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Abilities (1)

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Kellian Jarro Spawn

Assists in instructing Kellian to protect Thendys during the fight.

FQN: abl.​quest.​location.​open_worlds.​class.​bounty_hunter.​the_mandalorian_killer.​kellian_jarro_spawn

Kellian Jarro Spawn

Codex entries (1)

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Master Kellian Jarro (Bounty Hunter)

Jedi Master Kellian Jarro is both hated and respected among the Mandalorians for his actions during the Sacking of Coruscant. As the Jedi Temple burned, Master Jarro single-handedly eliminated over one hundred battle-hardened Mandalorian commandos in the streets of Galactic City.

The survivors described him as an unstoppable force of nature, deflecting heavy blaster fire and slamming armor-plated warriors to the ground so hard that their rocket packs exploded on impact. Nearly half of Master Jarro's victims came from the venerable Clan Spar, which swore an oath to repay the debt. Unfortunately, the clan members were executed for crimes against the Empire before they could make good on that promise.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​persons.​open_world.​act_1.​kellian_jarro

Master Kellian Jarro (Bounty Hunter)
Persons of NoteImperial321.0.0

NPCs (1)

NameLevelAdded with

Kellian Jarro

CXP: 240

FQN: npc.​location.​open_worlds.​class.​bounty_hunter.​chapter_1.​the_mandalorian_killer.​kellian_jarro

Kellian Jarro