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  5. nuls_designs

Designs of Nul

"As I began delving into the mysteries of Darth Nul's existence, I assumed it would only be a matter of time before we uncovered the entirety of who she was. After all, humility and modesty were hardly in fashion for the ancient Sith--I have learned about so many of them simply by studying the grand monuments they erected in honor of their own achievements. But piecing together Darth Nul's story has been a refreshing challenge. She has no ornate tomb, there are no statues or grand murals that depict her deeds. She was a scientist, and her story will be told through the designs of her inventions.

For instance, her fortress on Elom yielded a veritable treasure trove of information. We've yet to extract anything useful from the machine in the heart of the temple, but examining the surrounding area has been quite illuminating. Extensive study of the "Regnant" device--as well as the traps and hazards that Darth Nul built to protect her holdings elsewhere--has turned up unexpected, intriguing similarities to other mechanisms: the Ravager and the Phobis devices.

I will not conclusively say whether Darth Nul had a hand in the creation of these machines, but given her proclivity for manipulating the minds of others (see: the Children of the Emperor), it is not outside the realm of possibility. Armed with this knowledge, if we trace Darth Malgus's footsteps following his disappearance at the Battle of Corellia, we could potentially locate where he may have stumbled upon any other record of Darth Nul."

--From the research notes of Talos Drellik

