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Rampant cheating has long plagued sabacc at both amateur and professional levels--but while most casino owners tolerate such profit-gouging trickery, Jar'ga the Hutt found a solution. He commissioned a version of sabacc played entirely through holo, eliminating physical cards. When Jar'ga unveiled the first holo-sabacc table at casino on Nar Shaddaa, it sparked a craze of galactic proportions. Soon every casino in known space had at least one holo-sabacc table.

Of course, it didn't stop cheaters in the slightest. Slicers immediately set to work creating stacked holo-decks and altering card algorithms. Sliced holo-sabacc systems can now be purchased at the black markets on every major world. Jar'ga himself has a sliced holo-sabacc table hidden in his casino--stacked, of course, in the dealer's favor.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​holo_sabacc


Identity Slicers

When the scum of the galaxy need a solid escape, they place themselves in the capable but expensive hands of an identity slicer. Creative, intelligent, and resourceful, these forgers can alter the identity of anyone with enough credits. A skilled ID slicer can even modify genetic code itself. Such precision takes years to master; many consider themselves artists and scientists, albeit unconventional ones.

Since identity slicing is highly illegal, forgers are notoriously reclusive. Isolation from the outside world causes personality quirks that can sometimes develop into mental imbalance. The most notable example was Dalan Reid, a veteran forger who, after twelve years of isolation, began constructing dozens of replicas of HoloNet singer Viella Zall using local wildlife. Reid was finally caught when he used his Viella clones to hold an impromptu concert on Tatooine.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​identity_slicers

Identity Slicers

Zakuulan Wealth

To bring a society from oppressive tribalism into a glorious golden era requires significant funding. When Emperor Valkorion began his project, he funneled wealth from the Sith Empire into Zakuul, effectively robbing one empire to fund another. As Valkorion's grand society blossomed, the Eternal Empire turned its view outward, conquering planets and claiming their resources. By the time the Republic and Sith Empire fell, Zakuul had amassed the greatest fortune in the galaxy.

Much of it is channeled directly into Zakuul--expansion of the Eternal Fleet, lavish updates to the Spire, generous gifts to the citizens--but the Empire's treasure is so great, it couldn't possibly be spent entirely. The bulk now sits idle aboard the massive treasury called the Gilded Star, serving as a symbol of Zakuul's status--and a reminder of the Eternal Empire's power.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​zakuulan_wealth

Zakuulan Wealth

Odessen Wildlife: Evolution

Notes from Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb:

Due to the rapid escalation of evolution observed on Odessen, I have imported creatures from other planets and released them into the wilds to monitor the effects.

The sleen, extracted from the jungles of Dromund Kaas, exhibited a marked increase in agility and reaction time. Perhaps this creature's serum could be used to make performance-enhancing adrenals.

From Makeb, I secured a fine makrin specimen with the intent of studying its adaptability. As predicted, this remarkable species altered the texture of its skin to better mirror the sturdy hardwoods of Odessen forests.

The Taris bogstalker saw the most shockingly rapid evolution thus far. The creature developed an incredible predatory feature: a plasteel-like barb at the end of its tail. It has evolved enough to warrant a new breed, which I call the "steel-tailed stalker."

I've allowed the creatures to continue their existence on Odessen, as I hope to further observe their acclimation.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141175286209814624

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotfe.​odessen_wildlife_evolution

Odessen Wildlife: Evolution

Nerf Herder

You earned this title by taming numerous Nerf Calves throughout the galaxy.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​minipet.​nerf.​nerf_herder

Nerf Herder
Achievement: TitlesBoth14.3.0