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Catastrophe on Ruhnuk

"Final Report on Ruhnuk Mining Disaster


Although output on the initial lodes of calcite and derillium were well above expectations, the next year's output was reduced to well below expectations for three reasons. First, the largest and easiest to exploit source was mostly consumed in that first year. Second, based on the richness of the earlier lodes, Project Overseer Fent Jucalla redirected mining output toward scaling up infrastructure construction on the planet's surface. This proved to be the kindling for the third factor: the arrival of an unusual nebula around the planet.

The dust storms that erupted as a result of the nebula's arrival slowed production a great deal. As the planet moved deeper into the nebula, energy disturbances interrupted communications. This made it difficult to coordinate operations.

Worse still, the interruption of communications caused the construction droids to lose connection to the master control systems. Survivors report that drilling droids continued through adjoining tunnels, heedless of what--or who--may be present in those tunnels. Others describe construction droids sealing workers in the ferrocrete tunnel lining.

Without functioning communications equipment, the evacuation of Ruhnuk was haphazard, and word did not reach headquarters until the evacuation ships cleared the nebula. Despite the abandonment of equipment and tremendous loss of investment, Overseer Jucalla testifies that priority in the evacuation was given to the surviving workers. Had it been otherwise, he claims, the ships would have been overburdened as they escaped the strange nebula that now completely surrounds Ruhnuk."

--From a datafile used in a Gatressa Mining Conglomerate board meeting

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ruhnuk.​datacron_mastery

Catastrophe on Ruhnuk
Achievement: DatacronsRuhnukBoth17.2.0


Ruhnuk is a harsh world where both flora and fauna are forced to adapt in order to flourish. A prime example of this is the Ruhnukan Tineback. As humorous as their features may be to onlookers, they all have a purpose. The Tineback's ridged nose and large, blunt underbite allows it to hoe soil and chisel rock at an alarming rate. The Tineback's stout, spined tail often serves a dual purpose. In addition to providing a perfect posterior defense against an enemy, the tail can also be used as camouflage. When feeling vulnerable, Tinebacks can quickly bore straight down into the dirt, burying themselves up to their haunches. Its tail--the only part of the Tineback left exposed--resembles a dangerous, spiny succulent that grows in some of the world's more hazardous areas.

Among the beasts found on Ruhnuk, the Tineback is the most varied. From canyon to clifftop, these thickset beasts roam in groups varying from small clusters to large mobs--referred to by many as a "mix," given their range in color and pattern--chewing their way through most anything in their path. The few sentient visitors to the planet have been known to make a game out of documenting and sharing tales of their sightings.

The most unique discoveries include the elusive "Knock-Kneed" Tineback, whose uncanny speed is the envy of mount trainers, and the "Dulcet Tone"-back, so named for its glass-like tines that chime as it scurries. One famous encounter involved a smaller, unusually friendly, "beefy" variety of Tineback. According to legend, he was adopted by miners who named him Essa'Mu, a name which is thought to mean "Dragbelly," due to the Tineback's stubbier-than-normal legs.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​tineback


Clan Ha'rangir

Named for Kad Ha'rangir, the ancient Mandalorian god of destruction and bringer of change and growth, Clan Ha'rangir was founded by Mandalorians who believed their people were being weakened by cowardice and inaction. The clan began a bloody expansion called "Ha'rangir's Path" in the latter half of 3732 BBY. Their early success encouraged more raids and occupations, which earned the clan a fortune in resources. This vast war chest sustained Clan Ha'rangir during the decades of reactionary conflict that followed.

Their empire building peaked in the 3600's and slowly declined as newer generations of Clan Ha'rangir avoided the front lines, preferring instead to manage and expand their wealth. Once formidable conquerors, Clan Ha'rangir's power today resides in the credits they command, rather than their military might. Some within their ranks, however, are questioning their role within the galaxy, perhaps yearning for a return to their expansionist ways.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​exp.​04.​clan_harangir

Clan Ha'rangir

Bes'uliik: Basilisk War Droids

The bes'uliik--or "Basilisk war droids," as most Basic-speaking species know them--are perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the bloody years of Mandalorian crusades and expansions. These "Iron Beasts" were once the terror of the skies, filling the citizens of conquered worlds with dread as the Mandalorians descended on the backs of swarms of bes'uliik.

Heavily armored in their construction, the Basilisk war droids could easily carry a Mandalorian warrior through a planet's atmosphere. The droids were also built to carry large, powerful weapons, and their extremities could be utilized in melee combat or to destroy physical obstacles.

Although the bes'uliik were designed as the ultimate weapons of destruction, the Mandalorians also came to see the semi-sentient droids as close companions. The Mandalorians' attachment to the bes'uliik made their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars that much more difficult, as the terms of their surrender at Malachor V included destroying the Basilisk war droids on the orders of the Jedi Knight, Revan. A few bes'uliik, however, did survive the purge, as some Mandalorians secretly defied Revan's command.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​basilisk_war_droid

Bes'uliik: Basilisk War Droids

Kithrawl, the Flame in Darkness

One of the most legendary creatures ever encountered on Ruhnuk is also one of the strangest, most inexplicable Tineback aberrations ever documented.

Called "Kithrawl"--and sometimes "The Flame in Darkness" by those who survived crossing its path--the enormous beast was discovered by some unfortunate members of the ill-fated Gatressa Mining Conglomerate operation. Eyewitness accounts describe the beast's skin as charred, blackened stone striated with something that resembled magma-filled cracks. The survivors contend that the creature was born among molten veins in the depths of Ruhnuk's crust, but many dismiss these claims as the ravings of traumatized disaster victims.

These reports, however, were enough to tempt the ambitious and the greedy into seeking out Kithrawl for its many imagined treasures, like the hardened pads of its feet or the deadly spines on its tail. Foolish opportunists have been said to forfeit their lives in pursuit of these prizes, while others suggest that Kithrawl might possess some of the most valuable and delicious meat in the galaxy.

Realistically, anyone insisting they have firsthand knowledge of the details of Kithrawl's lair is most likely exaggerating, intent on regaling local cantina-goers with their tales in exchange for free drinks. Since no visual proof of Kithrawl has ever been presented, only the unsuccessful hunters know what truly waits in the darkness below Ruhnuk's surface.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​kithrawl_flame_in_darkness

Kithrawl, the Flame in Darkness

Mandalorian Relics: Muugyn's Plan

During the Mandalorian Wars, a skirmish between Mandalorians and Jedi forces took place on Vur IV. The Mandalorians held out as long as they could, but after several weeks of intense fighting, they began to lose ground.

Orders came to abandon the planet to the Jedi and regroup in a neutral sector. Young Mandalorian recruit Worr Muugyn refused the order, instead asking for volunteers to hold a fortified position they called "Blood Ridge." Muugyn sketched out his plan on a piece of leather cut from his tabard.

Following his lead, some of his followers held the hill for several days, while Jedi forces committed more and more resources to overrunning the location. The distraction proved enough of a tactical advantage that the rest of Muugyn's small, but dedicated, group could fortify more positions in the area and mount a counterattack.

Muugyn survived what would be known as the Battle of Blood Ridge and continued to lead Mandalorian forces until he died in battle in 3959 BBY. To this day, Muugyn's Plan remains a symbol of courage and determination to many Mandalorian clans.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_plan

Mandalorian Relics: Muugyn's Plan

Mandalorian Relics: Shackle #74631

Before her arrest, Prisoner #74631--Kaja Honn--was raised and trained by Mandalorians. Just after Honn came of age and chose to stay with the Mandalorians, she was taken prisoner after a rival on Hutta framed her for theft of Imperial supplies. After careful deliberation, Honn's Imperial captors sent her to a secret facility on Ziost, rather than executing her and risking conflict with the Mandalorians.

While incarcerated, Honn organized and trained unjustly held prisoners to fight back. Calling themselves Clan Kaja, the group overpowered their guards and escaped the underground facility. Honn died in the confrontation, but her sacrifice made her an important figure in Mandalorian history. With the broken shackle of their fallen sister as a reminder of their struggles, Clan Kaja achieved full clan status some years after the events on Ziost.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_shackle

Mandalorian Relics: Shackle #74631

Mandalorian Relics: The Final Blade of Dunesa Rul

Born on an unremarkable planet in the Outer Rim, the boy who would become Master Dunesa Rul apprenticed with the local metalsmith to provide additional income for his family. Accounts of his early life learning the trade are few, but historians agree that Rul showed exceptional natural skill and quickly outgrew the simple routine of the frontier smithy who taught him.

Seeking more significant challenges, Rul found work at several smithies across the Core Worlds. The quality of his weapons gained recognition among the Mandalorian clans, and with their patronage, he opened his own forge at a remarkably young age.

Rul's creations, prized within the Mandalorians, were often handed down from one clan leader to the next, but demand for new work was overwhelming. Rul was killed in an explosion during an altercation between Clan Mettir and Clan Ironstone, who sought to lay claim to a masterwork weapon--a durasteel dagger--he had created. Both clans were hunted down and destroyed in retaliation for the grievous loss. The dagger itself was never found.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​mando_relic_blade

Mandalorian Relics: The Final Blade of Dunesa Rul

The End of Basilisk: Part 1

"Basilisk was once a lush, humid world located not far from Coruscant. Its inhabitants, the Basiliskans, were an intelligent, lizard-like species who were known throughout the Republic for expertly crafting fearsome droids that were nothing short of weapons of war.

At the dawn of the "Great Shadow Crusade" (the moniker by which the Mandalorians know the time of the Great Sith War), the Mandalorians turned their bloodthirsty gaze to Basilisk. The ruthless warriors ravaged the planet without mercy, seeking to enslave the Basiliskan people and their war droids.

The Basiliskans, however, proved to be formidable foes. Some even earned the respect of the Mandalorian invaders through their determination and willingness to fight. But the resistance was not enough, even with Republic and Jedi reinforcements. Ultimately, the Basiliskans were no match against the relentless onslaught dispatched by the Mandalorian Crusaders...."

--From a historical account of the Great Sith War, found in the Jedi archives on Tython

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​end_of_basilisk1

The End of Basilisk: Part 1

The End of Basilisk: Part 2

"Facing complete domination, and with few desperate options left, the Basiliskans resorted to chemically scorching the entire surface of their homeworld, rendering Basilisk an uninhabitable wasteland.

The calamity forced Mandalore the Indomitable to order a retreat, briefly withdrawing his warriors from Basilisk. With the Mandalorian forces' attention momentarily diverted offworld, they had no way of knowing that--in a final act of defiance--the Basiliskans launched several beacons carrying the secrets of building their war droids: schematics, diagrams, even elements that could only be found on Basilisk.

When the Mandalorians returned, the remaining Basiliskans faced their full wrath and were swiftly defeated. Without the full knowledge of building new Basilisk war droids, the Mandalorians took the ones that remained for their own. Those Basiliskans that survived the Battle of Basilisk were then enslaved, to be used as the new Mandalorian war mounts...."

--From a historical account of the Great Sith War, found in the Jedi archives on Tython

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​lots.​ruhnuk.​end_of_basilisk2

The End of Basilisk: Part 2

Kur Ha'rangir

Ruthless, arrogant, and egotistical, Kur Ha'rangir embodies all of the traits that the members of his clan, Clan Ha'rangir, consider important. Claiming to descend from Kad Ha'rangir, the old Mandalorian god, Kur sees his clan as the supreme embodiment of Mandalorian strength and power. To reflect Clan Ha'rangir's status, Kur believes that he should possess the strongest and most powerful weapons.

Although Basilisk war droids--the infamous Mandalorian mounts that wreaked havoc across the galaxy during the Great Sith War and the Mandalorian Wars--are exceedingly rare, Kur Ha'rangir has no interest in preserving them for future generations. His only goal is to collect and continually improve the best of them, even if it means sacrificing the increasingly limited number of Basilisk droids for their parts.

As the number of available Basilisk droids dwindles, Kur has turned his attention to learning how to build the war droids--a craft that was lost when the droids' original creators destroyed their own planet. Legend tells of beacons, full of schematics and construction plans, that were scattered across the galaxy when Basilisk was destroyed, and although Clan Ha'rangir has pledged themselves to fight alongside Heta Kol and the Hidden Chain, Kur has not let their desires interfere with his own obsession.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​ruhnuk.​kur_harangir

Kur Ha'rangir
Persons of NoteBoth17.2.0

Lane Vizla

Most people outside of Mandalore the Avenger's inner circle assume that the lives of those closest to her are filled with many tales of valor and triumph. The opposite holds true for Shae Vizla's youngest relative, Lane Vizla.

Lane was a child when Shae led Clan Vizla to Tracyn Island on Rishi, settling away from the backhanded politics so prevalent during the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire's cold war. On Clan Vizla's isolated compound, Lane spent her formative years teaching herself to repair--and enhance--the various machines the Vizlas used for training: state-of-the-art droids, elemental forcefields, combat gadgets, deadly weapons, and tools for training beasts.

Clan Vizla's time on Tracyn Island gave Lane a firsthand experience of her cousin's indifference toward war, a view that did not change as the Mandalorians later fought to survive the invasion of the Eternal Empire. Despite Lane's skepticism about Shae's ability to lead their people, she recognizes that her cousin is the rightful Mandalore. Anyone who claims otherwise threatens to tear apart the Mando'ade.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​ruhnuk.​lane_vizla

Lane Vizla
Persons of NoteBoth17.2.0

Ri'kan Kateen


SUBJECT: Ri'kan Kateen
KNOWN AFFILIATIONS: Dar'manda, Clan Varad
KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Bask Sunn, Tyrus Brokenblade, Durn Wynnward

Wanted for questioning in connection to an ongoing series of criminal enterprises on Balmorra, Corellia, Onderon, and Belsavis, including destruction of property, theft of over fifty thousand credits, armed assault, illegal transport of hazardous materials, use of prohibited explosives in public, reckless disregard for human life, and murder.

-Contract mercenary with demonstrated Mandalorian training.
-Expertise in espionage, melee weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and explosives.


Current whereabouts unknown."

--From a Corellian security alert bulletin

Category: Persons of Note

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​exp.​04.​ruhnuk.​rikan_kateen

Ri'kan Kateen
Persons of NoteRuhnukBoth17.2.0


Possessing few inherent qualities to warrant colonization or scientific study, the only significant investment in the rocky fields and crevasses of Ruhnuk has been a few long-range survey droids and a limited mining operation.

Records from trade hubs in the vicinity indicate that shipments of ore from Ruhnuk ceased after 3663 BBY--a date that coincides with an extraplanetary event resulting in the ionic storm that shrouds the planet and the immediate area to this day.

Since then, Ruhnuk has seen no additional development and is often avoided entirely, largely due to the extensive navigation interference and unreliable communication caused by the lingering storm.

Category: Planets

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​ruhnuk


Celebrated and Remembered

Contributions towards the efforts of Mandalorian Trat'ade on Ruhnuk have earned you this title.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​reputation.​ruhnuk.​celebrated_and_remembered

Celebrated and Remembered
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.2.0

Champion of the Avenger

Contributions towards the efforts of Mandalorian Trat'ade on Ruhnuk have earned you this title.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​reputation.​ruhnuk.​champion_of_the_avenger

Champion of the Avenger
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.2.0

the Profitable

Awarded as part of the reward track during PvP Season 1: Cartel Combat Championship.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​pvp.​pvp_seasons.​season_1.​the_profitable

the Profitable
Achievement: TitlesBoth17.2.0