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46 results found.

Abilities (45)

NameCooldownAdded with

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​elom.​bosses.​boss3.​malgus.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating a high amount of threat. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​jedi_consular.​skill.​combat.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating a high amount of threat. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​sith_inquisitor.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​trash.​force_pull_taunt

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​qtr.​1x6.​raid.​darvannis.​enemy.​boss.​dread_master.​styrak.​force_flip_you

Force Pull

Force Pull

Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating a high amount of threat. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​exp.​seasons.​02_uprisings.​ord.​encounter_1.​darth_wrad.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​voss.​achievements.​misc.​mystic_mini_boss.​pull_in

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​flashpoint.​eternity_vault.​soa_adds.​difficulty_2.​juggernaut.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​corellia.​republic.​enemy.​boss.​boss_3.​forcepull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating a high amount of threat. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​sith_inquisitor.​skill.​darkness.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​flashpoint.​rra.​lord_hasper.​hard.​mass_force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​flashpoint.​rra.​lord_hasper.​mass_force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​flashpoint.​eternity_vault.​soa_adds.​difficulty_1.​juggernaut.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​darth_baras.​pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​corellia.​republic.​enemy.​boss.​boss_bonus.​marauder_forcepull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​operation.​oricon.​palace.​boss.​dread_council.​tyrans.​pull_in

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​flashpoint.​ira.​revan.​hard.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Draws the target to NPCs location

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​maltok.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​flashpoint.​ira.​revan.​force_vacuum

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​exp.​seasons.​01_dailies.​the_arena.​round_03.​boss_gungus_boga.​flames_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​force.​force_pull_zero_range

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​exp.​seasons.​01.​ep_16.​boss.​arcann.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​force.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating a high amount of threat. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​jedi_consular.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​flashpoint.​ira.​revan.​hard.​force_vacuum

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​npc.​ability.​custom.​boss.​flashpoint.​ira.​revan.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​boss.​expert_boss.​final_platform.​atk_force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

Pulls the target towards the caster. Interrupts any action the target is currently engaged in. Does not work against targets in cover.

FQN: abl.​qtr.​flashpoint.​korriban.​imperial.​boss.​boss_one.​force_pull

Force Pull

Force Pull

FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​boss.​expert_boss.​exarch_shielded.​atk_force_pull_los

Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualsaber.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out in a wide cone with the Force to pull in up to three targets in front of the companion, generating a high amount of threat on each target. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualwield_lightsaber_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualwield_lightsaber.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out in a wide cone with the Force to pull in up to three targets in front of the companion, generating a high amount of threat on each target. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​lightsaber.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​lightsaber.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out in a wide cone with the Force to pull in up to three targets in front of the companion, generating a high amount of threat on each target. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​lightsaber_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out in a wide cone with the Force to pull in up to three targets in front of the companion, generating a high amount of threat on each target. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualsaber.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out in a wide cone with the Force to pull in up to three targets in front of the companion, generating a high amount of threat on each target. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualwield_lightsaber.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​lightsaber_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualsaber_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Fires a multi-grapple line that fires in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​techblade_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​techblade_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out in a wide cone with the Force to pull in up to three targets in front of the companion, generating a high amount of threat on each target. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualsaber_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull_mk2

Mass Force Pull

Mass Force Pull

Reaches out with the Force in a wide cone in front of the companion and pulls the closest three targets and generates a high amount of threat. Only affects targets that are in combat and are not in cover or have Boss Immunity.

FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dualwield_lightsaber_dark.​tank.​aoe_pull

Mass Force Pull


FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​boss.​expert_boss.​exarch_shielded.​utl_force_pull_caster



FQN: abl.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​boss.​expert_boss.​exarch_shielded.​utl_player_force_pull_teleport


Clickable objects (1)

NameAdded with

FQN: plc.​flashpoint.​star_fortress.​reactor_core.​player_force_pull_marker
