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  3. hut_lz

Minboosa District

Unlike the other territories of Hutta--where old grudges and ambitious criminals looking to prove their worth mean that violence is a near-constant in the streets--the Minboosa District is relatively calm, if you aren't a slave. Vobbara Yusinduu, Minboosa's crime lord, is wealthy beyond even Hutt standards, due in part to his very lucrative tibanna gas refinery. His seemingly-endless abundance of credits pays for a sense of security that other Hutt Cartel members on Hutta do not enjoy.

Though the denizens of the Minboosa District enjoy relative safety from gang warfare and cutthroat corporate espionage, one thing Yusinduu's money can't protect them from is the natural elements. While much of Hutta's surface has been reduced to toxic wetlands in the centuries since the Hutts first plundered the world, the number of tunnels and pipelines built below ground in Minboosa has destabilized the area. Many of the district's structures--homes, businesses, ancient Evocii ruins--are predicted to sink into the swamp by the end of the decade, though Yusinduu's tibanna refinery seems unlikely to suffer the same fate.

