phrase: kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul. When spoken by her father, these words prevent Vaylin from unleashing her power and temporarily trap her will in an unbreakable mental prison.

While effective, it is likely the conditioning aggravated Vaylin's violent tendencies and contributed to her mental instability. While trying to cage his daughter's anger, Valkorion transformed her into a monster.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​vaylins_conditioning

Vaylin's Conditioning

Vaylin: Empress of Zakuul

After Arcann's disappearance, his sister was quick to claim the Eternal Throne... and just as quick to prove herself a more brutal leader than her brother. At her coronation, a dozen Knights of Zakuul were publicly executed for failing to protect her predecessor. Vaylin carried out the sentences herself, personally congratulating each victim on the great honor of dying at her exalted hand.

The casual cruelty of their new ruler shocked Zakuul's citizens. More importantly, it drew focus away from the strange droid serving as Vaylin's top advisor, and distracted people from the sudden desertion of nearly a third of the Eternal Fleet.

It remains to be seen whether Vaylin's harsh tactics will cow her people into obedience, or ignite the flames of true rebellion.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​vaylin_empress_of_zakuul

Vaylin: Empress of Zakuul

World Thrasher

In an era of planetary shields, the easiest way to conquer a world is to put boots on the ground. But even the largest army of surface troops can be neutralized by hostile or impassable terrain, which is why the Eternal Empire developed the world thrasher.

A massive armored vehicle, world thrashers are sent to clear a path for incoming ground troops during the first wave of a planetary invasion. These automated machines of environmental destruction can uproot or incinerate trees, smash boulders, flatten hills, and even burrow through mountains, earning them the nickname "death tractors."

Attempts to utilize world thrashers as weapons have failed because their bulk makes them too ponderous and slow to effectively keep up with a military advance. However, any enemy soldiers careless enough to approach the death tractors will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​world_thrasher

World Thrasher

Zakuulan Allies

With the fall of the Eternal Empire, millions of Zakuulan armed forces were cast adrift, without a leader to command them or an empire to defend. Sana-Rae approached the Force-sensitive Knights of Zakuul and convinced many of them to join the newly forged Eternal Alliance. Meanwhile, Doctor Oggurobb tackled the Skytrooper problem. Under his supervision, Alliance engineers reprogrammed the Overwatch control center on Zakuul and converted the Skytrooper battle droids into loyal Alliance soldiers.

Tensions spiked as the Zakuulan forces flooded the Eternal Alliance ranks. Some feared being displaced by the new recruits, while others couldn't trust their former enemies. The xenophobic Alliance Captain Hym Jemuro even imprisoned the Skytroopers stationed aboard his capital ship in the cargo hold, claiming they were plotting a mutiny. Two days later, his ship suffered catastrophic damage while navigating the Kauron asteroid field. The Skytroopers escaped the cargo hold, repaired the ship's critical systems, and saved the crew. Since then, the Alliance has largely embraced their former enemies, much to the frustration of the disgraced Captain Jemuro.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​zakuulan_allies_2

Zakuulan Allies

Zakuulan Allies

With the fall of the Eternal Empire, millions of Zakuulan armed forces were cast adrift, without a leader to command them or an empire to defend. Senya Tirall approached her former comrades in the Knights of Zakuul and convinced a contingent of the Force-sensitive warriors to join the newly forged Eternal Alliance. Meanwhile, Doctor Oggurobb tackled the Skytrooper problem. Under his supervision, Alliance engineers reprogrammed the Overwatch control center on Zakuul and converted the Skytrooper battle droids into loyal Alliance soldiers.

Tensions spiked as the Zakuulan forces flooded the Eternal Alliance ranks. Some feared being displaced by the new recruits, while others couldn't trust their former enemies. The xenophobic Alliance Captain Hym Jemuro even imprisoned the Skytroopers stationed aboard his capital ship in the cargo hold, claiming they were plotting a mutiny. Two days later, his ship suffered catastrophic damage while navigating the Kauron asteroid field. The Skytroopers escaped the cargo hold, repaired the ship's critical systems, and saved the crew. Since then, the Alliance has largely embraced their former enemies, much to the frustration of the disgraced Captain Jemuro.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​zakuulan_allies_1

Zakuulan Allies


Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alliance.​conflicting_priorities_imp



Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alliance.​conflicting_priorities_rep



Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​force_machine


Balmorran Corporations

Prior to the Empire's invasion, Balmorra was one of the galaxy's leading independent industrial worlds. It maintained a close relationship with the Republic, but remained aloof of most galactic struggles due to the strength of its corporations--including Okara, Balmorran Arms and Traken Industries. As a leading weapons and droid manufacturer, Balmorra was a corporate-run oligarchic democracy, centered on the capital of Bin Prime.

The Empire took pains to leave the corporate hierarchies intact when the occupation began in an effort to smoothly transition back to full industrial production. Corporate executives who refused to cooperate were forcibly removed and replaced, and today's Balmorran corporations are puppets for the Empire--sometimes eager, often not.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​balmorra_corporations

Balmorran Corporations
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Balmorran Pollution

As a thriving center of industry, Balmorra has never been a pollution-free planet and has grappled with the problem of waste produced by its many factories for many years. Still, unlike many of the similarly industrial Hutt worlds, Balmorra and its corporations have continually sought ways to safely dispose of its waste and keep the planet habitable.

For these reasons, facilities such as the Traken Waste Processing plant and the hazard vaults--a system of underground sealed storage facilities for toxic materials--were created. During the Imperial bombardment, however, many of these facilities were destroyed, releasing the toxic byproducts of Balmorran industry into the environment and destroying huge swathes of land.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​balmorran_pollution

Balmorran Pollution
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Colicoid Queen (Bounty Hunter)

While Colicoid society is not as rigidly hive-oriented as that of some insectoid species, Colicoid physiology ensures that a fertile queen will always hold a privileged position in life. Despite the fact that most Colicoid queens spend their lives being served tirelessly by their drones, workers and warriors, queens are extremely dangerous and often more than twice the size of even the largest warrior breeds.

Queens are also the only Colicoids to sport a unique poison stinger that--combined with their size and strength--make them the most deadly defenders of a nest. Fortunately, a queen will usually only fight when her young are threatened.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​colicoid_queen

Colicoid Queen (Bounty Hunter)
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Imperial Military on Balmorra

The Imperial military presence on Balmorra is understaffed and undersupplied. After the incredible success of the initial bombardment, the Imperial military has been harassed at every turn by Balmorran resistance fighters while more pressing conflicts elsewhere in the galaxy draw the attention of Imperial High Command.

The military makes its headquarters in Sobrik, where it is commanded by the thirteenth Imperial governor of Balmorra since the bombardment--along with those officers unfortunate enough to have been assigned to the military quagmire.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​imperial_military_on_balmorra

Imperial Military on Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Imperial Subjugation

After the initial invasion of Balmorra, the Empire found itself facing immense opposition. Many former members of Balmorra's army remained on the planet in the form of a loosely organized resistance force, taking advantage of their superior numbers and knowledge of the terrain to wage an ongoing guerrilla war. Resistance soon came in other forms, as well: rebellious citizens, treacherous factory foremen, saboteurs posing as allies and terrorist cells all tried to thwart the Empire's attempts to fully control the industrial world.

In response, the Empire has placed the territories it controls under strict lockdown, using a combination of propaganda and military policing to subjugate the unruly Balmorran population. Curfews are enforced and all citizens must apply for official IDs--a process that tests their loyalty to the Empire--or else be marked as resistance sympathizers and arrested. Punishments for attacks on Imperial infrastructure are regularly meted out against perpetrators' families, or even against the entire population; the lesson must be taught.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​imperial_subjugation

Imperial Subjugation
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Operation: Blackout (Agent)

Category: Infiltration / Threat Elimination
Location: Balmorra
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: Station Chief Lekern Renald, Sanju Pyne

Operational Summary: Planet Balmorra hosted anti-Imperial terrorist cell--part of the Eagle's network. Cell specialized in recruitment and training of terrorist assets; assets would gain experience as part of Balmorra's resistance before being sent to support cells elsewhere in the galaxy.

By infiltrating the local cell, Cipher Nine successfully neutralized the terrorist leader Gray Star (see details for method and suggested follow-up). Cost of infiltration was within acceptable range.

Cross-reference: Gray Star, Zenith, Eagle, Dominator, Lachris

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_blackout

Operation: Blackout (Agent)
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

The Invasion of Balmorra

The Empire launched a two-pronged attack on Balmorra during the war, believing Balmorra's weapons production facilities and proximity to the Core Worlds to be of great strategic importance. The first prong of the attack involved slicing and reprogramming the networked security systems that guarded the planet's factories, lab facilities and weaponry--in effect, turning Balmorra's defenses against itself.

The second prong was direct bombardment, aided by Balmorra's compromised orbital defense towers and satellites. This attack devastated the planet's primary military forces and central government, leaving a unified response nearly impossible.

Eventually, the Empire landed a full invasion force. By this time, the Republic had come to Balmorra's aid but was forced to abandon the planet with the Treaty of Coruscant--after which, the Imperial military declared victory and established its headquarters in Sobrik. The Balmorran resistance proved more wily than the Empire anticipated, however, and Balmorra's factories proved difficult to control, leading to a years-long morass in which the Empire is still mired.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​invasion_of_balmorra

The Invasion of Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Evocii Totems

"When the Hutts came to Evocar, they were met with surprisingly strong resistance in the form of united Evocii tribes. While the Hutts claim that by the time they arrived, the Evocii were already a fractured and disparate people, local legends contend the opposite. The tribes were, in essence, a coordinated and unified front, with only a handful of outlying clans refusing to join the fight.

These accounts, however, lack proper evidential support, due in no small part to the fact that the earliest written records were lost when the Evocii communities were torn asunder by the Hutts' colonization. Many tactile accounts of ancient Evocii history were lost when tribes were forced off their land or destroyed by Hutt enforcers tasked with suppressing any uprisings.

But some aspects of Evocii culture have survived, thanks to the renegade tribes that have managed to escape the Hutt Cartel's grasp for millennia. Weather almanacs, depositions from judicial disputes, even epic poems detailing the exploits of their mythological heroes have all been fiercely protected in places the Hutts have heretofore not been able to reach.

As the Hutts continue their rapid expansion into Hutta, even into the murky and treacherous swamps that now blanket its surface, more and more of these records are becoming casualties of the endless occupation."

--From "The Esoteric Evocar: Forbidden Knowledge of Nal Hutta's Origins" by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​evocii_totems

Evocii Totems
LoreUnknown (16140919787362410946)Both17.5.0

Balmorran Corporations

Prior to the Empire's invasion, Balmorra was one of the galaxy's leading independent industrial worlds. It maintained a close relationship with the Republic, but remained aloof of most galactic struggles due to the strength of its corporations--including Okara, Balmorran Arms and Traken Industries. As a leading weapons and droid manufacturer, Balmorra was a corporate-run oligarchic democracy, centered on the capital of Bin Prime.

The Empire took pains to leave the corporate hierarchies intact when the occupation began in an effort to smoothly transition back to full industrial production. Corporate executives who refused to cooperate were forcibly removed and replaced, and today's Balmorran corporations are puppets for the Empire--sometimes eager, often not.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​balmorra_corporations

Balmorran Corporations
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Balmorran Pollution

As a thriving center of industry, Balmorra has never been a pollution-free planet and has grappled with the problem of waste produced by its many factories for many years. Still, unlike many of the similarly industrial Hutt worlds, Balmorra and its corporations have continually sought ways to safely dispose of its waste and keep the planet habitable.

For these reasons, facilities such as the Traken Waste Processing plant and the hazard vaults--a system of underground sealed storage facilities for toxic materials--were created. During the Imperial bombardment, however, many of these facilities were destroyed, releasing the toxic byproducts of Balmorran industry into the environment and destroying huge swathes of land.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​balmorran_pollution

Balmorran Pollution
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Imperial Subjugation

The Empire's long occupation of Balmorra has been marked by overt brutality against the citizenry and near-constant battles with resistance forces. Although the planet was conquered through ingenuity and highly original tactics, the subjugation of its people has followed standard Imperial doctrine: suspension of civil liberties, establishment of brutal prison camps and summary public executions of known rebels.

Where most worlds crumble into slave-like obedience after only a few months of such oppression, Balmorra's people refuse to surrender after years of suffering. The resistance has outlasted the predictions of both the Republic and Empire and survived multiple purges carried out by ambitious Moffs and sadistic Sith Lords. Indeed, the Empire's experience on Balmorra has forced it to re-evaluate its approach to conquest and dominance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​imperial_subjugation

Imperial Subjugation
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Republic Relations with Balmorra

The Republic government's relationship with Balmorra's people has been a complex, turbulent affair. Before Balmorra's conquest, the planet was a proudly independent trading partner of the Republic; when the war came to Balmorra's doorstep, the Republic offered troops and ships to help protect its ally.

But Republic protection wasn't enough. Balmorra was conquered, and after the Treaty of Coruscant the Republic officially withdrew its forces. For years afterward, small contingents of Republic troops left behind on the planet continued supporting the resistance in secret, but the Balmorran citizenry, as a whole, felt misused and abandoned.

A recent covert operation involving small groups of SIS agents, Jedi and military advisors ended in disaster when the Empire hunted down these interlopers and forced the Republic to once again abandon the oppressed citizenry. Now that the Republic military has fully committed its forces to the planet, the resistance fighters and their government-in-exile are understandably wary of fully embracing the alliance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​republic_relations_with_balmorra

Republic Relations with Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

The Barrager

One of the great conundrums facing modern war strategists is how to defend a planet from orbital bombardment without encircling it in a costly permanent defense fleet. Most major governments employ planetary shields as a countermeasure, but these offer no protection against dropships bearing armies whose first objective is to destroy shield generators.

The war technologists of Balmorra spent decades researching an offensive method of protecting their planet. The result is the Barrager superweapon, a series of planetary scale turbolasers that can target and destroy whole enemy fleets in orbit, neutralizing both bombardment vessels and landing parties in one fell swoop.

For years, the primary obstacle preventing completion of the Barrager was the enormous power costs associated with such a weapon. How its engineers overcame this dilemma is unknown, but at last report the weapon was nearly ready to go online.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​the_barrager

The Barrager
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

The Invasion of Balmorra

The Empire launched a two-pronged attack on Balmorra during the war, believing Balmorra's weapons production facilities and proximity to the Core Worlds to be of great strategic importance. The first prong of the attack involved slicing and reprogramming the networked security systems that guarded the planet's factories, lab facilities and weaponry--in effect, turning Balmorra's defenses against itself.

The second prong was direct bombardment, aided by Balmorra's compromised orbital defense towers and satellites. This attack devastated the planet's primary military forces and central government, leaving a unified response nearly impossible.

Eventually, the Empire landed a full invasion force. By this time, the Republic had come to Balmorra's aid but was forced to abandon the planet with the Treaty of Coruscant--after which, the Imperial military declared victory and established its headquarters in Sobrik. The Balmorran resistance proved more wily than the Empire anticipated, however, and Balmorra's factories proved difficult to control, leading to a years-long morass in which the Empire is still mired.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​invasion_of_balmorra

The Invasion of Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0


Holographic chronicles--more commonly called "holocrons"--are sophisticated data storage devices capable of cataloging vast amounts of complex information within their crystal lattice structure. Frequently used by both the Jedi and the Sith to preserve the wisdom of ancient Masters and Sith Lords, holocrons can only be accessed by Force-sensitive individuals. Some are "merely" repositories of incredible lore, while others possess virtual personalities of their own, modeled after their creators.

Many believe it was actually the Sith who first developed holocron technology, as the oldest known examples are all relics of the dark side. Interestingly, Jedi holocrons take the form of a glowing cube, while Sith holocrons are usually pyramid-shaped. Some scholars claim the six-sided cube of the Jedi represents a more modern and advanced version of the original four- and five-sided pyramids favored by the Sith, though hard evidence for this idea is scarce.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​jedi_holocron


Jedi Weapons

The lightsaber is the iconic symbol of the Jedi. Through the Force, it becomes an extension of the wielder; serving as both a powerful tool for defense and a devastating weapon against the dark side. Padawans, however, typically use electroblade training swords until they have proven themselves worthy. Only then can a Padawan make a pilgrimage to the Forge on Tython to construct a lightsaber in accordance with ancient Jedi traditions.

Lightsabers come in both single- and double-bladed forms, and their blades can be a variety of colors. Blue, green and yellow are the most common among the Jedi, though there are examples of other hues such as magenta and cyan. The color of a given lightsaber's blade is largely determined by the crystals in the hilt that power the weapon. Different crystals confer varying properties on the weapon, allowing each lightsaber to be customized by its creator.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​jedi_weapons

Jedi Weapons

Rebuilding the Jedi Order

In the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant and the establishment of peace with the Empire, the fate of the Jedi Order was uncertain. With their temple looted and in ruins and relations with the Republic government at a new low, the Jedi left the Republic capital to establish a new temple on the rediscovered world of Tython--the homeworld of the first Jedi.

By returning to their ancestral home, the Jedi hoped to reconnect with the beliefs and ideals of those who founded the order twenty millennia ago. They sought to reclaim forgotten knowledge and wisdom left behind by ancient Masters, scouring the planet for holocrons and Jedi artifacts to replace those that had been lost during the destruction of the temple on Coruscant. They began training a new generation of students and began to mend relations with those who blamed the Jedi for the destruction of the war.

On Tython, many young Jedi believe they have rediscovered the original purpose of their order: to stand firm against the servants of the dark side. Removed from the machinations and concessions of politicians and bureaucrats, the Jedi have once again become beacons in the eternal struggle between light and dark.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​rebuilding_the_jedi_order

Rebuilding the Jedi Order

Rediscovering Tython

The birthplace of the Jedi Order was lost for many thousands of years when known hyperspace lanes leading to the region collapsed--a fate that has befallen many worlds in the unstable heart of the galaxy known as the Deep Core. After the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Satele Shan embarked on a search to rediscover the lost world. Guided by the Force, she ventured into the Deep Core and re-emerged with astrogation charts detailing a new series of stable hyperspace lanes. Tython was once again connected to the rest of the galaxy.

Initial exploration of the planet took months, as Jedi scouts combed the surface for clues to Tython's history. Lives were lost--to a troubled landscape, to the Flesh Raiders and to forces unknown--but soon, the Jedi Council established a new temple on the world, determined to rebuild Tython and return it to humble glory.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​rediscovering_tython

Rediscovering Tython

The Principles of Rajivari (Consular)

Master Rajivari's surviving ideas have been the subject of much debate by Jedi scholars, and the records left by his apprentices give new insight into Rajivari's philosophy. His second principle, "all life is a battle, even to the last breath" appears to be an extreme interpretation of the natural survival instincts all beings share. The seventh principle, "to sacrifice strength is the act of a fool" is a clear attempt to break from Jedi teachings, which view self-sacrifice, especially in the service of others, as one of the noblest actions a Jedi can take.

Rajivari's fifth principle, "mercy creates a spiral of destruction," is the most controversial. Jedi are encouraged to take the merciful path wherever possible. However, it can be argued that if a Jedi shows mercy to those who don't comprehend it--such as violent predators--this may cause greater harm in the future.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​principles_of_rajivari

The Principles of Rajivari (Consular)

Mandalorian Death Ceremony

The Mandalorian death ceremony--kote kyr'am or "glory death"--is reserved for those who die with the highest honor. Traditionally, only warriors who have fallen to Jedi or faced impossible odds are awarded the kote kyr'am.

To ensure the warrior's spirit can join those of other Mandalorian paragons, the body is burned on an elevated pyre. Clan members send shouts into the sky, bellowing war cries and retelling feats. The night becomes a celebration of drunken feasting and brawling in honor of the dead.

The only non-Mandalorian to receive the kote kyr'am was Lord Raze, a Sith warrior who fell while singlehandedly rescuing a Mandalorian clan from a battalion of twenty Jedi on Dantooine. The clan was so moved by her skill and fearlessness, they broke tradition and honored her as a fallen sister. No outsider has received such a distinction since.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​mandalorian_death_ceremony

Mandalorian Death Ceremony

Shae Vizla: Bounty Hunter

Even among Mandalorians, Shae Vizla is legendary. In her younger years, she was a ruthless bounty hunter, racking up high-profile kills, from crime lords to politicians.

Her brutal assassination of Senator Keenig caught the attention of Darth Malgus himself, earning her a partnership with the Sith Empire. Shae's skill and efficiency led her to join the Empire's biggest campaigns against the Republic. She was present for the assault on Alderaan--according to rumors, she saved Malgus from certain death. Regardless, she earned Malgus's trust enough to play a vital role in the sacking of Coruscant.

After over a decade working for the Empire, Shae retired to Rishi, where she earned the local nickname "Torch." She carefully avoided the war and distanced herself from the Mandalorians until the Eternal Empire's invasion thrust her back into the fray once again.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​shae_vizla_bounty_hunter

Shae Vizla: Bounty Hunter

Shae Vizla: Mandalore the Avenger

When Mandalore the Vindicated fell in battle against the Eternal Empire, Shae Vizla reluctantly assumed leadership over the clans. She had sizable shoes to fill: the fallen Mandalore was popular, respected, even revered. As a lone hunter, Shae had very little experience leading people, much less an entire culture.

With the clans fractured and beaten down after years of war with Zakuul, Shae had to adapt quickly to bring her people together. She proved to be just the leader the Mandalorians needed. Her introductory battle as Mandalore the Avenger was the clans' first victory in six months.

With her impressive track record and ruthless combat tactics, Shae is perfectly suited for wartime leadership. Yet some believe the battle-hardened Mand'alor isn't fit to lead long-term, and the end of the war may see more than one challenge for her title.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​shae_vizla_mandalore

Shae Vizla: Mandalore the Avenger

The Fall of Mandalore the Vindicated

Firsthand account from Ralia of Clan Lok:

The Skytroopers surrounded us. Two dozen, blasters aimed at our heads. We had already begun our death roar.

And then Mandalore the Vindicated cut through them, scattering their metal parts. He ordered us to rejoin the clan and leave the Skytroopers to him. But the droids had called for backup; suddenly, dozens were swarming him.

Mandalore dismantled them two at a time with a war cry like thunder. They kept coming, waves and waves, till we could no longer see him. I started to charge forward, but Droga stopped me. "He's already gone."

He was Ardus Lok. My brother, our Mand'alor. And he fell to machines. He will not be honored.

I pray to Kad Ha'rangir this pointless war will end soon.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​fall_of_mandalore

The Fall of Mandalore the Vindicated

Data Slicing

Data slicing is one of the less advertised, though very profitable, industries thriving on Nar Shaddaa. For the right price, computer and electronics experts can be hired for a variety of services. Traditionally, these include corporate espionage, personal information-gathering (whether as part of an investigation or for use in blackmail) and security enhancements. However, with the escalating tension between Republic and Imperial forces, skilled slicers are now often employed as code breakers and saboteurs.

Some of the best slicers in the galaxy are self-taught independent operators. Advantages of employing outside experts in covert military operations include plausible deniability and the option to forego rescue operations when a mission asset is compromised or captured. Whether this offsets the risk of a slicer switching sides for a better offer is a matter of debate.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​data_slicing

Data Slicing
LoreNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

Exo-technology (Consular)

A very rare and highly specialized field, the study of exo-technology focuses on items or devices believed to originate somewhere beyond the borders of the galaxy. Understandably rare, these advanced and complex items are constructed using unique materials and radical engineering otherwise unknown to Republic and Imperial scientists.

Whether these items are relics of ancient civilizations that disappeared long ago or artifacts from thriving cultures waiting to be discovered is almost always unclear, as are the explanations for how the technology found its way to known space.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​exo_technology

Exo-technology (Consular)
LoreNar ShaddaaRepublic201.0.0

Operation: Glass Echo (Agent)

Category: Information Gathering / Threat Elimination
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: Watcher X

Operational Summary: Chatter indicated that Nar Shaddaa was the source of weapons, supplies, stimulants used by the Eagle's terrorist network. Retired asset Watcher X was chosen to assist primary (Cipher Nine) due to extensive local knowledge.

The terror cell was identified as operating out of VerveGen, a local medical corporation. Leadership was eliminated and data retrieved.

Notes: Watcher X's part in this operation is covered in [redacted].

Cross-reference: Watcher X, VerveGen, Eagle, Dominator, Shadow Town, Cyclone, Protean

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_glass_echo

Operation: Glass Echo (Agent)
LoreNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0

Power Guards (Knight)

Power Guards are synthetically augmented supersoldiers created by a secret Republic research project. Ethical and legal restrictions against experimenting on living soldiers required the Republic military to conduct the research as a black ops project on Nar Shaddaa; on the virtually lawless Hutt moon, those in charge could easily acquire technology and resources that were banned in the Republic without raising suspicion in the Senate. However, being located on a non-Republic-controlled world left the project vulnerable to enemy attack or infiltration in the event of discovery.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​the_power_guards

Power Guards (Knight)
LoreNar ShaddaaRepublic201.0.0

Slave Trading on Nar Shaddaa

The slave trade is one of the most profitable and pervasive industries on Nar Shaddaa. Although slavery is officially condemned by the Republic, rapid Imperial expansion has caused a boom in the number of potential buyers. Recognizing the demand, the Hutt Cartel, the Nar Shaddaa Labor Alliance and others established Nar Shaddaa as the galaxy's premier location for slavers to display and sell product.

In addition to the expected slave markets and auction houses, entrepreneurs have built up an entire business infrastructure to facilitate the practice of buying and selling living beings as property. Intrepid businessmen offer inspection and appraisal of goods, security and transport services, and even long-term carbonite storage facilities.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​slave_trading_on_nar_shaddaa

Slave Trading on Nar Shaddaa
LoreNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

The Ark

Hidden within the Giant's Spear mesa is the answer to surviving the devastation of Makeb: a gigantic starship with vast holds that could contain millions of people, known as the Ark. The Ark project has suffered from delays and mismanagement thanks to its corrupt foreman, Veedrig, and is still not quite spaceworthy.

Although the Ark seems enormous while it is empty, transporting millions of frightened refugees to safety will be a logistical nightmare. Bringing basic food, water and medical supplies will necessitate packing people like cargo. Nevertheless, with no options left, transports and caravans are already being sent to evacuate Makeb's residential districts and bring people to the Ark.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​the_ark

The Ark
LoreNar ShaddaaRepublic12.0.0

The Spice Business

The term "spice" refers to a wide variety of substances trafficked throughout the galaxy. Some types of spice are primarily medicinal, refined into lifesaving painkillers or used to treat mental illness; more often than not, however, spice traders deal in addictive, recreational chemical compounds with unpredictable and dangerous physical and psychological effects.

Spice is tightly regulated--or completely banned--on most Republic and Imperial worlds. On the Hutt-controlled moon of Nar Shaddaa, however, spice is openly imported, processed, refined and packaged for both local and offworld distribution. Nar Shaddaa's spice trade is split among numerous gangs and petty crime lords who use the profits to fund other, often violent, activities.

In recent years, the Exchange crime syndicate has offered several key players cut-rate distribution of product on Republic worlds through their existing criminal networks. The newly forged alliances have finally given the Exchange a foothold in the spice trade, much to the chagrin of the Hutts.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​the_spice_business

The Spice Business
LoreNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

Admission to the Sith Academy

It has always been a privilege to face the trials at the Sith Academy. Even though most acolytes fail--and the cost of failure is typically death--the chance to train in the dark arts and become one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy is incentive enough for most. Others, attuned to the Force but reluctant to participate, are dragged and forced to face the trials.

Until recently, only purebloods and humans from the Empire were allowed entrance. To produce a Sith child is one of the Empire's highest honors, and families identify and groom potential candidates from an early age. Since the loss of so many Sith in the war, however, a swell of less traditional thinking has opened the Academy to anyone displaying Force sensitivity.

Some conservative Sith call this a foolish and desperate move that will dilute the order instead of returning it to strength; others accept it as a temporary measure. At first, the conflict was merely intellectual as the first waves of new recruits into the Academy died ingloriously--but things are changing, and the new breed of Sith may yet prove itself worthy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​admission_to_the_sith_academy

Admission to the Sith Academy

Legacy of Tulak Hord

The secrets behind Tulak Hord's great power were many, and they all but vanished from the galaxy with the Dark Lord's death. Generations of Sith have obsessed over unearthing his ancient teachings and artifacts, but Tulak Hord hid them well.

Of the relics recovered successfully, the mask of Tulak Hord is most recognizable. Darth Revan discovered this relic in Tulak Hord's tomb while searching for the Star Forge space station, though both the mask of Tulak Hord and the mask of Darth Revan have disappeared since. In recent years, Tulak Hord's lightsaber was unearthed on Dromund Fels by Darth Marr before his ascension to the Dark Council.

Despite these discoveries, Tulak Hord's greatest treasures still lie locked away in the far corners of the galaxy, waiting for a new master to claim their power.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​legacy_of_tulak_hord

Legacy of Tulak Hord

Sith Titles

The Sith Order bestows a number of titles upon its followers, as befits their rank and power. These are the most common:

Acolyte: A Sith acolyte has not yet completed his or her trials in the Sith Academy, and may well die before becoming truly "Sith."

Sith: An acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith--no more, no less. Any non-Sith, however, is expected to refer to a Sith as "my lord" out of respect.

Overseer: An instructor at the Sith Academy is called an overseer. Overseers are often Sith Lords, but that rank is not a requirement; they may simply be Sith with a talent for instruction.

Sith Lord: A Sith who advances in the order's hierarchy will eventually be elevated to Sith Lord. His or her name is preceded by "Lord" in formal address. In the modern Empire, "Dark Lord" is synonymous with this term.

Darth: The strongest Sith Lords ascend to the position of Darth. Many take a new name at this point, symbolically embracing their transformation into something greater.

Emperor: There has been only one Sith Emperor since the Great Hyperspace War over 1,300 years ago. He is supreme.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​sith_titles

Sith Titles

Sith Weapons

The most visible symbol of the Sith is their iconic weapon: the lightsaber. Lightsabers are powered through a combination of rare crystals, precise engineering and the Force itself. They come in both single- and double-bladed forms, and the Sith are believed to be the first to wield the double-blade. While a lightsaber hilt is often customized by its owner, the blade's color is determined by its crystal; red, purple and orange are the most common colors among the Sith, though other colors, such as magenta and cyan, are known to exist.

Acolytes seeking to wield these weapons are required to begin their trials using an electroblade training sword, an unwieldy device designed to cause painful shocks to the target. If an acolyte is found worthy, he may hone his abilities with an ancient Sith warblade--a weapon used in an era before lightsabers, crafted by pureblooded artisans. In the end, only the strongest and deadliest acolytes may earn a lightsaber for themselves, seizing one from a failed Sith or Jedi or uncovering it in the depths of a tomb.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​sith_weapons

Sith Weapons

Slavery in the Empire

In contrast with the Republic, which officially condemns the practice, slavery is widely accepted across the Empire. However, instead of slaves being bought and sold merely on an individual basis, the custom has been fully incorporated into the hierarchy of Imperial society. As the lowest caste, slaves perform menial duties and backbreaking labor, and they possess virtually no rights or recourse under the law.

The ranks of slaves are typically made up of those who fall outside the traditional Imperial power structure: prisoners of war, criminals and aliens from conquered worlds. Children of slaves are born into the same caste as their parents, though it is possible for individuals to be elevated should they show strength and ability that would better serve the Empire in a more distinguished role.

Recently--seeking to replenish the ranks of the Sith Order after the war--even the Sith Academy has started accepting slaves who show a strong affinity for the Force... though many still look on these former slaves with disdain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​slavery_in_the_empire

Slavery in the Empire

The Red Engine

Created by the ancient Sith Lord Tulak Hord, the Red Engine was an infernal machine powered by hate and blood. Located deep in its creator's tomb, legend holds that those who unlock the secrets of the terrible device will gain access to the hidden teachings of Tulak Hord himself. Despite this potential prize, most scholars who have studied the Red Machine Engine have eventually given up in frustration, thwarted by the complexities of the sinister invention.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​hate_machine

The Red Engine

Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings

The Sith Lord Parnax vanished forty years ago, leaving no one to mourn his passing. Deeply unpopular even among his own family, Parnax spent his brief career betraying every ally while acquiring an impressive list of highly placed enemies. Whether consumed by arrogance or simply too stupid to predict his eventual fate, he appears to have deliberately invaded the Dark Temple long before the most recent incursion, seeking the key to the Emperor's power.

According to the last few entries of his journals, Parnax found himself unable to leave the Dark Temple after entering it, becoming lost and disoriented. His recordings descend into mad, incoherent ramblings about an all-consuming darkness extinguishing all life in the galaxy. Convinced he could survive this coming doom by merging with the Force, Parnax illogically schemed to end his own life.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_2

Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

Monument to Lord Ergast

The early Sith Lord Ergast is more myth than historical fact, and the statue named for him in Kaas City does little to clear up any misconceptions. Commissioned by a follower of Ergast's teachings two centuries after the Sith Lord supposedly lived and using that follower as its model, a small inscription near its base claims that Ergast "invented the methods used by all inquisitors to wring life from the living and the dead." Computer records contain little information on Ergast, suggesting only that he was among the first Sith to permanently settle on Dromund Kaas, and that he was probably buried there.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​statue_west

Monument to Lord Ergast
LoreDromund KaasBoth101.0.0


In the ancient past, the Sith Lords of Korriban perfected an art they called alchemy--a synthesis of scientific lore and dark side philosophy. Sith alchemy was a tool to transform life itself, to reshape flesh and bone and create terrifying servants out of mere animals.

Creations of Sith alchemy are called Sithspawn. Each is unique, crafted by the hand of a Dark Lord with monstrous intent. Most are ancient, as few Sith continue to practice alchemy; although the art is not lost, it has fallen out of favor. A Sithspawn is unnatural by definition, built for near-immortality and typically violent beyond measure; a perfect weapon, and if bound, a perfect guardian.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​sith_spawn

LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

The Blade of the Sith Executioner

Forged in a time before Sith wielded lightsabers, the ceremonial executioner's blade was later used by Sith Lord Koval Renge who preferred the tactile weapon over his traditional lightsaber. Lord Renge used the blade to dispatch hundreds of the Emperor's enemies and earned the title of Sith Executioner.

As the Emperor's power grew, so did Renge's fear of his master. Fear turned to betrayal, but Renge's plot did not escape the Emperor's notice. As punishment, the executioner's blade was turned on its owner. Renge resisted, but the blade struck true and broke off in his chest.

Renge was not permitted the escape of death. His wounds were healed, and the tainted splinter of his blade remained buried inside him. He was then cast into the Dark Temple, the agonizing splinter a constant reminder of the Emperor's cruel benevolence.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_1

The Blade of the Sith Executioner
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

The Obliteration of Kressh

Since before the Great Hyperspace War, the Kressh bloodline was a proud and noble one in the Empire. Pureblooded Sith Lords, strong in the Force, were born to the Kressh line generation after generation. Statues and monuments to Kressh champions could be found across Dromund Kaas--until the Emperor declared the Kressh name an abomination and ordered all evidence of the family obliterated.

The reasons why are no longer clear, if they ever were. Once the task is complete, the order itself will be wiped from history. Some believe that the last scion of the Kressh bloodline somehow betrayed the Emperor--but anyone who knows the full truth keeps it to himself.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 14

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​obliteration_of_kressh

The Obliteration of Kressh
LoreDromund KaasBoth141.0.0

The Phobis Devices

Fear is a powerful weapon, and those who wield it can rule the galaxy. The Phobis devices were constructed for just that purpose. Brimming with dark energy, their mere presence was enough to spark crippling horror in the bravest of minds. Many Sith who meditated on the devices were driven mad by their attempt. Only the lost Sith Dread Masters successfully harnessed and perfected the Phobis devices' frightening power.

Three known Phobis devices exist, and the Emperor sealed one of them--the Core--within his Dark Temple. Although its dormant components have been scavenged, the Phobis Core remains active and will likely spread fear and hysteria for generations to come.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_3

The Phobis Devices
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

The Spires of Victory

This strange, suspended monument was commissioned by the late Dark Council member Darth Gorgos in celebration of the Empire's victorious return to the galaxy and the Sacking of Coruscant. It is the work of the Empire's finest engineers and took three hundred slaves to build. The cascading prisms symbolize both the ascendancy of the Sith and the downfall of their enemies. The split centerpiece that supports the edifice represents the Emperor. Darth Gorgos was murdered by her apprentice before the statue was finished, but her successor oversaw its completion.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​statue_center

The Spires of Victory
LoreDromund KaasBoth101.0.0

Death of a World

Global cataclysms are not unheard of. Whole worlds teeming with life have been rendered lifeless by meteorites, broken apart by instability in the planet's own core--even atomized by the destructive force of a supernova. But the eerie calm of a world stripped of life yet left otherwise intact is another matter altogether. Whispered rumors have persisted of planets snuffed out through intricate Sith rituals or by way of deadly, arcane machines--such as the device Revan sought to employ on Yavin 4--but Ziost represents a clear display of the corrosive power of the dark side of the Force taken to its extreme.

In her address to the Galactic Republic, Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh mourned the loss of life, vowing to "stop the mad Sith Emperor at any cost." Similarly, word has filtered through the Sith Empire that the Dark Council is actively hunting their former Emperor while also working with renowned Sith alchemists on a plan to destroy the one they call Vitiate for good.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​death_of_a_world

Death of a World

Revolt on Ziost

No society is devoid of the potential for raucous dissent from its people, and tightly controlled populations are the most prone to opposition being expressed through horrific acts of violence. Through the centuries, Ziost has been the focus of many attempts at bloody revolution. Though no uprising has been successful to date, their cost in lives, property and stability have taken a toll on the one-time Sith capital.

The most recent revolt came in the form of vicious attacks from the Ziost Liberation Front, a group of guerrilla fighters officially recognized by the Sith Empire as a terrorist organization. The ZLF did not discern between military and civilian targets in their desperate campaign to overthrow the Empire, making the group feared even by those they claimed to be fighting for. They were eventually snuffed out, but not before causing severe damage to New Adasta's infrastructure. As a result of the ZLF's actions, the Empire has taken considerable steps to ensure they can obstruct the acts of a hostile populace in New Adasta with ease and haste, should the need arise.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​revolt_on_ziost

Revolt on Ziost

The Emperor's Eye

The following inscription can be found on the face of a simple yet elegant memorial on Ziost. It appears to have existed for quite some time.

Though you leave us
Your humble subjects on Ziost
We know it is not forever

Though you are away
Your eye gazes upon us
We know you see our doings

Though we are alone
Your lessons remain
We know our considerable duty

Though the distance must be great
Your return is a certainty
We know we will be united once more

As if you were never gone

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​the_emperors_eye

The Emperor's Eye

The Invasion of Ziost

"It is a decision I do not take lightly. Any incursion into Imperial space is fraught with the gravest of danger for every brave soldier who fights in our name. But there is a humanitarian crisis of the highest order on Ziost that demands our attention. When Imperial troops indiscriminately fire upon indentured slaves and helpless civilians, we cannot stand idly by. Those who cannot defend themselves--who have done no wrong yet find themselves under the thumb of the oppressive Sith Empire--must not be left to suffer.

"Someone must fight for them."

--Excerpted from the HoloNet address of the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​the_invasion_of_ziost

The Invasion of Ziost

An Omen Most Dire

The Sith Emperor stalks the galaxy once more. Whether his return from the brink of oblivion is the result of the Emperor's own dark manipulations or merely the result of a terrible convergence of events, his ultimate goal remains the same--to consume all life in the galaxy as fuel for his own immortality.

Despite this chilling turn of events, hope remains. The Emperor's plans have been stopped before, and the Republic is in a stronger position than ever. But the future is always in motion, and the manipulations of the Sith are never predictable....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​omen_most_dire

An Omen Most Dire
LoreYavin 4Republic583.0.0

The Coalition

One of the most profound developments of recent times will not be shared. It will not be celebrated, and only in the softest of voices in the most secure locations will it be discussed. Acting largely on their own, the Dark Council's Darth Marr and Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan have agreed to a temporary truce amongst their forces, going so far as to plan and act in concert against their common foe, the Revanites.

If these coalition forces are successful--if they can put aside their differences long and well enough to stop Revan's mad scheme--it could be seen as a bridge to a more permanent agreement. While some might welcome such a scenario, others are all too content to see their differences worked through on the battlefield. They would never compromise their ideologies, even if doing so could spare the lives of millions.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​the_coalition

The Coalition
LoreYavin 4Both583.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part I

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"Information on Yavin 4 has not been easy to come by, but I have scoured the libraries of Tython and what I have discovered is fascinating.

"The first corruption of Yavin's fourth moon by the dark side that we know of corresponds with the arrival of Dark Lord Naga Sadow some fourteen hundred years ago. I'm not entirely sure whether Sadow was drawn here by the dark side or if he himself planted the first seed of its presence. That's one of the many things I hope to learn while I'm here.

"Sadow was a gifted alchemist who turned his Massassi followers into powerful, violent animals who worshipped and served Sadow. The Massassi built massive temples for Sadow where they sacrificed their own in his honor. Sadow was even powerful enough to stave off the inevitable. He placed himself in a near-death slumber, which he remained in for hundreds of years, waiting until someone would come to take his place...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_1

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part I
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part II

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"There was a time when Freedon Nadd was only known as an impetuous Padawan who murdered his well-regarded master and then fled to parts unknown. But we now know that Nadd fled here, to Yavin 4, thirsty for insight into the dark side. Even now I can feel the corrupting power he must have felt in the halls of these temples. Nadd's arrival reawakened Naga Sadow, who took Nadd as his apprentice. When Nadd emerged from his training, he destroyed Sadow and took his place as Dark Lord of the Sith.

"As far as we're aware, Freedon Nadd never physically returned to the halls of Naga Sadow's temples, but he wasn't entirely finished with the place either. Centuries after his own demise, he would influence another Jedi in training to repeat Yavin 4's dark cycle...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_2

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part II
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part III

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"Just as Naga Sadow trained his eventual replacement, so did Freedon Nadd's spirit find a powerful apprentice in Exar Kun. And just as Nadd killed his lord Sadow, Kun destroyed Nadd's spirit here on Yavin 4. These notable deaths likely served to further imbue the moon's temples with dark power, further fueling the barbaric Massassi--as well as the succession of Dark Lords who would later reside here.

"I think Kun saw what Naga Sadow had accomplished here with Sith alchemy and architecture and decided he could do better. He forced the Massassi to build new temples, but this time with a focus on complementing and augmenting the dark side. Kun even went so far as to use various technologies to manipulate the Force in ways that I can't say I understand. I can't, but I would like to...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_3

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part III
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part IV

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"A few hundred years ago, the Jedi Order thought they could cleanse Yavin 4 of its dark influence. They were more aggressive then. I'm actually impressed. The Jedi bombarded the world from orbit with a destructive manifestation of light side power in the hopes it would free the moon from its dark embrace.

"The attacking Jedi destroyed much of the life on Yavin 4, which they later worked to restore to its previous state. They thought they'd won, that they'd removed the influence of the dark side. How wrong they were. The Massassi are still here. The dark side is still present. I would not be surprised if Exar Kun's spirit remains, waiting for someone--a Jedi like myself, perhaps--to find him...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_4

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part IV
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part V

Jedi Master Arlo Grennen's final journal entry during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"I thought I would find Exar Kun. I believed like a fool that I might be next in line. I felt its pull, the dark side. I yearned for it. Yearned to be taught everything, to become more than what I am.

"What I found instead, what found me, is exquisite. Terrifying. Perfect. Perfect.

"Revan is coming. I vowed to do everything in my power to stop Revan, but he does not want me to. He chose this place, he knew this day would come, knew the very core of me, everything.

"Vitiate, I will make you stronger, I will grant you the only sustenance I know to give, I will become a part of your glory. It's going to be so beautiful I only wish I could live to see"

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_5

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part V
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Emperor's Return?

In another time, it might have been cause for celebration. It might have emboldened the Empire, breathing new life into their efforts to crush the Republic. But with the Sith Emperor's apparent reawakening comes the common knowledge that he is no longer interested in ruling over the galaxy. Instead, he seeks to consume it.

The Empire's highest ranking officers and dignitaries are now in a state of heightened alert, and the Dark Council has assembled a contingent of powerful Sith seers to get a fix on the Emperor's presence. When he makes his move, it is believed he will not distinguish between former friend or foe, as they will all eventually become his food and none will remain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​the_emperors_return

The Emperor's Return?
LoreYavin 4Imperial583.0.0

The Joint Task Force

In response to the Emperor's return, the Republic Strategic Information Service has begun to assemble a joint task force with the sole purpose of finding the ancient Sith ruler and destroying him at last. Initially proposed by SIS agent Theron Shan, the organization will eventually include representatives from the Jedi Order, Republic Special Forces, "paid consultants" from the underworld--anyone who can contribute to the Emperor's downfall.

As with anything in the Republic, it's possible that politics may play a part in the group's final assembly and resources. But given that its founding members witnessed the return of the Emperor firsthand, it's unlikely that anything will be allowed to impede the task force's progress for long.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​joint_task_force

The Joint Task Force
LoreYavin 4Republic583.0.0

The Massassi War: Part I

The first Massassi warriors to arrive on the fourth moon of Yavin were intelligent beings. However, their utter devotion to Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow rendered moot their capacity for independent thought. To Sadow, the Massassi were born and bred to build temples in his honor and to defend him until death; nothing more. Perhaps it was for this reason that Sadow's experiments in Sith alchemy mutated his followers into rudimentary brutes.

Not all Massassi on Yavin 4 were subjected to Sadow's alchemical manipulations, however. A tribe of clerics who preferred independence over mindless labor turned their backs on their master, quietly venturing out to make a home of their own. These Massassi were pioneers, masters of their own destinies. But if Sadow were to discover their betrayal, there would come a reckoning....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​stronghold.​yavin.​temple1

The Massassi War: Part I
LoreYavin 4Both13.3.0

The Massassi War: Part II

As a small tribe of cultured warriors, the intelligent Massassi thrived in the harsh jungles of Yavin 4. For a time they were content with their lives, but contentment led to restlessness. They longed for more. The uncontested rule and grand temples of Naga Sadow called to their warrior's vanity. A plan emerged and the tribe marched on Sadow's territory.

But Sadow, having learned of their independent existence, had anticipated their aggression. His mutated brutes ambushed the would-be usurpers. The sheer magnitude of their blunt-force attack was enough to take down an army. Relying on their wit to improvise and strategize, the smarter Massassi not only protected themselves from the onslaught, but advanced on their goal.

For days, the tribe stormed the temples their devolved cousins built. But where was the Dark Lord they had built them for? They had expected Naga Sadow would face them; they'd even accepted the likelihood most or all would fall to their former master. Instead, wave after wave of mutated brutes attacked and succumbed until there were none left to fight and the tribe stood triumphant inside the greatest of Sadow's temples. It was then, at long last, that Naga Sadow appeared....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​stronghold.​yavin.​temple2

The Massassi War: Part II
LoreYavin 4Both13.3.0

The Massassi War: Part III

"You have succeeded," Sadow declared. "You have defied the odds, killed many times more your own, taken all you so desperately coveted. You have fought and bled and sacrificed to arrive at this moment. All that remains is for you to strike me down. But once you have, what would you do then, without your brothers to murder? With nothing left to conquer on this orb?"

The Massassi slackened, unable to offer a response. There was none to give. "I commend you on the mass slaughter of your own kind," Sadow intoned as hundreds of Massassi brutes flooded into the temple chamber. "You have seen the pinnacle of your days, the extent of your unchecked avarice. Think of it as the first of two gifts. The other I bestow on you now, though you were meant to have received it along with your fellow Massassi."

Over time, the Massassi on Yavin 4 grew in number as they rebuilt that which they destroyed. They would never war amongst themselves again.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​stronghold.​yavin.​temple3

The Massassi War: Part III
LoreYavin 4Both13.3.0

Two Revans

There has always been a dual nature to the legend of Revan. At his core, is he truly a Jedi or is he Sith? It has been a hotly debated subject among scholars and politicians for centuries. As one might expect, the conclusions reached by those from Republic-aligned worlds often differ from those of an Imperial bent--but not always.

Some of the most knowledgeable authorities in the ways of the Force believe that it is right to call Revan a Jedi Knight and it is also right to refer to him as Dark Lord of the Sith. They contend that simultaneously knowing and embracing both the light and dark sides of the Force is possible, and point to Revan as potential proof. However, many of these same authorities also believe that such divided adherence would lead unquestionably to madness.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​two_revans

Two Revans
LoreYavin 4Both583.0.0

Environment of Taris

Before Darth Malak's orbital bombardment, Taris was a dying world. Industrial pollution had irreparably damaged the oceans, and chemicals and toxins poisoned the undercity's foundation. When the sprawling metropolis was reduced to rubble, countless pollutants were released into an already tainted ecosystem.

But this was not the end for Taris. For hundreds of years, the planet went without sentient interference, and the ecosystem began to adapt and thrive. Rich vegetation grew within the ruins, scaling steel towers and thrusting aside fallen skyscrapers. Animals--some native to the planet, some pets and lab specimens that had survived the bombardment--bred and repopulated the developing jungles.

Of course, some areas remain too polluted to inhabit--acidic lakes and radioactive sinkholes--but for the most part, Taris is an environmental success story and an object of fascination for scientists. The largest black mark remains the rakghoul plague, and the fear that it may one day spread to Taris's animal population.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​environment_of_taris

Environment of Taris
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Jedi Civil War

Also known as the Second Sith War and the War of the Star Forge, the Jedi Civil War is one of the darkest eras in galactic history. Three centuries ago, a pair of idealistic young Jedi named Revan and Malak led thousands of followers into the Outer Rim to do battle with an invading Mandalorian army. The Mandalorians were defeated--and Revan and Malak returned to the Republic not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Declaring themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Revan and Darth Malak began the ruthless subjugation of Republic worlds in the Outer Rim. The Jedi Council, which had been loath to take action against the Mandalorians, assembled an army to bring the traitors to justice. Darth Revan was captured during an attack by the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and eventually turned back to the light side. Together Revan and Bastila defeated Malak, ending the threat.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​jedi_civil_war

Jedi Civil War
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Malak's Attack

During the Jedi Civil War, a ship carrying Bastila Shan--a Jedi with the rare and powerful battle meditation ability--was shot down by Darth Malak's fleet over the world of Taris. Malak's troops descended on the world in search of Bastila, but she avoided capture with the help of Revan, Malak's redeemed former master.

Rather than permit Bastila to escape, Malak ordered his fleet to bomb Taris from orbit, devastating the entire world. The planet-wide capital city was razed and civilian casualties measured in the billions. Despite Malak's extreme efforts, Bastila and Revan were able to safely flee the world. Taris itself, however, never recovered. Three centuries have passed, and a handful of swamp-sunken ruins are all that remains of this once great civilization.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​malaks_attack

Malak's Attack
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Rakghoul Disease

Theories abound on the origins of this highly contagious and adaptable virus: it may be the creation of an ancient Sith Lord; a naturally occurring result of the industrial toxins released into Taris's oceans; or the spectacularly failed efforts of medical researchers to artificially engineer a broad-spectrum vaccine.

Whatever the origins, the effects are undeniably terrifying. Typically spread through direct contact with rakghouls, fortunate victims suffer acute onset of flu-like symptoms that can prove fatal if not properly treated. However, in roughly half the cases the disease causes the host to undergo a horrific mutation, actually transforming them into a rakghoul.

Virtually all humanoid species in the galaxy are susceptible to infection, and there are rumors that the Empire has undertaken efforts to weaponize the disease. Unsubstantiated reports of rakghouls on worlds other than Taris lend credence to this rumor... or indicate the disease is slowly spreading across the galaxy of its own accord.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​rakghoul_disease

Rakghoul Disease
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Republic Reconstruction

Although located on the Outer Rim, Taris was once a cosmopolitan cityscape said to rival Coruscant. But this shining light was snuffed out three hundred years ago by Darth Malak, who ordered his Sith fleet to bomb the planet into oblivion. In the aftermath of the attack, little remained but ruins and putrid swamps overrun by rakghouls.

Recently, the Republic has begun efforts to recolonize and restore Taris in the belief it will demonstrate a resolve and ability to overcome the destruction wrought by the Sith. Should this lost world be salvaged, it would become a symbol of hope for all those who stand against the oppression of the Empire.

The focus to date has been on cleanup, salvage and clearing sites for new colonies. Progress has been slow, and the morale of those stationed on the world is rumored to be dangerously low. But the Galactic Senate refuses to admit defeat, truly exemplifying the politicians' can-do spirit.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​republic_reconstruction

Republic Reconstruction
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Taris (Pre-bombardment)

Located in the Ojoster Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Taris was an ecumenopolis founded at the nexus of several hyperspace trading routes. Prosperity led to a rapid population increase and the continued vertical expansion of the planet-wide urban sprawl. But with the discovery of superior trade lanes elsewhere, Taris's economic fortunes changed.

For the wealthy nobles living in the upper floors of the towering skyscrapers, Taris remained an urban paradise. As one descended, however, the standard of living dropped precipitously. Aliens and refugees were forced to live in the city's lower levels, supporting the upper classes both figuratively and literally. Near the surface, violent swoop gangs held sway over a terrified civilian populace beset by poverty and famine, and the sewers of the undercity were infested with rakghouls.

Ironically, many of those living in the lowest levels of Taris survived Darth Malak's bombardment, while the rich and powerful were almost entirely wiped out.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​taris_pre_bombardment

Taris (Pre-bombardment)
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Taris and Nonhumans

In the century preceding its destruction by Darth Malak, Taris experienced a devastating planet-wide famine among the working classes. In desperation, the poor declared war on the nobility, only to have their rebellion quickly and violently put down.

Since many of the rebellions' leaders were nonhuman immigrants, those in power sought to quell further unrest by enacting a number of harsh anti-alien laws. Nonhumans were banned from public office and forbidden to leave the lower levels of the city without special government permits. The institutionalized segregation of nonhumans inevitably fostered an anti-alien prejudice among the human population, though many Republic historians prefer to gloss over this unsavory fact.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​taris_and_non_humans

Taris and Nonhumans
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

The Promised Ones

The Promised Ones were the descendants of a small group of outcasts who fled the undercity of Taris for a self-sustaining underground colony known as the Promised Land. There they escaped the bombardment that decimated the surface of the planet, and survived for many generations.

As the centuries passed, however, the small tribe slowly lost members to rakghouls, starvation and radiation poisoning until they eventually died out completely. As a legacy, they left behind a series of holorecordings documenting their brave struggle.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​the_promised_ones

The Promised Ones
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Dantooine Agriculture

Dantooine is a pastoral planet populated by resilient farmers. For much of their history, Dantooine's inhabitants focused primarily on sustenance, carting what little excess they produced to the planet's few mercantile centers on the rare occasion off-world traders arrived.

Staple crops include kibla greens and yot beans, though the Republic has been pushing for the cultivation of faster-cycle non-native species to support increasing supply needs. The planet, once deemed beneath notice by both sides of the conflict, now serves as an integral link in the Republic's supply chain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dantooine.​dan_farm

Dantooine Agriculture

Infinite Empire: Dantooine

At its height, the Rakatan Infinite Empire spanned hundreds of worlds, and Dantooine was among them. Through advanced technologies powered by the dark side of the Force, the Rakata subjugated the planet and constructed monuments to their greatness across it. It is rumored that the planet housed a Star Map--a relic that pointed the way to the ultimate Rakatan achievement: the Star Forge.

Many thousands of years after the fall of the Infinite Empire, traces of this brutal occupation can still be uncovered.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dantooine.​infinite

Infinite Empire: Dantooine

Jedi Enclave Ruins

Some of history's most powerful Force-users trained in the halls of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Only students with great potential were admitted, and while the rigorous training produced exceptional Jedi, the fall of several notable students to the dark side cast a pall on the institution's legacy. Exar Kun, Darth Revan, and Darth Malak all trained at the enclave on Dantooine.

The enclave was established by Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Dantooine's isolation and relative obscurity, along with the naturally-occurring crystal caverns that dotted the planet, made it an excellent site. Years later, during the Jedi Civil War, the enclave was razed in an attack orchestrated by its own former student, Darth Malak.

For many years and despite early efforts at rebuilding, the enclave has been abandoned by the Jedi and ransacked by sanctioned salvaging initiatives operated by Dantooine's governing body. With the Order re-forming and Dantooine becoming a strategically important planet in the war, perhaps one day the enclave will be restored to its former glory.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dantooine.​jedi_enclave

Jedi Enclave Ruins

Legacy of Darth Traya

Darth Traya rejected traditional teachings on the Force, challenging views held by both Jedi and Sith. After her Sith apprentices stripped her connection to the Force, she assumed the name Kreia and set into motion a grand scheme for revenge--and perhaps much more, based on the remnants of her history that can be found.

Part of Kreia's plan involved decimating the Jedi Order. On Dantooine, Kreia severed Masters Vrook Lamar, Kavar, and Zez-Kai Ell from the Force, killing them within the Jedi enclave.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dantooine.​betrayer

Legacy of Darth Traya

Alliance Update - State of the Galaxy

News of the near-total destruction of the Eternal Alliance fleet has spread quickly, leading to renewed fears of a reignited war between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire. Both factions have reportedly redoubled their efforts to hoard supplies, munitions, and fuel in anticipation of renewed hostilities. Resource shortages, already a common occurrence on many core worlds, are becoming a daily reality across the galaxy at large.

With no single unifying threat to motivate their continued cooperation, these tensions have led many of the Alliance's forces to return to their original sides of the age-old conflict, rejoining their longtime allies and waiting with grim certainty for the war to begin anew.

A hardened force of dedicated troops and staff still maintains the Alliance base on Odessen, however, and a small fleet still patrols Wild Space on their behalf. The Commander's closest allies remain loyal to the leader who helped unite them during one of the galaxy's darkest times--whatever path the Commander chooses next, they will most certainly follow, potentially tipping the scales of any conflict....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​alliance_update

Alliance Update - State of the Galaxy


The ancient mechanical entity known as Zildrog has always operated from behind the scenes. Unlike the other "machine gods" of Iokath, Zildrog permanently functions in two forms.

The first is a central computer that specializes in the transfer of life energies. Given this device's presence on Nathema, it is likely that Zildrog was a key element of the original ritual Tenebrae used to empower himself at the cost of all life on the planet. Beyond that first atrocity, however, Zildrog's central mind appears to have played no role in Tenebrae's dual life as Vitiate and Valkorion, and slumbered in stasis mode until Vinn Atrius discovered it many years later.

The second of Zildrog's forms is the ancient warship known as the Gravestone. Though it can be operated by an organic crew when required, the vessel's Dark Heart functions as a remote command core that allows Zildrog to control the ship as an extension of itself.

Ancient Zakuulan myths often confuse or conflate Zildrog and Izax, likely because both entities are aerial platforms employing omnicannon technology. Given the many differences in their construction and operation, it seems likely that they were actually built entirely separately--perhaps even as rival projects carried out in Iokath's endless pursuit of better and deadlier weapons.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​zildrog


A Culture of Freedom

Corellia and Coruscant have served as supporting pillars of Republic civilization for millennia, providing its foundational systems of commerce and government, respectively. However, while Coruscant attempts to provide a model of responsible and orderly democracy, Corellia's culture emphasizes free trade and individual privilege over the strict rule of law.

Corellian citizens enjoy a profound amount of personal freedom to pursue their livelihoods, and they exercise that right with a relaxed leisure that belies their fierce refusal to surrender it. Those who mistook the Corellian citizenry's casual attitude for laziness or indifference were surprised when the Empire's occupation was met with armed resistance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​a_culture_of_freedom

A Culture of Freedom

Black Codex: The Star Cabal's Endgame (Agent)

[Data reconstructed from fragmentary transmissions traced back from the Star Cabal's airship.]

There will be horrors undreamed of. Worlds will be broken, and neither the Jedi nor the Sith will fall without dragging anything in their grasp into ruin.

But it will end, Hunter, more quickly than anyone expects, because we have ensured that each player knows the weaknesses of his opponent. The Jedi intend to move against the Emperor himself, and all that's left for us is to clear the way.

Afterward, we return to our lives. We reconstruct civilization from our places of strength, and the cabal will, fate willing, fade into obscurity as the years go by. Let the Creeper keep his vigil and our elderly friend write her books, and I will nurture the people I love. You may finally find peace. There will be no more wars between men who think they are gods.

A golden era awaits us, built upon the bones of trillions. At last, I can accept this.

[Reconstruction ends here.]

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​black_codex_the_star_cabals_endgame

Black Codex: The Star Cabal's Endgame (Agent)

Corellian Government

Corellia is a world that experiments with its system of government on a regular basis. Although it has most often been regarded as a monarchy due to the presence of royal rulers of some kind, these leaders' direct hand in affairs of state has varied wildly throughout history. At various points, Corellia has been everything from an anarchic kleptocracy to a parliamentary democracy.

The present Corellian government is composed of an elected council representing the planet's major population districts. These men and women are led by a prime minister chosen by a council vote. Since the council's alliance with the Empire, however, its members have earned lifetime appointments to their posts; what other changes the Empire may enforce is still uncertain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​corellian_government

Corellian Government

Coronet City

Nicknamed "The Jewel of Corellia," Coronet City is the center of government and commerce on the planet. Although Corellia's urban development is negligible compared to Coruscant's, it is commonly accepted that Corellia's cities--Coronet included--are cleaner, greener and friendlier than any place on Coruscant. Indeed, the tourism industry on Corellia is almost twice the size of that of the Republic capital.

Celebrated author Custo Ramak's final work, "Nights of Ryscate and Diamonds," is a deeply sentimental account of his luxurious, hedonistic lifestyle in Coronet City. Ramak's deathbed composition has long been embraced by young artists flocking to the city in search of fame and fortune. The author himself remains on display in the Museum of Fine Art, his funeral ashes compressed into a diamond per Corellian custom.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​coronet_city

Coronet City

Firestorm Lasers (Knight)

Although the Desolator superweapon was destroyed in orbit above Tython, the legacy of Darth Angral and his son Tarnis lives on. Imperial scientists have adapted the Desolator technology into a new form: the Firestorm Turbolaser. These cannons superheat the atmosphere in a targeted area, literally setting the air on fire and incinerating anyone unfortunate enough to be caught within the area of effect.

The Firestorm Turbolasers have one key weakness: they must be deployed relatively close to the battlefield. This leaves the artillery units vulnerable to counterattack and destruction. Indeed, the only way to remain safe from these deadly weapons is to ensure they are never fired.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​firestorm_turbolasers

Firestorm Lasers (Knight)

First-Class Corellian Bloodstripes

The legendary Corellian bloodstripes are only awarded to heroes who have faced certain death not in the heat of the moment, but after careful deliberation and full foreknowledge of the sacrifice. Although this recognition can technically be bestowed for any reason, the usual one is courage under fire during a military conflict.

Corellian bloodstripes are traditionally worn as conspicuous colored piping running the length of the recipient's trousers. A popular urban myth states that awardees who catch someone wearing unearned bloodstripes may kill that person without legal reprisal, but there are no records of such an event occurring.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​first_class_corellian_bloodstripes

First-Class Corellian Bloodstripes

History of Corellia

Corellia's history is intertwined with that of the Galactic Republic itself. It was Corellians who were among the very first humanoids to develop faster-than-light space travel, and who--in partnership with the Duros--eventually engineered hyperdrive technology and made full exploration of the galaxy possible.

With hyperdrive travel linking the Core Worlds, Corellia became one of the Core Founders of the Republic. Emerging trade routes like the Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine took their name from not only the planet itself, but the number of Corellian trade vessels that carried goods across the galaxy.

As Corellia's importance grew, its primary industry--shipbuilding--expanded into orbital spacedocks. The capital, Coronet City, was largely founded on the credits of Corellia's many starship manufacturers. Even to this day, Corellia is best known for its proud spacefaring and trailblazing heritage.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​history_of_corellia

History of Corellia

Invasion of Corellia

The Empire's takeover of Corellia was carefully orchestrated over a period of years by Sith Lord Darth Decimus and his agents. Imperial spies identified key politicians in Corellia's highest government echelons and the Empire methodically recruited these individuals by promising them lifetime power in exchange for their loyalty. Eventually, the entire Corellian Council was secretly allied with the Empire.

As the Treaty of Coruscant ended and war resumed, Corellia's government orchestrated a faked emergency that cleared the planet's hyperlanes and closed down its spaceports. The council then voted unanimously to place the world under the Imperial banner as Darth Decimus's fleet appeared in the skies above Coronet City. The invasion was over, but the war for Corellia was only beginning.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​invasion_of_corellia

Invasion of Corellia

Medal of Imperial Glory

Only members of the Dark Council and the Minister of War possess the authority to create official Imperial awards for distinguished service. On Corellia, Darth Decimus exercised this power by establishing the Medal of Imperial Glory to recognize the heroism of his elite forces in the battle for that world.

When the leader who creates a particular medal dies, that reward is officially removed from service and never offered again. Collectors of Imperial military memorabilia highly prize certain badges of honor that were only awarded to a select few individuals before their creators met an untimely demise.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​medal_of_imperial_glory

Medal of Imperial Glory

Starship Manufacturing

Corellia's number one trade export is starships. Dozens of advanced shipyards orbit the planet, and dozens more stand planetside, working around the clock. All manner of vessels are constructed by Corellia's renowned shipwrights, from tiny scout pods to massive military dreadnoughts. Corellian-built starships are prized by buyers as diverse as the Republic Stellar Cartography Service and the Hutt Cartel.

Corellia's dominance in the galactic starship market is also one reason why the Empire favored a political takeover of the planet. A world that makes the very best warships and trains some of the greatest pilots in the galaxy always keeps plenty of both for planetary defense.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​starship_manufacturing

Starship Manufacturing

The Bakvalen Family (Consular)

Claiming descent from the early heroes of the Republic, the Bakvalens are a family of nobles who have lived on Corellia for centuries. Bakvalen Hall, their ancestral seat, has become a landmark on the borders of Axial Park.

Several generations ago, the family suffered something of a scandal when Jhaka Bakvalen, then the eldest daughter, turned her back on life as a noble and joined the Republic military as a lowly starfighter pilot. Disowned by her father, she changed her surname to the more common "Bakarn" and became a renowned fighter ace.

Jhaka eventually led her squadron to glory against a dangerous warlord in the Outer Rim, but she was killed in the final assault. Overcome with grief and pride at his daughter's heroism, her father changed the family name to Bakarn--the name their scions are known by to this day.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​the_bakvalen_family

The Bakvalen Family (Consular)

The Fall of Tol Braga (Knight)

Once a respected member of the Jedi Council and its most fervent advocate for peace, Master Tol Braga now willingly serves the Sith Emperor. His confrontation with that foe showed him the nature of true evil and revealed a powerful force he had grossly underestimated. Master Braga's failure to redeem the Emperor broke his spirit. With his pride and faith shattered, he succumbed to nihilistic despair.

Unlike Warren Sedoru and Leeha Narezz, Master Braga did not require the Emperor's oppressive domination to remain obedient. He knowingly surrendered to the power of the dark side, believing it was his punishment for allowing pride to blind him to the Sith's true nature.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​the_fall_of_tol_braga

The Fall of Tol Braga (Knight)

The Kaggath (Inquisitor)

The Kaggath is an ancient, but rarely employed rite of the Sith. One part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match, the Kaggath pits Sith against Sith unto humiliation and death. The challenger sets the arena, whether a planet, a star system or the entire galaxy. The two combatants must then muster their full power bases to outwit and outmaneuver each other and defeat or win over each other's forces.

When the Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord fought and won his one and only Kaggath, he declared that the name of his opponent would be stricken from history--and his command was fulfilled. The Kaggath has the power not only to destroy an individual Sith, but to obliterate his entire legacy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​the_kaggath

The Kaggath (Inquisitor)

The Legislature

The exquisitely expensive Legislature building houses the council, the current ruling body of Corellia. Throughout the planet's experiments with different government systems over the ages, the Legislature has alternately been a house of parliament, a corporate boardroom and a royal council chamber--usually being renamed each time. Regardless of the form the government has taken, it has always kept the spirited, unrestrained flair Corellia is known for.

Centuries ago, during a passionate debate about subsector zoning bypass regulations, Councilor Brecourl angrily challenged his opposition, Chairman Durand, to a duel in front of all in attendance. Durand won the duel over the hotheaded Brecourl, and the occasion is famously remembered as the only time someone was killed on the floor of the Legislature.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​the_legislature

The Legislature

The Lucky Lancer (Trooper)

By far the biggest attraction at the Corellian Museum of Starships is the assault shuttle "The Lucky Lancer." This Rendaran-class vessel--a predecessor to the modern Fortitude class--flew over one hundred combat missions during the last war; by comparison, the second-most famous starship on display survived ten missions. Whether through the quality of her crew or the whims of fate, The Lucky Lancer more than lived up to her name.

The ship's most celebrated mission involved delivering a payload of improvised short-range torpedoes created from transparisteel tubing and hundreds of thermal detonators. The Lucky Lancer threaded a deadly gauntlet of Imperial starfighters to close to within a kilometer of the enemy's flagship. The payload was delivered directly into the Imperial vessel's engines, destroying it in one shot.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​trooper.​the_lucky_lancer

The Lucky Lancer (Trooper)

The Rocket Tram System

Coronet City's rapid public transit system is a symbol of Corellia's economic and industrial power, as well as its commitment to a relatively clean urban environment. Providing cheap and fast transport to all corners of the city, the rocket tram is easily one of Corellia's most popular services. Corporations viciously compete for contracts to add their own technology and resources to the system, as well as for advertising space inside the trams.

The sprawling network of city-wide tram rails has long since become too complex for the Corellians to control, and so direction of the system has been handed over to specially designed droids. Some wonder if such a high level of automation is truly safe, but the only recourse would be reducing the functionality of the entire system.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​the_rocket_tram_system

The Rocket Tram System

State of the Galaxy - Resource War

Even before the Eternal Empire's reign, the war between the Republic and Sith Empire created a constant strain on resources. Vital raw materials from planets on both sides were often shipped to the military for use in the war, creating scarcity on Republic and Imperial worlds.

When both factions fell to the Eternal Empire, what little raw materials and supplies they'd managed to save were forfeited to the Eternal Fleet. Conquered worlds suffered a major resource crisis and resorted to heavy rationing. In extreme cases, like Tatooine, civilian vehicles were confiscated for scrap, and residents were limited to a single government-issued ration bar per day.

After the Eternal Empire's defeat, many hoped for an improvement in the availability of resources. However, what little the newly freed planets had left was needed to repair the damage caused by the devastating war. Those hit hardest by the Eternal Fleet, such as Voss, struggled to survive amidst the wreckage of their crops and manufacturing facilities. For both the Empire and Republic, hope lies in what little they can secure from neutral worlds discovered during the war.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060494626220260

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​umbara.​resource_war

State of the Galaxy - Resource War

Battle of Alderaan

Countless star systems fell to the Empire during the Great War, yet many in the Republic believed the Core Worlds were safe from attack. That all changed when the Empire invaded Alderaan; the Sith Lord Darth Malgus led the attack, timing his invasion with a feint that drew the Republic's fleet light years away.

Unknown to Malgus, a small contingent of Republic soldiers was stationed on Alderaan. The soldiers were outnumbered and disorganized, but among them were the members of Havoc Squad, the Republic's most decorated military unit. Under the leadership of Captain Jace Malcom, the Havoc Squad commandos rallied the Republic troops and waged a fierce guerrilla campaign against the Empire.

The resistance fighters harried the Imperial forces constantly, delaying their advance long enough for the Republic fleet to race back and repel the invasion. In the end, Darth Malgus was defeated and the Empire was driven from Alderaan. The victory was a costly one, though; Alderaan would not soon forget the devastation.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​battle_of_alderaan

Battle of Alderaan

History of Alderaan

Originally inhabited by the insectoid Killiks, Alderaan's pre-colonial history is lost, save for in the hive mind of the aliens. By the time the first human colonists came to Alderaan from Coruscant--about 2,500 years before the founding of the Galactic Republic--the Killiks had migrated into deep space, leaving only a scattered few nests hibernating underground and the empty shells of their hives.

Alderaan's pristine beauty attracted thousands of settlers, and the human colonies quickly developed into thriving provinces. The Alderaanian monarchy made preservation of the environment a top priority in the planet's development, a policy that holds true today.

Later, the planet would become one of the Core Founders of the Republic and among the most powerful voices in the Senate. The princes and princesses of the ruling family typically served as Alderaan's representatives, though other members of the Alderaanian nobility have held the position as well.

Alderaan's recent departure from the Republic and the resulting civil war are among the darkest moments in a bright and optimistic history. Whether the planet will ever regain its former glory is an open question.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​history_of_alderaan

History of Alderaan

Jedi Diplomacy (Consular)

Galactic diplomacy and the Jedi Order have been intertwined for thousands of years. Renowned for their sense of justice and wide cultural awareness, Jedi negotiators are in high demand. Sometimes a Jedi will represent the interests of the Republic or the Jedi Order, but Jedi often act as a neutral third party between two factions; an outsider who can be trusted to arbitrate disputes fairly.

The talents of the Jedi and their adherence to the Jedi Code make them well suited to diplomatic endeavors. Jedi are trained in galactic law and history, often understand obscure languages and customs, and are famed for their devotion to peace. In addition, anyone trying to bribe or lie to a Jedi diplomat will be met with polite amusement at best--and at worst, heavy sanctions and criminal charges from the Republic.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​jedi_diplomacy

Jedi Diplomacy (Consular)

Joiners and the Killik Hive Mind

Joiners are non-Killik individuals who have been absorbed into the Killik hive mind. Prolonged exposure to the powerful pheromones released by Killiks causes an alteration of the subjects' brain chemistry, making them subservient to the nest's desires. Long-term exposure can turn a subject's eyes completely black, though this appears to be the extent of visible physiological changes.

Initially, Joiners retain many characteristics of their own personality, as well as some sense of individual identity. At this point Joiners often describe the relationship as symbiotic, feeling they gain more from the Joining than the Killiks. Over time, however, their personalities become more and more subsumed, until they cannot conceive of any existence away from the hive mind.

In turn, a nest also absorbs the knowledge, skills and personality traits of its Joiners. A single Joiner rarely changes a nest's nature, but a nest that Joins an army of warriors may become war-like, and a nest that Joins a party of explorers may gain a degree of curiosity and wanderlust.

It is possible to medically reverse the Joining process even in the later stages. However, most Joiners--even those experiencing the initial transformation--refuse to willingly submit to the procedure.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​joiners_and_killik_hive_mind

Joiners and the Killik Hive Mind

Noble Houses

The nobility of Alderaan is responsible for ruling the planet and choosing the reigning monarch in often vicious, always intricate games of local politics. Each noble house bears the family name of its original founders, and many nobles can trace their lineage back over hundreds of generations. However, noble blood is not a requirement for house membership; in less traditional houses, it is not unheard of for an ambitious servant or farmer to rise above his or her station.

Three main houses currently compete for Alderaan's throne: House Organa, House Thul and House Ulgo. Although these three are the most powerful houses on Alderaan, might is not the only path to survival. In many cases, a larger noble house will take a smaller, like-minded one under its protection. Referred to as a "vassal," these smaller houses typically provide support and fealty to the larger. A strategic alliance can mean the difference between ultimate ambition or permanent extinction.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​nobles_houses

Noble Houses

Operation: Silverplate (Agent)

Category: Information Gathering / Threat Elimination
Location: Alderaan
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: Vector Hyllus

Operational Summary: Funding for the Eagle's terrorist network was traced to Alderaan; Cipher Nine was sent to identify and eliminate source. Imperial Diplomatic Service member Vector Hyllus was chosen to assist despite uncertain status (see cross-reference).

Cipher Nine and Vector Hyllus identified local negotiator Denri Ayl and Baroness Chay Cortess as primary funders of the terrorist network. House Cortess was not implicated as a whole; however, appropriate responses and precautions have been taken. Vector Hyllus was flagged as an asset, and permanent transfer from the Diplomatic Service was granted.

Cross-reference: Cortess, Vector Hyllus, Killik, Protean, Eagle, Dominator

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_silverplate

Operation: Silverplate (Agent)

The Death Mark (Knight)

A top secret Republic prototype, the Death Mark is an orbital platform that fires an incredibly accurate beam of superconcentrated energy at a specific individual, resulting in instant death. The energy beam can penetrate virtually any structure or shield, making escape almost impossible.

The orbital platform tracks individuals who have been marked with a special targeting device. The targeting device is only effective at extreme close range, meaning an operative must get within several meters of an intended victim to use it. The targeting process is undetectable, and once marked, an individual can be tracked indefinitely, allowing the killing blow to be dealt hours or even days later.

In theory, the Death Mark could save hundreds of lives, as key enemy leaders could be eliminated without the need for armies or the risk of collateral damage. In the wrong hands, however, the Death Mark becomes a weapon of terror, raining murder down from the sky.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​the_death_mark

The Death Mark (Knight)

The Head of Darth Bandon (Smuggler)

The apprentice of the legendary Darth Malak--the Sith Lord responsible for the destruction of Taris--Darth Bandon was a promising young Padawan before he joined the Sith Order. He was slain by the Jedi Knight Revan during the Jedi Civil War, but his remains were confiscated by a group of particularly fanatical Sith acolytes who (for reasons best left unexplored) used Sith alchemy to preserve Bandon's head.

After Revan cut down Darth Malak and ended the war, the leaderless and disillusioned Sith turned to Bandon's head for guidance, claiming they could use it to communicate with the deceased Sith Lord. The cult eventually caught the attention of the Jedi during a misguided attempt to find Bandon a fresh body; the Jedi dismantled the cult, but found no trace of the fabled head.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​the_head_of_darth_bandon

The Head of Darth Bandon (Smuggler)

The War for Alderaan's Throne

Despite its arguable necessity, the Treaty of Coruscant was extremely controversial. Senator Gaul Panteer, heir to the Alderaanian throne, opposed the treaty and arranged Alderaan's withdrawal from the Republic in protest. Gaul was said to be secretly negotiating the terms of Alderaan's return, but he was assassinated before he could do so; his ailing mother, the queen, died days later in a mysterious crash, leaving Alderaan without a ruler and without Republic protection.

The ensuing power vacuum allowed House Thul--now supported by the Empire--to return from exile. With the nobility in chaos and a possible Imperial takeover on the horizon, Bouris Ulgo, a former Republic general, declared himself king. House Panteer challenged Ulgo's rule, but its estates were quickly overrun and destroyed. House Organa, still loyal to the Republic, opposed House Ulgo diplomatically until it could marshal its forces. It wasn't long before all-out war broke out between House Ulgo, House Organa and House Thul, with all three families and countless lesser houses vying for the Alderaanian crown.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​the_war_for_alderaans_throne

The War for Alderaan's Throne


Before the collapse of Imperial Intelligence, official service records listed thousands of Intelligence personnel as "Retired". No details, no forwarding address: simply "Retired". The vagaries of such an entry can set an imagination ablaze with theories as to what it might actually mean. Many of those theories could very well be correct.

There is ample evidence that those who had reached retirement age were sent to Medical Services for a final health examination that implemented an "electrochemical mental therapy session" to leave the retiree "free from the traumas brought on by a protracted period of service." Some whose information or abilities were deemed too valuable for such "therapy" were forcibly retired to highly secure locations like Nar Shaddaa's Shadow Town. Others still, such as the agency's former Minister, wielded enough sensitive information to hold the Empire in check and--to some extent--decide their own fates. Most, however, were likely "retired" by Intelligence in the most time-efficient, cost-effective and predictable manner possible.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​retired


An Imperial Betrayal

Order and efficiency keep the Imperial machine running smoothly; any element acting in opposition is quickly and ruthlessly excised. Great minds have often cracked under the pressure of potentially being found out for merely harboring seditious thoughts, much less acting on them. And yet evidence continues to mount that scores of personnel--perhaps thousands--have risked everything to secretly side with the Revanites. If the Order of Revan's doctrine can sway even well-regarded Sith such as Lord Ivress and Darth Arkous, there's no telling just how thoroughly the Empire has been corrupted by it.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​an_imperial_betrayal

An Imperial Betrayal


While the Nova Blades on Rishi make a sound income from extortion and slave trafficking, their strongest growth category has been in mining the fossil fuel exonium. In its solid state, exonium coals are easy to ignite and burn for a long time at a high, stable temperature. In fact, the Rishii have long used exonium to keep warm and render fish fat. Its real value, however, comes from refinement.

In attempting to return to the stars after being stranded on Rishi for an extended period, the Nova Blades found that refined exonium not only made a suitable fuel for propulsion systems but also acted as an effective reactant fuel for their hypermatter drives. Because of its value, the Nova Blades tried to keep the origin world of exonium a secret, but now anxious prospectors have begun to trickle in from all over the galaxy. Whether these prospectors will pay the Nova Blades' recently introduced Exonium Export Tax remains to be seen.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​exonium


Garblaque's Haven

[HoloNet Advertisement]

Tired of war? Sick of prophecies of impending doom? Looking for an exciting new way to flaunt your vast wealth? Then Garblaque the Hutt has the cure to end all your woes!

Leave the galaxy behind with HAVEN: The Luxury Dreadnaught! Spend ten years outside the fringes of known space in opulent splendor! Haven provides only the best in accommodations, dining, entertainment, recreation, relaxation and satiation. Your life of privilege will not only continue aboard Haven--you will find yourself enjoying entirely new levels of comfort and indulgence! Garblaque has everything you want--and in vast supply. We cater to your every need with no exceptions* and practically guarantee the greatest experience of your life!

Buy your tickets to Haven: The Luxury Dreadnaught in the next two days and your generous host will promise to dine with you once per year! That's ten glorious, all-you-can-consume-and-more feasts with Garblaque himself--just for making your purchase early!

What are you waiting for? Mutually assured galactic annihilation? Get your tickets to Haven this instant!

*pending availability - surcharges may apply

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​garblaques_haven

Garblaque's Haven

Old Wounds

"Memories are markers. They allow us to navigate the past, and to recognize the shape of the path we have chosen. They can reinforce our beliefs. They can buoy us, bring warmth to our hearts. But they can also haunt us. Traumatize us, even when they do not linger on our minds.

"This does not mean that we should seek to eradicate these old wounds. The scars left behind are a part of who we are today. We must learn the contours of these scars so that we may fully understand ourselves, and so that we may better serve as Jedi. Pretend our scars--and the memories that come with them--do not exist, and our ignorance will lead us that much closer to the dark side."

--Master Orgus Din, from a Jedi Academy lecture

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​old_wounds

Old Wounds

Opticron Droids

As with much concerning the Emperor, very little is known of the droids designated "Opticron". In fact, very few are even aware they exist.

From the exterior, they appear to be standard-issue Imperial probe droids, but further investigation would reveal an amalgamation of technology both exotic and arcane. Much like the Emperor's Hand, these droids are connected through the Force in some way to the mind and will of the Emperor himself. They are his unseen eyes, watching that which he cannot--until he returns from the brink.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​warrior.​opticron_droids

Opticron Droids

Revan's Conflict over Rishi

Of all the worlds one would expect to find the Order of Revan's plan unfolding, Rishi would hardly seem a likely candidate. While it's true that the island-dotted paradise would be ideal for planning without fear of interference, the lack of Imperial and Republic presence would also limit the ability to act on those plans. That is, unless the Empire and Republic were somehow drawn to Rishi.

The Nova Blades were employed by the Revanites to trick the galactic powers into believing their most vital fleets were at the mercy of the pirate gang's infamous hyperlane raids; in reality they were being corralled into a trap. With a signal jammer taking away their ability to communicate with one another and with their ships compromised by Revanite traitors, Darth Marr and Master Shan--and the many thousands under their command--now stand on the brink of annihilation, just as Revan had intended.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​revans_conflict_over_rishi

Revan's Conflict over Rishi

Rishi Maze

At the edge of the galaxy, on the fringes of the Outer Rim, a unique phenomenon has fascinated scientists and ignited the imaginations of treasure hunters and explorers for millennia: a dwarf-class companion galaxy called the "Rishi Maze".

Navigation to the Rishi Maze--even while using its spatial constant, Rishi, as a starting point--can be quite difficult, hence the galaxy's name. Some have ventured out never to return, while others have partly managed the multi-point hyperspace path only to turn back for fear of being lost to the cosmos. A few have actually made the trip and returned. These travelers speak in underwhelming terms about lifeless planets with mundane elemental compositions, but whether they're being truthful or attempting to hoard the potential riches of the Rishi Maze for themselves, none can truly say.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​rishi_maze

Rishi Maze

She Who Greedily Devours

The Rishii have always had to concern themselves with predators, but in all of their recorded history they have never encountered a terror as great as She Who Greedily Devours. The few Rishii who have survived her savage attacks do not know what else to call her, as they've never before seen a kell dragon--and very few anywhere in the galaxy have ever come across a kell dragon of this magnitude.

"Kellie", as she was once affectionately known, arrived on Rishi as the hatchling mascot of a new Outer Rim chapter of the Corellian Run Scoundrels. Soon these smugglers found that as Kellie quickly grew so did her appetite, making her cost-prohibitive as a pet. Fearing the prospect of bankruptcy, the Scoundrels' leader callously dumped Kellie into a garbage scow where the kell dragon gorged herself on irradiated refuse for days, likely accounting for both her intimidating stature and surly disposition.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​she_who_greedily_devours

She Who Greedily Devours

The Quest for Immortality

For ages, Dark Lords of the Sith have yearned to reproduce the arcane abilities of Tulak Hord; the process behind his nearly successful bid for true immortality in particular has either eluded or ultimately disappointed those who have sought to know it.

Whispered rumors persist of many varying ways to achieve eternal life, from the obviously false to the convincingly esoteric. Lord Veijel's recent discovery on Rishi appears to be the most promising candidate to date, but as with past claims that were proved too good to be true, this newfound lifespan extender may not be as it appears on the surface.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​the_quest_for_immortality

The Quest for Immortality

The Settlement of Rishi

More than a century ago, a roving crew of adventurous pirates called the Nova Blades embarked on a perilous journey that would take them outside of the galaxy itself. In attempting to navigate the byzantine path to the dwarf galaxy known as the Rishi Maze, the Nova Blades ultimately lost their way. With hardly any fuel left, they somehow managed to find their way back and crash-landed on the only planet within reach--Rishi.

Their ship, the Aggressor, took on heavy damage when it slammed into a mountain on a pristine jungle isle. With no way off the planet, the Nova Blades took to making a home for themselves on Rishi. By the time the Nova Blades learned to refine Rishi's abundant fossil fuels and return to the stars, it was not to escape but to send out invitations to like-minded gangs and individuals. Their offer: come with us to a lush oasis far away from galactic governance. Unsurprisingly, not a single invitee turned them down.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​the_settlement_of_rishi

The Settlement of Rishi

Way of the Rishii

Not much is known about the history of the avian Rishii, and that's largely due to their peculiarly hands-off nature as a species. While they do pass on knowledge from generation to generation, the Rishii tend to have little interest in formally chronicling the course of events. They appear far more interested observing and assessing the nature of animals and other peoples.

From day to day, many Rishii spend their time between fishing, crafting and family duties. More recently, they've taken to employing their uncanny talent for mimicry in grand productions devoted to the recreation of tall tales of the pirates who they now share their world with. Perhaps surprisingly, just as the Rishii have left the pirates to their own devices, so have the pirates opted not to disturb the Rishii. Even the planet's most notorious pirate crew, the Ravagers, are content to leave the amiable Rishii to live their modest lives.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​way_of_the_rishii

Way of the Rishii

Refugees of War

With the war against the separatists turning increasingly ugly, thousands of farmers, laborers and government employees have lost their homes and businesses. Those who remain loyal to the Republic flock to places like Fort Garnik seeking food and shelter. Sadly, there are only so many supplies to go around.

The small shantytowns outside Fort Garnik overflow with impoverished people running out of options. As food, medicine and other basic necessities dwindle to nothing, these refugees resort to desperate measures for survival. Crime and exploitation run rampant, with refugees frequently turning against each other over a half-eaten nutripaste stick.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​refugees_of_war

Refugees of War
LoreOrd MantellRepublic21.0.0

Ruled by Corruption

Centuries of colorful political history and public revelations of high-level government corruption have given Ord Mantell a reputation for untrustworthy leaders. While this attitude is not entirely unwarranted, certain fringe groups believed their world's entire government was little more than a kleptocracy. These activists routinely protested outside government offices, demanding the elected officials be brought to justice.

For a long time, the fringe groups were dismissed as delusional, paranoid or simply troublemakers. It wasn't until an entire governmental cabinet was forced to step down for accepting bribes that ordinary citizens began taking the corruption claims seriously. This was the birth of the separatist movement.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​ruled_by_corruption

Ruled by Corruption
LoreOrd MantellRepublic91.0.0

Smuggling 101 (Smuggler)

It's a fact of life: Whenever uptight governments forbid certain goods on their worlds, demand for these items increases. Once demand turns profitable, enterprising starship captains risk everything to deliver the goods in question.

Careers in smuggling are fast-paced, thrilling and often short-lived. Running contraband not only places a smuggler at odds with a planet's law enforcement, but its criminal elements as well. Pirates, gangsters, revolutionaries and bounty hunters are just a few of the hazards standing between a smuggler and that big payday. Only those who possess the sharpest instincts, sturdiest freighters and quickest blasters live long enough to earn a good living at this game.

It's worth noting that not all smugglers are profiteers. Some style themselves as heroic blockade runners or patriotic privateers, delivering hope and much-needed supplies to those who need it. Of course, that's also exactly how the real criminal types describe themselves, and law enforcement officers rarely accept "I was serving a noble cause" as an excuse.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​smuggling_101

Smuggling 101 (Smuggler)
LoreOrd MantellRepublic51.0.0

Split by Rebellion

The civil war raging across Ord Mantell affects everyone. The planet's unstable political situation is a bitterly divisive subject, with separatist sympathizers and government loyalists increasingly polarized about how to end the conflict. Some families have been irreparably torn apart when one child joined the separatist movement and another enlisted in the government-backed military.

The separatists remain fanatically committed to their cause, demonstrating no willingness to negotiate or settle matters peacefully. The Ord Mantellian government has summoned the Republic military to bolster the planet's defenses and put down the rebellion quickly for the good of all. Leaders are pessimistic that the separatists will ever surrender.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​split_by_rebellion

Split by Rebellion
LoreOrd MantellRepublic51.0.0

Underworld Influences

Ord Mantell was once considered a vital supply depot for the Republic military, but the discovery of new hyperspace lanes virtually eradicated the need to route fleets through the planet's local star cluster. The ordnance engineers and military families formerly occupying the planet transferred to distant outposts, and Ord Mantell was abandoned to farmers.

The old military-grade spaceports were never decommissioned, however, and it didn't take long for private interests to take them over. In addition to corporations like Czerka, less savory factions from the galactic underworld set up shop. Small-time criminal gangs took advantage of the planet's lack of strong Republic oversight and became thriving operations.

These gangsters and corporations have invested heavily in the world's government. Many of Ord Mantell's major political figures are indebted to their corporate and underworld "sponsors," and although some of these leaders have left office in disgrace, it has not discouraged the wealthy and unscrupulous from purchasing political influence. Other politicians have pledged to clean up corruption--rarely succeeding for long, despite noble intentions.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​underworld_influences

Underworld Influences
LoreOrd MantellRepublic91.0.0

Caught Between Two Foes

The Republic finds itself in the worst possible military position on Hoth as it battles both Imperial forces and White Maw pirates. Each of these enemies poses significant individual challenges; combined, they are a nightmare scenario for Republic war strategists. It appears impossible to adopt a battle plan that effectively defends against both, much less offers any hope of victory over them.

The Empire employs classic high-aggression tactics while protecting its units within heavy fortifications, while the unpredictable White Maw pirates favor hit-and-run attacks that take advantage of Hoth's natural landscape for maximum effect. Should these two enemies ever join forces, the Republic's survival on the planet would likely be measured in hours.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​caught_between_two_foes

Caught Between Two Foes

Hoth: No Place for Vehicles

The bitter cold of Hoth is no friend to small vehicles, which do not generate enough heat to keep their mechanical parts from freezing and their power generators from failing on a regular basis. High-end speeders mostly avoid these issues, but mass produced military bikes and many shuttles, starfighters and other transports fail on a regular basis.

For large-scale transport of troops and supplies--when a few select, customized speeders won't suffice--two options remain. First, large vehicles such as armored walkers and heavy dropships can be outfitted to survive the cold, so long as they are well maintained. Second, there is the tauntaun--a bipedal animal that has evolved to survive Hoth's harsh environs and to navigate even during whiteout conditions.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​hoth_no_place_for_vehicles

Hoth: No Place for Vehicles

Imperial War Strategy: Quagmires

The Empire, vastly outnumbered by the Republic, knows it cannot win every battle it fights--so more creative tactics are in order. By sending diversionary forces to the deadly ice world of Hoth and generating intelligence chatter about the search for a vital weapon, the Empire hopes to lure the Republic into a military quagmire--a battle the Republic cannot win, but cannot abandon due to its importance. In so doing, the Empire will divert precious Republic resources away from its true objectives.

This is not the first time the Empire has employed such a strategy. Centuries ago, during the Empire's initial expansion into the sectors surrounding Dromund Kaas, quagmires were used to effectively paralyze minor alien worlds while nearby resources were gathered. Since then, the strategy has remained a valued weapon in the Imperial military arsenal.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​imperial_war_strategy_quagmires

Imperial War Strategy: Quagmires

Keeping Warm: Do's and Don'ts

Hoth's natural predators, pirates and military forces are nothing compared to its weather. Intense cold remains the greatest danger to anyone unlucky enough to travel on the planet, and many manuals have been written on how to keep warm, offering tips on taking advantage of rare nodes of geothermal energy when staking out camp and how to rely on underground cave systems to keep out of the wind.

Specialist cold-weather gear has been designed to allow survival in short bursts on Hoth's bitterly cold surface. In the absence of such gear, one guide even suggests that--in the event of becoming stranded in one of Hoth's famous whiteouts--the innards of a freshly slaughtered pack animal or predator can provide enough heat to stretch out survival for a few hours.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​keeping_warm

Keeping Warm: Do's and Don'ts

Salvaging Starships

Hoth has never been a friendly planet for spacefaring people. Its strong magnetic pull and icy atmosphere have spelled death for many a pilot, and crashed vessels have long littered the planet's surface. But after the Battle of Hoth brought huge numbers of warships down--including the Republic superdreadnought, the Star of Coruscant--Hoth became home to a massive starship graveyard. The graveyard, in turn, became a very attractive destination for pirates looking to salvage a technological edge from the wreckage.

Salvaging starships in Hoth's blizzards is a deadly occupation that can reap great rewards. One of the first pirates to scope out the starship graveyard famously made millions of credits selling Republic and Imperial weaponry back to the Republic and Empire. Now, both governments and freelancers brave Hoth's wilderness, and many salvagers meet their ends among the cold and unstable ruins of dead ships.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 39

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​salvaging_starships

Salvaging Starships

The Battle of Hoth

During the height of the Great War, a vital battle was fought above Hoth--a battle many credit with forcing the Republic to accept the terms of the Treaty of Coruscant. It began when Imperial Intelligence uncovered evidence of a massive Republic fleet buildup near Hoth. Prototype battle cruisers constructed with cutting edge technology formed the backbone of an armada hundreds of ships strong--an armada believed to have been designed for a full-scale invasion of the Imperial capital world of Dromund Kaas.

The invasion never happened. The Empire moved to ambush the Republic super-fleet first. The battle raged for days and found its epicenter in the Hoth system. The greatest starships and some of the greatest warriors in both fleets were destroyed, and high technology and scorched metal rained down onto the ice fields. In the end, the Empire succeeded in its goal; the Republic had been robbed of its chance at victory, and the tide of the war turned.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​battle_of_hoth

The Battle of Hoth

The Scorekeeper (Bounty Hunter)

Deity of the Trandoshan species, the Scorekeeper watches over her brood, savoring their victories and shunning their failures. According to Trandoshan belief, no creature in existence is beyond her judgment, and the only means for a Trandoshan to improve his standing in her eyes is to dominate another living thing--to hold a creature's life in his claws and show the Scorekeeper that he is more worthy of survival.

The Scorekeeper's measure of worthiness is called Jagannath, and upon a being's death it is tallied by the Scorekeeper to determine his place in the afterlife. To be captured or dishonored on a hunt is to have one's Jagannath stripped by the victor, leaving nothing for the victim to show the Scorekeeper in death and dooming his spirit to oblivion.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​the_scorekeeper

The Scorekeeper (Bounty Hunter)

The Umbra Encrypter (Trooper)

Since the beginning of the Great War, one Imperial cipher has defied every attempt at decryption. Code-named "Umbra," it has become a legend in the galactic cryptography community; the Republic even allowed scraps of Umbra transmissions to be released surreptitiously as "unbeatable puzzles" to university students in the hope of finding someone--anyone--who could crack the code.

With theoretical efforts yielding no results, the Republic eventually took on a more direct approach, launching dozens of covert missions to capture one of the Empire's Umbra encryption devices. None has succeeded.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​trooper.​the_umbra_encrypter

The Umbra Encrypter (Trooper)

The Old Ways of Zakuul

Before Valkorion's rise to power, Zakuul was a backwater planet in Wild Space with almost no contact with the rest of the galaxy. Forced to settle in bogs and swamps, early Zakuulans were a superstitious, nihilistic people who worshipped a pantheon of ruthless gods. These deities expressed their power through the pain and suffering of their followers. The pantheon's father was Izax, the god of death and the Ultimate Devourer. The ancient Zakuulans believed their fate was tied to the will of the gods and belonged to Izax. Those who challenged this view were considered demons. While most Demons were outcasts and expelled from society, a prophecy emerged claiming that one would climb beyond Izax's reach--an immortal god of gods who would topple the pantheon and usher in a new age for Zakuul. Claiming to be the Demon Savior of prophecy, Valkorion began his campaign against the Old Ways.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuul_religion

The Old Ways of Zakuul

Zakuul Society: Thrillseeking

Raised in comfort and safety, Zakuulans want for nothing. But despite leading easy lives of intellectual and creative pursuits, they occasionally feel compelled to seek out less high-minded excitement.

Oldtown offers an opportunity for Spire citizens to enter another world and indulge their need for exhilaration. Many Zakuulans have paid at least one visit to cheer at the gladiator pits or sample the red light district. Countless more simply venture down to tour the seedy streets and thrill to the distasteful and the taboo.

The key to Zakuulan thrill-seeking is to never face any real danger. Though Spire residents flock to the delightfully seedy Oldtown, they avoid the truly treacherous Breaktown below it.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuul_thrillseeking

Zakuul Society: Thrillseeking

Zakuulan Wealth

To bring a society from oppressive tribalism into a glorious golden era requires significant funding. When Emperor Valkorion began his project, he funneled wealth from the Sith Empire into Zakuul, effectively robbing one empire to fund another. As Valkorion's grand society blossomed, the Eternal Empire turned its view outward, conquering planets and claiming their resources. By the time the Republic and Sith Empire fell, Zakuul had amassed the greatest fortune in the galaxy.

Much of it is channeled directly into Zakuul--expansion of the Eternal Fleet, lavish updates to the Spire, generous gifts to the citizens--but the Empire's treasure is so great, it couldn't possibly be spent entirely. The bulk now sits idle aboard the massive treasury called the Gilded Star, serving as a symbol of Zakuul's status--and a reminder of the Eternal Empire's power.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuulan_wealth

Zakuulan Wealth

Alien Initiatives

The rebellion of Malgus the Betrayer struck a decisive blow to the Imperial war effort, weakening the Empire's offensive and shattering its united front. Alien factions that flocked to Malgus's banner would forever be judged for their disloyalty. But in a time of turmoil, those species that remained faithful were rewarded.

Against the protests of its more conservative leaders--including heated objections from Grand Moff Regus--the Empire began a concerted effort to integrate its most devoted alien subjects into the military. Only by increasing its numbers with alien stock could the Empire survive the raging conflict against the Republic.

The new alien recruits face down prejudice and competition to prove their worth and secure power within the evolving Empire. Cathar clans have vaulted to prominence, while Kaleesh tribes and countless other species pledge their support to the Imperial fight. Fueled by these brave and committed alien warriors, the Empire rallies its strength and marches into a new era.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​alien_initiatives

Alien Initiatives

Atmosphere of Makeb

Makeb's wealthy citizens have spent millions of credits trying to solve the problem of the planet's peculiar atmospheric conditions. High levels of electromagnetic interference in Makeb's upper atmosphere wreak havoc on communications and destroy any ship much larger than a personal shuttle. The interference was responsible for the original transport crash that brought Makeb's settlers to the planet. It also rendered the transport's communications equipment useless, cutting off Makeb from the rest of the galaxy.

Although Makeb engineers eventually devised a reliable communication system that compensates for the interference, traveling through the atmosphere is still incredibly dangerous. In the early days of Makeb's colonization, daredevil pilots calling themselves the Lightning Runners built specialized fliers from salvage and attempted to navigate the skies. While many died, the data they gathered eventually showed patterns in the interference, which modern Makeb shuttle pilots exploit to safely transport passengers and cargo in small quantities.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​atmosphere_of_makeb

Atmosphere of Makeb

Disaster on Makeb

Makeb has always suffered from periodic groundquakes--notable given that the planet's population lives on high, isolated mesas--but recently the quakes have been more frequent, causing severe damage to Makeb's cities. The cause, as has now been discovered, is the Hutts' aggressive deep-core mining operations.

Projections show that, barring a miracle, the groundquakes will increase in severity, collapsing the mesas and causing volcanic eruptions. Strange fluctuations in Makeb's gravitational and electromagnetic fields are occurring as well. If present trends continue, violent storms will wrack the planet, and its gravity will become too weak to retain an atmosphere at all.

If Makeb's crust survives, the planet will be left barren and lifeless; if not, nothing will be left of Makeb but floating debris. Without a swift and thorough evacuation, Makeb will suffer one of the worst humanitarian crises in galactic history.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​disaster_on_makeb

Disaster on Makeb

Gravity Hooks

Due to Makeb's dangerous atmospheric conditions, moving passengers and goods to and from the planet's surface can be hazardous if not disastrous. Hoping to circumvent the danger, Makeb's mining corporations constructed the gravity hooks: orbital stations connected to the surface by tremendously long turbolift shafts and repulsorlifts.

Although the project succeeded in creating a safe alternative for moving cargo on- and offworld, the gravity hooks' low transit speed, meager carrying capacity and high energy costs have limited their use to industrial purposes. Many of the gravity hooks have fallen into disuse in recent years, especially as starship modifications that reduce the danger of atmospheric flight become more widely available.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​gravity_hooks

Gravity Hooks

GSI Satellite Support

Galactic Solutions Industries' latest innovation in on-the-field assistance is the GSI Satellite Support Suite. As stated in a corporate news release by GSI founder and CEO Addalar Hyland, "Now anyone--from rescue workers to explorers to soldiers--can reap the benefits of enhanced protection and heightened effectiveness thanks to the SSS, which is powered by our proprietary Orbital Flux technology."

Like many innovations, Orbital Flux was discovered by accident. Recognizing the value in overcoming the travel and communications problems that plagued Makeb due to its notoriously harsh atmosphere, GSI researchers attempted to manipulate particle beams fired from orbit in such a way that they would counteract the effects. However, when driven through the atmosphere the particles took on exotic attributes that made them energy rich and malleable. While these new properties had no effect on starships or holotransmissions, they were found to be beneficial to living beings.

When signaled from the ground, the SSS bathes its target in Orbital Flux and the satellite enters Support Mode, continuously tracking the target's condition and location, and even providing medical probe assistance. While Orbital Flux only works on Makeb at present, GSI's technicians are striving to replicate the curious process without the help of Makeb's atmosphere.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​gsi_satellite_support

GSI Satellite Support

History of Makeb

Located off major hyperspace routes, Makeb went unnoticed until the Mandalorian Wars, when a damaged transport ship carrying Republic refugees--including wealthy businessmen fleeing raiders--crash-landed there. Led by magnate Semako Thalien, the survivors built settlements and re-established contact with the galaxy. Rich mineral deposits in Makeb's mesas, combined with the settlers' credits and influence, made it an immensely profitable world within fifty years.

Makeb's wealth and independence from the Republic attracted corporate leaders, rich tourists and banking enterprises, and luxury resorts quickly became commonplace. The Hutt Cartel took notice of a new economic power and attempted to invest its own resources, but was rebuffed by Makeb's business consortiums. Nevertheless, individual Hutts persisted in working their way into Makeb society, laying the groundwork for conquest.

During the war between the Empire and the Republic, Makeb stubbornly retained its independence. Rumors claim that a vast deposit of minerals was discovered soon after the Treaty of Coruscant, but details are surprisingly scarce.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​history_of_makeb

History of Makeb


A mineral unknown in the rest of the galaxy, isotope-5 was secretly discovered during Hutt-backed deep-core mining operations on the planet Makeb. Named for the fifth known isotopic variation of an element normally found in neutron stars, isotope-5 has powerful warping effects on gravitational and electromagnetic fields even in miniscule quantities.

Early research into isotope-5's potential as an energy source is extraordinarily promising. The substance is relatively stable, and particle bombardment could theoretically induce a desired state in the isotope to channel various forms of energy.

Best estimates put the total amount of isotope-5 in Makeb's core at less than two tonnes. Nonetheless, it is highly likely that Makeb's atmospheric interference and unusual mesa formations are a result of the isotope's presence.

The existence of isotope-5 is highly classified. Only select Imperial personnel, high-ranking Hutt Cartel members and Makeb natives directly involved with its mining are believed to be aware of its existence.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​isotope_5


Makeb's Mysterious Survival

As Republic forces rocketed away from Makeb with millions of refugees, one thing was certain: the planet was doomed to total destruction. In the aftermath, however, it appears that Makeb's groundquakes and volcanic eruptions have drastically subsided. Against all odds, the planet has stabilized and remains capable of supporting life... for now, at least.

The exact cause of Makeb's abrupt recovery may never be known, but the planet's continued existence makes it hotly-contested territory in the war between Republic and Empire. Before either faction can claim the world, they will first have to defeat the Hutt's mercenary soldiers, who were left to die by their former masters and now claim the world as their own. With its vast mineral resources and abandoned wealth up for grabs, Makeb is a valuable prize worth fighting over.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​makebs_mysterious_survival

Makeb's Mysterious Survival

Mining on Makeb

Since Makeb's initial settlement, the mining industry has been at the heart of life on the planet. When valuable minerals were discovered in Makeb's mesas, the first settlers--stranded and unable to communicate with the Republic--were forced to improvise mining tools to extract them. Some wealthy citizens like to boast that their ancestors dug up fortunes with their bare hands.

Today, Makeb's miners use huge laser drills to reach valuable minerals deep beneath the surface. Once the laser has bored a shaft, a gravity funnel draws the resulting material up to the mining station. Automated systems inside the station sift the ore and begin the initial stages of processing.

Since Makeb's mines often bore into the heart of the planet or take advantage of existing volcanic vents, the operators have developed sophisticated heat-shielding technology. Marketing these shields has been almost as lucrative as the mining itself.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​mining_on_makeb

Mining on Makeb

Operational Briefing: Makeb Strike Team

Mission Type: Acquisition and Exfiltration
Operational Zone: Makeb
Prepared for: Darth Marr
Distribution List: Classified

Strike team is charged with procuring Makeb's isotope-5 stockpile under outside command. By request of Darth Marr, primary qualifications for strike team members include high loyalty levels and a psychological state amenable to a suicide mission.

Team member specializations include communications, coordination, observation and stealth. Can be augmented with scientific expertise should the mission requirements change.

Katha Niar (Ministry of Logistics) and Lord Cytharat (on temporary release from Korriban jails) will act in secondary leadership roles. Niar's recent work with the Imperial Army has resulted in highly successful operations (but note high casualty rates). Profiling suggests that Cytharat's desire for redemption is genuine, and he will ably protect his team.

Should mission prove successful, survivors may be reassigned together for future operations.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​makeb_strike_team

Operational Briefing: Makeb Strike Team

State of the War: Imperial Retrenchment

The tide has turned in the battle for galactic control between the Republic and the Empire. Weakened by Sith infighting and a rebellion staged by Darth Malgus, the Empire stares down a unified Republic front and the possibility of defeat. Commanded by leaders such as Darth Marr, Imperial forces have withdrawn from many areas of conflicted space and loosened their grip on outlying worlds in a strategic move to shore up defenses, regroup and prepare for retaliation.

As the Empire stages its tactical retreat, the heartened Republic presses its advantage. United under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Saresh, Republic forces rally and unleash bold new tactics against the shaken Empire. But a Republic victory is far from assured. The Empire's will to survive is unassailable, and it will stop at nothing to combat the Republic's aggressions and conquer the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​imperial_retrenchment

State of the War: Imperial Retrenchment

The Hutt Cartel Alliance

The Hutt Cartel's wealthiest and most influential leaders were abandoned to die with the planet Makeb when their paranoid ally Toborro accused them of plotting behind his back. To save themselves, these Hutts signed a binding treaty that made them official Republic allies. The Hutt Cartel is now obligated to lend its considerable resources to the Republic's cause.

This alliance has been met with skepticism and outright hostility by the Cartel's lesser members, none of whom were endangered by events on Makeb and therefore had no reason to accept the treaty's terms. How these rancorous Cartel members will respond to Republic demands remains to be seen. In the meantime, the famous Hutt scientist Doctor Oggurobb now works as an official liaison between the Republic and Cartel leaders--a position he finds annoying in the extreme.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​the_hutt_cartel_alliance

The Hutt Cartel Alliance

The Hutt Conquest of Makeb

As a rich, independent world, Makeb has always had an irresistible lure for the Hutt Cartel. Eventually, a consortium led by the powerful Toborro the Hutt laid plans to seize control of the planet's mineral wealth. A terrible groundquake that leveled one of Makeb's cities gave the Hutt Cartel its chance.

In the confusion, the Hutts brought a fleet to Makeb. Once the ships arrived, Makeb's mercenary forces--having been secretly paid off by the Hutt Cartel--rose up and turned against Makeb's citizens. The mercenaries took over the government's buildings and helped select Hutt forces land. Although mining operations and businesses still run as normal, the Hutts have the hold on Makeb they have wanted for years.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​hutt_conquest_of_makeb

The Hutt Conquest of Makeb

Black Codex: Operation: Shining Man (Agent)

[Data reconstructed from the Shining Man's databanks and files retrieved from the Tytun Rings HoloNet archive.]

The Mystics are a wildcard; they must be brought under control before the endgame. Any other opportunities Voss presents--a chance to train operatives against the Force in a controlled environment, a bauble to distract the Republic and Empire, even a base of operations--are secondary.

Follow the plan. Become what they require and make your case. We don't need to make allies; we just need them out of the way while we resolve the matters at hand.

I wish you could be here for the last days, but our "prophecy" must be sealed by sacrifice and we can't risk another layer of deception. Your time as enforcer will be remembered in the codex, and Hunter will be an able successor.

[Reconstruction ends here.]

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​black_codex_operation_shining_man

Black Codex: Operation: Shining Man (Agent)

Dream-Walking (Inquisitor)

The spirit healers and dream-walkers of Voss are a strange group, even by Voss standards. Preferring to spend most of their time meditating in the wilderness of the Old Paths instead of in Voss-Ka, these Mystics work on healing the mind rather than the body.

Using the ritual of dream-walking, the Mystics enter their own minds and face their own fears, hopes, loves and rages, seeking spiritual balance and health. Such spirit healers are few, but there is evidence of their existence throughout Voss history, and an archive of their writings is kept for spirit healer initiates in the Shrine of Healing.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​dream_walking

Dream-Walking (Inquisitor)

Gormak and Voss Origins

In the beginning, the Gormak were the only species on Voss--semisentient humanoids marked with a strong, though undeveloped, affinity for the Force. However, the history of the Gormak was forever altered several thousand years ago when they were discovered and enslaved by a small group of Sith.

A minor Jedi contingent of explorers arrived soon after. Bowing to pressure from a group of Gormak elders who had escaped the Sith, the Jedi taught a handful of the tribes the ways of the Force. They had no way of knowing that doing so would alter the path of their natural evolution so that they underwent profound physical and mental changes over the next several generations. The creatures ceased to be Gormak and became something else entirely--the Voss.

The Jedi preached temperance and defense but the newly formed Voss immediately attacked the Sith who still lurked among the Gormak primitives. The Voss destroyed the Sith, but in the process they were touched by the dark side, further altering their radically sensitive evolutionary path. Later the small group of Jedi explorers disappeared, having gone home or dying to accident or Voss aggression. Whatever the case, the strange happenings on Voss were never recorded in any archive.

Ascending to the top of Voss's tallest peak, the new species turned to its most powerful Force-users for leadership. Myths about their origins began as the newly ordained "Mystics" tried to explain what had happened and eventually it was believed that the Voss had simply always been. In time this myth became the accepted truth, until even the Mystics themselves forgot the real origins of their people.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​gormak_and_voss_origins

Gormak and Voss Origins

Law and Order on Voss (Smuggler)

The legal system of Voss can be especially perplexing to offworlders, many of whom are surprised to discover criminal gangs like the Exchange operating openly on the planet. Calls by Republic officials to close down these centers of illicit trade have been met with puzzlement and refusal by the Voss, who see no harm in encouraging free trade between their people and offworlders.

Crime among Voss is nonexistent, and Voss law is a much simpler affair than the regulations governing Republic and Imperial worlds. Voss laws are established by the Mystics, enforced by the commandos and judged by the adjudicators. This last group was recently formed solely for offworlders, as no Voss citizen would ever violate their rulers' edicts.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​law_and_order_on_voss

Law and Order on Voss (Smuggler)

Legend of the Shining Man (Agent)

The Voss do not, as a rule, welcome outsiders. They see themselves as unique in the galaxy, chosen by prophecy, and believe that non-Voss play another role altogether.

The Shining Man--who called himself Albathius upon his arrival--is the only known exception. He was first seen in the plazas of Voss-Ka, haggard and seeking food. No holocam or ship manifest recorded how he came to the planet, and he offered no explanation.

In a matter of days, the Shining Man ingratiated himself with the Voss, living and working among them. To the intelligence services observing, it was clear Albathius was more than he appeared--but by the time they began a detailed investigation, the Shining Man had become part of the culture, participating in Voss rituals and being adopted into a Voss family.

When the Shining Man died in his home, his status was cemented as a near-holy figure. If he had been assassinated, his enemies had made a martyr of him.

If he had chosen death himself, he had made the ultimate commitment to his cover. The only question was "Why?"

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​legend_of_the_shining_man

Legend of the Shining Man (Agent)

Mystic Visions

For the Voss, a Mystic's vision is a rare and solemn event. While visions are always believed to serve the greater good of the Voss people, in the short term they can mean great upheaval and suffering. Following the visions of their Mystics, the Voss have waged bloody war on one another, torn down and rebuilt half of Voss-Ka and spent centuries digging underground in search of sacred crystals--but experience has shown that those who ignore visions do so at their peril. The predictions of the Mystics have never been wrong.

For these reasons, a Mystic's vision is treated with great care. No Mystic determines himself how the Voss act upon his vision; instead, the vision is described to the experienced interpreters at the Tower of Prophecy. The interpreters debate its meaning and meditate before they present their analysis, and the Three--or another to whom the vision is directed--act on the interpretation, confident in the knowledge that whatever action is necessary, it is ultimately for the benefit of all Voss.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​mystic_visions

Mystic Visions

Potential Mystics (Consular)

Voss Mystics are both born and made. Children who show signs of talent in either prophecy or healing are sent to the Tower of Prophecy for training and study. When these potentials are old enough, they may go on a pilgrimage across Voss where they visit holy sites, fast and meditate on their future roles.

A potential's training does not end until he either performs a great act of healing or experience a vision. If a potential Mystic begins his training but fails to complete it, he is allowed to re-enter Voss society and is referred to as a "lost potential." Although there is no stigma to failing Mystic training, lost potentials are often left feeling isolated from other Voss due to their long study and experience of the rituals at the Tower of Prophecy. What greater role lost potentials will fulfill in the Voss prophecies is still an unanswered question.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​potential_mystics

Potential Mystics (Consular)

The Deep Cradle (Consular)

"All that is Voss comes from Voss," run the words of an ancient Voss creation myth. According to tradition, the ruin known as the Deep Cradle marks the site where the Voss were born from the substance of the planet itself. Later stories tell of how one Voss returned to the Deep Cradle and drank from the fire at the planet's heart; he knew he would perish, but that his sacrifice was necessary for the greater good. His prophetic dying words are said to have guided the ancient Voss safely through the wilderness, until they discovered the mountain where Voss-Ka now stands.

The altars of the Deep Cradle, meditated upon by potential Mystics, reflect these myths. The Altar of Life celebrates the existence and survival of the Voss despite all odds. The Altar of Death represents the irrevocability of one's actions. Finally, the Altar of Duty stands for both the ability to choose, and the responsibility that comes with choosing correctly.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​the_deep_cradle

The Deep Cradle (Consular)

The Forbidden Ritual (Inquisitor)

Little is forbidden on Voss, where life is directed by the infallible visions of the Mystics. Yet one ritual, practiced by ancient spirit healers and believed to be powerful enough to restore even the most fractured mind, was locked away within the Shrine of Healing and guarded by a Voss apparition.

The so-called "Forbidden Ritual"--its true name long lost to history--involves dream-walking alongside one of the hated Gormaks. By uniting both Voss and Gormak, it can heal the mind of its "nightmares."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​the_forbidden_ritual

The Forbidden Ritual (Inquisitor)

The Imperial Attack on Voss

When the Empire first learned of Voss--a primitive world with powerful Force-sensitive Mystics--it was quickly marked for conquest. "Ambassadors" sent to the capital reported that Voss-Ka appeared wholly undefended. Soon after, the Imperial General Khypes arrived with a battle cruiser and several army divisions to demand that the Voss surrender.

Before any official communication could be sent to the Voss government, Khypes's battle cruiser exploded. Its escorts were destroyed moments later, whether caught in the cruiser's blast or eliminated through other means. The invasion was over before it had begun.

In the hours that followed, both Imperial and Republic forces scrambled to determine what had happened. No trace of an energy discharge was found, suggesting planetary defenses were not involved. The Empire suspected Republic sabotage or secret Voss weapons. The Republic theorized that the destruction was the result of Sith infighting. The Voss called it destiny.

Regardless, the Empire realized it had underestimated the Voss and hastily recalled its forces, claiming General Khypes was a rogue acting without orders. Soon, the Empire began to attempt more diplomatic overtures to the Voss people.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​the_imperial_attack

The Imperial Attack on Voss

The Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing

Tales of the miraculous powers possessed by the Mystics at the Shrine of Healing have spread across the galaxy, and many offworlders have flocked to Voss in the hopes of being cured of their various ailments and afflictions. Before they can petition the healers, however, those seeking aid must embark on a dangerous and arduous pilgrimage to the shrine's remote location.

This journey is more than merely symbolic. Facing the trials of the pilgrimage purifies the spirit of the petitioner--an essential requirement, the Voss say, for those seeking aid. Voss healing rituals disperse an affliction across multiple individuals, diluting it until it no longer has any ill effects. If the ritual is performed on one who has not been purified, the Mystics believe there is a chance the malady will instead infect all involved in the ritual, making the necessity of the pilgrimage readily apparent.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​the_pilgrimage_to_the_shrine_of_healing

The Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing

The Three

Many outsiders believe that the Voss are directly governed by their Mystics; an understandable mistake, given the Mystics' importance. In fact, the Mystics' visions are first interpreted, then conveyed to the Three--the secular governing body based in Voss-Ka, who base their executive orders upon the visions' interpretations.

The Three are chosen by Mystics after meditation or according to visions, but have little direct contact with the Mystics on a day-to-day basis. Working from the Tower of Prophecy, the Three administer Voss-Ka, make policy decisions and coordinate the endless war against the Gormak.

Depending on the advice of the Mystics, appointment to the Three can last a lifetime or just hours. The current members of the Three are the calm, authoritative Sonn-Vi; Gunta-Mer, who was chosen by the Mystics only weeks ago; and Nen-Ji, the longest-serving member, who has been part of the Three since childhood.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​the_three

The Three

The Voice of the Emperor (Warrior)

For centuries, the Emperor's Voice has delivered the Sith leader's commandments to his servants. In fact, to converse with the Emperor's Voice is to have an audience with the Emperor himself, whose power and consciousness have been placed within the Voice's body.

Although the audible voice never changes, the physical individual who does the speaking has assumed many forms--various accounts describe the Emperor's Voice as anyone from a young human female to an elderly full-blooded Sith male. Regardless of physical appearance, however, the Emperor's Voice can always be identified by its emotionless, precise and controlled manner of speaking. Some have privately described conversations with this entity as extremely disturbing; there is often the sense that the Emperor's Voice is listening to another conversation even when he or she is speaking.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​warrior.​the_voice_of_the_emperor

The Voice of the Emperor (Warrior)

Belsavis Automated Security

Belsavis's automated security systems consist of a complex web of logic programs, identity databases, mechanical interfaces and emergency overrides. Computers control everything from coma gas ventilation to laser turrets to holocameras to energy field lockdowns, along with far more obscure technologies.

What makes Belsavis's security unusual is its distributed nature. Different sections of the prison and different types of responses are controlled by entirely separate computer systems. This ensures that damage or corruption to one system cannot compromise the entire prison, but it also makes untangling errors difficult at best.

Some of Belsavis's security systems are even tied into rumored alien technology in the deep levels of the prison; this allows them to access systems of unusual power, but also causes occasional eccentricities when outside protocols override modern programming. Usually, these eccentricities are harmless--a computer displays its interface in an unknown language, or indoor humidity rises uncomfortably--but the prison technicians fear that far worse is possible.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_automated_security

Belsavis Automated Security

Belsavis Prison Break

The Empire's attack on Belsavis came as a complete surprise. So far as the Republic knew, the prison's location was an absolute secret--and even if the secret were exposed, the planet seemed unlikely to become a top-priority military target. In this, the strategists were mistaken.

The Empire began its attack by delivering a small team of Sith and elite soldiers onto the planet surface. Their first task was to free as many prisoners as possible and throw the prison into chaos. Some of the prisoners (including long-lost Imperial prisoners-of-war) allied with the Empire, while others joined the riots and attacked all parties. As the Republic scrambled to respond, the Empire established a makeshift base of operations on the surface and brought a mobile battle platform into orbit.

The Empire's position on Belsavis is precarious, but until the Republic can alter its focus from the prisoners to the invaders, the situation is unlikely to change.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_prison_break

Belsavis Prison Break

Belsavis Prison Personnel

The personnel who run the Belsavis prison come from a variety of backgrounds. Many are Republic military, but others are decorated members of planetary security forces or staff transfers from maximum security prisons elsewhere. All receive extensive training upon acceptance into the Belsavis forces, and are experts at riot control, siege tactics and asymmetrical combat. Some are also skilled interrogators, negotiators and psychologists.

Augmenting the staff is a veritable army of Republic security droids, including many built and maintained on Belsavis. The Belsavis warden droids are designed specifically for prison work, and can move through parts of Belsavis where no living guard is permitted.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_prison_personnel

Belsavis Prison Personnel

Belsavis Vaults

Scattered across the surface of Belsavis are ancient structures built from an unknown material, practically impervious to weapons and scanners. Engraved on the walls and doors of these structures are strange warnings in ancient languages, imploring anyone who finds the structures to stay away and not unseal their contents.

Republic science teams have opened a handful of these alien vaults, finding others broken open before their arrival. The vaults' contents are classified even to most prison personnel, but rumors suggest that they contain ancient weapons, machines and even living creatures--some perfectly preserved, others ruined. After several science teams were lost, further exploration was halted. Protection of the sealed vaults is one of the administration's top priorities.

A few vaults--seemingly empty and opened long ago--have been converted for use by the Republic as additional holding facilities or secure storage. In addition, stories persist among both the inmates and the low-level prison staff of much larger vaults of similar design in the prison's Maximum Security Section.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_vaults

Belsavis Vaults

Black Codex: Origins of the Star Cabal (Agent)

[Data reconstructed from the SCORPIO databanks and the personal recollections of Megasecurity Ward 23 inhabitants.]

The Great Hyperspace War was a turning point for civilization. For the first time, the galaxy itself was imperiled, and every living being put at risk. History nearly ended. And why?

Because the Jedi and the Sith--ordinary people with extraordinary might--went too far, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them.

We cannot change the nature of ordinary people. But we can control them.

We have assembled the best men and women of our generation, individuals with the power and the will to effect change. Some of you see yourselves as rivals elsewhere, but here we are partners.

Our goal is not to conquer or to punish, but to preserve civilization as we know it. We will work in secret, so that no one may fear us. We will conceal the Sith from the Jedi, and the Jedi from the Sith so long as we can, and we will let them command the world that they see.

But they will see only what we let them see.

[Reconstruction ends here.]

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​black_codex_origins_star_cabal

Black Codex: Origins of the Star Cabal (Agent)

Esh-Kha Culture

To outsiders, the Esh-kha appear to be a savage and violent people, caring only about the destruction of all other species. In fact, the Esh-kha closely resemble a hive society. Although each individual has his own thoughts and aspirations, every Esh-kha is born in his place, bred for a role and eager to fulfill it. Their society is divided into castes: the Force-sensitive but simple-minded savants; the skilled, determined warriors, who are the most numerous and who watch over their savant brethren; and the patriarch, whose wisdom shapes the decisions of the Esh-kha as a whole.

The Esh-kha's hatred for all other sentient species may stem from their tightly-knit society; Esh-kha are simply unable to tolerate or adapt to the existence of thinking beings who are not Esh-kha. But this savagery only extends to outsiders. Esh-kha are only violent with each other under the most extreme circumstances.

Esh-kha are not named at birth, but earn their names through action. An Esh-kha who proves particularly cunning might become "Razor Mind" or "Water Thinker." This may partly explain the Esh-kha zeal in battle, as young warriors seek not only victory, but the opportunity to claim a name and forge their own identity.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​esh_kha_culture

Esh-Kha Culture

History of Belsavis Prison

Over twenty thousand years ago, the alien Rakata turned the jungle planet Belsavis into a prison. There, they entombed indescribable monsters, heretics and warlords, weapons to shatter stars, whole species... anything they feared or treasured above all reason. And when the Rakata's age of glory ended, the droids they left behind maintained the seals.

Many millennia later, after the rise of the Republic, Belsavis became known as an unremarkable planet in the middle of an ice age, populated by only a handful of primitives. It was only happenstance that caused Republic scouts to notice first the tropical rifts that defied the freezing temperatures, and then the strange vaults and the alien structures burrowing into the core of the planet.

Top-secret expeditions attempted to explore the alien vaults, until the extent of the dangers became apparent. At last, select Senators worked with the Strategic Information Service to construct Belsavis prison--a facility with two purposes. First, to guard, contain and study the terrible alien structures on the planet. And second, to create a prison for the Republic--one where the most powerful offenders could be placed within the Rakata's cells, and where lesser threats could be isolated on the most secure planet in the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​history_of_belsavis_prison

History of Belsavis Prison

Mind Trap

The ancient Rakata built mind traps as the ultimate prison. These strange devices leave the victim's body intact, but draw the psyche into an otherworldly "white room"--a virtual environment created by the mind trap's power. While inside the white room, the victim does not hunger or age, and his thoughts are not impaired--but he can have no contact with the outside world until another being accesses the device. It is entirely possible for the victim's body to die and the victim's psyche to suffer immortality inside a white, featureless void. Certain technologies allow a mind trap's victims to holographically project into the real world, though whether the Rakata intended this is a mystery.

During the height of the Infinite Empire, entrapment was reserved as a punishment for Rakata only. At other periods, however, other dangerous beings have been placed within the devices.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​mind_trap

Mind Trap

Primeval Beasts

The creatures imprisoned beneath Belsavis defy easy classification. Many resemble animals found elsewhere in the galaxy, but possess traits that make them far more dangerous than their "ordinary" counterparts. Republic scientists theorize many were enhanced through direct genetic alteration, but such techniques go far beyond current science.

Although most of the creatures in the prison have been kept in stasis through the centuries, a few sealed cell blocks hold surviving colonies that have bred over generations, feeding on supplies delivered by caretaker droids or on one another. Strangest of all, a handful of alien etchings refer to creatures living outside of stasis but without need of food or water, raging and awaiting their chance at escape.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​primeval_beasts

Primeval Beasts

Rakata Technology

The ancient Rakata combined proficiency with the Force with a mastery of technology and bioengineering. Massive weapons of war--such as the Star Forge, a space station powered by the dark side and capable of manufacturing whole fleets--were among their largest-scale achievements, but not every Rakata creation was so grandiose.

Rakata mind traps are capable of containing the psyche of an individual in a virtual environment. Creatures bred and enhanced by Rakata life-shapers can survive both hard vacuum and baradium explosives. Rakata droids possess weaponry capable of breaking apart most forms of matter at the atomic level.

Rakata relics--even nonfunctional ones--are desperate sought after by those few scientists and archaeologists aware of their existence. Urban legends among smuggling rings tell of ancient devices that wreak havoc on their owners, and both Imperial Intelligence and the Strategic Information Service monitor these rumors with interest. One stray Rakata artifact can change the course of history.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​rakata_technology

Rakata Technology

The Domination Experiments

Code-named "Project Noble Focus," the domination experiments are one of the Republic's darkest and best-kept secrets. Instituted by Senator Tudos, the project's purpose is to analyze the military capabilities of countless alien species by pitting prisoners against each other in closely monitored combat scenarios. Aliens are divided into test groups, armed and equipped appropriate to their species, and forced to battle. Winners receive better supplies and better treatment--temporarily.

Although only a select few in the Republic's political and military echelons are aware of the project's existence, the project has come to involve several dozen personnel on Belsavis. Most of the prison staff members are unaware of the experiments, but authorized higher-ups along with the scientists and guards who maintain the project have, apparently, managed to silence their consciences.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​the_domination_experiments

The Domination Experiments

The Infinite Empire

Over twenty thousand years ago, the Rakata ruled an empire hundreds of worlds strong. They enslaved armies of lesser beings, but slavery and war were only incidental to the Rakata way of life. Their Infinite Empire was built on the promise that the Rakata could reshape existence to suit themselves--they would warp space, peer through time, create and destroy species at a whim. To humanoid minds, the Rakata of old were mad hedonists and philosophers without conscience.

For all their arrogance and their eventual fall (and they did fall, in time, when their power mysteriously faded and their slaves revolted en masse), the Rakata were supreme at their peak. They effortlessly merged their strength in the Force with technological genius, creating nightmarish and brilliant devices. Their achievements may never be matched; perhaps this is for the best.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​the_infinite_empire

The Infinite Empire

The World Razer

Almost nothing is known of the ancient being known as the World Razer. No one has seen or spoken to the creature for thousands of years; the Rakata's cryptic warnings suggest the World Razer is Belsavis's oldest prisoner, and that the prison was first constructed to hold the terrible entity whose hunger consumed a thousand worlds.

According to the Rakata inscriptions in the Tomb, it took the combined might of the Infinite Empire to subdue the World Razer, and an entire planet to contain its fury. If such a creature were ever released, its rage might very well shatter the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​the_world_razer

The World Razer

Ilum Crystals

The Adegan lightsaber crystals of Ilum were originally discovered by ancient Jedi, who made pilgrimages to Ilum to study and meditate on the Force amid Ilum's harsh wintry environs and to select the Force-resonant crystals for their lightsabers.

But while it has long been believed that Adegan crystals had the potential for other uses, serious research into the subject was not pursued until the outbreak of the latest war with the Sith Empire. The Empire and the Republic have both sent teams to Ilum to extract the crystals and discover their military applications--most notably, the potential for stealth technology of unprecedented effectiveness.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​illum_crystals

Ilum Crystals

Pilgrimages to Ilum

Distant, frozen and dangerous, Ilum has nonetheless attracted Jedi visitors for centuries. The vast crystal caves beneath Ilum's surface draw those seeking to improve their weapons, meditate in seclusion or test themselves against the natural hazards there.

One pilgrimage to Ilum nearly ended in disaster when Master Seta-Le, trekking through Ilum's mountains to a meditation site, fell through a patch of ice into a cavern. Trapped and with her lightsaber broken in the fall, she eventually managed to apply the lightsaber's components to a nearby crystal formation. The resulting scattered beam melted through the ice wall of the cavern, allowing Master Seta-Le to escape. The complex, fragile ice formations created from the beam have become another point of interest on Ilum for Jedi pilgrims.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​pilgrimages_to_illum

Pilgrimages to Ilum

Stealth Technology and Warfare

Stealth field generators allow individuals to effectively become invisible and have been in common use for centuries, most often seen in modern times in the possession of professional spies and underworld figures. Invisibility is also possible on a larger scale; occasionally private starships employ cloaking devices, but the costs involved mean they are reserved for the very rich, or those willing to seize such devices by force.

Despite the obvious advantages, in wartime cloaked ships and individuals are usually only deployed for small, covert operations. Cloaking an entire division or fleet would not be practical. But periodically, researchers or military leaders obsessed with the possibilities attempt to develop technology to allow mass-cloaking, knowing it would change the face of warfare forever. Given the amplification properties discovered in Ilum crystals, perhaps the time for change has finally come.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​stealth_technology_and_warfare

Stealth Technology and Warfare

The Battle for Ilum

To the Jedi, Ilum is a sacred world invaded and ravaged. To the Empire, it represents vital resources and the chance for a powerful symbolic victory. After learning of the value of Ilum's crystals in the years after the Sacking of Coruscant, the Empire sent a small group of Sith to investigate the planet. With only a handful of Jedi scattered across the ice plains, the Sith were able to avoid or defeat their foes and begin quietly harvesting Ilum's crystals.

During the fighting on Corellia, Republic SIS operatives recovered evidence of the Empire's plans to use these crystals and develop stealth technology on an unprecedented scale. The Republic gathered its fleets and allies--both old and new--and raced in defense of Ilum. The aid of the Jedi has allowed the Republic to establish strong bases, but the Empire is determined not to lose such a valuable world. The battle for Ilum promises to be long and bloody.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​the_battle_for_illum

The Battle for Ilum

The Republic's Alien Allies

The renewed war with the Empire and the fight for Corellia brought the Republic to the brink, prompting it to call on a variety of allies and member worlds. Now the battle on Ilum and the chance the Empire may gain the massive advantage of a stealth fleet have reaffirmed the need for wide support. Duros, Talz, Ongree and Wookiee shock troops have all lent their soldiers, munitions and fleets to the fight. More unusual is the presence of Kaleesh mercenaries; these masked, highly skilled warriors have come to the fiercest battleground in the galaxy seeking honor and glory.

Ordinarily, keeping such diverse forces working together would be a challenge. But the harsh conditions on Ilum, the furious onslaught from the Empire and the knowledge of the consequences of defeat have served to unify the Republic's forces and kept disagreements to a minimum.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​the_republics_alien_allies

The Republic's Alien Allies

Ahto City

For millennia, the Selkath had no contact with other worlds. Then the Rakata came to Manaan and enslaved the Selkath, forcing them to construct monuments to the great Infinite Empire. After the Infinite Empire's fall, the Selkath were left in isolation once more. Now aware of the greater galaxy and its many species, the Selkath decided to build a city on the surface--a shining capital designed for tourism, trade and diplomacy.

Ahto City was a thriving metropolis. At one point, large contingents of the Republic and the Empire lived side by side in Ahto City despite the raging Jedi Civil War. This awkward arrangement was made possible due to both sides' desperate need for Manaan's healing agent, kolto. More recently, however, the Sith Empire grew tired of Selkath neutrality and bombarded the planet from orbit, destroying most of Manaan's surface structures--including Ahto City. The Selkath have since retreated to the depths, abandoning their once-great capital, now a half-sunken wreck.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​manaan.​ahto_city

Ahto City

Binexan-class Destroyer

Selkath legend says that when a Binexan shark is beaten by an adversary, it retreats to Manaan's murky depths, only to resurface as an even deadlier creature than before. The Binexan-class Destroyer, named for this fabled vicious predator, was designed to do something similar.

But instead of waiting to be overpowered before disappearing and re-emerging as a stronger opponent, this Republic military vessel attacks first, striking hard and fast, before diving below the surface and effectively shielding itself from enemy scanners and tracking systems. With the ability to move immensely powerful ordnance quickly and almost completely undetected, the Binexan-class Destroyer is a formidable weapon in a battle for control of an aquatic world.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​binexan_destroyer

Binexan-class Destroyer

Ion Cannon

A large, platform-based weapon designed to disrupt onboard computers, secondary electronic systems, and protective shields, resulting in critical failures, internal damage, and immediate loss of power. Though powerful, ion cannons quickly incapacitate ships while sparing both the structural integrity of the vessel and inflicting minimal crew casualties.

Due to their size and advanced logistical and technological requirements, ion cannons are a rare sight on the battlefield only associated with groups with considerable resources. Their simple but devastating effect of the can be directed into a beam, akin to long-range artillery, or a single-use explosive for a greater diameter of effectiveness.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​ion_cannon

Ion Cannon


Kolto is a medicinal fluid found naturally on the planet Manaan. Highly valued for its ability to heal, kolto can be found in use in hospitals, clinics and medical bays throughout the galaxy. It also has obvious applications for military use, helping soldiers to recover more quickly from wounds sustained in the throes of war.

The Selkath of Manaan strictly regulate the trade of their monopolistic supply of kolto. For this reason, many Republic and Imperial scientists have attempted to synthesize kolto. While a few less reliable, less stable caches of lab-procured kolto do exist, they are poor substitutes for the real thing.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​manaan.​kolto


Nautical Mining System

Developed by Colonel Seeral Korrd and various engineers under his command, the Empire's Nautical Mining System is a network of platforms that can be deployed with minimal to no casualties or resistance.

Despite the lack of natural cover, defenses, or roads on worlds entirely covered by oceans, the platforms can be dropped from orbit, constructed, moved, and withdrawn faster than mining stations established on terrestrial planets.

The floating platforms serve as stations in the mining system's network, and each can be adapted to handle different crucial steps in the kolto mining process, including harvesting, refining, and shipping. Unique shielding technology is used below the surface to drain sections of the ocean floor, providing easy access to underwater deposits of kolto, while the surface levels are equipped with state-of-the-art defenses that prevent raiders--or unhappy locals--from interfering with moving the kolto offworld.

Although Manaan is the first planet to have its resources harvested through the Nautical Mining System, its success could mean a wider application of Colonel Korrd's invention on aquatic worlds across the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​nautical_mining_system

Nautical Mining System


The title of a massive firaxan shark reported to live in the Hrakert Rift on the planet Manaan, infamously involved in an unfortunate incident at an undersea outpost. The original Progenitor and indeed all firaxan sharks are still considered a sacred animal to the Selkath, so efforts to protect and preserve the species have given rise to additional technology to both shield critical kolto mining facilities, while ensuring the sharks are not inadvertently harmed by the machinery. Over the centuries, the term has been applied to any firaxan shark displaying unusual size.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​progenitor


History of Coruscant

For over 200,000 years, Coruscant has been one of the most important planets in the galaxy. It has seen and survived dozens of wars, suffered under the control of alien species, served as the capital of the Republic and--according to common wisdom--ushered in the birth of the human species.

In ancient times, before the planet became a city, Coruscant was a world covered mainly in oceans. Over millennia, humans spread out over the land masses, covering them with structures--and as technology developed and overpopulation grew more troublesome, the Coruscanti people sought ways to house their ever-growing numbers. Eventually, the seas themselves were drained, and the humans spread into the empty basins.

It has been over 100,000 years since sunlight last reached the lowest levels of the city. Now, Coruscant stands as a marvel of engineering and sentient triumph, home to thousands of species and countless billions of individuals. Archaeologists spend their whole lives descending through the city's layers, searching for answers about its distant past, and no one in the universe knows Coruscant's full story.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​history_of_coruscant

History of Coruscant

Reconstruction of Coruscant

The Republic capital was the Empire's final target during the war, and the bombs dropped in the Sacking of Coruscant left large swathes of the city in ruins. The reconstruction effort began almost immediately after the Empire's withdrawal, but in a crowded city-world where skyscrapers can be kilometers high, simply demolishing one safely can take months.

Although donations flowed freely from the Republic, corruption and political squabbling caused further delays. Finally, Vanara Kayl, Senator for Coruscant, gave an impassioned speech claiming that deliberate interference in Coruscant's rebuilding verged on treason. Impressed by her fervor, the Supreme Chancellor gave Senator Kayl full authority over the reconstruction efforts, which have proceeded relatively smoothly ever since.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​reconstruction_of_coruscant

Reconstruction of Coruscant

Republic Government

Democracy and fair representation are at the core of Republic government. Every member world in the Republic is entitled to a seat in the Galactic Senate and the right to vote on legislation. Due to the sheer size of the Senate, which represents thousands of worlds, Senators negotiate alliances--occasionally through backroom deals--to strengthen their position on important issues.

Large-scale military deployments must be approved by the Senate. Jedi activities are officially outside the Senate's jurisdiction; unofficially, the Jedi Council prefers to be in harmony with the Senate's wishes, and avoid a threat to their independence from Senate action.

The head of the Galactic Senate--and therefore the Republic itself--is the Supreme Chancellor. The Supreme Chancellor is elected by the Senate and serves a four-year term. In recent years, campaigns to become Supreme Chancellor have become more and more low-key, as candidates fear assassination by the Empire.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​republic_government

Republic Government

The Sacking of Coruscant

A pivotal moment in recent galactic history, the Sacking of Coruscant was a swift and merciless attack on the Republic capital that began with an offer of peace. The Sith Empire, having fought the Republic for decades since its surprise return, suddenly contacted the Republic Senate to propose a treaty. Although the Republic was suspicious, the war had stretched its capabilities and resources to a breaking point. Peace seemed the only hope of survival.

Diplomats from both sides traveled to Alderaan to discuss the treaty, but the Empire was already making its move. An Imperial fleet descended on Coruscant and launched a massive orbital bombardment against the city. As the Sith Lord Darth Malgus marched into the Jedi Temple, other Imperial forces captured the Senate tower. The entire planet was effectively held hostage.

Knowing that "peace negotiations" were over, the Supreme Chancellor reluctantly signed the Treaty of Coruscant, dictated by the Empire. Although years of uneasy peace have followed, the Sacking of Coruscant remains a vivid and painful memory for the Republic; for the Empire, one of its greatest victories.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​the_sacking_of_coruscant

The Sacking of Coruscant

Carbonite Freezing

Carbonite is a metal alloy that, when mixed with various gasses, can be used to flash freeze blocks of cargo for transportation or storage. Its use in freezing living creatures is relatively new in the galaxy and considered highly dangerous--subjects frozen for more than a few hours have a very low survival rate unless the carbonite is prepared with much expense at an elaborate facility. Even in the best cases, the sudden shock of flash freezing (often combined with a lack of life-support monitoring during suspension) tends to make the process extremely traumatic--sometimes even turning fatal hours after a subject has been thawed.

Still, a quick carbonite spray is the only known technique for freezing living creatures quickly and with minimal preparation. The technology is growing increasingly popular with bounty hunters and smugglers; as a result, many bounty hunting guilds have clauses in their contracts mandating live capture payment even if the bounty fails to survive the post-hibernation period.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​carbonite_freezing

Carbonite Freezing


Prior to the Hutts' arrival, Hutta was known as Evocar by the native Evocii. It was a temperate planet characterized by lush rainforests, expansive oceans and towering mountain ranges. Natural resources were plentiful, a fact that no doubt attracted the Hutts as they searched for a new homeworld to settle. The Hutts' occupation of Evocar led to centuries of strip-mining and unchecked consumption that forever altered Evocar, transforming the once-idyllic planet into a polluted, bog-infested wasteland.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocar


Evocii Exile

When the Hutts resettled on Hutta, they quickly bought up the entire planet and forced the native Evocii offworld. Lacking any reliable means of interstellar travel, the Evocii had no choice but to allow the Hutts to facilitate their relocation to the orbiting moon of Nar Shaddaa.

Countless Evocii were herded onto Hutt cruisers, the Hutts cramming as many natives into each ship as possible. The Hutt shipping containers were not designed to transport living cargo, however, causing thousands of Evocii deaths during the voyage. Worst of all, Nar Shaddaa proved to only be a temporary refuge for the Evocii, as the Hutts already had plans to annex the moon and use the Evocii as cheap labor.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocii_exile

Evocii Exile

Evocii History

While no written record exists concerning the Evocii prior to the Hutts' arrival, it is known that they were a simple and primitive species with a tribal society. When the Hutts discovered Evocar--the planet that would become Hutta--they bartered with each tribe individually, offering wondrous technology in exchange for land until they effectively owned the entire planet. Those Evocii who had refused to sell their freedom were herded onto ships and relocated to Nar Shaddaa, where they were kept as a ready source of cheap labor.

The Hutts' dominion over the Evocii continued unchallenged for centuries until a charismatic Evocii named Ejal led an uprising against the Hutts. Ejal's revolt gained unprecedented momentum until he was betrayed by one of his tribesmen and delivered to his foes. Ejal met a gruesome end while the traitor was awarded his freedom and showered with riches. Even today, the Hutts are fond of this tale, as it reminds the Evocii of the rewards for obedience... and the price of defiance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocii_history

Evocii History

Evocii Tribes

Although most Evocii remember little of their culture now, it is certain that the Evocii once existed in hundreds of tribes scattered throughout Hutta's (then known as Evocar) once-lush surface. Usually ruled by a married couple acting as paired chieftains, the Evocii tribes traded and competed with each other, building monuments as proof of their comfort and superior resources.

The most honored members of the tribe were rarely the chieftains themselves; the Evocii placed higher value on healers, trackers, and those who could predict Evocar's intemperate weather. The tribes were not entirely peaceful, though; the Evocii preferred cunning guerilla attacks and raids to assaulting their enemies directly.

The Hutts ignored the structure of Evocii society when they obtained control of the planet. Tribes were split up and intermingled, eventually losing their identity altogether. Only fragments of Evocii tribal culture remain, mostly in the communities that resisted Hutt rule and vanished into Hutta's swamps.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocii_tribes

Evocii Tribes

The Great Hunt (Bounty Hunter)

A recent Mandalorian tradition stretching back only a few hundred years, the Great Hunt is considered one of the keenest tests of a professional warrior's skill. While the competition has evolved over the centuries, incorporating more complex rules and greatly expanding its scope, two things have not changed: The challengers hunt each other as often as they do their quarries.

To the modern Mandalorians, the title of Grand Champion is second only in prestige to that of Mand'alor--the Mandalorian leader. In order to earn the title, a competitor must best everything the galaxy can throw at him or her. It's not entirely uncommon for a Great Hunt to end without a surviving competitor left to hold the title. As such, the number of beings who can claim that honor is slim.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​the_great_hunt

The Great Hunt (Bounty Hunter)


The ancestral homeworld of the Hutts, Varl was destroyed thousands of years ago. No accurate record of the planet's destruction exists, but Hutt mythos suggests that one of Varl's two suns was pulled into a black hole; according to legend, the resulting cataclysm devastated Varl's atmosphere and rendered the entire system uninhabitable.

Several inconsistencies in the story have led many to suspect that the Hutts themselves were responsible for the planet's destruction. Regardless, the Hutts fled the ruined planet and--after displacing the native Evocii--resettled on Hutta.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​varl


Environment of Taris

Before Darth Malak's orbital bombardment, Taris was a dying world. Industrial pollution had irreparably damaged the oceans, and chemicals and toxins poisoned the undercity's foundation. When the sprawling metropolis was reduced to rubble, countless pollutants were released into an already tainted ecosystem.

But this was not the end for Taris. For hundreds of years, the planet went without sentient interference, and the ecosystem began to adapt and thrive. Rich vegetation grew within the ruins, scaling steel towers and thrusting aside fallen skyscrapers. Animals--some native to the planet, some pets and lab specimens that had survived the bombardment--bred and repopulated the developing jungles.

Of course, some areas remain too polluted to inhabit--acidic lakes and radioactive sinkholes--but for the most part, Taris is an environmental success story and an object of fascination for scientists. The largest black mark remains the rakghoul plague, and the fear that it may one day spread to Taris's animal population.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​environment_of_taris

Environment of Taris
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Geroya Be Haran (Bounty Hunter)

Translated directly from the original Mando'a, Geroya be Haran literally means "game of annihilation"--though the challenge is anything but a game. While Mandalorians often engage in lethal duels to settle matters of honor, death in such a contest does no injury to a Mandalorian's legacy. To be challenged and to lose the game of annihilation isn't just to die--it is to have every accomplishment, every honor and every memory wiped away as if none had ever existed. Geroya be Haran is the gravest challenge a Mandalorian can issue.

The Geroya be Haran is so rarely invoked that the tradition's origin has been lost to time. However, many believe that it is the symbolic retelling of one of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders' most absolute victories during the Mandalorian Wars.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​geroya_be_haran

Geroya Be Haran (Bounty Hunter)
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Jedi Civil War

Also known as the Second Sith War and the War of the Star Forge, the Jedi Civil War is one of the darkest eras in galactic history. Three centuries ago, a pair of idealistic young Jedi named Revan and Malak led thousands of followers into the Outer Rim to do battle with an invading Mandalorian army. The Mandalorians were defeated--and Revan and Malak returned to the Republic not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Declaring themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Revan and Darth Malak began the ruthless subjugation of Republic worlds in the Outer Rim. The Jedi Council, which had been loath to take action against the Mandalorians, assembled an army to bring the traitors to justice. Darth Revan was captured during an attack by the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and eventually turned back to the light side. Together Revan and Bastila defeated Malak, ending the threat.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​jedi_civil_war

Jedi Civil War
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Malak's Attack

During the Jedi Civil War, a ship carrying Bastila Shan--a Jedi with the rare and powerful battle meditation ability--was shot down by Darth Malak's fleet over the world of Taris. Malak's troops descended on the world in search of Bastila, but she avoided capture with the help of Revan, Malak's redeemed former master.

Rather than permit Bastila to escape, Malak ordered his fleet to bomb Taris from orbit, devastating the entire world. The planet-wide capital city was razed and civilian casualties measured in the billions. Despite Malak's extreme efforts, Bastila and Revan were able to safely flee the world. Taris itself, however, never recovered. Three centuries have passed, and a handful of swamp-sunken ruins are all that remains of this once great civilization.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​malaks_attack

Malak's Attack
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Rakghoul Disease

Theories abound on the origins of this highly contagious and adaptable virus: it may be the creation of an ancient Sith Lord; a naturally occurring result of the industrial toxins released into Taris's oceans; or the spectacularly failed efforts of medical researchers to artificially engineer a broad-spectrum vaccine.

Whatever the origins, the effects are undeniably terrifying. Typically spread through direct contact with rakghouls, fortunate victims suffer acute onset of flu-like symptoms that can prove fatal if not properly treated. However, in roughly half the cases the disease causes the host to undergo a horrific mutation, actually transforming them into a rakghoul.

Virtually all humanoid species in the galaxy are susceptible to infection, and there are rumors that the Empire has undertaken efforts to weaponize the disease. Unsubstantiated reports of rakghouls on worlds other than Taris lend credence to this rumor... or indicate the disease is slowly spreading across the galaxy of its own accord.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​rakghoul_disease

Rakghoul Disease
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Republic Reconstruction

Although located on the Outer Rim, Taris was once a cosmopolitan cityscape said to rival Coruscant. But this shining light was snuffed out three hundred years ago by Darth Malak, who ordered his Sith fleet to bomb the planet into oblivion. In the aftermath of the attack, little remained but ruins and putrid swamps overrun by rakghouls.

Recently, the Republic has begun efforts to recolonize and restore Taris in the belief it will demonstrate a resolve and ability to overcome the destruction wrought by the Sith. Should this lost world be salvaged, it would become a symbol of hope for all those who stand against the oppression of the Empire.

The focus to date has been on cleanup, salvage and clearing sites for new colonies. Progress has been slow, and the morale of those stationed on the world is rumored to be dangerously low. But the Galactic Senate refuses to admit defeat, truly exemplifying the politicians' can-do spirit.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​republic_reconstruction

Republic Reconstruction
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Taris (Pre-bombardment)

Located in the Ojoster Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Taris was an ecumenopolis founded at the nexus of several hyperspace trading routes. Prosperity led to a rapid population increase and the continued vertical expansion of the planet-wide urban sprawl. But with the discovery of superior trade lanes elsewhere, Taris's economic fortunes changed.

For the wealthy nobles living in the upper floors of the towering skyscrapers, Taris remained an urban paradise. As one descended, however, the standard of living dropped precipitously. Aliens and refugees were forced to live in the city's lower levels, supporting the upper classes both figuratively and literally. Near the surface, violent swoop gangs held sway over a terrified civilian populace beset by poverty and famine, and the sewers of the undercity were infested with rakghouls.

Ironically, many of those living in the lowest levels of Taris survived Darth Malak's bombardment, while the rich and powerful were almost entirely wiped out.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​taris_pre_bombardment

Taris (Pre-bombardment)
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Atmosphere of Quesh

Quesh venom is one of the most toxic substances in the galaxy. When the great Quake split the ground millennia ago and released the venom from beneath Quesh's surface, the venom's evaporation destroyed the planet's once-pleasant air and made the atmosphere more hazardous to breathe than some biowarfare chemicals. The native fauna quickly died off, leaving only bones behind.

Although the toxicity has faded over the years, it is unsafe to wander Quesh without powerful adrenal countermeasures, special implants or a breath mask. The only beings who can comfortably endure Quesh's atmosphere are Hutts, who claim not to understand what the fuss is about.

Quesh's miners have also discovered that the harsh atmosphere takes a toll on their equipment, causing droids to rust and tools to degrade more quickly. Fortunately, the vast profits gained from mining Quesh venom make up for the exorbitant running costs.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​atmosphere_of_quesh

Atmosphere of Quesh

Discovering Quesh Venom

Like many great scientific advances, Quesh venom's immense value was discovered by chance. After its initial discovery, the planet Quesh was dismissed as a toxic wasteland. Orbital chemical scans languished in a file for decades until they were unearthed by a junior Republic chemist named Bardian Aelto. After working briefly on adrenal research projects, Aelto had been assigned to review planets likely to be classified as uninhabitable.

When Aelto studied Quesh's chemical scans, he was surprised to recognize a molecule chain from his work on adrenal stimulants. Quesh's atmosphere had properties almost identical to "Hutt venom", the primary ingredient in the galaxy's most high-grade adrenals. Aelto realized a relatively simple chemical process could convert this "Quesh venom" into a usable--and exceptionally valuable--compound. Thanks to one late-night session in a Coruscant laboratory, Quesh had become one of the Republic's most valued resource worlds.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​discovering_quesh_venom

Discovering Quesh Venom

Hutt Neutrality

With their vast fortunes, access to mercenary armies and ownership of resource-rich worlds, support from individual Hutts--or the Hutt Cartel itself--can mean the difference between victory and defeat in a galactic conflict. But Hutts are businessmen at heart. Why tie yourself to one side of a quarrel when you can remain aloof and profit from both? Thanks to their long lifespan, Hutts who choose sides also risk embroiling themselves in centuries-old grudges.

The Hutt Cartel is officially neutral in the galactic struggle, and it attempts to redress any egregious offenses committed by its members. Pragmatism and personal inconvenience aside, however, the Hutts have no vested interest in seeing either the Republic or the Empire permanently gain the upper hand. In peace, both sides would seek to regulate the Hutts; while the two factions are at odds, the Hutts can be assured of both autonomy and a steady, comfortable income.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​hutt_neutrality

Hutt Neutrality

Military Adrenals

Most commanders prefer to rely on rigorous training and good equipment to succeed, but no advantage can be ignored when soldiers' lives are at stake. Since the Great War, the use of military adrenals--safe, nonaddictive stimulants that improve a soldier's endurance, stamina or reflexes--has become more common. A good stock of adrenals can keep a company fresh and on its feet during a forced march, or save wounded individuals from succumbing to their injuries before help arrives.

Naturally, military adrenal stocks are carefully regulated and, if possible, reserved only for emergencies. It is possible for soldiers to rely on adrenals too much and overstress themselves. Theft and sale of military adrenals, which are of the highest quality, has also become a thriving cornerstone of the galactic black market, especially on worlds like Ord Mantell.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​military_adrenals

Military Adrenals

Quesh Venom

Quesh's sole natural resource is a substance properly known as venenit queshaaga. Nicknamed "venom," the liquid form of the substance can--when properly refined and processed--create extremely potent military-grade adrenals that safely increase a soldier's combat abilities for a limited time. With galactic tensions rising, Quesh venom has become one of the most valuable substances in the universe and a key to military victory for both the Republic and the Empire.

Unprocessed, Quesh venom is a virulent toxin. In its purest form, it is found seeping out of fissures created millennia ago by an ancient quake; it is these fissures that are mined by Republic and Imperial work crews. Over the centuries, significant amounts of Quesh venom have evaporated and tainted the planet's atmosphere, rendering the entire world poisonous to most forms of life.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​quesh_venom

Quesh Venom

The Quake

Quesh's rugged landscape is a result of the Quake, a massive geological event that occurred some fifty thousand years ago. Technically a series of groundquakes that lasted for three hundred years, the Quake caused Quesh's continents to move several meters apart, creating massive fissures in the ground. This in turn allowed the poisonous Quesh venom to rise up from the depths of Quesh and seep to the surface, leaving the atmosphere toxic to this day.

Quesh has been geologically stable for thousands of years now, but this has not stopped the Three Families from investing heavily in early warning systems; tremors one one-hundredth the size of the Quake could wipe out their refineries. Republic geologists have considered exploring the deepest caves exposed by the Quake, but until the caves are mined clear of Quesh venom, they are far too toxic to enter.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​the_quake

The Quake

The Three Families

When the Republic began mining Quesh venom, its scientists soon realized that, while they could refine the venom into a non-toxic compound, converting it into usable adrenals was much more problematic. After many expensive failures, the Republic appealed to the Hutt Cartel for expert help and was refused.

But three Hutt families, salivating at the potential profits--led by the Hutts Broga, Jeelta and Portho--broke from the cartel and offered their services. Although this was technically a breach of the Hutt Cartel's carefully established neutral position in the galaxy, generous kickbacks to the cartel kept its members looking the other way.

Today, the Three Families run Quesh's refineries and processing plants while the Republic controls the mines. This arrangement allows the Three Families to carefully guard the secret of adrenal creation, and it has made them incredibly wealthy. However, the Families' split from the Hutt Cartel also means the Empire can target them without fear of reprisal.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​the_three_families

The Three Families

History of Iokath: Entry 1

TEST REPORT 089375.24

Deployment of new designs on test environment JX967A24 were within acceptable parameters. Our three initial dropship waves suffered heavy losses before planetfall. Test subject resistance was unexpectedly heavy, conflicting with prior scout reports indicating minimal military forces. The subjects deployed single-pilot aerial countermeasures to intercept us, but that self-sacrifice appears to be the full extent of their response.

Total time to planetwide surrender was 28 standard hours. Our master designer should be honored for this significant improvement over the last three test environments. Survivors received our standard compensation package, but damage to their civilization's infrastructure is extensive. Analysts estimate it will be at least 2,000 years before we can test this world again. Our scouts are already searching nearby systems for fresh prospects.

- Lead Design Analyst Yuv Kal Zaer

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_1

History of Iokath: Entry 1

History of Iokath: Entry 2

TEST REPORT 195821.78

Per the master designer's request, our analysts have compiled a detailed study to explain the total failure on test environment Z17AX558. The details of their findings are available in a separate report, but in summary: the test environment's proximity to its star, coupled with previously-undetected trace chemicals in the upper atmosphere, reacted negatively to our new particle beams. The resulting electrochemical chain reaction ignited the entire biome, destroying the test subjects and our deployed designs within moments of activation.

While this can only be considered an unmitigated disaster from a return-on-investment perspective, we will make the most of our losses. The master designer's teams will recalibrate their particle beams to a lower-yield setting. Should we locate another planet like this, we can re-test our creation and hope for more satisfactory results.

- Lead Design Analyst Ise Pev Trin

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_2

History of Iokath: Entry 2

History of Iokath: Entry 3

TEST REPORT 249216.39

It is my extraordinary honor to report that the test on environment WL428T73 succeeded beyond all projections. Every design element performed with minimal deviations from their expected functions. Millennia of internal research and development have finally produced a fully-integrated and optimized planetary assault platform suitable to any environment or resistance pattern. On a personal note, it has been my sincere pleasure to work with the greatest master designer in our long history.

I must add one small addendum to this report for the sake of completeness. Analysts examining the test environment have discovered a vast underground vault constructed by the now-extinct natives. With no surviving test subjects to explain its function, we can only theorize why the structure was filled with cultural artifacts of little practical value. We will leave the vault to be discovered by whatever life emerges on the test environment in future epochs. Perhaps they will be able to explain their predecessors when we return to test them.

- Lead Analyst Udo Lin Xoir

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_3

History of Iokath: Entry 3

History of Iokath: Entry 4


Greetings to all analysts, engineers, designers, and builders! It is with great pride that we mark this day as the official start of our civilization's greatest effort. Construction has commenced on Project Iokath. Where we once remade other worlds, we now devote ourselves to creating one. Our ambition is simple: fabricate an expandable and adaptable home for our people that is secure against any outside force. At long last, our culture will achieve the immortality it deserves.

We will call this new world Iokath, and our great-grandchildren will know it as their birthright.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_4

History of Iokath: Entry 4

History of Iokath: Entry 5


Today was another painful reminder of how meaningless the role of master designer has become. My days are wasted in endless planning meetings to direct the construction of new biomes for Iokath's endlessly-breeding populace. I only feel alive in my spare hours, when I revisit the great designs of ages past and vainly attempt to improve them.

The analysts who witnessed my gallery cooed and tutted, deeming it "exceptional" and "a celebration of the thinking that made us great." What blind sycophancy. All I offered them were ornamental improvements. What difference does it make if SCORPIO looks like a floating cube, a ball of programmatic light, or a walking biped crafted in the image of a long-dead alien species?

We have fallen so far from our glory days. We no longer bother to deploy our designs on test environments and instead rely on simulations to predict the outcomes. Foolishness. Only the chaos of an unpredictable environment and its unique subjects can teach us anything.

I wonder what would happen if I deployed our designs on Iokath? Would I reveal something new?

- Master Designer Vel Jyc Boer

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_5

History of Iokath: Entry 5