1. PNJs
  2. test
  3. qa
  4. mccameron
  5. location
  6. tatooine
  7. class
  8. trooper
  9. rapid_response
  10. bomb_carrying_droid


Level 24-33 | Weak | Droïde


Passives (2)

Passive abilities are applied as soon as the NPC spawns. They usually add certain buffs to the NPC.

Abilities (6)

NPCs always use the abilities with the highest priority. If an ability is not available (because it is still on cooldown or the conditions are not met), then the NPC tries to use the ability with the second-highest priority, and so on.


Attaque de mêlée

Série de coups au corps à corps portés par un PNJ.

FQN: abl.​flurry.​npc.​melee

Attaque de mêlée
noneinstantané4 m0100%

Attaque sans arme

Coup unique porté, sans arme, par un PNJ.

FQN: abl.​flurry.​npc.​unarmed

Attaque sans arme
noneinstantané4 m0100%


FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​tech.​anticover_grenade

15sinstantané30 m02%

Tir dans la tête

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​tech.​anticover_headshot

Tir dans la tête
15sinstantané30 m04%

Attaque à distance

Série de tirs à distance exécutés par un PNJ.

FQN: abl.​flurry.​npc.​ranged

Attaque à distance
noneinstantané30 m0100%

FR_Kamikaze On Death Buff

FR_This buff causes the owner to explode when close to an enemy target or on death.

FQN: abl.​test.​david.​kamikaze.​kamikaze_on_death_buff

FR_Kamikaze On Death Buff


Char ref: chr.bomb-carrying_droid_tatooine

Starts conversation: cnv.location.tatooine.class.trooper.bomb_droid

Loot information

Loot package: 1661588622272989286

