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24 results found.

Abilities (5)

NameCooldownAdded with

Aratech Dagger

Activates the Aratech Dagger speeder bike, increasing movement speed based on the rank of your Speeder Piloting skill. <<1>>

FQN: abl.​player.​mount.​speederbike.​needle.​gunmetal

Aratech Dagger

Dagger Rush

Kaliyo storms the target with a hidden knife, leaping to the target. Deals low damage and immobilizes the target for <<1[%d/%d/%d]>> seconds. Cannot be used against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​kotet.​twilek_pirate.​tank.​unique_single_target_attack_storm

Dagger Rush

Dagger Rush

Storms the target with a hidden knife, leaping to the target, dealing <<1>> damage, generating a moderate amount of threat, and immobilizing the target for <<2[%d seconds/%d second/%d seconds]>>.

FQN: abl.​companion.​unique.​kotet.​twilek_pirate.​tank.​unique_single_target_attack

Dagger Rush

Kakkran Daggerstar

Activates the Kakkran Daggerstar, increasing movement speed based on the rank of your Speeder Piloting skill. <<1>>

FQN: abl.​player.​mount.​kakkran.​daggerstar

Kakkran Daggerstar

Revanite Dagger

Grants a medium amount of reputation points.

FQN: abl.​reputation.​trophy.​yavin_4.​yavin_4_trophy_medium

Revanite Dagger

Codex entries (2)

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

The Dagger at Dox Piter

Dox Piter was a small collection of villages in Onderon's southern reaches, nestled around the base of a nigh unscalable spire of rock the villagers called "The Dagger." Well beyond the protection of Iziz, the inhabitants were accustomed to fending off the dangers of Onderon--until the day the great winged Wodnakki arrived from Dxun. The beast found the Dagger's peak irresistible, and it began nesting high above Dox Piter. Though the villages' protectors had never seen its like before, some speculated that it was a massive, mutated Skreev. Whatever its lineage, it proved too much for any warrior who attempted to drive it away.

The horrors escalated when the Wodnakki's eggs began to hatch. The newborn creatures (still easily the size of an average humanoid) took to swooping down on villagers and stealing them away to their unreachable roost. The village leaders of Dox Piter were certain this would be their end.

When news of the situation reached Queen Lina, the celebrated ruler gathered some of her most talented warriors and marched on Dox Piter. Succeeding where so many others had failed, Queen Lina and her Royal Guard took the fight to the top of the Dagger and clashed with the Wodnakki and its offspring. Though the battle lasted only a few hours, at its end, only two of Onderon's champions walked away victorious. Queen Lina carried her injured officer Nebet into one of the closest villages, where they were met with cacophonous cheers and renewed loyalty to the crown. Regardless of the tale's validity, the legend of Queen Lina and the Dagger at Dox Piter has fueled fears and inspiration of Onderonian children for years since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​onderon.​datacron_1

The Dagger at Dox Piter
Achievement: DatacronsOnderonBoth326.0.0

Dagger Wing (Trooper)

Dagger Wing was one of the most famous and celebrated Republic starfighter units of the Great War. Records of its missions were the stuff of legend, and all of its pilots were regarded as heroes. When High Command announced that Dagger Wing was missing in action, it was a harsh blow to morale.

Despite the hundreds of fellow soldiers who volunteered to brave enemy fire in search of the lost pilots, the Republic quietly closed the book on Dagger Wing. The truth was far more damaging than the lie that the heroes had been lost; Dagger Wing's war crime--the unauthorized bombing of thousands of Imperial civilians on Fest--would have destroyed Republic credibility and created a diplomatic crisis. Better to bury the truth, mourn and move on.

Dagger Wing would be imprisoned on Belsavis, and the subject would not be raised again.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​trooper.​dagger_wing

Dagger Wing (Trooper)

Items (6)

NameBindingLevelAdded with

Aratech Dagger

Movement speed increases based on the rank of your Speeder Piloting skill. <<1>>

FQN: itm.​mount.​speederbike.​needle_gunmetal_bol

Aratech Dagger

Aratech Dagger

Movement speed increases based on the rank of your Speeder Piloting skill. <<1>>

FQN: itm.​mount.​speederbike.​needle_gunmetal

Aratech Dagger

Blood-stained Dagger

A blood-stained dagger that once belonged to Naga Sadow.

FQN: itm.​location.​korriban.​world.​the_dagger_of_naga_sadow.​the_dagger_of_naga_sadow

Blood-stained Dagger

Kakkran Daggerstar

Movement speed increases based on the rank of your Speeder Piloting skill. <<1>>

FQN: itm.​mount.​exclusive.​kotfe.​kakkran.​daggerstar

Kakkran Daggerstar

Revanite Dagger

A ceremonial dagger given to high-ranking members of the Order of Revan.

FQN: itm.​reputation.​trophy.​yavin_4.​yavin_4_trophy_medium

Revanite Dagger

Revanite Dagger

A ceremonial dagger given to high-ranking members of the Order of Revan.

FQN: itm.​reputation.​trophy.​yavin_4.​yavin_4_trophy_medium_col

Revanite Dagger

NPCs (10)

NameLevelAdded with


<Speeder Piloting Trainer>

CXP: 240

FQN: npc.​location.​dromund_kaas.​trainer.​class.​trainer_class_bounty_hunter


Dagger Wing Pilot

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​mob.​humanoid.​republic.​dagger_wing_pilot

Dagger Wing Pilot

Dagger Wing Pilot

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​class.​trooper.​change_in_plans.​republic_guard_cine_d

Dagger Wing Pilot

Dagger Wing Pilot

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​class.​trooper.​change_in_plans.​republic_guard_cine_c

Dagger Wing Pilot

Dagger Wing Pilot

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​class.​trooper.​change_in_plans.​republic_guard_cine_b

Dagger Wing Pilot

Dagger Wing Pilot

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​class.​trooper.​change_in_plans.​republic_guard_cine_a

Dagger Wing Pilot

Dagger Wing Pilot

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​class.​trooper.​change_in_plans.​republic_guard_cine_e

Dagger Wing Pilot

Dagger Wing Prisoner

FQN: npc.​location.​belsavis.​mob.​humanoid.​republic.​dagger_wing_prisoner

Dagger Wing Prisoner


<Specialty Goods>

CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​location.​alderaan.​vendor.​vendor_collector_h1_g1_rep_poi02_house_organa



CXP: 16

FQN: npc.​exp.​01.​bothawui.​class.​trooper.​tactical_payload.​dagger_wing_pilot


Clickable objects (1)

NameAdded with

FQN: plc.​generic.​vendors.​mount.​vendor_mnt_aratech_dagger

Aratech Dagger