1. Pouvoirs
  2. sith_warrior
  3. skill
  4. annihilation
  5. bloodlust

Soif de sang


Soif de sang

Vos attaques qui infligent des dégâts directs à une cible en sang génèrent 1 point de Rage. Cet effet n'est disponible que toutes les 3 secondes. De plus, la désagrégation rend sa cible attaquable pendant <<1>> secondes. Les cibles attaquables subissent 7 % de dégâts élémentaires et internes supplémentaires.





Used by
  • apc.tutorial.warrior.marauder.annhilation.1
  • apc.sith_warrior.marauder.annihilation
  • apc.test.cdurel.class_prototypes.war_kni.marauder_annihilation

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Please click on an effect below to view its details.

Ability activation
Soif de sang
Soif de sang
cbt_st_assailableVulnérabilité aux attaques (mental) – Augmentation des dégâts subis suite aux attaques élémentaires et internes.
  • [hidden] [does not expire]
    regenerateEffect #1

  • 1
    • When character deals damage without tags tag.abl.debuff.damage_over_time that does not get redirected, not more than every 3s

    Override target to:

    • Trigger Target

    Only when the following conditions are met:

      • If TARGET has an effect with the tag tag.​abl.​debuff.​bleed

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #2 to TARGET from CASTER
  • 2
    • When character deals damage with tags tag.abl.sith_warrior.annihilate that does not get redirected, not more than every 1s

    Override target to:

    • Trigger Target

    Perform the following actions:

    • Add effect #3 to TARGET from CASTER
  • [0s] [not displayed]
    regenerateEffect #2

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Override target to:

    • Caster

    Perform the following actions:

    • Restore 1 of TARGET's action points, causing no threat
  • [45s]
    cbt_st_assailableVulnérabilité aux attaques (mental)
    Augmentation des dégâts subis suite aux attaques élémentaires et internes.

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions: