1. Pouvoirs
  2. world_design
  3. utility
  4. dev
  5. plot_npc_protection

Texte non valide - DNT


Texte non valide - DNT

Ce buff rend un PNJ "immortel". Il subira des dégâts jusqu'à atteindre 25 % de sa santé standard puis arrêtera. Les indications de dégâts continueront d'apparaître, mais le PNJ ne perdra pas de point de santé supplémentaire. Permet de garder les PNJ de l'intrigue en vie pendant le combat.





Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Ability activation
Texte non valide - DNT
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    stimpackEffect #1

  • 1
    • Before NPC with this effect takes damage

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If hitpoints of CASTER ≤ 33%

    Perform the following actions:

    • Absorb Damage
      - Damage Type = (int) 5
      - Spell Type = (int) 1
      - Level Cap = (int) 0
      - Amplifier Spec = (int) 0
      - Amount Max = (float) 0
      - Amount Min = (float) 0
      - Amount Percent = (float) 1
      - Standard Health Percent Max = (float) 0
      - Standard Health Percent Min = (float) 0
      - Max Damage Absorbed = (float) 0
      - Healing Power Coefficient = (float) 0
      - Standard Rating Percent Min = (float) 0
      - Standard Rating Percent Max = (float) 0
    • Grant Immunity
      - Tag = (string)
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(1)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
    • Grant Immunity
      - Tag = (string)
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(2)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
    • Grant Immunity
      - Tag = (string)
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(3)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
    • Grant Immunity
      - Tag = (string)
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(4)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
    • Grant Immunity
      - Tag = (string)
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
  • 2
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Grant Immunity
      - Ability Spec = 0
      - Damage Type List = Int(5)
      - Damage Channel List = Int(1)
      - Tags: tag.abl.debuff.physics