1. Pouvoirs
  2. bounty_hunter
  3. skill
  4. utility
  5. reel_and_rattle




Le grappin inflige <<1>> points de dégâts techno aux cibles tirées et confère le moulinet, permettant à votre prochain poing fulgurant utilisé contre la cible tirée d'infliger 20 % de dégâts cinétiques supplémentaires et d'étourdir la cible pendant 3 secondes. Cet effet dure 6 secondes.





Used by
  • apc.bounty_hunter.powertech.utility
  • apc.boosted.utility.pyrotech
  • apc.test.cdurel.class_prototypes.bh_trooper.powertech_ap_mods
  • apc.bounty_hunter.powertech.advanced_prototype_mods

Related effects, buffs and debuffs

Ability activation
  • [0s] [not displayed]
    abl_bh_pt_reel_and_rattleEffect #1

  • 1
    • When effect is applied

    Perform the following actions:

    • Spell Damage
      - Disable Crit Roll = (bool) false
      - Damage Type = (int) 1
      - Slot = (int) 1
      - Spell Type = (int) 2
      - Level Cap = (int) 0
      - Amount Max = (float) 0
      - Amount Min = (float) 0
      - Amount Percent = (float) 0
      - Threat Percent = (float) 0
      - Standard Health Percent Max = (float) 0,151
      - Standard Health Percent Min = (float) 0,111
      - Amount Modifier Percent = (float) 0
      - Coefficient = (float) 1,31
      - Health Steal Percentage = (float) 0
      - Standard Rating Percent Min = (float) 0
      - Standard Rating Percent Max = (float) 0