1. Codex entries
  2. organizations
  3. manaan
  4. syphus_collective

Selkath Isolationists: The Syphus Collective

Although each of the Selkath isolationists share the same long-term goals, the movement emerged from a small organization whose members held vastly different motivations. Religious zealots blindly dedicated to the Progenitor, conservationists turned eco-terrorists, narrow-minded traditionalists, and anti-war extremists all joined what came to be called the "Syphus Collective," as every member of the group was an adherent of the teachings of Ahto University professor, Narlan Syphus.

Doctor Syphus taught that Manaan, with its varied species depending on one another, was one collective "organism." Syphus also believed that the galaxy--along with its corrupting influences--was a dangerous ecosystem in which Manaan struggled to compete and survive against bigger, more dangerous "organisms."

Syphus's teachings spread and recruitment in the Syphus Collective grew exponentially as the Republic and Empire, once again locked in heated military conflict, turned their gaze to Manaan's valuable resources. When the Syphus Collective implored Manaan's government to allow the two factions to destroy each other and leave the Selkath in peace, they were soundly ignored. In response, the Syphus Collective took up arms against the invading Republic and Imperial forces, as well as any Selkath who did not share their desire to isolate Manaan from the dangers of the "galactic ecosystem."

