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Be'manda Skira: Kol's Insurrection

"I'm increasingly concerned over Heta's fascination with the Neo-Crusader Mandalorians, particularly their rise under the guidance of Cassus Fett's beskar grip. I've tried many times, without success, to remind her that just as uniform armor did not save the Neo-Crusaders from their fate, so it won't necessarily protect our movement. This is especially true when the beliefs among our clans still vary wildly underneath all of that plate and steel.

But she remains steadfast in her conviction that the Hidden Chain walks the true path forward. Even as she continues to make decisions that raise more questions than answers--allying with Jedi, ransacking and pillaging convoys and outposts that pose no real challenge, locking herself away as she consumes herself with her secret project.

She refuses to learn from the mistakes of our people's past. Instead, she embraces them so relentlessly, with such unflinching resolve, that I can't help but be convinced she may know something that I, an esteemed keeper of be'mando'ade ruyot, do not."

--From the personal notes of Durn Wynnward, leader of the Ash'ad members of the Hidden Chain

