1. Codex entries
  2. lore
  3. lots
  4. desperate_defiance
  5. evocii_totems

Evocii Totems

"When the Hutts came to Evocar, they were met with surprisingly strong resistance in the form of united Evocii tribes. While the Hutts claim that by the time they arrived, the Evocii were already a fractured and disparate people, local legends contend the opposite. The tribes were, in essence, a coordinated and unified front, with only a handful of outlying clans refusing to join the fight.

These accounts, however, lack proper evidential support, due in no small part to the fact that the earliest written records were lost when the Evocii communities were torn asunder by the Hutts' colonization. Many tactile accounts of ancient Evocii history were lost when tribes were forced off their land or destroyed by Hutt enforcers tasked with suppressing any uprisings.

But some aspects of Evocii culture have survived, thanks to the renegade tribes that have managed to escape the Hutt Cartel's grasp for millennia. Weather almanacs, depositions from judicial disputes, even epic poems detailing the exploits of their mythological heroes have all been fiercely protected in places the Hutts have heretofore not been able to reach.

As the Hutts continue their rapid expansion into Hutta, even into the murky and treacherous swamps that now blanket its surface, more and more of these records are becoming casualties of the endless occupation."

--From "The Esoteric Evocar: Forbidden Knowledge of Nal Hutta's Origins" by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

