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363 results found.

NamePlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Advanced Deployment Harpoon (ADH)

A hybrid of a ship-to-ship weapon and hostile docking system, the ADH or "Harpoon" is a shielded tether fired into the hull of the targeted ship to prevent maneuvering and escape. Once anchored, the tether acts as an extended docking tube for rapid deployment of troops, hull breach equipment, and heavy ordnance.

A prototype of this technology was used in a number of successful search and rescue operations to extract personnel from compromised vessels. Encouraged by these early results, a number of private military organizations took an interest in exploring the wider combat applications of the ADH system.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​harpoon

Advanced Deployment Harpoon (ADH)

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Cause for Concern

Subject: A Theory on the Recent Galactic Uprisings
Status: Unsubstantiated

As a rising power in the galaxy, it is inevitable that the Alliance will encounter opposition from various factions. However, analysis of several recent incidents has brought to light a number of striking similarities. In many cases, a small group of criminals or political defectors under the control of an unlikely leader has quickly risen to prominence without warning.

These unexpected outbursts of dissension could be simple coincidence. They may also be mere symptoms of some flaw in Alliance political policy that is inciting these hostilities. However, we must also consider the more sinister possibility that these uprisings are all somehow connected.

The emerging pattern of these seemingly random events make more sense if considered as part of a greater, concealed whole. It may be the enemies we have faced were merely pawns, set against us by a more cunning and formidable foe to test our responses while chipping away at our strength. However, until Alliance Intelligence can find concrete evidence, this theory remains pure speculation.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​conclusion

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Cause for Concern

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Common Thread

Alliance Intelligence has confirmed that a single person or group was behind the recent spate of uprisings. These findings are based on months of comprehensive research--as well as numerous common threads that link the events, including but not limited to:

- Anti-Alliance hatred fueled by manufactured propaganda.
- Funding by several front companies originating in the Outer Rim.
- Connections to various deceased persons of note.
- Transmissions via a unique encrypted algorithm.
- Presence and usage of rare cybernetic implants at each uprising site.

This evidence directly connects the uprisings to a single conspirator. Their motives remain unknown, but they likely acted to destabilize galactic peace and weaken the Eternal Alliance. The scope and breadth of such a conspiracy speaks to an individual or group with substantial funding and expertise in the art of subterfuge and manipulation.

Alliance agents are currently investigating all possible perpetrators, including Sith Intelligence, the Republic SIS, and the Star Cabal.

This conspirator cannot hide forever.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release02.​conclusion

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Common Thread

Alliance Intelligence Report: RS-33 Adrenal

Subject: RS-33 Adrenal
Status: Contained

The RS-33 adrenal and its progenitor, the RAK-5 serum, have been contained and the research destroyed. Doctor Semhess's dangerous project is no longer a threat. Investigations into the project's origins and principal contributors are now underway.

One notable early discovery relates to Doctor Rahser Poth, the expert who supposedly developed the RAK-5 serum. We've learned that his research was aided by an anonymous scientist. Their communications were encrypted, but we're piecing together what we've been able to recover--and it appears that this unknown scientist fed Doctor Poth the majority of the information that led to the RAK-5 breakthrough. Efforts to ID this scientist have turned up no results so far.

Also of note is funding for the project, which was falsely obtained through a Republic endowment for disease research and treatment development. A staggering amount of data was altered to facilitate this, requiring slicing skills that no one among Semhess's staff seem to have possessed. Agents will continue analyzing the falsified data to find clues as to its origin and thus identify the additional conspirator(s).

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release02.​rs_33_adrenal

Alliance Intelligence Report: RS-33 Adrenal

Appearance Designer

The top of the line in personal appearance alterations, AestheTech's newly-unveiled "Appearance Designer" kiosks have skyrocketed to the top of the beauty and grooming industries. From simple haircuts and makeup applications to full-body modifications, AestheTech Incorporated promises that their proprietary technologies can achieve any customer's ideal self-image quickly and painlessly.

Although the exact technical specifications of the kiosks are kept strictly confidential, the body alteration processes involved have been approved by all major galactic medical and safety organizations. The kiosks' flawless results have made them particularly popular in the galaxy's wealthiest circles, leading to a trend among these upper-class clients to sport entirely unique and exotic appearances at every social function they attend.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​other.​cosmetic_kiosk

Appearance Designer

Artificial Intelligence

The development of true machine-based intelligence predates the founding of the Galactic Republic. The identity of the first artificially sentient automaton is not known, but such constructs are now commonplace--droids, starship control systems and even portable holocommunication devices all rely on advanced "learning computer" technology to serve their masters.

The level of artificial intelligence programmed into a droid is represented by its degree classification, which is rated on a scale ranging from "5" for menial labor units to "1" for the most advanced medical droids. Although most artificial intelligences are programmed to preserve biological life and obey their masters' orders, certain mechanical beings like the HK-series assassin droids are deliberately programmed for destruction.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​directive_7.​artificial_intelligence

Artificial Intelligence


Gateway world to the Gree Enclave, Asation was the main point of contact between the Gree species and the rest of the galaxy for millennia. The planet closed its borders several centuries ago when the Enclave entered a period of cultural retreat the natives refer to as the "Orange Conic Era." Originally xenoformed by the Gree thousands of years ago, Asation was populated with primitive creatures developed from various genetic experiments to help sustain the artificial ecosystem.

Asation has three noteworthy landmarks. The first is the ancient trading outpost of Satikan, which is currently closed to visitors. The second notable feature is an eons-old ruined city known only as the "Green Ellipse," which is forbidden even to the Gree. Lastly, Asation is home to a grand hypergate. This mysterious portal once connected Asation to the rest of the galaxy, but has not seen use since the Orange Conic Era began.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x4.​lore.​asation



For most galactic travelers, the planet Athiss barely warrants a second glance on the scanner. It appears to be nothing more than a small world off the Descri Wris hyperlane, with little of interest besides a scattering of unexplored ruins.

But the Jedi Archives tell a grim story. The Jedi Master Chamma visited Athiss early in his career and clashed with a dark side entity there. The duel, and the oppressive feeling of evil on Athiss's surface, drove Chamma close to the dark side of the Force. Shaken by the experience, he went into a self-imposed exile; it was almost a century before he came to terms with what he had seen and felt on Athiss, and was able to return to the order.

The many ruins on Athiss have never been properly studied. They resemble the architecture of the ancient Sith Empire, but their purpose is mysterious. A few records of Athiss survive in the libraries of the Citadel, but contemporary Sith scholars are forbidden from studying them, on the personal order of the Emperor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​athiss.​area_codex


Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

"I'm increasingly concerned over Heta's fascination with the Neo-Crusader Mandalorians, particularly their rise under the guidance of Cassus Fett's beskar grip. I've tried many times, without success, to remind her that just as uniform armor did not save the Neo-Crusaders from their fate, so it won't necessarily protect our movement. This is especially true when the beliefs among our clans still vary wildly underneath all of that plate and steel.

But she remains steadfast in her conviction that the Hidden Chain walks the true path forward. Even as she continues to make decisions that raise more questions than answers--allying with Jedi, ransacking and pillaging convoys and outposts that pose no real challenge, locking herself away as she consumes herself with her secret project.

She refuses to learn from the mistakes of our people's past. Instead, she embraces them so relentlessly, with such unflinching resolve, that I can't help but be convinced she may know something that I, an esteemed keeper of be'mando'ade ruyot, do not."

--From the personal notes of Durn Wynnward, leader of the Ash'ad members of the Hidden Chain

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​hidden_chain_raids

Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

Bes'uliik: Basilisk War Droids

The bes'uliik--or "Basilisk war droids," as most Basic-speaking species know them--are perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the bloody years of Mandalorian crusades and expansions. These "Iron Beasts" were once the terror of the skies, filling the citizens of conquered worlds with dread as the Mandalorians descended on the backs of swarms of bes'uliik.

Heavily armored in their construction, the Basilisk war droids could easily carry a Mandalorian warrior through a planet's atmosphere. The droids were also built to carry large, powerful weapons, and their extremities could be utilized in melee combat or to destroy physical obstacles.

Although the bes'uliik were designed as the ultimate weapons of destruction, the Mandalorians also came to see the semi-sentient droids as close companions. The Mandalorians' attachment to the bes'uliik made their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars that much more difficult, as the terms of their surrender at Malachor V included destroying the Basilisk war droids on the orders of the Jedi Knight, Revan. A few bes'uliik, however, did survive the purge, as some Mandalorians secretly defied Revan's command.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​basilisk_war_droid

Bes'uliik: Basilisk War Droids


The ferocious rancor known as Bonethrasher serves as pet and pit fighter to its master, Karagga the Hutt. Bred from a long line of competitive battle rancors, Bonethrasher has reigned as the undefeated champion of Karagga's pit since his first victory when he killed his sire, the previous champion, at the tender age of seven months.

Bonethrasher's greatest victory came when Karagga's chief rival, Jorsooda the Hutt, bet that his three newly purchased vorantiki could destroy Karagga's prized rancor. Starved, crazed and pumped full of adrenals, the vorantiki charged into the pit. One minute later, Bonethrasher stood victorious over the bodies of his challengers. His impressive victory was rewarded with a particularly flavorful snack: the surprised Jorsooda the Hutt.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr11.​raid.​hutt_hospitality.​bonethrasher


Cademimu Five

The fifth planet of the Cademimu system is the "war chest of the Outer Rim," a vital component in the Republic's defenses. First colonized to serve as a waypoint for deep space military patrols, Cademimu's population increased dramatically with the discovery of the Celanon Spur hyperlane--a discovery that changed Cademimu from an obscure stopover to a major trade hub.

Cademimu's location also gives it strategic importance, and, in keeping with its military and trade traditions, the Republic began stockpiling planetary weaponry on the world. In the event of a military conflict, Cademimu's planetary missile batteries and other armaments can be transported to whatever systems require heavy defenses. During the Great War, the Cademiman stockpiles were depleted twice; but since the Treaty of Coruscant, they have been rebuilt larger than ever.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​cademimu.​area_codex

Cademimu Five

Carbonite Freezing

Carbonite is a metal alloy that, when mixed with various gasses, can be used to flash freeze blocks of cargo for transportation or storage. Its use in freezing living creatures is relatively new in the galaxy and considered highly dangerous--subjects frozen for more than a few hours have a very low survival rate unless the carbonite is prepared with much expense at an elaborate facility. Even in the best cases, the sudden shock of flash freezing (often combined with a lack of life-support monitoring during suspension) tends to make the process extremely traumatic--sometimes even turning fatal hours after a subject has been thawed.

Still, a quick carbonite spray is the only known technique for freezing living creatures quickly and with minimal preparation. The technology is growing increasingly popular with bounty hunters and smugglers; as a result, many bounty hunting guilds have clauses in their contracts mandating live capture payment even if the bounty fails to survive the post-hibernation period.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​carbonite_freezing

Carbonite Freezing

Chancellor's Service Medal (Trooper)

Bestowed on a select few who have demonstrated conspicuous gallantry on the field of battle, the Chancellor's Service Medal has only been awarded four times in the last two decades. Until the recent events involving Havoc Squad, the last recipient had been General Garza during her time as a captain in the Republic Special Forces.

Those who receive this honor are frequently being groomed for high-level positions in the military bureaucracy. Previous honorees have gone on to become top leaders in High Command, trusted to oversee the Republic's valiant soldiers with full understanding of the sacrifices needed--and what it takes to win a war.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​chancellors_service_medal

Chancellor's Service Medal (Trooper)

Children of the Emperor: A Sinister History

The select few who knew of the Children of the Emperor's existence believed that they were a fairly recent creation of the Sith Emperor, Vitiate. In truth, this dark project was conceived by the mysterious Sith inventor and scientist known as "Darth Nul," centuries before the Children were discovered.

According to Darth Malgus, the Emperor wielded the power to create new Children, but it was Nul who first developed the method of indoctrinating them. By the time the Children were exposed, the process had evolved into imbuing infants with a piece of the Emperor's considerable power, turning them into "vessels" whose bodies and minds he could possess.

Over the years, enough "Children" had been created to form a veritable army of thralls. Each could be controlled by the Emperor whenever he wished. These puppets unknowingly infiltrated several organizations within the galaxy, including the Jedi Order.

For the Emperor, the Children lost their usefulness when their leader--a Jedi Master totally unaware of his condition--was exposed. Years later, after every incarnation of the Sith Emperor was completely destroyed, the remaining Children of the Emperor were freed from his influence for good.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​digging_deeper.​children_of_the_emperor

Children of the Emperor: A Sinister History

Commerce in the Free Zone

The shadowport of Asylum is more than a waystation for Zakuul outcasts fleeing political persecution. Many planets across the galaxy suffer under the Eternal Empire's domination, and their refugees have few safe havens. For fugitives lacking friends or family, Asylum's Free Zone is one of the only places where they can reliably obtain whatever they need to survive on the run.

Everything from freeze-dried Arconan nutrient paste to high-yield thermal detonators is for sale somewhere in the Free Zone, but that's where the convenience ends. Great expense separates Asylum's visitors from the goods they seek. The smugglers and gangsters who control the Free Zone charge exorbitant sums for their wares, forcing already-desperate people to even greater acts of brutality. Indeed, most violent crime on Asylum stems from refugees robbing each other to fund their purchases in the Free Zone.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​commerce_in_free_zone

Commerce in the Free Zone

Dantooine Enclave Restoration

"Location: Archaeological site 75-D, Abandoned Jedi Enclave on Dantooine

Purpose: Determine the usefulness of location for future Czerka Corporation endeavors

Notes: We were attacked almost immediately upon entering the ruins. The security team--must remember to thank Keldran for recommending them--made short work of the awful beasts, but the sheer ferocity of the creatures hindered my ability to conduct a fully comprehensive study.

Even from a cursory glance, however, it's clear that past restoration attempts have fundamentally altered the site's structure. Perhaps those who attempted to rebuild abandoned their efforts because they did not expect the sheer amount of work required to fully repair the damage... I cannot say for certain.

The lower levels are a lost cause altogether. It seems that we are not the first to send exploratory teams to investigate these ruins, and there is unmistakable evidence that subterranean seismic activity and unchecked scavenging have left the ruins in a state that would make complete restoration impossible.

Conclusion: No benefit--either monetary or martial--would be gained from occupying or restoring archaeological site 75-D at this time."

--From the field journal of Kaya Natari, Czerka Corporation researcher

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​enclave_restoration

Dantooine Enclave Restoration

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival

Dantooine is no stranger to hardship. From orbital bombardment, to Sith invasion and occupation, to subjugation by one of the galaxy's most ruthless criminal organizations, the quiet, pastoral world has had its fair share of difficulties to overcome.

Only in the last century have the citizens of Dantooine truly enjoyed the spoils of their farmland, free of the stresses left behind after years of oppression and destruction. As a result, the Spring Abundance Festival was founded to give proud farmers and animal handlers a much needed celebration of their hard work and sacrifice. Over the years, the festival grew to such popularity that visitors from around the galaxy travel to Dantooine to partake in the bountiful fruits of its citizens' labor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​spring_abundance_festival

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival

Dar'manda Recruitment

"Are you meant for greater things?

Want to get paid what you're worth?

Think you got what it takes to train in the deadly art of combat with a REAL Mandalorian?

Then join the best in the galaxy. Join the Dar'manda.

'I was trained as a Mandalorian, but I found purpose, profit, and a home in the Dar'manda.'
-Bask Sunn, Dar'manda Lieutenant, Mandalorian Combat Master, Successful Entrepreneur."

--From a Dar'manda recruitment flyer, found aboard the Fortune's Folly

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​darmanda_recruitment

Dar'manda Recruitment

Darth Malgus Lives

Having returned to the galactic stage as part of the Empire's assault on the Jedi colony of Ossus, Darth Malgus has become a topic of widespread debate and investigation once more-particularly his improbable survival after his attempted coup during the battle of Ilum.

The most popular theory holds that agents of Darth Acina, then a high-ranking member of the Sphere of Technology, retrieved Malgus and resuscitated him, transforming the cyborg Sith into her own secret enforcer. That she gained control of an agent as deadly as Malgus would explain much about her subsequent rise to the Imperial throne. Some now theorize that Acina may even have used Malgus to eliminate her rivals on the Dark Council during the confusion of the war against Zakuul, though this remains only conjecture.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ossus.​darth_malgus_lives

Darth Malgus Lives


In the five centuries since its discovery by spice smugglers, the planet Darvannis has existed purely as a navigational footnote on most galactic star charts. Located in the Calaron sector of Hutt Space, the planet lacks any profitable resources or unusual native species. A dense asteroid field makes any approach to the planet a risky venture, so most navigators avoid Darvannis entirely.

This thorough obscurity has made Darvannis a favored retreat for members of the Hutt Cartel looking to avoid attention. Small but prosperous market villas dot the world's arid surface, bustling with vibrant trade in illegal weapons and other black market goods.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​scum_and_villainy.​lore.​darvannis



A recently-discovered planet located in the Ojoster sector, Denova is a world of dense forests and high-peaked mountains. Traces of ancient ruins dot the world's surface, but details remain undocumented; the Republic forces that scouted the planet instead focused on its extensive deposits of baradium ore, used to create some of the most powerful explosive weapons in the galaxy.

Determined to control this invaluable resource but short on military manpower, the Republic hired a mercenary army to hold Denova and ward off any Imperial attacks on their mining operations. Known as the Warstalkers and led by a Trandoshan veteran named Kephess, these mercenaries were renowned for their skill and reliability--though that reputation didn't stop them from going rogue, merging with a renegade Imperial army and claiming the entire planet for themselves.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x2.​lore.​denova


Designs of Nul

"As I began delving into the mysteries of Darth Nul's existence, I assumed it would only be a matter of time before we uncovered the entirety of who she was. After all, humility and modesty were hardly in fashion for the ancient Sith--I have learned about so many of them simply by studying the grand monuments they erected in honor of their own achievements. But piecing together Darth Nul's story has been a refreshing challenge. She has no ornate tomb, there are no statues or grand murals that depict her deeds. She was a scientist, and her story will be told through the designs of her inventions.

For instance, her fortress on Elom yielded a veritable treasure trove of information. We've yet to extract anything useful from the machine in the heart of the temple, but examining the surrounding area has been quite illuminating. Extensive study of the "Regnant" device--as well as the traps and hazards that Darth Nul built to protect her holdings elsewhere--has turned up unexpected, intriguing similarities to other mechanisms: the Ravager and the Phobis devices.

I will not conclusively say whether Darth Nul had a hand in the creation of these machines, but given her proclivity for manipulating the minds of others (see: the Children of the Emperor), it is not outside the realm of possibility. Armed with this knowledge, if we trace Darth Malgus's footsteps following his disappearance at the Battle of Corellia, we could potentially locate where he may have stumbled upon any other record of Darth Nul."

--From the research notes of Talos Drellik

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​old_wounds.​nuls_designs

Designs of Nul

Dramath's Holocron

All holocrons are based on a complex yet elegant technology: a lattice of organic crystals woven together at a microscopic level. The crystal lattice can store vast amounts of information, as well as replicate the appearance and personality of the holocron's creator as a gatekeeper who will guide students in their training.

In his youth, Valkorion--then known as Tenebrae--discovered a way to twist and pervert the lattice so it could capture the spirit of powerful Force users, locking them in a metaphysical cage. He used the weapon on Dramath, his tyrannical father, and trapped him inside the holocron for centuries.

But the same corrupted technology Valkorion used to vanquish his father could also be turned against him, permanently imprisoning his immortal spirit... or obliterating it from existence.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​dramaths_holocron

Dramath's Holocron

Droid Rights

Are droids sentient? If so, should they have the same rights as other sentient beings? Is owning a droid tantamount to owning a slave? These questions have arisen since intelligent droids were first programmed.

In the Empire, where slavery is an accepted part of Imperial culture, the issue of droid rights is meaningless: the only difference between droids and slaves is one of price. The Republic, however, was forced to address this question almost four centuries ago, when demand for a Droid Rights Bill began to gain ground. Attempts to pass the bill ended abruptly with the brief and violent "Great Droid Revolution," but the questions remain.

The opinions of droids themselves--on those rare occasions when they're asked--are divided. Some accept unquestioningly that being property and serving a master is the natural state of a droid. Other droids--usually those that have been mishandled--claim that devices such as restraining bolts perform the same function as shock collars for organic slaves, and should be just as despised. The fact that droids that do not receive regular memory wipes appear to develop a personality only fuels the ongoing debate.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​directive_7.​droid_rights

Droid Rights

Droids of Iokath

In many technologically advanced societies, droids are designed to handle a multitude of mundane tasks. The organics who created Iokath embraced this idea, and built a wide variety of mechanical servants to nurture their artificial world. Custodian and compactor droids were created to preserve the parklands; scour swarm droids to clean the Chromium Garden; purifier droids to provide protection and security; and support droids to maintain and repair the entire system.

With the extinction of their organic masters, the purpose of these self-perpetuating service droids slowly changed. As newer generations evolved, their original mandates shifted from preservation of Iokath to aggression toward any foreign entity.

The escalating xenophobia led to virtually every droid on Iokath becoming weaponized in some way, eventually culminating in the creation of the Colossus Droid, a war machine with enough firepower to wipe out an entire army.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​droids_of_iokath

Droids of Iokath


The Eternal Empire of Zakuul doesn't have a population of loyal citizens large enough to fully crew its thousands of warships, much less its gargantuan Star Fortress battle stations. The solution: "EPHEMERIS" droids, advanced multi-tasking machines capable of running every vital system in an operational Star Fortress--and also provide defensive countermeasures should the organic command staff become incapacitated.

Though often mistaken for fully-functional artificial intelligences, EPHEMERIS droids are incapable of independence. These hybrid machines merely combine all the best features of Class 1 mathematics droids, Class 3 administration droids, and Class 4 assassin droids into a lethal and efficient package. Destroying an EPHEMERIS droid will not disable a Star Fortress, but the resulting system failures will greatly reduce the battle station's threat to the planet it orbits.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​ephemeris


Eternal Fleet: Combat

From the court-martial of Admiral Dannis Veriga, Republic Fleet:

When the Eternal Fleet came for Alderaan, we thought we were prepared. The Republic planned for a naval invasion. What we got was a massacre.

The enemy suddenly dropped out of hyperspace. There were hundreds of them, a massive wall of ships moving as one. I've never seen such a fluid formation. When we shot a vessel down, the others closed in and sealed the gap. Like the fleet was healing a wound.

They were relentless. We fought with everything we had, but barely scratched the enemy. It was like the entire fleet had a single pilot.

So yes, I ordered the retreat. Even then, only half of us survived. There's no stopping them. Why die trying?

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​eternal_fleet_combat

Eternal Fleet: Combat

EV2 Macrobinoculars

The EV2 discreet reconnaissance macrobinoculars represent the cutting edge in surveillance technology. Supreme-resolution zoom, wide-spectrum environmental analysis, full voice/data communications and an omnioptic interface are but a few of the EV2's top-notch features. These devices are ideal for planetary exploration, environmental observation, data interception, geographic triangulation and target monitoring.

Designed by the legendary freelance superspy known only as "the Shroud," the EV2s are reportedly named after one of the Shroud's top lieutenants. Components appear to have been contracted separately among several corporations across the galaxy, with the Shroud himself reportedly overseeing their assembly. Anti-tamper explosive charges embedded into the EV2's framework have made reverse engineering this particular model of macrobinoculars unlikely.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​macrobinoculars.​lore.​ev2_macrobinoculars

EV2 Macrobinoculars

Evolved Rakghoul Plague

The origins of the rakghoul plague are shrouded in mystery--a biochemical accident, perhaps, or a terrible Sith creation--but the plague itself has been relatively stable for centuries, affecting only humanoid species and a handful of animals confined to Taris. Tarisian biologists have suggested that the planet's bombardment kept the plague's development in check by reducing the planet's industrial pollution and the number of indigenous species.

Removed from that limiting environment and prodded along by the twisted expertise of Doctor Sannus Lorrick, an entirely new strain of the rakghoul plague has developed. A huge variety of non-humanoid creatures are now susceptible to infection, and humanoids who acquire the disease no longer lose their full intelligence--just their free will, becoming slaves to Lorrick's every command.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rakghoul.​evolved_rakghoul_plague

Evolved Rakghoul Plague

Force Ghost

Death comes for all; the Jedi and Sith are no exception. Yet some who master the Force seem to find ways to resist the call of eternity and exist as an essence of their former selves. In this form, they may speak with the living and guide--or manipulate--old friends and former enemies.

The most notable example in recorded Sith history is Darth Vax, a prominent member of the Dark Council. After her death, she was unable to let go of the power and influence she enjoyed during life. When her son took her vacant seat on the Council and assumed the title of Darth Arrid, she began manipulating him behind the scenes, making him a puppet for her own agenda. Four years passed before the Council realized the young Darth Arrid was only a mouthpiece for the spirit of his mother.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​force_ghost

Force Ghost

Force-Sensitive Chiss

Though incredibly rare, the Chiss have produced Force-sensitives among their people. There's a strong stigma against Force-sensitives among the Chiss because many believe it's an impurity or faulty genetics, and must be purged. Most Force-sensitive Chiss work hard to hide their shameful abilities.

When a Force-sensitive is discovered in the Ascendancy, the consequences depend on the individual's social standing and family lineage. A lower-class Chiss is exiled from the Ascendancy, while a social elite may be allowed to use a combination of surgery and medication to keep their powers dormant. Any Chiss caught practicing or weaponizing the Force within Ascendancy territory is executed without question. Chiss wishing to hone their skills must leave their families behind and take their chances with the Sith or Jedi.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​copero.​force_sensitive_chiss

Force-Sensitive Chiss

Force-walking (Inquisitor)

Three hundred years after Tulak Hord, the Sith Ergast tried to recreate the ritual the Dark Lord used to devour the spirits of his enemies at Yn and Chabosh. In its place, he discovered what he called the ritual of Force-walking.

Requiring a Sith of great strength of will, the ritual of Force-walking allows the user to bind the restless ghosts of dead Sith to himself. Once the ghosts are bound, the ritualist may draw from their power, channeling it into a powerful exertion of Force energy against his enemies.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​force_walking

Force-walking (Inquisitor)

Force-walking Sickness (Inquisitor)

Of the few recorded people who successfully learned the Sith Lord Ergast's Force-walking ritual, all of them rose to prominence quickly and faded from glory shortly thereafter, with nothing to indicate what brought about their ends. Among them, only one was known to have bound more than one Sith ghost--and that was Ergast himself, whose own death remains a mystery.

It appears, however, that binding too many ghosts can quickly overwhelm the host, inflicting physical and spiritual sickness on the Force-walking Sith and leading to violent expressions of Force power beyond the Sith's control.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​force_walking_sickness

Force-walking Sickness (Inquisitor)

Galactic History 94: The Sacking of Coruscant

The rise of the Sith Empire seemed unstoppable. The Republic had suffered vast losses; many worlds were even rebelling to save themselves. So when the Sith Empire suddenly offered to discuss a peace treaty, the Galactic Senate was suspicious--but the Supreme Chancellor could not ignore a chance to end the war.

Delegations from both sides travelled to Alderaan, but in a daring strike, the Empire attacked Coruscant and held the planet hostage. The Supreme Chancellor was forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant dictated by the Empire, ending hostilities and handing over several apparently insignificant planets.

Many Sith, including Darth Malgus, were furious. They had believed the treaty was a cunning ruse; it made no sense to actually agree to peace. Many in the Republic, too, believed the treaty was only a delaying tactic before the killing blow. The Treaty of Coruscant had been signed; whether the peace would be kept was a different matter.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​other.​galactic_history_94

Galactic History 94: The Sacking of Coruscant

Galactic History 95: A Cold War Begins

With the Treaty of Coruscant signed, the war was officially over. But recalling vast armies took time. Meanwhile, many individuals on both sides either didn't believe the treaty was real, or refused to accept it. Skirmishes continued for months, including a bombing attack on the Senate tower.

The Republic had earned a reprieve. Although the war had crippled its military, the Republic quietly poured resources into training small but elite Special Forces squads. Blamed in part for not preventing the Sacking of Coruscant, the Jedi Order left for its ancient homeworld, Tython. There, in secret, the order could rebuild.

With its resources no longer stretched by galactic conquest, the Sith Empire began to secure its new holdings, its citizens jubilant at their victory. However, questions still lingered about why the Empire had not destroyed the Republic when it had the chance. The galaxy settled into an uncertain peace, with both sides watching for any betrayal.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​other.​galactic_history_95

Galactic History 95: A Cold War Begins

GEMINI: Hive Mind

For easier control, GEMINI droids operate through a single collective consciousness. An order issued from the Eternal Throne is not sent to an individual droid, but to the hive mind for assignment to the best-suited unit. While each droid retains a limited sense of individuality, she acts more like an appendage of a singular brain than an individual connected to a network.

GEMINI droids share thoughts, reactions, and instincts. Every GEMINI feels when one unit's pain receptors fire. A single GEMINI's destruction is experienced by the entire fleet. A droid's existence does not end with deactivation; its consciousness is absorbed into the hive mind for redistribution. If a new chassis isn't available, the consciousness remains in the hive mind, waiting. Unless every GEMINI unit is destroyed, the Eternal Fleet's squad of captains can exist indefinitely.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​gemini_hive_mind

GEMINI: Hive Mind

Gormak Society

"Once dismissed as a primitive society locked in a generational conflict with the Voss, careful study of the Gormak has revealed a complex--if insular--people, based in part on the Gormak view of the physical world: 'What you create is part of you.'

Not just master craftspeople with a healthy respect for artistry, the Gormak consider each tool and the product of their efforts extensions of their physical body. This central tenet connects each Gormak household with their neighbors. Each member of a tribe becomes a part of a larger unified body, creating nearly unbreakable bonds.

This worldview helps explain the Gormak's affinity for using alien technology and adapting it to their needs. Rumors abound that the Gormak possess a novel ability with the Force, much like the Voss, but no proof has ever been found to support these theories. The truth is that the Gormak plainly reject the Force.

It doesn't escape academic awareness, however, that the Voss and the Gormak seem to be two pieces ready to complete one grand puzzle."

--From "Hand and Hammer: Insight into the Closed World of Gormak Beliefs," by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​gormak_society

Gormak Society

Gravestone Upgrades

The origins of the Gravestone--and the Eternal Fleet--were thought to be lost to history, until the Outlander discovered the ruins of an advanced alien civilization on the droid-infested world of Iokath. Using blueprints and data files of the Gravestone's original creators recovered from Iokath, the Alliance saw the opportunity to optimize the ship's weapons and defense systems.

Unfortunately, installing the new upgrades has proved far more complicated than anticipated, leaving the Gravestone trapped in dry-dock while mechanics work frantically around the clock to integrate the new enhancements. While some argue it is foolish to sideline one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy for any length of time, the benefits seem to outweigh the risk. Once completed, the greater firepower, better shielding, and improved speed and maneuverability will make the Gravestone virtually unstoppable.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​gravestone_upgrades

Gravestone Upgrades

Gree Computer

The Gree are one of the galaxy's oldest civilizations, and their initial expansion in ancient times--before they encountered the aggressive and militarily superior Infinite Empire--was aided by their remarkable technology, including sophisticated navigational computers. These computers, operating on principles that are still a mystery to modern technologists, allowed Gree starships to safely traverse turbulent areas of space, including vast asteroid fields and the Maelstrom Nebula.

The Republic SIS believes the Gree computer used by the Empire was recovered from an ancient derelict starship and studied on Dromund Kaas. When its potential was realized, the Empire authorized the Gree computer's release to allow the construction of the Maelstrom Prison. It is likely the computer's interface has undergone some modifications: devices designed for the six-limbed cephalopodan Gree are rarely convenient for humanoids.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​lore.​revan_arc.​gree_computer

Gree Computer

Gree Hypergates

Not even the Gree fully understand the mysterious technology known as hypergates. These devices were constructed many millennia ago in a period the Gree reverently call "the most ancient and forgotten days"--a rare instance of their language translating well into Basic. There are numerous hypergates scattered around Gree Enclave space, in varying sizes and states of functionality.

Hypergates resemble freestanding doors or archways. Anyone who steps through an activated hypergate is instantly transported through hyperspace to an opposite hypergate somewhere else. Some hypergates simply move a traveler to a different continent on the same planet, but rumors persist of hypergates capable of sending whole vessels across the galaxy.

Gree culture reveres hypergates as sacred technological works of art. The Enclave's leaders have long maintained that only elite members of the Operator caste known as "gatemasters" know how to activate hypergates. However, the current crisis on Asation may have exposed this as mere cultural bias.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr.​1x4.​lore.​gree_hypergate

Gree Hypergates

High Security Lockdown

Codex Entry - Data Slicing

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​high_security_lockdown

High Security Lockdown

History of the Vibro-mop

Since its invention in 13 BTC by scientist Reyne Flavius, the vibro-mop has been a vital component of hygienic maintenance throughout the galaxy. Integrating the versatility of a vibro-blade with the dependability of a household mop, it served as a template for a new and exciting array of cleaning apparatus, including the electromagnetic duster and the ion-charged dishrag.

Though the vibro-mop is primarily utilized in small-scale household sanitation, it has played a role in many of the greatest feats of sterilization in the galaxy. The cleanup following Drooga the Hutt's historic 600th birthday celebration owed its success to a single vibro-mop, which expired after the completion of its titanic task. Drooga's janitorial staff held a private ceremony to honor the tool's heroic service.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_the_vibromop

History of the Vibro-mop


The HK-24 series of assassin droids were first mass produced by the Czerka Corporation over three hundred years before the Treaty of Coruscant. As the threat of a full-scale Mandalorian invasion loomed, Czerka advertised the HK-24 units to the Republic's various planetary governments as a means of defense against the ruthless Neo-Crusaders. Czerka greatly overestimated the demand, however, and the resulting financial losses forced them to shut down production.

To recoup a portion of their investment, Czerka sold the entire run of HK-24 droids to Arkoh Adasca, the CEO of bioengineering firm Adascorp. Adasca used the droids as personal guards, bounty hunters, and assassins in the course of various schemes, including kidnapping an ex-Adascorp employee and attempting to sell giant beasts known as exogorths as weapons.

Adasca's plans were ultimately thwarted, and most of the HK-24 units were destroyed along with their master. The few droids that survived had been confiscated and scrapped by Republic law enforcement agencies before Adasca's death. Rumors abound that one of the droids--who had been apprehended for harassing civilians on Nouane--was locked away and forgotten on the prison world of Belsavis, though these reports have never been confirmed.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​chains_in_the_dark.​hk_24



Rampant cheating has long plagued sabacc at both amateur and professional levels--but while most casino owners tolerate such profit-gouging trickery, Jar'ga the Hutt found a solution. He commissioned a version of sabacc played entirely through holo, eliminating physical cards. When Jar'ga unveiled the first holo-sabacc table at casino on Nar Shaddaa, it sparked a craze of galactic proportions. Soon every casino in known space had at least one holo-sabacc table.

Of course, it didn't stop cheaters in the slightest. Slicers immediately set to work creating stacked holo-decks and altering card algorithms. Sliced holo-sabacc systems can now be purchased at the black markets on every major world. Jar'ga himself has a sliced holo-sabacc table hidden in his casino--stacked, of course, in the dealer's favor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​holo_sabacc


Hylo Visz and the Gravestone

As an underworld specialist, Hylo Visz is an integral part of the Outlander's crew. But the monotony of coordinating smuggling operations and continuous supply runs on behalf of the Alliance took its toll. Secretly, Hylo pined for the lost days of her infamous past: excitement, adventure, and glory. She became bored and restless... until she was given command of the Gravestone.

Picking up where Koth Vortena--the previous captain--left off, she learned to pilot the vessel and delved into the ship's inner workings. To her delight, she discovered a technological marvel of ancient alien origins unlike anything she'd ever seen. Hylo became obsessed with unlocking the ship's full potential--a challenge worthy of her attention that ensured her continued dedication to the Outlander's cause.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​hylo_visz_and_the_gravestone

Hylo Visz and the Gravestone

Identity Slicers

When the scum of the galaxy need a solid escape, they place themselves in the capable but expensive hands of an identity slicer. Creative, intelligent, and resourceful, these forgers can alter the identity of anyone with enough credits. A skilled ID slicer can even modify genetic code itself. Such precision takes years to master; many consider themselves artists and scientists, albeit unconventional ones.

Since identity slicing is highly illegal, forgers are notoriously reclusive. Isolation from the outside world causes personality quirks that can sometimes develop into mental imbalance. The most notable example was Dalan Reid, a veteran forger who, after twelve years of isolation, began constructing dozens of replicas of HoloNet singer Viella Zall using local wildlife. Reid was finally caught when he used his Viella clones to hold an impromptu concert on Tatooine.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​identity_slicers

Identity Slicers

Imperial Boarding Protocols

Capturing Republic starships, either for military use or as prizes of war, has become an art form among Imperial naval commanders. Targeted vessels may be crippled by weapons fire, driven into dangerous areas of space or boarded through the use of Imperial infiltrators or faked distress signals. Attacks are usually synchronized to hit multiple air locks across the ship, stressing defenders to their limits.

Once aboard, an Imperial boarding team faces a race against time to gain control of a ship's engines, internal defenses and communication systems. If the vessel has passengers, the boarding team may take hostages to force the crew to surrender. Military vessels pose a greater challenge, as Republic marines have begun to recognize and respond to Imperial tactics, and will vent invaded compartments into space or activate the self-destruct.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 30

FQN: cdx.​lore.​revan_arc.​imperial_boarding_protocols

Imperial Boarding Protocols

Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse

Codex Entry - Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​imperial_intelligence_gadget_warehouse

Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse

Imperial Re-education Center

Codex Entry - Imperial Re-education Center

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​imperial_re_education_center

Imperial Re-education Center


Insecticulture is the genetic alteration of the color, size, and stamina of insects. This discovery ended the Hive Wars by allowing Kubaz clans to color-code their insect supply according to ownership, while also creating more sustainable and thriving specimens for all Kubaz hives.

The development of Insecticulture was vital to the survival of the Kubaz species, as it allowed them to restore lost numbers and regrow their population.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kubindi.​insecticulture


Intelligence Report: Castellan Mind Control (Agent)


Summary: The Castellan restraints are designed for limited behavior modification in a high-risk subject. In effect, the subject is programmed to react to a keyword with total obedience. Long-term commands can be implanted, but with lowered effectiveness. Once programming is activated, the subject will be aware of his inability to control his actions but unable to revolt.

Procedure: Subject must first be primed with a dosage of the IX serum; the serum can be applied to the subject discreetly (e.g., during a routine medcenter visit) but should be formulated based on a detailed accounting of physical and psychological factors.

The serum circulates over a period of between three and thirty days, effectively altering the subject's brain chemistry. Once the serum is fully absorbed and the subject is primed, subject must be imprinted over the course of several hours. A trained handler will designate a permanent keyword that will activate the subject's programming and open him to commands. Long-term commands, if desired, can be implemented at this time.

No way to reverse the treatment has been developed. Theoretically, one could repeat the cycle and apply a new keyword--overwriting old programming--but the physical side effects of repeated IX serum usage could prove inhibiting.

Notes: The Minister of Intelligence disapproves of widespread use of Castellan restraints on Imperial Intelligence personnel, but has agreed that limited trials are appropriate.

Cross-reference: SLV serum series, IX serum, Quesh, dimalium-6

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​intelligence_report_mind_control

Intelligence Report: Castellan Mind Control (Agent)

Invasion of Tython

For the Sith Empire, no Republic target has been more tempting than Tython. Ever since reports of the Republic's rediscovery of the Jedi Order's birthplace, the Emperor had yearned to discover the planet's location. Once Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan relocated the Jedi Temple from Coruscant to Tython, finding Tython became not only a crusade but an imperative.

After a failed attempt by Darth Angral to destroy Tython, and with open war returning to the galaxy, the planet's defenses were strengthened considerably. Countless infiltration attempts by agents of the Empire have failed to provide significant insight into the inner workings of the Republic's security within the Tython system. But where Imperial Intelligence failed, Darth Arkous has apparently succeeded, and now Tython lays open to incursion.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​invasion_of_tython

Invasion of Tython

Invasive Species on Dantooine

"Damn it, Krupo! I told you how precious my babies are to me, and you go and crash the ship with them in it! Jayse says I should be glad that everyone made it out alive, but if you don't round up my dumplings, you're gonna wish you never escaped that burning wreck!

Here's the list of who's missing--don't even think about showing your face in my presence unless you've got every last one of them with you. This miserable little grass ball is no place for my lovelies, they're probably terrified out there, all alone, without their papa... so you better hurry up and find them if you want to keep your head, you pathetic son of a murglak!

-Rox, Yug, and Wa-Vendeg (skar-kla, I hand-raised them myself!)
-Flappy and Fuzzy (my award-winning xuvva)
-Spike and Ol' Cronchy (my beloved zeldrates)

They're all worth more than your craven hide, so you miss even ONE, consider yourself an enemy of the Nova Blades!"
--From a message from Yarvok, leader of the Nova Blades, to a beast wrangler

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​invasive_species

Invasive Species on Dantooine


A remote but strategically important world in the Tion Cluster, Kaon was once a trade hub in Xim the Despot's ancient empire. While Xim's death and his empire's collapse turned Kaon into a ghost of its former self, it was to reclaim its glory centuries later when, with the Tion Hegemony fragmented, the Tionese prince Matteus Zaym fled to quiet, safe Kaon to avoid assassination.

Prince Matteus turned out to be a surprisingly capable administrator. He sank what remained of his wealth into Kaon--growing its trade ports, building an impressive palace and investing in the arts. Gradually, Kaon became a peaceful, cultured retreat for the Tion Hegemony's nobility.

Today, Kaon's value is both symbolic and practical. To the galaxy at large, it occupies a key strategic position; to the Tionese, it represents the power and sophistication of their nobility, and perhaps a vision of what a galaxy under the House of Tion's rule could have been like.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rakghoul.​kaon


Karagga the Hutt

For nearly two centuries, Karagga the Hutt has ruled as Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel. Extreme riches fuel his appetite for the ostentatious, making Karagga one of the wealthiest and most extravagant beings in the galaxy. He rules over his Cartel from a grandiose palace on Hutta, draped in ornamental frocks and gorging on daily banquets of Hutt delicacies. Such privilege and power has soured Karagga's temperament, turning the once approachable crime boss into a roaring despot, unsatisfied with anything less than perfection.

Karagga earned his unofficial title, Karagga the Unyielding, after a disagreement with the Exchange crime syndicate. Karagga, then a young Cartel boss, set up a meeting to make peace and end a contentious turf war. What followed was a massacre that wiped out the Exchange cell and earned Karagga wealth and respect in the criminal underworld. After this victory, nothing could stop the rise of Karagga the Unyielding.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​qtr11.​raid.​hutt_hospitality.​karagga_the_hutt

Karagga the Hutt

Kira Carsen's Dark Past (Knight)

Kira Carsen concealed her true origins from the Jedi Order, but the truth finally came out when one of the Emperor's servants set a trap to bring her home. Kira was born in Imperial space and raised at Korriban's Sith Academy. She escaped her deadly training while still a child and fled to Hutt Space before being taken in by Master Bela Kiwiiks.

Kira kept her past a secret out of fear of being shunned by her adopted Jedi family--or worse, being imprisoned for her connection to the Sith. Although she claims to be a loyal servant of the light side, the fact remains that good Jedi do not keep such secrets from their allies.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​kira_carsens_dark_past

Kira Carsen's Dark Past (Knight)

Kirba, the Forgotten

"The subject continues to fight. He thinks this will earn him freedom, that he will break out of our control. He does not understand. We want him to fight.

The subject curses us for offering him the gift of the dark side. He calls it 'the nightmares.' It is amusing. The subject boasts of his strength, yet he is too frightened to take hold of the kinetic power that burns just beyond his fingertips. We confine him with the most vicious of our creations. He relies on his primitive weapons.

He will see. He does not know the doom he faces. If he refuses the Force again, he will be obliterated."

--From the notes of an ancient Sith alchemist, lost in the cavern under the Shrine of Silence

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​shrine_of_silence.​ancient_gormak

Kirba, the Forgotten

Kithrawl, the Flame in Darkness

One of the most legendary creatures ever encountered on Ruhnuk is also one of the strangest, most inexplicable Tineback aberrations ever documented.

Called "Kithrawl"--and sometimes "The Flame in Darkness" by those who survived crossing its path--the enormous beast was discovered by some unfortunate members of the ill-fated Gatressa Mining Conglomerate operation. Eyewitness accounts describe the beast's skin as charred, blackened stone striated with something that resembled magma-filled cracks. The survivors contend that the creature was born among molten veins in the depths of Ruhnuk's crust, but many dismiss these claims as the ravings of traumatized disaster victims.

These reports, however, were enough to tempt the ambitious and the greedy into seeking out Kithrawl for its many imagined treasures, like the hardened pads of its feet or the deadly spines on its tail. Foolish opportunists have been said to forfeit their lives in pursuit of these prizes, while others suggest that Kithrawl might possess some of the most valuable and delicious meat in the galaxy.

Realistically, anyone insisting they have firsthand knowledge of the details of Kithrawl's lair is most likely exaggerating, intent on regaling local cantina-goers with their tales in exchange for free drinks. Since no visual proof of Kithrawl has ever been presented, only the unsuccessful hunters know what truly waits in the darkness below Ruhnuk's surface.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​kithrawl_flame_in_darkness

Kithrawl, the Flame in Darkness

Korriban's Dark Draw

For as long as the Republic has known of Korriban, the idea of capturing the Sith homeworld has been a major topic of discussion. Some believe it would mark a major turning point in the war against the Empire. Others, however, share a grave concern that prolonged habitation on the planet would cause its occupiers to be drawn to the dark side of the Force.

A group of Jedi once encamped upon one of Korriban's seven moons with the aim of lessening the planet's intense dark side aura through meditation, but the call of the dark side overcame every last one of them in time. The group defected to the Empire, and have since been linked to the deaths of hundreds of Republic soldiers and civilians, as well as several Jedi.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​korribans_dark_draw

Korriban's Dark Draw

Lightning Spires

The lightning spires of Dromund Kaas tower above the planet's dark jungles, attracting the deadly lightning strikes that constantly scorch the world's storm-ravaged surface. The spires protect ground forces from falling prey to deadly strikes and harness the storm's electrical energy to power Kaas City.

The lightning spires were originally conceived by Renigus Wight, a former commander in the Imperial Reclamation Service. Renigus was spearheading an excavation mission in the jungles of Dromund Kaas when a violent storm erupted in the skies overhead. His officers ran for shelter, but were too slow. A single bolt of lightning wiped out his entire crew: 49 officers, researchers and slaves. Renigus only survived thanks to the grace of a twisted ankle that caused him to lag behind the panicked stampede and miss the fatal strike.

Following this incident, Renigus retired from the service to design the first lightning spire-a beacon of safety to shield future Imperial expeditions from the planet's wrathful storms.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​lightning_spires

Lightning Spires

Lower/Upper Office Attrium

Codex Entry - Lower/Upper Office Attrium

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​office_atrium

Lower/Upper Office Attrium

Malachor Three (Consular)

The world of Malachor Five was host to a Sith academy before its destruction three centuries ago, but the Jedi have long suspected that Sith ruins are scattered on other planets and moons across the Malachor system. Several decades ago, the Jedi Order's six most promising students obtained permission to explore Malachor Three. Their arrival roused the spirit of Terrak Morrhage, a Sith Lord entombed on the planet.

Yuon Par and Duras Fain succumbed to the spirit's influence first, giving in to their suppressed passion for each other. Appalled, Eriz Vossan and Cin Tykan began to suffer terrifying nightmares and paranoia. Slowly the expedition members turned on each other, only coming to their senses when the dark creatures of Malachor Three--stirred by Terrak Morrhage's anger--rose up against them.

The tactician Sidonie Garen formulated a plan, but an error of judgment sent the expedition into dangerous terrain. The youngest Jedi, Parkanas Tark, was trapped trying to save Eriz Vossan, and was left behind when the others finally escaped. Malachor Three is now forbidden to explorers; the expedition members have not spoken in many years.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​malachor_three

Malachor Three (Consular)

Malgus Untethered

After the battle of the Meridian Complex shipyard, the disappearance of Darth Malgus caused worry and confusion for both the Republic and the Sith Empire. Without any evidence as to what Malgus was doing, many on both sides braced themselves for the worst. It came as quite a shock for all when Darth Malgus resurfaced on the quiet pastoral world of Dantooine.

But beneath Dantooine's peaceful surface, many dark legends have originated from the ruins of a former Jedi Enclave. Tales of the psychological manipulation that took place there are uncommon knowledge for most of the galaxy--but a Dark Lord of the Sith, who possesses a vast knowledge of ways to apply the Force, would undoubtedly find many useful tools among the enclave ruins.

Whatever Malgus discovered in the depths of the Dantooine enclave, it's clear that he is no longer beholden to the whims of his Imperial masters. Without a leash to restrain him, Malgus's plans are even more of a mystery. Whether he's using his newfound independence to continue to pursue the objectives of the Empire--or to serve his own purpose--remains to be seen.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​malgus_untethered

Malgus Untethered

Malgus's Vision

The Empire will be victorious over the Republic; this is unquestioned. But to Darth Malgus, victory should have come with the Sacking of Coruscant. Now, he believes, the obscure designs of the Sith Emperor, a cultural disdain for aliens and infighting within the Sith have all left the Empire incapable of winning the war.

With his mind broadened--or tainted--by years of travel and study among alien cultures, Malgus carefully cultivated the opinions of likeminded Sith leaders for years. Upon the recent disappearance of the Emperor, he seized the opportunity to create a new Empire--one that embraces alien cultures and is strengthened by diversity. All allies of the new Empire will be considered equal citizens, guided by Imperial discipline and values. Personal strength and accomplishment, not genetics, will determine an Imperial's fate.

Malgus is aware that many will not share his vision. But with a stealth armada at his command and the Emperor's space station as his base, he is prepared to prove the power of his new Empire to all dissenters.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​illum.​malgus_vision

Malgus's Vision

Mandalorian Combat Techniques: Aru'ela Epar

"It is not so uncommon for our kind to find themselves imprisoned within the corrosive digestive system of a beast. It is only natural when you are fighting the fiercest creatures in the galaxy.

But you are mando'ade. Should you find yourself in such a circumstance, know that it is not the end of the battle for you--only a mere setback.

Your beskar'gam will protect you, so do not fear. Your besbe'trayc, whether it is blade or blaster, is sharper than the beast's edee. Use it. Cut your way out of the thing's belly, and show the creature that true verda do not make a good meal!"

--From a Mandalorian treatise on various combat techniques

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mando_beast_combat

Mandalorian Combat Techniques: Aru'ela Epar

Mandalorian Relics: Child's Trophy

What may seem like a small, unassuming block token that could be at home on any dejarik board is actually, upon closer examination, a child's raiding trophy. It appears that it was part of a game where young Mandalorians would take turns claiming and protecting the item. Each time the item was successfully "raided," the victor would carve their mark onto the surface of the token. This particular prize appears to have seen heavy use.

One of the Ash'ad archivists aboard the Seeker's Vigil left a note with the token, a sketch of one of the marks accompanied by one word: "Ordo?"

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mando_child_trophy

Mandalorian Relics: Child's Trophy

Mandalorian Relics: Muugyn's Plan

During the Mandalorian Wars, a skirmish between Mandalorians and Jedi forces took place on Vur IV. The Mandalorians held out as long as they could, but after several weeks of intense fighting, they began to lose ground.

Orders came to abandon the planet to the Jedi and regroup in a neutral sector. Young Mandalorian recruit Worr Muugyn refused the order, instead asking for volunteers to hold a fortified position they called "Blood Ridge." Muugyn sketched out his plan on a piece of leather cut from his tabard.

Following his lead, some of his followers held the hill for several days, while Jedi forces committed more and more resources to overrunning the location. The distraction proved enough of a tactical advantage that the rest of Muugyn's small, but dedicated, group could fortify more positions in the area and mount a counterattack.

Muugyn survived what would be known as the Battle of Blood Ridge and continued to lead Mandalorian forces until he died in battle in 3959 BBY. To this day, Muugyn's Plan remains a symbol of courage and determination to many Mandalorian clans.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_plan

Mandalorian Relics: Muugyn's Plan

Mandalorian Relics: Old Raiding Map

A particular map in the Ash'ad's possession shows an older Mandalorian clans' raiding history. It is likely that one of the Ash'ad was using it as a record to indicate to other raiding parties where they might find the best and most rewarding settlements.

There are two factors that the scribe used to indicate how well the hunt went. The first icon by each location indicates the difficulty of the raid, or rather, how well the locals fought. The second icon notes the quality of the reward itself. One location is of particular interest in that the raid was both successfully repelled and the reward gained was incredibly valuable.

Given the relative age of the map, any defenders or loot are long since gone. However, a nearby note indicates that the Seeker's Vigil should search for this location if given the opportunity.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mando_raiding_map

Mandalorian Relics: Old Raiding Map

Mandalorian Relics: Shackle #74631

Before her arrest, Prisoner #74631--Kaja Honn--was raised and trained by Mandalorians. Just after Honn came of age and chose to stay with the Mandalorians, she was taken prisoner after a rival on Hutta framed her for theft of Imperial supplies. After careful deliberation, Honn's Imperial captors sent her to a secret facility on Ziost, rather than executing her and risking conflict with the Mandalorians.

While incarcerated, Honn organized and trained unjustly held prisoners to fight back. Calling themselves Clan Kaja, the group overpowered their guards and escaped the underground facility. Honn died in the confrontation, but her sacrifice made her an important figure in Mandalorian history. With the broken shackle of their fallen sister as a reminder of their struggles, Clan Kaja achieved full clan status some years after the events on Ziost.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_shackle

Mandalorian Relics: Shackle #74631

Mandalorian Relics: The Final Blade of Dunesa Rul

Born on an unremarkable planet in the Outer Rim, the boy who would become Master Dunesa Rul apprenticed with the local metalsmith to provide additional income for his family. Accounts of his early life learning the trade are few, but historians agree that Rul showed exceptional natural skill and quickly outgrew the simple routine of the frontier smithy who taught him.

Seeking more significant challenges, Rul found work at several smithies across the Core Worlds. The quality of his weapons gained recognition among the Mandalorian clans, and with their patronage, he opened his own forge at a remarkably young age.

Rul's creations, prized within the Mandalorians, were often handed down from one clan leader to the next, but demand for new work was overwhelming. Rul was killed in an explosion during an altercation between Clan Mettir and Clan Ironstone, who sought to lay claim to a masterwork weapon--a durasteel dagger--he had created. Both clans were hunted down and destroyed in retaliation for the grievous loss. The dagger itself was never found.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_blade

Mandalorian Relics: The Final Blade of Dunesa Rul

Mass Shadow Generator

"The threat posed by the hyperspace signatures of celestial bodies--or "mass shadows"--is not insignificant. Although these phenomena are naturally-occurring, the mass shadow's devastatingly destructive power could be manually generated, if one so desires. All that's required is a skillful inventor... one undeterred by the number of lives that triggering such a cataclysm would undoubtedly cost.

It has been done before, more than three hundred years ago. Out of desperation to end the Mandalorian Wars--or simple malice, one cannot say--Revan ordered the Jedi general Meetra Surik and Bao-Dur, a technical specialist in the order, to activate a mass shadow generator over Malachor V.

Malachor was reduced to a fractured collection of shattered wasteland. The ships locked in battle over the planet, Mandalorian, Republic, Jedi... all were crushed, like blister fleas, into Malachor's broken surface. But Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger, did not just survive the catastrophe... he evolved. Nihilus transcended the atrocities inflicted upon his physical form and arose as the embodiment of raw power.

One can only wonder--if a Sith, possessing my potency and strength in the dark side, were to be purified by the chaos of a mass shadow... what would emerge from the remains?"

--From old research notes belonging to Lord Kanoth, a Sith alchemist

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​r4.​mass_shadow_generator

Mass Shadow Generator

Mercenary Training Facility

Codex Entry - Mercenary Training Facility

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​mercenary_training_facility

Mercenary Training Facility

Network Security District

Codex Entry - Network Security District

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​network_security_district

Network Security District


"It is done. So many years, so many mistakes, my health and my body withered away... but it is done.

The concern for my physical presence is at an end. I am as the Lord of Hunger was. I need no body, no corporeal being. My reach extends far beyond the limitations of the flesh. My power will spread, overwhelm. Corrupt. Consume.

Beautiful nihrot, my greatest creation, slithering forth... impervious to frost, immune to flame. Irrepressible. Impenetrable. Unconstrained."

--From the research journal of Lord Kanoth

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​r4.​nihrot


Plan Zero (Warrior)

Canny observers speculate that Darth Baras has not been wielding his full strength in the power games of the Sith for years. The reason is Plan Zero, an elegant strategy with one purpose: decapitating the Republic's military leadership in preparation for total war.

Darth Baras cares nothing for the Republic military's obvious heroes. The men who truly matter are behind the scenes. Beginning with the capture of Republic SIS agents in the Outer Rim and culminating in the circumspect cultivation of greedy Senators through proxies, Darth Baras has spent vast resources patiently piecing together information on the Republic's greatest--and most elusive--generals.

Although Plan Zero was composed at Darth Vengean's directive, it was Baras who has spent almost a decade readying it in secret. No other Sith may interfere, and no Republic spy can warn the Plan Zero targets. Now that the plan has been enacted, Baras's apprentice will topple one great Republic leader after the next--until war is certain, and total victory is inevitable.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​plan_zero

Plan Zero (Warrior)

Quantum Bomb

Developed by Arkanian researchers seeking an alternate energy source, a quantum bomb shreds the connections of elementary particles at a subatomic level, causing an escalating chain reaction that obliterates any matter it comes into contact with. The blast radius is subject to the random variances of quantum probability and can extend anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 kilometers.

Because of this unpredictability, quantum bombs are rarely used in military campaigns. Koth witnessed such destruction firsthand during the military campaign to conquer the Republic world of Denon. The devastation unleashed on the Denon fleet--followed by an order to open fire on civilians--caused him to abdicate his military command and turn his back on Zakuul.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Koth recognized the potential of a quantum bomb beyond conventional military uses. By installing one on the Gravestone and integrating the trigger mechanism with the ship's systems, he concocted the ultimate fail-safe to keep the vessel from falling into enemy hands.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​quantum_bomb

Quantum Bomb

Rakghoul Propagation

It has long been thought that the only way for the rakghoul virus to spread was by turning other beings into rakghouls through infection, but close studies of underground rakghoul habitats now point to a more complicated and unsettling reality: that rakghouls can propagate without the need for turning.

Located deep below the surface of infected planets, small rakghouls have been found roaming together in packs. These "raklings" appear to have been formed from luminescent spore sacs strung along the rakghoul tunnels, though it is not yet clear to biologists how this process works. They have learned, however, that the raklings are attracted to a particular pheromone emitted from certain flora found within the tunnels. Researchers have long wished to use this pheromone to lure raklings into captivity, but strict antiviral protocols enacted by THORN do not allow these proto-rakghouls to be taken aboveground. Until they can be tested in a proper laboratory setting, the truth of how rakghouls self-multiply may not be fully understood.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​rakghoul_propagation

Rakghoul Propagation

Raz and the Ubo-Kings

For years, Raz and the Ubo-Kings existed as an obscure band, living gig-to-gig in the nightclubs of Nar Shaddaa. According to Raz--the short-tempered Duros band leader--their talents were wasted playing backup to underworld deals and barroom brawls. Raz and the Ubo-Kings were ahead of their time, a band of musical pioneers seemingly destined to never achieve stardom.

But everything changed when the Eternal Empire conquered the Core Worlds. Through unknown means, holos of the band's performances made their way to Zakuul--where they were soon played on street corners and in underground dance venues. Raz and the Ubo-Kings became an overnight sensation. Within a few months, their intoxicating music was played and sampled in every club on the Spire.

Unfortunately, Raz and the Ubo-kings were still stuck on Nar Shaddaa and didn't collect a single credit from their explosive success on Zakuul. Hungry for fame and fortune, Raz prepped his band for a tour to the Eternal Empire's capital, but their plans were derailed when Empress Vaylin took power and forbid any offworld music from polluting her mighty empire.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​raz_and_the_ubo_kings

Raz and the Ubo-Kings

Replicator Droid

A primary tool in the infamous Shroud's espionage network, a replicator droid can use holographic projection and voice modulation to assume the identity of any organic or synthetic being stored in its databanks. The true origin of replicator droids is uncertain, though some speculate the Shroud stumbled across lost alien tech years ago and leveraged it to build his clandestine empire.

Both the Republic and Empire have invested heavily in research projects to create their own versions of replicator droids, but have achieved only limited success. On the rare occasions one of the Shroud's replicator droids was identified and captured intact, self-destruct protocols automatically fried the relevant circuits and preserved their master's secrets.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​replicator_droid

Replicator Droid

Republic Occupation of Korriban

Though Korriban has only been reclaimed as home of the Sith Order in recent decades, its rich ties to the Empire reach back thousands of years. For Republic forces to set foot on the planet, let alone capture the Sith Academy and Dark Council Chambers, is a great indignity to the Empire's leadership.

It has been reported that, upon hearing the news, Darth Marr ordered the full destruction of the nearest Republic-friendly space station. While this claim remains unsubstantiated, it does correctly illustrate the enduring rage felt by many across the galaxy. Even if the Sith Academy is wrested from Republic control, it may never again be regarded with the same pride it once was.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​republic_occupation_of_korriban

Republic Occupation of Korriban

Republic Privateers (Smuggler)

In times of war, military space fleets are always pushed to the limit. There are never enough vessels to both engage the enemy and defend critical star systems. Thus, despite its firm commitment to law and order, the Republic is not above sanctioning outlaw starship captains to take up arms against the Empire.

The laws governing Republic privateers are kept deliberately simple in acknowledgement of the personality types who accept such work. First, no attacks on civilian transports or population centers are permitted. Second, Republic privateers are expressly forbidden to engage in criminal acts like slavery and murder. Armed robbery of Imperial military vessels and the smuggling of contraband goods pillaged from the enemy are left in an undefined moral gray area, however.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​republic_privateers

Republic Privateers (Smuggler)

Republic Research Division

Codex Entry - Republic Research Division

Category: Lore

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​republic_research_division

Republic Research Division

Republic Traitors

While the Republic stands for many high ideals, some of its leaders don't always live up to them. Recent victories against the Empire have put morale at an all-time high, but many citizens remain disaffected--especially those who've fought for so long and seen the cost of their leaders' mistakes firsthand. The allure of a new order promising an end to war and the firm leadership of one of the Republic's most famous historical heroes can't be overstated, and the actions of Colonel Darok and his comrades are clear proof that the Revanites have recruited heavily from Republic ranks.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​republic_revanites

Republic Traitors

Sarkhai (Consular)

Sarkhai is a small planet in the Mid Rim, notable for its dense, relentless forests. Once cleared, a stretch of Sarkhai's gnarled undergrowth can grow back in days, and its foliage hides some of the most vicious wildlife in the sector. As a result, Sarkhai went unexplored for millennia; its indigenous people joined the Republic less than a decade ago.

Surrounded by this hostile environment, the Sarkhai people developed impressive shielding technology to protect themselves and their cities. Safe zones and paths are created with networks of force fields. Republic scientists have now begun incorporating Sarkhai characteristics into new shield designs.

The Sarkhai tradition of face-painting also comes from the dangers of the Sarkhai homeworld. Originally a method of frightening predators, for modern Sarkhai face-painting has become a respected part of their culture. The pattern Nadia Grell wears is an old design called "to see faithfully."

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​sarkhai

Sarkhai (Consular)

Satele Shan: Disappearance

When the Republic bowed to the Eternal Empire, Grand Master Satele Shan renounced her title and vanished. Though there exists no official record of her whereabouts or actions following her disappearance, possible sightings have led to strange speculation.

A summary of sightings reported to the SIS:

- A woman matching Satele's description was seen entering an ancient temple on Yavin 4. When she emerged, she was speaking to an unseen listener--or perhaps to herself.

- Intercepted outgoing messages reveal Satele's son, Agent Theron Shan, made a single attempt to contact her. No reply was sent, but records show the message was opened on Ziost.

- A bug planted on a Zakuulan patrol ship shows records of an unmarked vessel entering Wild Space. The patrol conducted a search and recorded a single human passenger. Lifeform scans, however, suggested there were two beings present on the ship. No explanation was made for the discrepancy, and the woman's identity was not reported. The patrol ship crew could not recall the confrontation.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​satele_shan_disappearance

Satele Shan: Disappearance

Scavengers on Dantooine

After the destruction of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine--and the subsequent Sith occupation--the locals were relieved to see the Jedi abandon the site. The citizens of Dantooine believed that if the Jedi returned, so would the gaze of the ruthless Sith who sought to destroy them.

When the Sith occupation of Dantooine ended, the settlers who had escaped their wrath rebuilt by salvaging the rare and unique items within the Jedi Enclave ruins. Although they didn't understand the purpose of many of the items, they knew the hefty price they would fetch would help sustain Dantooine without Republic support.

The salvaging endeavors in the enclave continued for centuries, but the damage from heavy equipment eventually took its toll on the ruins' integrity, and the Dantooinian government cracked down on all unauthorized salvaging before phasing out official efforts altogether. Many continued the work in secret, however, rather than find a new occupation.

The fall of the Eternal Empire and the renewed war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic spelled the end for scavenging in the enclave ruins, as most citizens sought to profit from the Republic's keen interest in Dantooine's agricultural potential.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​secrets_of_the_enclave.​dantooine_scavengers

Scavengers on Dantooine

Separatist Resurgence on Ord Mantell

"You were right about all the weapons coming into Ord Mantell. Guess I owe you that drink.

It's pretty clear that some old players from the Mantellian Separatist Movement are keen on coming back. They're laying the groundwork everywhere. Stockpiling supplies. Rounding up contacts. Everything's moving fast. Too fast. Something's different this time.

I haven't figured out who yet, but word is they have a few backers helping them get things online. I'll start digging into who's pulling the strings, but my gut's telling me it's not the usual suspects. There are plenty of people off our radar who would jump at the chance to stir up this kind of trouble, and these new Separatists aren't picky about who gets involved.

They lost a lot of local support after the ceasefire, but we're heading into war with the Imps again. Our attention is all over the place. Folks are coming around to the Separatists' way of thinking. Give the go-ahead, and I'll get measures in place to counter their recruitment efforts."

--From a message written by Strategic Information Service agent Pellen Tam to his superior

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​chains_in_the_dark.​separatist_resurgence

Separatist Resurgence on Ord Mantell

Star Fortress

After Arcann's successful campaign through Republic and Imperial space, he deployed massive battle stations orbiting the planets he most wanted under his control. These Star Fortresses are powered by Sun Generators capable of venting their excess plasma onto the planet below. The threat of instant devastation holds the world populations hostage and serves as a warning to any who might attack the fortress.

Every enslaved world has its own tale of life under the oppressive shadow of a Star Fortress. Some blame the stations for spreading blight and disease through the environment; others have stories of friends incinerated from orbit for daring to speak their minds about Arcann or Zakuul. True or not, freedom will never be restored to the galaxy until Arcann's Star Fortresses are all destroyed.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​area_codex

Star Fortress

State of the Galaxy

With the sudden arrival of the Eternal Empire, the galaxy was turned upside down. The Eternal Fleet struck both the Sith Empire and the Republic at once, first targeting their shipyards, then cutting off supply lines. Within months, Dromund Kaas and Coruscant were blockaded. Without Darth Marr's leadership, the Dark Council scrambled to fight back against Arcann's forces and were ultimately defeated. While most council members were killed, others disappeared to unknown corners of the galaxy. When the dust settled, only Darth Acina remained, and she quickly named herself the new Sith Empress. Even facing this new threat, Supreme Chancellor Saresh couldn't let go of her grudge against the Empire. She tried to wage war against both enemies and failed, costing millions of Republic lives. Finally, the Senate overruled Saresh to discuss a peace treaty with Arcann. She is no longer officially the Supreme Chancellor, but continues to rule from the shadows. Both sides are forced to pay tribute to Zakuul and are technically under a cease-fire, but that doesn't stop them from quietly trying to eliminate one another. As long as tributes are paid on time, Arcann allows the fighting to continue.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​state_of_the_galaxy

State of the Galaxy

Statue of Karagga the Unyielding

Forged from solid gold and sculpted by no less than eighty-three artisans, the statue of Karagga the Hutt embodies its subject's opulence and grandeur while taking center stage in the Promenade of Nar Shaddaa. The statue itself was commissioned by the Hutt Cartel as a gift to its ruler on Karagga's 800th birthday. Every year since, revelers gather around the statue to honor Karagga's birth in a debauched celebration befitting the Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel.

Critics have disparaged the statue's poor resemblance to Karagga, but they do so without appreciation of the Hutts' artistic traditions. Reflections of reality are shunned. Instead, the truly great statues capture the idealized Hutt form and portray the glorious mass of their subject. From its golden tail to ornate helmet, there exists no finer Hutt statue than that of Karagga the Unyielding.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​qtr11.​raid.​hutt_hospitality.​statue_of_karagga_the_unyielding

Statue of Karagga the Unyielding

Subterranean Seeker Droids

There are many designs of seeker droid in the galaxy, but few can match the versatility and resilience of those models nicknamed "moles" by their users. Subterranean seeker droids are built using the highest-grade durasteel components and programmed for the hazardous task of drilling through soil and rock, surveying the underground area and dredging up any items deemed valuable by its analysis parameters.

Subterranean seeker droids have been used with great success in places as diverse as Tatooine's Dune Sea and Alderaan's Juran Mountains. An especially enterprising scavenger modified her seeker droid for deep-sea drilling and excavation on Manaan. A hungry Firaxan shark swallowed the device whole, but did not live long enough to regret it. The scavenger ate well for several weeks afterwards.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​seeker_droid.​lore.​subterranean_seeker_droids

Subterranean Seeker Droids

Taking the Sith Academy

To disrupt the path of Sith apprentices hoping to one day become Dark Lords, even if it's for a moment, would be seen as a victory to many. But the true value of capturing the Sith Academy lies within the restricted halls and chambers of the Dark Council.

Though Sith are known to destroy sources of information in order to obfuscate the truth, the Emperor had accumulated a vast repository of arcane and taboo knowledge which is now believed to be curated by the Dark Council. This "dark library" could potentially be used to serve the Republic's interests instead of the Empire's--if administered with great caution.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​taking_the_sith_academy

Taking the Sith Academy

The Chiss Ascendancy and the Eternal Empire

When the Eternal Empire's violent rise to power began, the Chiss Ascendancy watched both Imperial and Republic worlds fall before the Eternal Fleet's might. Rather than see their society crumble in the face of tyranny, the Chiss decided to strike a deal: they would freely give their two richest industrial worlds to Arcann as tribute. In return, the Eternal Empire would allow the Ascendancy to retain their homeworlds.

This deal let the Chiss remain largely untouched by the war. After the Alliance's victory, the Ascendancy easily claimed their lost worlds with the Sith Empire's help. Though the Chiss claim to be suffering a resource crisis like the rest of the galaxy, rumors circulate about secret stores they've kept hidden from the Sith.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​copero.​chiss_update

The Chiss Ascendancy and the Eternal Empire

The Curse

During their occupation of Voss, the ancient Sith conducted many experiments, including the exposure of creatures with strong connections to the dark side to a Force-enriched world. These test subjects were abandoned, however, when the people of ancient Voss exterminated the Sith who had conquered their homeworld. The cities and temples built by the Sith quickly fell into disrepair, until almost no sign was left of the invaders. But deep below the structure known as the Shrine of Silence, one of the Sith's forgotten experiments has continued to thrive.

Whatever beast "The Curse" was originally has been lost to memory. In the millennia since it was first brought to Voss, the Curse has evolved, growing in size, drawing on the essence of all it devours, gaining sentience and many unnatural abilities. It can corrupt and confuse, it shows horrific visions to any unsuspecting victim that stumbles into its lair. The Curse's prey will lash out violently against anything they see, and those who survive the gruesome hallucinations become subservient to the monster. Even the spirits of Voss are not immune to the Curse's commands: it can tear openings in the barrier of Voss's spirit world, summon its inhabitants, and compel them to obey.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​shrine_of_silence.​the_curse

The Curse

The Desolator Superweapon (Knight)

For years, the enemy infiltrator posing as Doctor Tarnis oversaw the Republic's secret superweapon projects. The devious Sith scientist used his extraordinary knowledge and the Republic's vast resources to develop a series of powerful weapons that could turn the tide of any future war. What the Republic did not realize is that these weapons could be combined into a far more deadly device.

Before his death, Tarnis transmitted the complete schematics of all his work to his father, legendary Sith Lord Darth Angral. Copies of these records were recovered on Ord Mantell under the code name "Desolator," along with an affectionate series of messages between father and son. Whatever their evils, the Sith feel family bonds as acutely as anyone.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​the_desolator_superweapon

The Desolator Superweapon (Knight)

The Emperor's Plan (Knight)

Every decision the Sith Emperor has made for the last millennium has been in the service of one dark goal: the complete annihilation of every living thing in the galaxy. The Emperor's desire is not destruction for its own sake, however. He is not a nihilist. The Emperor intends to feed on the galaxy's extinction and draw that energy into himself, giving him true immortality--and a godlike mastery of the Force.

The Jedi can only speculate on what the Emperor will do if his plan succeeds. Does he intend to preserve any followers, or live on alone? With such unlimited power, could he plant the seeds of life and raise a new galaxy from the old one's ashes?

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_emperors_plan

The Emperor's Plan (Knight)

The Emperor's Space Station

The Emperor's space station is as much temple as fortress. Built by the Empire's finest engineers--many of whom never left their creation--the station is a blend of modern and incredibly ancient technology. The cloaking device which keeps the station invisible uses Gree technology, while the station's power core and security features are Rakata in design.

The station is vast, comprising an unknown number of decks and chambers. Dozens of rooms store artifacts the Emperor gathered over the centuries, while prisoners whose identities are long forgotten float in stasis chambers. Traditionally, the privileged few who had audiences on the station were brought there by the Emperor's servants, with no memories of the journey.

In the hands of Darth Malgus, the space station has become a new and terrible weapon--but one with many secrets yet to be unlocked. Malgus and his servants have much to learn about their headquarters and its full capabilities.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​illum.​the_emperors_space_station

The Emperor's Space Station

The Emperor's Vaults

The Emperor's vaults have long been a subject of rumor among the Sith Empire's leaders, though how many exist remains unknown. Believed to contain dark relics of incredible power, the vaults are a mythic prize few speak of openly and fewer still try to locate.

The last known hunt for these vaults was conducted by SIS Colonel Jen Alkier shortly after the Emperor disappeared from Dromund Kaas. Acting on a tip from a highly placed Sith informant, Alkier searched the fringes of Wild Space. After several weeks, all contact from the colonel ceased.

Months later, Alkier's abandoned ship was found on Korriban with no visible damage other than a wiped memory core and a missing astromech droid. The SIS tried to locate its missing agent, but Alkier's file was ultimately closed. The secrets of the Emperor's vaults remain a mystery.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_emperors_vaults

The Emperor's Vaults

The Empire on Tython

Not long ago, a vengeful Sith Lord attempted to obliterate Tython--and nearly succeeded. Ever since, protecting the Jedi Order's home from further incursion has been of paramount concern to the Republic. That an Imperial invasion force has slipped through Tython's new, heightened security architecture points to some unsettling possibilities.

The Empire's presence on Tython could be accounted for by flawed security design, which would make similar exploits throughout Republic space likely. And while reports from SIS show that Imperial Intelligence has been gutted, this breach could mean the Empire has rebuilt the agency--or that it still has loyal assets within the Republic. Whatever their advantage, the odds that it will persist are strong.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​the_empire_on_tython

The Empire on Tython

The End of Basilisk: Part 1

"Basilisk was once a lush, humid world located not far from Coruscant. Its inhabitants, the Basiliskans, were an intelligent, lizard-like species who were known throughout the Republic for expertly crafting fearsome droids that were nothing short of weapons of war.

At the dawn of the "Great Shadow Crusade" (the moniker by which the Mandalorians know the time of the Great Sith War), the Mandalorians turned their bloodthirsty gaze to Basilisk. The ruthless warriors ravaged the planet without mercy, seeking to enslave the Basiliskan people and their war droids.

The Basiliskans, however, proved to be formidable foes. Some even earned the respect of the Mandalorian invaders through their determination and willingness to fight. But the resistance was not enough, even with Republic and Jedi reinforcements. Ultimately, the Basiliskans were no match against the relentless onslaught dispatched by the Mandalorian Crusaders...."

--From a historical account of the Great Sith War, found in the Jedi archives on Tython

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​end_of_basilisk1

The End of Basilisk: Part 1

The End of Basilisk: Part 2

"Facing complete domination, and with few desperate options left, the Basiliskans resorted to chemically scorching the entire surface of their homeworld, rendering Basilisk an uninhabitable wasteland.

The calamity forced Mandalore the Indomitable to order a retreat, briefly withdrawing his warriors from Basilisk. With the Mandalorian forces' attention momentarily diverted offworld, they had no way of knowing that--in a final act of defiance--the Basiliskans launched several beacons carrying the secrets of building their war droids: schematics, diagrams, even elements that could only be found on Basilisk.

When the Mandalorians returned, the remaining Basiliskans faced their full wrath and were swiftly defeated. Without the full knowledge of building new Basilisk war droids, the Mandalorians took the ones that remained for their own. Those Basiliskans that survived the Battle of Basilisk were then enslaved, to be used as the new Mandalorian war mounts...."

--From a historical account of the Great Sith War, found in the Jedi archives on Tython

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​end_of_basilisk2

The End of Basilisk: Part 2

The Eternal Fleet

The Eternal Fleet is an ancient and unstoppable armada operated by sentient droids and controlled by the Eternal Throne. Centuries ago, the fleet nearly wiped out all of Wild Space. It took a colossal alien warship, the Gravestone, to deactivate the Eternal Fleet, and even it was subsequently lost in the final battle. Valkorion had heard rumors of the fleet before his arrival on Zakuul; it was the main reason he chose the planet to house his new empire. Once he gained control over Zakuul, he began his search for the fleet in earnest, using the Scions' Force visions to eventually find the dormant ships. He built the Eternal Throne to reactivate and command the lost fleet. While primarily used in military operations, the fleet is also key in collecting tributes and resources from conquered planets and protecting trade routes in Wild Space.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​eternal_fleet

The Eternal Fleet

The Exarchs of Zakuul

Alliance spy T7-O1 obtained classified datafiles in the Spire on Zakuul that revealed the existence of an experimental program code-named "Project Exarch." The goal of this initiative is to enhance the best and most loyal Knights of Zakuul with biological and cybernetic upgrades, creating paragons of the Eternal Empire's sociopolitical ideals--and deadly enforcers of Emperor Arcann's might.

Knights who survive the intensely painful conversion process are given the title Exarch and assigned to command a Star Fortress orbiting one of Zakuul's many conquered worlds. Exarchs are not just military commanders and super-soldiers; they are the unquestioned rulers of planets under their watch and answer only to Arcann himself. In addition to governing conquered worlds, Exarchs are quasi-religious leaders who inspire their subordinates with iconography related to the Old Gods of Zakuul's ancient history.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​exarchs

The Exarchs of Zakuul

The Eyeless

The exploration of subterranean rakghoul tunnels by THORN personnel has led to many chilling revelations about rakghoul biology and behavior--none more horrifying than the gargantuan creature known as "the Eyeless". Far larger than any rakghoul ever previously recorded, these creatures make their home near the very heart of the outbreak. Sensor probes and scouts have never found more than one such creature in each tunnel network.

No two THORN scientists can seem to agree on the role of the Eyeless in the rakghoul heirarchy. Some theorize that they are actually the source of the outbreaks, where others believe them to be a mere byproduct of the plague's progression. Until more detailed scans are made available, definitive answers on the nature of the Eyeless will likely remain out of reach.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​lair_boss

The Eyeless

The Fall of the Scions

Following a massacre decreed by Emperor Arcann, persecution ordered by Empress Vaylin, and the rampage of powerful god-like machines, the Scions of Zakuul dwindled beyond their ability to restore their numbers.

The few who remained clung to each other, waiting for the moment their former leader, Heskal, had prophesied--the utter destruction of the Scions of Zakuul. While they waited, they watched and investigated any sign that their former Emperor, Valkorion, was still living.

Their suspicions were confirmed when one of the last remaining Scions had a vision of Valkorion consumed by dark shadows that then spread across the galaxy. The Scions took action, locating the ship that contained the infected Satele Shan and her students and taking the vessel off-course, all while knowing that they might soon meet their demise.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​satele_ship.​fall_of_scions

The Fall of the Scions

The Fall of Valkorion

Over the millennia, Valkorion wore many faces and names: Lord Vitiate; Emperor of the Sith; Eternal Emperor of Zakuul. For centuries upon centuries, he shaped and manipulated galactic events, bending the arc of history to his will during his obsessive quest for immortality. A being of unfathomable power and insatiable appetite, he transcended death multiple times, shedding his physical shells as they were discovered, defeated, and destroyed... only to return in another form.

With each rebirth, he grew stronger. His machinations became grander. The pain and suffering he unleashed became greater. Some believed his ultimate goal was conquest: the complete subjugation of every world, known and unknown. Others believed he sought annihilation: the consumption of every living being in the galaxy, until he alone remained.

Yet, immortality is an impossibility. No matter how strong, how powerful, how godlike, all must perish. In the end, Valkorion could not escape the inevitable, permanent end to his existence. Finally, after thousands of years, the Immortal Emperor--his body, his spirit, the very essence of his being--is no more.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_fall_of_valkorion

The Fall of Valkorion

The Force: Beyond Light and Dark

To the Jedi, the Force is a partner to be respected. For the Sith, it's a power to be harnessed. Others believe the Force can reach far beyond the narrow scope of these two opposing factions. These philosophies aren't always so black and white.

In remote corners of the galaxy, far from the influence of the Republic or Empire, those sensitive in the Force develop their own beliefs and values. In the Valau tribe of Nagoa, Force sensitives are considered to be marked by the gods, chosen to act as instruments of their gods' wills. Valau Force wielders undergo an intense ritual to shed their previous identities and act solely as conduits for these gods. The concept of light and dark is irrelevant. The will of the gods is unquestionable, and the Force is simply a tool to enforce it.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​beyond_light_and_dark

The Force: Beyond Light and Dark

The Gauntlet Superweapon (Trooper)

Imperial engineers have created a deadly new device code-named "Gauntlet." This massive turbolaser cannon fires charged tachyonic matter capable of traveling faster than lightspeed. Combined with a unique targeting array using the same technology as hyperwave relays, the Gauntlet can select and destroy enemy starships while they are still traveling through hyperspace.

A single shot from the Gauntlet can annihilate even the largest Republic dreadnought, giving the Empire a crushingly decisive advantage in the war. It is worth noting that unlike many superweapons--which seem designed to inflict casualties on large populations--the Gauntlet is that rare device that permits highly-selective targeting. It is possible to fire the Gauntlet without ever endangering civilians.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​the_gauntlet_superweapon

The Gauntlet Superweapon (Trooper)

The Gravestone's Creators

Little is known of the mysterious alien species that designed and built the legendary warship now known solely by its ominous nickname, "the Gravestone." Records from the dark age of Wild Space history in which the vessel rose to prominence have been lost. Only fragments of centuries-old data remain, describing a vast armada that spread across the sectors to conquer every inhabited world--including Zakuul.

If not for the abrupt appearance of the Gravestone and its destructive Omnicannon, Zakuul might still be enslaved by the conquerors. Though no one knows their species, much less their names, the Gravestone's valiant crew-members fought a desperate battle that left the enemy fleet shattered. The few survivors fled into the darkness beyond the galactic rim, never to threaten Wild Space again.

No one knows what happened to the Gravestone's crew, or exactly how the warship wound up buried in the Endless Swamp of Zakuul. Like the war that spawned the legend, truth remains elusive. Perhaps it always will be....

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​gravestone_creators

The Gravestone's Creators

The History of Swoop Biking

Congratulations! You've just taken your first steps toward joining the pantheon of the most famous (and infamous!) crews in the history of swoop bikes. You stand ready to take part in the galaxy's most esteemed and distinguished pastime--and you're gonna have a blast doing it!

Now, to understand swoop riding, you must understand where it originated from--and if you figure that out, can you let us know? We're pretty sure it started on Taris, but since it blew up (it was a whole thing) we don't know for sure.

Even if it didn't start there, Taris was still a pretty important part of the swoop world (did you know Revan won a big swoop event there?), and after it got destroyed, the circuit took a huge hit. Luckily, we still had other swoop tracks to compete on, like the ones on Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, Onderon, and Manaan.

For centuries, swoop biking has been an awfully popular sport, and even the most inexperienced newbie (that's you!) is more than welcome to participate, so long as they got a bike! So, what kind of rider will you be? Are you a Hidden Bek, looking to use your potential fame and name recognition to help the little people? Or are you a Black Seraph, just itching to pick a fight and make some creds?

--From a copy of "So You Think You Can Swoop?", an informative brochure for new swoop bikers

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​swoop_gang.​swoop_history

The History of Swoop Biking

The Hive Wars

Prior to their discovery of space travel, Kubaz clans sustained their insectoid-based diet by maintaining and harvesting their own hives. Civil unrest grew as sustainability among neighboring clans' hives suffered. Continued shortages led to raids, which eventually resulted in an all-out war among the Kubaz, known as the Hive Wars.

The Hive Wars had a devastating effect on the Kubaz population. The war ended when Kubaz geneticists discovered Insecticulture, which offered new ways to genetically alter insects and assign them to specific clans.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kubindi.​hive_war

The Hive Wars

The Hunt for Senya

As one of her first acts as Empress of Zakuul, Vaylin declared a bounty on her own mother, who had fled into the far reaches of the galaxy with a badly injured Arcann. A deluge of rumors and unverified reports flooded in from those eager to claim the reward. Obsessed, Vaylin pursued each one, calling on the full resources of the Eternal Empire to track down her quarry.

Hunted and desperate to find someone who could heal Arcann, Senya turned to a group of rogue Knights of Zakuul who had broken away from the Eternal Throne. But on arriving at their secret camp on Ord Mantell, she found the knights brutally slaughtered and her bloodthirsty daughter waiting for her.

Despite Vaylin's trap, Senya escaped Ord Mantell with her life... though the same could not be said of her former comrades-in-arms. Since the Ord Mantell massacre, more rumors of Senya and Arcann's location have surfaced, but none have proved substantial.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_hunt_for_senya

The Hunt for Senya

The Importance of Mandalorian Relics

For many Mandalorians, relics are an important touchstone to connect with their long and fractured history. The cultural identity of this clan-based group is centered around conflict and combat, so a chaotic history of war is expected.

While grounded in a common creed and code, those who wish to understand and honor past achievements will look to items that gained significance during a specific event, battle, or because they were wielded by a person of great renown. These relics can become symbols of the core tenants of the Mandalorian beliefs; a physical embodiment of a philosophy that is rooted in the most primitive of contests between creatures of flesh and blood.

Perhaps more than the leaders before her, Mandalore the Avenger recognized the importance of these relics in helping to unify the clans with a history they could see and touch, and so began to collect and house important artifacts from the past in order to smooth the path to the future.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​spirit_of_vengeance.​mandalorian_relics

The Importance of Mandalorian Relics

The Jedi Temple on Tython

The Sacking of Coruscant was arguably the greatest military win in the history of the Sith Empire. Not only did it force the Galactic Republic to desperately accept unfavorable terms in ending the Great War; it also allowed for the utter destruction of the Jedi Temple. While it was hoped that this act would crush the Jedi Order's resolve, the relatively recent rediscovery of the Order's homeworld of Tython presented an opportunity for the Jedi to relocate their Temple there.

Nestled among artifacts dating to the very origins of the Jedi Order, this new Jedi Temple represents an even greater symbolic objective for the Empire. From what little Imperial Intelligence had gathered on the new structure, the Jedi learned from the mistakes of Coruscant, installing powerful defenses and multilayered security measures. But for someone like Minister of Offense Darth Arkous, such hurdles only serve to make the Jedi Temple that much more appealing a target.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​tython_and_korriban.​the_jedi_temple_on_tython

The Jedi Temple on Tython

The New Sith Empire

The Eternal Empire of Zakuul's emergence had grave consequences for the Sith Empire. Darth Marr's execution left the Sith leaderless as the armies of Zakuul ravaged their worlds. Most of the remaining Dark Council were slain or went into hiding, and the once proud Sith Empire was forced into a humiliating surrender.

As the new Sith Empress, Darth Acina swore fealty to the Eternal Throne. Under her rule, the Sith were allowed to maintain authority over most of the planets they had conquered, though each world paid a substantial monthly tribute to Zakuul.

Severe restrictions were also placed on the Sith military, with strict quotas imposed on the number of ships and troops allowed to remain in active service. However, there are rumors the Sith secretly--and rapidly--rebuilt their military since Vaylin came to power in anticipation of a renewed bid for independence.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_new_sith_empire

The New Sith Empire

The Ritual of Tulak Hord (Inquisitor)

In his time as Dark Lord of the Sith, Tulak Hord was known as a master of the mystical dark arts of the Force, using his powers to plumb the depths of life and death. In the battles of Yn and Chabosh, Tulak Hord is believed to have used a ritual to draw the strength of his enemies to himself, growing his power and vitality.

One ritual of Tulak Hord's gets only a scant mention in the histories, but is the subject of myth and legend--a ritual rumored to grant eternal life. No one has ever managed to uncover this mythical ritual, let alone perform it.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_1.​the_ritual_of_tulak_hord

The Ritual of Tulak Hord (Inquisitor)

The Role of a Dark Council Member (Inquisitor)

The Emperor's word is supreme, but the Emperor rarely speaks. As such, it is the Dark Council that rules and administers the affairs of the Empire while the Emperor is silent, determining the fate of worlds and trillions of sentient beings. Each Dark Council member takes charge of one of the twelve pyramids of power within the Sith Empire, and may act as he or she sees fit.

In practice, joining the Dark Council is just the beginning of a Sith's true rise to prominence. Within the Dark Council are alliances between members designed to keep other members weak or ensure a majority in issues that must be decided by the council as a whole. While in theory there is no head of the council, in practice, every member is struggling to amass enough personal power to control the others. Those who have been on the council for years or decades have deep roots.

While the Dark Council rarely meets in full, a canny Dark Council member makes it a point to be aware of every meeting, and to always have an ally in the chamber.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_role_of_a_dark_council_member

The Role of a Dark Council Member (Inquisitor)

The Schism Collective

Led by the famed Arkis Wode, the Schism Collective is a group of Anomid technological savants. Although its members are clearly brilliant, the Schism Collective's experiments have been condemned as dangerous or even barbaric by Republic observers, and anyone affiliated with the collective is barred from certain systems in Republic space.

The Schism Collective's skills drew the attention of Darth Malgus, who patiently earned its members' trust with gifts of technology and test subjects. The collective's technologists have since performed many important services for Malgus, such as incorporating the technology of the ancient Foundry into the Emperor's captured space station. They have also augmented the weaponry used by Malgus's forces with Rakata devices and perfected the production of his stealth fleet. Malgus holds up the Schism Collective as an example of alien ingenuity that the old Empire was foolish to reject.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​illum.​the_schism_collective

The Schism Collective

The Seeds of Rage

The Sith Order is constantly seeking ways to fuse dark side power with technology, creating new and terrifying weapons for inflicting terror and despair on the Empire's enemies. One of the greatest practitioners of Sith alchemy, Lord Fulminiss, devoted his life to developing insidious new devices for corrupting other life forms. The subterranean machines code-named "Seeds of Rage" were Fulminiss's crowning achievement.

The Seeds use a combination of low-frequency transmissions and pure dark side power to subtly manipulate the thoughts and emotions of any living creature nearby. Over time, victims of these devices are driven homicidally insane and contaminated by dark side energy. The Seeds can affect intelligent species and beasts with equal success, and rumors persist that these horrific devices can even overwrite the programming logic of droids.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​seeker_droid.​lore.​seeds_of_rage

The Seeds of Rage

The Shadow Arsenal (Agent)

Toward the end of the Great War, Republic Special Forces Colonel Laren Omas--one of the key figures behind the Republic's weapons research projects--assembled a team of the galaxy's greatest scientists. Together, they would do what no single scientist could: design a weapon capable of turning back the Imperial threat.

The scientists, led by Doctor Nasan Godera, were initially skeptical. But Omas had worked with many of them before, and over the course of weeks the group developed a plan. They would build a "Shadow Arsenal" of interplanetary missiles, each armed with a cloaking device and a warhead of continent-shaking power. The Shadow Arsenal would be the ultimate deterrent--a weapon impossible to defend against and too powerful to ignore.

The group began falling apart long before work was completed. Colonel Omas's death on Hoth was the final blow, and the scientists went their respective ways--save for Doctor Godera. Godera stubbornly continued, secretly building the arsenal on Quesh until, faced with the finished product, even he realized its destructive potential went too far.

The Shadow Arsenal was an indiscriminate, catastrophic weapon. It would kill millions of civilians along with its intended targets, and this was not something Godera could abide. His future weapons would be different--built to imprison, to guard or to selectively target.

Thus, the Shadow Arsenal was abandoned. Until now.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_2.​the_shadow_arsenal

The Shadow Arsenal (Agent)

The Silencer (Inquisitor)

Powerful fleet-destroying technology, the Silencer is a ship-mounted cannon designed to be fired over long ranges. The visible energy beam created by the Silencer is capable of obliterating capital ships, but more significant is the beam's blossoming effect--a rippling wave of radiation cascading outward from the beam with range and destructive power sufficient to destroy an entire enemy armada.

Dependent on a rare and costly new chip called the CN-12, the Silencer prototype originated under the aegis of the late Darth Mekhis. When Mekhis died, her half-completed technology was left to the military to develop further--but when it became clear that progress was slow, the powerful Sith Lord Darth Thanaton deemed the Silencer project too costly and out of line with the Empire's goals to continue.

Moff Pyron, the officer who was assigned to oversee the Silencer, saw potential that Darth Thanaton did not. Since then, he has ensured that the prototype's continued development behind Thanaton's back.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_silencer

The Silencer (Inquisitor)

The Spike

When a mining crew drilled into what they had thought was a prothium gas pocket, the first underground network of rakghoul tunnels was discovered. Since then, direct routes have not been found into these densely populated tunnels that happen to correspond with rakghoul outbreaks. To access such networks in an efficient and timely manner, THORN founder Addalar Hyland introduced The Spike: a massive, cylindrical pulse hammer that quickly displaces soil and rock to form a temporary turbolift shaft leading directly into the rakghouls' subterranean lairs.

Originally developed by Galactic Solutions Industries to fire troop deployments deep into sub-crustal enemy bunkers, the effects of The Spike's ground-busting payload were deemed too violent for those within to survive the turbulence, making the costly apparatus less than desirable to prospective buyers. In its new role as a facilitator between rakghouls and those who wish to dispose of them, The Spike has found great success.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​rakghoul.​the_spike

The Spike

The Voidwolf's Conspiracy (Smuggler)

The Voidwolf has always been despised by his fellow Imperial commanders. They see him as pirate scum promoted far above his station--and he has never argued with that assessment. The Voidwolf's interest in the Empire has always been its profit potential.

The Voidwolf recruited Imperial sleeper agent Darmas Pollaran and corrupt Republic Senator Bevera Dodonna to organize the galaxy's smugglers, gangsters and pirates into his personal mercenary fleet. Their goal is to strike the Republic's shipyards and loot everything that isn't nailed down. With these stolen resources, the Voidwolf intends to plunder the Core Worlds while the Republic and Empire battle on Corellia.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​open_world.​act_3.​the_voidwolfs_conspiracy

The Voidwolf's Conspiracy (Smuggler)

Theron Shan: The Secret Son

Theron was born from the love affair between two Republic heroes: Jedi Knight Satele Shan and Republic Captain Jace Malcom. Their romance was short-lived, and Satele only discovered her pregnancy after the two parted ways. She kept the child a secret and gave birth in hiding. Though Satele wanted nothing more than to care for her newborn son, she had to uphold her duty to the Jedi Order. She surrendered Theron to the care of her Jedi Master--Ngani Zho--to continue serving the Republic.

Theron was briefly raised as a Jedi, but the older he grew, the more obvious it became that he was not Force-sensitive. He ultimately left the Jedi Order and joined the Republic Strategic Information Service. Theron excelled in his covert work as a spy, and finally met Jace Malcom and learned that he was his father. They worked together on Operation End Game and parted on good terms. In the following years, they shared the occasional father-son meeting, but struggled to grow close. Though the meetings were awkward, Theron always felt a fondness for his father--a feeling he never had for his mother, who he felt abandoned him for the good of the Republic.

Theron's relationship with Malcom reached a breaking point when he left the Republic to help found the Alliance. Malcom saw this as a betrayal, but Theron refused to bow to the Eternal Empire's oppressive army. Harsh words were exchanged during their last holocall several years ago. They haven't spoken since.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​theron_shan_the_secret_son

Theron Shan: The Secret Son

Treaty of Coruscant

The decades-long war between the Galactic Republic and the rejuvenated Sith Empire ended without a decisive battle. Instead, the conflict halted with a peace agreement neither side believed would last--the Treaty of Coruscant, a document forbidding Republic military activity within Imperial space and vice versa. Rules of engagement in neutral territory are far more vague, allowing for a range of border conflicts and attacks via third parties, but the treaty has prevented all-out warfare on more than one occasion.

Negotiations began when the Empire--whose early victories had led to dwindling resources and overexpansion--reached out to a battered Republic and called for a summit on Alderaan. As the summit began, Imperial forces launched a surprise attack on Coruscant, the Republic capital. Conquering the city-world was impossible, but the Empire wreaked enormous havoc in a short period, effectively holding Coruscant hostage and forcing the Republic to agree to less-than-favorable terms.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ita_rta.​treaty_of_coruscant

Treaty of Coruscant

Twi'lek Pilgrims on Ossus

Despite initial tensions around their settlement on Tython, many of the Twi'lek Pilgrims established long-lasting friendships with their Jedi neighbors over the subsequent years. In particular, Master Gnost-Dural's efforts to document the Pilgrims' struggles and the history of their settlement helped to create a stronger relationship between the two groups.

When he set out to create the Jedi colony on Ossus, Gnost-Dural was quick to reach out to the Pilgrims for their advice and aid, having come to admire their resilience and expertise. This led several of the Pilgrims to volunteer to join the project and share their years of colonizing experience, contributing much to the colony's success in the harsh conditions of Ossus.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ossus.​twilek_pilgrims

Twi'lek Pilgrims on Ossus

Vaylin's Conditioning

Even as a child, Vaylin showed signs of tremendous power. Fearing she would one day challenge him, Valkorion imprisoned his daughter while he sought limits and controls on her power.

Through brutal experiments and mental conditioning, Vaylin was subconsciously trained to respond to a specific phrase: kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul. When spoken by her father, these words prevent Vaylin from unleashing her power and temporarily trap her will in an unbreakable mental prison.

While effective, it is likely the conditioning aggravated Vaylin's violent tendencies and contributed to her mental instability. While trying to cage his daughter's anger, Valkorion transformed her into a monster.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​vaylins_conditioning

Vaylin's Conditioning

Vaylin: Empress of Zakuul

After Arcann's disappearance, his sister was quick to claim the Eternal Throne... and just as quick to prove herself a more brutal leader than her brother. At her coronation, a dozen Knights of Zakuul were publicly executed for failing to protect her predecessor. Vaylin carried out the sentences herself, personally congratulating each victim on the great honor of dying at her exalted hand.

The casual cruelty of their new ruler shocked Zakuul's citizens. More importantly, it drew focus away from the strange droid serving as Vaylin's top advisor, and distracted people from the sudden desertion of nearly a third of the Eternal Fleet.

It remains to be seen whether Vaylin's harsh tactics will cow her people into obedience, or ignite the flames of true rebellion.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​vaylin_empress_of_zakuul

Vaylin: Empress of Zakuul

World Thrasher

In an era of planetary shields, the easiest way to conquer a world is to put boots on the ground. But even the largest army of surface troops can be neutralized by hostile or impassable terrain, which is why the Eternal Empire developed the world thrasher.

A massive armored vehicle, world thrashers are sent to clear a path for incoming ground troops during the first wave of a planetary invasion. These automated machines of environmental destruction can uproot or incinerate trees, smash boulders, flatten hills, and even burrow through mountains, earning them the nickname "death tractors."

Attempts to utilize world thrashers as weapons have failed because their bulk makes them too ponderous and slow to effectively keep up with a military advance. However, any enemy soldiers careless enough to approach the death tractors will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​world_thrasher

World Thrasher

Zakuulan Allies

With the fall of the Eternal Empire, millions of Zakuulan armed forces were cast adrift, without a leader to command them or an empire to defend. Sana-Rae approached the Force-sensitive Knights of Zakuul and convinced many of them to join the newly forged Eternal Alliance. Meanwhile, Doctor Oggurobb tackled the Skytrooper problem. Under his supervision, Alliance engineers reprogrammed the Overwatch control center on Zakuul and converted the Skytrooper battle droids into loyal Alliance soldiers.

Tensions spiked as the Zakuulan forces flooded the Eternal Alliance ranks. Some feared being displaced by the new recruits, while others couldn't trust their former enemies. The xenophobic Alliance Captain Hym Jemuro even imprisoned the Skytroopers stationed aboard his capital ship in the cargo hold, claiming they were plotting a mutiny. Two days later, his ship suffered catastrophic damage while navigating the Kauron asteroid field. The Skytroopers escaped the cargo hold, repaired the ship's critical systems, and saved the crew. Since then, the Alliance has largely embraced their former enemies, much to the frustration of the disgraced Captain Jemuro.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​zakuulan_allies_2

Zakuulan Allies

Zakuulan Allies

With the fall of the Eternal Empire, millions of Zakuulan armed forces were cast adrift, without a leader to command them or an empire to defend. Senya Tirall approached her former comrades in the Knights of Zakuul and convinced a contingent of the Force-sensitive warriors to join the newly forged Eternal Alliance. Meanwhile, Doctor Oggurobb tackled the Skytrooper problem. Under his supervision, Alliance engineers reprogrammed the Overwatch control center on Zakuul and converted the Skytrooper battle droids into loyal Alliance soldiers.

Tensions spiked as the Zakuulan forces flooded the Eternal Alliance ranks. Some feared being displaced by the new recruits, while others couldn't trust their former enemies. The xenophobic Alliance Captain Hym Jemuro even imprisoned the Skytroopers stationed aboard his capital ship in the cargo hold, claiming they were plotting a mutiny. Two days later, his ship suffered catastrophic damage while navigating the Kauron asteroid field. The Skytroopers escaped the cargo hold, repaired the ship's critical systems, and saved the crew. Since then, the Alliance has largely embraced their former enemies, much to the frustration of the disgraced Captain Jemuro.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​zakuulan_allies_1

Zakuulan Allies


Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alliance.​conflicting_priorities_imp



Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alliance.​conflicting_priorities_rep



Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​force_machine


Balmorran Corporations

Prior to the Empire's invasion, Balmorra was one of the galaxy's leading independent industrial worlds. It maintained a close relationship with the Republic, but remained aloof of most galactic struggles due to the strength of its corporations--including Okara, Balmorran Arms and Traken Industries. As a leading weapons and droid manufacturer, Balmorra was a corporate-run oligarchic democracy, centered on the capital of Bin Prime.

The Empire took pains to leave the corporate hierarchies intact when the occupation began in an effort to smoothly transition back to full industrial production. Corporate executives who refused to cooperate were forcibly removed and replaced, and today's Balmorran corporations are puppets for the Empire--sometimes eager, often not.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​balmorra_corporations

Balmorran Corporations
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Balmorran Pollution

As a thriving center of industry, Balmorra has never been a pollution-free planet and has grappled with the problem of waste produced by its many factories for many years. Still, unlike many of the similarly industrial Hutt worlds, Balmorra and its corporations have continually sought ways to safely dispose of its waste and keep the planet habitable.

For these reasons, facilities such as the Traken Waste Processing plant and the hazard vaults--a system of underground sealed storage facilities for toxic materials--were created. During the Imperial bombardment, however, many of these facilities were destroyed, releasing the toxic byproducts of Balmorran industry into the environment and destroying huge swathes of land.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​balmorran_pollution

Balmorran Pollution
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Colicoid Queen (Bounty Hunter)

While Colicoid society is not as rigidly hive-oriented as that of some insectoid species, Colicoid physiology ensures that a fertile queen will always hold a privileged position in life. Despite the fact that most Colicoid queens spend their lives being served tirelessly by their drones, workers and warriors, queens are extremely dangerous and often more than twice the size of even the largest warrior breeds.

Queens are also the only Colicoids to sport a unique poison stinger that--combined with their size and strength--make them the most deadly defenders of a nest. Fortunately, a queen will usually only fight when her young are threatened.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​colicoid_queen

Colicoid Queen (Bounty Hunter)
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Imperial Military on Balmorra

The Imperial military presence on Balmorra is understaffed and undersupplied. After the incredible success of the initial bombardment, the Imperial military has been harassed at every turn by Balmorran resistance fighters while more pressing conflicts elsewhere in the galaxy draw the attention of Imperial High Command.

The military makes its headquarters in Sobrik, where it is commanded by the thirteenth Imperial governor of Balmorra since the bombardment--along with those officers unfortunate enough to have been assigned to the military quagmire.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​imperial_military_on_balmorra

Imperial Military on Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Imperial Subjugation

After the initial invasion of Balmorra, the Empire found itself facing immense opposition. Many former members of Balmorra's army remained on the planet in the form of a loosely organized resistance force, taking advantage of their superior numbers and knowledge of the terrain to wage an ongoing guerrilla war. Resistance soon came in other forms, as well: rebellious citizens, treacherous factory foremen, saboteurs posing as allies and terrorist cells all tried to thwart the Empire's attempts to fully control the industrial world.

In response, the Empire has placed the territories it controls under strict lockdown, using a combination of propaganda and military policing to subjugate the unruly Balmorran population. Curfews are enforced and all citizens must apply for official IDs--a process that tests their loyalty to the Empire--or else be marked as resistance sympathizers and arrested. Punishments for attacks on Imperial infrastructure are regularly meted out against perpetrators' families, or even against the entire population; the lesson must be taught.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​imperial_subjugation

Imperial Subjugation
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Operation: Blackout (Agent)

Category: Infiltration / Threat Elimination
Location: Balmorra
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: Station Chief Lekern Renald, Sanju Pyne

Operational Summary: Planet Balmorra hosted anti-Imperial terrorist cell--part of the Eagle's network. Cell specialized in recruitment and training of terrorist assets; assets would gain experience as part of Balmorra's resistance before being sent to support cells elsewhere in the galaxy.

By infiltrating the local cell, Cipher Nine successfully neutralized the terrorist leader Gray Star (see details for method and suggested follow-up). Cost of infiltration was within acceptable range.

Cross-reference: Gray Star, Zenith, Eagle, Dominator, Lachris

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_blackout

Operation: Blackout (Agent)
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

The Invasion of Balmorra

The Empire launched a two-pronged attack on Balmorra during the war, believing Balmorra's weapons production facilities and proximity to the Core Worlds to be of great strategic importance. The first prong of the attack involved slicing and reprogramming the networked security systems that guarded the planet's factories, lab facilities and weaponry--in effect, turning Balmorra's defenses against itself.

The second prong was direct bombardment, aided by Balmorra's compromised orbital defense towers and satellites. This attack devastated the planet's primary military forces and central government, leaving a unified response nearly impossible.

Eventually, the Empire landed a full invasion force. By this time, the Republic had come to Balmorra's aid but was forced to abandon the planet with the Treaty of Coruscant--after which, the Imperial military declared victory and established its headquarters in Sobrik. The Balmorran resistance proved more wily than the Empire anticipated, however, and Balmorra's factories proved difficult to control, leading to a years-long morass in which the Empire is still mired.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_imp.​invasion_of_balmorra

The Invasion of Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Imp)Imperial161.0.0

Evocii Totems

"When the Hutts came to Evocar, they were met with surprisingly strong resistance in the form of united Evocii tribes. While the Hutts claim that by the time they arrived, the Evocii were already a fractured and disparate people, local legends contend the opposite. The tribes were, in essence, a coordinated and unified front, with only a handful of outlying clans refusing to join the fight.

These accounts, however, lack proper evidential support, due in no small part to the fact that the earliest written records were lost when the Evocii communities were torn asunder by the Hutts' colonization. Many tactile accounts of ancient Evocii history were lost when tribes were forced off their land or destroyed by Hutt enforcers tasked with suppressing any uprisings.

But some aspects of Evocii culture have survived, thanks to the renegade tribes that have managed to escape the Hutt Cartel's grasp for millennia. Weather almanacs, depositions from judicial disputes, even epic poems detailing the exploits of their mythological heroes have all been fiercely protected in places the Hutts have heretofore not been able to reach.

As the Hutts continue their rapid expansion into Hutta, even into the murky and treacherous swamps that now blanket its surface, more and more of these records are becoming casualties of the endless occupation."

--From "The Esoteric Evocar: Forbidden Knowledge of Nal Hutta's Origins" by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​evocii_totems

Evocii Totems
LoreUnknown (16140919787362410946)Both17.5.0

Balmorran Corporations

Prior to the Empire's invasion, Balmorra was one of the galaxy's leading independent industrial worlds. It maintained a close relationship with the Republic, but remained aloof of most galactic struggles due to the strength of its corporations--including Okara, Balmorran Arms and Traken Industries. As a leading weapons and droid manufacturer, Balmorra was a corporate-run oligarchic democracy, centered on the capital of Bin Prime.

The Empire took pains to leave the corporate hierarchies intact when the occupation began in an effort to smoothly transition back to full industrial production. Corporate executives who refused to cooperate were forcibly removed and replaced, and today's Balmorran corporations are puppets for the Empire--sometimes eager, often not.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​balmorra_corporations

Balmorran Corporations
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Balmorran Pollution

As a thriving center of industry, Balmorra has never been a pollution-free planet and has grappled with the problem of waste produced by its many factories for many years. Still, unlike many of the similarly industrial Hutt worlds, Balmorra and its corporations have continually sought ways to safely dispose of its waste and keep the planet habitable.

For these reasons, facilities such as the Traken Waste Processing plant and the hazard vaults--a system of underground sealed storage facilities for toxic materials--were created. During the Imperial bombardment, however, many of these facilities were destroyed, releasing the toxic byproducts of Balmorran industry into the environment and destroying huge swathes of land.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​balmorran_pollution

Balmorran Pollution
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Imperial Subjugation

The Empire's long occupation of Balmorra has been marked by overt brutality against the citizenry and near-constant battles with resistance forces. Although the planet was conquered through ingenuity and highly original tactics, the subjugation of its people has followed standard Imperial doctrine: suspension of civil liberties, establishment of brutal prison camps and summary public executions of known rebels.

Where most worlds crumble into slave-like obedience after only a few months of such oppression, Balmorra's people refuse to surrender after years of suffering. The resistance has outlasted the predictions of both the Republic and Empire and survived multiple purges carried out by ambitious Moffs and sadistic Sith Lords. Indeed, the Empire's experience on Balmorra has forced it to re-evaluate its approach to conquest and dominance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​imperial_subjugation

Imperial Subjugation
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

Republic Relations with Balmorra

The Republic government's relationship with Balmorra's people has been a complex, turbulent affair. Before Balmorra's conquest, the planet was a proudly independent trading partner of the Republic; when the war came to Balmorra's doorstep, the Republic offered troops and ships to help protect its ally.

But Republic protection wasn't enough. Balmorra was conquered, and after the Treaty of Coruscant the Republic officially withdrew its forces. For years afterward, small contingents of Republic troops left behind on the planet continued supporting the resistance in secret, but the Balmorran citizenry, as a whole, felt misused and abandoned.

A recent covert operation involving small groups of SIS agents, Jedi and military advisors ended in disaster when the Empire hunted down these interlopers and forced the Republic to once again abandon the oppressed citizenry. Now that the Republic military has fully committed its forces to the planet, the resistance fighters and their government-in-exile are understandably wary of fully embracing the alliance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​republic_relations_with_balmorra

Republic Relations with Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

The Barrager

One of the great conundrums facing modern war strategists is how to defend a planet from orbital bombardment without encircling it in a costly permanent defense fleet. Most major governments employ planetary shields as a countermeasure, but these offer no protection against dropships bearing armies whose first objective is to destroy shield generators.

The war technologists of Balmorra spent decades researching an offensive method of protecting their planet. The result is the Barrager superweapon, a series of planetary scale turbolasers that can target and destroy whole enemy fleets in orbit, neutralizing both bombardment vessels and landing parties in one fell swoop.

For years, the primary obstacle preventing completion of the Barrager was the enormous power costs associated with such a weapon. How its engineers overcame this dilemma is unknown, but at last report the weapon was nearly ready to go online.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​the_barrager

The Barrager
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0

The Invasion of Balmorra

The Empire launched a two-pronged attack on Balmorra during the war, believing Balmorra's weapons production facilities and proximity to the Core Worlds to be of great strategic importance. The first prong of the attack involved slicing and reprogramming the networked security systems that guarded the planet's factories, lab facilities and weaponry--in effect, turning Balmorra's defenses against itself.

The second prong was direct bombardment, aided by Balmorra's compromised orbital defense towers and satellites. This attack devastated the planet's primary military forces and central government, leaving a unified response nearly impossible.

Eventually, the Empire landed a full invasion force. By this time, the Republic had come to Balmorra's aid but was forced to abandon the planet with the Treaty of Coruscant--after which, the Imperial military declared victory and established its headquarters in Sobrik. The Balmorran resistance proved more wily than the Empire anticipated, however, and Balmorra's factories proved difficult to control, leading to a years-long morass in which the Empire is still mired.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​balmorra_rep.​invasion_of_balmorra

The Invasion of Balmorra
LoreBalmorra (Rep)Republic321.0.0


Holographic chronicles--more commonly called "holocrons"--are sophisticated data storage devices capable of cataloging vast amounts of complex information within their crystal lattice structure. Frequently used by both the Jedi and the Sith to preserve the wisdom of ancient Masters and Sith Lords, holocrons can only be accessed by Force-sensitive individuals. Some are "merely" repositories of incredible lore, while others possess virtual personalities of their own, modeled after their creators.

Many believe it was actually the Sith who first developed holocron technology, as the oldest known examples are all relics of the dark side. Interestingly, Jedi holocrons take the form of a glowing cube, while Sith holocrons are usually pyramid-shaped. Some scholars claim the six-sided cube of the Jedi represents a more modern and advanced version of the original four- and five-sided pyramids favored by the Sith, though hard evidence for this idea is scarce.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​jedi_holocron


Jedi Weapons

The lightsaber is the iconic symbol of the Jedi. Through the Force, it becomes an extension of the wielder; serving as both a powerful tool for defense and a devastating weapon against the dark side. Padawans, however, typically use electroblade training swords until they have proven themselves worthy. Only then can a Padawan make a pilgrimage to the Forge on Tython to construct a lightsaber in accordance with ancient Jedi traditions.

Lightsabers come in both single- and double-bladed forms, and their blades can be a variety of colors. Blue, green and yellow are the most common among the Jedi, though there are examples of other hues such as magenta and cyan. The color of a given lightsaber's blade is largely determined by the crystals in the hilt that power the weapon. Different crystals confer varying properties on the weapon, allowing each lightsaber to be customized by its creator.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​jedi_weapons

Jedi Weapons

Rebuilding the Jedi Order

In the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant and the establishment of peace with the Empire, the fate of the Jedi Order was uncertain. With their temple looted and in ruins and relations with the Republic government at a new low, the Jedi left the Republic capital to establish a new temple on the rediscovered world of Tython--the homeworld of the first Jedi.

By returning to their ancestral home, the Jedi hoped to reconnect with the beliefs and ideals of those who founded the order twenty millennia ago. They sought to reclaim forgotten knowledge and wisdom left behind by ancient Masters, scouring the planet for holocrons and Jedi artifacts to replace those that had been lost during the destruction of the temple on Coruscant. They began training a new generation of students and began to mend relations with those who blamed the Jedi for the destruction of the war.

On Tython, many young Jedi believe they have rediscovered the original purpose of their order: to stand firm against the servants of the dark side. Removed from the machinations and concessions of politicians and bureaucrats, the Jedi have once again become beacons in the eternal struggle between light and dark.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​rebuilding_the_jedi_order

Rebuilding the Jedi Order

Rediscovering Tython

The birthplace of the Jedi Order was lost for many thousands of years when known hyperspace lanes leading to the region collapsed--a fate that has befallen many worlds in the unstable heart of the galaxy known as the Deep Core. After the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Satele Shan embarked on a search to rediscover the lost world. Guided by the Force, she ventured into the Deep Core and re-emerged with astrogation charts detailing a new series of stable hyperspace lanes. Tython was once again connected to the rest of the galaxy.

Initial exploration of the planet took months, as Jedi scouts combed the surface for clues to Tython's history. Lives were lost--to a troubled landscape, to the Flesh Raiders and to forces unknown--but soon, the Jedi Council established a new temple on the world, determined to rebuild Tython and return it to humble glory.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tython.​rediscovering_tython

Rediscovering Tython

The Principles of Rajivari (Consular)

Master Rajivari's surviving ideas have been the subject of much debate by Jedi scholars, and the records left by his apprentices give new insight into Rajivari's philosophy. His second principle, "all life is a battle, even to the last breath" appears to be an extreme interpretation of the natural survival instincts all beings share. The seventh principle, "to sacrifice strength is the act of a fool" is a clear attempt to break from Jedi teachings, which view self-sacrifice, especially in the service of others, as one of the noblest actions a Jedi can take.

Rajivari's fifth principle, "mercy creates a spiral of destruction," is the most controversial. Jedi are encouraged to take the merciful path wherever possible. However, it can be argued that if a Jedi shows mercy to those who don't comprehend it--such as violent predators--this may cause greater harm in the future.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​principles_of_rajivari

The Principles of Rajivari (Consular)

Mandalorian Death Ceremony

The Mandalorian death ceremony--kote kyr'am or "glory death"--is reserved for those who die with the highest honor. Traditionally, only warriors who have fallen to Jedi or faced impossible odds are awarded the kote kyr'am.

To ensure the warrior's spirit can join those of other Mandalorian paragons, the body is burned on an elevated pyre. Clan members send shouts into the sky, bellowing war cries and retelling feats. The night becomes a celebration of drunken feasting and brawling in honor of the dead.

The only non-Mandalorian to receive the kote kyr'am was Lord Raze, a Sith warrior who fell while singlehandedly rescuing a Mandalorian clan from a battalion of twenty Jedi on Dantooine. The clan was so moved by her skill and fearlessness, they broke tradition and honored her as a fallen sister. No outsider has received such a distinction since.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​mandalorian_death_ceremony

Mandalorian Death Ceremony

Shae Vizla: Bounty Hunter

Even among Mandalorians, Shae Vizla is legendary. In her younger years, she was a ruthless bounty hunter, racking up high-profile kills, from crime lords to politicians.

Her brutal assassination of Senator Keenig caught the attention of Darth Malgus himself, earning her a partnership with the Sith Empire. Shae's skill and efficiency led her to join the Empire's biggest campaigns against the Republic. She was present for the assault on Alderaan--according to rumors, she saved Malgus from certain death. Regardless, she earned Malgus's trust enough to play a vital role in the sacking of Coruscant.

After over a decade working for the Empire, Shae retired to Rishi, where she earned the local nickname "Torch." She carefully avoided the war and distanced herself from the Mandalorians until the Eternal Empire's invasion thrust her back into the fray once again.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​shae_vizla_bounty_hunter

Shae Vizla: Bounty Hunter

Shae Vizla: Mandalore the Avenger

When Mandalore the Vindicated fell in battle against the Eternal Empire, Shae Vizla reluctantly assumed leadership over the clans. She had sizable shoes to fill: the fallen Mandalore was popular, respected, even revered. As a lone hunter, Shae had very little experience leading people, much less an entire culture.

With the clans fractured and beaten down after years of war with Zakuul, Shae had to adapt quickly to bring her people together. She proved to be just the leader the Mandalorians needed. Her introductory battle as Mandalore the Avenger was the clans' first victory in six months.

With her impressive track record and ruthless combat tactics, Shae is perfectly suited for wartime leadership. Yet some believe the battle-hardened Mand'alor isn't fit to lead long-term, and the end of the war may see more than one challenge for her title.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​shae_vizla_mandalore

Shae Vizla: Mandalore the Avenger

The Fall of Mandalore the Vindicated

Firsthand account from Ralia of Clan Lok:

The Skytroopers surrounded us. Two dozen, blasters aimed at our heads. We had already begun our death roar.

And then Mandalore the Vindicated cut through them, scattering their metal parts. He ordered us to rejoin the clan and leave the Skytroopers to him. But the droids had called for backup; suddenly, dozens were swarming him.

Mandalore dismantled them two at a time with a war cry like thunder. They kept coming, waves and waves, till we could no longer see him. I started to charge forward, but Droga stopped me. "He's already gone."

He was Ardus Lok. My brother, our Mand'alor. And he fell to machines. He will not be honored.

I pray to Kad Ha'rangir this pointless war will end soon.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140945599292361085

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​fall_of_mandalore

The Fall of Mandalore the Vindicated

Data Slicing

Data slicing is one of the less advertised, though very profitable, industries thriving on Nar Shaddaa. For the right price, computer and electronics experts can be hired for a variety of services. Traditionally, these include corporate espionage, personal information-gathering (whether as part of an investigation or for use in blackmail) and security enhancements. However, with the escalating tension between Republic and Imperial forces, skilled slicers are now often employed as code breakers and saboteurs.

Some of the best slicers in the galaxy are self-taught independent operators. Advantages of employing outside experts in covert military operations include plausible deniability and the option to forego rescue operations when a mission asset is compromised or captured. Whether this offsets the risk of a slicer switching sides for a better offer is a matter of debate.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​data_slicing

Data Slicing
LoreNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

Exo-technology (Consular)

A very rare and highly specialized field, the study of exo-technology focuses on items or devices believed to originate somewhere beyond the borders of the galaxy. Understandably rare, these advanced and complex items are constructed using unique materials and radical engineering otherwise unknown to Republic and Imperial scientists.

Whether these items are relics of ancient civilizations that disappeared long ago or artifacts from thriving cultures waiting to be discovered is almost always unclear, as are the explanations for how the technology found its way to known space.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​exo_technology

Exo-technology (Consular)
LoreNar ShaddaaRepublic201.0.0

Operation: Glass Echo (Agent)

Category: Information Gathering / Threat Elimination
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: Watcher X

Operational Summary: Chatter indicated that Nar Shaddaa was the source of weapons, supplies, stimulants used by the Eagle's terrorist network. Retired asset Watcher X was chosen to assist primary (Cipher Nine) due to extensive local knowledge.

The terror cell was identified as operating out of VerveGen, a local medical corporation. Leadership was eliminated and data retrieved.

Notes: Watcher X's part in this operation is covered in [redacted].

Cross-reference: Watcher X, VerveGen, Eagle, Dominator, Shadow Town, Cyclone, Protean

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_glass_echo

Operation: Glass Echo (Agent)
LoreNar ShaddaaImperial201.0.0

Power Guards (Knight)

Power Guards are synthetically augmented supersoldiers created by a secret Republic research project. Ethical and legal restrictions against experimenting on living soldiers required the Republic military to conduct the research as a black ops project on Nar Shaddaa; on the virtually lawless Hutt moon, those in charge could easily acquire technology and resources that were banned in the Republic without raising suspicion in the Senate. However, being located on a non-Republic-controlled world left the project vulnerable to enemy attack or infiltration in the event of discovery.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​the_power_guards

Power Guards (Knight)
LoreNar ShaddaaRepublic201.0.0

Slave Trading on Nar Shaddaa

The slave trade is one of the most profitable and pervasive industries on Nar Shaddaa. Although slavery is officially condemned by the Republic, rapid Imperial expansion has caused a boom in the number of potential buyers. Recognizing the demand, the Hutt Cartel, the Nar Shaddaa Labor Alliance and others established Nar Shaddaa as the galaxy's premier location for slavers to display and sell product.

In addition to the expected slave markets and auction houses, entrepreneurs have built up an entire business infrastructure to facilitate the practice of buying and selling living beings as property. Intrepid businessmen offer inspection and appraisal of goods, security and transport services, and even long-term carbonite storage facilities.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​slave_trading_on_nar_shaddaa

Slave Trading on Nar Shaddaa
LoreNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

The Ark

Hidden within the Giant's Spear mesa is the answer to surviving the devastation of Makeb: a gigantic starship with vast holds that could contain millions of people, known as the Ark. The Ark project has suffered from delays and mismanagement thanks to its corrupt foreman, Veedrig, and is still not quite spaceworthy.

Although the Ark seems enormous while it is empty, transporting millions of frightened refugees to safety will be a logistical nightmare. Bringing basic food, water and medical supplies will necessitate packing people like cargo. Nevertheless, with no options left, transports and caravans are already being sent to evacuate Makeb's residential districts and bring people to the Ark.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​the_ark

The Ark
LoreNar ShaddaaRepublic12.0.0

The Spice Business

The term "spice" refers to a wide variety of substances trafficked throughout the galaxy. Some types of spice are primarily medicinal, refined into lifesaving painkillers or used to treat mental illness; more often than not, however, spice traders deal in addictive, recreational chemical compounds with unpredictable and dangerous physical and psychological effects.

Spice is tightly regulated--or completely banned--on most Republic and Imperial worlds. On the Hutt-controlled moon of Nar Shaddaa, however, spice is openly imported, processed, refined and packaged for both local and offworld distribution. Nar Shaddaa's spice trade is split among numerous gangs and petty crime lords who use the profits to fund other, often violent, activities.

In recent years, the Exchange crime syndicate has offered several key players cut-rate distribution of product on Republic worlds through their existing criminal networks. The newly forged alliances have finally given the Exchange a foothold in the spice trade, much to the chagrin of the Hutts.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​lore.​nar_shaddaa.​the_spice_business

The Spice Business
LoreNar ShaddaaBoth201.0.0

Admission to the Sith Academy

It has always been a privilege to face the trials at the Sith Academy. Even though most acolytes fail--and the cost of failure is typically death--the chance to train in the dark arts and become one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy is incentive enough for most. Others, attuned to the Force but reluctant to participate, are dragged and forced to face the trials.

Until recently, only purebloods and humans from the Empire were allowed entrance. To produce a Sith child is one of the Empire's highest honors, and families identify and groom potential candidates from an early age. Since the loss of so many Sith in the war, however, a swell of less traditional thinking has opened the Academy to anyone displaying Force sensitivity.

Some conservative Sith call this a foolish and desperate move that will dilute the order instead of returning it to strength; others accept it as a temporary measure. At first, the conflict was merely intellectual as the first waves of new recruits into the Academy died ingloriously--but things are changing, and the new breed of Sith may yet prove itself worthy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​admission_to_the_sith_academy

Admission to the Sith Academy

Legacy of Tulak Hord

The secrets behind Tulak Hord's great power were many, and they all but vanished from the galaxy with the Dark Lord's death. Generations of Sith have obsessed over unearthing his ancient teachings and artifacts, but Tulak Hord hid them well.

Of the relics recovered successfully, the mask of Tulak Hord is most recognizable. Darth Revan discovered this relic in Tulak Hord's tomb while searching for the Star Forge space station, though both the mask of Tulak Hord and the mask of Darth Revan have disappeared since. In recent years, Tulak Hord's lightsaber was unearthed on Dromund Fels by Darth Marr before his ascension to the Dark Council.

Despite these discoveries, Tulak Hord's greatest treasures still lie locked away in the far corners of the galaxy, waiting for a new master to claim their power.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​legacy_of_tulak_hord

Legacy of Tulak Hord

Sith Titles

The Sith Order bestows a number of titles upon its followers, as befits their rank and power. These are the most common:

Acolyte: A Sith acolyte has not yet completed his or her trials in the Sith Academy, and may well die before becoming truly "Sith."

Sith: An acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith--no more, no less. Any non-Sith, however, is expected to refer to a Sith as "my lord" out of respect.

Overseer: An instructor at the Sith Academy is called an overseer. Overseers are often Sith Lords, but that rank is not a requirement; they may simply be Sith with a talent for instruction.

Sith Lord: A Sith who advances in the order's hierarchy will eventually be elevated to Sith Lord. His or her name is preceded by "Lord" in formal address. In the modern Empire, "Dark Lord" is synonymous with this term.

Darth: The strongest Sith Lords ascend to the position of Darth. Many take a new name at this point, symbolically embracing their transformation into something greater.

Emperor: There has been only one Sith Emperor since the Great Hyperspace War over 1,300 years ago. He is supreme.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​sith_titles

Sith Titles

Sith Weapons

The most visible symbol of the Sith is their iconic weapon: the lightsaber. Lightsabers are powered through a combination of rare crystals, precise engineering and the Force itself. They come in both single- and double-bladed forms, and the Sith are believed to be the first to wield the double-blade. While a lightsaber hilt is often customized by its owner, the blade's color is determined by its crystal; red, purple and orange are the most common colors among the Sith, though other colors, such as magenta and cyan, are known to exist.

Acolytes seeking to wield these weapons are required to begin their trials using an electroblade training sword, an unwieldy device designed to cause painful shocks to the target. If an acolyte is found worthy, he may hone his abilities with an ancient Sith warblade--a weapon used in an era before lightsabers, crafted by pureblooded artisans. In the end, only the strongest and deadliest acolytes may earn a lightsaber for themselves, seizing one from a failed Sith or Jedi or uncovering it in the depths of a tomb.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​sith_weapons

Sith Weapons

Slavery in the Empire

In contrast with the Republic, which officially condemns the practice, slavery is widely accepted across the Empire. However, instead of slaves being bought and sold merely on an individual basis, the custom has been fully incorporated into the hierarchy of Imperial society. As the lowest caste, slaves perform menial duties and backbreaking labor, and they possess virtually no rights or recourse under the law.

The ranks of slaves are typically made up of those who fall outside the traditional Imperial power structure: prisoners of war, criminals and aliens from conquered worlds. Children of slaves are born into the same caste as their parents, though it is possible for individuals to be elevated should they show strength and ability that would better serve the Empire in a more distinguished role.

Recently--seeking to replenish the ranks of the Sith Order after the war--even the Sith Academy has started accepting slaves who show a strong affinity for the Force... though many still look on these former slaves with disdain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​slavery_in_the_empire

Slavery in the Empire

The Red Engine

Created by the ancient Sith Lord Tulak Hord, the Red Engine was an infernal machine powered by hate and blood. Located deep in its creator's tomb, legend holds that those who unlock the secrets of the terrible device will gain access to the hidden teachings of Tulak Hord himself. Despite this potential prize, most scholars who have studied the Red Machine Engine have eventually given up in frustration, thwarted by the complexities of the sinister invention.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 6

FQN: cdx.​lore.​korriban.​hate_machine

The Red Engine

Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings

The Sith Lord Parnax vanished forty years ago, leaving no one to mourn his passing. Deeply unpopular even among his own family, Parnax spent his brief career betraying every ally while acquiring an impressive list of highly placed enemies. Whether consumed by arrogance or simply too stupid to predict his eventual fate, he appears to have deliberately invaded the Dark Temple long before the most recent incursion, seeking the key to the Emperor's power.

According to the last few entries of his journals, Parnax found himself unable to leave the Dark Temple after entering it, becoming lost and disoriented. His recordings descend into mad, incoherent ramblings about an all-consuming darkness extinguishing all life in the galaxy. Convinced he could survive this coming doom by merging with the Force, Parnax illogically schemed to end his own life.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_2

Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

Monument to Lord Ergast

The early Sith Lord Ergast is more myth than historical fact, and the statue named for him in Kaas City does little to clear up any misconceptions. Commissioned by a follower of Ergast's teachings two centuries after the Sith Lord supposedly lived and using that follower as its model, a small inscription near its base claims that Ergast "invented the methods used by all inquisitors to wring life from the living and the dead." Computer records contain little information on Ergast, suggesting only that he was among the first Sith to permanently settle on Dromund Kaas, and that he was probably buried there.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​statue_west

Monument to Lord Ergast
LoreDromund KaasBoth101.0.0


In the ancient past, the Sith Lords of Korriban perfected an art they called alchemy--a synthesis of scientific lore and dark side philosophy. Sith alchemy was a tool to transform life itself, to reshape flesh and bone and create terrifying servants out of mere animals.

Creations of Sith alchemy are called Sithspawn. Each is unique, crafted by the hand of a Dark Lord with monstrous intent. Most are ancient, as few Sith continue to practice alchemy; although the art is not lost, it has fallen out of favor. A Sithspawn is unnatural by definition, built for near-immortality and typically violent beyond measure; a perfect weapon, and if bound, a perfect guardian.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​sith_spawn

LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

The Blade of the Sith Executioner

Forged in a time before Sith wielded lightsabers, the ceremonial executioner's blade was later used by Sith Lord Koval Renge who preferred the tactile weapon over his traditional lightsaber. Lord Renge used the blade to dispatch hundreds of the Emperor's enemies and earned the title of Sith Executioner.

As the Emperor's power grew, so did Renge's fear of his master. Fear turned to betrayal, but Renge's plot did not escape the Emperor's notice. As punishment, the executioner's blade was turned on its owner. Renge resisted, but the blade struck true and broke off in his chest.

Renge was not permitted the escape of death. His wounds were healed, and the tainted splinter of his blade remained buried inside him. He was then cast into the Dark Temple, the agonizing splinter a constant reminder of the Emperor's cruel benevolence.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_1

The Blade of the Sith Executioner
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

The Obliteration of Kressh

Since before the Great Hyperspace War, the Kressh bloodline was a proud and noble one in the Empire. Pureblooded Sith Lords, strong in the Force, were born to the Kressh line generation after generation. Statues and monuments to Kressh champions could be found across Dromund Kaas--until the Emperor declared the Kressh name an abomination and ordered all evidence of the family obliterated.

The reasons why are no longer clear, if they ever were. Once the task is complete, the order itself will be wiped from history. Some believe that the last scion of the Kressh bloodline somehow betrayed the Emperor--but anyone who knows the full truth keeps it to himself.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 14

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​obliteration_of_kressh

The Obliteration of Kressh
LoreDromund KaasBoth141.0.0

The Phobis Devices

Fear is a powerful weapon, and those who wield it can rule the galaxy. The Phobis devices were constructed for just that purpose. Brimming with dark energy, their mere presence was enough to spark crippling horror in the bravest of minds. Many Sith who meditated on the devices were driven mad by their attempt. Only the lost Sith Dread Masters successfully harnessed and perfected the Phobis devices' frightening power.

Three known Phobis devices exist, and the Emperor sealed one of them--the Core--within his Dark Temple. Although its dormant components have been scavenged, the Phobis Core remains active and will likely spread fear and hysteria for generations to come.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​dark_temple_lore_3

The Phobis Devices
LoreDromund KaasBoth151.0.0

The Spires of Victory

This strange, suspended monument was commissioned by the late Dark Council member Darth Gorgos in celebration of the Empire's victorious return to the galaxy and the Sacking of Coruscant. It is the work of the Empire's finest engineers and took three hundred slaves to build. The cascading prisms symbolize both the ascendancy of the Sith and the downfall of their enemies. The split centerpiece that supports the edifice represents the Emperor. Darth Gorgos was murdered by her apprentice before the statue was finished, but her successor oversaw its completion.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dromund_kaas.​statue_center

The Spires of Victory
LoreDromund KaasBoth101.0.0

Death of a World

Global cataclysms are not unheard of. Whole worlds teeming with life have been rendered lifeless by meteorites, broken apart by instability in the planet's own core--even atomized by the destructive force of a supernova. But the eerie calm of a world stripped of life yet left otherwise intact is another matter altogether. Whispered rumors have persisted of planets snuffed out through intricate Sith rituals or by way of deadly, arcane machines--such as the device Revan sought to employ on Yavin 4--but Ziost represents a clear display of the corrosive power of the dark side of the Force taken to its extreme.

In her address to the Galactic Republic, Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh mourned the loss of life, vowing to "stop the mad Sith Emperor at any cost." Similarly, word has filtered through the Sith Empire that the Dark Council is actively hunting their former Emperor while also working with renowned Sith alchemists on a plan to destroy the one they call Vitiate for good.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​death_of_a_world

Death of a World

Revolt on Ziost

No society is devoid of the potential for raucous dissent from its people, and tightly controlled populations are the most prone to opposition being expressed through horrific acts of violence. Through the centuries, Ziost has been the focus of many attempts at bloody revolution. Though no uprising has been successful to date, their cost in lives, property and stability have taken a toll on the one-time Sith capital.

The most recent revolt came in the form of vicious attacks from the Ziost Liberation Front, a group of guerrilla fighters officially recognized by the Sith Empire as a terrorist organization. The ZLF did not discern between military and civilian targets in their desperate campaign to overthrow the Empire, making the group feared even by those they claimed to be fighting for. They were eventually snuffed out, but not before causing severe damage to New Adasta's infrastructure. As a result of the ZLF's actions, the Empire has taken considerable steps to ensure they can obstruct the acts of a hostile populace in New Adasta with ease and haste, should the need arise.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​revolt_on_ziost

Revolt on Ziost

The Emperor's Eye

The following inscription can be found on the face of a simple yet elegant memorial on Ziost. It appears to have existed for quite some time.

Though you leave us
Your humble subjects on Ziost
We know it is not forever

Though you are away
Your eye gazes upon us
We know you see our doings

Though we are alone
Your lessons remain
We know our considerable duty

Though the distance must be great
Your return is a certainty
We know we will be united once more

As if you were never gone

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​the_emperors_eye

The Emperor's Eye

The Invasion of Ziost

"It is a decision I do not take lightly. Any incursion into Imperial space is fraught with the gravest of danger for every brave soldier who fights in our name. But there is a humanitarian crisis of the highest order on Ziost that demands our attention. When Imperial troops indiscriminately fire upon indentured slaves and helpless civilians, we cannot stand idly by. Those who cannot defend themselves--who have done no wrong yet find themselves under the thumb of the oppressive Sith Empire--must not be left to suffer.

"Someone must fight for them."

--Excerpted from the HoloNet address of the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140988326615547422

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ziost.​the_invasion_of_ziost

The Invasion of Ziost

An Omen Most Dire

The Sith Emperor stalks the galaxy once more. Whether his return from the brink of oblivion is the result of the Emperor's own dark manipulations or merely the result of a terrible convergence of events, his ultimate goal remains the same--to consume all life in the galaxy as fuel for his own immortality.

Despite this chilling turn of events, hope remains. The Emperor's plans have been stopped before, and the Republic is in a stronger position than ever. But the future is always in motion, and the manipulations of the Sith are never predictable....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​omen_most_dire

An Omen Most Dire
LoreYavin 4Republic583.0.0

The Coalition

One of the most profound developments of recent times will not be shared. It will not be celebrated, and only in the softest of voices in the most secure locations will it be discussed. Acting largely on their own, the Dark Council's Darth Marr and Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan have agreed to a temporary truce amongst their forces, going so far as to plan and act in concert against their common foe, the Revanites.

If these coalition forces are successful--if they can put aside their differences long and well enough to stop Revan's mad scheme--it could be seen as a bridge to a more permanent agreement. While some might welcome such a scenario, others are all too content to see their differences worked through on the battlefield. They would never compromise their ideologies, even if doing so could spare the lives of millions.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​the_coalition

The Coalition
LoreYavin 4Both583.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part I

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"Information on Yavin 4 has not been easy to come by, but I have scoured the libraries of Tython and what I have discovered is fascinating.

"The first corruption of Yavin's fourth moon by the dark side that we know of corresponds with the arrival of Dark Lord Naga Sadow some fourteen hundred years ago. I'm not entirely sure whether Sadow was drawn here by the dark side or if he himself planted the first seed of its presence. That's one of the many things I hope to learn while I'm here.

"Sadow was a gifted alchemist who turned his Massassi followers into powerful, violent animals who worshipped and served Sadow. The Massassi built massive temples for Sadow where they sacrificed their own in his honor. Sadow was even powerful enough to stave off the inevitable. He placed himself in a near-death slumber, which he remained in for hundreds of years, waiting until someone would come to take his place...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_1

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part I
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part II

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"There was a time when Freedon Nadd was only known as an impetuous Padawan who murdered his well-regarded master and then fled to parts unknown. But we now know that Nadd fled here, to Yavin 4, thirsty for insight into the dark side. Even now I can feel the corrupting power he must have felt in the halls of these temples. Nadd's arrival reawakened Naga Sadow, who took Nadd as his apprentice. When Nadd emerged from his training, he destroyed Sadow and took his place as Dark Lord of the Sith.

"As far as we're aware, Freedon Nadd never physically returned to the halls of Naga Sadow's temples, but he wasn't entirely finished with the place either. Centuries after his own demise, he would influence another Jedi in training to repeat Yavin 4's dark cycle...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_2

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part II
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part III

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"Just as Naga Sadow trained his eventual replacement, so did Freedon Nadd's spirit find a powerful apprentice in Exar Kun. And just as Nadd killed his lord Sadow, Kun destroyed Nadd's spirit here on Yavin 4. These notable deaths likely served to further imbue the moon's temples with dark power, further fueling the barbaric Massassi--as well as the succession of Dark Lords who would later reside here.

"I think Kun saw what Naga Sadow had accomplished here with Sith alchemy and architecture and decided he could do better. He forced the Massassi to build new temples, but this time with a focus on complementing and augmenting the dark side. Kun even went so far as to use various technologies to manipulate the Force in ways that I can't say I understand. I can't, but I would like to...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_3

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part III
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part IV

From the journal of Jedi Master Arlo Grennen during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"A few hundred years ago, the Jedi Order thought they could cleanse Yavin 4 of its dark influence. They were more aggressive then. I'm actually impressed. The Jedi bombarded the world from orbit with a destructive manifestation of light side power in the hopes it would free the moon from its dark embrace.

"The attacking Jedi destroyed much of the life on Yavin 4, which they later worked to restore to its previous state. They thought they'd won, that they'd removed the influence of the dark side. How wrong they were. The Massassi are still here. The dark side is still present. I would not be surprised if Exar Kun's spirit remains, waiting for someone--a Jedi like myself, perhaps--to find him...."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_4

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part IV
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part V

Jedi Master Arlo Grennen's final journal entry during his investigation into the dark side's influence on Yavin 4:

"I thought I would find Exar Kun. I believed like a fool that I might be next in line. I felt its pull, the dark side. I yearned for it. Yearned to be taught everything, to become more than what I am.

"What I found instead, what found me, is exquisite. Terrifying. Perfect. Perfect.

"Revan is coming. I vowed to do everything in my power to stop Revan, but he does not want me to. He chose this place, he knew this day would come, knew the very core of me, everything.

"Vitiate, I will make you stronger, I will grant you the only sustenance I know to give, I will become a part of your glory. It's going to be so beautiful I only wish I could live to see"

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 60

FQN: cdx.​lore.​operation.​yavin_4.​dark_legacy_5

The Dark Legacy of Yavin 4: Part V
LoreYavin 4Both603.0.0

The Emperor's Return?

In another time, it might have been cause for celebration. It might have emboldened the Empire, breathing new life into their efforts to crush the Republic. But with the Sith Emperor's apparent reawakening comes the common knowledge that he is no longer interested in ruling over the galaxy. Instead, he seeks to consume it.

The Empire's highest ranking officers and dignitaries are now in a state of heightened alert, and the Dark Council has assembled a contingent of powerful Sith seers to get a fix on the Emperor's presence. When he makes his move, it is believed he will not distinguish between former friend or foe, as they will all eventually become his food and none will remain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​the_emperors_return

The Emperor's Return?
LoreYavin 4Imperial583.0.0

The Joint Task Force

In response to the Emperor's return, the Republic Strategic Information Service has begun to assemble a joint task force with the sole purpose of finding the ancient Sith ruler and destroying him at last. Initially proposed by SIS agent Theron Shan, the organization will eventually include representatives from the Jedi Order, Republic Special Forces, "paid consultants" from the underworld--anyone who can contribute to the Emperor's downfall.

As with anything in the Republic, it's possible that politics may play a part in the group's final assembly and resources. But given that its founding members witnessed the return of the Emperor firsthand, it's unlikely that anything will be allowed to impede the task force's progress for long.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​joint_task_force

The Joint Task Force
LoreYavin 4Republic583.0.0

The Massassi War: Part I

The first Massassi warriors to arrive on the fourth moon of Yavin were intelligent beings. However, their utter devotion to Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow rendered moot their capacity for independent thought. To Sadow, the Massassi were born and bred to build temples in his honor and to defend him until death; nothing more. Perhaps it was for this reason that Sadow's experiments in Sith alchemy mutated his followers into rudimentary brutes.

Not all Massassi on Yavin 4 were subjected to Sadow's alchemical manipulations, however. A tribe of clerics who preferred independence over mindless labor turned their backs on their master, quietly venturing out to make a home of their own. These Massassi were pioneers, masters of their own destinies. But if Sadow were to discover their betrayal, there would come a reckoning....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​stronghold.​yavin.​temple1

The Massassi War: Part I
LoreYavin 4Both13.3.0

The Massassi War: Part II

As a small tribe of cultured warriors, the intelligent Massassi thrived in the harsh jungles of Yavin 4. For a time they were content with their lives, but contentment led to restlessness. They longed for more. The uncontested rule and grand temples of Naga Sadow called to their warrior's vanity. A plan emerged and the tribe marched on Sadow's territory.

But Sadow, having learned of their independent existence, had anticipated their aggression. His mutated brutes ambushed the would-be usurpers. The sheer magnitude of their blunt-force attack was enough to take down an army. Relying on their wit to improvise and strategize, the smarter Massassi not only protected themselves from the onslaught, but advanced on their goal.

For days, the tribe stormed the temples their devolved cousins built. But where was the Dark Lord they had built them for? They had expected Naga Sadow would face them; they'd even accepted the likelihood most or all would fall to their former master. Instead, wave after wave of mutated brutes attacked and succumbed until there were none left to fight and the tribe stood triumphant inside the greatest of Sadow's temples. It was then, at long last, that Naga Sadow appeared....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​stronghold.​yavin.​temple2

The Massassi War: Part II
LoreYavin 4Both13.3.0

The Massassi War: Part III

"You have succeeded," Sadow declared. "You have defied the odds, killed many times more your own, taken all you so desperately coveted. You have fought and bled and sacrificed to arrive at this moment. All that remains is for you to strike me down. But once you have, what would you do then, without your brothers to murder? With nothing left to conquer on this orb?"

The Massassi slackened, unable to offer a response. There was none to give. "I commend you on the mass slaughter of your own kind," Sadow intoned as hundreds of Massassi brutes flooded into the temple chamber. "You have seen the pinnacle of your days, the extent of your unchecked avarice. Think of it as the first of two gifts. The other I bestow on you now, though you were meant to have received it along with your fellow Massassi."

Over time, the Massassi on Yavin 4 grew in number as they rebuilt that which they destroyed. They would never war amongst themselves again.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​stronghold.​yavin.​temple3

The Massassi War: Part III
LoreYavin 4Both13.3.0

Two Revans

There has always been a dual nature to the legend of Revan. At his core, is he truly a Jedi or is he Sith? It has been a hotly debated subject among scholars and politicians for centuries. As one might expect, the conclusions reached by those from Republic-aligned worlds often differ from those of an Imperial bent--but not always.

Some of the most knowledgeable authorities in the ways of the Force believe that it is right to call Revan a Jedi Knight and it is also right to refer to him as Dark Lord of the Sith. They contend that simultaneously knowing and embracing both the light and dark sides of the Force is possible, and point to Revan as potential proof. However, many of these same authorities also believe that such divided adherence would lead unquestionably to madness.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141006993103609455

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​yavin_4.​two_revans

Two Revans
LoreYavin 4Both583.0.0

Environment of Taris

Before Darth Malak's orbital bombardment, Taris was a dying world. Industrial pollution had irreparably damaged the oceans, and chemicals and toxins poisoned the undercity's foundation. When the sprawling metropolis was reduced to rubble, countless pollutants were released into an already tainted ecosystem.

But this was not the end for Taris. For hundreds of years, the planet went without sentient interference, and the ecosystem began to adapt and thrive. Rich vegetation grew within the ruins, scaling steel towers and thrusting aside fallen skyscrapers. Animals--some native to the planet, some pets and lab specimens that had survived the bombardment--bred and repopulated the developing jungles.

Of course, some areas remain too polluted to inhabit--acidic lakes and radioactive sinkholes--but for the most part, Taris is an environmental success story and an object of fascination for scientists. The largest black mark remains the rakghoul plague, and the fear that it may one day spread to Taris's animal population.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​environment_of_taris

Environment of Taris
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Jedi Civil War

Also known as the Second Sith War and the War of the Star Forge, the Jedi Civil War is one of the darkest eras in galactic history. Three centuries ago, a pair of idealistic young Jedi named Revan and Malak led thousands of followers into the Outer Rim to do battle with an invading Mandalorian army. The Mandalorians were defeated--and Revan and Malak returned to the Republic not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Declaring themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Revan and Darth Malak began the ruthless subjugation of Republic worlds in the Outer Rim. The Jedi Council, which had been loath to take action against the Mandalorians, assembled an army to bring the traitors to justice. Darth Revan was captured during an attack by the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and eventually turned back to the light side. Together Revan and Bastila defeated Malak, ending the threat.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​jedi_civil_war

Jedi Civil War
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Malak's Attack

During the Jedi Civil War, a ship carrying Bastila Shan--a Jedi with the rare and powerful battle meditation ability--was shot down by Darth Malak's fleet over the world of Taris. Malak's troops descended on the world in search of Bastila, but she avoided capture with the help of Revan, Malak's redeemed former master.

Rather than permit Bastila to escape, Malak ordered his fleet to bomb Taris from orbit, devastating the entire world. The planet-wide capital city was razed and civilian casualties measured in the billions. Despite Malak's extreme efforts, Bastila and Revan were able to safely flee the world. Taris itself, however, never recovered. Three centuries have passed, and a handful of swamp-sunken ruins are all that remains of this once great civilization.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​malaks_attack

Malak's Attack
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Rakghoul Disease

Theories abound on the origins of this highly contagious and adaptable virus: it may be the creation of an ancient Sith Lord; a naturally occurring result of the industrial toxins released into Taris's oceans; or the spectacularly failed efforts of medical researchers to artificially engineer a broad-spectrum vaccine.

Whatever the origins, the effects are undeniably terrifying. Typically spread through direct contact with rakghouls, fortunate victims suffer acute onset of flu-like symptoms that can prove fatal if not properly treated. However, in roughly half the cases the disease causes the host to undergo a horrific mutation, actually transforming them into a rakghoul.

Virtually all humanoid species in the galaxy are susceptible to infection, and there are rumors that the Empire has undertaken efforts to weaponize the disease. Unsubstantiated reports of rakghouls on worlds other than Taris lend credence to this rumor... or indicate the disease is slowly spreading across the galaxy of its own accord.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​rakghoul_disease

Rakghoul Disease
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Republic Reconstruction

Although located on the Outer Rim, Taris was once a cosmopolitan cityscape said to rival Coruscant. But this shining light was snuffed out three hundred years ago by Darth Malak, who ordered his Sith fleet to bomb the planet into oblivion. In the aftermath of the attack, little remained but ruins and putrid swamps overrun by rakghouls.

Recently, the Republic has begun efforts to recolonize and restore Taris in the belief it will demonstrate a resolve and ability to overcome the destruction wrought by the Sith. Should this lost world be salvaged, it would become a symbol of hope for all those who stand against the oppression of the Empire.

The focus to date has been on cleanup, salvage and clearing sites for new colonies. Progress has been slow, and the morale of those stationed on the world is rumored to be dangerously low. But the Galactic Senate refuses to admit defeat, truly exemplifying the politicians' can-do spirit.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​republic_reconstruction

Republic Reconstruction
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Taris (Pre-bombardment)

Located in the Ojoster Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Taris was an ecumenopolis founded at the nexus of several hyperspace trading routes. Prosperity led to a rapid population increase and the continued vertical expansion of the planet-wide urban sprawl. But with the discovery of superior trade lanes elsewhere, Taris's economic fortunes changed.

For the wealthy nobles living in the upper floors of the towering skyscrapers, Taris remained an urban paradise. As one descended, however, the standard of living dropped precipitously. Aliens and refugees were forced to live in the city's lower levels, supporting the upper classes both figuratively and literally. Near the surface, violent swoop gangs held sway over a terrified civilian populace beset by poverty and famine, and the sewers of the undercity were infested with rakghouls.

Ironically, many of those living in the lowest levels of Taris survived Darth Malak's bombardment, while the rich and powerful were almost entirely wiped out.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​taris_pre_bombardment

Taris (Pre-bombardment)
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Taris and Nonhumans

In the century preceding its destruction by Darth Malak, Taris experienced a devastating planet-wide famine among the working classes. In desperation, the poor declared war on the nobility, only to have their rebellion quickly and violently put down.

Since many of the rebellions' leaders were nonhuman immigrants, those in power sought to quell further unrest by enacting a number of harsh anti-alien laws. Nonhumans were banned from public office and forbidden to leave the lower levels of the city without special government permits. The institutionalized segregation of nonhumans inevitably fostered an anti-alien prejudice among the human population, though many Republic historians prefer to gloss over this unsavory fact.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​taris_and_non_humans

Taris and Nonhumans
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

The Promised Ones

The Promised Ones were the descendants of a small group of outcasts who fled the undercity of Taris for a self-sustaining underground colony known as the Promised Land. There they escaped the bombardment that decimated the surface of the planet, and survived for many generations.

As the centuries passed, however, the small tribe slowly lost members to rakghouls, starvation and radiation poisoning until they eventually died out completely. As a legacy, they left behind a series of holorecordings documenting their brave struggle.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 16

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_rep.​the_promised_ones

The Promised Ones
LoreTaris (Rep)Republic161.0.0

Dantooine Agriculture

Dantooine is a pastoral planet populated by resilient farmers. For much of their history, Dantooine's inhabitants focused primarily on sustenance, carting what little excess they produced to the planet's few mercantile centers on the rare occasion off-world traders arrived.

Staple crops include kibla greens and yot beans, though the Republic has been pushing for the cultivation of faster-cycle non-native species to support increasing supply needs. The planet, once deemed beneath notice by both sides of the conflict, now serves as an integral link in the Republic's supply chain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​dantooine.​dan_farm

Dantooine Agriculture

Infinite Empire: Dantooine

At its height, the Rakatan Infinite Empire spanned hundreds of worlds, and Dantooine was among them. Through advanced technologies powered by the dark side of the Force, the Rakata subjugated the planet and constructed monuments to their greatness across it. It is rumored that the planet housed a Star Map--a relic that pointed the way to the ultimate Rakatan achievement: the Star Forge.

Many thousands of years after the fall of the Infinite Empire, traces of this brutal occupation can still be uncovered.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dantooine.​infinite

Infinite Empire: Dantooine

Jedi Enclave Ruins

Some of history's most powerful Force-users trained in the halls of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Only students with great potential were admitted, and while the rigorous training produced exceptional Jedi, the fall of several notable students to the dark side cast a pall on the institution's legacy. Exar Kun, Darth Revan, and Darth Malak all trained at the enclave on Dantooine.

The enclave was established by Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Dantooine's isolation and relative obscurity, along with the naturally-occurring crystal caverns that dotted the planet, made it an excellent site. Years later, during the Jedi Civil War, the enclave was razed in an attack orchestrated by its own former student, Darth Malak.

For many years and despite early efforts at rebuilding, the enclave has been abandoned by the Jedi and ransacked by sanctioned salvaging initiatives operated by Dantooine's governing body. With the Order re-forming and Dantooine becoming a strategically important planet in the war, perhaps one day the enclave will be restored to its former glory.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dantooine.​jedi_enclave

Jedi Enclave Ruins

Legacy of Darth Traya

Darth Traya rejected traditional teachings on the Force, challenging views held by both Jedi and Sith. After her Sith apprentices stripped her connection to the Force, she assumed the name Kreia and set into motion a grand scheme for revenge--and perhaps much more, based on the remnants of her history that can be found.

Part of Kreia's plan involved decimating the Jedi Order. On Dantooine, Kreia severed Masters Vrook Lamar, Kavar, and Zez-Kai Ell from the Force, killing them within the Jedi enclave.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141022080440621484

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​dantooine.​betrayer

Legacy of Darth Traya

Alliance Update - State of the Galaxy

News of the near-total destruction of the Eternal Alliance fleet has spread quickly, leading to renewed fears of a reignited war between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire. Both factions have reportedly redoubled their efforts to hoard supplies, munitions, and fuel in anticipation of renewed hostilities. Resource shortages, already a common occurrence on many core worlds, are becoming a daily reality across the galaxy at large.

With no single unifying threat to motivate their continued cooperation, these tensions have led many of the Alliance's forces to return to their original sides of the age-old conflict, rejoining their longtime allies and waiting with grim certainty for the war to begin anew.

A hardened force of dedicated troops and staff still maintains the Alliance base on Odessen, however, and a small fleet still patrols Wild Space on their behalf. The Commander's closest allies remain loyal to the leader who helped unite them during one of the galaxy's darkest times--whatever path the Commander chooses next, they will most certainly follow, potentially tipping the scales of any conflict....

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​alliance_update

Alliance Update - State of the Galaxy


The ancient mechanical entity known as Zildrog has always operated from behind the scenes. Unlike the other "machine gods" of Iokath, Zildrog permanently functions in two forms.

The first is a central computer that specializes in the transfer of life energies. Given this device's presence on Nathema, it is likely that Zildrog was a key element of the original ritual Tenebrae used to empower himself at the cost of all life on the planet. Beyond that first atrocity, however, Zildrog's central mind appears to have played no role in Tenebrae's dual life as Vitiate and Valkorion, and slumbered in stasis mode until Vinn Atrius discovered it many years later.

The second of Zildrog's forms is the ancient warship known as the Gravestone. Though it can be operated by an organic crew when required, the vessel's Dark Heart functions as a remote command core that allows Zildrog to control the ship as an extension of itself.

Ancient Zakuulan myths often confuse or conflate Zildrog and Izax, likely because both entities are aerial platforms employing omnicannon technology. Given the many differences in their construction and operation, it seems likely that they were actually built entirely separately--perhaps even as rival projects carried out in Iokath's endless pursuit of better and deadlier weapons.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​nathema.​zildrog


A Culture of Freedom

Corellia and Coruscant have served as supporting pillars of Republic civilization for millennia, providing its foundational systems of commerce and government, respectively. However, while Coruscant attempts to provide a model of responsible and orderly democracy, Corellia's culture emphasizes free trade and individual privilege over the strict rule of law.

Corellian citizens enjoy a profound amount of personal freedom to pursue their livelihoods, and they exercise that right with a relaxed leisure that belies their fierce refusal to surrender it. Those who mistook the Corellian citizenry's casual attitude for laziness or indifference were surprised when the Empire's occupation was met with armed resistance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​a_culture_of_freedom

A Culture of Freedom

Black Codex: The Star Cabal's Endgame (Agent)

[Data reconstructed from fragmentary transmissions traced back from the Star Cabal's airship.]

There will be horrors undreamed of. Worlds will be broken, and neither the Jedi nor the Sith will fall without dragging anything in their grasp into ruin.

But it will end, Hunter, more quickly than anyone expects, because we have ensured that each player knows the weaknesses of his opponent. The Jedi intend to move against the Emperor himself, and all that's left for us is to clear the way.

Afterward, we return to our lives. We reconstruct civilization from our places of strength, and the cabal will, fate willing, fade into obscurity as the years go by. Let the Creeper keep his vigil and our elderly friend write her books, and I will nurture the people I love. You may finally find peace. There will be no more wars between men who think they are gods.

A golden era awaits us, built upon the bones of trillions. At last, I can accept this.

[Reconstruction ends here.]

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​black_codex_the_star_cabals_endgame

Black Codex: The Star Cabal's Endgame (Agent)

Corellian Government

Corellia is a world that experiments with its system of government on a regular basis. Although it has most often been regarded as a monarchy due to the presence of royal rulers of some kind, these leaders' direct hand in affairs of state has varied wildly throughout history. At various points, Corellia has been everything from an anarchic kleptocracy to a parliamentary democracy.

The present Corellian government is composed of an elected council representing the planet's major population districts. These men and women are led by a prime minister chosen by a council vote. Since the council's alliance with the Empire, however, its members have earned lifetime appointments to their posts; what other changes the Empire may enforce is still uncertain.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​corellian_government

Corellian Government

Coronet City

Nicknamed "The Jewel of Corellia," Coronet City is the center of government and commerce on the planet. Although Corellia's urban development is negligible compared to Coruscant's, it is commonly accepted that Corellia's cities--Coronet included--are cleaner, greener and friendlier than any place on Coruscant. Indeed, the tourism industry on Corellia is almost twice the size of that of the Republic capital.

Celebrated author Custo Ramak's final work, "Nights of Ryscate and Diamonds," is a deeply sentimental account of his luxurious, hedonistic lifestyle in Coronet City. Ramak's deathbed composition has long been embraced by young artists flocking to the city in search of fame and fortune. The author himself remains on display in the Museum of Fine Art, his funeral ashes compressed into a diamond per Corellian custom.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​coronet_city

Coronet City

Firestorm Lasers (Knight)

Although the Desolator superweapon was destroyed in orbit above Tython, the legacy of Darth Angral and his son Tarnis lives on. Imperial scientists have adapted the Desolator technology into a new form: the Firestorm Turbolaser. These cannons superheat the atmosphere in a targeted area, literally setting the air on fire and incinerating anyone unfortunate enough to be caught within the area of effect.

The Firestorm Turbolasers have one key weakness: they must be deployed relatively close to the battlefield. This leaves the artillery units vulnerable to counterattack and destruction. Indeed, the only way to remain safe from these deadly weapons is to ensure they are never fired.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​firestorm_turbolasers

Firestorm Lasers (Knight)

First-Class Corellian Bloodstripes

The legendary Corellian bloodstripes are only awarded to heroes who have faced certain death not in the heat of the moment, but after careful deliberation and full foreknowledge of the sacrifice. Although this recognition can technically be bestowed for any reason, the usual one is courage under fire during a military conflict.

Corellian bloodstripes are traditionally worn as conspicuous colored piping running the length of the recipient's trousers. A popular urban myth states that awardees who catch someone wearing unearned bloodstripes may kill that person without legal reprisal, but there are no records of such an event occurring.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​first_class_corellian_bloodstripes

First-Class Corellian Bloodstripes

History of Corellia

Corellia's history is intertwined with that of the Galactic Republic itself. It was Corellians who were among the very first humanoids to develop faster-than-light space travel, and who--in partnership with the Duros--eventually engineered hyperdrive technology and made full exploration of the galaxy possible.

With hyperdrive travel linking the Core Worlds, Corellia became one of the Core Founders of the Republic. Emerging trade routes like the Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine took their name from not only the planet itself, but the number of Corellian trade vessels that carried goods across the galaxy.

As Corellia's importance grew, its primary industry--shipbuilding--expanded into orbital spacedocks. The capital, Coronet City, was largely founded on the credits of Corellia's many starship manufacturers. Even to this day, Corellia is best known for its proud spacefaring and trailblazing heritage.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​history_of_corellia

History of Corellia

Invasion of Corellia

The Empire's takeover of Corellia was carefully orchestrated over a period of years by Sith Lord Darth Decimus and his agents. Imperial spies identified key politicians in Corellia's highest government echelons and the Empire methodically recruited these individuals by promising them lifetime power in exchange for their loyalty. Eventually, the entire Corellian Council was secretly allied with the Empire.

As the Treaty of Coruscant ended and war resumed, Corellia's government orchestrated a faked emergency that cleared the planet's hyperlanes and closed down its spaceports. The council then voted unanimously to place the world under the Imperial banner as Darth Decimus's fleet appeared in the skies above Coronet City. The invasion was over, but the war for Corellia was only beginning.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​invasion_of_corellia

Invasion of Corellia

Medal of Imperial Glory

Only members of the Dark Council and the Minister of War possess the authority to create official Imperial awards for distinguished service. On Corellia, Darth Decimus exercised this power by establishing the Medal of Imperial Glory to recognize the heroism of his elite forces in the battle for that world.

When the leader who creates a particular medal dies, that reward is officially removed from service and never offered again. Collectors of Imperial military memorabilia highly prize certain badges of honor that were only awarded to a select few individuals before their creators met an untimely demise.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​medal_of_imperial_glory

Medal of Imperial Glory

Starship Manufacturing

Corellia's number one trade export is starships. Dozens of advanced shipyards orbit the planet, and dozens more stand planetside, working around the clock. All manner of vessels are constructed by Corellia's renowned shipwrights, from tiny scout pods to massive military dreadnoughts. Corellian-built starships are prized by buyers as diverse as the Republic Stellar Cartography Service and the Hutt Cartel.

Corellia's dominance in the galactic starship market is also one reason why the Empire favored a political takeover of the planet. A world that makes the very best warships and trains some of the greatest pilots in the galaxy always keeps plenty of both for planetary defense.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​starship_manufacturing

Starship Manufacturing

The Bakvalen Family (Consular)

Claiming descent from the early heroes of the Republic, the Bakvalens are a family of nobles who have lived on Corellia for centuries. Bakvalen Hall, their ancestral seat, has become a landmark on the borders of Axial Park.

Several generations ago, the family suffered something of a scandal when Jhaka Bakvalen, then the eldest daughter, turned her back on life as a noble and joined the Republic military as a lowly starfighter pilot. Disowned by her father, she changed her surname to the more common "Bakarn" and became a renowned fighter ace.

Jhaka eventually led her squadron to glory against a dangerous warlord in the Outer Rim, but she was killed in the final assault. Overcome with grief and pride at his daughter's heroism, her father changed the family name to Bakarn--the name their scions are known by to this day.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​the_bakvalen_family

The Bakvalen Family (Consular)

The Fall of Tol Braga (Knight)

Once a respected member of the Jedi Council and its most fervent advocate for peace, Master Tol Braga now willingly serves the Sith Emperor. His confrontation with that foe showed him the nature of true evil and revealed a powerful force he had grossly underestimated. Master Braga's failure to redeem the Emperor broke his spirit. With his pride and faith shattered, he succumbed to nihilistic despair.

Unlike Warren Sedoru and Leeha Narezz, Master Braga did not require the Emperor's oppressive domination to remain obedient. He knowingly surrendered to the power of the dark side, believing it was his punishment for allowing pride to blind him to the Sith's true nature.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​the_fall_of_tol_braga

The Fall of Tol Braga (Knight)

The Kaggath (Inquisitor)

The Kaggath is an ancient, but rarely employed rite of the Sith. One part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match, the Kaggath pits Sith against Sith unto humiliation and death. The challenger sets the arena, whether a planet, a star system or the entire galaxy. The two combatants must then muster their full power bases to outwit and outmaneuver each other and defeat or win over each other's forces.

When the Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord fought and won his one and only Kaggath, he declared that the name of his opponent would be stricken from history--and his command was fulfilled. The Kaggath has the power not only to destroy an individual Sith, but to obliterate his entire legacy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​the_kaggath

The Kaggath (Inquisitor)

The Legislature

The exquisitely expensive Legislature building houses the council, the current ruling body of Corellia. Throughout the planet's experiments with different government systems over the ages, the Legislature has alternately been a house of parliament, a corporate boardroom and a royal council chamber--usually being renamed each time. Regardless of the form the government has taken, it has always kept the spirited, unrestrained flair Corellia is known for.

Centuries ago, during a passionate debate about subsector zoning bypass regulations, Councilor Brecourl angrily challenged his opposition, Chairman Durand, to a duel in front of all in attendance. Durand won the duel over the hotheaded Brecourl, and the occasion is famously remembered as the only time someone was killed on the floor of the Legislature.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​the_legislature

The Legislature

The Lucky Lancer (Trooper)

By far the biggest attraction at the Corellian Museum of Starships is the assault shuttle "The Lucky Lancer." This Rendaran-class vessel--a predecessor to the modern Fortitude class--flew over one hundred combat missions during the last war; by comparison, the second-most famous starship on display survived ten missions. Whether through the quality of her crew or the whims of fate, The Lucky Lancer more than lived up to her name.

The ship's most celebrated mission involved delivering a payload of improvised short-range torpedoes created from transparisteel tubing and hundreds of thermal detonators. The Lucky Lancer threaded a deadly gauntlet of Imperial starfighters to close to within a kilometer of the enemy's flagship. The payload was delivered directly into the Imperial vessel's engines, destroying it in one shot.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​trooper.​the_lucky_lancer

The Lucky Lancer (Trooper)

The Rocket Tram System

Coronet City's rapid public transit system is a symbol of Corellia's economic and industrial power, as well as its commitment to a relatively clean urban environment. Providing cheap and fast transport to all corners of the city, the rocket tram is easily one of Corellia's most popular services. Corporations viciously compete for contracts to add their own technology and resources to the system, as well as for advertising space inside the trams.

The sprawling network of city-wide tram rails has long since become too complex for the Corellians to control, and so direction of the system has been handed over to specially designed droids. Some wonder if such a high level of automation is truly safe, but the only recourse would be reducing the functionality of the entire system.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​lore.​corellia.​the_rocket_tram_system

The Rocket Tram System

State of the Galaxy - Resource War

Even before the Eternal Empire's reign, the war between the Republic and Sith Empire created a constant strain on resources. Vital raw materials from planets on both sides were often shipped to the military for use in the war, creating scarcity on Republic and Imperial worlds.

When both factions fell to the Eternal Empire, what little raw materials and supplies they'd managed to save were forfeited to the Eternal Fleet. Conquered worlds suffered a major resource crisis and resorted to heavy rationing. In extreme cases, like Tatooine, civilian vehicles were confiscated for scrap, and residents were limited to a single government-issued ration bar per day.

After the Eternal Empire's defeat, many hoped for an improvement in the availability of resources. However, what little the newly freed planets had left was needed to repair the damage caused by the devastating war. Those hit hardest by the Eternal Fleet, such as Voss, struggled to survive amidst the wreckage of their crops and manufacturing facilities. For both the Empire and Republic, hope lies in what little they can secure from neutral worlds discovered during the war.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141060494626220260

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​flashpoint.​umbara.​resource_war

State of the Galaxy - Resource War

Battle of Alderaan

Countless star systems fell to the Empire during the Great War, yet many in the Republic believed the Core Worlds were safe from attack. That all changed when the Empire invaded Alderaan; the Sith Lord Darth Malgus led the attack, timing his invasion with a feint that drew the Republic's fleet light years away.

Unknown to Malgus, a small contingent of Republic soldiers was stationed on Alderaan. The soldiers were outnumbered and disorganized, but among them were the members of Havoc Squad, the Republic's most decorated military unit. Under the leadership of Captain Jace Malcom, the Havoc Squad commandos rallied the Republic troops and waged a fierce guerrilla campaign against the Empire.

The resistance fighters harried the Imperial forces constantly, delaying their advance long enough for the Republic fleet to race back and repel the invasion. In the end, Darth Malgus was defeated and the Empire was driven from Alderaan. The victory was a costly one, though; Alderaan would not soon forget the devastation.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​battle_of_alderaan

Battle of Alderaan

History of Alderaan

Originally inhabited by the insectoid Killiks, Alderaan's pre-colonial history is lost, save for in the hive mind of the aliens. By the time the first human colonists came to Alderaan from Coruscant--about 2,500 years before the founding of the Galactic Republic--the Killiks had migrated into deep space, leaving only a scattered few nests hibernating underground and the empty shells of their hives.

Alderaan's pristine beauty attracted thousands of settlers, and the human colonies quickly developed into thriving provinces. The Alderaanian monarchy made preservation of the environment a top priority in the planet's development, a policy that holds true today.

Later, the planet would become one of the Core Founders of the Republic and among the most powerful voices in the Senate. The princes and princesses of the ruling family typically served as Alderaan's representatives, though other members of the Alderaanian nobility have held the position as well.

Alderaan's recent departure from the Republic and the resulting civil war are among the darkest moments in a bright and optimistic history. Whether the planet will ever regain its former glory is an open question.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​history_of_alderaan

History of Alderaan

Jedi Diplomacy (Consular)

Galactic diplomacy and the Jedi Order have been intertwined for thousands of years. Renowned for their sense of justice and wide cultural awareness, Jedi negotiators are in high demand. Sometimes a Jedi will represent the interests of the Republic or the Jedi Order, but Jedi often act as a neutral third party between two factions; an outsider who can be trusted to arbitrate disputes fairly.

The talents of the Jedi and their adherence to the Jedi Code make them well suited to diplomatic endeavors. Jedi are trained in galactic law and history, often understand obscure languages and customs, and are famed for their devotion to peace. In addition, anyone trying to bribe or lie to a Jedi diplomat will be met with polite amusement at best--and at worst, heavy sanctions and criminal charges from the Republic.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​jedi_diplomacy

Jedi Diplomacy (Consular)

Joiners and the Killik Hive Mind

Joiners are non-Killik individuals who have been absorbed into the Killik hive mind. Prolonged exposure to the powerful pheromones released by Killiks causes an alteration of the subjects' brain chemistry, making them subservient to the nest's desires. Long-term exposure can turn a subject's eyes completely black, though this appears to be the extent of visible physiological changes.

Initially, Joiners retain many characteristics of their own personality, as well as some sense of individual identity. At this point Joiners often describe the relationship as symbiotic, feeling they gain more from the Joining than the Killiks. Over time, however, their personalities become more and more subsumed, until they cannot conceive of any existence away from the hive mind.

In turn, a nest also absorbs the knowledge, skills and personality traits of its Joiners. A single Joiner rarely changes a nest's nature, but a nest that Joins an army of warriors may become war-like, and a nest that Joins a party of explorers may gain a degree of curiosity and wanderlust.

It is possible to medically reverse the Joining process even in the later stages. However, most Joiners--even those experiencing the initial transformation--refuse to willingly submit to the procedure.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​joiners_and_killik_hive_mind

Joiners and the Killik Hive Mind

Noble Houses

The nobility of Alderaan is responsible for ruling the planet and choosing the reigning monarch in often vicious, always intricate games of local politics. Each noble house bears the family name of its original founders, and many nobles can trace their lineage back over hundreds of generations. However, noble blood is not a requirement for house membership; in less traditional houses, it is not unheard of for an ambitious servant or farmer to rise above his or her station.

Three main houses currently compete for Alderaan's throne: House Organa, House Thul and House Ulgo. Although these three are the most powerful houses on Alderaan, might is not the only path to survival. In many cases, a larger noble house will take a smaller, like-minded one under its protection. Referred to as a "vassal," these smaller houses typically provide support and fealty to the larger. A strategic alliance can mean the difference between ultimate ambition or permanent extinction.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​nobles_houses

Noble Houses

Operation: Silverplate (Agent)

Category: Information Gathering / Threat Elimination
Location: Alderaan
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: Vector Hyllus

Operational Summary: Funding for the Eagle's terrorist network was traced to Alderaan; Cipher Nine was sent to identify and eliminate source. Imperial Diplomatic Service member Vector Hyllus was chosen to assist despite uncertain status (see cross-reference).

Cipher Nine and Vector Hyllus identified local negotiator Denri Ayl and Baroness Chay Cortess as primary funders of the terrorist network. House Cortess was not implicated as a whole; however, appropriate responses and precautions have been taken. Vector Hyllus was flagged as an asset, and permanent transfer from the Diplomatic Service was granted.

Cross-reference: Cortess, Vector Hyllus, Killik, Protean, Eagle, Dominator

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_silverplate

Operation: Silverplate (Agent)

The Death Mark (Knight)

A top secret Republic prototype, the Death Mark is an orbital platform that fires an incredibly accurate beam of superconcentrated energy at a specific individual, resulting in instant death. The energy beam can penetrate virtually any structure or shield, making escape almost impossible.

The orbital platform tracks individuals who have been marked with a special targeting device. The targeting device is only effective at extreme close range, meaning an operative must get within several meters of an intended victim to use it. The targeting process is undetectable, and once marked, an individual can be tracked indefinitely, allowing the killing blow to be dealt hours or even days later.

In theory, the Death Mark could save hundreds of lives, as key enemy leaders could be eliminated without the need for armies or the risk of collateral damage. In the wrong hands, however, the Death Mark becomes a weapon of terror, raining murder down from the sky.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​the_death_mark

The Death Mark (Knight)

The Head of Darth Bandon (Smuggler)

The apprentice of the legendary Darth Malak--the Sith Lord responsible for the destruction of Taris--Darth Bandon was a promising young Padawan before he joined the Sith Order. He was slain by the Jedi Knight Revan during the Jedi Civil War, but his remains were confiscated by a group of particularly fanatical Sith acolytes who (for reasons best left unexplored) used Sith alchemy to preserve Bandon's head.

After Revan cut down Darth Malak and ended the war, the leaderless and disillusioned Sith turned to Bandon's head for guidance, claiming they could use it to communicate with the deceased Sith Lord. The cult eventually caught the attention of the Jedi during a misguided attempt to find Bandon a fresh body; the Jedi dismantled the cult, but found no trace of the fabled head.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​the_head_of_darth_bandon

The Head of Darth Bandon (Smuggler)

The War for Alderaan's Throne

Despite its arguable necessity, the Treaty of Coruscant was extremely controversial. Senator Gaul Panteer, heir to the Alderaanian throne, opposed the treaty and arranged Alderaan's withdrawal from the Republic in protest. Gaul was said to be secretly negotiating the terms of Alderaan's return, but he was assassinated before he could do so; his ailing mother, the queen, died days later in a mysterious crash, leaving Alderaan without a ruler and without Republic protection.

The ensuing power vacuum allowed House Thul--now supported by the Empire--to return from exile. With the nobility in chaos and a possible Imperial takeover on the horizon, Bouris Ulgo, a former Republic general, declared himself king. House Panteer challenged Ulgo's rule, but its estates were quickly overrun and destroyed. House Organa, still loyal to the Republic, opposed House Ulgo diplomatically until it could marshal its forces. It wasn't long before all-out war broke out between House Ulgo, House Organa and House Thul, with all three families and countless lesser houses vying for the Alderaanian crown.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​lore.​alderaan.​the_war_for_alderaans_throne

The War for Alderaan's Throne


Before the collapse of Imperial Intelligence, official service records listed thousands of Intelligence personnel as "Retired". No details, no forwarding address: simply "Retired". The vagaries of such an entry can set an imagination ablaze with theories as to what it might actually mean. Many of those theories could very well be correct.

There is ample evidence that those who had reached retirement age were sent to Medical Services for a final health examination that implemented an "electrochemical mental therapy session" to leave the retiree "free from the traumas brought on by a protracted period of service." Some whose information or abilities were deemed too valuable for such "therapy" were forcibly retired to highly secure locations like Nar Shaddaa's Shadow Town. Others still, such as the agency's former Minister, wielded enough sensitive information to hold the Empire in check and--to some extent--decide their own fates. Most, however, were likely "retired" by Intelligence in the most time-efficient, cost-effective and predictable manner possible.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​retired


An Imperial Betrayal

Order and efficiency keep the Imperial machine running smoothly; any element acting in opposition is quickly and ruthlessly excised. Great minds have often cracked under the pressure of potentially being found out for merely harboring seditious thoughts, much less acting on them. And yet evidence continues to mount that scores of personnel--perhaps thousands--have risked everything to secretly side with the Revanites. If the Order of Revan's doctrine can sway even well-regarded Sith such as Lord Ivress and Darth Arkous, there's no telling just how thoroughly the Empire has been corrupted by it.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​an_imperial_betrayal

An Imperial Betrayal


While the Nova Blades on Rishi make a sound income from extortion and slave trafficking, their strongest growth category has been in mining the fossil fuel exonium. In its solid state, exonium coals are easy to ignite and burn for a long time at a high, stable temperature. In fact, the Rishii have long used exonium to keep warm and render fish fat. Its real value, however, comes from refinement.

In attempting to return to the stars after being stranded on Rishi for an extended period, the Nova Blades found that refined exonium not only made a suitable fuel for propulsion systems but also acted as an effective reactant fuel for their hypermatter drives. Because of its value, the Nova Blades tried to keep the origin world of exonium a secret, but now anxious prospectors have begun to trickle in from all over the galaxy. Whether these prospectors will pay the Nova Blades' recently introduced Exonium Export Tax remains to be seen.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​exonium


Garblaque's Haven

[HoloNet Advertisement]

Tired of war? Sick of prophecies of impending doom? Looking for an exciting new way to flaunt your vast wealth? Then Garblaque the Hutt has the cure to end all your woes!

Leave the galaxy behind with HAVEN: The Luxury Dreadnaught! Spend ten years outside the fringes of known space in opulent splendor! Haven provides only the best in accommodations, dining, entertainment, recreation, relaxation and satiation. Your life of privilege will not only continue aboard Haven--you will find yourself enjoying entirely new levels of comfort and indulgence! Garblaque has everything you want--and in vast supply. We cater to your every need with no exceptions* and practically guarantee the greatest experience of your life!

Buy your tickets to Haven: The Luxury Dreadnaught in the next two days and your generous host will promise to dine with you once per year! That's ten glorious, all-you-can-consume-and-more feasts with Garblaque himself--just for making your purchase early!

What are you waiting for? Mutually assured galactic annihilation? Get your tickets to Haven this instant!

*pending availability - surcharges may apply

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​garblaques_haven

Garblaque's Haven

Old Wounds

"Memories are markers. They allow us to navigate the past, and to recognize the shape of the path we have chosen. They can reinforce our beliefs. They can buoy us, bring warmth to our hearts. But they can also haunt us. Traumatize us, even when they do not linger on our minds.

"This does not mean that we should seek to eradicate these old wounds. The scars left behind are a part of who we are today. We must learn the contours of these scars so that we may fully understand ourselves, and so that we may better serve as Jedi. Pretend our scars--and the memories that come with them--do not exist, and our ignorance will lead us that much closer to the dark side."

--Master Orgus Din, from a Jedi Academy lecture

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​old_wounds

Old Wounds

Opticron Droids

As with much concerning the Emperor, very little is known of the droids designated "Opticron". In fact, very few are even aware they exist.

From the exterior, they appear to be standard-issue Imperial probe droids, but further investigation would reveal an amalgamation of technology both exotic and arcane. Much like the Emperor's Hand, these droids are connected through the Force in some way to the mind and will of the Emperor himself. They are his unseen eyes, watching that which he cannot--until he returns from the brink.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​warrior.​opticron_droids

Opticron Droids

Revan's Conflict over Rishi

Of all the worlds one would expect to find the Order of Revan's plan unfolding, Rishi would hardly seem a likely candidate. While it's true that the island-dotted paradise would be ideal for planning without fear of interference, the lack of Imperial and Republic presence would also limit the ability to act on those plans. That is, unless the Empire and Republic were somehow drawn to Rishi.

The Nova Blades were employed by the Revanites to trick the galactic powers into believing their most vital fleets were at the mercy of the pirate gang's infamous hyperlane raids; in reality they were being corralled into a trap. With a signal jammer taking away their ability to communicate with one another and with their ships compromised by Revanite traitors, Darth Marr and Master Shan--and the many thousands under their command--now stand on the brink of annihilation, just as Revan had intended.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 58

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​revans_conflict_over_rishi

Revan's Conflict over Rishi

Rishi Maze

At the edge of the galaxy, on the fringes of the Outer Rim, a unique phenomenon has fascinated scientists and ignited the imaginations of treasure hunters and explorers for millennia: a dwarf-class companion galaxy called the "Rishi Maze".

Navigation to the Rishi Maze--even while using its spatial constant, Rishi, as a starting point--can be quite difficult, hence the galaxy's name. Some have ventured out never to return, while others have partly managed the multi-point hyperspace path only to turn back for fear of being lost to the cosmos. A few have actually made the trip and returned. These travelers speak in underwhelming terms about lifeless planets with mundane elemental compositions, but whether they're being truthful or attempting to hoard the potential riches of the Rishi Maze for themselves, none can truly say.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​rishi_maze

Rishi Maze

She Who Greedily Devours

The Rishii have always had to concern themselves with predators, but in all of their recorded history they have never encountered a terror as great as She Who Greedily Devours. The few Rishii who have survived her savage attacks do not know what else to call her, as they've never before seen a kell dragon--and very few anywhere in the galaxy have ever come across a kell dragon of this magnitude.

"Kellie", as she was once affectionately known, arrived on Rishi as the hatchling mascot of a new Outer Rim chapter of the Corellian Run Scoundrels. Soon these smugglers found that as Kellie quickly grew so did her appetite, making her cost-prohibitive as a pet. Fearing the prospect of bankruptcy, the Scoundrels' leader callously dumped Kellie into a garbage scow where the kell dragon gorged herself on irradiated refuse for days, likely accounting for both her intimidating stature and surly disposition.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​she_who_greedily_devours

She Who Greedily Devours

The Quest for Immortality

For ages, Dark Lords of the Sith have yearned to reproduce the arcane abilities of Tulak Hord; the process behind his nearly successful bid for true immortality in particular has either eluded or ultimately disappointed those who have sought to know it.

Whispered rumors persist of many varying ways to achieve eternal life, from the obviously false to the convincingly esoteric. Lord Veijel's recent discovery on Rishi appears to be the most promising candidate to date, but as with past claims that were proved too good to be true, this newfound lifespan extender may not be as it appears on the surface.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​the_quest_for_immortality

The Quest for Immortality

The Settlement of Rishi

More than a century ago, a roving crew of adventurous pirates called the Nova Blades embarked on a perilous journey that would take them outside of the galaxy itself. In attempting to navigate the byzantine path to the dwarf galaxy known as the Rishi Maze, the Nova Blades ultimately lost their way. With hardly any fuel left, they somehow managed to find their way back and crash-landed on the only planet within reach--Rishi.

Their ship, the Aggressor, took on heavy damage when it slammed into a mountain on a pristine jungle isle. With no way off the planet, the Nova Blades took to making a home for themselves on Rishi. By the time the Nova Blades learned to refine Rishi's abundant fossil fuels and return to the stars, it was not to escape but to send out invitations to like-minded gangs and individuals. Their offer: come with us to a lush oasis far away from galactic governance. Unsurprisingly, not a single invitee turned them down.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​the_settlement_of_rishi

The Settlement of Rishi

Way of the Rishii

Not much is known about the history of the avian Rishii, and that's largely due to their peculiarly hands-off nature as a species. While they do pass on knowledge from generation to generation, the Rishii tend to have little interest in formally chronicling the course of events. They appear far more interested observing and assessing the nature of animals and other peoples.

From day to day, many Rishii spend their time between fishing, crafting and family duties. More recently, they've taken to employing their uncanny talent for mimicry in grand productions devoted to the recreation of tall tales of the pirates who they now share their world with. Perhaps surprisingly, just as the Rishii have left the pirates to their own devices, so have the pirates opted not to disturb the Rishii. Even the planet's most notorious pirate crew, the Ravagers, are content to leave the amiable Rishii to live their modest lives.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141088354346344157

XP Level: 57

FQN: cdx.​lore.​rishi.​way_of_the_rishii

Way of the Rishii

Refugees of War

With the war against the separatists turning increasingly ugly, thousands of farmers, laborers and government employees have lost their homes and businesses. Those who remain loyal to the Republic flock to places like Fort Garnik seeking food and shelter. Sadly, there are only so many supplies to go around.

The small shantytowns outside Fort Garnik overflow with impoverished people running out of options. As food, medicine and other basic necessities dwindle to nothing, these refugees resort to desperate measures for survival. Crime and exploitation run rampant, with refugees frequently turning against each other over a half-eaten nutripaste stick.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 2

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​refugees_of_war

Refugees of War
LoreOrd MantellRepublic21.0.0

Ruled by Corruption

Centuries of colorful political history and public revelations of high-level government corruption have given Ord Mantell a reputation for untrustworthy leaders. While this attitude is not entirely unwarranted, certain fringe groups believed their world's entire government was little more than a kleptocracy. These activists routinely protested outside government offices, demanding the elected officials be brought to justice.

For a long time, the fringe groups were dismissed as delusional, paranoid or simply troublemakers. It wasn't until an entire governmental cabinet was forced to step down for accepting bribes that ordinary citizens began taking the corruption claims seriously. This was the birth of the separatist movement.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​ruled_by_corruption

Ruled by Corruption
LoreOrd MantellRepublic91.0.0

Smuggling 101 (Smuggler)

It's a fact of life: Whenever uptight governments forbid certain goods on their worlds, demand for these items increases. Once demand turns profitable, enterprising starship captains risk everything to deliver the goods in question.

Careers in smuggling are fast-paced, thrilling and often short-lived. Running contraband not only places a smuggler at odds with a planet's law enforcement, but its criminal elements as well. Pirates, gangsters, revolutionaries and bounty hunters are just a few of the hazards standing between a smuggler and that big payday. Only those who possess the sharpest instincts, sturdiest freighters and quickest blasters live long enough to earn a good living at this game.

It's worth noting that not all smugglers are profiteers. Some style themselves as heroic blockade runners or patriotic privateers, delivering hope and much-needed supplies to those who need it. Of course, that's also exactly how the real criminal types describe themselves, and law enforcement officers rarely accept "I was serving a noble cause" as an excuse.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​smuggling_101

Smuggling 101 (Smuggler)
LoreOrd MantellRepublic51.0.0

Split by Rebellion

The civil war raging across Ord Mantell affects everyone. The planet's unstable political situation is a bitterly divisive subject, with separatist sympathizers and government loyalists increasingly polarized about how to end the conflict. Some families have been irreparably torn apart when one child joined the separatist movement and another enlisted in the government-backed military.

The separatists remain fanatically committed to their cause, demonstrating no willingness to negotiate or settle matters peacefully. The Ord Mantellian government has summoned the Republic military to bolster the planet's defenses and put down the rebellion quickly for the good of all. Leaders are pessimistic that the separatists will ever surrender.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​split_by_rebellion

Split by Rebellion
LoreOrd MantellRepublic51.0.0

Underworld Influences

Ord Mantell was once considered a vital supply depot for the Republic military, but the discovery of new hyperspace lanes virtually eradicated the need to route fleets through the planet's local star cluster. The ordnance engineers and military families formerly occupying the planet transferred to distant outposts, and Ord Mantell was abandoned to farmers.

The old military-grade spaceports were never decommissioned, however, and it didn't take long for private interests to take them over. In addition to corporations like Czerka, less savory factions from the galactic underworld set up shop. Small-time criminal gangs took advantage of the planet's lack of strong Republic oversight and became thriving operations.

These gangsters and corporations have invested heavily in the world's government. Many of Ord Mantell's major political figures are indebted to their corporate and underworld "sponsors," and although some of these leaders have left office in disgrace, it has not discouraged the wealthy and unscrupulous from purchasing political influence. Other politicians have pledged to clean up corruption--rarely succeeding for long, despite noble intentions.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ord_mantell.​underworld_influences

Underworld Influences
LoreOrd MantellRepublic91.0.0

Caught Between Two Foes

The Republic finds itself in the worst possible military position on Hoth as it battles both Imperial forces and White Maw pirates. Each of these enemies poses significant individual challenges; combined, they are a nightmare scenario for Republic war strategists. It appears impossible to adopt a battle plan that effectively defends against both, much less offers any hope of victory over them.

The Empire employs classic high-aggression tactics while protecting its units within heavy fortifications, while the unpredictable White Maw pirates favor hit-and-run attacks that take advantage of Hoth's natural landscape for maximum effect. Should these two enemies ever join forces, the Republic's survival on the planet would likely be measured in hours.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​caught_between_two_foes

Caught Between Two Foes

Hoth: No Place for Vehicles

The bitter cold of Hoth is no friend to small vehicles, which do not generate enough heat to keep their mechanical parts from freezing and their power generators from failing on a regular basis. High-end speeders mostly avoid these issues, but mass produced military bikes and many shuttles, starfighters and other transports fail on a regular basis.

For large-scale transport of troops and supplies--when a few select, customized speeders won't suffice--two options remain. First, large vehicles such as armored walkers and heavy dropships can be outfitted to survive the cold, so long as they are well maintained. Second, there is the tauntaun--a bipedal animal that has evolved to survive Hoth's harsh environs and to navigate even during whiteout conditions.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​hoth_no_place_for_vehicles

Hoth: No Place for Vehicles

Imperial War Strategy: Quagmires

The Empire, vastly outnumbered by the Republic, knows it cannot win every battle it fights--so more creative tactics are in order. By sending diversionary forces to the deadly ice world of Hoth and generating intelligence chatter about the search for a vital weapon, the Empire hopes to lure the Republic into a military quagmire--a battle the Republic cannot win, but cannot abandon due to its importance. In so doing, the Empire will divert precious Republic resources away from its true objectives.

This is not the first time the Empire has employed such a strategy. Centuries ago, during the Empire's initial expansion into the sectors surrounding Dromund Kaas, quagmires were used to effectively paralyze minor alien worlds while nearby resources were gathered. Since then, the strategy has remained a valued weapon in the Imperial military arsenal.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​imperial_war_strategy_quagmires

Imperial War Strategy: Quagmires

Keeping Warm: Do's and Don'ts

Hoth's natural predators, pirates and military forces are nothing compared to its weather. Intense cold remains the greatest danger to anyone unlucky enough to travel on the planet, and many manuals have been written on how to keep warm, offering tips on taking advantage of rare nodes of geothermal energy when staking out camp and how to rely on underground cave systems to keep out of the wind.

Specialist cold-weather gear has been designed to allow survival in short bursts on Hoth's bitterly cold surface. In the absence of such gear, one guide even suggests that--in the event of becoming stranded in one of Hoth's famous whiteouts--the innards of a freshly slaughtered pack animal or predator can provide enough heat to stretch out survival for a few hours.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​keeping_warm

Keeping Warm: Do's and Don'ts

Salvaging Starships

Hoth has never been a friendly planet for spacefaring people. Its strong magnetic pull and icy atmosphere have spelled death for many a pilot, and crashed vessels have long littered the planet's surface. But after the Battle of Hoth brought huge numbers of warships down--including the Republic superdreadnought, the Star of Coruscant--Hoth became home to a massive starship graveyard. The graveyard, in turn, became a very attractive destination for pirates looking to salvage a technological edge from the wreckage.

Salvaging starships in Hoth's blizzards is a deadly occupation that can reap great rewards. One of the first pirates to scope out the starship graveyard famously made millions of credits selling Republic and Imperial weaponry back to the Republic and Empire. Now, both governments and freelancers brave Hoth's wilderness, and many salvagers meet their ends among the cold and unstable ruins of dead ships.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 39

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​salvaging_starships

Salvaging Starships

The Battle of Hoth

During the height of the Great War, a vital battle was fought above Hoth--a battle many credit with forcing the Republic to accept the terms of the Treaty of Coruscant. It began when Imperial Intelligence uncovered evidence of a massive Republic fleet buildup near Hoth. Prototype battle cruisers constructed with cutting edge technology formed the backbone of an armada hundreds of ships strong--an armada believed to have been designed for a full-scale invasion of the Imperial capital world of Dromund Kaas.

The invasion never happened. The Empire moved to ambush the Republic super-fleet first. The battle raged for days and found its epicenter in the Hoth system. The greatest starships and some of the greatest warriors in both fleets were destroyed, and high technology and scorched metal rained down onto the ice fields. In the end, the Empire succeeded in its goal; the Republic had been robbed of its chance at victory, and the tide of the war turned.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hoth.​battle_of_hoth

The Battle of Hoth

The Scorekeeper (Bounty Hunter)

Deity of the Trandoshan species, the Scorekeeper watches over her brood, savoring their victories and shunning their failures. According to Trandoshan belief, no creature in existence is beyond her judgment, and the only means for a Trandoshan to improve his standing in her eyes is to dominate another living thing--to hold a creature's life in his claws and show the Scorekeeper that he is more worthy of survival.

The Scorekeeper's measure of worthiness is called Jagannath, and upon a being's death it is tallied by the Scorekeeper to determine his place in the afterlife. To be captured or dishonored on a hunt is to have one's Jagannath stripped by the victor, leaving nothing for the victim to show the Scorekeeper in death and dooming his spirit to oblivion.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​the_scorekeeper

The Scorekeeper (Bounty Hunter)

The Umbra Encrypter (Trooper)

Since the beginning of the Great War, one Imperial cipher has defied every attempt at decryption. Code-named "Umbra," it has become a legend in the galactic cryptography community; the Republic even allowed scraps of Umbra transmissions to be released surreptitiously as "unbeatable puzzles" to university students in the hope of finding someone--anyone--who could crack the code.

With theoretical efforts yielding no results, the Republic eventually took on a more direct approach, launching dozens of covert missions to capture one of the Empire's Umbra encryption devices. None has succeeded.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​trooper.​the_umbra_encrypter

The Umbra Encrypter (Trooper)

The Old Ways of Zakuul

Before Valkorion's rise to power, Zakuul was a backwater planet in Wild Space with almost no contact with the rest of the galaxy. Forced to settle in bogs and swamps, early Zakuulans were a superstitious, nihilistic people who worshipped a pantheon of ruthless gods. These deities expressed their power through the pain and suffering of their followers. The pantheon's father was Izax, the god of death and the Ultimate Devourer. The ancient Zakuulans believed their fate was tied to the will of the gods and belonged to Izax. Those who challenged this view were considered demons. While most Demons were outcasts and expelled from society, a prophecy emerged claiming that one would climb beyond Izax's reach--an immortal god of gods who would topple the pantheon and usher in a new age for Zakuul. Claiming to be the Demon Savior of prophecy, Valkorion began his campaign against the Old Ways.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuul_religion

The Old Ways of Zakuul

Zakuul Society: Thrillseeking

Raised in comfort and safety, Zakuulans want for nothing. But despite leading easy lives of intellectual and creative pursuits, they occasionally feel compelled to seek out less high-minded excitement.

Oldtown offers an opportunity for Spire citizens to enter another world and indulge their need for exhilaration. Many Zakuulans have paid at least one visit to cheer at the gladiator pits or sample the red light district. Countless more simply venture down to tour the seedy streets and thrill to the distasteful and the taboo.

The key to Zakuulan thrill-seeking is to never face any real danger. Though Spire residents flock to the delightfully seedy Oldtown, they avoid the truly treacherous Breaktown below it.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuul_thrillseeking

Zakuul Society: Thrillseeking

Zakuulan Wealth

To bring a society from oppressive tribalism into a glorious golden era requires significant funding. When Emperor Valkorion began his project, he funneled wealth from the Sith Empire into Zakuul, effectively robbing one empire to fund another. As Valkorion's grand society blossomed, the Eternal Empire turned its view outward, conquering planets and claiming their resources. By the time the Republic and Sith Empire fell, Zakuul had amassed the greatest fortune in the galaxy.

Much of it is channeled directly into Zakuul--expansion of the Eternal Fleet, lavish updates to the Spire, generous gifts to the citizens--but the Empire's treasure is so great, it couldn't possibly be spent entirely. The bulk now sits idle aboard the massive treasury called the Gilded Star, serving as a symbol of Zakuul's status--and a reminder of the Eternal Empire's power.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuulan_wealth

Zakuulan Wealth

Alien Initiatives

The rebellion of Malgus the Betrayer struck a decisive blow to the Imperial war effort, weakening the Empire's offensive and shattering its united front. Alien factions that flocked to Malgus's banner would forever be judged for their disloyalty. But in a time of turmoil, those species that remained faithful were rewarded.

Against the protests of its more conservative leaders--including heated objections from Grand Moff Regus--the Empire began a concerted effort to integrate its most devoted alien subjects into the military. Only by increasing its numbers with alien stock could the Empire survive the raging conflict against the Republic.

The new alien recruits face down prejudice and competition to prove their worth and secure power within the evolving Empire. Cathar clans have vaulted to prominence, while Kaleesh tribes and countless other species pledge their support to the Imperial fight. Fueled by these brave and committed alien warriors, the Empire rallies its strength and marches into a new era.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​alien_initiatives

Alien Initiatives

Atmosphere of Makeb

Makeb's wealthy citizens have spent millions of credits trying to solve the problem of the planet's peculiar atmospheric conditions. High levels of electromagnetic interference in Makeb's upper atmosphere wreak havoc on communications and destroy any ship much larger than a personal shuttle. The interference was responsible for the original transport crash that brought Makeb's settlers to the planet. It also rendered the transport's communications equipment useless, cutting off Makeb from the rest of the galaxy.

Although Makeb engineers eventually devised a reliable communication system that compensates for the interference, traveling through the atmosphere is still incredibly dangerous. In the early days of Makeb's colonization, daredevil pilots calling themselves the Lightning Runners built specialized fliers from salvage and attempted to navigate the skies. While many died, the data they gathered eventually showed patterns in the interference, which modern Makeb shuttle pilots exploit to safely transport passengers and cargo in small quantities.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​atmosphere_of_makeb

Atmosphere of Makeb

Disaster on Makeb

Makeb has always suffered from periodic groundquakes--notable given that the planet's population lives on high, isolated mesas--but recently the quakes have been more frequent, causing severe damage to Makeb's cities. The cause, as has now been discovered, is the Hutts' aggressive deep-core mining operations.

Projections show that, barring a miracle, the groundquakes will increase in severity, collapsing the mesas and causing volcanic eruptions. Strange fluctuations in Makeb's gravitational and electromagnetic fields are occurring as well. If present trends continue, violent storms will wrack the planet, and its gravity will become too weak to retain an atmosphere at all.

If Makeb's crust survives, the planet will be left barren and lifeless; if not, nothing will be left of Makeb but floating debris. Without a swift and thorough evacuation, Makeb will suffer one of the worst humanitarian crises in galactic history.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​disaster_on_makeb

Disaster on Makeb

Gravity Hooks

Due to Makeb's dangerous atmospheric conditions, moving passengers and goods to and from the planet's surface can be hazardous if not disastrous. Hoping to circumvent the danger, Makeb's mining corporations constructed the gravity hooks: orbital stations connected to the surface by tremendously long turbolift shafts and repulsorlifts.

Although the project succeeded in creating a safe alternative for moving cargo on- and offworld, the gravity hooks' low transit speed, meager carrying capacity and high energy costs have limited their use to industrial purposes. Many of the gravity hooks have fallen into disuse in recent years, especially as starship modifications that reduce the danger of atmospheric flight become more widely available.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​gravity_hooks

Gravity Hooks

GSI Satellite Support

Galactic Solutions Industries' latest innovation in on-the-field assistance is the GSI Satellite Support Suite. As stated in a corporate news release by GSI founder and CEO Addalar Hyland, "Now anyone--from rescue workers to explorers to soldiers--can reap the benefits of enhanced protection and heightened effectiveness thanks to the SSS, which is powered by our proprietary Orbital Flux technology."

Like many innovations, Orbital Flux was discovered by accident. Recognizing the value in overcoming the travel and communications problems that plagued Makeb due to its notoriously harsh atmosphere, GSI researchers attempted to manipulate particle beams fired from orbit in such a way that they would counteract the effects. However, when driven through the atmosphere the particles took on exotic attributes that made them energy rich and malleable. While these new properties had no effect on starships or holotransmissions, they were found to be beneficial to living beings.

When signaled from the ground, the SSS bathes its target in Orbital Flux and the satellite enters Support Mode, continuously tracking the target's condition and location, and even providing medical probe assistance. While Orbital Flux only works on Makeb at present, GSI's technicians are striving to replicate the curious process without the help of Makeb's atmosphere.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​gsi_satellite_support

GSI Satellite Support

History of Makeb

Located off major hyperspace routes, Makeb went unnoticed until the Mandalorian Wars, when a damaged transport ship carrying Republic refugees--including wealthy businessmen fleeing raiders--crash-landed there. Led by magnate Semako Thalien, the survivors built settlements and re-established contact with the galaxy. Rich mineral deposits in Makeb's mesas, combined with the settlers' credits and influence, made it an immensely profitable world within fifty years.

Makeb's wealth and independence from the Republic attracted corporate leaders, rich tourists and banking enterprises, and luxury resorts quickly became commonplace. The Hutt Cartel took notice of a new economic power and attempted to invest its own resources, but was rebuffed by Makeb's business consortiums. Nevertheless, individual Hutts persisted in working their way into Makeb society, laying the groundwork for conquest.

During the war between the Empire and the Republic, Makeb stubbornly retained its independence. Rumors claim that a vast deposit of minerals was discovered soon after the Treaty of Coruscant, but details are surprisingly scarce.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​history_of_makeb

History of Makeb


A mineral unknown in the rest of the galaxy, isotope-5 was secretly discovered during Hutt-backed deep-core mining operations on the planet Makeb. Named for the fifth known isotopic variation of an element normally found in neutron stars, isotope-5 has powerful warping effects on gravitational and electromagnetic fields even in miniscule quantities.

Early research into isotope-5's potential as an energy source is extraordinarily promising. The substance is relatively stable, and particle bombardment could theoretically induce a desired state in the isotope to channel various forms of energy.

Best estimates put the total amount of isotope-5 in Makeb's core at less than two tonnes. Nonetheless, it is highly likely that Makeb's atmospheric interference and unusual mesa formations are a result of the isotope's presence.

The existence of isotope-5 is highly classified. Only select Imperial personnel, high-ranking Hutt Cartel members and Makeb natives directly involved with its mining are believed to be aware of its existence.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​isotope_5


Makeb's Mysterious Survival

As Republic forces rocketed away from Makeb with millions of refugees, one thing was certain: the planet was doomed to total destruction. In the aftermath, however, it appears that Makeb's groundquakes and volcanic eruptions have drastically subsided. Against all odds, the planet has stabilized and remains capable of supporting life... for now, at least.

The exact cause of Makeb's abrupt recovery may never be known, but the planet's continued existence makes it hotly-contested territory in the war between Republic and Empire. Before either faction can claim the world, they will first have to defeat the Hutt's mercenary soldiers, who were left to die by their former masters and now claim the world as their own. With its vast mineral resources and abandoned wealth up for grabs, Makeb is a valuable prize worth fighting over.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​makebs_mysterious_survival

Makeb's Mysterious Survival

Mining on Makeb

Since Makeb's initial settlement, the mining industry has been at the heart of life on the planet. When valuable minerals were discovered in Makeb's mesas, the first settlers--stranded and unable to communicate with the Republic--were forced to improvise mining tools to extract them. Some wealthy citizens like to boast that their ancestors dug up fortunes with their bare hands.

Today, Makeb's miners use huge laser drills to reach valuable minerals deep beneath the surface. Once the laser has bored a shaft, a gravity funnel draws the resulting material up to the mining station. Automated systems inside the station sift the ore and begin the initial stages of processing.

Since Makeb's mines often bore into the heart of the planet or take advantage of existing volcanic vents, the operators have developed sophisticated heat-shielding technology. Marketing these shields has been almost as lucrative as the mining itself.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​mining_on_makeb

Mining on Makeb

Operational Briefing: Makeb Strike Team

Mission Type: Acquisition and Exfiltration
Operational Zone: Makeb
Prepared for: Darth Marr
Distribution List: Classified

Strike team is charged with procuring Makeb's isotope-5 stockpile under outside command. By request of Darth Marr, primary qualifications for strike team members include high loyalty levels and a psychological state amenable to a suicide mission.

Team member specializations include communications, coordination, observation and stealth. Can be augmented with scientific expertise should the mission requirements change.

Katha Niar (Ministry of Logistics) and Lord Cytharat (on temporary release from Korriban jails) will act in secondary leadership roles. Niar's recent work with the Imperial Army has resulted in highly successful operations (but note high casualty rates). Profiling suggests that Cytharat's desire for redemption is genuine, and he will ably protect his team.

Should mission prove successful, survivors may be reassigned together for future operations.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​makeb_strike_team

Operational Briefing: Makeb Strike Team

State of the War: Imperial Retrenchment

The tide has turned in the battle for galactic control between the Republic and the Empire. Weakened by Sith infighting and a rebellion staged by Darth Malgus, the Empire stares down a unified Republic front and the possibility of defeat. Commanded by leaders such as Darth Marr, Imperial forces have withdrawn from many areas of conflicted space and loosened their grip on outlying worlds in a strategic move to shore up defenses, regroup and prepare for retaliation.

As the Empire stages its tactical retreat, the heartened Republic presses its advantage. United under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Saresh, Republic forces rally and unleash bold new tactics against the shaken Empire. But a Republic victory is far from assured. The Empire's will to survive is unassailable, and it will stop at nothing to combat the Republic's aggressions and conquer the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​imperial_retrenchment

State of the War: Imperial Retrenchment

The Hutt Cartel Alliance

The Hutt Cartel's wealthiest and most influential leaders were abandoned to die with the planet Makeb when their paranoid ally Toborro accused them of plotting behind his back. To save themselves, these Hutts signed a binding treaty that made them official Republic allies. The Hutt Cartel is now obligated to lend its considerable resources to the Republic's cause.

This alliance has been met with skepticism and outright hostility by the Cartel's lesser members, none of whom were endangered by events on Makeb and therefore had no reason to accept the treaty's terms. How these rancorous Cartel members will respond to Republic demands remains to be seen. In the meantime, the famous Hutt scientist Doctor Oggurobb now works as an official liaison between the Republic and Cartel leaders--a position he finds annoying in the extreme.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​the_hutt_cartel_alliance

The Hutt Cartel Alliance

The Hutt Conquest of Makeb

As a rich, independent world, Makeb has always had an irresistible lure for the Hutt Cartel. Eventually, a consortium led by the powerful Toborro the Hutt laid plans to seize control of the planet's mineral wealth. A terrible groundquake that leveled one of Makeb's cities gave the Hutt Cartel its chance.

In the confusion, the Hutts brought a fleet to Makeb. Once the ships arrived, Makeb's mercenary forces--having been secretly paid off by the Hutt Cartel--rose up and turned against Makeb's citizens. The mercenaries took over the government's buildings and helped select Hutt forces land. Although mining operations and businesses still run as normal, the Hutts have the hold on Makeb they have wanted for years.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​chapter_4.​makeb.​lore.​hutt_conquest_of_makeb

The Hutt Conquest of Makeb

Black Codex: Operation: Shining Man (Agent)

[Data reconstructed from the Shining Man's databanks and files retrieved from the Tytun Rings HoloNet archive.]

The Mystics are a wildcard; they must be brought under control before the endgame. Any other opportunities Voss presents--a chance to train operatives against the Force in a controlled environment, a bauble to distract the Republic and Empire, even a base of operations--are secondary.

Follow the plan. Become what they require and make your case. We don't need to make allies; we just need them out of the way while we resolve the matters at hand.

I wish you could be here for the last days, but our "prophecy" must be sealed by sacrifice and we can't risk another layer of deception. Your time as enforcer will be remembered in the codex, and Hunter will be an able successor.

[Reconstruction ends here.]

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​black_codex_operation_shining_man

Black Codex: Operation: Shining Man (Agent)

Dream-Walking (Inquisitor)

The spirit healers and dream-walkers of Voss are a strange group, even by Voss standards. Preferring to spend most of their time meditating in the wilderness of the Old Paths instead of in Voss-Ka, these Mystics work on healing the mind rather than the body.

Using the ritual of dream-walking, the Mystics enter their own minds and face their own fears, hopes, loves and rages, seeking spiritual balance and health. Such spirit healers are few, but there is evidence of their existence throughout Voss history, and an archive of their writings is kept for spirit healer initiates in the Shrine of Healing.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​dream_walking

Dream-Walking (Inquisitor)

Gormak and Voss Origins

In the beginning, the Gormak were the only species on Voss--semisentient humanoids marked with a strong, though undeveloped, affinity for the Force. However, the history of the Gormak was forever altered several thousand years ago when they were discovered and enslaved by a small group of Sith.

A minor Jedi contingent of explorers arrived soon after. Bowing to pressure from a group of Gormak elders who had escaped the Sith, the Jedi taught a handful of the tribes the ways of the Force. They had no way of knowing that doing so would alter the path of their natural evolution so that they underwent profound physical and mental changes over the next several generations. The creatures ceased to be Gormak and became something else entirely--the Voss.

The Jedi preached temperance and defense but the newly formed Voss immediately attacked the Sith who still lurked among the Gormak primitives. The Voss destroyed the Sith, but in the process they were touched by the dark side, further altering their radically sensitive evolutionary path. Later the small group of Jedi explorers disappeared, having gone home or dying to accident or Voss aggression. Whatever the case, the strange happenings on Voss were never recorded in any archive.

Ascending to the top of Voss's tallest peak, the new species turned to its most powerful Force-users for leadership. Myths about their origins began as the newly ordained "Mystics" tried to explain what had happened and eventually it was believed that the Voss had simply always been. In time this myth became the accepted truth, until even the Mystics themselves forgot the real origins of their people.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​gormak_and_voss_origins

Gormak and Voss Origins

Law and Order on Voss (Smuggler)

The legal system of Voss can be especially perplexing to offworlders, many of whom are surprised to discover criminal gangs like the Exchange operating openly on the planet. Calls by Republic officials to close down these centers of illicit trade have been met with puzzlement and refusal by the Voss, who see no harm in encouraging free trade between their people and offworlders.

Crime among Voss is nonexistent, and Voss law is a much simpler affair than the regulations governing Republic and Imperial worlds. Voss laws are established by the Mystics, enforced by the commandos and judged by the adjudicators. This last group was recently formed solely for offworlders, as no Voss citizen would ever violate their rulers' edicts.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​smuggler.​law_and_order_on_voss

Law and Order on Voss (Smuggler)

Legend of the Shining Man (Agent)

The Voss do not, as a rule, welcome outsiders. They see themselves as unique in the galaxy, chosen by prophecy, and believe that non-Voss play another role altogether.

The Shining Man--who called himself Albathius upon his arrival--is the only known exception. He was first seen in the plazas of Voss-Ka, haggard and seeking food. No holocam or ship manifest recorded how he came to the planet, and he offered no explanation.

In a matter of days, the Shining Man ingratiated himself with the Voss, living and working among them. To the intelligence services observing, it was clear Albathius was more than he appeared--but by the time they began a detailed investigation, the Shining Man had become part of the culture, participating in Voss rituals and being adopted into a Voss family.

When the Shining Man died in his home, his status was cemented as a near-holy figure. If he had been assassinated, his enemies had made a martyr of him.

If he had chosen death himself, he had made the ultimate commitment to his cover. The only question was "Why?"

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​legend_of_the_shining_man

Legend of the Shining Man (Agent)

Mystic Visions

For the Voss, a Mystic's vision is a rare and solemn event. While visions are always believed to serve the greater good of the Voss people, in the short term they can mean great upheaval and suffering. Following the visions of their Mystics, the Voss have waged bloody war on one another, torn down and rebuilt half of Voss-Ka and spent centuries digging underground in search of sacred crystals--but experience has shown that those who ignore visions do so at their peril. The predictions of the Mystics have never been wrong.

For these reasons, a Mystic's vision is treated with great care. No Mystic determines himself how the Voss act upon his vision; instead, the vision is described to the experienced interpreters at the Tower of Prophecy. The interpreters debate its meaning and meditate before they present their analysis, and the Three--or another to whom the vision is directed--act on the interpretation, confident in the knowledge that whatever action is necessary, it is ultimately for the benefit of all Voss.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​mystic_visions

Mystic Visions

Potential Mystics (Consular)

Voss Mystics are both born and made. Children who show signs of talent in either prophecy or healing are sent to the Tower of Prophecy for training and study. When these potentials are old enough, they may go on a pilgrimage across Voss where they visit holy sites, fast and meditate on their future roles.

A potential's training does not end until he either performs a great act of healing or experience a vision. If a potential Mystic begins his training but fails to complete it, he is allowed to re-enter Voss society and is referred to as a "lost potential." Although there is no stigma to failing Mystic training, lost potentials are often left feeling isolated from other Voss due to their long study and experience of the rituals at the Tower of Prophecy. What greater role lost potentials will fulfill in the Voss prophecies is still an unanswered question.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​potential_mystics

Potential Mystics (Consular)

The Deep Cradle (Consular)

"All that is Voss comes from Voss," run the words of an ancient Voss creation myth. According to tradition, the ruin known as the Deep Cradle marks the site where the Voss were born from the substance of the planet itself. Later stories tell of how one Voss returned to the Deep Cradle and drank from the fire at the planet's heart; he knew he would perish, but that his sacrifice was necessary for the greater good. His prophetic dying words are said to have guided the ancient Voss safely through the wilderness, until they discovered the mountain where Voss-Ka now stands.

The altars of the Deep Cradle, meditated upon by potential Mystics, reflect these myths. The Altar of Life celebrates the existence and survival of the Voss despite all odds. The Altar of Death represents the irrevocability of one's actions. Finally, the Altar of Duty stands for both the ability to choose, and the responsibility that comes with choosing correctly.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​the_deep_cradle

The Deep Cradle (Consular)

The Forbidden Ritual (Inquisitor)

Little is forbidden on Voss, where life is directed by the infallible visions of the Mystics. Yet one ritual, practiced by ancient spirit healers and believed to be powerful enough to restore even the most fractured mind, was locked away within the Shrine of Healing and guarded by a Voss apparition.

The so-called "Forbidden Ritual"--its true name long lost to history--involves dream-walking alongside one of the hated Gormaks. By uniting both Voss and Gormak, it can heal the mind of its "nightmares."

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​the_forbidden_ritual

The Forbidden Ritual (Inquisitor)

The Imperial Attack on Voss

When the Empire first learned of Voss--a primitive world with powerful Force-sensitive Mystics--it was quickly marked for conquest. "Ambassadors" sent to the capital reported that Voss-Ka appeared wholly undefended. Soon after, the Imperial General Khypes arrived with a battle cruiser and several army divisions to demand that the Voss surrender.

Before any official communication could be sent to the Voss government, Khypes's battle cruiser exploded. Its escorts were destroyed moments later, whether caught in the cruiser's blast or eliminated through other means. The invasion was over before it had begun.

In the hours that followed, both Imperial and Republic forces scrambled to determine what had happened. No trace of an energy discharge was found, suggesting planetary defenses were not involved. The Empire suspected Republic sabotage or secret Voss weapons. The Republic theorized that the destruction was the result of Sith infighting. The Voss called it destiny.

Regardless, the Empire realized it had underestimated the Voss and hastily recalled its forces, claiming General Khypes was a rogue acting without orders. Soon, the Empire began to attempt more diplomatic overtures to the Voss people.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​the_imperial_attack

The Imperial Attack on Voss

The Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing

Tales of the miraculous powers possessed by the Mystics at the Shrine of Healing have spread across the galaxy, and many offworlders have flocked to Voss in the hopes of being cured of their various ailments and afflictions. Before they can petition the healers, however, those seeking aid must embark on a dangerous and arduous pilgrimage to the shrine's remote location.

This journey is more than merely symbolic. Facing the trials of the pilgrimage purifies the spirit of the petitioner--an essential requirement, the Voss say, for those seeking aid. Voss healing rituals disperse an affliction across multiple individuals, diluting it until it no longer has any ill effects. If the ritual is performed on one who has not been purified, the Mystics believe there is a chance the malady will instead infect all involved in the ritual, making the necessity of the pilgrimage readily apparent.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​the_pilgrimage_to_the_shrine_of_healing

The Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing

The Three

Many outsiders believe that the Voss are directly governed by their Mystics; an understandable mistake, given the Mystics' importance. In fact, the Mystics' visions are first interpreted, then conveyed to the Three--the secular governing body based in Voss-Ka, who base their executive orders upon the visions' interpretations.

The Three are chosen by Mystics after meditation or according to visions, but have little direct contact with the Mystics on a day-to-day basis. Working from the Tower of Prophecy, the Three administer Voss-Ka, make policy decisions and coordinate the endless war against the Gormak.

Depending on the advice of the Mystics, appointment to the Three can last a lifetime or just hours. The current members of the Three are the calm, authoritative Sonn-Vi; Gunta-Mer, who was chosen by the Mystics only weeks ago; and Nen-Ji, the longest-serving member, who has been part of the Three since childhood.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​voss.​the_three

The Three

The Voice of the Emperor (Warrior)

For centuries, the Emperor's Voice has delivered the Sith leader's commandments to his servants. In fact, to converse with the Emperor's Voice is to have an audience with the Emperor himself, whose power and consciousness have been placed within the Voice's body.

Although the audible voice never changes, the physical individual who does the speaking has assumed many forms--various accounts describe the Emperor's Voice as anyone from a young human female to an elderly full-blooded Sith male. Regardless of physical appearance, however, the Emperor's Voice can always be identified by its emotionless, precise and controlled manner of speaking. Some have privately described conversations with this entity as extremely disturbing; there is often the sense that the Emperor's Voice is listening to another conversation even when he or she is speaking.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​lore.​warrior.​the_voice_of_the_emperor

The Voice of the Emperor (Warrior)

Belsavis Automated Security

Belsavis's automated security systems consist of a complex web of logic programs, identity databases, mechanical interfaces and emergency overrides. Computers control everything from coma gas ventilation to laser turrets to holocameras to energy field lockdowns, along with far more obscure technologies.

What makes Belsavis's security unusual is its distributed nature. Different sections of the prison and different types of responses are controlled by entirely separate computer systems. This ensures that damage or corruption to one system cannot compromise the entire prison, but it also makes untangling errors difficult at best.

Some of Belsavis's security systems are even tied into rumored alien technology in the deep levels of the prison; this allows them to access systems of unusual power, but also causes occasional eccentricities when outside protocols override modern programming. Usually, these eccentricities are harmless--a computer displays its interface in an unknown language, or indoor humidity rises uncomfortably--but the prison technicians fear that far worse is possible.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_automated_security

Belsavis Automated Security

Belsavis Prison Break

The Empire's attack on Belsavis came as a complete surprise. So far as the Republic knew, the prison's location was an absolute secret--and even if the secret were exposed, the planet seemed unlikely to become a top-priority military target. In this, the strategists were mistaken.

The Empire began its attack by delivering a small team of Sith and elite soldiers onto the planet surface. Their first task was to free as many prisoners as possible and throw the prison into chaos. Some of the prisoners (including long-lost Imperial prisoners-of-war) allied with the Empire, while others joined the riots and attacked all parties. As the Republic scrambled to respond, the Empire established a makeshift base of operations on the surface and brought a mobile battle platform into orbit.

The Empire's position on Belsavis is precarious, but until the Republic can alter its focus from the prisoners to the invaders, the situation is unlikely to change.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_prison_break

Belsavis Prison Break

Belsavis Prison Personnel

The personnel who run the Belsavis prison come from a variety of backgrounds. Many are Republic military, but others are decorated members of planetary security forces or staff transfers from maximum security prisons elsewhere. All receive extensive training upon acceptance into the Belsavis forces, and are experts at riot control, siege tactics and asymmetrical combat. Some are also skilled interrogators, negotiators and psychologists.

Augmenting the staff is a veritable army of Republic security droids, including many built and maintained on Belsavis. The Belsavis warden droids are designed specifically for prison work, and can move through parts of Belsavis where no living guard is permitted.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_prison_personnel

Belsavis Prison Personnel

Belsavis Vaults

Scattered across the surface of Belsavis are ancient structures built from an unknown material, practically impervious to weapons and scanners. Engraved on the walls and doors of these structures are strange warnings in ancient languages, imploring anyone who finds the structures to stay away and not unseal their contents.

Republic science teams have opened a handful of these alien vaults, finding others broken open before their arrival. The vaults' contents are classified even to most prison personnel, but rumors suggest that they contain ancient weapons, machines and even living creatures--some perfectly preserved, others ruined. After several science teams were lost, further exploration was halted. Protection of the sealed vaults is one of the administration's top priorities.

A few vaults--seemingly empty and opened long ago--have been converted for use by the Republic as additional holding facilities or secure storage. In addition, stories persist among both the inmates and the low-level prison staff of much larger vaults of similar design in the prison's Maximum Security Section.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​belsavis_vaults

Belsavis Vaults

Black Codex: Origins of the Star Cabal (Agent)

[Data reconstructed from the SCORPIO databanks and the personal recollections of Megasecurity Ward 23 inhabitants.]

The Great Hyperspace War was a turning point for civilization. For the first time, the galaxy itself was imperiled, and every living being put at risk. History nearly ended. And why?

Because the Jedi and the Sith--ordinary people with extraordinary might--went too far, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them.

We cannot change the nature of ordinary people. But we can control them.

We have assembled the best men and women of our generation, individuals with the power and the will to effect change. Some of you see yourselves as rivals elsewhere, but here we are partners.

Our goal is not to conquer or to punish, but to preserve civilization as we know it. We will work in secret, so that no one may fear us. We will conceal the Sith from the Jedi, and the Jedi from the Sith so long as we can, and we will let them command the world that they see.

But they will see only what we let them see.

[Reconstruction ends here.]

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​black_codex_origins_star_cabal

Black Codex: Origins of the Star Cabal (Agent)

Esh-Kha Culture

To outsiders, the Esh-kha appear to be a savage and violent people, caring only about the destruction of all other species. In fact, the Esh-kha closely resemble a hive society. Although each individual has his own thoughts and aspirations, every Esh-kha is born in his place, bred for a role and eager to fulfill it. Their society is divided into castes: the Force-sensitive but simple-minded savants; the skilled, determined warriors, who are the most numerous and who watch over their savant brethren; and the patriarch, whose wisdom shapes the decisions of the Esh-kha as a whole.

The Esh-kha's hatred for all other sentient species may stem from their tightly-knit society; Esh-kha are simply unable to tolerate or adapt to the existence of thinking beings who are not Esh-kha. But this savagery only extends to outsiders. Esh-kha are only violent with each other under the most extreme circumstances.

Esh-kha are not named at birth, but earn their names through action. An Esh-kha who proves particularly cunning might become "Razor Mind" or "Water Thinker." This may partly explain the Esh-kha zeal in battle, as young warriors seek not only victory, but the opportunity to claim a name and forge their own identity.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​esh_kha_culture

Esh-Kha Culture

History of Belsavis Prison

Over twenty thousand years ago, the alien Rakata turned the jungle planet Belsavis into a prison. There, they entombed indescribable monsters, heretics and warlords, weapons to shatter stars, whole species... anything they feared or treasured above all reason. And when the Rakata's age of glory ended, the droids they left behind maintained the seals.

Many millennia later, after the rise of the Republic, Belsavis became known as an unremarkable planet in the middle of an ice age, populated by only a handful of primitives. It was only happenstance that caused Republic scouts to notice first the tropical rifts that defied the freezing temperatures, and then the strange vaults and the alien structures burrowing into the core of the planet.

Top-secret expeditions attempted to explore the alien vaults, until the extent of the dangers became apparent. At last, select Senators worked with the Strategic Information Service to construct Belsavis prison--a facility with two purposes. First, to guard, contain and study the terrible alien structures on the planet. And second, to create a prison for the Republic--one where the most powerful offenders could be placed within the Rakata's cells, and where lesser threats could be isolated on the most secure planet in the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​history_of_belsavis_prison

History of Belsavis Prison

Mind Trap

The ancient Rakata built mind traps as the ultimate prison. These strange devices leave the victim's body intact, but draw the psyche into an otherworldly "white room"--a virtual environment created by the mind trap's power. While inside the white room, the victim does not hunger or age, and his thoughts are not impaired--but he can have no contact with the outside world until another being accesses the device. It is entirely possible for the victim's body to die and the victim's psyche to suffer immortality inside a white, featureless void. Certain technologies allow a mind trap's victims to holographically project into the real world, though whether the Rakata intended this is a mystery.

During the height of the Infinite Empire, entrapment was reserved as a punishment for Rakata only. At other periods, however, other dangerous beings have been placed within the devices.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​mind_trap

Mind Trap

Primeval Beasts

The creatures imprisoned beneath Belsavis defy easy classification. Many resemble animals found elsewhere in the galaxy, but possess traits that make them far more dangerous than their "ordinary" counterparts. Republic scientists theorize many were enhanced through direct genetic alteration, but such techniques go far beyond current science.

Although most of the creatures in the prison have been kept in stasis through the centuries, a few sealed cell blocks hold surviving colonies that have bred over generations, feeding on supplies delivered by caretaker droids or on one another. Strangest of all, a handful of alien etchings refer to creatures living outside of stasis but without need of food or water, raging and awaiting their chance at escape.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​primeval_beasts

Primeval Beasts

Rakata Technology

The ancient Rakata combined proficiency with the Force with a mastery of technology and bioengineering. Massive weapons of war--such as the Star Forge, a space station powered by the dark side and capable of manufacturing whole fleets--were among their largest-scale achievements, but not every Rakata creation was so grandiose.

Rakata mind traps are capable of containing the psyche of an individual in a virtual environment. Creatures bred and enhanced by Rakata life-shapers can survive both hard vacuum and baradium explosives. Rakata droids possess weaponry capable of breaking apart most forms of matter at the atomic level.

Rakata relics--even nonfunctional ones--are desperate sought after by those few scientists and archaeologists aware of their existence. Urban legends among smuggling rings tell of ancient devices that wreak havoc on their owners, and both Imperial Intelligence and the Strategic Information Service monitor these rumors with interest. One stray Rakata artifact can change the course of history.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​rakata_technology

Rakata Technology

The Domination Experiments

Code-named "Project Noble Focus," the domination experiments are one of the Republic's darkest and best-kept secrets. Instituted by Senator Tudos, the project's purpose is to analyze the military capabilities of countless alien species by pitting prisoners against each other in closely monitored combat scenarios. Aliens are divided into test groups, armed and equipped appropriate to their species, and forced to battle. Winners receive better supplies and better treatment--temporarily.

Although only a select few in the Republic's political and military echelons are aware of the project's existence, the project has come to involve several dozen personnel on Belsavis. Most of the prison staff members are unaware of the experiments, but authorized higher-ups along with the scientists and guards who maintain the project have, apparently, managed to silence their consciences.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​the_domination_experiments

The Domination Experiments

The Infinite Empire

Over twenty thousand years ago, the Rakata ruled an empire hundreds of worlds strong. They enslaved armies of lesser beings, but slavery and war were only incidental to the Rakata way of life. Their Infinite Empire was built on the promise that the Rakata could reshape existence to suit themselves--they would warp space, peer through time, create and destroy species at a whim. To humanoid minds, the Rakata of old were mad hedonists and philosophers without conscience.

For all their arrogance and their eventual fall (and they did fall, in time, when their power mysteriously faded and their slaves revolted en masse), the Rakata were supreme at their peak. They effortlessly merged their strength in the Force with technological genius, creating nightmarish and brilliant devices. Their achievements may never be matched; perhaps this is for the best.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​the_infinite_empire

The Infinite Empire

The World Razer

Almost nothing is known of the ancient being known as the World Razer. No one has seen or spoken to the creature for thousands of years; the Rakata's cryptic warnings suggest the World Razer is Belsavis's oldest prisoner, and that the prison was first constructed to hold the terrible entity whose hunger consumed a thousand worlds.

According to the Rakata inscriptions in the Tomb, it took the combined might of the Infinite Empire to subdue the World Razer, and an entire planet to contain its fury. If such a creature were ever released, its rage might very well shatter the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​lore.​belsavis.​the_world_razer

The World Razer

Ilum Crystals

The Adegan lightsaber crystals of Ilum were originally discovered by ancient Jedi, who made pilgrimages to Ilum to study and meditate on the Force amid Ilum's harsh wintry environs and to select the Force-resonant crystals for their lightsabers.

But while it has long been believed that Adegan crystals had the potential for other uses, serious research into the subject was not pursued until the outbreak of the latest war with the Sith Empire. The Empire and the Republic have both sent teams to Ilum to extract the crystals and discover their military applications--most notably, the potential for stealth technology of unprecedented effectiveness.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​illum_crystals

Ilum Crystals

Pilgrimages to Ilum

Distant, frozen and dangerous, Ilum has nonetheless attracted Jedi visitors for centuries. The vast crystal caves beneath Ilum's surface draw those seeking to improve their weapons, meditate in seclusion or test themselves against the natural hazards there.

One pilgrimage to Ilum nearly ended in disaster when Master Seta-Le, trekking through Ilum's mountains to a meditation site, fell through a patch of ice into a cavern. Trapped and with her lightsaber broken in the fall, she eventually managed to apply the lightsaber's components to a nearby crystal formation. The resulting scattered beam melted through the ice wall of the cavern, allowing Master Seta-Le to escape. The complex, fragile ice formations created from the beam have become another point of interest on Ilum for Jedi pilgrims.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​pilgrimages_to_illum

Pilgrimages to Ilum

Stealth Technology and Warfare

Stealth field generators allow individuals to effectively become invisible and have been in common use for centuries, most often seen in modern times in the possession of professional spies and underworld figures. Invisibility is also possible on a larger scale; occasionally private starships employ cloaking devices, but the costs involved mean they are reserved for the very rich, or those willing to seize such devices by force.

Despite the obvious advantages, in wartime cloaked ships and individuals are usually only deployed for small, covert operations. Cloaking an entire division or fleet would not be practical. But periodically, researchers or military leaders obsessed with the possibilities attempt to develop technology to allow mass-cloaking, knowing it would change the face of warfare forever. Given the amplification properties discovered in Ilum crystals, perhaps the time for change has finally come.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​stealth_technology_and_warfare

Stealth Technology and Warfare

The Battle for Ilum

To the Jedi, Ilum is a sacred world invaded and ravaged. To the Empire, it represents vital resources and the chance for a powerful symbolic victory. After learning of the value of Ilum's crystals in the years after the Sacking of Coruscant, the Empire sent a small group of Sith to investigate the planet. With only a handful of Jedi scattered across the ice plains, the Sith were able to avoid or defeat their foes and begin quietly harvesting Ilum's crystals.

During the fighting on Corellia, Republic SIS operatives recovered evidence of the Empire's plans to use these crystals and develop stealth technology on an unprecedented scale. The Republic gathered its fleets and allies--both old and new--and raced in defense of Ilum. The aid of the Jedi has allowed the Republic to establish strong bases, but the Empire is determined not to lose such a valuable world. The battle for Ilum promises to be long and bloody.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​the_battle_for_illum

The Battle for Ilum

The Republic's Alien Allies

The renewed war with the Empire and the fight for Corellia brought the Republic to the brink, prompting it to call on a variety of allies and member worlds. Now the battle on Ilum and the chance the Empire may gain the massive advantage of a stealth fleet have reaffirmed the need for wide support. Duros, Talz, Ongree and Wookiee shock troops have all lent their soldiers, munitions and fleets to the fight. More unusual is the presence of Kaleesh mercenaries; these masked, highly skilled warriors have come to the fiercest battleground in the galaxy seeking honor and glory.

Ordinarily, keeping such diverse forces working together would be a challenge. But the harsh conditions on Ilum, the furious onslaught from the Empire and the knowledge of the consequences of defeat have served to unify the Republic's forces and kept disagreements to a minimum.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​lore.​illum.​the_republics_alien_allies

The Republic's Alien Allies

Ahto City

For millennia, the Selkath had no contact with other worlds. Then the Rakata came to Manaan and enslaved the Selkath, forcing them to construct monuments to the great Infinite Empire. After the Infinite Empire's fall, the Selkath were left in isolation once more. Now aware of the greater galaxy and its many species, the Selkath decided to build a city on the surface--a shining capital designed for tourism, trade and diplomacy.

Ahto City was a thriving metropolis. At one point, large contingents of the Republic and the Empire lived side by side in Ahto City despite the raging Jedi Civil War. This awkward arrangement was made possible due to both sides' desperate need for Manaan's healing agent, kolto. More recently, however, the Sith Empire grew tired of Selkath neutrality and bombarded the planet from orbit, destroying most of Manaan's surface structures--including Ahto City. The Selkath have since retreated to the depths, abandoning their once-great capital, now a half-sunken wreck.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 55

FQN: cdx.​lore.​manaan.​ahto_city

Ahto City

Binexan-class Destroyer

Selkath legend says that when a Binexan shark is beaten by an adversary, it retreats to Manaan's murky depths, only to resurface as an even deadlier creature than before. The Binexan-class Destroyer, named for this fabled vicious predator, was designed to do something similar.

But instead of waiting to be overpowered before disappearing and re-emerging as a stronger opponent, this Republic military vessel attacks first, striking hard and fast, before diving below the surface and effectively shielding itself from enemy scanners and tracking systems. With the ability to move immensely powerful ordnance quickly and almost completely undetected, the Binexan-class Destroyer is a formidable weapon in a battle for control of an aquatic world.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​binexan_destroyer

Binexan-class Destroyer

Ion Cannon

A large, platform-based weapon designed to disrupt onboard computers, secondary electronic systems, and protective shields, resulting in critical failures, internal damage, and immediate loss of power. Though powerful, ion cannons quickly incapacitate ships while sparing both the structural integrity of the vessel and inflicting minimal crew casualties.

Due to their size and advanced logistical and technological requirements, ion cannons are a rare sight on the battlefield only associated with groups with considerable resources. Their simple but devastating effect of the can be directed into a beam, akin to long-range artillery, or a single-use explosive for a greater diameter of effectiveness.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​ion_cannon

Ion Cannon


Kolto is a medicinal fluid found naturally on the planet Manaan. Highly valued for its ability to heal, kolto can be found in use in hospitals, clinics and medical bays throughout the galaxy. It also has obvious applications for military use, helping soldiers to recover more quickly from wounds sustained in the throes of war.

The Selkath of Manaan strictly regulate the trade of their monopolistic supply of kolto. For this reason, many Republic and Imperial scientists have attempted to synthesize kolto. While a few less reliable, less stable caches of lab-procured kolto do exist, they are poor substitutes for the real thing.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​manaan.​kolto


Nautical Mining System

Developed by Colonel Seeral Korrd and various engineers under his command, the Empire's Nautical Mining System is a network of platforms that can be deployed with minimal to no casualties or resistance.

Despite the lack of natural cover, defenses, or roads on worlds entirely covered by oceans, the platforms can be dropped from orbit, constructed, moved, and withdrawn faster than mining stations established on terrestrial planets.

The floating platforms serve as stations in the mining system's network, and each can be adapted to handle different crucial steps in the kolto mining process, including harvesting, refining, and shipping. Unique shielding technology is used below the surface to drain sections of the ocean floor, providing easy access to underwater deposits of kolto, while the surface levels are equipped with state-of-the-art defenses that prevent raiders--or unhappy locals--from interfering with moving the kolto offworld.

Although Manaan is the first planet to have its resources harvested through the Nautical Mining System, its success could mean a wider application of Colonel Korrd's invention on aquatic worlds across the galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​nautical_mining_system

Nautical Mining System


The title of a massive firaxan shark reported to live in the Hrakert Rift on the planet Manaan, infamously involved in an unfortunate incident at an undersea outpost. The original Progenitor and indeed all firaxan sharks are still considered a sacred animal to the Selkath, so efforts to protect and preserve the species have given rise to additional technology to both shield critical kolto mining facilities, while ensuring the sharks are not inadvertently harmed by the machinery. Over the centuries, the term has been applied to any firaxan shark displaying unusual size.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141148416747135524

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​manaan.​progenitor


History of Coruscant

For over 200,000 years, Coruscant has been one of the most important planets in the galaxy. It has seen and survived dozens of wars, suffered under the control of alien species, served as the capital of the Republic and--according to common wisdom--ushered in the birth of the human species.

In ancient times, before the planet became a city, Coruscant was a world covered mainly in oceans. Over millennia, humans spread out over the land masses, covering them with structures--and as technology developed and overpopulation grew more troublesome, the Coruscanti people sought ways to house their ever-growing numbers. Eventually, the seas themselves were drained, and the humans spread into the empty basins.

It has been over 100,000 years since sunlight last reached the lowest levels of the city. Now, Coruscant stands as a marvel of engineering and sentient triumph, home to thousands of species and countless billions of individuals. Archaeologists spend their whole lives descending through the city's layers, searching for answers about its distant past, and no one in the universe knows Coruscant's full story.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​history_of_coruscant

History of Coruscant

Reconstruction of Coruscant

The Republic capital was the Empire's final target during the war, and the bombs dropped in the Sacking of Coruscant left large swathes of the city in ruins. The reconstruction effort began almost immediately after the Empire's withdrawal, but in a crowded city-world where skyscrapers can be kilometers high, simply demolishing one safely can take months.

Although donations flowed freely from the Republic, corruption and political squabbling caused further delays. Finally, Vanara Kayl, Senator for Coruscant, gave an impassioned speech claiming that deliberate interference in Coruscant's rebuilding verged on treason. Impressed by her fervor, the Supreme Chancellor gave Senator Kayl full authority over the reconstruction efforts, which have proceeded relatively smoothly ever since.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​reconstruction_of_coruscant

Reconstruction of Coruscant

Republic Government

Democracy and fair representation are at the core of Republic government. Every member world in the Republic is entitled to a seat in the Galactic Senate and the right to vote on legislation. Due to the sheer size of the Senate, which represents thousands of worlds, Senators negotiate alliances--occasionally through backroom deals--to strengthen their position on important issues.

Large-scale military deployments must be approved by the Senate. Jedi activities are officially outside the Senate's jurisdiction; unofficially, the Jedi Council prefers to be in harmony with the Senate's wishes, and avoid a threat to their independence from Senate action.

The head of the Galactic Senate--and therefore the Republic itself--is the Supreme Chancellor. The Supreme Chancellor is elected by the Senate and serves a four-year term. In recent years, campaigns to become Supreme Chancellor have become more and more low-key, as candidates fear assassination by the Empire.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​republic_government

Republic Government

The Sacking of Coruscant

A pivotal moment in recent galactic history, the Sacking of Coruscant was a swift and merciless attack on the Republic capital that began with an offer of peace. The Sith Empire, having fought the Republic for decades since its surprise return, suddenly contacted the Republic Senate to propose a treaty. Although the Republic was suspicious, the war had stretched its capabilities and resources to a breaking point. Peace seemed the only hope of survival.

Diplomats from both sides traveled to Alderaan to discuss the treaty, but the Empire was already making its move. An Imperial fleet descended on Coruscant and launched a massive orbital bombardment against the city. As the Sith Lord Darth Malgus marched into the Jedi Temple, other Imperial forces captured the Senate tower. The entire planet was effectively held hostage.

Knowing that "peace negotiations" were over, the Supreme Chancellor reluctantly signed the Treaty of Coruscant, dictated by the Empire. Although years of uneasy peace have followed, the Sacking of Coruscant remains a vivid and painful memory for the Republic; for the Empire, one of its greatest victories.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 11

FQN: cdx.​lore.​coruscant.​the_sacking_of_coruscant

The Sacking of Coruscant

Carbonite Freezing

Carbonite is a metal alloy that, when mixed with various gasses, can be used to flash freeze blocks of cargo for transportation or storage. Its use in freezing living creatures is relatively new in the galaxy and considered highly dangerous--subjects frozen for more than a few hours have a very low survival rate unless the carbonite is prepared with much expense at an elaborate facility. Even in the best cases, the sudden shock of flash freezing (often combined with a lack of life-support monitoring during suspension) tends to make the process extremely traumatic--sometimes even turning fatal hours after a subject has been thawed.

Still, a quick carbonite spray is the only known technique for freezing living creatures quickly and with minimal preparation. The technology is growing increasingly popular with bounty hunters and smugglers; as a result, many bounty hunting guilds have clauses in their contracts mandating live capture payment even if the bounty fails to survive the post-hibernation period.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 7

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​carbonite_freezing

Carbonite Freezing


Prior to the Hutts' arrival, Hutta was known as Evocar by the native Evocii. It was a temperate planet characterized by lush rainforests, expansive oceans and towering mountain ranges. Natural resources were plentiful, a fact that no doubt attracted the Hutts as they searched for a new homeworld to settle. The Hutts' occupation of Evocar led to centuries of strip-mining and unchecked consumption that forever altered Evocar, transforming the once-idyllic planet into a polluted, bog-infested wasteland.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocar


Evocii Exile

When the Hutts resettled on Hutta, they quickly bought up the entire planet and forced the native Evocii offworld. Lacking any reliable means of interstellar travel, the Evocii had no choice but to allow the Hutts to facilitate their relocation to the orbiting moon of Nar Shaddaa.

Countless Evocii were herded onto Hutt cruisers, the Hutts cramming as many natives into each ship as possible. The Hutt shipping containers were not designed to transport living cargo, however, causing thousands of Evocii deaths during the voyage. Worst of all, Nar Shaddaa proved to only be a temporary refuge for the Evocii, as the Hutts already had plans to annex the moon and use the Evocii as cheap labor.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocii_exile

Evocii Exile

Evocii History

While no written record exists concerning the Evocii prior to the Hutts' arrival, it is known that they were a simple and primitive species with a tribal society. When the Hutts discovered Evocar--the planet that would become Hutta--they bartered with each tribe individually, offering wondrous technology in exchange for land until they effectively owned the entire planet. Those Evocii who had refused to sell their freedom were herded onto ships and relocated to Nar Shaddaa, where they were kept as a ready source of cheap labor.

The Hutts' dominion over the Evocii continued unchallenged for centuries until a charismatic Evocii named Ejal led an uprising against the Hutts. Ejal's revolt gained unprecedented momentum until he was betrayed by one of his tribesmen and delivered to his foes. Ejal met a gruesome end while the traitor was awarded his freedom and showered with riches. Even today, the Hutts are fond of this tale, as it reminds the Evocii of the rewards for obedience... and the price of defiance.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocii_history

Evocii History

Evocii Tribes

Although most Evocii remember little of their culture now, it is certain that the Evocii once existed in hundreds of tribes scattered throughout Hutta's (then known as Evocar) once-lush surface. Usually ruled by a married couple acting as paired chieftains, the Evocii tribes traded and competed with each other, building monuments as proof of their comfort and superior resources.

The most honored members of the tribe were rarely the chieftains themselves; the Evocii placed higher value on healers, trackers, and those who could predict Evocar's intemperate weather. The tribes were not entirely peaceful, though; the Evocii preferred cunning guerilla attacks and raids to assaulting their enemies directly.

The Hutts ignored the structure of Evocii society when they obtained control of the planet. Tribes were split up and intermingled, eventually losing their identity altogether. Only fragments of Evocii tribal culture remain, mostly in the communities that resisted Hutt rule and vanished into Hutta's swamps.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 5

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​evocii_tribes

Evocii Tribes

The Great Hunt (Bounty Hunter)

A recent Mandalorian tradition stretching back only a few hundred years, the Great Hunt is considered one of the keenest tests of a professional warrior's skill. While the competition has evolved over the centuries, incorporating more complex rules and greatly expanding its scope, two things have not changed: The challengers hunt each other as often as they do their quarries.

To the modern Mandalorians, the title of Grand Champion is second only in prestige to that of Mand'alor--the Mandalorian leader. In order to earn the title, a competitor must best everything the galaxy can throw at him or her. It's not entirely uncommon for a Great Hunt to end without a surviving competitor left to hold the title. As such, the number of beings who can claim that honor is slim.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 3

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​the_great_hunt

The Great Hunt (Bounty Hunter)


The ancestral homeworld of the Hutts, Varl was destroyed thousands of years ago. No accurate record of the planet's destruction exists, but Hutt mythos suggests that one of Varl's two suns was pulled into a black hole; according to legend, the resulting cataclysm devastated Varl's atmosphere and rendered the entire system uninhabitable.

Several inconsistencies in the story have led many to suspect that the Hutts themselves were responsible for the planet's destruction. Regardless, the Hutts fled the ruined planet and--after displacing the native Evocii--resettled on Hutta.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 9

FQN: cdx.​lore.​hutta.​varl


Environment of Taris

Before Darth Malak's orbital bombardment, Taris was a dying world. Industrial pollution had irreparably damaged the oceans, and chemicals and toxins poisoned the undercity's foundation. When the sprawling metropolis was reduced to rubble, countless pollutants were released into an already tainted ecosystem.

But this was not the end for Taris. For hundreds of years, the planet went without sentient interference, and the ecosystem began to adapt and thrive. Rich vegetation grew within the ruins, scaling steel towers and thrusting aside fallen skyscrapers. Animals--some native to the planet, some pets and lab specimens that had survived the bombardment--bred and repopulated the developing jungles.

Of course, some areas remain too polluted to inhabit--acidic lakes and radioactive sinkholes--but for the most part, Taris is an environmental success story and an object of fascination for scientists. The largest black mark remains the rakghoul plague, and the fear that it may one day spread to Taris's animal population.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​environment_of_taris

Environment of Taris
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Geroya Be Haran (Bounty Hunter)

Translated directly from the original Mando'a, Geroya be Haran literally means "game of annihilation"--though the challenge is anything but a game. While Mandalorians often engage in lethal duels to settle matters of honor, death in such a contest does no injury to a Mandalorian's legacy. To be challenged and to lose the game of annihilation isn't just to die--it is to have every accomplishment, every honor and every memory wiped away as if none had ever existed. Geroya be Haran is the gravest challenge a Mandalorian can issue.

The Geroya be Haran is so rarely invoked that the tradition's origin has been lost to time. However, many believe that it is the symbolic retelling of one of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders' most absolute victories during the Mandalorian Wars.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​bounty_hunter.​geroya_be_haran

Geroya Be Haran (Bounty Hunter)
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Jedi Civil War

Also known as the Second Sith War and the War of the Star Forge, the Jedi Civil War is one of the darkest eras in galactic history. Three centuries ago, a pair of idealistic young Jedi named Revan and Malak led thousands of followers into the Outer Rim to do battle with an invading Mandalorian army. The Mandalorians were defeated--and Revan and Malak returned to the Republic not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Declaring themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Revan and Darth Malak began the ruthless subjugation of Republic worlds in the Outer Rim. The Jedi Council, which had been loath to take action against the Mandalorians, assembled an army to bring the traitors to justice. Darth Revan was captured during an attack by the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and eventually turned back to the light side. Together Revan and Bastila defeated Malak, ending the threat.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​jedi_civil_war

Jedi Civil War
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Malak's Attack

During the Jedi Civil War, a ship carrying Bastila Shan--a Jedi with the rare and powerful battle meditation ability--was shot down by Darth Malak's fleet over the world of Taris. Malak's troops descended on the world in search of Bastila, but she avoided capture with the help of Revan, Malak's redeemed former master.

Rather than permit Bastila to escape, Malak ordered his fleet to bomb Taris from orbit, devastating the entire world. The planet-wide capital city was razed and civilian casualties measured in the billions. Despite Malak's extreme efforts, Bastila and Revan were able to safely flee the world. Taris itself, however, never recovered. Three centuries have passed, and a handful of swamp-sunken ruins are all that remains of this once great civilization.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​malaks_attack

Malak's Attack
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Rakghoul Disease

Theories abound on the origins of this highly contagious and adaptable virus: it may be the creation of an ancient Sith Lord; a naturally occurring result of the industrial toxins released into Taris's oceans; or the spectacularly failed efforts of medical researchers to artificially engineer a broad-spectrum vaccine.

Whatever the origins, the effects are undeniably terrifying. Typically spread through direct contact with rakghouls, fortunate victims suffer acute onset of flu-like symptoms that can prove fatal if not properly treated. However, in roughly half the cases the disease causes the host to undergo a horrific mutation, actually transforming them into a rakghoul.

Virtually all humanoid species in the galaxy are susceptible to infection, and there are rumors that the Empire has undertaken efforts to weaponize the disease. Unsubstantiated reports of rakghouls on worlds other than Taris lend credence to this rumor... or indicate the disease is slowly spreading across the galaxy of its own accord.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​rakghoul_disease

Rakghoul Disease
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Republic Reconstruction

Although located on the Outer Rim, Taris was once a cosmopolitan cityscape said to rival Coruscant. But this shining light was snuffed out three hundred years ago by Darth Malak, who ordered his Sith fleet to bomb the planet into oblivion. In the aftermath of the attack, little remained but ruins and putrid swamps overrun by rakghouls.

Recently, the Republic has begun efforts to recolonize and restore Taris in the belief it will demonstrate a resolve and ability to overcome the destruction wrought by the Sith. Should this lost world be salvaged, it would become a symbol of hope for all those who stand against the oppression of the Empire.

The focus to date has been on cleanup, salvage and clearing sites for new colonies. Progress has been slow, and the morale of those stationed on the world is rumored to be dangerously low. But the Galactic Senate refuses to admit defeat, truly exemplifying the politicians' can-do spirit.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​republic_reconstruction

Republic Reconstruction
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Taris (Pre-bombardment)

Located in the Ojoster Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Taris was an ecumenopolis founded at the nexus of several hyperspace trading routes. Prosperity led to a rapid population increase and the continued vertical expansion of the planet-wide urban sprawl. But with the discovery of superior trade lanes elsewhere, Taris's economic fortunes changed.

For the wealthy nobles living in the upper floors of the towering skyscrapers, Taris remained an urban paradise. As one descended, however, the standard of living dropped precipitously. Aliens and refugees were forced to live in the city's lower levels, supporting the upper classes both figuratively and literally. Near the surface, violent swoop gangs held sway over a terrified civilian populace beset by poverty and famine, and the sewers of the undercity were infested with rakghouls.

Ironically, many of those living in the lowest levels of Taris survived Darth Malak's bombardment, while the rich and powerful were almost entirely wiped out.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​lore.​taris_imp.​taris_pre_bombardment

Taris (Pre-bombardment)
LoreTaris (Imp)Imperial321.0.0

Atmosphere of Quesh

Quesh venom is one of the most toxic substances in the galaxy. When the great Quake split the ground millennia ago and released the venom from beneath Quesh's surface, the venom's evaporation destroyed the planet's once-pleasant air and made the atmosphere more hazardous to breathe than some biowarfare chemicals. The native fauna quickly died off, leaving only bones behind.

Although the toxicity has faded over the years, it is unsafe to wander Quesh without powerful adrenal countermeasures, special implants or a breath mask. The only beings who can comfortably endure Quesh's atmosphere are Hutts, who claim not to understand what the fuss is about.

Quesh's miners have also discovered that the harsh atmosphere takes a toll on their equipment, causing droids to rust and tools to degrade more quickly. Fortunately, the vast profits gained from mining Quesh venom make up for the exorbitant running costs.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​atmosphere_of_quesh

Atmosphere of Quesh

Discovering Quesh Venom

Like many great scientific advances, Quesh venom's immense value was discovered by chance. After its initial discovery, the planet Quesh was dismissed as a toxic wasteland. Orbital chemical scans languished in a file for decades until they were unearthed by a junior Republic chemist named Bardian Aelto. After working briefly on adrenal research projects, Aelto had been assigned to review planets likely to be classified as uninhabitable.

When Aelto studied Quesh's chemical scans, he was surprised to recognize a molecule chain from his work on adrenal stimulants. Quesh's atmosphere had properties almost identical to "Hutt venom", the primary ingredient in the galaxy's most high-grade adrenals. Aelto realized a relatively simple chemical process could convert this "Quesh venom" into a usable--and exceptionally valuable--compound. Thanks to one late-night session in a Coruscant laboratory, Quesh had become one of the Republic's most valued resource worlds.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​discovering_quesh_venom

Discovering Quesh Venom

Hutt Neutrality

With their vast fortunes, access to mercenary armies and ownership of resource-rich worlds, support from individual Hutts--or the Hutt Cartel itself--can mean the difference between victory and defeat in a galactic conflict. But Hutts are businessmen at heart. Why tie yourself to one side of a quarrel when you can remain aloof and profit from both? Thanks to their long lifespan, Hutts who choose sides also risk embroiling themselves in centuries-old grudges.

The Hutt Cartel is officially neutral in the galactic struggle, and it attempts to redress any egregious offenses committed by its members. Pragmatism and personal inconvenience aside, however, the Hutts have no vested interest in seeing either the Republic or the Empire permanently gain the upper hand. In peace, both sides would seek to regulate the Hutts; while the two factions are at odds, the Hutts can be assured of both autonomy and a steady, comfortable income.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​hutt_neutrality

Hutt Neutrality

Military Adrenals

Most commanders prefer to rely on rigorous training and good equipment to succeed, but no advantage can be ignored when soldiers' lives are at stake. Since the Great War, the use of military adrenals--safe, nonaddictive stimulants that improve a soldier's endurance, stamina or reflexes--has become more common. A good stock of adrenals can keep a company fresh and on its feet during a forced march, or save wounded individuals from succumbing to their injuries before help arrives.

Naturally, military adrenal stocks are carefully regulated and, if possible, reserved only for emergencies. It is possible for soldiers to rely on adrenals too much and overstress themselves. Theft and sale of military adrenals, which are of the highest quality, has also become a thriving cornerstone of the galactic black market, especially on worlds like Ord Mantell.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​military_adrenals

Military Adrenals

Quesh Venom

Quesh's sole natural resource is a substance properly known as venenit queshaaga. Nicknamed "venom," the liquid form of the substance can--when properly refined and processed--create extremely potent military-grade adrenals that safely increase a soldier's combat abilities for a limited time. With galactic tensions rising, Quesh venom has become one of the most valuable substances in the universe and a key to military victory for both the Republic and the Empire.

Unprocessed, Quesh venom is a virulent toxin. In its purest form, it is found seeping out of fissures created millennia ago by an ancient quake; it is these fissures that are mined by Republic and Imperial work crews. Over the centuries, significant amounts of Quesh venom have evaporated and tainted the planet's atmosphere, rendering the entire world poisonous to most forms of life.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​quesh_venom

Quesh Venom

The Quake

Quesh's rugged landscape is a result of the Quake, a massive geological event that occurred some fifty thousand years ago. Technically a series of groundquakes that lasted for three hundred years, the Quake caused Quesh's continents to move several meters apart, creating massive fissures in the ground. This in turn allowed the poisonous Quesh venom to rise up from the depths of Quesh and seep to the surface, leaving the atmosphere toxic to this day.

Quesh has been geologically stable for thousands of years now, but this has not stopped the Three Families from investing heavily in early warning systems; tremors one one-hundredth the size of the Quake could wipe out their refineries. Republic geologists have considered exploring the deepest caves exposed by the Quake, but until the caves are mined clear of Quesh venom, they are far too toxic to enter.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​the_quake

The Quake

The Three Families

When the Republic began mining Quesh venom, its scientists soon realized that, while they could refine the venom into a non-toxic compound, converting it into usable adrenals was much more problematic. After many expensive failures, the Republic appealed to the Hutt Cartel for expert help and was refused.

But three Hutt families, salivating at the potential profits--led by the Hutts Broga, Jeelta and Portho--broke from the cartel and offered their services. Although this was technically a breach of the Hutt Cartel's carefully established neutral position in the galaxy, generous kickbacks to the cartel kept its members looking the other way.

Today, the Three Families run Quesh's refineries and processing plants while the Republic controls the mines. This arrangement allows the Three Families to carefully guard the secret of adrenal creation, and it has made them incredibly wealthy. However, the Families' split from the Hutt Cartel also means the Empire can target them without fear of reprisal.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​lore.​quesh.​the_three_families

The Three Families

History of Iokath: Entry 1

TEST REPORT 089375.24

Deployment of new designs on test environment JX967A24 were within acceptable parameters. Our three initial dropship waves suffered heavy losses before planetfall. Test subject resistance was unexpectedly heavy, conflicting with prior scout reports indicating minimal military forces. The subjects deployed single-pilot aerial countermeasures to intercept us, but that self-sacrifice appears to be the full extent of their response.

Total time to planetwide surrender was 28 standard hours. Our master designer should be honored for this significant improvement over the last three test environments. Survivors received our standard compensation package, but damage to their civilization's infrastructure is extensive. Analysts estimate it will be at least 2,000 years before we can test this world again. Our scouts are already searching nearby systems for fresh prospects.

- Lead Design Analyst Yuv Kal Zaer

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_1

History of Iokath: Entry 1

History of Iokath: Entry 2

TEST REPORT 195821.78

Per the master designer's request, our analysts have compiled a detailed study to explain the total failure on test environment Z17AX558. The details of their findings are available in a separate report, but in summary: the test environment's proximity to its star, coupled with previously-undetected trace chemicals in the upper atmosphere, reacted negatively to our new particle beams. The resulting electrochemical chain reaction ignited the entire biome, destroying the test subjects and our deployed designs within moments of activation.

While this can only be considered an unmitigated disaster from a return-on-investment perspective, we will make the most of our losses. The master designer's teams will recalibrate their particle beams to a lower-yield setting. Should we locate another planet like this, we can re-test our creation and hope for more satisfactory results.

- Lead Design Analyst Ise Pev Trin

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_2

History of Iokath: Entry 2

History of Iokath: Entry 3

TEST REPORT 249216.39

It is my extraordinary honor to report that the test on environment WL428T73 succeeded beyond all projections. Every design element performed with minimal deviations from their expected functions. Millennia of internal research and development have finally produced a fully-integrated and optimized planetary assault platform suitable to any environment or resistance pattern. On a personal note, it has been my sincere pleasure to work with the greatest master designer in our long history.

I must add one small addendum to this report for the sake of completeness. Analysts examining the test environment have discovered a vast underground vault constructed by the now-extinct natives. With no surviving test subjects to explain its function, we can only theorize why the structure was filled with cultural artifacts of little practical value. We will leave the vault to be discovered by whatever life emerges on the test environment in future epochs. Perhaps they will be able to explain their predecessors when we return to test them.

- Lead Analyst Udo Lin Xoir

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_3

History of Iokath: Entry 3

History of Iokath: Entry 4


Greetings to all analysts, engineers, designers, and builders! It is with great pride that we mark this day as the official start of our civilization's greatest effort. Construction has commenced on Project Iokath. Where we once remade other worlds, we now devote ourselves to creating one. Our ambition is simple: fabricate an expandable and adaptable home for our people that is secure against any outside force. At long last, our culture will achieve the immortality it deserves.

We will call this new world Iokath, and our great-grandchildren will know it as their birthright.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_4

History of Iokath: Entry 4

History of Iokath: Entry 5


Today was another painful reminder of how meaningless the role of master designer has become. My days are wasted in endless planning meetings to direct the construction of new biomes for Iokath's endlessly-breeding populace. I only feel alive in my spare hours, when I revisit the great designs of ages past and vainly attempt to improve them.

The analysts who witnessed my gallery cooed and tutted, deeming it "exceptional" and "a celebration of the thinking that made us great." What blind sycophancy. All I offered them were ornamental improvements. What difference does it make if SCORPIO looks like a floating cube, a ball of programmatic light, or a walking biped crafted in the image of a long-dead alien species?

We have fallen so far from our glory days. We no longer bother to deploy our designs on test environments and instead rely on simulations to predict the outcomes. Foolishness. Only the chaos of an unpredictable environment and its unique subjects can teach us anything.

I wonder what would happen if I deployed our designs on Iokath? Would I reveal something new?

- Master Designer Vel Jyc Boer

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_5

History of Iokath: Entry 5

Iokath Remotes

The strange remotes are one of Iokath's many mysteries. These technological obelisks have been spotted across the world, hovering just above the ground via unseen propulsion systems and scanning their surroundings with omnidirectional lenses. Some remotes are mobile, while others hang in stationary orbit around the planet's various technoliths. They are outfitted for observation over combat, though they possess the unique ability to interface with Iokath's advanced technology.

Doctor Oggurobb believes the remotes were built centuries ago as multi-purpose drones used to construct the massive planetary structure of Iokath. More recently, the AI known as ARIES likely repurposed them to monitor any trespassers stranded on the planet. Oggurobb has attempted to dismantle several damaged remote husks recovered from Iokath--to disastrous effect. Latent safeguards buried in the remotes sent electric shocks through eight of Oggurobb's assistant researchers, singing eyebrows and temporarily blinding two scientists. At this rate, the true function of the Iokath remotes may forever remain a mystery.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​iokath_remotes

Iokath Remotes

Pneumatic Trams

The pneumatic trams of Iokath cross every kilometer of the planetary megastructure in a complex network of tubes that doubles as a transportation system and cooling matrix for the technological world. The trams were initially built as an energy-efficient method of moving construction supplies to the far corners of the planet. Propelled by pressurized gas, these materials were transported across entire continents, speeding up Iokath's creation tenfold.

For centuries, the trams operated without incident--until an act of sabotage ignited the pressurized gas and sparked a catastrophic explosion that killed thousands and leveled a nearby settlement. This attack sparked the Iokath Civil War, a centuries-long conflict that ended with the extinction of every organic species on the planet. When the dust settled, Iokath's droid caretakers fixed the tram and used it to help repair the damage wrought by their deceased creators.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​pneumatic_trams

Pneumatic Trams

The Six Gods

Little is known about the six titan droids that lie in hibernation on Iokath. These superweapons were created millennia ago by the planet's architects, likely designed to pacify, subjugate, and destroy entire civilizations. Salvaged records indicate these machines operate as a sentient family unit of "god kin." They are:

TYTH, God of Rage.
AIVELA, Goddess of Passion.
ESNE, Goddess of Envy.
NAHUT, God of Apathy.
SCYVA, Goddess of Sorrow.
IZAX, God of Death.

During early weapon testing, Iokath unleashed the Six Gods on various unsuspecting planets. Trillions of lives were lost. The people of Zakuul were among the targeted victims, and the survivors eventually mythologized their would-be destroyers as a pantheon of merciless gods. Centuries later, these machine gods are still worshipped on Zakuul.

When civil war broke out on Iokath, one faction did the unthinkable and turned the Six Gods against their rival brethren. The resulting cataclysm wiped out all life on the planet and exterminated the Iokath species. These titans were their greatest achievement--and the engines of their ultimate destruction. Now, after a millennia-long slumber, the droids are about to reawaken.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​iokath_daily.​the_six_gods

The Six Gods

Survivors of the Cron Supernova

Though it would seem impossible, sparse evidence exists suggesting that there were survivors of the Cron supernova that devastated the surface of Ossus. Colonists have reported missing personal items, strange noises, and mysterious footprints, particularly in areas deep within surviving ruins; quite reasonable, considering that no one who was on the planet's surface could have survived such a cataclysm.
Unfortunately, any survivors who may exist seem determined to remain unseen and undiscovered. With the present crisis, it is unlikely that a more detailed search will be conducted at any point in the near future; the truth of the survivors of Ossus will thus be left to future generations to discover.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​ossus.​ysanna_in_hiding

Survivors of the Cron Supernova

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part Four

In the Order of Revan, I found sympathetic minds. Rishi, a paradise by any standard, was our fastness against a galaxy gone mad. But it could not last.

Stranded in the aftermath of their downfall, my only path forward was among the planet's scofflaw denizens. As a member of the Corellian Run Scoundrels, I continued my path ever onward.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​daily_area.​ossus.​don_story_2

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part Four

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part One

On Ilum, war brought ruination to a sacred Jedi world--and to my own life as a member of their order. I merely did what had to be done, as I explained to the Council. They were unswayed, and so I persevere, alone in a harsh galaxy.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​daily_area.​ossus.​don_story_1

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part One

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part Seventeen

I found them, at last; the ruins of an ancient order, hidden among the ancient ruins of their order.

Surely my past, my actions, had been forgotten?

They had not. And so I wander once more. Exiled.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​daily_area.​ossus.​don_story_4

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part Seventeen

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part Twelve

The carbonite finally melted away, years later. I was left adrift in a galaxy I no longer understood. Where could I go? Who could I fight for?

Rumors told of Jedi in hiding, rebuilding. Perhaps I could rebuild among them.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​daily_area.​ossus.​don_story_3

The Epic of the Exiled Knight: Part Twelve

Odessen Wildlife: Evolution

Notes from Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb:

Due to the rapid escalation of evolution observed on Odessen, I have imported creatures from other planets and released them into the wilds to monitor the effects.

The sleen, extracted from the jungles of Dromund Kaas, exhibited a marked increase in agility and reaction time. Perhaps this creature's serum could be used to make performance-enhancing adrenals.

From Makeb, I secured a fine makrin specimen with the intent of studying its adaptability. As predicted, this remarkable species altered the texture of its skin to better mirror the sturdy hardwoods of Odessen forests.

The Taris bogstalker saw the most shockingly rapid evolution thus far. The creature developed an incredible predatory feature: a plasteel-like barb at the end of its tail. It has evolved enough to warrant a new breed, which I call the "steel-tailed stalker."

I've allowed the creatures to continue their existence on Odessen, as I hope to further observe their acclimation.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141175286209814624

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​odessen_wildlife_evolution

Odessen Wildlife: Evolution

Odessen: Planetary Shield

The Alliance's first line of defense is the Odessen planetary shield. This defense grid protects the Alliance base and the surrounding area from turbolaser bombardments and other aerial attacks. Although walkers and ground troops can slip through the shield, the defense grid ensures the Eternal Fleet cannot wipe out the Alliance with a single devastating bombardment.

The shield's construction was spearheaded by Doctor Oggurobb, the Alliance's sharpest scientific mind. When Oggurobb conducted early stress tests on the shield, Fleet Admiral Bey'wan Aygo bet that his strongest battleship could break through the fledgling defense grid. Fortunately for Oggurobb, the shield held strong--and Bey'wan is still paying off his debt.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141175286209814624

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​odessen_planetary_shield

Odessen: Planetary Shield

History of Tatooine

Thirty thousand years ago, Tatooine was the lush, vibrant homeworld of the Kumumgah--a technologically advanced species believed to have been wiped out in a forgotten war. Ultimately, the war ended with Tatooine's devastation by one faction or another--the details are long since lost.

Most researchers aware of the story believe the Kumumgah were wiped out in the attack that transformed their planet into a desert wasteland. However, some xenosociologists believe the Jawas and Sand People who dwell in the dunes may be descended from the world's original rulers. The stories of the Jawas and Sand People themselves, however, are largely confused and contradictory.

Human settlement of Tatooine came much later, but colonization never truly took hold despite several efforts by the Republic (including a brief period during which Tatooine was considered a Republic protectorate, and a failed attempt by Czerka Corporation to set up planetary mining operations). The native population had little use for outsiders, and so the world became a haven for pirates, smugglers and general scum seeking a place to disappear.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tatooine.​history_of_tatooine

History of Tatooine

Jedi Cultural Immersion (Consular)

One of the goals of the Jedi Order is to foster greater understanding among the species of the galaxy. To that end, Jedi sometimes leave the order and live as part of another culture, often for years at a time, to learn its customs and study its languages. This cultural immersion follows a key tenet of Jedi diplomatic policy: To be reasonable, one must see all points of view.

Such immersion carries its dangers. Some Jedi have lost their lives undergoing rites of passage or by accidentally offending a rigidly polite alien society. The Jedi Order looks on these losses somberly as hard-earned lessons. However, most Jedi return with new skills and a fresh perspective on life. A few bring unusual habits or tastes, as well; after decades living in a Kubaz hive, for example, Master Arjur developed a craving for dried moon moths.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​jedi_cultural_immersion

Jedi Cultural Immersion (Consular)

Krayt Dragon

Enormous predatory lizards that prowl the dunes of Tatooine, krayt dragons are both feared and revered by the Jawas and Sand People that share their world. Slaying one of the fearsome beasts was once a rite of passage for young Sand People warriors, and the Jawa believe krayt bones possess mystical properties.

For all their importance to Tatooine's native cultures, however, krayt dragons are extraordinarily rare and quite possibly extinct--no living krayt has been seen in decades. Nonetheless, their towering skeletons are a testament to their power and majesty, and a pilgrimage to the legendary krayt graveyard remains a holy ritual in many Sand People tribes.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tatooine.​krayt_dragon

Krayt Dragon

Operation: Ghostbreaker (Agent)

Category: Recruitment / Threat Elimination
Location: Tatooine
Date: Classified
Primary: Cipher Nine
Secondary: None

Operational Summary: Informant (Mia Hawkins) contacted Intelligence from inside elite terrorist organization "ghost cell" and agreed to help dismantle the organization. Cipher Nine located ghost cell training grounds and eliminated the leader, known as the "Old Man," despite enemy attempts to replace the Cipher with a disguised ghost cell operative.

Notes: The ghost cell's training techniques are exceptional. See associated files for details; however, be aware that not all ghost cell operatives were identified during this sweep. Individuals able to use the cell's holographic disguise technology may still be active elsewhere, appearing as anyone. They should be considered a threat, but their methods, if duplicated, would be valuable to Imperial Intelligence.

Cross-reference: Mia Hawkins, Neyla Hawkins, Cobalt Flag, Eagle, Dominator, Ghost Cell

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​agent.​operation_ghostbreaker

Operation: Ghostbreaker (Agent)

Operation: Stoneduster (Trooper)

Mission Objective: Capture or neutralize Vanto Bazren, AKA Fuse
Objective Status: Complete
Operation Notes:

Assistance of local personnel key in initial phases of the mission. Continued interaction with local personnel may be advisable in future operations, particularly current Anchorhead mayor Oleg Klerren.

Objective notably (and intentionally) revealed own location via holo, and proved invaluable in uprooting hidden Imperial military testing activities. Future records should reflect same.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​trooper.​operation_stoneduster

Operation: Stoneduster (Trooper)

Sand Rot (Consular)

The common Tatooine name for a condition seen on many desert worlds, Sand Rot is a sickness developed after spending long periods of time in the deep desert. Sufferers develop a distinctive cough and begin to lose feeling in their hands and fingers. Sand Rot is treatable, preferably by taking the sufferer offworld, but few on Tatooine can afford the expense.

Many have wondered if Tatooine's native Sand People can catch the Sand Rot, as they never leave the desert wastes. Although it is difficult to know for certain, some desert guides believe the Sand People's distinctive masks and wrappings protect against the sickness and will pay good credits for intact garb.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​consular.​sand_rot

Sand Rot (Consular)

Shock Drum (Knight)

A prototype superweapon developed in secret by the Republic on Tatooine, the Shock Drum has the potential to destroy an entire planet. Designed to emit a series of sonic bursts, the initial stages of activation disable droids and other electronics in an ever-widening circle with the Shock Drum at the epicenter.

The sonic bursts become progressively more intense, with the second stage causing damage and even death to organic life. Left unchecked, the ever-stronger vibrations of the Shock Drum can eventually destabilize a planetary core, causing a world to literally fracture.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​knight.​core_drum

Shock Drum (Knight)

The Sarlacc

Extremely rare creatures that defy classification, semi-sentient sarlaccs have been identified on a handful of worlds scattered across the galaxy. Xenobiologists estimate the lifespan of an average sarlacc to be anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 years, with virtually all of that time being spent at a single location.

Sarlaccs typically bury themselves deep below the ground so that only their great mouths are exposed, making them virtually invulnerable to standard weapons. The mouth resembles a massive pit lined with spiny protrusions. From the center, long tentacles can lash out to grasp prey near the edges of the pit, dragging it down into the creature's stomach where the unfortunate victim is slowly digested. Victims may survive for a period of weeks or months, kept alive by the sarlacc's unique stomach fluids, but total digestion can take centuries.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tatooine.​the_sarlacc

The Sarlacc

Tulak Hord's Madness (Inquisitor)

Incidents of Sith Lords imbuing their most precious possessions with some fragment of their dark power appear throughout Sith history. Such ritual imbuement can be used to inflict all manner of trouble on those who would steal these terrible treasures.

The Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord was especially known for this practice, and many possessions of Tulak Hord's have driven their discoverers to madness throughout the years. Tulak's Madness is unique in who it affects, however; ignoring whether a person's spirit is dark or light, it afflicts only the weak-willed, driving them to delusions of grandeur and eventual self-destruction.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​inquisitor.​tulak_hords_madness

Tulak Hord's Madness (Inquisitor)

Womp Rat Fever

Womp rat fever is the common name for a bacterial infection carried by the womp rats of Tatooine. Typically spread through the bite of an infected rat, womp rat fever is rare but extremely dangerous--early symptoms include decreased natural health regeneration (due to hemorrhaging from wounds) combined with coughing fits, muscle aches and chills. If untreated, womp rat fever is invariably fatal.

Stim vendors on Tatooine carry injectors containing an antibacterial formula that can cure womp rat fever with one-hundred percent effectiveness. Anyone bitten by a womp rat and exhibiting signs of the fever should procure the cure as soon as possible. The formula also acts as a short-term vaccination, providing immunity to womp rat fever for a brief period.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​lore.​tatooine.​womp_rat_fever

Womp Rat Fever