1. Pouvoirs
  2. operation
  3. dxun
  4. boss
  5. morphing_trandoshans
  6. greus
  7. chaotic_evolution_fire

Évolution chaotique : Brasier mutagène


Évolution chaotique : Brasier mutagène





Used by

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Please click on an effect below to view its details.

Ability activation
elementaloverloadÉvolution chaotique : Mutagène « Kronos Py-i2O » – Le « Kronos Py-i2O » confère l'affinité thermique. Cette cible est immortelle et entrera dans un état régénérant de torpeur si sa santé tombe en dessous de 15 %.
thermaldetonationTorpeur – Régénération de 1,214 % de la santé maximale toutes les 0,5 seconde. Dégâts subis réduits de 80 %, quelle qu'en soit la source. Lorsque cet effet se termine, le Trandoshan issu de la torpeur gagne une charge d'évolution chaotique. Une blessure grave déclenche une mutation brutale qui permet aux tissus de s'adapter dans une biogenèse inédite.
deathfieldÉvolution chaotique – Augmente significativement l'affinité au feu et les capacités de Greus. Le rayon d'effet du flambeau trandoshan augmente de 3 mètres, sa durée augmente de 15 secondes, et les dégâts infligés augmentent fortement pour chaque unité de cet effet. Ce qui ne tue pas Greus le rend plus fort.
Évolution chaotique : Brasier mutagène
Évolution chaotique : Brasier mutagène
  • [does not expire]
    elementaloverloadÉvolution chaotique : Mutagène « Kronos Py-i2O »
    Le « Kronos Py-i2O » confère l'affinité thermique. Cette cible est immortelle et entrera dans un état régénérant de torpeur si sa santé tombe en dessous de 15 %.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Associate 4156712459261518054 with 15% HP
  • 2
    • When HP drops below 4156712459261518054

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If CASTER does not have 1 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #2 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 3
    • When CASTER enters combat

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If difficulty is set to Master Mode

    Perform the following actions:

    • Delay next ability by 3s (GCD)
    • Add effect #3 to TARGET from CASTER
    • Add effect #5 to TARGET from CASTER
  • [35s]
    Régénération de 1,214 % de la santé maximale toutes les 0,5 seconde. Dégâts subis réduits de 80 %, quelle qu'en soit la source. Lorsque cet effet se termine, le Trandoshan issu de la torpeur gagne une charge d'évolution chaotique.

    Une blessure grave déclenche une mutation brutale qui permet aux tissus de s'adapter dans une biogenèse inédite.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

  • 2
    • When effect ticks
    • When effect is applied

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If difficulty is not set to Master Mode
        • If difficulty is set to Veteran or Master Mode

    Perform the following actions:

    • Heal the TARGET for 1*BonusHeal + (1,214% of its HP), causing no threat
  • 3
    • When effect expires

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #3 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 4
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Stun the TARGET
    • Play appearance epp.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution.torpor, dependent on calling effect
  • 5
    • When effect ticks
    • When effect is applied

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If difficulty is set to Story Mode

    Perform the following actions:

    • Heal the TARGET for 1*BonusHeal + (0,614% of its HP), causing no threat
  • 6
    • When character receives an effect with tags tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.kronissus.endothermic_blast_torpor_interaction, not more than every 30s

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If TARGET does not have 2 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If TARGET has an effect with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor

    Perform the following actions:

    • Modify Active Duration
      - Tag = (string)
      - Actor = (int) 1
      - Duration = (time) 35s
      - Tags: tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
  • 7
    • When character receives an effect with tags tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.kronissus.endothermic_blast_torpor_interaction, not more than every 30s

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If TARGET does not have 3 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If TARGET has at least 2 effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor

    Perform the following actions:

    • Modify Active Duration
      - Tag = (string)
      - Actor = (int) 1
      - Duration = (time) 20s
      - Tags: tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
  • 8
    • When character receives an effect with tags tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.kronissus.endothermic_blast_torpor_interaction, not more than every 30s

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If TARGET does not have 4 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If TARGET has at least 3 effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor

    Perform the following actions:

    • Modify Active Duration
      - Tag = (string)
      - Actor = (int) 1
      - Duration = (time) 10s
      - Tags: tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
  • 9
    • When effect ticks
    • When effect is applied

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If TARGET does not have 3 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If TARGET has at least 2 effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If difficulty is set to Master Mode
        • If difficulty is set to Veteran or Master Mode

    Perform the following actions:

    • Heal the TARGET for 1*BonusHeal + (4,25% of its HP), causing no threat
  • 10
    • When effect ticks
    • When effect is applied

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If TARGET does not have 4 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If TARGET has at least 3 effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If difficulty is set to Master Mode
        • If difficulty is set to Veteran or Master Mode

    Perform the following actions:

    • Heal the TARGET for 1*BonusHeal + (8,5% of its HP), causing no threat
  • 11
    • When effect ticks
    • When effect is applied

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • <
        • If TARGET does not have 2 or more effects with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If TARGET has an effect with the tag tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​kronissus.​chaotic_evolution_ice_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​titax.​chaotic_evolution_might_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​hissyphis.​chaotic_evolution_acid_torpor or tag.​abl.​operation.​dxun.​boss.​morphing_trandoshans.​greus.​chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor
        • If difficulty is set to Master Mode
        • If difficulty is set to Veteran or Master Mode

    Perform the following actions:

    • Heal the TARGET for 1*BonusHeal + (1,214% of its HP), causing no threat
  • [hidden] [8s]
    thermaldetonationEffect #4

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Play appearance epp.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution.charge_increase, dependent on calling effect
  • 2
    • When character receives an effect with tags tag.abl.operation.dxun.boss.morphing_trandoshans.greus.chaotic_evolution_fire_torpor

    Perform the following actions:

    • Remove this effect
  • [5s]
    thermaldetonationÉvolution chaotique : Brasier mutagène

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Immobilize and prevent rotation