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12 results found.

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

"I'm increasingly concerned over Heta's fascination with the Neo-Crusader Mandalorians, particularly their rise under the guidance of Cassus Fett's beskar grip. I've tried many times, without success, to remind her that just as uniform armor did not save the Neo-Crusaders from their fate, so it won't necessarily protect our movement. This is especially true when the beliefs among our clans still vary wildly underneath all of that plate and steel.

But she remains steadfast in her conviction that the Hidden Chain walks the true path forward. Even as she continues to make decisions that raise more questions than answers--allying with Jedi, ransacking and pillaging convoys and outposts that pose no real challenge, locking herself away as she consumes herself with her secret project.

She refuses to learn from the mistakes of our people's past. Instead, she embraces them so relentlessly, with such unflinching resolve, that I can't help but be convinced she may know something that I, an esteemed keeper of be'mando'ade ruyot, do not."

--From the personal notes of Durn Wynnward, leader of the Ash'ad members of the Hidden Chain

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​hidden_chain_raids

Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival

Dantooine is no stranger to hardship. From orbital bombardment, to Sith invasion and occupation, to subjugation by one of the galaxy's most ruthless criminal organizations, the quiet, pastoral world has had its fair share of difficulties to overcome.

Only in the last century have the citizens of Dantooine truly enjoyed the spoils of their farmland, free of the stresses left behind after years of oppression and destruction. As a result, the Spring Abundance Festival was founded to give proud farmers and animal handlers a much needed celebration of their hard work and sacrifice. Over the years, the festival grew to such popularity that visitors from around the galaxy travel to Dantooine to partake in the bountiful fruits of its citizens' labor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​event.​spring_abundance_festival

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival


Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​force_machine


Evocii Totems

"When the Hutts came to Evocar, they were met with surprisingly strong resistance in the form of united Evocii tribes. While the Hutts claim that by the time they arrived, the Evocii were already a fractured and disparate people, local legends contend the opposite. The tribes were, in essence, a coordinated and unified front, with only a handful of outlying clans refusing to join the fight.

These accounts, however, lack proper evidential support, due in no small part to the fact that the earliest written records were lost when the Evocii communities were torn asunder by the Hutts' colonization. Many tactile accounts of ancient Evocii history were lost when tribes were forced off their land or destroyed by Hutt enforcers tasked with suppressing any uprisings.

But some aspects of Evocii culture have survived, thanks to the renegade tribes that have managed to escape the Hutt Cartel's grasp for millennia. Weather almanacs, depositions from judicial disputes, even epic poems detailing the exploits of their mythological heroes have all been fiercely protected in places the Hutts have heretofore not been able to reach.

As the Hutts continue their rapid expansion into Hutta, even into the murky and treacherous swamps that now blanket its surface, more and more of these records are becoming casualties of the endless occupation."

--From "The Esoteric Evocar: Forbidden Knowledge of Nal Hutta's Origins" by Dr. Eksa Fa'kar

Category: Lore

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​desperate_defiance.​evocii_totems

Evocii Totems
LoreUnknown (16140919787362410946)Both17.5.0

Adi Vonapa

As a child, Adi Vonapa's entire family was decimated in the midst of Rodia's endless and bloody clan feuds. The neighboring clan responsible for their destruction took Adi captive, and he, along with several other children, was sold to Vobbara Yusinduu to settle a debt.

Though he's spent the majority of his life on Hutta, Adi clings to his last moments of freedom, memories of his family and of his homeworld, in order to survive. Despite the horrors and atrocities Adi has both witnessed and experienced as a slave, the two things he has never lost are a deep concern for the wellbeing of his fellow slaves, and a hope that they too can enjoy life without chains--a life he longs to return to.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​hut_lz.​adi_vonapa

Adi Vonapa
Persons of NoteUnknown (16140919787362410946)Both17.5.0


The cruelty of a slave's existence is the unavoidable fate for almost every Evocii born on Hutta, and the life of Rakit has been no exception. Before the age of fifteen, the young Evocii witnessed the death of both of her parents at the hands of the Hutts' brutality, as well as countless friends in the subsequent years.

Although Rakit had heard many tales throughout her life of her people's history prior to their enslavement, none had inspired her to action--until she was sold to crime lord Vobbara Yusinduu, proprietor of Hutta's Minboosa District. There, Rakit met young Rodian Adi Vonapa, a fellow slave who--unlike Rakit--had experienced parts of the galaxy that weren't tainted by the suffocating presence of the tyrannical Hutts.

Together, the pair organized and executed several attempts at breaking free of Yusinduu's grasp, but each failed disastrously. With each unsuccessful attempt, and each loss of another friend, Rakit's resolve--and anger--strengthened. The Evocii vowed to rid her homeworld of the Hutt oppressors, by any means necessary.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​hut_lz.​rakit

Persons of NoteUnknown (16140919787362410946)Both17.5.0

Yusinduu the Hutt

While the planet Hutta is notoriously fraught with the near-constant turf wars between the oppressors who control it, Vobbara Yusinduu considers himself more of a pragmatist. Instead of indulging in his Hutt cohorts' bloody territory expansions, Yusinduu focuses his efforts on a highly-lucrative tibanna gas refinery in the Minboosa District.

Touting himself as a "legitimate entrepreneur and investor," Yusinduu takes pride in the fact that none of his slaves have ever desired to leave his "employment."

His keen interest in the most expensive--and not always completely safe--technology means that the few attempts his slaves have made at escape have ended swiftly and violently. Others who would have hoped to follow have been thoroughly discouraged from their own attempts at freedom. Whether he is aware of that fact or not has yet to be revealed.

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16140919787362410946

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​hut_lz.​yusinduu

Yusinduu the Hutt
Persons of NoteUnknown (16140919787362410946)Both17.5.0

Blba Groves

Dantooine is no stranger to hardship. From orbital bombardment, to Sith invasion and occupation, to subjugation by one of the galaxy's most ruthless criminal organizations, the quiet, pastoral world has had its fair share of difficulties to overcome.

Only in the last century have the citizens of Dantooine truly enjoyed the spoils of their farmland, free of the stresses left behind after years of oppression and destruction. As a result, the Spring Abundance Festival was founded to give proud farmers and animal handlers a much needed celebration of their hard work and sacrifice. Over the years, the festival grew to such popularity that visitors from around the galaxy travel to Dantooine to partake in the bountiful fruits of its citizens' labor.

Category: Planets

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​dan_spring_event

Blba Groves

Minboosa District

Unlike the other territories of Hutta--where old grudges and ambitious criminals looking to prove their worth mean that violence is a near-constant in the streets--the Minboosa District is relatively calm, if you aren't a slave. Vobbara Yusinduu, Minboosa's crime lord, is wealthy beyond even Hutt standards, due in part to his very lucrative tibanna gas refinery. His seemingly-endless abundance of credits pays for a sense of security that other Hutt Cartel members on Hutta do not enjoy.

Though the denizens of the Minboosa District enjoy relative safety from gang warfare and cutthroat corporate espionage, one thing Yusinduu's money can't protect them from is the natural elements. While much of Hutta's surface has been reduced to toxic wetlands in the centuries since the Hutts first plundered the world, the number of tunnels and pipelines built below ground in Minboosa has destabilized the area. Many of the district's structures--homes, businesses, ancient Evocii ruins--are predicted to sink into the swamp by the end of the decade, though Yusinduu's tibanna refinery seems unlikely to suffer the same fate.

Category: Planets

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​hut_lz

Minboosa District

Crop Destroyer

Your efforts during the Spring Festival have earned you this title.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​event.​spring_festival.​crop_destroyer

Crop Destroyer
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.5.0

Humble Farmhand

Your efforts during the Spring Festival have earned you this title.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​event.​spring_festival.​humble_farmhand

Humble Farmhand
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.5.0

Pirate Hunter

Awarded as part of the reward track during PvP Season 6.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​pvp.​pvp_seasons.​season_6.​pirate_hunter

Pirate Hunter
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.5.0