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46 results found.

NameCategoryPlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Kaas City

The capital city of the Imperial homeworld of Dromund Kaas is one part massive skyscrapers and one part impenetrable fortress. It is home to the Citadel, where the Sith's Dark Council once lorded over their followers before their dissolution during the conflict with the Eternal Empire. The Citadel also houses the headquarters of the Imperial military and Sith Intelligence.

The first Sith to arrive on Dromund Kaas founded the city as their eternal sanctuary among the gorges and ravines of the jungle world. Over the centuries, its population grew into the millions--proud Imperials working toward the glory of the Sith and slaves submitting to Imperial will.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotet.​kaas_city

Kaas City

The Sanitarium

The sole structure on the barren rock of Nathema, the Sanitarium was where Valkorion sent powerful Force users who opposed him for gruesome research experiments. The Force void enveloping the world limited the subjects' ability to resist or escape, making it the perfect laboratory and prison.

The Sanitarium is home to a mysterious sect of Force-sensitives called the Nathema Zealots, though day-to-day order is maintained by the Keepers--specially trained Abyssin who serve as guards and caretakers. The halls are also patrolled by mutated creatures from other worlds that are genetically engineered to instill fear, terror, and obedience in the Sanitarium's unwilling residents. The operation is overseen by an Anomid scientist named Jarak--an outcast among his own kind for the deviant nature of his research.

Vaylin is the only inmate to ever leave Nathema alive, though she still bears the mental scars from the horrors she endured during her incarceration.

Category: Locations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​locations.​kotet.​the_sanitarium

The Sanitarium


A subterranean species of semi-sentient bipedal insects, the voreclaw survived the devastating ritual that wiped out all life on Nathema's surface... but not without cost. The dark side cataclysm obliterated the Voreclaw's hive mind, transforming their underground colonies into mindless individuals without purpose or will.

Driven by hunger, the voreclaw emerged onto Nathema's barren surface, where the sun's radiation seared their exposed flesh and charred their chitinous shells. With no other plants or animals to eat, the voreclaw resorted to cannibalism-- devouring each other until only the few strongest remained.

The species was saved from extinction when the Sith Emperor captured the few survivors to use as guardians in his underground vault. Frozen in carbonite, the voreclaw remained in suspended animation for generations--grim sentries waiting to be awakened should anyone be foolish enough to enter their new domain.

Category: Bestiary

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​bestiary.​voreclaw


Alliance Intelligence Report: The Dust Vipers

Subject: Dust Viper Gang
Status: Dormant

For most of its existence, the Dust Viper gang was a minor criminal organization operating out of the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine. Their members primarily conducted raids on moisture farming settlements. Their most "successful" ambush outside Mos Pelgo resulted in the theft of a dozen astromech droids, most of them hours away from the scrap pile. The Dust Vipers were destined to be forgotten until noted criminal Bel Nerodia took command of the gang.

Under Nerodia's leadership, the Dust Vipers became a significant threat to the local population--and eventually the entire system. They established a new base near Anchorhead and struck major trade routes. Over several months, they established a small pirate squadron and attacked convoys across the Outer Rim. As the Dust Vipers gained wealth, more criminals flocked to their ranks. The amateur group had evolved into a significant criminal threat.

One question remains: how did the Dust Vipers--a dangerous but ultimately primitive organization--manage to successfully intercept a secret Alliance patrol and steal classified security data? Luck may be a factor, but their coordination suggests otherwise. Intelligence will continue to investigate.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​the_dust_vipers

Alliance Intelligence Report: The Dust Vipers

Alliance Intelligence Report: White Maw Uprising

Subject: White Maw Pirates
Status: Dormant

The recent White Maw resurgence on Hoth may benefit the Alliance. After defeating the pirates and liberating the civilian workers, we have established a legitimate claim to the Firefrost Lavaworks factory they used. Alliance crews are already modifying the factory for our specific purposes.

Further White Maw aggression in the area is unlikely, as Droub--the Firefrost overseer--seems to have solidified his position and eliminated any potential rivals in the region. His rise to power was impressive and unexpected: before this, he was little more than a mid-level White Maw thug, lacking the ambition and intelligence to set up such an extensive operation.

Interviews with the civilians pressed into service indicate Droub was a particularly cruel master. Because of this, a high percentage of the workers have vowed to stay on and keep the facility running on behalf of the Alliance as a sign of their gratitude.

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​white_maw_uprising

Alliance Intelligence Report: White Maw Uprising

Horizon Guard

As one of her first acts as empress, Vaylin violently purged the entire cadre of Zakuul knights charged with protecting her brother. She replaced them with an elite unit handpicked from the remaining ranks, and called her new regiment the "Horizon Guard."

Service in the Horizon Guard is simultaneously a blessing and a curse. While it is a great honor to be chosen for the Empress's personal detail, Horizon Guards are likely to suffer the violent outbursts of Vaylin's erratic temper.

Among the other knights, it is whispered that the unofficial motto of the Horizon Guard is, "I serve for life, but I don't serve for long."

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​horizon_guard

Horizon Guard

Voss-Gormak Alliance

After centuries of bitter conflict, the Voss and Gormak formed an uneasy truce to defend their homeworld against a new foe--the Eternal Empire. Their alliance has proven surprisingly effective, with the meditative reserve of the Voss complimenting the ferocious strength of the Gormak to form a formidable army. However, tension divides their ranks.

A particular point of dispute is the ratio of Gormak casualties, with most Gormak leaders claiming their own losses are far too low. Casualties among the two species are nearly equal even though the bulk of the frontline troops are Gormak.

This may be because Voss strategy is shaped by an ancient decree from the Mystics stating "the last Gormak must not die." But as one Gormak shaman complained, "Gormak fight. Gormak die. Gormak win. Voss stop Gormak dying, Voss stop Gormak winning."

Category: Organizations

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​voss_gormak_alliance

Voss-Gormak Alliance

Nathema Zealots

A secretive group of powerful Force-sensitives, the Nathema Zealots live in total isolation on the blighted world. Founded by Valkorion, the Nathema Zealots are among the only Force-sensitive beings able to withstand the horrors of the void through a regime of daily rituals and intense meditation. However, while their mental conditioning focuses their power, it simultaneously erodes their free will.

This was not accidental, as Valkorion sought to create an army of completely subservient yet incredibly powerful Force users. However, one unexpected side effect was that the Nathema Zealots grew dependent on the void for their existence, and became catatonic if they left Nathema's surface.

Hoping to extract some value from his failed experiment, Valkorion used the Nathema Zealots as wardens for the prisoners he sent to Nathema's Sanitarium. He also recruited the Anomid scientist Jarak to study their mental conditioning so he could use it to control his daughter Vaylin.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141048268796848625

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​nathema_zealots

Nathema Zealots

Zakuulan Rebels

The reign of the Immortal Emperor Valkorion was Zakuul's golden age, unmarred by terrorism and rebellion. However, after Valkorion's heirs took the throne, cracks formed in the foundation of the Eternal Empire. Arcann's cull of the Scions created a rift among the previously loyal Knights of Zakuul, and a resistance group formed when Zakuulans began to doubt their new emperor. Now Vaylin's harsh regime has further divided her subjects. The rebels that rose under her brother's rule have grown in both numbers and resolve, threatening to tear down the Eternal Empire.

The rebels ultimately tried to assassinate Vaylin on the eve of her coronation as Empress of Zakuul. Hundreds of resistance cells carried out a careful plan over a number of years. But unknown to the rebels, Vaylin had monitored them since her days as High Justice. While she celebrated her ascension to the throne, her deadly Horizon Guards ambushed the traitors and thwarted their assassination plan. Many rebels died, but more were captured. They were interrogated and left to rot in servitude--until Vaylin found the perfect stage for their public execution.

Category: Organizations

Planet: 16141110623579443940

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​organizations.​kotet.​zakuulan_rebels

Zakuulan Rebels

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Cause for Concern

Subject: A Theory on the Recent Galactic Uprisings
Status: Unsubstantiated

As a rising power in the galaxy, it is inevitable that the Alliance will encounter opposition from various factions. However, analysis of several recent incidents has brought to light a number of striking similarities. In many cases, a small group of criminals or political defectors under the control of an unlikely leader has quickly risen to prominence without warning.

These unexpected outbursts of dissension could be simple coincidence. They may also be mere symptoms of some flaw in Alliance political policy that is inciting these hostilities. However, we must also consider the more sinister possibility that these uprisings are all somehow connected.

The emerging pattern of these seemingly random events make more sense if considered as part of a greater, concealed whole. It may be the enemies we have faced were merely pawns, set against us by a more cunning and formidable foe to test our responses while chipping away at our strength. However, until Alliance Intelligence can find concrete evidence, this theory remains pure speculation.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​conclusion

Alliance Intelligence Report: A Cause for Concern

Dramath's Holocron

All holocrons are based on a complex yet elegant technology: a lattice of organic crystals woven together at a microscopic level. The crystal lattice can store vast amounts of information, as well as replicate the appearance and personality of the holocron's creator as a gatekeeper who will guide students in their training.

In his youth, Valkorion--then known as Tenebrae--discovered a way to twist and pervert the lattice so it could capture the spirit of powerful Force users, locking them in a metaphysical cage. He used the weapon on Dramath, his tyrannical father, and trapped him inside the holocron for centuries.

But the same corrupted technology Valkorion used to vanquish his father could also be turned against him, permanently imprisoning his immortal spirit... or obliterating it from existence.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​dramaths_holocron

Dramath's Holocron

Droids of Iokath

In many technologically advanced societies, droids are designed to handle a multitude of mundane tasks. The organics who created Iokath embraced this idea, and built a wide variety of mechanical servants to nurture their artificial world. Custodian and compactor droids were created to preserve the parklands; scour swarm droids to clean the Chromium Garden; purifier droids to provide protection and security; and support droids to maintain and repair the entire system.

With the extinction of their organic masters, the purpose of these self-perpetuating service droids slowly changed. As newer generations evolved, their original mandates shifted from preservation of Iokath to aggression toward any foreign entity.

The escalating xenophobia led to virtually every droid on Iokath becoming weaponized in some way, eventually culminating in the creation of the Colossus Droid, a war machine with enough firepower to wipe out an entire army.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​droids_of_iokath

Droids of Iokath

Gravestone Upgrades

The origins of the Gravestone--and the Eternal Fleet--were thought to be lost to history, until the Outlander discovered the ruins of an advanced alien civilization on the droid-infested world of Iokath. Using blueprints and data files of the Gravestone's original creators recovered from Iokath, the Alliance saw the opportunity to optimize the ship's weapons and defense systems.

Unfortunately, installing the new upgrades has proved far more complicated than anticipated, leaving the Gravestone trapped in dry-dock while mechanics work frantically around the clock to integrate the new enhancements. While some argue it is foolish to sideline one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy for any length of time, the benefits seem to outweigh the risk. Once completed, the greater firepower, better shielding, and improved speed and maneuverability will make the Gravestone virtually unstoppable.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​gravestone_upgrades

Gravestone Upgrades

Hylo Visz and the Gravestone

As an underworld specialist, Hylo Visz is an integral part of the Outlander's crew. But the monotony of coordinating smuggling operations and continuous supply runs on behalf of the Alliance took its toll. Secretly, Hylo pined for the lost days of her infamous past: excitement, adventure, and glory. She became bored and restless... until she was given command of the Gravestone.

Picking up where Koth Vortena--the previous captain--left off, she learned to pilot the vessel and delved into the ship's inner workings. To her delight, she discovered a technological marvel of ancient alien origins unlike anything she'd ever seen. Hylo became obsessed with unlocking the ship's full potential--a challenge worthy of her attention that ensured her continued dedication to the Outlander's cause.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​hylo_visz_and_the_gravestone

Hylo Visz and the Gravestone

Lightning Spires

The lightning spires of Dromund Kaas tower above the planet's dark jungles, attracting the deadly lightning strikes that constantly scorch the world's storm-ravaged surface. The spires protect ground forces from falling prey to deadly strikes and harness the storm's electrical energy to power Kaas City.

The lightning spires were originally conceived by Renigus Wight, a former commander in the Imperial Reclamation Service. Renigus was spearheading an excavation mission in the jungles of Dromund Kaas when a violent storm erupted in the skies overhead. His officers ran for shelter, but were too slow. A single bolt of lightning wiped out his entire crew: 49 officers, researchers and slaves. Renigus only survived thanks to the grace of a twisted ankle that caused him to lag behind the panicked stampede and miss the fatal strike.

Following this incident, Renigus retired from the service to design the first lightning spire-a beacon of safety to shield future Imperial expeditions from the planet's wrathful storms.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​lightning_spires

Lightning Spires

Quantum Bomb

Developed by Arkanian researchers seeking an alternate energy source, a quantum bomb shreds the connections of elementary particles at a subatomic level, causing an escalating chain reaction that obliterates any matter it comes into contact with. The blast radius is subject to the random variances of quantum probability and can extend anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 kilometers.

Because of this unpredictability, quantum bombs are rarely used in military campaigns. Koth witnessed such destruction firsthand during the military campaign to conquer the Republic world of Denon. The devastation unleashed on the Denon fleet--followed by an order to open fire on civilians--caused him to abdicate his military command and turn his back on Zakuul.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Koth recognized the potential of a quantum bomb beyond conventional military uses. By installing one on the Gravestone and integrating the trigger mechanism with the ship's systems, he concocted the ultimate fail-safe to keep the vessel from falling into enemy hands.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​quantum_bomb

Quantum Bomb

Raz and the Ubo-Kings

For years, Raz and the Ubo-Kings existed as an obscure band, living gig-to-gig in the nightclubs of Nar Shaddaa. According to Raz--the short-tempered Duros band leader--their talents were wasted playing backup to underworld deals and barroom brawls. Raz and the Ubo-Kings were ahead of their time, a band of musical pioneers seemingly destined to never achieve stardom.

But everything changed when the Eternal Empire conquered the Core Worlds. Through unknown means, holos of the band's performances made their way to Zakuul--where they were soon played on street corners and in underground dance venues. Raz and the Ubo-Kings became an overnight sensation. Within a few months, their intoxicating music was played and sampled in every club on the Spire.

Unfortunately, Raz and the Ubo-kings were still stuck on Nar Shaddaa and didn't collect a single credit from their explosive success on Zakuul. Hungry for fame and fortune, Raz prepped his band for a tour to the Eternal Empire's capital, but their plans were derailed when Empress Vaylin took power and forbid any offworld music from polluting her mighty empire.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​raz_and_the_ubo_kings

Raz and the Ubo-Kings

The Emperor's Vaults

The Emperor's vaults have long been a subject of rumor among the Sith Empire's leaders, though how many exist remains unknown. Believed to contain dark relics of incredible power, the vaults are a mythic prize few speak of openly and fewer still try to locate.

The last known hunt for these vaults was conducted by SIS Colonel Jen Alkier shortly after the Emperor disappeared from Dromund Kaas. Acting on a tip from a highly placed Sith informant, Alkier searched the fringes of Wild Space. After several weeks, all contact from the colonel ceased.

Months later, Alkier's abandoned ship was found on Korriban with no visible damage other than a wiped memory core and a missing astromech droid. The SIS tried to locate its missing agent, but Alkier's file was ultimately closed. The secrets of the Emperor's vaults remain a mystery.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_emperors_vaults

The Emperor's Vaults

The Fall of Valkorion

Over the millennia, Valkorion wore many faces and names: Lord Vitiate; Emperor of the Sith; Eternal Emperor of Zakuul. For centuries upon centuries, he shaped and manipulated galactic events, bending the arc of history to his will during his obsessive quest for immortality. A being of unfathomable power and insatiable appetite, he transcended death multiple times, shedding his physical shells as they were discovered, defeated, and destroyed... only to return in another form.

With each rebirth, he grew stronger. His machinations became grander. The pain and suffering he unleashed became greater. Some believed his ultimate goal was conquest: the complete subjugation of every world, known and unknown. Others believed he sought annihilation: the consumption of every living being in the galaxy, until he alone remained.

Yet, immortality is an impossibility. No matter how strong, how powerful, how godlike, all must perish. In the end, Valkorion could not escape the inevitable, permanent end to his existence. Finally, after thousands of years, the Immortal Emperor--his body, his spirit, the very essence of his being--is no more.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_fall_of_valkorion

The Fall of Valkorion

The Hunt for Senya

As one of her first acts as Empress of Zakuul, Vaylin declared a bounty on her own mother, who had fled into the far reaches of the galaxy with a badly injured Arcann. A deluge of rumors and unverified reports flooded in from those eager to claim the reward. Obsessed, Vaylin pursued each one, calling on the full resources of the Eternal Empire to track down her quarry.

Hunted and desperate to find someone who could heal Arcann, Senya turned to a group of rogue Knights of Zakuul who had broken away from the Eternal Throne. But on arriving at their secret camp on Ord Mantell, she found the knights brutally slaughtered and her bloodthirsty daughter waiting for her.

Despite Vaylin's trap, Senya escaped Ord Mantell with her life... though the same could not be said of her former comrades-in-arms. Since the Ord Mantell massacre, more rumors of Senya and Arcann's location have surfaced, but none have proved substantial.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_hunt_for_senya

The Hunt for Senya

The New Sith Empire

The Eternal Empire of Zakuul's emergence had grave consequences for the Sith Empire. Darth Marr's execution left the Sith leaderless as the armies of Zakuul ravaged their worlds. Most of the remaining Dark Council were slain or went into hiding, and the once proud Sith Empire was forced into a humiliating surrender.

As the new Sith Empress, Darth Acina swore fealty to the Eternal Throne. Under her rule, the Sith were allowed to maintain authority over most of the planets they had conquered, though each world paid a substantial monthly tribute to Zakuul.

Severe restrictions were also placed on the Sith military, with strict quotas imposed on the number of ships and troops allowed to remain in active service. However, there are rumors the Sith secretly--and rapidly--rebuilt their military since Vaylin came to power in anticipation of a renewed bid for independence.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​the_new_sith_empire

The New Sith Empire

Vaylin's Conditioning

Even as a child, Vaylin showed signs of tremendous power. Fearing she would one day challenge him, Valkorion imprisoned his daughter while he sought limits and controls on her power.

Through brutal experiments and mental conditioning, Vaylin was subconsciously trained to respond to a specific phrase: kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul. When spoken by her father, these words prevent Vaylin from unleashing her power and temporarily trap her will in an unbreakable mental prison.

While effective, it is likely the conditioning aggravated Vaylin's violent tendencies and contributed to her mental instability. While trying to cage his daughter's anger, Valkorion transformed her into a monster.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​vaylins_conditioning

Vaylin's Conditioning

Vaylin: Empress of Zakuul

After Arcann's disappearance, his sister was quick to claim the Eternal Throne... and just as quick to prove herself a more brutal leader than her brother. At her coronation, a dozen Knights of Zakuul were publicly executed for failing to protect her predecessor. Vaylin carried out the sentences herself, personally congratulating each victim on the great honor of dying at her exalted hand.

The casual cruelty of their new ruler shocked Zakuul's citizens. More importantly, it drew focus away from the strange droid serving as Vaylin's top advisor, and distracted people from the sudden desertion of nearly a third of the Eternal Fleet.

It remains to be seen whether Vaylin's harsh tactics will cow her people into obedience, or ignite the flames of true rebellion.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​vaylin_empress_of_zakuul

Vaylin: Empress of Zakuul

World Thrasher

In an era of planetary shields, the easiest way to conquer a world is to put boots on the ground. But even the largest army of surface troops can be neutralized by hostile or impassable terrain, which is why the Eternal Empire developed the world thrasher.

A massive armored vehicle, world thrashers are sent to clear a path for incoming ground troops during the first wave of a planetary invasion. These automated machines of environmental destruction can uproot or incinerate trees, smash boulders, flatten hills, and even burrow through mountains, earning them the nickname "death tractors."

Attempts to utilize world thrashers as weapons have failed because their bulk makes them too ponderous and slow to effectively keep up with a military advance. However, any enemy soldiers careless enough to approach the death tractors will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Category: Lore

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​world_thrasher

World Thrasher

History of Iokath: Entry 1

TEST REPORT 089375.24

Deployment of new designs on test environment JX967A24 were within acceptable parameters. Our three initial dropship waves suffered heavy losses before planetfall. Test subject resistance was unexpectedly heavy, conflicting with prior scout reports indicating minimal military forces. The subjects deployed single-pilot aerial countermeasures to intercept us, but that self-sacrifice appears to be the full extent of their response.

Total time to planetwide surrender was 28 standard hours. Our master designer should be honored for this significant improvement over the last three test environments. Survivors received our standard compensation package, but damage to their civilization's infrastructure is extensive. Analysts estimate it will be at least 2,000 years before we can test this world again. Our scouts are already searching nearby systems for fresh prospects.

- Lead Design Analyst Yuv Kal Zaer

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_1

History of Iokath: Entry 1

History of Iokath: Entry 2

TEST REPORT 195821.78

Per the master designer's request, our analysts have compiled a detailed study to explain the total failure on test environment Z17AX558. The details of their findings are available in a separate report, but in summary: the test environment's proximity to its star, coupled with previously-undetected trace chemicals in the upper atmosphere, reacted negatively to our new particle beams. The resulting electrochemical chain reaction ignited the entire biome, destroying the test subjects and our deployed designs within moments of activation.

While this can only be considered an unmitigated disaster from a return-on-investment perspective, we will make the most of our losses. The master designer's teams will recalibrate their particle beams to a lower-yield setting. Should we locate another planet like this, we can re-test our creation and hope for more satisfactory results.

- Lead Design Analyst Ise Pev Trin

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_2

History of Iokath: Entry 2

History of Iokath: Entry 3

TEST REPORT 249216.39

It is my extraordinary honor to report that the test on environment WL428T73 succeeded beyond all projections. Every design element performed with minimal deviations from their expected functions. Millennia of internal research and development have finally produced a fully-integrated and optimized planetary assault platform suitable to any environment or resistance pattern. On a personal note, it has been my sincere pleasure to work with the greatest master designer in our long history.

I must add one small addendum to this report for the sake of completeness. Analysts examining the test environment have discovered a vast underground vault constructed by the now-extinct natives. With no surviving test subjects to explain its function, we can only theorize why the structure was filled with cultural artifacts of little practical value. We will leave the vault to be discovered by whatever life emerges on the test environment in future epochs. Perhaps they will be able to explain their predecessors when we return to test them.

- Lead Analyst Udo Lin Xoir

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_3

History of Iokath: Entry 3

History of Iokath: Entry 4


Greetings to all analysts, engineers, designers, and builders! It is with great pride that we mark this day as the official start of our civilization's greatest effort. Construction has commenced on Project Iokath. Where we once remade other worlds, we now devote ourselves to creating one. Our ambition is simple: fabricate an expandable and adaptable home for our people that is secure against any outside force. At long last, our culture will achieve the immortality it deserves.

We will call this new world Iokath, and our great-grandchildren will know it as their birthright.

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_4

History of Iokath: Entry 4

History of Iokath: Entry 5


Today was another painful reminder of how meaningless the role of master designer has become. My days are wasted in endless planning meetings to direct the construction of new biomes for Iokath's endlessly-breeding populace. I only feel alive in my spare hours, when I revisit the great designs of ages past and vainly attempt to improve them.

The analysts who witnessed my gallery cooed and tutted, deeming it "exceptional" and "a celebration of the thinking that made us great." What blind sycophancy. All I offered them were ornamental improvements. What difference does it make if SCORPIO looks like a floating cube, a ball of programmatic light, or a walking biped crafted in the image of a long-dead alien species?

We have fallen so far from our glory days. We no longer bother to deploy our designs on test environments and instead rely on simulations to predict the outcomes. Foolishness. Only the chaos of an unpredictable environment and its unique subjects can teach us anything.

I wonder what would happen if I deployed our designs on Iokath? Would I reveal something new?

- Master Designer Vel Jyc Boer

Category: Lore

Planet: 16141168782736770984

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​kotet.​history_of_iokath_entry_5

History of Iokath: Entry 5

Alliance Intelligence Report: Lords Adacin and Zanisk

Subject: Lord Adacin and Lord Zanisk
Status: Terminated

By the time the Sith bowed to the Eternal Empire, Lord Adacin and her constant companion Lord Zanisk had already recognized their new enemy's strength and disappeared. When Acina brokered a truce with Arcann and took power, they remained hidden rather than join the influx of Dark Lords swearing fealty to the new Empress to save their own skin.

Given their earlier foresight and caution, their sudden aggression against the Alliance is troubling. Why expose themselves with an open and direct attack? Why target the Alliance, rather than slowly draw more Sith away from Acina to bolster their ranks? Was there some ulterior motive--some greater purpose--behind their actions that we haven't discovered?

Even the location of their volcanic stronghold raises questions. Adacin and Zanisk had no previous connection to Ord Mantell. How did they set up their operations so quickly without drawing unwanted attention? And why would they even want their base on a world neither of them was familiar with?

Though we believe the threat they represent has been neutralized, too many unanswered questions remain to completely close this file.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​lords_adacin_and_zanisk

Alliance Intelligence Report: Lords Adacin and Zanisk
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Alliance Intelligence Report: The Red Huntress

Subject: Elarea Aldraste aka "The Red Huntress"
Status: Terminated

Elarea Aldraste was a moderately successful bounty hunter working primarily in Wild Space before leading the Crimson Fang organization that seized control of Port Nowhere. Calling herself the Red Huntress, she had a reputation for bringing back her quarry exclusively in body bags. She occasionally partnered with other small-time operators on difficult jobs, however nothing in her history shows the leadership necessary to found an organization capable of seizing such a prized target.

And yet, the Crimson Fang was a veritable rogues' gallery of Wild Space's most notorious villains. Confirmed members included renowned sniper Jor "Oneshot" Mesok, the infamous pirate Captain Takkan Russco, and the twin assassin droids KT-55 and PR-98... none of whom survived.

How the Red Huntress convinced such a disparate group to unite and seize control of Port Nowhere is still under investigation. One fact is clear: without Elarea at the helm, the Crimson Fang would have collapsed.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​the_red_huntress

Alliance Intelligence Report: The Red Huntress
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Alliance Intelligent Report: Major Korven

Subject: Major Korven
Status: Terminated

Alliance Intelligence tracked Major Korven for several months before the events on Vanguard Station. Known as Cipher Fourteen when she worked for Imperial Intelligence, she earned numerous commendations for her service... along with several reprimands for using methods considered too extreme, even by Sith standards.

Ruthless, ambitious, and amoral to a fault, her career eventually stalled when other agents refused to work with her because of her endless backstabbing and double-dealing in pursuit of her own advancement. Ostracized, she disappeared, though she was since a suspect in several anti-Imperial terrorist acts.

Given her dangerous reputation, Alliance agents investigated rumors of Major Korven resurfacing. Pinning down her exact location proved difficult until her sudden appearance as a leader of the Sith defectors on Vanguard Station. It remains unclear why anyone would follow someone with Korven's well-known, and well-deserved, reputation for betraying her own people.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​lore.​uprisings.​release01.​major_korven

Alliance Intelligent Report: Major Korven
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0


A hyper-intelligent, self-aware droid, ARIES is the lone survivor of the apocalyptic war that consumed his homeworld of Iokath. In the millennia since his creators destroyed themselves, ARIES became the sole caretaker and custodian of Iokath, slowly rebuilding from the rubble.

Built by the same unknown species that created the GEMINI droids and the Gravestone, ARIES's original purpose was to oversee and coordinate advanced warfare simulations. ARIES continued in that role by reprogramming the resources of Iokath--including the massive population of service droids--for military purposes.

Isolated and hidden from the rest of the galaxy, Iokath has received few visitors in the past centuries. Those who stumble upon the artificial world are put through a brutal gauntlet by ARIES and his minions as he seeks someone worthy of inheriting his planet's vast military resources... and his own loyalty. But his standards are high, and no one has ever survived his trials.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​aries

Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Empress Acina

As head of the Dark Council's Sphere of Technology, Darth Acina initially appeared uninterested in the political machinations of her peers. However, when Darth Marr's death at the hands of the Eternal Empire incited panic and infighting among the surviving council members, Acina was the first to understand the Sith were overmatched.

She declared loyalty to Arcann and--allegedly--helped him eliminate several council members who refused to bow before the Eternal Throne. With her rivals out of the picture, Acina declared herself Empress of the Sith, and Arcann publicly acknowledged her claim. Whispered gossip suggested their relationship went much deeper than mere political alliance, though little exists to substantiate those rumors.

Some accused Acina of cowardice, but the cunning Sith was merely biding her time. With Arcann's fall and the growing strength of the Outlander's Alliance, Acina saw a chance to strike back at her conquerors, and her open defiance of Empress Vaylin heralds an end to the era of Sith submission.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​empress_acina

Empress Acina
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Indo Zal

Magistrate of Revelry, attendant to Empress Vaylin, and esteemed man about town, Indo Zal has enjoyed an illustrious career as Zakuul's premier entertainer--and occasional "fixer" of unwanted problems. He managed luxury cruisers, organized planet-wide festivals, and ultimately won the public's favor for officiating the spectacular execution of High Justice Yuriem for the crime of profaning the Immortal Emperor's name.

But Indo's rise to prominence was not always written in the stars. His parents, both decorated Knights of Zakuul, died in the Battle of Scyva when Indo was only six years old. He was raised by his older sister, Kalya--one of Zakuul's prophetic order of Scions. It was Kalya who taught Indo how to influence people, act like the Zakuulan elite, and navigate the social labyrinth of the Eternal Empire. Indo worshipped his sister until the day she was executed by High Justice Vaylin during a mass slaughter of Scions.

Indo was destroyed. He wanted nothing more than to avenge his sister's death. But Kalya had taught him the value of patience. Indo swallowed his rage, donned a smile, and insinuated himself into Vaylin's employ--dreaming of the day he would bring down the Zakuulan empress.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​indo_zal

Indo Zal
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0


Unlike many Anomids, Jarak isn't interested in starships, droids, or holopads. He is dedicated to studying a more complex machine: the brain. Jarak believes personal suffering is insignificant compared to better understanding the mind and uses methods that make other behavioral psychologists squirm. But while his colleagues disapprove of his grisly techniques, they cannot argue with the results.

Years ago, Jarak invented a gruesome method of brainwashing patients to obey any command for up to ten hours. Side effects included hives, delirium, and death in nine out of ten patients--but everyone from Hutt crime lords to private military organizations still lined up to recruit the scientist. When Jarak accepted an offer, it was from beyond the Outer Rim. Promised unlimited test subjects, ownership of facilities, and complete control of methods, Jarak continued his research for Valkorion, disappearing from known space.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​jarak

Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Len Parvek

For several years, Len Parvek served in the Eternal Empire's military under the direct command of Koth Vortena. A loyal soldier, Len's faith in his homeworld eroded after Arcann seized his father's throne and embarked on a brutal war of conquest against the Republic and Sith Empire.

When Koth was relieved of command for refusing to fire on unarmed civilians during the Denon riots, Len recognized a kindred spirit in his captain. He freed Koth from the brig and smuggled him to safety aboard the Asylum space station. When Koth later joined the underground resistance opposing Arcann's rule, Len remained faithfully at his friend's side.

Reliable and unassuming, Len's even temperament is the perfect complement to the extroverted and impulsive Koth. Though Koth's crew have nothing but admiration for their visionary leader, they typically turn to Len to handle the nuts-and-bolts of their captain's often outrageous plans.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​len_parvek

Len Parvek
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Lord Dramath

Lord Dramath ruled the Sith world of Medriaas more than a millennium ago. Caring little for day-to-day governing, the Sith Lord spent his time hosting feasts and traveling around the agricultural planet. During a trip to the distant northern continent, Dramath had an affair with a poor farmer woman, siring a son whom he promptly forgot.

Ten years later, the Sith Lord heard rumors of a child gathering power in the northern continent, but did not personally investigate until his envoys failed to return. After days of travel, Dramath reached the source of the rumors only to face his illegitimate son, Tenebrae, the future Sith Emperor and immortal ruler of Zakuul. That day, Tenebrae removed his father's connection to the Force and imprisoned him within a powerful holocron, leaving Dramath alone to wither slowly into madness over an eternity.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​lord_dramath

Lord Dramath
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Minister Lorman

A man of no discernable talent or particular skill, Gelmid Lorman used his family's powerful political connections to secure a high-ranking position in the Sith military. Over a long but unspectacular career, he rose to the position of Moff and served as deputy commander aboard the Ascendant Spear--a prototype Sith warship.

Moff Lorman's career seemingly ended when he was officially blamed for the loss of the Ascendant Spear after it was destroyed by the infamous Republic operative Theron Shan and Jedi Master Gnost-Dural. However, as attrition from a prolonged series of setbacks and defeats in the war against Zakuul thinned the Imperial ranks, Lorman once again found favor with his superiors.

His perplexing promotion to the role of Imperial Minister of Logistics proves the following adage: when all around you are failing, simply doing nothing at all looks like success.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​minister_lorman

Minister Lorman
Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0


As the older of Valkorion's twin sons, the people of Zakuul saw Thexan as the natural successor to the Eternal Throne. Unlike Arcann, his volatile brother, Thexan was known for remaining calm and composed in even the most trying circumstances... a trait that quickly made him their father's favorite son.

But Thexan refused to let their father sow seeds of dissension among him and his siblings. When Valkorion imprisoned his own daughter, Thexan was the only family member who regularly visited his banished sister. After Thexan was chosen to lead the Eternal Fleet against the Core Worlds, he invited Arcann to join him so they could conquer their enemies together.
On their return, however, Valkorion refused to acknowledge his sons' victories. Arcann finally snapped and attacked the Immortal Emperor. Thexan intervened, only to be struck down by Arcann in his blind fury.

Zakuul mourned the fall of their beloved prince for an entire year. His tragic death was blamed on injuries suffered during the war, though rumors suggest he actually fell during a power struggle with Arcann--a theory no one dares admit in public.

Category: Persons of Note

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​persons.​kotet.​thexan

Persons of NoteBoth15.0.0

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas is the capital of the Sith Empire, founded a millennium ago in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War. Since then, the sleek metropolis of Kaas City has grown into a symbol of Imperial power, towering over the surrounding jungle and looming dark against the stormy skies. Once ruled by the Sith Emperor's watchful eye, the world is now controlled by Empress Acina with support from the Imperial military and the Sith who survived the conquest of the Eternal Empire. Planetary defenses are formidable, as the Empire still remembers its defeat and exile long ago.

Category: Planets

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​kotet.​dromund_kaas_rep

Dromund Kaas


To call Iokath a planet is technically incorrect, and an insult to the brilliant design of the artificial world. A massive sphere constructed around--and fully enveloping--an undersized and unremarkable star, Iokath absorbs all of the energy released by its "sun," maximizing solar efficiency.

All the orbital bodies in the system--every planet, moon, and asteroid--were demolished and salvaged for core elements to create this technological marvel. The salvage was processed and repurposed to create a self-sustaining ecosphere that could be altered and expanded to meet the ever-changing needs of the builders and their society. The self-contained nature of Iokath allows for complete control and customization of every aspect of the environment--a theoretically perfect world.

With the system's star hidden by the surrounding sphere, Iokath is undetectable from a distance, and its impenetrable exterior defenses make it virtually unassailable. Combined with the technological superiority of the builders, it was impervious to any outside threat... but Iokath couldn't protect itself from enemies within.

Category: Planets

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​kotet.​iokath



Few stories surrounding Valkorion are as chilling as the tale of Nathema. Long before assuming his current form, Valkorion was a Sith pureblood named Vitiate born on the lush and vibrant world of Medriaas. Vitiate rose to become Emperor of the Sith and ruled for over a thousand years--but only after extracting a terrible price.

Early in his reign, Vitiate invited thousands of the most powerful Sith Lords to his homeworld, then wiped out his would-be challengers in a profane dark side ritual that annihilated all life on the planet. Even the Force could not survive. The void that remained after the ritual brought pain and suffering to any Force-sensitive beings that approached.

The name Medriaas was purged from the galactic record and the barren planet became known as Nathema. Centuries later, Valkorion banished his daughter Vaylin to the blighted world, knowing the void would limit her growing power and make her more susceptible to the mental conditioning he could use to control her... if it didn't drive her mad.

Category: Planets

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​planets.​kotet.​nathema


Darth Ikoral (Master)

Achievement: You have defeated Darth Ikoral in the Red Reaper flashpoint on master mode.

Category: Achievement: Epic Enemies

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​achievements.​flashpoint.​red_reaper.​hardmode.​darth_ikoral

Darth Ikoral (Master)
Achievement: Epic EnemiesBoth445.0.0

Galactic Commander

You received this title from an Eternal Command Pack.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​mtx.​galactic_commander

Galactic Commander
Achievement: TitlesBoth15.0.0

The Eternal Stalwart

You received this title from a Stalwart Leader Pack.

Category: Achievement: Titles

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​titles.​mtx.​eternal_stalwart

The Eternal Stalwart
Achievement: TitlesBoth15.0.0