1. Codex entries
  2. persons
  3. hut_lz
  4. adi_vonapa

Adi Vonapa

As a child, Adi Vonapa's entire family was decimated in the midst of Rodia's endless and bloody clan feuds. The neighboring clan responsible for their destruction took Adi captive, and he, along with several other children, was sold to Vobbara Yusinduu to settle a debt.

Though he's spent the majority of his life on Hutta, Adi clings to his last moments of freedom, memories of his family and of his homeworld, in order to survive. Despite the horrors and atrocities Adi has both witnessed and experienced as a slave, the two things he has never lost are a deep concern for the wellbeing of his fellow slaves, and a hope that they too can enjoy life without chains--a life he longs to return to.

