1. PNJs
  2. daily_area
  3. iokath
  4. guard
  5. alliance
  6. zak_walker_01

Walker de l'Alliance

Level 70 | Champion | Walker


Passives (3)

Passive abilities are applied as soon as the NPC spawns. They usually add certain buffs to the NPC.

Abilities (5)

NPCs always use the abilities with the highest priority. If an ability is not available (because it is still on cooldown or the conditions are not met), then the NPC tries to use the ability with the second-highest priority, and so on.


Frappe orbitale

FQN: abl.​exp.​seasons.​01.​ep_03.​atst.​orbital_strike

Frappe orbitale
15sinstantané30 m100100%

Tir de canon chargé

FQN: abl.​flurry.​droid.​atst.​imp.​a02.​ranged_special_attack_02

Tir de canon chargé
12sincantation de 2s30 m250%

Barrage de missiles

FQN: abl.​flurry.​droid.​atst.​imp.​a02.​ranged_special_attack_01

Barrage de missiles
12sinstantané30 m250%

Salve de mortier

Salve lourde qui inflige <<1[$d point/$d point/$d points]>> de dégâts cinétiques à la cible principale et <<2[$d point/$d point/$d points]>> de dégâts cinétiques à un maximum de 3 cibles dans un rayon de 5 mètres. Si la cible principale est un ennemi faible ou standard, elle est projetée au sol.

FQN: abl.​flurry.​droid.​atst.​imp.​a01.​ranged_special_attack_01

Salve de mortier
12sinstantané5-30 m1100%

Attaque de base

(Attaque standard d'AT-ST)

FQN: abl.​flurry.​droid.​atst.​imp.​a02.​flurry_mixed

Attaque de base
1.5sinstantané30 m0100%


Loot information

Loot package: 13416625673570628860



3D model
  • Material: atst_walkerzak_a01_v02
All NPCs with this appearance (2)