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  4. status_effects

Status Effects Glossary

Status Effects are negative short-term effects that are applied in combat by enemies and allies alike. They can range from impairing or limiting movement or ability usage to doing damage over time. Status Effects can be Cleansed or Purged using certain abilities.

Stun: Cannot act.
Knockdown: Prone and partial stun.
Root: Cannot move.
Snare: Movement speed slowed.
Knockback: Moved back and partial stun.
Sleep: Prolonged incapacitation and cannot act. Damage breaks this effect.
Blind: Prolonged incapacitation and cannot act. Damage breaks this effect.
Lifted: Prolonged incapacitation and cannot act. Damage breaks this effect.
Trauma: Healing received reduced.
Hindered: Cannot use movement abilities.
Bleed: Internal bleed damage over time.
Poison: Internal poison damage over time.
Burn: Elemental damage over time.
Shock: Energy damage over time.
Taunted: Must attack taunting character.

Cleanses remove a certain number of negative Status Effects, specified by application type (Force, Tech, Physical or Mental).
Purges remove all Status Effects of a certain category (incapacitating and movement-impairing, for example).

