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  5. children_of_the_emperor

Children of the Emperor: A Sinister History

The select few who knew of the Children of the Emperor's existence believed that they were a fairly recent creation of the Sith Emperor, Vitiate. In truth, this dark project was conceived by the mysterious Sith inventor and scientist known as "Darth Nul," centuries before the Children were discovered.

According to Darth Malgus, the Emperor wielded the power to create new Children, but it was Nul who first developed the method of indoctrinating them. By the time the Children were exposed, the process had evolved into imbuing infants with a piece of the Emperor's considerable power, turning them into "vessels" whose bodies and minds he could possess.

Over the years, enough "Children" had been created to form a veritable army of thralls. Each could be controlled by the Emperor whenever he wished. These puppets unknowingly infiltrated several organizations within the galaxy, including the Jedi Order.

For the Emperor, the Children lost their usefulness when their leader--a Jedi Master totally unaware of his condition--was exposed. Years later, after every incarnation of the Sith Emperor was completely destroyed, the remaining Children of the Emperor were freed from his influence for good.

